Licensing and Product Keys

Product keys are a representation of a license that verify the authenticity and licensed use of this software. Some product keys are activated for all DataCore Servers in the server group and some product keys are activated individually for each DataCore Server. For details on the different types available, see DataCore SANsymphony Licensing Options. Multiple product keys can be activated at a time.

Product keys will be provided and should be activated:

  • When the software license is purchased
  • When new licensed options are added
  • When licensed storage capacity is increased

See Activating the License to activate new licenses or activate new license capacity or features.

Current licensing capacity and features for a server group and individual DataCore Servers can be viewed in the Server Group Details page>License tab.

To purchase a perpetual license, additional storage capacity or node support, or licensed software features or products, contact DataCore Software or your DataCore Solution Provider.

  • A product key must be activated in order for it to take effect in the software. Activating a product key does not require a system restart or server stop/start.
  • License keys for regular storage capacity can be divided among different server groups. For instance, if a company has two server groups and purchases a capacity key for 1000 TB, the same capacity key can be entered for both groups with ServerGroup1 being assigned 500 TB and ServerGroup2 being assigned 500 TB.
  • A base bulk capacity license allows a server to act as a bulk storage node, which can only manage bulk storage. Bulk capacity for the node is added or expanded by entering additional server group license keys and the full bulk capacity amount is applied to the node.
    • An existing server with existing standard disk pools may not be enabled as a bulk server node. A server with standard disk pools running in trial mode can be enabled as a bulk server node, in which case all existing pools will be converted to bulk storage pools and must not exceed the amount of bulk capacity licensed for the server group.
    • Bulk capacity licenses cannot be applied to a licensed virtual SAN node.
  • If changing a server license key from one DataCore Server to another, the product key will have to be re-entered for the new server and then activated.
  • After restoring a saved configuration, SANsymphony will appear in Trial mode and license keys will need to be re-activated to return to a permanent state again.