DataCore Server Details

Information about each DataCore Server is collected and displayed in a DataCore Server Details page.

At the top of the page:

o           The DataCore Server state is displayed at the top of the page under the server icon.

o           The computer name, product type, and description is displayed. Product type is the type of DataCore software installed (Hyper-converged Virtual SAN, SANsymphony, or Parallel Server.)

o           The description can be changed at the top of the page by clicking Edit. When changes are made, click Done.

To open the details page:  

1            In the DataCore Servers Panel, click the server to open the details page.

2           Information is organized under tabs (described below). Click on a tab to view the information. Additional fields in the tabs may be available by selecting Column Chooser from the column header context menu in the tabs.

When the DataCore Server Details page is active, the DataCore Server Actions tab appears in the Ribbon to perform actions on the server.

DataCore Server Details Tabs

Info tab

Displays general system information about the DataCore Server (CPU, RAM, cache, operating system, UPS power state and write caching states) and SANsymphony software product information (type, version, build, and install path).

See UPS Support for information about UPS power state and cache settings.

Settings tab

The following settings can be viewed or changed:

o           General Settings

·            Location of the replication buffer, see Setting Replication Buffer Location in Replication Operations.

·            Location of the configuration backup, see Setting Configuration Backup Location in Backing Up/Restoring Configuration Files.

·            Disk pool to use for the Snapshot mapstore, see Setting the Mapstore Pool in Snapshot Operations.

·            Disk pool to use for the logstore, see Logstore in Mirror Recovery.

o           Cache Settings, see Changing Cache Size. (The default cache setting is to use the system managed cache size.) The current memory usage pie chart for the system RAM displays the amount in use by cache, others (applications), and free space (not in use). Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole percent. Memory usage is color-coded in a key next to the chart.
  Do not alter default settings unless you are aware of the affect your changes will have on performance. The cache size is set is approximate; the value set may not match the value used due to system overhead.

o           Advanced Settings

·            Connection Interface for inter-node communications, see Assigning a Server Group Connection Interface in Establishing Server Groups.

·            Hypervisor host setting for virtual machines acting as DataCore Servers, see Virtual Machine Settings.

·            Replication buffer available space thresholds, see System Health Thresholds.

Physical Disks tab

Displays physical disks attached to the server and general information: name, index number, disk size, disk sector size, disk pool, Port.Bus.Target.LUN numbers used, and status.
Note: If the Free Space column is displayed (via Column Chooser), the value shown is from the server point-of-view. Physical disks in this column that are not in pools will have a free space value. Pool disks are not available for use by the server and therefore will reflect a value of  0 B. (This value is different than the free space value for pool disks in the Physical Disk Details page or Disk Pool Details page in which unallocated space is displayed.)

Right-click a disk in the list and a context menu appears to perform actions on the disk.

DataCore Disks tab

Displays the DataCore Disks that are created from the server and general information: name, index, disk size, disk sector size, disk pool, Port.Bus.Target.LUN numbers used, status.

Disk Pools tab

Displays disk pools created on the server and general information: name, pool size, status, SAU size, sector size, available storage, number of single, dual, or mirrored virtual disks created from the pool, over subscription, and usage. See Disk Pools for more information.

Right-click a pool in the list and a context menu appears to perform actions on the pool.

Virtual Disks tab

Lists all virtual disks created from the server and associated information. Virtual disk information matches the information displayed in the Virtual Disks List. See Virtual Disks List for descriptions.

Right-click a virtual disk in the list and a context menu appears to perform actions on the virtual disk.

A link is provided to create new virtual disks, see Creating Virtual Disks.

Ports tab

Lists all ports on the server and general information: name, alias, status, mode, and type. Ports are grouped under their respective port groups. Ports listed under Default have not been added to a user-defined group, and therefore belong to the "default" port group. See Port Connections and Paths for more information on ports and port groups.  

Right-click a port in the list and a context menu appears to perform actions on the port.

Performance tab

Displays real-time performance counter measurements for the server including initiator and target operations, and cache operations. See Live Performance.

Events tab

Lists events for the server. Click an event in the list to view details in the Message Text area at the bottom of the tab. See Event Log and Alerts.