About the DataCore SANsymphony Help

The DataCore SANsymphony Help, which is opened from the Help button in the Ribbon of the DataCore Management Console, is applicable to the latest version of the software. If you are using an earlier software version, refer to Help For Previous Versions for links to prior versions of the Help.

See Opening the Help for required browser settings.

Opening the DataCore SANsymphony Help

Open from the Ribbon in the DataCore Management Console, and click the Help button in the Home tab.

The DataCore SANsymphony Help is supported for the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge. JavaScript must be allowed in the browser. The Help can also be viewed on mobile devices supporting responsive HTML5 such as smart phones and tablets.

Browser Settings for Internet Explorer 10 and Higher

If using Internet Explorer 10 or higher, due to increased security enhancements, some modifications to the default security settings are necessary to properly view the help:

  • Add the DataCore website (https://www.datacore.com/) as a trusted site.
  • In Security Settings - Internet Zone:
    • Under ActiveX controls and plug-ins> Allow ActiveX Filtering section, select Disable.
    • Under ActiveX controls and plug-ins>Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins, select Enable.
    • Under Scripting>Active Scripting, select Enable.

Help Highlights

  • Hyperlinks and pop-up text appear in teal.
  • Images are displayed as thumbnails in the help topics. Click an image to enlarge it. Click on it again or click outside of the image to return to thumbnail view.
  • To search for words within a topic, use the Find on Page utility in your browser. On a desktop machine, this is usually done by pressing Ctrl-F.

Navigational Notation

The character ">" is used in the Help instructions as a way to show navigation to sublevels in the DataCore Management Console:

  • To a tab in the Ribbon
  • To a tab located in a details page

Examples of navigation notation:

  • In the Ribbon>Common Actions tab, click Add DataCore Server to open the Add DataCore Server dialog box.

    In this case, "Ribbon>Common Actions tab" refers to the Common Actions tab located in the Ribbon (the command bar at the top of the DataCore Management Console).

  • In the Virtual Disk Details page>Settings tab, enter the desired size in the Resize area.

    In this case "Virtual Disk Details page>Settings tab" refers to the Settings tab located in the Virtual Disk Details page.