Sending Support Bundles Manually

If the DataCore Servers do not have Internet access, the support bundles must be sent manually to DataCore Technical Support. After any type of support bundle is collected, the support bundle information is stored in a file on each DataCore Server.

  1. On each DataCore Server, copy the support bundle file to a network share, flash drive or other media in order to transport the files to a computer with Internet access:
    1. The files are located in a subdirectory named Support where DataCore SANsymphony program files were installed. (Default location is C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Support.). If the skipupload (/su:) option is selected, the bundles will be located in a subfolder of Support called Local.
    2. In the Support folder will be the support bundle folder. The name of the support bundle folder is based on the date and time when the support bundle was created. (The local timestamp of the computer running the DataCore Management Console will be displayed.)

    3. The file is located in the support bundle folder and is identified by the server name with the date and time appended.

      Remember the files are needed from each DataCore Server in the server group.

  2. Upload the support bundle file to our site. Refer to FAQ 1623 for instructions. (This FAQ can be viewed by registered customers with a login to the DataCore Technical Support Portal.)