Host Details and List

Information about each host is collected and displayed in the Host Details page. A complete summary of host information is collected and displayed in the Hosts List.

In this topic:

Host Details page

Hosts List

Also see:

Host Port Details for more detailed port information.

Host Details page

Each host has a details page with information that is specific to the host.

The details page displays the following information at the top of the page:

o           The state of the host is provided under the icon.  

o           Host name, operating system, preferred servers, and description can be changed by clicking Edit. When changes are made, click Done.

o           Multipath and ALUA support settings are displayed and can be changed. See Multipath Support.

To open the details page for a host:

1            In the Hosts Panel, click the host name to open the details page.

2           Information is organized under tabs (described below). Click on a tab to view the information.  Additional fields in the list may be available by selecting the Column Chooser from the column header context menu in tabs.

When the Host Details page is active, the Host Actions tab appears in the Ribbon to perform actions on the host.

Host Details Tabs

Virtual Disks tab

Lists all virtual disks that have been served to the host and associated information. Virtual disk information matches the information displayed in the Virtual Disks List. See Virtual Disks List for descriptions.

Right-click a virtual disk in the list and a context menu appears to perform actions on the virtual disk.

A link is provided to serve virtual disks to the host, see Serving Virtual Disks.

Ports tab

Lists all ports assigned to the host and general information: name, alias, status, mode, and type.

Right-click a port in the list and a context menu appears to perform actions on the port.

A link is provided to assign ports to the host, see Registering Hosts and Assigning Ports.

Also see Host Port Details for information from the port perspective.

Performance tab

Displays real-time performance counter measurements for the host initiator ports including read/write and operation information. See Live Performance.

Events tab

Lists events for the selected host. Click an event in the list to view details in the Message Text area at the bottom of the tab. See Event Log and Alerts.


Hosts List

The Hosts List provides basic information for every registered host in one list.

To open the Hosts List:

1            In the Ribbon>Home tab, click Hosts to open the Hosts List.

2           In the list, right-click a host to perform actions from the context menu.

 Hosts List


Host alias name and description


Possible states include:

- On-line

- Off-line

- Not Present

- Connected


Operating system type.


Used to enable multipathing support, as well as  ALUA support for the host. See Multipath Support.