Host Port Details

Information about each host port is collected and displayed in a Host Port Details page. (Basic information for all ports assigned to a specific host can be viewed on the Ports tab on the Host Details page.)

The details page displays the following information at the top of the page:

o           The current state of the port is provided under the icon.
Possible states include Connected and Not Connected. Not connected is displayed when no ports  are assigned or ports are disconnected.

o           Port name and description can be changed by clicking Edit. When changes are made, click Done.

To open the details page for a host port:

1            In the Hosts Panel, click the host name. Tip

2           Information is organized under tabs (see following table). Click on a tab to view the information.  Additional fields may be available by selecting Column Chooser from the column header context menu in the tabs.

When the Host Port Details page is active, the Host Port Actions tab appears in the Ribbon to perform actions on the port.

Host Port Detail Tabs

Remote Ports tab

Lists all ports seen by the selected port.

Fibre Channel - Information for the listed ports including node name, machine, session status, SCSI mode, port ID, and loop ID.  

iSCSI - Information for the listed ports including node name, machine, SCSI mode, session state, and IP address.

Virtual Disks tab

Lists all virtual disks using the port and associated information. Virtual disk information matches the information displayed in the Virtual Disks List. See Virtual Disks List for descriptions.

Right-click a virtual disk in the list and a context menu appears to perform actions on the virtual disk.

Performance tab

Displays real-time performance counter measurements specific to the port. See Live Performance.

Events tab

Lists events for the selected host port. Click an event in the list to view details in the Message Text area at the bottom of the tab. See Event Log and Alerts.