Backing Up and Restoring Configuration Files

In this topic:

Backing up configuration files

Restoring configuration files

Setting configuration backup location

Backing Up Configuration Files

A backup copy of the server group  system configuration can be created and stored in case of emergency or for scheduled hardware or operating system upgrades. If a hardware (e.g., disk failure) or software failure should occur that requires the re-installation of the operating system, the saved configuration can be restored using the files created when the system configuration was backed up.

The best practice is to backup the configuration regularly. The configuration should always be backed up before and after making major configuration changes, and before upgrading the software or rebuilding a DataCore Server.

When the SANsymphony configuration is backed up, the configuration files, configuration log, registry entries, and checkpoint markers are saved in a zip file. A zip file is saved for each DataCore Server in the server group. Configuration files can be backed up (1) from the DataCore Management Console or (2) by running the DataCore Cmdlets for Windows PowerShellâ„¢. Each method is described in this section.


o           Configuration files cannot be backed up while support bundles are being collected or uploaded.

o           If using a Hosts file, save the Hosts file in a safe place in order to copy it back to the server after the new operating system has been installed.

o           If DataCore Technical Support has previously requested that the DataCore.Executive.CorePMF.dll.config file be customized because of a specific hardware configuration, copy this file to a safe location. This file will be restored after SANsymphony software is installed. (See restore instructions for more information.)

o           The backup folder cannot be set to a mapped drive.

To backup configuration files from the management console:

1            If this is a scheduled hardware or software upgrade, stop the DataCore Server before proceeding with the backup. Stopping the server will allow only LOG recoveries after restoring the configuration after a "clean" shutdown.
To backup the configuration for the purpose of restoring after a system crash or "dirty" shutdown, do not stop the server. Only follow this step when a clean shutdown cannot be accomplished.

2           In the DataCore Servers Panel, right-click on the server group and select Backup Configuration in the context menu.

3           In the Backup Configuration dialog box, enter the complete path to a local folder where the files should be copied. Provide a path for each DataCore Server in the group.
 Entries are not case-sensitive and can include spaces such as c:\backup config.

4          Click Backup.

5           The files will be created and copied to a zip file. The format of the file name is BACKUP_[date: year, month, day]_[time in 24-hour format]_[server name], for instance BACKUP_2010_10_31_15_02_24_SERVER1. Copy the file for each server to a safe location such as another device (ie. thumb drive) or network share.

To backup configuration files using the DataCore Cmdlets:

1            Use the desktop shortcut provided to open a Windows PowerShellâ„¢ window to run the DataCore Cmdlet. See Getting Started with DataCore Cmdlets for complete information.

2           Run the following cmdlets in order:

a           Connect-DcsServer to make a connection to the server group.

b           Set-DcsBackupFolder to set the location of the backup folder. Set the backup folder for each server in the server group.

c           Backup-DcsConfiguration to create the configuration backup for each server in the server group.

3           The files will be created and copied to a zip file. The format of the file name is BACKUP_[date: year, month, day]_[time in 24-hour format]_[server name], for instance BACKUP_2010_10_31_15_02_24_SERVER1. Copy the file for each server to a safe location such as another device (ie. thumb drive) or network share.

Restoring System Configuration Files


o           The instructions in this section are only applicable to restoring the configuration of a server when the operating system and SANsymphony software must be re-installed.

Do not perform these instructions unless re-installing the operating system and SANsymphony software. If possible, use a recent backup when the server was known to be in a good state. If in doubt or if there is a different problem with the system configuration, do not follow these instructions. Restoring the configuration incorrectly can result in data loss. If restoring a backup taken while the server is running, contact  DataCore Technical Support before continuing. 

o           Read the instructions first in their entirety before proceeding with the restore.

o           The computer name and domain or workgroup of a new or rebuilt server must match the original server.

o           The configuration zip file (created from backing up the system configuration of the original server) is required for this procedure. Do not attempt to use these instructions to restore the configuration using any other file.

o           Disconnect all ports used for mirroring virtual disks before re-installing the operating system. Fibre Channel mirror ports should be physically disconnected or disabled in Device Manager. (Mirror ports can be reconnected after SANsymphony software is installed and the rebuilt server is restarted.)

o           We recommend disconnecting the back-end physical disks before installing the new operating system and install the operating system on the original boot drive. This is a precaution to ensure that data is not lost.

o           When restoring the configuration for a server in the Server Group, ensure the DataCore Management Console on all servers is closed until the restoration is complete.

o           License keys are saved during the backup process, but after restoring, the license product keys will have to be re-activated.

o           The DataCore Executive Service "Startup Type" is preserved in the backup configuration file and will be set the same when the configuration is restored. If the service was set to Manual or Disabled, set the service to Automatic and start it after restoring the configuration and restarting the server.

To restore using the configuration zip file:

1            After any hardware has been replaced, install the operating system.

2           If using a Hosts file, copy the saved file back to the server or ensure the Hosts file is set up correctly. See Name Resolution for more information.

3           Create a path to the SANsymphony installation folder and create a folder named Recovery in the path (default location C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Recovery).

4          Copy the zip file for the server to the Recovery folder in the installation path.

5           Install SANsymphony software using the same installation path (default location C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony). During installation, you should receive a message that a saved configuration has been detected and be prompted to restore the saved configuration.

a           If prompted, take the option to restore the saved configuration and finish the installation and proceed to step 6.

b            If you are not prompted to restore the saved configuration, the zip file may have been copied to the wrong path.
Before restarting the server, perform the steps i through iii below to restore the saved configuration using Windows PowerShell:

i             Open a Windows PowerShell window and change the directory to the SANsymphony installation folder.

ii            In the installation folder, run the script EmergencyRepair.ps1 with the following parameters:

.\EmergencyRepair.ps1 reinstall [complete path to zip file containing configuration files]

For example:
C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony> .\EmergencyRepair.ps1 reinstall "C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Recovery\"

iii          After successful completion of the script file, restart the server.

 NOTE:  If you restarted the server without performing steps i through iii above, after the server restarts, stop the DataCore Executive Service, and perform steps i through iii above.

6           If using a modified DataCore.Executive.CorePMF.dll.config file, copy the saved file back to the SANsymphony installation folder (default location C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony), replacing the one that was just installed.

7           After the server restarts, reconnect the mirror ports. For iSCSI, the targets will have to be added to the initiators.

8           If the original network cards are used and the same ports and IP addresses are used, no further action should be necessary after restoring the configuration and restarting the server.

9           If new network cards were installed, the ports will have to be replaced in SANsymphony after restoring the configuration and restarting the server.

10        Re-activate the license in the normal manner except do not enter any product keys. (Product keys are already stored and should not be entered twice.)

Setting Configuration Backup Location

When the first configuration backup is created on a DataCore Server, the location of the backup must be selected for each server in the server group. The locations can be set or changed, if required, using the instructions below.

To assign or change the location of the mapstore:

1            In the DataCore Server Details page>Settings tab, expand General Settings.

2           In Configuration backup location, enter the path to the buffer. If the new folder does not exist, it will be created.
 Valid path format includes drive letter and full path. For instance, if the location is located in a folder named Backups on C:\, then enter C:\Backups.

3           Click Apply.