Windows Server Message Block (SMB) Assimilation-Read-Only

Make sure Ipv6 is disabled on the Windows Server.

  1. Enable Windows NFS-Server Features.

  2. Make sure NFS knows your Active Directory.

  3. Check if the Kerberos-User-Mapping is set on all Domain-Controllers. Open Windows PowerShell and type “ksetup”. If it is not mapped, type “ksetup /mapuser * *

  4. Open the properties for your SMB-Share and select NFS-Sharing.

  5. Set NFS Advanced Sharing settings as shown below.

  6. Set NFS Share Permissions as shown below.

  7. Attach the Windows Server by using the “Other NFS” option.

  8. Create a share for SMB.

  9. As it is not supported to directly assimilate SMB in RW mode, now integrate your SMB-Share in Read-Only Mode:

  10. At this time, all data is assimilated in DataCore vFilO Read-Only. If you mount the share, you are able to edit and write the files anyway, but all write processes will be stored to a different volume managed by DataCore vFilO. So it already looks and feels like a Read/Write Share from the client perspective.

  11. Now create a new folder on the same volume your SMB-Share is on and only activate the NFS-Sharing in RW-Mode.

  12. Attach this NFS-Only-Share to DataCore vFilO:

    In case of an empty share, attach without Read-Only-Option, and no Assimilation.

  13. Use the Objectives on the vFilO-Share to place any Data into that NFS-Share.

  14. Empty & Decommission the original SMB-Volume. Any Data will be moved without any client interruption within the Windows Volume from SMB to NFS Share.