DataCore Cmdlet Reference Guide

Table of Contents

Activate-DcsLicense Add-DcsAccessToken Add-DcsAction
Add-DcsClient Add-DcsHostGroup Add-DcsHostToGroup
Add-DcsiSNSServer Add-DcsLogicalDisk Add-DcsLogMessage
Add-DcsPassthroughSnapshot Add-DcsPool Add-DcsPoolMember
Add-DcsRecordingPoint Add-DcsReplication Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback
Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup Add-DcsRole Add-DcsRollback
Add-DcsServer Add-DcsSnapshot Add-DcsStorageProfile
Add-DcsTask Add-DcsTrigger Add-DcsUser
Add-DcsUserOwnership Add-DcsUserRole Add-DcsvCenter
Add-DcsvCenterDataStore Add-DcsVirtualDisk Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromTemplate
Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup Add-DcsVirtualDiskMirror
Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit
Add-DcsWitness Backup-DcsConfiguration Cleanup-DcsServerFCPortDatabase
Clear-DcsAlert Clear-DcsLog Connect-DcsiSCSITarget
Connect-DcsServer ConvertTo-DcsDualVirtualDisk ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot
Disable-DcsDataProtection Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode Disable-DcsSequentialStorage
Disable-DcsServerWriteCache Disable-DcsTask Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery
Disconnect-DcsiSCSITarget Disconnect-DcsServer Enable-DcsDataProtection
Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode Enable-DcsSequentialStorage Enable-DcsServerWriteCache
Enable-DcsTask Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery Export-DcsObjectModel
Export-DcsReport Force-DcsVirtualDiskOnline Get-DcsAction
Get-DcsAlert Get-DcsAllocationMap Get-DcsBackUpFolder
Get-DcsChunkAllocation Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap Get-DcsChunkReclamationMap
Get-DcsClient Get-DcsClientPreferredServer Get-DcsConfigurationState
Get-DcsConnection Get-DcsDefaultConnection Get-DcsDiskPath
Get-DcsDistributionPlan Get-DcsHostGroup Get-DcsLogicalDisk
Get-DcsLogMessage Get-DcsLogStore Get-DcsMirror
Get-DcsMonitor Get-DcsMonitorTemplate Get-DcsObject
Get-DcsPerformanceCounter Get-DcsPhysicalDisk Get-DcsPhysicalDiskPath
Get-DcsPool Get-DcsPoolMember Get-DcsPort
Get-DcsPortConnection Get-DcsPurgePrerequisites Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint
Get-DcsRecordingInstance Get-DcsRecordingPerformance Get-DcsRecordingPerformanceDescription
Get-DcsRecordingPoint Get-DcsRecordingResolution Get-DcsRecordingServer
Get-DcsRecordingSession Get-DcsRecordingSessionObsolete Get-DcsRecordingStatistics
Get-DcsReplication Get-DcsReplicationBufferFolder Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint
Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup Get-DcsReplicationTransferAddress Get-DcsRole
Get-DcsRollback Get-DcsRollbackGroup Get-DcsSCSIInquiryData
Get-DcsServer Get-DcsServerCacheSize Get-DcsServerGroup
Get-DcsServerTime Get-DcsSharedPhysicalDisk Get-DcsSharedPool
Get-DcsSMTPSettings Get-DcsSnapshot Get-DcsSnapshotGroup
Get-DcsSnapshotMapStore Get-DcsStorageProfile Get-DcsTargetDevice
Get-DcsTargetDomain Get-DcsTask Get-DcsTrigger
Get-DcsUser Get-DcsUserOwnership Get-DcsUserRole
Get-DcsUserRoleRelation Get-DcsvCenter Get-DcsVirtualDisk
Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup Get-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit
Get-DcsWitness Import-DcsPool Invoke-DcsTask
Invoke-DcsWitnessContact Move-DcsLogicalDisk Move-DcsVirtualDiskSource
Pause-DcsReplication Pause-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery Purge-DcsPoolMember
Register-DcsClientPort Remove-DcsAccessToken Remove-DcsAction
Remove-DcsClient Remove-DcsClientPort Remove-DcsHostFromGroup
Remove-DcsHostGroup Remove-DcsiSNSServer Remove-DcsLogicalDisk
Remove-DcsPool Remove-DcsPoolMember Remove-DcsRecordingPoint
Remove-DcsReplication Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup Remove-DcsRole
Remove-DcsRollback Remove-DcsRollbackGroup Remove-DcsServer
Remove-DcsServerPort Remove-DcsSnapshot Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup
Remove-DcsStorageProfile Remove-DcsTask Remove-DcsTrigger
Remove-DcsUser Remove-DcsUserOwnership Remove-DcsUserRole
Remove-DcsvCenter Remove-DcsVirtualDisk Remove-DcsVirtualDiskFromGroup
Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup Remove-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate Remove-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit
Remove-DcsWitness Repair-DcsVirtualDisk Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource
Reset-DcsLogStore Reset-DcsServerFCPortLinkErrorCounts Reset-DcsServerPort
Resume-DcsReplication Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery Reverse-DcsReplication
Revert-DcsRollback Revert-DcsSnapshot Serve-DcsVirtualDisk
Set-DcsAccessTokenProperties Set-DcsBackUpFolder Set-DcsClientProperties
Set-DcsDataProtectionProperties Set-DcsDefaultConnection Set-DcsDiskPathPreference
Set-DcsHostGroupProperties Set-DcsHypervisorHost Set-DcsInitiatorNodeName
Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret Set-DcsLogicalDiskAccess Set-DcsLogStore
Set-DcsPhysicalDiskPathPreference Set-DcsPhysicalDiskProperties Set-DcsPoolMemberProperties
Set-DcsPoolMemberThreshold Set-DcsPoolProperties Set-DcsPoolThreshold
Set-DcsPortProperties Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties Set-DcsRecordingServer
Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint Set-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint
Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroupProperties Set-DcsReplicationSnapshot
Set-DcsReplicationTransferAddress Set-DcsRoleProperties Set-DcsRollbackProperties
Set-DcsSCSIInquiryData Set-DcsServerCacheSize Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties
Set-DcsServerGroupProperties Set-DcsServerPortProperties Set-DcsServerPortThreshold
Set-DcsServerProperties Set-DcsServerThreshold Set-DcsSMTPSettings
Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore Set-DcsSnapshotPool Set-DcsSnapshotProperties
Set-DcsStorageProfileProperties Set-DcsTaskProperties Set-DcsUserProperties
Set-DcsvCenterMultipathPolicy Set-DcsvCenterProperties Set-DcsVirtualDiskGroupProperties
Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties Set-DcsVirtualDiskScsiId Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize
Set-DcsVirtualDiskTemplateProperties Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties
Set-DcsVirtualLogicalUnitProperties Set-DcsWitnessProperties Split-DcsRollback
Split-DcsSnapshot Split-DcsVirtualDisk Start-DcsDistributionPlan
Start-DcsHistoricalRecording Start-DcsRecording Start-DcsRecordingSession
Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization Start-DcsServer Start-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation
Stop-DcsDeactivateReplication Stop-DcsDeleteReplication Stop-DcsHistoricalRecording
Stop-DcsMoveLogicalDisk Stop-DcsMoveStorageSource Stop-DcsRecording
Stop-DcsRecordingSession Stop-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization Stop-DcsServer
Stop-DcsSnapshotOperation Stop-DcsSupportBundle Stop-DcsTask
Stop-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation Sync-DcsConfiguration Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection
Test-DcsRecordingServerConnection Test-DcsSupportBundleRelayAddress Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk
Unserve-DcsVirtualDisk Update-DcsServerPort Update-DcsSnapshot

To Table of Contents




Activates license keys for non-trial licenses.


Activate-DcsLicense   -Server <Object>   -ServerKey <String>   -CompanyName <String>   -ContactName <String>   -EmailAddress <String>   -PhoneNumber <String>   [ -Accept]   [ -LicenseServer <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Activate-DcsLicense   -GroupKey <String>   [ -Capacity <String> ]   -CompanyName <String>   -ContactName <String>   -EmailAddress <String>   -PhoneNumber <String>   [ -Accept]   [ -LicenseServer <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Activates license keys for non-trial licenses. The cmdlet must be invoked separately to activate server keys, and again for group keys.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The license key to apply to a particular server. The format consists of five groups of five alphanumeric characters separated by hyphens, for instance "ABC1D-E23F4-5GHIJ6-LM78N-ABCDE".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the company.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the person designated to communicate with DataCore Technical Support.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Email address of the contact. A valid format would be "".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The phone number of the contact. The valid format includes the area code and hyphens, such as "555-555-5555".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to accept the license term agreements without user interaction when invoking this cmdlet.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter is included as a diagnostic tool for DataCore Technical Support only. Do not use this parameter when invoking the cmdlet.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The license key to apply to the server group. The format consists of five groups of five alphanumeric characters separated by hyphens, for instance "ABC1D-E23F4-5GHIJ6-LM78N-ABCDE".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The amount of licensed storage capacity to activate for the group. Use this parameter to activate a portion of the total licensed storage capacity. For instance, if the total licensed capacity is 100 TB, to activate 50 TB of that total capacity, enter "50 TB". The amount must be designated in terabytes.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.




-------------- Example 1 Activates server key --------------

$servers = Get-DcsServer

Activate-DcsLicense -Server $servers[1].id -ServerKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX -CompanyName "Acme Data Storage Co." -ContactName "Sam Administrati" -EmailAddress -PhoneNumber 555-555-1212 -Accept

Activates a server key for the server group. Company and contact information is provided using parameters. The license term agreement is accepted. The server id is previously acquired with Get-DcsServer and stored in the variable $servers.

-------------- Example 2 Activates a group capacity key --------------

Activate-DcsLicense -GroupKey XXXX1-XXXX1-XXXX1-XXXX1-XXXX1 -Capacity "50 TB" -CompanyName "Acme Data Storage Co." -ContactName "Sam Administrati" -EmailAddress -PhoneNumber 555-555-1212 -Accept

Activates a server group key for licensed storage capacity. A portion of the total licensed capacity ("50 TB") is activated by using the parameter Capacity. Company and contact information is provided using parameters. The license term agreement is accepted.

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Creates an access token for an iSCSI target port to authenticate communication from the designated initiator port.


Add-DcsAccessToken   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   -InitiatorNodeName <String>   -TargetPassword <String>   -TargetUser <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsAccessToken   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   -InitiatorNodeName <String>   -InitiatorPassword <String>   [ -InitiatorUser <String> ]   -TargetPassword <String>   -TargetUser <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates an access token for an iSCSI target port to authenticate communication from the designated initiator port. The access token will be created using CHAP authentication. When using mutual authentication, set the initiator secret before creating an access token for target secrets, see Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret. Before creating an access token for target secrets, the target should be logged out, see Disconnect-DcsiSCSITarget.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name or ID of the iSCSI target port. In order to uniquely identify the port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the initiator node that will be used in the session.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Secret of the iSCSI target port. Secrets are 12-16 characters. Use caution when entering the secret, it will appear as typed on the display.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

User Name for the iSCSI target port.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Secret for the iSCSI initiator port. Secrets are 12-16 characters. This parameter value should be specified if using Mutual Authentication.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

User name of the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port. This parameter value should be specified if using Mutual Authentication.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ServerScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


Also see Remove-DcsAccessToken, Set-DcsAccessTokenProperties, Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret.


-------------- Example 1 Adds access token for Mutual Authentication --------------

Add-DcsAccessToken -Server SSV1 -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1" -InitiatorNodeName "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" -InitiatorPassword initsecret12 -InitiatorUser inithandshk -TargetPassword targetsecret1 -TargetUser targethandshk

Creates an access token for the port named "Server iSCSI Port 1" on the server named "SSV1" with target and initiator CHAP settings for mutual authentication.

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699
Connected : True
Id : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates an action for the specified task.


Add-DcsAction   -Task <Object>   -FilePath <String>   -Server <String>   -ScriptAction <String>   [ -ScriptParams <String> ]   [ -AppendTriggerStates <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsAction   -Task <Object>   -LogLevel <String>   [ -PostAlert]   -Message <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsAction   -Task <Object>   -Recipient <String>   [ -CustomMessage <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsAction   -Task <Object>   -TargetId <String>   -MethodActionType <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates an action for the specified task. A parameter set is provided for each of the following function types: a scripting action, a logging action, sending an email, or performing a specific operation on an object (see MethodActionType parameter). One action can be added to the task for each invocation of the cmdlet.


TaskData object, ID, or name of the task to assign the created action to.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The complete path to the script file or other executable file to be run as an action. The ScriptAction parameter must also be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Designates the type of scripting function for the action. Possible values are "PowerShell" or "General". See example 2.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Script parameters to be used with the script action. Multiple parameters and the associated values, or parameter arrays can be input, for example "-param1 value1 -param2 value2" or "-paramarray value1, value2, value3". Values without parameter names can also be input, for example "value1, value2, value3". See example 2.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to append the trigger state data for the active triggers in a task. This parameter is only valid when running a script action. The trigger state data is appended to the script and can be accessed from the script, not returned in the TaskActionData object. Specify $true to append the trigger state data in the script. The data returned from the script will depend on the type of triggers that are configured for the task. Data will be returned in an array of objects called "TriggerState". Data from the trigger states can be compared using other cmdlets to obtain additional information. For instance, if the trigger was a monitor trigger, a “MonitorTriggerState” object will be appended with the following fields: MonitoredObjectId, TriggerType, TriggerTime, Caption, and ManualInvocation. The MonitoredObjectId in the object can be used to resolve the exact object that caused the monitor state to trigger the action. Another example, if a checkpoint trigger is configured, the "CheckpointTriggerState object will be appended with the following fields: VirtualDiskId, TriggerType, TriggerTime, Caption, and ManualInvocation. The VirtualDiskID can be used to resolve the exact object that received the checkpoint marker. Data can be output from the script file or used in the script to invoke other cmdlets. See Example 2 for more information.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The type of message to post in the event log if a messaging function is required. Possible values are: "Trace", "Info", "Warning", or "Error".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to cause the event log message to also post an alert.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The message text to post to the event log for a log message action.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name of the user to receive the email message. The user must have an email address specified in the user properties (see Add-DcsUser) and mail server information must be set (see Set-DcsSmtpSettings). To send a custom message in the email, use the -CustomMessage parameter in this cmdlet.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The custom message text to include with an email action.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ID of the target object associated with the MethodActionType parameter. If MethodActionType is "UpdateSnapshot" specify the ID of the snapshot in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "UpdateSnapshotGroup" specify the ID of the snapshot group in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "RevertSnapshot" specify the ID of the snapshot in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "RevertSnapshotGroup" specify the ID of the snapshot group in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "StartReclamation" specify the ID of the virtual disk in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "SendCheckpoint" specify the ID of the replication destination virtual disk in the TargetId parameter.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Indicates which operation will be performed on the object indicated by the TargetId parameter. Specify one of the following values: "UpdateSnapshot" causes a snapshot to be updated with the latest changes on the source virtual disk. "UpdateSnapshotGroup" causes a snapshot group to be updated with the latest changes on the source virtual disks in the snapshot group. "RevertSnapshot" causes the virtual disk source to be reverted to the current state of the snapshot image. "RevertSnapshotGroup" causes the virtual disk sources in the snapshot group to be reverted to the current state of the snapshot images in the snapshot group. "StartReclamation" causes any SAUs comprised of all zeros on a virtual disk to be de-allocated and returned as available space in the pool. "SendCheckpoint" causes a checkpoint marker to be sent to the replication destination virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskData : Object that identifies the task.


TaskActionData : Object that identifies and describes the task action.


Also see Remove-DcsAction, Get-DcsAction, Get-DcsTask.


-------------- Example 1 Adds an action to start virtual disk reclamation --------------

Add-DcsAction -Task MyNightlyTask -TargetId 
(Get-DcsVirtualDisk | where{$_.Caption -eq 'VDisk3'}).Id -MethodActionType StartReclamation

Adds an action for the task named "MyNightlyTask". The action is "StartReclamation" on the virtual disk named "VDisk3". Note the Virtual Disk Id is required, so is obtained programatically using the Get-DcsVirtualDisk cmdlet.

TargetId : bc1d2b2d679145698e2029415ea86724
MethodType : StartReclamation
TaskId : e0b61456-55b1-4f09-9567-39586e71ef16
Type : InvokeMethod
Id : 29359072-bf3e-4cd2-aab5-18c0056e688b
Caption : Initiates space reclamation on VDisk3
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Adds an action that runs a PowerShell script with parameters and appends trigger states in the script --------------

Get-DcsTask -Task Task1 | Add-DcsAction -Server SSV1 -ScriptAction PowerShell -FilePath C:\Test.ps1 -ScriptParams "-param1 Value1 -paramarray ArrayValue1, ArrayValue2, ArrayValue3" -AppendTriggerStates $true

The cmdlet Get-DcsTask is invoked to return the TaskData object for the task named Task1. The object is piped to the cmdlet Add-DcsAction to add a script action for the PowerShell script named "Test.ps1" which resides in the file path "C:\". The script will run with the parameter values "-param1 Value1 -paramarray ArrayValue1, ArrayValue2, ArrayValue3" on the server named "SSV1". The active trigger states for the task are appended to the script.

Import-Module ".\Datacore.Executive.cmdlets.dll"

To Table of Contents




Adds a client (host) to a server group configuration.


Add-DcsClient   -Name <String>   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -ClientType <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsClient   -Name <String>   [ -PreferredServer <Object[]> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -ClientType <String> ]   -Multipath <Boolean>   -ALUA <Boolean>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a client (host) to a server group configuration. Preferred servers can also be assigned, and MPIO and ALUA settings can be configured. After adding the client, ports can be assigned, see Register-DcsClientPort. See Set-DcsClientProperties to change properties.


Name of the client to add.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the client host.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The operating system of the client. If this parameter is not specified, the default value of "WindowsServer2012" will be assigned. Values include: "WindowsServer2012" if the client host is running Windows Server 2012 and later. "WindowsServer2008" if the client host is running Windows Server 2008. "Windows" if the client host is running any Windows operating system version prior to Windows Server 2008. "Esx" if the client host is running VMware ESX. "CitrixXenServer" if the client host is running Citrix Xen Server. "SuseEnterpriseLinusServer11" if the client host is running Linux Suse Enterprise Server 11. "Linux" if the client host is running any Linux operating system other than Linux Suse Enterprise Server 11. "AixMpio" if the client host is running IBM AIX Native MPIO Legacy. "AixMpioTL6Plus" if the client host is running IBM AIX. "HPUX" if the client is running HP HPUX. "SolarisSanFoundation" if the client host is running Oracle (Sun) Solaris. "Other" if the client host is running an operating system that is not listed.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of one or more servers that should be preferred to handle I/O requests from the client (host). The computer names must be either unique or fully qualified. Multiple servers should be separated by commas, for instance "SSVVM01", "SSVVM02", "SSVVM03". MPIO and ALUA must be enabled. The Auto Select option (available in the console) is not supported in this cmdlet. If this parameter is not specified, the preferred server will be automatically selected when a mirrored virtual disk is created, the server with the first storage source is designated as the preferred server. See Add-DcsVirtualDisk and refer to the FirstServer parameter.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify $true to enable multipathing support, or $false to disable multipathing support.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify $true to enable ALUA support, or $false to disable ALUA. Multipathing support must be enabled in order to enable ALUA support.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client host.


Also see Register-DcsClientPort, Set-DcsClientProperties, Get-DcsClient, Remove-DcsClient.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a host to the server group configuration --------------

Add-DcsClient -Name ExchSrv1 -Description "MainLab_ExchangeServer" -ClientType "WindowsServer2012" -PreferredServer "BlazeSSV1", "BlazeSSV2" -Multipath $true -ALUA $true

Adds a Host named "ExchSrv1", provides a description, sets the operating system as "Microsoft Windows 2012", and sets the preferred servers as "BlazeSSV1" and "BlazeSSV2", and enables multipathing and ALUA support for the host. The default connection is used.

HostGroupId :
Type : WindowsServer2012
State : Unknown
AluaSupport : True
PathPolicy : PreferredServer
Description : MainLab_ExchangeServer
HostName : ExchSrv1
MpioCapable : True
SequenceNumber : 1086846
Id : 586dfb8e7ff845be986511a95491a74d
Caption : ExchSrv1
ExtendedCaption : ExchSrv1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a host group.


Add-DcsHostGroup   -Name <String>   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a host group. After creating the group, add hosts to the group, see Add-DcsHosttoGroup.


Name of the Host Group to create.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the host group.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


string : Name of host group.


HostGroupData : The object that identifies and describes the host group.


Also see Add-DcsHostToGroup, Get-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostFromGroup, Set-DcsHostGroupProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Create a host group. --------------

Add-DcsHostGroup -Name FinanceGroup1 -Description "A collection of hosts that serve the Finance Department for Region 1."

A host group named "FinanceGroup1" is created in the server group of the default connection. A description of the host group is also provided.

Alias : FinanceGroup1
Description : A collection of hosts that serve the Finance Department for Region 1.
SequenceNumber : 3200
Id : {9c1ea090-8af9-4207-93af-0864e2d99a94}
Caption : FinanceGroup1
ExtendedCaption : FinanceGroup1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds a client (host) to an existing host group.


Add-DcsHostToGroup   -Group <String>   -Client <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a client (host) to an existing host group.


Name of the host group to add the clients to.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ClientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies the client to add to the host group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client host.


ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client host.


Also see: Add-DcsHostGroup, Get-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostFromGroup, Set-DcsHostGroupProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a single client to the group using the name of the client. --------------

Add-DcsHostToGroup -Group "FinanceGroup1" -Client "HostVM1"

The client named "HostVM1" is added to the host group named "FinanceGroup1".

HostGroupId : {9c1ea090-8af9-4207-93af-0864e2d99a94}
Type : WindowsServer2008
State : PortsConnected
MpioCapable : True
AluaSupport : False
PathPolicy : PreferredServer
PreferredServerId :
Description :
HostName : HostVM1
SequenceNumber : 3236
Id : 79ad9e209d68427c97edb01b6aa56e35
Caption : HostVM1
ExtendedCaption : HostVM1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Adds all clients to a host group by passing objects. --------------

Get-DcsClient | Add-DcsHostToGroup -Group "HostGroup1"

The cmdlet Get-DcsClient is invoked to obtain the ClientHostData objects for all clients in the default connection of the server group. The objects are piped to the cmdlet Add-DcsHostToGroup to add all clients to the host group named "HostGroup1". The ClientHostData objects for the two clients are returned.

HostGroupId : {c45a88ba-fb29-4e7f-b607-02e29dceb166}
Type : WindowsServer2008
State : PortsConnected
MpioCapable : True
AluaSupport : False
PathPolicy : PreferredServer
PreferredServerId :
Description :
HostName : HostVM1
SequenceNumber : 4571
Id : 79ad9e209d68427c97edb01b6aa56e35
Caption : HostVM1
ExtendedCaption : HostVM1
Internal : False
HostGroupId : {c45a88ba-fb29-4e7f-b607-02e29dceb166}
Type : WindowsServer2008
State : PortsConnected
MpioCapable : True
AluaSupport : False
PathPolicy : PreferredServer
PreferredServerId :
Description :
HostName : HostVM2
SequenceNumber : 4573
Id : 4e18b7c089c94eda802f689cd253f80a
Caption : HostVM2
ExtendedCaption : HostVM2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Registers a Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port with an iSNS server.


Add-DcsiSNSServer   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   -Address <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Registers a Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port with an iSNS server. Also see Set-DcsServerPortProperties to configure iSNS on target ports.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ScsiPortData object, name, ID, or IP address that identifies the initiator port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or IP address of the iSNS server.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ServerMSiScsiInitiatorData : Object that identifies the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator.


Also see Set-DcsServerPortProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Registers an intiator port to an iSNS server --------------

Add-DcsiSNSServer -Port "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1" -Address

Registers the initiator port named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1" with the iSNS Server at address

InitiatorPortals : {fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299, fe80::f13e:c21d:f0b8:c2e, fe80::d86e:28b1:6c8e:ee36...}
iSnsServer : {}
TargetPortals : {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData...}
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MSFT-05-1991
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Backend, Mirror
PortName : ssv1msiscsiinitiator
Alias : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
HostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
Connected : True
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a logical disk from a pool or a pass-through disk on a server.


Add-DcsLogicalDisk   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <String>   [ -ReservedSpace <String> ]   [ -Count <UInt32> ]   [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsLogicalDisk   [ -Server <String> ]   -PassThroughDisk <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a logical disk from a pool or a pass-through disk on a server. Multiple logical disks can be created if the source is from a pool. Logical disks can be used when creating virtual disks (see Add-DcsVirtualDisk).


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the pool if used as the storage source of the logical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The amount of space reserved in a pool for exclusive use by the logical disk. This space must be free in the pool. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a minimum of 1GB to the size of the virtual disk.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The number of logical disks to create from a pool. If not specified, one logical disk will be created.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The sector size of the logical disk. Valid values are "512", "512B", "4096", or "4KB". If the unit is not included, it is assumed to represent the number of bytes in the sector. If this parameter is not specified, the sector size of the disk pool will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Physical disk name or ID of the pass-through disk if used as the storage source of the logical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false



LogicalDiskData : Object the identifies and describes the logical disk.


Also see Add-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsLogicalDisk, Remove-DcsLogicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Adds logical disk from pool --------------

Add-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -ReservedSpace 10GB -Count 3

Creates three logical disks from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSV1", each having 10GB of reserved space in the pool. The server is identified to resolve the disk pool name.

StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 1
MinQuota : 10.00 GB
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity :
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : Undefined
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
SectorSize : 512 B
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : False
ClientAccessRights : NotDefined
Failure : Undefined
VirtualDiskId :
DiskRole : Unknown
ServerHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
IsMapped : False
Protected : False
Id : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000001
Caption : Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 2
MinQuota : 10.00 GB
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity :
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : Undefined
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
SectorSize : 512 B
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : False
ClientAccessRights : NotDefined
Failure : Undefined
VirtualDiskId :
DiskRole : Unknown
ServerHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
IsMapped : False
Protected : False
Id : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000002
Caption : Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 3
MinQuota : 10.00 GB
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity :
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : Undefined
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
SectorSize : 512 B
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : False
ClientAccessRights : NotDefined
Failure : Undefined
VirtualDiskId :
DiskRole : Unknown
ServerHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
IsMapped : False
Protected : False
Id : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000003
Caption : Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Adds logical disk using passthrough disk --------------

Add-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 -PassThroughDisk "Disk 7"

Creates a logical disk from the pass-through disk named "Disk 7" on the server named "SSV1".

PhysicalDiskId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:naa.60030d9056566f6c34345f535356315f
DataStatus : Undefined
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 50.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : False
ClientAccessRights : NotDefined
Failure : Undefined
VirtualDiskId :
DiskRole : Unknown
ServerHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
IsMapped : False
Protected : False
Id : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.DataCore-naa.60030d9056566f6c34345f535356315f
Caption : Storage source from SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Storage source from SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds a custom message to the Event Log.


Add-DcsLogMessage   -Message <String>   [ -Level <String> ]   [ -PostAlert]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a custom message to the Event Log.


Message to add to the Event Log.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The importance of the message. Possible values are "Trace", "Info", "Warning", "Error", and "Diagnostic". If the Level parameter is not included, by default the level will be Info.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Include this parameter to post an alert in addition to the message.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false




Also see Get-DcsLogMessage, Clear-DcsAlert, Get-DcsAlert, Get-DcsLogMessage


-------------- Example 1 Posts a warning message and fires an alert --------------

Add-DcsLogMessage -Message "Power state is LOW BATTERY and write caching will be disabled." -Level Warning -PostAlert

The message "Power state is LOW BATTERY and write caching will be disabled." is output to the Event Log as a Warning message and a warning alert is posted to the Alerts.

To Table of Contents




Creates a full snapshot with a destination that is a pass-through virtual disk.


Add-DcsPassthroughSnapshot   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Disk <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a full snapshot with a destination that is a pass-through virtual disk. The purpose is to allow the migration of virtual disks with pool storage sources to physical disks.


The computer name or ID that identifies the server where the snapshot should be created. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies the virtual disk to use as the source of the snapshot.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a physical disk to be used as the snapshot destination. The disk should be initialized, but not be partitioned.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name to assign to the snapshot. If not specified a default name will be assigned. The default name will consist of "[PT}", a space, then the name of the source virtual disk and timestamp of when the snapshot is created. For instance: [PT] <Virtualdiskname><Timestamp>.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the snapshot.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PhysicalDiskData : Object that identifies the disk.


SnapshotData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot.


Also see Get-DcsPhysicalDisk


-------------- Example 1 Creates a snapshot that is a passthrough virtual disk. --------------

Add-DcsPassthroughsSnapshot -Server "SSVVM05" -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 6" -Disk $disk

The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is invoked to get the PhysicalDiskData object for the disk and the object is stored in the variable $disk. The cmdlet Add-DcsPassthroughSnapshot is invoked to create a snapshot on the server named "SSVVM05" using the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 6" as the snapshot source and the passthrough disk identified in the variable $disk. The SnapshotData object is returned.

SourceLogicalDiskId : 9e56ad73-6e66-49d1-93cd-52a07e177c93
DestinationLogicalDiskId : 0bc51a70-7ba0-4f29-83a8-a89dd3342ba1
Type : Full
TimeStamp : 4/20/2016 9:19:05 AM
ActiveOperation : Snap
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
SequenceNumber : 6585
Id : V.{680B0BB6-F2B0-11E5-80E7-00155D138914}-00000007--V
Caption : [PT] Virtual disk 6 @ 4/20/2016 9:19:05 AM
ExtendedCaption : [PT] Virtual disk 6 @ 4/20/2016 9:19:05 AM on
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a disk pool.


Add-DcsPool   -Server <String>   -Name <String>   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -StorageAllocationUnitSize <UInt32> ]   [ -SectorSize <UInt32> ]   [ -MaxTierNumber <Int32> ]   [ -TierReservedPct <Int32> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a disk pool. Disks can be added to the pool with Add-DcsPoolMember. Properties can be customized with Set-DcsPoolProperties.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name to assign to the disk pool. The disk pool will be created on the specified server.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the disk pool.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Number of megabytes to assign as the storage allocation unit (SAU) size of the disk pool. Possible values are "4", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "256", "512", or "1024" MB. If the value is not specified, the pool will be created with the default size of 128 MB.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value: 128
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the sector size for the disk pool. Valid values are "512" and "4096", which represent the number of bytes in the sector. If this parameter is not specified, the default of "512" will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a maximum number of tiers for the disk pool. Up to 15 tiers are allowed in a pool. If this parameter is not specified, the default of "3" will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to reserve a percentage of space in each pool tier to use for future virtual disk allocations. A valid value is a number between 0 and 20 which refers to the percentage. For example, to reserve 20% space in each tier, enter the value "20". If this parameter is not specified, the default of "0" will be used, which will not reserve any space in the tiers.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the disk pool.


Also see Get-DcsPool, Set-DcsPoolProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a pool using default selections --------------

Add-DcsPool -Server SSVVM011 -Name "Disk pool 1"

Creates a pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM01". Since the values are not specified, the pool is created using the default values for SAU (chunksize) size (128 MB), sector size (512 B), and maximum number of tiers (3). The DiskPoolData object is returned.

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 9A622809-4DE6-4B9F-9965-EF29852A1D9E
SharedPoolId :
Alias : Disk pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
TierReservedPct : 0
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : False
SMPAApproved : False
SequenceNumber : 4977
Id : 9A622809-4DE6-4B9F-9965-EF29852A1D9E:{3fddb6db-f226-11e6-80eb-00155d138904}
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSVVM01
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Adds a pool using nondefault parameter values. --------------

Add-DcsPool -Server "SSVVM04" -Name "VM04Pool1" -StorageAllocationUnitSize 1024 -SectorSize 4096 -MaxTierNumber 5 -TierReservedPct 20

A disk pool named "VM04Pool1" is created on the server named "SSVVM04". The storage allocation unit size is 1024 MB (1 GB) and the sector size is 4096 bytes (4 KB). The pool will have 5 tiers and each tier will have 20% reserved space. The DiskPoolData object is returned.

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : FF140341-D7FC-4DF7-95B3-AE551F099F00
SharedPoolId :
Alias : VM04Pool1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 1 GB
SectorSize : 4 KB
MaxTierNumber : 5
TierReservedPct : 20
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : False
SMPAApproved : False
SequenceNumber : 7126
Id : FF140341-D7FC-4DF7-95B3-AE551F099F00:{911d1f40-8d55-11e5-80ee-00155d138910}
Caption : VM04Pool1
ExtendedCaption : VM04Pool1 on SSVVM04
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds a physical disk or mirror to an existing pool.


Add-DcsPoolMember   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <String>   -Disk <Object>   [ -Count <Int32> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsPoolMember   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <String>   -Disk <Object>   [ -MirrorDisk <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsPoolMember   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <String>   -PoolMember <String>   [ -MirrorDisk <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a physical disk or mirror to an existing pool.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the pool to which the disks should be added. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a physical disk to add to the pool. The name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The Count parameter can limit the number of disks added to the pool using the Disk parameter when the Disks parameter is obtained from the pipeline and includes multiple objects. If not specified, all disks will be added to the pool.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies a physical disk to be added to the pool as a mirror. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. The MirrorDisk parameter can be used with the Disk parameter or PoolMember parameter.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PoolMember ID or caption that identifies the physical disk that is a member of a disk pool. Use this parameter when adding a mirror to an existing disk in a pool.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PhysicalDiskData : Object the identifies the disk.


PoolMemberData : Object the identifies and describes the pool member.


Also see Set-DcsPoolProperties, Get-DcsPhysicalDisk, Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk, Set-DcsPhysicalDiskProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Adds one physical disk to a pool --------------

Add-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" -Disk "WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA03"

Adds a physical disk named "WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA03" to the pool named "Disk pool 1". In this case, the physical disk name must be unique in the server group.

DiskPoolId : 101796F5-90A6-4929-B28D-98D195834677:{2186893e-985e-11e5-80e7-00155d138910}
DiskInRecoveryId :
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : Healthy
Size : 200.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
IsMirrored : False
SequenceNumber : 8684
Id : f155ff13-5cf2-4289-9eba-4252518d6f23
Caption : WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA03
ExtendedCaption : Pool disk WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA03 on SSVVM04
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Adds physical disks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -Server SSV1 -Type Uninitialized | Add-DcsPoolMember -Pool  "Disk pool 1" -Count 2

The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is invoked to get PhysicalDiskData objects for all the disks of type "uninitialized" on the server "SSV1". Those objects are piped to the cmdlet Add-DcsPoolMember to add two physical disks to the pool "Disk pool 1".

DiskPoolId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929}
DiskInRecoveryId :
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : Healthy
Size : 500.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
IsMirrored : False
SequenceNumber : 6738
Id : dfc54ce8-314d-4b36-a09d-a40c958f6975
Caption : WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA02
ExtendedCaption : Pool disk WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA02 on SSV1
Internal : False
DiskPoolId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929}
DiskInRecoveryId :
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : Healthy
Size : 100.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
IsMirrored : False
SequenceNumber : 6746
Id : d6ca93da-9086-49f7-a80b-00630dcecb66
Caption : WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA010
ExtendedCaption : Pool disk WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA010 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Adds a mirror disk to a pool. --------------

$PM = Get-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" -Disk "SSV1-WDC100-D1"

Add-DcsPoolMember -Pool $PM.DiskPoolId -PoolMember $PM -MirrorDisk "SSV1-WDC100-D2"

The cmdlet Get-DcsPoolMember is invoked to get the PoolMemberData object for the physical disk named "SSV1-WDC100-D1" in the pool named "Disk pool 1". The object is stored in the variable $PM.
The cmdlet Add-DcsPoolMember is invoked using the object in the variable to get the Disk pool ID for the Pool parameter and the PoolMemberData object for the PoolMember parameter. The MirrorDisk parameter is the physical disk named "SSV1-WDC100-D2". The updated PoolMemberData object is returned.
DiskPoolId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929}
DiskInRecoveryId : {0b89a4a7-242e-4f8b-926f-ecc9397d5cdf}
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : OutOfSync
Size : 100.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
IsMirrored : True
SequenceNumber : 7335
Id : ed78b36a-613a-4c28-b4d8-f00d0fc5fbec
Caption : SSV1-WDC100-D1|SSV1-WDC100-D2
ExtendedCaption : Pool mirror SSV1-WDC100-D1|SSV1-WDC100-D2 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds counters to the specified recording session.


Add-DcsRecordingPoint   [ -Session <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   -Instance <Object>   [ -Counter <String[]> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsRecordingPoint   [ -Session <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   -Category <String>   [ -Counter <String[]> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds counters to the specified recording session. A specific counter can be added or all counters in a category can be added. Counters can be added for all instances or specific instances.


The PerformanceRecordingSessionData object, Id, or Caption that identifies the recording session. If the session is not specified, the "!UserRecordingSession" will used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to add an instance to the recording session. The value is the InstanceRecordingPointData object or any object which identifies the instance.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

One or more specific counters to add to the recording session. A valid value is the name of the counter or a comma separated list of counters. To get counter names, use the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter and pass the specific object; a list of counter names will be returned for the object.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to add a category to the recording session. Valid values for category names include: "DiskPool", "LogicalDisk", "Machine", "HostGroup", "PhysicalDisk", "PoolMember", "Replication", "RollbackGroup", "ScsiPort", "ServerGroup", "ServerMachine", "ServerScsiPort", "SharedDiskPool", "SharedPhysicalDisk", "SnapshotGroup", "SnapshotRelation", "StreamLogicalDisk", "VirtualDiskGroup", "VirtualDisk", "VirtualLogicalUnit", "VirtualTargetDevice", and "VirtualTargetDomain". Note: "Machine" refers to client host category and "ServerMachine" refers to server category. "ScsiPort" refers to client host SCSI ports category and "ServerScsiPort" refers to server SCSI ports category. "PoolMember" refers to physical disks in pools and "PhysicalDisk" refers to physical disks not in pools.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


InstanceRecordingPointData, CategoryRecordingPointData, or any object type that identifies an instance.


InstanceRecordingPointData or CategoryRecordingPointData : Object that identifies and describes either a category or instance of a counter.


Also see Get-DcsPerformanceCounter, Remove-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingPoint.


-------------- Example 1 Adds all counters in a specific category for all instances for a specific session. --------------

Add-DcsRecordingPoint -Session "User recording session" -Category PhysicalDisk

The cmdlet Add-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked with the single parameter Category and the value "PhysicalDisk". This results in all physical disk counters being added for all physical disk instances to the "User recording session". The object CategoryRecordingPointData is returned. Note: If the last counter is removed from the recording point Instance or Category, the entire point will be removed from the list.

Category                   Counters
--------                   --------

-------------- Example 2 Adds all counters for a specific instance --------------

Get-DcsClient -Client "HostVM1" | Add-DcsRecordingPoint -Session "User recording session"

The cmdlet Get-DcsClient is invoked with the parameter Client specified as "HostVM1". The results are piped to the cmdlet Add-DcsRecordingPoint to identify the instance. This results in all counters for the instance "HostVM1" being added to the "User recording session" as defined in the PerformanceRecordingSessionData object. The object InstanceRecordingPointData is returned.

InstanceId                                                  Counters
----------                                                  --------

-------------- Example 3 Adds a specific counter for all instances --------------

Add-DcsRecordingPoint -Category PhysicalDisk -Counter TotalOperations

The cmdlet Add-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked with the parameter Category having a value of "PhysicalDisk" and the parameter Counter having a value of "TotalOperations". This results in the counter "TotalOperations" being added for all physical disk instances in the server group for the default connection. The object CategoryRecordingPointData is returned.

-------------- Example 4 Adds specific counters for a specific instance --------------

Get-DcsClient -Client HostVM1 | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter

TotalBytesTransferred : 0
TotalBytesRead        : 0
TotalBytesWritten     : 0
TotalOperations       : 0
TotalReads            : 0
TotalWrites           : 0
CollectionTime        : 4/10/2013 7:58:28 PM
NullCounterMap        : 0

Get-DcsClient -Client HostVM1 | Add-DcsRecordingPoint -Counter "TotalOperations", "TotalReads", "TotalWrites"

To obtain a list of counters for the specific client named "HostVM1", the cmdlet Get-DcsClient is invoked and the results are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter.

To Table of Contents




Creates a replication relationship between a source and a destination virtual disk in order to asynchronously mirror data.


Add-DcsReplication   -SourceServer <String>   -DestinationServer <String>   -SourceDisk <String>   -DestinationDisk <String>   [ -DuplicateDiskId]   [ -OfflineInitialization]   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Creates a replication relationship between a source and a destination virtual disk in order to asynchronously mirror data. After the replication is created, checkpoint markers can be created and used to update snapshots on the destination server, see Set-ReplicationSnapshot and Set-ReplicationCheckPoint.


Computer name or ID of the local source server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the remote destination server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name or ID that identifies the virtual disk to be used as the source of the replication. The source disk must exist on the source server.

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name or ID that identifies the virtual disk to be used as the destination of the replication. The destination virtual disk must exist on the destination server.

Required: true
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter only if both the source and the destination virtual disks will be served to client hosts that require the same SCSI inquiry ID (virtual product information).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to specify offline initialization for this replication. (See Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization to start the initialization.) If not specified, an automatic online initialization will occur.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Creating a replication is an operation that requires confirmation because the contents of the destination virtual disk will be overwritten. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to create the replication and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the relationship between the source and destination virtual disks in the replication.


Also see Add-DcsPartnerGroup, Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder, Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint, Set-DcsReplicationSnapshot, Reverse-DcsReplication, Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization, Stop-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization, Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType, Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode.


-------------- Example 1 Creates a replication using offline initialization --------------

Add-DcsReplication -SourceServer SSV1 -DestinationServer SSV3 -SourceDisk "Virtual Disk 5" -DestinationDisk "Virtual Disk 6" -OfflineInitialization -Yes

Creates a replication relationship between a virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 5" on the Source Server named "SSV1" and the virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 6" on the Destination Server named "SSV3". Offline initialization is specified (see Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization). The parameter Yes is specified to prevent user interaction.

FirstServerId : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699
FirstVirtualDiskId : 01cf04e35b5a4f23913c329deb0cc3da
SecondServerId : 4d188191-a5b7-4bc1-9ff0-07fa3cddc2a7:863F19DC-41D6-4D46-92A6-30686E3A24AC
SecondVirtualDiskId : a19d230f8c29423f9e23c14d059916c1
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Initializing
FailureStatus : NoReplicationDefinedForPartner
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : False
InitializationType : Offline
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : WaitToStartOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 74c9e07c-e419-48a3-8215-097c89d8bcd0
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 on SSV3
Internal : False

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Creates a rollback group of expiring rollbacks for the specified virtual disk group using a Consistency Point marker stored on the replication destination.


Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -TimeStamp <Object> ]   [ -DuplicateDiskId]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -UserDefinedCode <Byte> ]   [ -DuplicateDiskId]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a rollback group of expiring rollbacks for the specified virtual disk group using a Consistency Point marker stored on the replication destination. The marker to use as a restore point can be specified. If optional parameters are not specified, the latest common consistency point marker for the specified virtual disk group will be used as the restore point. This cmdlet requires Continuous Data Protection (CDP) to be enabled on all virtual disks in the virtual disk group on the replication destination.


VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group on the replication destination that has received replication consistency markers. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to create a rollback group using the specified date and time as a restore point. The date and time must correspond to a Replication Consistency Point marker stored on the replication destination server. If this parameter is not specified, then the latest common marker stored for the virtual disk group will be used to create the rollback group. (see Example 1) Time should be reflected in UTC. The value can be supplied from the GroupConsistencyPointData object which is returned from the cmdlet Get-DcssReplicationConsistencyPoint. The value can also be supplied as a DateTime object. One way to create a DateTime object is using the PowerShell cmdlet Get-Date. The value can also be provided in a string with the date and exact time which includes milliseconds in this format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffff", for example "2015-06-24 19:56:45.2958955". (See example 4)

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter only if both the source and the destination virtual disks will be served to clients (hosts) that require the same SCSI inquiry ID (virtual product information).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use the parameter to create the latest rollback group based on the specified marker. A marker with the specified code must exist. Valid values for the code are from 0 - 255.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk group.


RollbackGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the rollback group that was created.


Also see Set-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint, Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint


-------------- Example 1 Creates a rollback group for the specified virtual disk group and timestamp. --------------

$point = Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -UserDefinedCode 10

TimeStamp                                                                                               UserDefinedCode
---------                                                                                               ---------------
6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM                                                                                                 10
6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM                                                                                                 10
6/24/2015 7:41:51 PM                                                                                                 10

Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -TimeStamp $point[1].TimeStamp

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint is invoked to get the marker data for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote" with a user-defined code of "10". The data is stored in the variable $point, where the data can be viewed. The cmdlet Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback is invoked to create a rollback group for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote". The restore point of the rollbacks will be the timestamp of the second indexed entry [1] in the object. (Indexes in the object begin with [0].) In this manner rollback groups can be created for timestamps other than the latest common marker.

TotalCapacity : 21 GB
ParentGroupId : {be8b88ea-daca-424e-af18-282835a27f26}
Alias : VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC
Description :
SequenceNumber : 3369
Id : {c71334b5-e3b9-4892-91f7-d194253d2d71}
Caption : VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC
ExtendedCaption : VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Creates rollback groups for virtual disks in multiple virtual disk groups using the default latest common marker --------------

$RepConsistencyPtGroups = Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup | where {$_.Description -like "*consistency point*"}

$RepConsistencyPtGroups | ForEach {Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup $_}

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is used to get all the objects for virtual disk groups that contain the words "consistency point" in the description. (This requires the user to provide a description.) The returned RollbackGroupData objects are saved to the variable "$RepConsistencyPtGroups. Then the cmdlet Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback is invoked for each VirtualDiskGroupData object saved in the variable. A rollback group is created for each virtual disk group. In this case, there were two groups. The restore point of the rollbacks will be the latest common marker stored on the replication destination.

TotalCapacity : 21 GB
ParentGroupId : {be8b88ea-daca-424e-af18-282835a27f26}
Alias : VD Group 1 Remote 5 @ 6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM UTC
Description :
SequenceNumber : 6200
Id : {346b6b9e-1bf6-41e5-9fbc-3eecb40f2378}
Caption : VD Group 1 Remote 5 @ 6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM UTC
ExtendedCaption : VD Group 1 Remote 5 @ 6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM UTC
Internal : False
TotalCapacity : 30 GB
ParentGroupId : {0e3a9ae5-bb8e-43d8-a95d-7d82ae3c312b}
Alias : VD Group 2 Remote @ 7/9/2015 2:19:34 PM UTC
Description :
SequenceNumber : 6334
Id : {9f8f93d4-e2f5-40a0-84c9-51054149ceac}
Caption : VD Group 2 Remote @ 7/9/2015 2:19:34 PM UTC
ExtendedCaption : VD Group 2 Remote @ 7/9/2015 2:19:34 PM UTC
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Creates a rollback group using the GroupConsistencyPointData object as a timestamp. --------------

$point = Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -UserDefinedCode 10

TimeStamp                                                                                               UserDefinedCode
---------                                                                                               ---------------
6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM                                                                                                 10
6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM                                                                                                 10
6/24/2015 7:41:51 PM                                                                                                 10

Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -TimeStamp $point[1]

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint is invoked to get the marker data for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote" with a user-defined code of "10". The data is stored in the variable $point, where the data can be viewed. The cmdlet Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback is invoked to create a rollback group for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote". The restore point of the rollbacks will be the timestamp of the second indexed entry [1] in the object. (Indexes in the object begin with [0].) In this manner rollback groups can be created for timestamps other than the latest common marker.

TotalCapacity : 21 GB
ParentGroupId : {be8b88ea-daca-424e-af18-282835a27f26}
Alias : VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC
Description :
SequenceNumber : 3369
Id : {c71334b5-e3b9-4892-91f7-d194253d2d71}
Caption : VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC
ExtendedCaption : VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Creates a rollback group using a string as the timestamp. --------------

$Point = Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -UserDefinedCode 10


TimeStamp                                                                                               UserDefinedCode
---------                                                                                               ---------------
6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM                                                                                                 10
6/16/2015 7:56:45 PM                                                                                                 10
6/16/2015 7:41:51 PM                                                                                                 10

$time = $point.TimeStamp[1].ToString("O")

Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -TimeStamp $time

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint is invoked to get the marker data for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote" with a user-defined code of "10". The data is stored in the variable $Point, where the data can be viewed. 
The restore point of the rollbacks will be the timestamp of the second indexed entry [1] in the object, which is stored in the variable $time using the PowerShell function ToString("O"). (Indexes in the object begin with [0].)

To Table of Contents




Partners one server group to another server group for the purpose of performing replications.


Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup   -Server <String>   -LocalUserName <String>   -LocalPassword <String>   -RemoteUserName <String>   -RemotePassword <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup   -Server <String>   -LocalCredential <PSCredential>   -RemoteCredential <PSCredential>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Partners one server group to another server group in order to perform replications, see Add-DcsReplication. A replication buffer must be created, see Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder.


Computer name or ID of one of the servers in the remote destination group. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. The specified server will be used for communications between local (source) and remote (destination) server groups.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

User name of the account used to connect to the local (source) server group. User names must match Windows user accounts and must reside on all servers in the local server group. Credentials can be domain-wide or local (workgroup). If credentials are domain-wide, include the domain with the name for example: DOMAIN\user name.) Name resolution is required between local and remote groups.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Login password that corresponds to the local user name.

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

User name of the account used to connect to the remote (destination) server group. User names must match Windows user accounts and must reside on all servers in the remote server group. Credentials can be domain-wide or local (workgroup). If credentials are domain-wide, include the domain with the name for example: DOMAIN\user name.) Name resolution is required between local and remote groups.

Required: true
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Login password that corresponds to the remote user name.

Required: true
Position: 5
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The PSCredential object containing user name and password for the local server group. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential, see Example 2. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The PSCredential object containing user name and password for the remote server group. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential, see Example 2. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



PartnershipData : Object that identifies and describes the replication partner group.


Also see Add-DcsReplication, Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder, Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a replication partner group for replication --------------

Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup -Server SSV3 -LocalUserName administrator -LocalPassword Adminpw! -RemoteUserName administrator -RemotePassword Adminpw!

Adds a replication partner group to the current server group for replication purposes. In this example, the partner group contains a server named "SSV3". The User Names and Passwords are "administrator" and "Adminpw!" on both local and remote servers.

GroupId : 091705db-3bfd-4c3a-9d58-8455fe6628ef
HostAddresses : {}
IncomingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
OutgoingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
Connected : True
EnableCompression : True
Id : 285ea682-2b07-4020-8f52-b87441579783
Caption : ControllerProxy
ExtendedCaption : ControllerProxy

-------------- Example 2 Adds a replication partner group by passing the PSCredential objects --------------

$localCred = Get-Credential

$remoteCred = Get-Credential

Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup -Server -LocalCredential $localCred -RemoteCredential $remoteCred

The Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential is invoked to collect the credentials for the local and remote server groups. When Get-Credential is invoked a dialog box opens and the user name and password can be entered in a secure manner. The local credentials are saved to the variable $localCred and the remote credentials are saved to the variable $remoteCred. 
The cmdlet Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup is invoked to create a replication partnership between the local and remote server groups. The remote server is named "" and is identified by the parameter Server. Local credentials are passed using $localCred as the value for the parameter LocalCredential. Remote credentials are passed using $remoteCred as the value for the parameter RemoteCredential.
$remoteCred = Get-Credential

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Creates a custom user role and assigns privileges to the role.


Add-DcsRole   -Name <String>   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -General <GeneralPrivileges> ]   [ -Ports <PortPrivileges> ]   [ -ClientMachines <ClientMachinePrivileges> ]   [ -HostGroups <HostGroupPrivileges> ]   [ -ServerMachines <ServerMachinePrivileges> ]   [ -ServerMachineGroups <ServerMachineGroupPrivileges> ]   [ -VirtualDisks <VirtualDiskPrivileges> ]   [ -Snapshots <SnapshotPrivileges> ]   [ -Rollbacks <RollbackPrivileges> ]   [ -Replications <ReplicationPrivileges> ]   [ -PhysicalDisks <PhysicalDiskPrivileges> ]   [ -DiskPools <DiskPoolPrivileges> ]   [ -Controller <ExecutivePrivileges> ]   [ -PartnerController <PartnerControllerPrivileges> ]   [ -Users <UserPrivileges> ]   [ -Roles <RolePrivileges> ]   [ -StorageProfiles <StorageProfilePrivileges> ]   [ -Tasks <TaskPrivileges> ]   [ -Monitors <MonitorPrivileges> ]   [ -Logs <LogPrivileges> ]   [ -VirtualDiskGroups <VirtualDiskGroupPrivileges> ]   [ -License <LicensePrivileges> ]   [ -PerformanceRecording <PerformanceRecordingPriviledges> ]   [ -VirtualDiskTemplate <VirtualDiskTemplatePrivileges> ]   [ -Witness <WitnessPrivileges> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a custom user role and assigns privileges to the role. The ability to view information in the software, which is one of the General privileges, is automatically added to each role.


Name of the user role.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the user role.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

General privilege set grants privileges to users to perform general actions, such as viewing information in the software. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set. The ability to view information in the software is automatically added to each role without this privilege being specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Ports privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on Fibre Channel and iSCSI ports. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ClientMachines privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on hosts. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

HostGroups privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on host groups. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerMachines privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on DataCore Servers. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerMachineGroups privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on server groups. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDisks privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on virtual disks. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Snaphots privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on snapshots. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Rollbacks privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on rollbacks. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Replications privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on replications. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PhysicalDisks privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on physical disks. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPools privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on disk pools. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Controller privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on service level operations. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PartnerController privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on Replication Partner. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Users privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on user accounts. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Roles privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on user roles. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

StorageProfiles privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on storage profiles. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Tasks privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on tasks. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Monitors privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on system health monitors. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Logs privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on event logs. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroups privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on virtual disk groups. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

License privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on software licenses. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PerformanceRecording privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on performance recording sessions. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskTemplate privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on virtual disk templates. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



RoleData : Object that identifies and describes the role.


Also see Get-DcsRole, Remove-DcsRole.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a custom role. --------------

Add-DcsRole -Name "Networking" -Description "Role for Network Administrators" -General ALL -Ports ALL -ClientMachines ALL -HostGroups ALL -ServerMachines ALL -ServerMachineGroups ALL -VirtualDisks ALL -Snapshots ALL -Rollbacks ALL -Replications ALL -PhysicalDisks ALL -DiskPools ALL -PartnerController ALL -Controller ALL -Tasks ALL -Monitors ALL -Logs ALL -VirtualDiskGroups ALL -PerformanceRecording ALL

Creates a role named "Networking" which is a role reserved for Network Administrators. All privileges in the following privilege sets are assigned to the role: General, Ports, ClientMachines, HostGroups, ServerMachines, ServerMachineGroups, VirtualDisks, Snapshots, Rollbacks, Replications, PhysicalDisk, DiskPools, PartnerController, Controller, Tasks, Monitors, Logs, VirtualDiskGroups, and PerformanceRecording. The RoleData object is returned.

Alias : Networking
Description : Role for Network Administrators
Privileges : General privileges: All
Port privileges : All
Host privileges : All
Host group privileges : All
DataCore Server privileges : All
DataCore Server group privileges : All
Virtual disk privileges : All
Snapshot privileges : All
Rollback privileges : All
Replication privileges : All
Physical disk privileges : All
Disk pool privileges : All
Service level privileges : All
Replication partner privileges : All
Task privileges : All
System health monitor privileges : All
Log privileges : All
Virtual disk group privileges : All
Performance recording privileges : All
IsPredefined : False
SequenceNumber : 3146
Id : 5a418634-6ca6-410b-a25e-2ab33bb7b417
Caption : Networking
ExtendedCaption : Networking
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a rollback from a virtual disk with Continuous Data Protection (CDP). This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group and creates a rollback group.


Add-DcsRollback   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   -Pool <String>   [ -AutoExpire]   [ -DuplicateDiskId]   -TimeStamp <DateTime>   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsRollback   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   -Pool <String>   [ -AutoExpire]   [ -DuplicateDiskId]   -TimeSpan <TimeSpan>   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsRollback   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   -Pool <String>   [ -AutoExpire]   [ -DuplicateDiskId]   -TimeStamp <DateTime>   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsRollback   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   -Pool <String>   [ -AutoExpire]   [ -DuplicateDiskId]   -TimeSpan <TimeSpan>   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a rollback from virtual disk with Continuous Data Protection (CDP). This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group and creates a rollback group. The rollback can be created to expire automatically or stay persistent (see AutoExpire). A special rollback marker can also be created that flushes the cache before creating the rollback, see the description for the TimeSpan parameter. CDP must be enabled for a virtual disk before a rollback can be created, see Enable-DcsDataProtection.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the CDP-enabled virtual disk, which is the source of the rollback.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name to assign to the rollback. If not specified, a default name will be assigned consisting of the name of the CDP-enabled virtual disk and the timestamp.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the rollback.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the pool where the rollback should be created. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify the AutoExpire parameter to allow the rollback to expire automatically when the history log advances past the restore point (point-in-time of the rollback). When the history log advances past the restore point, the rollback will expire without warning and be permanently unusable and should be deleted, see Remove-DcsRollback.If not specified, the rollback will persist until it is deleted or split. (An exception to this is when a marker is created. In this case, the marker will automatically expire by default. See TimeSpan parameter description.) WARNING: Keeping a rollback persistent can have ramifications. When the history log advances past the restore point, a mirrored virtual disk will have compromised mirror redundancy and a single virtual disk will become inaccessible. The rollback will have to be deleted or split to allow writes to the CDP-enabled virtual disk again.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter only if both the CDP-enabled virtual disk and the rollback will be served to client hosts that require the same SCSI inquiry ID (virtual product information).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The date and time of the rollback. The rollback will become a logical representation of the virtual disk data at the specified date and time (restore point). Use either the Timestamp parameter or the TimeSpan parameter to specify the restore point. One way to provide the TimeStamp parameter would be by piping a variable created by invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The TimeStamp parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format to use is "Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:51:00 PM".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to assign exclusive ownership to the user account currently logged in. This restricts all operations on the rollback being created to only the authenticated user for the current PowerShell session.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

TimeSpan is the amount of negative elapsed time used to represent the date and time of the rollback. Use either the Timestamp parameter or the TimeSpan parameter to specify the restore point.One way to provide the TimeSpan parameter would be using a variable piped from invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of TimeSpan with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object). The TimeSpan parameter can also be provided in a string that represents the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds in the past. For instance, if the rollback should be created using the data as it existed 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes ago, the value would be "01.12:30:00" and this must be in quotes. A TimeSpan with the value of "0" (which means now) will create a special rollback that can be used as a marker. In this special case and only in this case, after the cmdlet is invoked, the cache will be flushed on the DataCore Server before creating the rollback. To create a rollback with consistent application data, perform an application-specific flush and quiesce on the client host before invoking the cmdlet. The default behavior for the marker is to automatically expire. See example 4.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. The object can be obtained using Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup. This parameter is used to create a rollback group from a virtual disk group. The rollback group will be named using the virtual disk group name with the timestamp appended. For example, if the virtual disk group is named VDGroup1 and the timestamp is 11/2/2011 2:45:19 PM, then the snapshot group name would be named "VDGroup1 @ 11/2/2011 2:45:19 PM".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData or VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk or virtual disk group.


RollbackData or RollbackGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the rollback or the rollback group that was created.


Also see Remove-DcsRollback, Get-DcsRollback, Revert-DcsRollback, Split-DcsRollback, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Get-DcsRollbackGroup, Remove-DcsRollbackGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Creates a rollback using a timestamp --------------

Add-DcsRollback -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "virtual disk 5" -Name VDisk5RB3 -Pool SSV1Pool3 -AutoExpire -TimeStamp "Thursday, July 28, 2011 01:08:00 PM"

Creates a rollback of the virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 5" from the pool named "SSV1Pool3" on the server named "SSV1". The rollback is named "VDisk5RB3" and is an image of the data on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 1:08 AM and will expire automatically when the restore point reaches the end of the history log. The RestorePoint field in the returned object is displayed in UTC.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{267e5c50-abd6-11e0-9515-00155d11e921}-00000018
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{b96878da-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921}-00000009
RestorePoint : 7/28/2011 5:08:00 PM
AutoExpire : True
State : Unknown
Id : V.{267E5C50-ABD6-11E0-9515-00155D11E921}-00000018--V.{B96878DA-B7AF-11E0-9BA8-00155D11E921}-00000009
Caption : VDisk5RB3
ExtendedCaption : VDisk5RB3 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Creates a rollback group --------------

Add-DcsRollback -Server SSVVM1 -VirtualDiskGroup VDgroup1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -AutoExpire -TimeStamp "Thursday, November 3, 2011 4:00:00 PM"

Creates a rollback group for the virtual disk group named "VDgroup1" from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM1". The rollback group is named "VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:07:57 PM" (which is the time that the group was created). The rollback group contains a rollback for each virtual disk in the group. Those rollbacks are an image of the data on Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 4:00 PM and will expire automatically when the restore point reaches the end of the history log.

ParentGroupId : {827c0546-a101-4115-8a8f-b07ab87272dd}
Alias : VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:07:57 PM
Description :
Id : {33b3686c-06e2-4067-9c2e-aca0f794d4ec}
Caption : VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:07:57 PM
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Creates a rollback group using a time span --------------

Add-DcsRollback -Server SSVVM1 -VirtualDiskGroup VDgroup1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -AutoExpire -TimeSpan "00.00:30:00"

Creates a rollback group for the virtual disk group named "VDgroup1" from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM1". The rollback group is named "VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:45:24 PM" (which is the time that the group was created). The rollback group contains a rollback for each virtual disk in the group. The rollbacks are an image of the data on as it was 30 minutes in the past. The rollbacks will expire automatically when the restore point reaches the end of the history log.

ParentGroupId : {827c0546-a101-4115-8a8f-b07ab87272dd}
Alias : VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:45:24 PM
Description :
Id : {b807ccec-4b97-400e-8936-0b9d98d09788}
Caption : VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:45:24 PM
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Creates a special rollback marker --------------

Add-DcsRollback -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Name VDisk1RBMarker1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -AutoExpire -TimeSpan 0

Creates a special rollback marker of the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSV1". The rollback is named "VDisk1RBMarker1". When the cmdlet is invoked, the cache is flushed on the server SSV1 and then the rollback is created on SSV1. The rollback will expire automatically when the restore point reaches the end of the history log. The RestorePoint field in the returned object is the timestamp when the rollback was created on the server SSV1 and is displayed in UTC.

SourceLogicalDiskId : e75bf8bd-6dc4-4237-a867-5d4844f87355
DestinationLogicalDiskId : c928faa7-15e3-4c9d-ac6d-49d55bcd0f18
RestorePoint : 9/16/2014 5:11:34 PM
AutoExpire : True
State : Unknown
SequenceNumber : 1114
Id : V.{378327E6-3D98-11E4-BD80-00155D651603}-00000001--V.{378327E6-3D98-11E4-BD80-00155D651603}-00000003
Caption : VDisk1RBNOW
ExtendedCaption : VDisk1RBNOW on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds a server to an existing server group.


Add-DcsServer   -Server <String>   [ -DisableLogin]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a server to an existing server group. Two servers in a group enables mirroring and high availability.


Computer name or IP address of the server to be added to the server group. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

By default, iSCSI ports are automatically logged in when a server is added to a server group. Specify this parameter to prevent automatic login in order to selectively login the iSCSI ports manually.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias representing the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.


Also see Remove-DcsServer, Get-DcsServer.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a server to the server group --------------

Add-DcsServer -Server "SSVVM03" -DisableLogin -Connection "Commect1"

Adds a server named "SSVVM03" to the server group that uses the connection named "Connect1". Automatic login of ports is disabled.

GroupId : 01b849ad-54b9-413b-9654-dc4eface5c40
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:2955B0EE-D2A5-4162-97E5-E99CEBE933E7
CacheSize : 0 B
State : NotPresent
SupportState : NotPresent
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath :
ProductName :
ProductType :
ProductVersion :
OsVersion :
ProcessorInfo :
ProductBuild :
BuildType :
DiagnosticMode : Disabled
LicenseRemaining : -9223372036854775808
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 0 B
AvailableSystemMemory : 0 B
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : False
LicenseExceeded : False
StorageUsed : 0 B
BulkStorageUsed : 0 B
DataCoreStorageUsed : 0 B
DataCoreBulkStorageUsed : 0 B
PowerState : Unknown
CacheState : Unknown
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {}
LicenseNumber : 2509912577132288407
AluaGroupId : 2
IsVirtualMachine : False
HypervisorHostId :
LogStorePoolId :
Description :
HostName :
MpioCapable : True
SequenceNumber : 2066386
Id : 2955B0EE-D2A5-4162-97E5-E99CEBE933E7
Caption : SSVVM03
ExtendedCaption : SSVVM03 in Server Group 1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a snapshot of a virtual disk. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group, which creates a snapshot group.


Add-DcsSnapshot   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Pool <String> ]   [ -Full]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -DuplicateDiskId]   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsSnapshot   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Pool <String> ]   [ -Full]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -DuplicateDiskId]   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a snapshot of a virtual disk. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group, which creates a snapshot group. The snapshots created can be different or full images. A mapstore must be set before invoking this cmdlet, see Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore.


Computer name or ID of the server where the snapshot should be created. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk to be used as the source of the snapshot.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name to assign to the snapshot. If not specified a default name will be assigned. The default name will consist of the name of the source virtual disk and timestamp of when the snapshot is created.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the pool to use to create the snapshot. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to create a snapshot that is a clone copy of the source and can exist and operate independently from the source virtual disk. If this parameter is not specified, a differential snapshot will be created. A differential snapshot is a logical image that is dependent on the source virtual disk.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the snapshot.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter only if both the source virtual disk and the snapshot will be served to client hosts that require the same SCSI inquiry ID (virtual product information).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to assign exclusive ownership to the user account currently logged in. This restricts all operations on the snapshot being created to only the authenticated user for the current PowerShell session.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. The object can be obtained using Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup. This parameter is used to create a snapshot group from a virtual disk group. The snapshot group will be named using the virtual disk group name with the timestamp appended. For example, if the virtual disk group is named VDGroup1 and the timestamp is 11/2/2011 2:45:19 PM, then the snapshot group name would be "VDGroup1 @ 11/2/2011 2:45:19 PM".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


SnapshotData or SnapshotGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot or the snapshot group.


Also see Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore, Update-DcsSnapshot, ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot, Revert-DcsSnapshot, Remove-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Get-DcsSnapshotGroup, Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Creates a full snapshot --------------

Add-DcsSnapshot -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual Disk 2" -Pool SSV1Pool3 -Full -Description "Virtual Disk 2 Nightly Backup"

Creates a full (clone copy) snapshot of the virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 2". The snapshot is created from the disk pool named "SSV1Pool3" on the server named "SSV1". The description is set to "Virtual Disk 2 Nightly Backup". The snapshot name will be the default name "Virtual disk 2 @ 7/27/2011 2:09:11 PM" (virtual disk name with the timestamp of when the snapshot was created).

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{267e5c50-abd6-11e0-9515-00155d11e921}-00000014
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{b96878da-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921}-00000004
Type : Full
TimeStamp : 7/27/2011 2:09:13 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Creating
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{267E5C50-ABD6-11E0-9515-00155D11E921}-00000014--V.{B96878DA-B7AF-11E0-9BA8-00155D11E921}-00000004
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 7/27/2011 2:09:11 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 7/27/2011 2:09:11 PM on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Creates a full snapshot for a virtual disk group --------------

Add-DcsSnapshot -Server SSVVM1 -VirtualDiskGroup VDgroup1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -Full

Creates a full (clone copy) snapshot of the virtual disk group named "VDgroup1". The snapshot is created from the disk pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM1". The snapshot name will be the default name "VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:25:48 PM" (virtual disk group name with the timestamp of when the snapshot group was created).

ParentGroupId : {827c0546-a101-4115-8a8f-b07ab87272dd}
Alias : VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:25:48 PM
Description :
SequenceNumber : 11725
Id : {02685559-ba03-4cb5-a346-f79fc2d62765}
Caption : VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:25:48 PM
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a custom storage profile.


Add-DcsStorageProfile   -Name <String>   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -PerformanceClass <PerformanceClass> ]   [ -ReplicationPriority <AsyncReplicationPriority> ]   [ -MirrorRecoveryPriority <MirrorRecoveryPriority> ]   [ -WriteTracking <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a custom storage profile.


Name of the storage profile being created.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the storage profile being created.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The performance class to assign to the storage profile. Valid values include "Archive", "Low", "Normal", "High", and "Critical". If not specified, the default setting "Normal" will be assigned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The replication priority to assign to the storage profile. Valid values include "Low", "Regular", "High", and "Critical". If not specified, the default setting "Regular" will be assigned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The mirror recovery priority to assign to the storage profile. Valid values include "Low", "Regular", "High", and "Critical". (The value "Unset" is for DataCore internal use only.) If this parameter is not specified, the default setting "Regular" will be assigned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to specify whether or not to include write operations when determining the data temperature in the auto-tiering feature. Specify $true to have auto-tiering determine data temperature based on both read and write operations equally. Specify $false to have auto-tiering determine data temperature based on read operations only.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



StorageProfileData : Object that identifies and describes the storage profile.


Also see Set-DcsStorageProfileProperties, Remove-DcsStorageProfile, Get-DcsStorageProfile.


-------------- Example 1 Creates custom storage profile --------------

Add-DcsStorageProfile -Name PF_Billing -Description "Profile for Finance Dept billing records" -MirrorRecoveryPriority critical -WriteTracking $true

A custom storage profile named "PF_Billing" is created with a description of "Profile for Finance Dept billing records. The value for the parameter MirrorRecoveryPriority is assigned as "critical". The parameters PerformanceClass and ReplicationPriority were not set, so the default values are assigned. Write tracking is enabled. The StorageProfileData object for the new storage profile is returned.

Alias : PF_Billing
Description : Profile for Finance Dept billing records
PerformanceClass : Normal
ReplicationPriority : Regular
RecoveryPriority : Critical
WriteTracking : True
DefaultProfile : False
SequenceNumber : 22986
Id : 6b83a780-e607-4167-a7dc-92e2c45962a9
Caption : PF_Billing
ExtendedCaption : PF_Billing Profile
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a task used to perform actions automatically when triggered by events.


Add-DcsTask   -Name <String>   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -ActionDelay <TimeSpan> ]   [ -RequireAllTriggers]   [ -Disabled]   [ -MaxRunTime <TimeSpan> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a task used to perform actions automatically when events are triggered. This cmdlet creates the task and sets properties of the task. Add a trigger to the task with Add-DcsTrigger. Add an action to the task with Add-DcsAction. Properties of the task can be set with Set-DcsTaskProperties.


Name to assign to the task.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the task.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the amount of time to wait before performing actions when triggers are signaled. The format of this parameter consists of decimals representing hours, minutes, and seconds. For instance, 01:05:30 would represent a delay of 1 hour, 5 minutes and 30 seconds. The maximum value must be less than 2 hours. The default value is 0.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter indicates whether to run the task when one trigger is met or to wait until all triggers are met. If specified, the task will only run when all triggers are met.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to disable the task. The task will not run until it is enabled (see Enable-DcsTask). If not specified, the task will be enabled.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The amount of time allotted to perform all actions for each instance that the task is run. The time is shared by all actions in the task. When the time has been reached, all actions will be terminated. If triggered again, the same time will be allotted to perform the actions again. The format of this parameter consists of decimals representing days, hours, minutes, and seconds, that are separated by colons. For instance, 01:05:30:00 would represent a maximum run time of 1 day, 5 hours and 30 minutes. The maximum value is 7 days. If this parameter is not specified, the default setting of 7 days (7:00:00:00) will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.


Also see Add-DcsTrigger, Add-DcsAction, Remove-DcsTask, Get-DcsTask, Set-DcsTaskProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Creates a task with an action delay and requiring all triggers --------------

Add-DcsTask -Name MyNightlyTask -Description 'Start Virtual Disk Reclamation at 2 am' -ActionDelay 01:05:30 -RequireAllTriggers

Adds a task named "MyNightlyTask" and set the ActionDelay for 1 hour, 5 minutes and 30 seconds. All triggers must be tripped before actions will be performed.

Description : Start Virtual Disk Reclamation at 2 am
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunInBatchMode
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalAnd
ActionDelay : 39300000000
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : 00380dca-5084-49b1-9568-202eced2e79a
Caption : MyNightlyTask
ExtendedCaption : MyNightlyTask
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a trigger for the specified task.


Add-DcsTrigger   -Task <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   -SignalDuration <TimeSpan>   -StartTime <DateTime>   -Interval <TimeSpan>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsTrigger   -Task <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   -SignalDuration <TimeSpan>   -StartTime <DateTime>   -WeekDays <String[]>   -WeekInterval <Int32>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsTrigger   -Task <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   -SignalDuration <TimeSpan>   -StartTime <DateTime>   -DayInterval <Int32>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsTrigger   -Task <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   -SignalDuration <TimeSpan>   -StartTime <DateTime>   [ -MonthNumber <Int32> ]   -DayOfMonth <Int32>   -MonthlyInterval <Int32>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsTrigger   -Task <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   -SignalDuration <TimeSpan>   -StartTime <DateTime>   [ -MonthNumber <Int32> ]   -WeekDays <String[]>   -MonthlyInterval <Int32>   -WeekNumber <Int32>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsTrigger   -Task <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   -MonitorId <String>   -MonitorState <String>   -Comparison <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsTrigger   -Task <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   -TemplateTypeId <String>   -MonitorState <String>   -Comparison <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsTrigger   -Task <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   -FilterType <String[]>   -FilterValue <String[]>   -FilterComparison <String[]>   -RequireAll <Boolean>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsTrigger   -Task <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a trigger for the specified task. A trigger contains criteria that, when met, causes the task actions to be performed (see Add-DcsAction). One trigger can be added to the task each time the cmdlet is invoked.The trigger will be based on one of the following types of events: a scheduled time, a monitor state change, a message posted in the event log, or a replication checkpoint being received. There are several parameter sets for this cmdlet; five for scheduled time events, two for a monitor state change event, one for a log message event, and one for a replication checkpoint event. When creating a trigger for a log message event, filters are used to narrow the scope of the log messages. If multiple filters are configured, the number of values specified for FilterType, FilterValue, and FilterComparison parameters in the array must be identical and in an associated order. See example 7.


TaskData object, ID, or name of the task that the trigger will be added to.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The description parameter has been deprecated and will always be empty. This parameter is left in the interface for backwards compatibility. It cannot be changed.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter indicates how long the trigger will be considered active. If not specified, the default value of "00:00:00" will be used, which indicates no signal duration setting. This parameter is only relevant when multiple triggers exist, and the RequireAllTriggers parameter set to $true in Add-DcsTask. For example, if one trigger is set to run once at 8PM and another scheduled time trigger in the same task is set to run hourly and the SignalDuration parameter is set to 12 hours, then the action would run 12 times starting at 8PM. One way to provide the SignalDuration parameter would be by passing a variable created from invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of TimeSpan with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object). The TimeSpan parameter can also be provided in a string that represents the number of days, hours, and minutes in this format: "dd:dd:dd". This value does not require quotes. For instance, to keep the triggers active for one week, the value would be "07:00:00" or to keep the triggers active for 12 hours, the value would be "00:12:00".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The beginning date and time of a scheduled time trigger. One way to provide the StartTime parameter would be by passing a variable created by invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The StartTime parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format to use is "04/06/2011 02:51:00 PM" which represents April 6, 2011 at 2:51 PM. This value must be in quotes.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

When creating a scheduled time event, this parameter is used to indicate the amount of time in hours, minutes, seconds to wait between triggering the event again. The format to use is dd:dd:dd. This value does not require quotes. For instance, "02:15:30" would represent that the scheduled time event to occur every 2 hours, 15 minutes and 30 seconds. Use "00:00:00" to not set an interval.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

When creating a scheduled time event based on specific days of the week, this parameter uses an array of the days on which the event will occur. Possible values are: "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", and "Weekdays". The "Weekdays" value is exclusive; when "Weekdays" is used, then no other day is valid. For instance, for a scheduled time event to run Monday through Friday, the parameter value would be "Weekdays". For a scheduled time event to run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the parameter value would be "Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

When creating a weekly scheduled time event based on the WeekDays parameter, the WeekInterval indicates how many weeks are in-between each firing of the event. For example: A value of "1" indicates that the event will occur every week. A value of "2" indicates that the event will occur every two weeks (or every other week). A value of "3" indicates that the event will occur every three weeks.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

When creating a scheduled time event, this parameter is used to indicate how often, in terms of days, that the event should be triggered. For example: To trigger the event every day, use "1". To trigger the event to run every two days (or every other day), use "2". To trigger the event every seven days, use "7".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

When creating a yearly scheduled time event, this parameter is used to signify the number of the month on which event will occur. For instance, January would be "1" and December would be "12". If MonthNumber and MonthlyInterval are both set, MonthNumber will supersede MonthlyInterval.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

When creating a yearly or monthly scheduled time event based on the MonthNumber or MonthlyInterval parameters, the DayOfMonth parameter is used to indicate the day of the month when the event is triggered. Valid parameter values are 1 through 31. For instance a value of "2" would indicate the second day of the month.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

When creating a monthly scheduled time event, the MonthlyInterval parameter indicates how many months are in-between each firing of the event. For example: A value of 1 indicates that the event will occur every month. A value of 2 indicates that the event will occur every two months (or every other month). A value of 3 indicates that the event will occur every three months.(If MonthNumber and MonthlyInterval are both used in the parameter set, MonthNumber will supersede MonthlyInterval.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

When creating a monthly scheduled time event, this parameter signifies the number of the week in a month when the event will occur. For instance, the first week in the month would be "1" and the forth week in the month would be "4".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The ID of the monitor that will trigger the event. This parameter is used to specify an instance of a specific monitor. The monitor ID is included in the MonitorData object (ID field), which can be obtained from Get-DcsMonitor. See the example 5 for more information.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The state that will trigger the Monitor based event. Possible values in order from lowest to highest: "Healthy", "Attention", "Warning" , and "Critical". This parameter works in conjunction with the comparison operator.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Monitor Comparison values are as follows: ">", ">=", "=", "<", and "<=".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The Type ID of the template used in the Monitor based trigger. This parameter is used to specify a selection of all instances of a monitor type. The template type ID is included in the MonitorDataTemplate object (TypeID field) and can be obtained from Get-DcsMonitorTemplate. See the example 6 for more information.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The FilterType parameter is used to indicate what aspect of the log messages will be used to trigger the event. Potential values are: "Source", "SourceType", "MessageText", and "LogLevel". If creating multiple filters, the number of values for FilterType, FilterValue, and FilterComparison parameters must be equal and in an associated order.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The filter value that the LogMessage based trigger must contain to trigger the event. For a filter type of "Source", possible values include a string containing the name of a SAN resource. For a filter type of "SourceType", possible values include: "General", "Disk pools", "Mirrors", "Monitors", "Paths", "Physical disks", "Ports", "Replications", "Rollbacks", "Security", "Snapshots", "Hosts", "DataCore Servers", "Tasks", "Virtual disk sources", "Virtual disks", "Support", or "PerfStorage". For a filter type of "MessageText", possible values include a string from the message text field. For a filter type of "LogLevel", possible values include "Trace", "Info", "Warning", or "Error". If creating multiple filters, the number of values for FilterType, FilterValue, and FilterComparison parameters must be equal and in an associated order.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The filter comparison value is used to compare the FilterValue to see whether the criteria have been met. Possible values are: "Contains", "DoesNotContain", "IsEqualTo", and "IsNotEqualTo". If creating multiple filters, the number of values for FilterType, FilterValue, and FilterComparison parameters must be equal and in an associated order.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Indicates whether all Filters must be met when creating a log based event trigger.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name or ID of the virtual disk that will receive the replication checkpoint marker.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.


TaskTriggerData : Object that identifies and describes the task trigger.


Also see Get-DcsTask, Get-DcsTrigger, Remove-DcsTrigger, Add-DcsTask, Get-DcsMonitor, Get-DcsMonitorTemplate.


-------------- Example 1 Adds an hourly trigger --------------

Add-DcsTrigger -Task MyHourlyTask -Interval 01:00:00  -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "07/28/2011 11:00:00 PM"

Creates a trigger for the task named "MyHourlyTask", starting at 11 PM on July 27, 2011 (see caption). The trigger will occur every hour. No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.

Interval : 36000000000
Recurrence : TimeInterval
SignalDuration : 0
StartTime : 7/29/2011 3:00:00 AM
TaskId : c122c331-f334-437f-a176-db9d3053ab4f
Type : ScheduledTrigger
Description :
Id : a9125ed8-514c-48e8-9521-2dbb3c7d4f19
Caption : Every 01:00:00, starting on 7/28/2011 11:00:00 PM
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Adds a trigger that will occur every three days --------------

Add-DcsTrigger -Task MyTask -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "10/18/11 11:45:00 AM" -DayInterval 3

Creates a trigger for the task named "MyTask", starting at 11:45 AM on October 18, 2011. The trigger will occur every three days. No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.

Weekdays : False
DailyInterval : 3
Recurrence : Daily
SignalDuration : 0
StartTime : 10/18/2011 3:45:00 PM
TaskId : 0049e781-b588-4019-b43d-3f88925dbbd4
Type : ScheduledTrigger
Description :
Id : f377926e-3361-44e4-9fe9-0882af0f6140
Caption : Every 3 days at 11:45:00, starting on 10/18/2011 11:45:00 AM
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Adds a trigger to run specific days of every week --------------

Add-DcsTrigger -Task MyTask -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "10/18/11 1:00:00 PM" -WeekDays "Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday" -WeekInterval 1

Creates a trigger for the task named "MyTask", starting at 1:00 PM on October 18, 2011. The trigger will occur Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of every week. No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.

WeeklyInterval : 1
WeekdaySelection : Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Recurrence : Weekly
SignalDuration : 0
StartTime : 10/18/2011 5:00:00 PM
TaskId : 0049e781-b588-4019-b43d-3f88925dbbd4
Type : ScheduledTrigger
Description :
Id : 8de47e2d-0cb5-4a1c-a1b8-016c9883218e
Caption : Once every 1 week at 13:00:00 starting on 10/18/2011 1:00:00 PM, on these days only: Mon Wed Fri
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Adds a trigger for a replication checkpoint received --------------

Add-DcsTrigger -Task MyTask -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 2"

Creates a replication checkpoint trigger for the task named "MyTask". The trigger will occur when the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 2" receives a checkpoint marker.

VirtualDiskDataId : 396397105a7a4094949f33adce4c2fb1
TaskId : 0049e781-b588-4019-b43d-3f88925dbbd4
Type : CheckpointTrigger
Description :
Id : dca2bad428f3428cabf36acca28dda7a
Caption : Checkpoint Marker for Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 5 Adds a trigger using the Monitor ID for a specific monitor instance --------------

$Monitor = Get-DcsMonitor -Object (Get-DcsClient -Client "HostVM1")

Add-DcsTrigger -Task MonitorStateChange -MonitorId $Monitor.Id -MonitorState Healthy -Comparison ">"

This example creates a trigger to monitor a specific host client for any state other than Healthy. The cmdlet Get-DcsMonitor is invoked to retrieve the MonitorData object for the host client named "HostVM1". The object is stored in the variable $Monitor. The cmdlet Add-DcsTrigger is invoked to add a trigger to the task "MonitorStateChange". The monitor ID is identified by supplying the variable $Monitor.Id (where the Id is stored). The trigger will monitor for all state greater than "Healthy", which include Attention, Warning and Critical states.

MonitoredObjectId : ClientMachineStateMonitor<8cdaebf4085b4a7fb3d53b0647cbf95e>
MonitorTemplateTypeId :
MonitorThreshold : Healthy
TriggerStateOperator : Greater
TaskId : 2aba4b9b-e48b-4ef5-9926-8984e05823c2
Type : MonitorTrigger
Description :
Active : False
SequenceNumber : 11463
Id : a5b46206-1a16-4070-8c75-fe27c2c9d7a8
Caption : State of HostVM1 > Healthy
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 6 Adds a trigger using the Template ID to specify all monitor instances for a certain type --------------

Add-DcsTrigger -Task MonitorHosts -TemplateTypeId "T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine>)" -MonitorState Healthy -Comparison ">"

Creates a monitor trigger for the task named "MonitorHosts" by providing the template type ID "T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine>)" to specify all monitor instances of that type. The trigger will occur when the monitor is greater than Healthy, which includes the states Attention, Warning and Critical. The template type ID was found by invoking Get-DcsMonitorTemplate and providing the correct type ID from the returned templates.

MonitoredObjectId :
MonitorTemplateTypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine>)
MonitorThreshold : Healthy
TriggerStateOperator : Greater
TaskId : 827fec88-94cd-487d-a2d4-e3354d968f55
Type : MonitorTrigger
Description :
Id : c7e52761-2891-432f-bac7-64429259c7c9
Caption : State of Hosts > Healthy
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 7 Adds a log message trigger with two filters. --------------

$Tasks = Get-DcsTask

$tasks | Add-DcsTrigger -FilterType "SourceType","LogLevel" -FilterValue "Disk pools","Warning" -FilterComparison "IsEqualTo","IsEqualTo" -RequireAll $true

The cmdlet Get-DcsTask is invoked to get all TaskData objects and stored in the variable $Tasks. (In this case, there is one task created.) The variable $Tasks is piped to cmdlet Add-DcsTrigger and the cmdlet is invoked to add a single trigger with two filters to the existing task "Task1". The first filter will be satisfied when a log message is received for any disk pool; the filter type is "SourceType", filter value is "Disk pools", and filter comparison is "IsEqualTo". The second filter will be satisfied when a log message is received for a log message at the warning level; filter type is "LogLevel", filter value is "Warning", and filter comparison is "IsEqualTo". The RequireAll parameter is set to true, which means that both filters must be satisfied, so the trigger will fire when a message is received for a disk pool that is at the warning level.

MessageFilters : {Source type = Disk pools, Log level = Warning}
Connective : LogicalAnd
TaskId : 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3
Type : MessageTrigger
Description :
SequenceNumber : 36931
Id : d757d6ea-4569-43f2-8285-4ec5d13d447d
Caption : Log messages matching [Source type = Disk pools] AND [Log level = Warning]
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 8 Adds a one time scheduled trigger --------------

Add-DcsTrigger -Task "Task 1" -Interval 00:00:00 -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "06/18/2012 15:30:00 PM"

Creates a trigger for the task named "Task 1" that occurs once (because the interval is set to zero) that occurs at 3:30 PM on June 18, 2012 (see caption). No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.

Recurrence : OneTime
SignalDuration : 0
StartTime : 6/18/2012 7:30:00 PM
TaskId : 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3
Type : ScheduledTrigger
Description :
SequenceNumber : 26431
Id : e5953632-56c8-4ff1-bdda-746141cb6031
Caption : At 3:30 PM on 6/18/2012
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 9 Adds a daily weekday trigger --------------

Add-DcsTrigger -Task "Task 1" -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "06/18/2012 15:30:00 PM" -WeekInterval 1 -WeekDays "Weekdays"

Creates a daily weekday trigger for the task named "Task 1", starting at 3:30 PM on June 18, 2012 (see caption). No signal duration is set. The WeekInterval is set to "1" and the WeekDays parameter is set to "Weekdays" so the trigger will occur every week Monday through Friday. No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.

Weekdays : True
DailyInterval : 1
Recurrence : Daily
SignalDuration : 0
StartTime : 6/18/2012 7:30:00 PM
TaskId : 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3
Type : ScheduledTrigger
Description :
SequenceNumber : 26474
Id : 6672488b-bf18-4774-a06a-e877a9bd6e24
Caption : Every weekday at 3:30 PM starting on 6/18/2012
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 10 Adds a monthly trigger on a specified day of the month --------------

Add-DcsTrigger -Task "Task 1" -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "06/18/2012 14:00:00 PM" -MonthlyInterval 1 -DayOfMonth "15"

Creates a trigger for the task named "Task 1". The MonthlyInterval parameter is set to "1" and the DayOfMonth parameter is set to "15" so the trigger occurs every month on the 15th day of the month. The trigger starts at 2PM on June 18, 2012 (see caption). No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.

MonthlyByDateFlag : True
MonthIntervalByDayNumber : 1
DayNumberInMonth : 15
DayOfWeekInMonthlyByWeek : Sunday
WeekNumInMonthlyByWeek : 0
MonthIntervalByWeek : 0
Recurrence : Monthly
SignalDuration : 0
StartTime : 6/18/2012 6:00:00 PM
TaskId : 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3
Type : ScheduledTrigger
Description :
SequenceNumber : 26504
Id : 300729ca-e219-4e24-aea6-d6701504224a
Caption : On the 15th day of every month at 2:00 PM starting on 6/18/2012
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 11 Adds a yearly trigger for a specific month and day --------------

Add-DcsTrigger -Task "Task 1" -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "06/18/2012 20:00:00 PM" -MonthNumber 1 -DayOfMonth "15" -MonthInterval 12

Creates a trigger for the task named "Task 1". The MonthNumber is set to "1", the DayOfMonth is set to "15", and the MonthInterval is set to "12" or every 12 months, so the trigger occurs yearly every January 15th. The trigger starts at 2PM on June 18, 2012 (see caption). No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.

YearlyByDateFlag : True
YearlyByDateMonth : 1
YearlyByDateDay : 15
YearlyWeek : 0
YearlyDayOfWeek : Sunday
YearlyMonth : 0
Recurrence : Yearly
SignalDuration : 0
StartTime : 6/19/2012 12:00:00 AM
TaskId : 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3
Type : ScheduledTrigger
Description :
SequenceNumber : 26728
Id : 17348b39-67f7-4f65-a313-aa6d9b812ce8
Caption : Every year on the 15th day of January at 8:00 PM starting on 6/18/2012
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Registers a user in order to access the software.


Add-DcsUser   -Name <String>   [ -Email <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Registers a user in order to access the software. After the user is registered, add roles to assign privilege level, see Add-DcsUserRole.


Name of the user to register. Operating system credentials are used to authenticate users. User names must match Windows user accounts and must reside on all servers in the local server group. Credentials can be domain-wide or local (workgroup). If credentials are domain-wide, include the domain with the name for example: DOMAIN\user name.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Email address of the user. The address may used to send email notifications in other cmdlets.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the user.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.


Also see Add-DcsUserRole, Get-DcsUserRole, Get-DcsUser, Remove-DcsUser


-------------- Example 1 Registers a user with description and email address --------------

Add-DcsUser -Name "Jane Doe" -Email -Description "Storage Administrator"

Registers the user named "Jane Doe" with an email address of "" and a description of this user "Storage Administrator".

Name : Jane Doe
Description : Storage Administrator
EmailAddress :
BlendedPrivileges :
IsAdministrator : False
RoleIds : {}
Id : 08538d5d-2b16-4dc2-a948-810adbcdfedc
Caption : Jane Doe
ExtendedCaption : Jane Doe
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Assigns ownership of a virtual disk to a user.


Add-DcsUserOwnership   -User <Object>   -Object <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Assigns ownership of a virtual disk to a user. Ownership of a virtual disk grants the user authorization to perform operations on the virtual disk.


UserData object or ID that identifies the user. The object and ID can be obtained from Get-DcsUser.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The VirtualDiskData object or ID the identifies the virtual disk in the configuration. The object or ID can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes a virtual disk.


OwnershipData : Object that identifies and describes an ownership relationship between a user and a virtual disk.


Also see Get-DcsUserOwnership, Remove-DcsUserOwnership, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsUser.


-------------- Example 1 Assigns ownership using objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" | Add-DcsUserOwnership -User (Get-DcsUser -User "JSchmoe")

This example assigns ownership of "Virtual disk 1" to the user named "JSchmoe". The value for the parameter Object is obtained from the Get-DcsVirtualDisk cmdlet with the name of the virtual disk. The VirtualDiskData object is piped to the Add-DcsUserOwnership cmdlet. The value for the parameter User is obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsUser to get the UserData object for the user named "Schmoe" The OwnershipData object is returned.

UserId : 39cb3daf-5d18-42ba-a3a9-13e5c3782c8a
IdentifiableId : a354eee825cb408a9a4858323d301ae3
SequenceNumber : 4102
Id : 9f9332a1-675c-4786-b570-f953bd45dbe9
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Assigns ownership using IDs. --------------

Add-DcsUserOwnership -User (Get-DcsUser -User "JSchmoe").Id -Object (Get-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 2").Id

This example assigns ownership of "Virtual disk 2" to the user named "JSchmoe".
The ID value for the parameter User is obtained from the UserData object returned from the cmdlet Get-DcsUser for the user named "Schmoe" The ID value for the parameter Object is obtained from the VirtualDiskData object returned from the Get-DcsVirtualDisk cmdlet for "Virtual disk 2". The OwnershipData object is returned.
UserId : 39cb3daf-5d18-42ba-a3a9-13e5c3782c8a
IdentifiableId : 704da63e20ad4eaaa9e4701bb7bc5fbc
SequenceNumber : 4104
Id : 97404981-9e0d-48bd-8ed8-5994f753125e
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds a role to a user in order to assign the privilege level.


Add-DcsUserRole   -User <Object>   -Role <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a role to a user in order to assign the privilege level.


UserData object, user name, or ID that identifies the user.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies the role to assign to the user. Possible roles include the predefined roles "Full Privileges", "View", and "VVol Managers", as well as any custom role. User roles can be obtained with Get-DcsUserRole.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.


UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.


Also see related cmdlets: Get-DcsUser, Get-DcsUserRole, Remove-DcsUserRole, Add-DcsRole.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a role to an existing user --------------

Add-DcsUserRole -User "Jane Doe" -Role "Full Privileges"

Adds the "Full Privileges" predefined role to the previously registered user named "Jane Doe".

Name : Jane Doe
Description : Storage Administrator
EmailAddress :
BlendedPrivileges : All
IsAdministrator : False
RoleIds : {{DAD4B92D-BFC8-4628-A313-51D8B2F57083}}
SequenceNumber : 5799
Id : 34383bd0-487b-4d89-8d45-7ca68ae43f30
Caption : Jane Doe
ExtendedCaption : Jane Doe
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds a VMware vCenter configuration to the server group configuration. VMware hosts and virtual machines in the vCenter are added as hosts.


Add-DcsvCenter   -Address <String>   [ -Username <String> ]   [ -Password <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsvCenter   -Address <String>   [ -Credential <PSCredential> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a VMware vCenter configuration to the server group configuration. VMware hosts and virtual machines in the vCenter are added as hosts.


Computer name or IP address of the vCenter to be added.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

User name of the account used to connect to the vCenter.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Login password of the account used to connect to the vCenter.

Required: false
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The PSCredential object containing user name and password for the vCenter. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential, see Example 2. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



VimVirtualCenterData : Object that identifies and describes the vCenter.


Also see Get-DcsvCenter, Add-DcsvCenterDataStore, Set-DcsvCenterProperties, Remove-DcsvCenter, Set-DcsvCenterMultipathPolicy, Set-DcsHypervisorHost.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a vCenter using username and password --------------

Add-DcsvCenter -Address esxvc55 -Username administrator -Password vmvcenterpw

Adds the vCenter with the name "esxvc55" to the configuration. The username and password of the vCenter login are "administrator" and "vmvcenterpw".

ServerAddress : esxvc55
Username : administrator
Description :
FullName : VMware vCenter Server 5.5.0 build-1099559
ProductBuild : 1099559
Version : 5.5
State : WaitingForFirstUpdate
SequenceNumber : 23793
Id : 0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE
Caption : esxvc55
ExtendedCaption : esxvc55
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Adds a vCenter by passing the PSCredential object --------------

$vCtrCred = Get-Credential

Add-DcsvCenter -Address esxvc55 -Credential $vCtrCred

The Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential is invoked to collect the credentials for the vCenter. When Get-Credential is invoked a dialog box opens and the user name and password can be entered in a secure manner. The credentials are saved to the variable $vCtrCred.

cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:

To Table of Contents




Adds a VMFS datastore on a virtual disk that is served to a VMware host or virtual machine.


Add-DcsvCenterDataStore   -VimClient <Object>   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a VMFS datastore on a virtual disk that is served to a VMware host or virtual machine. The datastore will span the entire virtual disk.


VimclientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies the ESX host or virtual machine. (The VimClientHostData object is a type of ClientHostData and can be retrieved from invoking Get-DcsClient.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.



Also see Get-DcsvCenter, Add-DcsvCenterDataStore, Set-DcsvCenterProperties, Remove-DcsvCenter, Set-DcsvCenterMultipathPolicy


-------------- Example 1 Adds a datastore to a specific virtual disk served to a VMware Host --------------

Add-DcsvCenterDataStore -VimClient (Get-DcsClient -Client -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

The cmdlet Add-DcsvCenterDataStore is invoked and the object used for the parameter VimClient is retrieved by invoking Get-DcsClient for the VMware Host named "". The value of the parameter VirtualDisk is the name "Virtual disk 1".

To Table of Contents




Creates a virtual disk.


Add-DcsVirtualDisk   [ -Name <String> ]   -Size <DataSize>   [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ]   [ -Count <Int32> ]   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <String>   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsVirtualDisk   [ -Name <String> ]   -Size <DataSize>   [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ]   -LogicalDisk <Object>   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsVirtualDisk   [ -Name <String> ]   -Size <DataSize>   [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ]   [ -Count <Int32> ]   [ -FirstServer <String> ]   [ -SecondServer <String> ]   [ -FirstPool <String> ]   [ -SecondPool <String> ]   [ -FirstPassThroughDisk <String> ]   [ -SecondPassThroughDisk <String> ]   [ -EnableRedundancy]   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsVirtualDisk   [ -Name <String> ]   -Size <DataSize>   [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ]   -FirstLogicalDisk <Object>   -SecondLogicalDisk <Object>   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsVirtualDisk   [ -Name <String> ]   -Size <DataSize>   [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ]   [ -Count <Int32> ]   [ -FirstServer <String> ]   [ -SecondServer <String> ]   [ -SharedPool <String> ]   [ -ApproveSMPA]   [ -SharedDisk <String> ]   [ -EnableRedundancy]   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsVirtualDisk   [ -Name <String> ]   -PassThroughDisk <String>   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a virtual disk. Multiple virtual disks can be created if all storage sources are from pools. All virtual disks will be created using the same parameters. If using a pass-through or logical disk as a storage source, then one virtual disk can be created. Virtual disks can be single, dual, or mirrored. After virtual disks are created, virtual disks can be served to clients, see Serve-DcsVirtualDisk. Properties can be customized, see Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties, Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize.


Name of the virtual disk to create. If specified and multiple virtual disks will be created, the virtual disks created will begin with the designated name and have a number appended to the end of the name. Subsequent names will have the number incremented.If not specified a default name will be assigned. The default name will consist of "Virtual disk" with the next available number assigned. For instance, if no other virtual disks have default names assigned, the virtual disk will be named "Virtual disk 1". If creating multiple virtual disks, subsequent virtual disks created will be named "virtual disk 2" and so on.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The size of the virtual disk to create. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a miniumum of 1GB to a maximum of 1024TB.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The sector size of the virtual disk. Valid values are "512", "512B", "4096", or "4KB". If the unit is not included, it is assumed to represent the number of bytes in the sector. If this parameter is not specified, the default of 512 bytes will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The number of virtual disks to create when storage sources are from pools. If not specified, one virtual disk will be created. Multiple virtual disks will be created with the same specifications indicated in the Cmdlet parameters. Multiple virtual disks cannot be created using pass-through disks or logical disks.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server used to create a single virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the storage source of a single virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the pool is not specified, the pool with the largest amount of available space on the specified server will be used.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to assign exclusive ownership to the user account currently logged in. This restricts all operations on the virtual disks being created to only the authenticated user for the current PowerShell session.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

LogicalDiskData object or ID of the logical disk used as the storage source of a single virtual disk. The LogicalDiskData object can be retrieved by invoking Get-DcsLogicalDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server with the first storage source (FirstPassThroughDisk or FirstDiskPool parameters) used in a mirrored or dual virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server with the second storage source (SecondPassThroughDisk or SecondDiskPool parameters) used in a mirrored or dual virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the first storage source of a mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the second storage source of a mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The disk name or ID of the pass-through disk used as the first storage source of a mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. Data on the specified first pass-through disk will be mirrored to the second storage source (SecondDiskPool or SecondPassThroughDisk parameters).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The disk name or ID of the pass-through disk used as the second storage source of a mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. IMPORTANT: The data on the specified second pass-through disk will be overwritten and replaced with the data from the first storage source (FirstDiskPool or FirstPassThroughDisk parameters).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to create redundant mirror paths between servers. Redundant mirror paths provide two mirror paths going in each direction between servers. Redundant paths can be either iSCSI or Fibre Channel. Each server is required to have two FC or two iSCSI ports with the mirror role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

LogicalDiskData object or ID of the logical disk used as the first storage source of a mirrored or dual virtual disk. Data on the specified first logical disk will be mirrored to the second logical disk. The LogicalDiskData object can be retrieved by invoking Get-DcsLogicalDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

LogicalDiskData object or ID of the logical disk used as the second storage source of a mirrored or dual virtual disk. IMPORTANT: The data on the specified second logical disk will be overwritten and replaced with the data from the first logical disk. The LogicalDiskData object can be retrieved by invoking Get-DcsLogicalDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies a shared disk pool to use when creating a dual virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to acknowledge that all disks in the shared pool are qualified shared multi-port array disks. The shared pool must be SMPA approved in order to create dual virtual disks.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies a shared physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The disk name or ID of the pass-through disk used as the storage source of a non-mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


LogicalDiskData : Object the identifies and describes the logical disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk. One object is returned for each virtual disk created.


Also see Get-DcsLogicalDisk, Add-DcsLogicalDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties, Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize, Serve-DcsVirtualDisk, Enable-DcsDataProtection, Enable-DcsSequentialStorage, Add-DcsSnapshot, Add-DcsReplication, Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Creates a single virtual disk --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Name VDisk1 -Size 100GB -Server SSV1 -Pool SSV1Pool3

Creates a single virtual disk named "VDisk1" with a size of 100 GB. The source is from the pool named "SSV1Pool3" on the server named "SSV1". The sector size was not specified so the default of 512 bytes will be used.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : VDisk1
Description :
Size : 100.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90BACB6807A841CFAA0E0AE367
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 39ddeb4ad1c94197bd805c58a113a112
Caption : VDisk1
ExtendedCaption : VDisk1 from LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Creates a mirrored virtual disk --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Name VDisk2 -Size "500 GB" -SectorSize 4096 FirstServer SSV1 -SecondServer SSV2 -FirstPool SSV1Pool1 -SecondPool SSV2Pool3

Creates a 500 GB mirrored virtual disk named "Vdisk2". The first storage source is the pool named "SSV1Pool1" on the server named "SSV1", and the second storage source is the pool named "SSV2Pool3" on the server named "SSV2". The sector size is 4096 bytes (4 KB).

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699
SecondHostId : FD622C7A-1065-4F2B-97E5-11813DA5AAF5
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : VDisk2
Description :
Size : 500.00 GB
SectorSize : 4 KB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90BACB6807A841CFAA0E0AE367
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : ba12f1d9e84b44708d7eab01f3572b5d
Caption : VDisk2
ExtendedCaption : VDisk2 from LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Creates a mirrored virtual disk using two logical disks --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Name "VD99FTL" -FirstLogicalDisk (Add-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1") -SecondLogicalDisk (Add-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV2 -Pool "Disk pool 2")

Creates a 1 PB (default size) mirrored virtual disk named "VD99FTL". In this case, the first and second logical disks were both created by invoking the Add-DcsLogicalDisk cmdlet within the Add-DcsVirtualDisk operation (although existing logical disks could also be used).

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : F5381494-7319-4F56-8890-01705D0F5227
SecondHostId : AA4A7D96-81A9-4BB2-AFD6-B96B29599ECE
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : VD99FTL
Description :
Size : 1.00 PB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90BACB6807A841CFAA0E0AE367
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Low
IsServed : False
Id : f7dd03cbf4164a248b4637e1d1f6d823
Caption : VD99FTL
ExtendedCaption : VD99FTL from Server Group LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Creates a dual virtual disk from a shared passthrough disk. --------------

$sharedpassthru = Get-DcsSharedPhysicalDisk -Server SSV1 -PhysicalDisk "SSV1-WDC50-D1"

Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Size 50GB -FirstServer SSV1 -SecondServer SSV2 -SharedDisk $sharedpassthru

The cmdlet Get-DcsSharedPhysicalDisk is invoked to return the SharedPhysicalDiskData object for the shared physical disk named "SSV1-WDC50-D1" on the server named "SSV1". The object is stored in the variable "$sharedpassthru". The cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to create a 50GB dual virtual disk on servers named "SSV1" and "SSV2" by passing the variable "$sharedpassthru" to the parameter SharedDisk. The virtual disk is assigned a default name because the Name parameter is not specified.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81
SecondHostId : 8CE05A9F-D367-4BDE-BCE6-67909F6F7F6A
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : Dual
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90C43B6201DEFA3B4D046FD665
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 61725
Id : c403478e65a24e01b389100a375a5346
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Group LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 5 Creates a dual virtual disk from a shared logical disk --------------

$ldiskSSVVM5 = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSVVM5 | where {$_.Virtualized -eq $False}

$ldiskSSVVM6 = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSVVM6 | where {$_.MappingName -eq $ldiskSSVVM5.MappingName}

Add-DcsVirtualDisk -FirstLogicalDisk $ldiskSSVVM5.Id -SecondLogicalDisk $ldiskSSVVM6.Id -Size 50GB

The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to get a logical disk which is not virtualized from the server SSVVM5. The object is stored in the variable $ldiskSSVVM5. Next, the cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked again to get the same logical disk on server SSVVM6. In order to ensure it is the same logical disk on both servers, the MappingName must be the same. The object is stored in the variable $ldiskSSVVM6. Lastly, the cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked with the FirstLogicalDisk being the Id stored in variable $ldiskSSVVM5 and the SecondLogicalDisk being the Id stored in variable $ldiskSSVVM6. The dual virtual disk is created with a size of 50GB and the VirtualDiskData object is returned.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 5583AA5D-EF6B-4A3C-8442-9E079EEE7D99
SecondHostId : 68BEE1CB-0751-4D88-B1C6-3853FDEAA800
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : Dual
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90929BEA01FEBB51CFF8941E98
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 10825
Id : da19f10e1ab94110893ef1e6dd5965a7
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group2
Internal : False

-------------- Example 6 Creates a dual virtual disk from a shared disk pool --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Size 40GB -FirstServer SSVVM5 -SecondServer SSVVM6 -SharedPool "Shared disk pool 1" -ApproveSMPA

The cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked with the first server being SSVVM5 and the second server being SSVVM6. The shared pool "Shared disk pool 1" is specified as the storage source. The shared pool is acknowledged to be SMPA approved. A dual virtual disk with a size of 40GB is created and the VirtualDiskData object is returned.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 5583AA5D-EF6B-4A3C-8442-9E079EEE7D99
SecondHostId : 68BEE1CB-0751-4D88-B1C6-3853FDEAA800
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 40.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : Dual
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90C06405024F56BD5EB96751EA
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 11195
Id : 99a72f0b7f5b4295afdbf61d65bf5cb9
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Group2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a virtual disk from a virtual disk template.


Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromTemplate   -VirtualDiskTemplate <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Size <DataSize> ]   [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ]   [ -Count <UInt32> ]   [ -AssignToCurrentUser]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a virtual disk from a virtual disk template. Some parameters are provided which can override settings in the specified template. (See Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate to create a template. )


VirtualDiskTemplateData object, ID, or name that describes the template to use when creating the virtual disks.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the virtual disk to create. If specified and multiple virtual disks will be created, the names will have a number appended to the end to make them unique. The number will begin with the first available number and will be incremented by one, provided that the name is available. Numbers will be skipped if they already exist. For instance, if the alias is "VVOLMR" and these names are available, virtual disks will be named "VVOLMR 1", "VVOLMR 2" and so on.If this parameter is not specified, the virtual disk alias, supplied when the template was created, will be used as the root of the name.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the new virtual disks.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The size of the virtual disk to create. If specified, this parameter will override the virtual disk size set in the template. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a miniumum of 1GB to a maximum of 1024TB.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The sector size of the virtual disk. If specified, this parameter will override the sector size set in the template. Valid values are "512", "512B", "4096", or "4KB". Values "512" and "4096" are the number of bytes.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The number of virtual disks to create. If not specified, one virtual disk will be created.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to assign exclusive ownership to the user account currently logged in. This restricts all operations on the virtual disks being created to only the authenticated user for the current PowerShell session.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk. One object is returned for each virtual disk created.


Also see Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk, which creates a virtual disk using the properties of another virtual disk.


-------------- Example 1 Creates two virtual disks from a specified template. --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromTemplate -VirtualDiskTemplate "MR_100" -SectorSize 4KB -AssignToCurrentUser Count 2

The cmdlet is invoked to create two virtual disks from the template named "MR_100 with the specified sector size of 4KB and assign both virtual disks to the logged in user performing the operation. The parameter SectorSize was included to override the setting in the template.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : AF7412B4-5320-4FEC-98E4-E90ED9C9BF6B
SecondHostId : 692CED43-5AE3-4CEA-87E7-7D9B4E77F180
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : MR_100_
Description : Creates mirrored virtual disk 100 GB
Size : 100 GB
SectorSize : 4 KB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Offline
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS f4d633ec8c754689a135ac9ad1327211
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D9067323B07586CCE3DC06BED8E
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
TPThresholdsEnabled : False
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : True
SequenceNumber : 640889
Id : f4d633ec8c754689a135ac9ad1327211
Caption : MR_100_
ExtendedCaption : MR_100_ from Server Group 1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : AF7412B4-5320-4FEC-98E4-E90ED9C9BF6B
SecondHostId : 692CED43-5AE3-4CEA-87E7-7D9B4E77F180
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : MR_100_1
Description : Creates mirrored virtual disk 100 GB
Size : 100 GB
SectorSize : 4 KB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Offline
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 9df40c31b39e4a65bbadc86725b25ee6
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D9032333B078DF1AC38A4E7119E
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
TPThresholdsEnabled : False
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : True
SequenceNumber : 640890
Id : 9df40c31b39e4a65bbadc86725b25ee6
Caption : MR_100_1
ExtendedCaption : MR_100_1 from Server Group 1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a new virtual disk with the same properties and settings as an existing virtual disk.


Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Count <Int32> ]   [ -AutoCreate]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Count <Int32> ]   [ -CopyMappings]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a new virtual disk with the same properties and settings as an existing virtual disk. The existing virtual disk will be used as a "model" to create the new virtual disk. The new virtual disk will be created from the same storage sources. If optional parameters are not included, one virtual disk will be created with a default name and mirror paths will be auto-selected by the software.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk to use as a model.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the virtual disk to create. If specified and multiple virtual disks will be created, the virtual disks created will begin with the designated name and have a number appended to the end of the name. Subsequent names will have the number incremented.If not specified a default name will be assigned. The default name will consist of "Virtual disk" with the next available number assigned. For instance, if no other virtual disks have default names assigned, the virtual disk will be named "Virtual disk 1". If creating multiple virtual disks, subsequent virtual disks created will be named "virtual disk 2" and so on.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the new virtual disk.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The number of virtual disks to create when storage sources are from pools. If not specified, one virtual disk will be created.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to allow the software to auto-select mirror paths. Auto-selection of mirror paths is also the default behavior if neither AutoCreate or CopyMappings parameters are included in the command.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to specify that mirror paths should be identical to the virtual disk that is used as a model.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk. One object is returned for each virtual disk created.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Creates one virtual disk with only the existing virtual disk specified. --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

The existing virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" is used as a model to create a new virtual disk with the same properties and settings as "Virtual disk 1". No optional parameters are supplied in the command, so one virtual disk is created with a default name and mirror paths are auto-selected.

VVirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 09440587-2E02-4BAA-8CC5-162B1DF66BE8
SecondHostId : 60858B8A-928F-4CF0-9FBA-A62DC4C120C7
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 5
Description :
Size : 5 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS c093a0025cbf4ee28d0a64a131136618
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90B64BE60659BEAF27834D369C
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 5358
Id : c093a0025cbf4ee28d0a64a131136618
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 from LocalGroup1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Creates multiple virtual disks with identical mirror paths --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Name "BillingQ3" -Description "Account Billing for Q3" -Count 2 -CopyMappings

The existing "Virtual disk 1" is used as a model to create 3 new virtual disks. The new virtual disks will have the same properties and settings as "Virtual disk 1". The names for the new virtual disks will have a root of "BillingQ3". The description for those virtual disks will be "Account Billing for Q3". The parameter CopyMappings is included in the command to specify that the mirror paths should be identical to the paths used for "Virtual disk 1".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 09440587-2E02-4BAA-8CC5-162B1DF66BE8
SecondHostId : 60858B8A-928F-4CF0-9FBA-A62DC4C120C7
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : BillingQ3
Description : Account Billing for Q3
Size : 5 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 02da20543e2b45e7ac9eb228c4adc404
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90E3542C07DABD4C1BC61174B4
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 6121
Id : 02da20543e2b45e7ac9eb228c4adc404
Caption : BillingQ3
ExtendedCaption : BillingQ3 from LocalGroup1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 09440587-2E02-4BAA-8CC5-162B1DF66BE8
SecondHostId : 60858B8A-928F-4CF0-9FBA-A62DC4C120C7
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : BillingQ 4
Description : Account Billing for Q3
Size : 5 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS e4b624874b5d4b42921866ac22bb5c7c
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D9065572C0760BD8AECC71CFC58
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 6216
Id : e4b624874b5d4b42921866ac22bb5c7c
Caption : BillingQ 4
ExtendedCaption : BillingQ 4 from LocalGroup1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a virtual disk group.


Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup   -Name <String>   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a virtual disk group.


Name of the virtual disk group.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the virtual disk group.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


string : The name of the virtual disk group.


VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk group.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskfromGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Set-DcsVirtualDiskGroupProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Creates a virtual disk group. --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup -Name "VD Group FTL" -Description "Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale" -Connection SSVVM1Connect

Creates a group named "VD Group FTL" with a description of "Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale" for the server group of the connection named "SSVVM1Connect".

Alias : VD Group FTL
Description : Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale
Id : {ef015296-0fa8-4bec-80a9-e312547c94a9}
Caption : VD Group FTL
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds a mirror to a virtual disk.


Add-DcsVirtualDiskMirror   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Pool <String>   [ -EnableRedundancy]   [ -SourceLogicalDisk <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsVirtualDiskMirror   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -PassThroughDisk <String> ]   [ -EnableRedundancy]   [ -SourceLogicalDisk <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsVirtualDiskMirror   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -EnableRedundancy]   -LogicalDisk <String>   [ -SourceLogicalDisk <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a mirror to a virtual disk. The storage source of the mirror to add can be a pool, pass-through disk, or an existing logical disk. A mirror may be added to a single or mirrored virtual disk.


Computer name or ID of the server that will be adding a mirror to the virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the single virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the storage source of the mirror. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to create redundant mirror paths between servers. Redundant mirror paths provide two mirror paths going in each direction between servers. Redundant paths can be either iSCSI or Fibre Channel. Each server is required to have two FC or two iSCSI ports with the mirror role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The disk name or ID of the pass-through disk used as the storage source of the mirror. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. Note: The data on the virtual disk will be copied to the pass-through disk.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ID or caption of the logical disk used as the storage source of a single virtual disk. Information for the logical disk can be retrieved by invoking Get-DcsLogicalDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Split-DcsVirtualDisk, Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties, Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a mirror to a single virtual disk --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDiskMirror -Server SSV2 -VirtualDisk VDisk1 -Pool SSV2Pool3 -EnableRedundancy -Connection SSV1Connect

Adds a mirror to the existing single virtual disk named "VDisk1". The mirror will be created from the pool named "SSV2Pool3" on the server named "SSV2". The connection to use is SSV1Connect.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699
SecondHostId : FD622C7A-1065-4F2B-97E5-11813DA5AAF5
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : VDisk1
Description :
Size : 100.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 39ddeb4ad1c94197bd805c58a113a112
Caption : VDisk1
ExtendedCaption : VDisk1 from LOCAL
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a template that can be used to create virtual disks.


Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate   -Name <String>   -FirstPool <String>   [ -FirstServer <String> ]   [ -SecondPool <String> ]   [ -SecondServer <String> ]   -VirtualDiskSize <DataSize>   [ -VirtualDiskSectorSize <DataSize> ]   -VirtualDiskAlias <String>   [ -SnapshotServer <String> ]   [ -SnapshotPool <String> ]   [ -ContinuousDataProtectionServer <String> ]   [ -ContinuousDataProtectionPool <String> ]   [ -ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize <DataSize> ]   [ -StorageProfile <String> ]   [ -UseRedundantMirrorMappings <Boolean> ]   [ -AllocationAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -AllocationWarningThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -AllocationCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -ReservedSpacePercentage <UInt32> ]   [ -WriteThroughEnabled]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate   -Name <String>   -FirstPool <String>   [ -FirstServer <String> ]   [ -SecondPool <String> ]   [ -SecondServer <String> ]   -VirtualDiskSize <DataSize>   [ -VirtualDiskSectorSize <DataSize> ]   -VirtualDiskAlias <String>   [ -SnapshotServer <String> ]   [ -SnapshotPool <String> ]   [ -StorageProfile <String> ]   [ -UseSequentialStorage]   [ -UseRedundantMirrorMappings <Boolean> ]   [ -AllocationAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -AllocationWarningThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -AllocationCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -ReservedSpacePercentage <UInt32> ]   [ -WriteThroughEnabled]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a template that can be used to create virtual disks. Parameters are included to set the properties and settings for the template. Virtual disks created from the template will have the same properties and settings of the template and can be used to create different virtual disk subtypes (standard, VVOLs, or protocol endpoints). To create virtual disks from a template, see Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromTemplate.


Name of the virtual disk template being created.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the first storage source of the virtual disks created from the template. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server supplying the first storage source (FirstPool parameter). The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the second storage source of virtual disks created from this template when mirrored virtual disks will be created. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server supplying the second storage source (SecondPool parameter). The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The size of the virtual disk to create from the template. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a miniumum of 1GB to a maximum of 1024TB.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The sector size of the virtual disk to create from the template. Valid values are "512", "512B", "4096", or "4KB". If the unit is not included, it is assumed to represent the number of bytes in the sector. If this parameter is not specified, the default of 512 bytes will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the virtual disk to create from the template. If multiple virtual disks will be created, the names will beginning with the root name and subsequent virtual disks will have a number appended to the end to make them unique. The number will begin with the first available number and will be incremented by one provided that the name is available. Numbers will be skipped if they already exist. For instance, if the alias is "VVOLMR" and these names are available, virtual disks will be named "VVOLMR", "VVOLMR 1", "VVOLMR 2" and so on.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server with the preferred snapshot pool (SnapshotPool parameter). The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies the preferred snapshot pool. Snapshots of virtual disks created from this template will be created from this pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server (SnapshotServer parameter) must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server with the pool (ContinousDataProtectionPool parameter) used for the history log. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the source of the history log. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The maximum size of the history log for data protection. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "10GB", "20.5GB", and "5000MB" are valid sizes. The history log size can range from a minimum of 8GB up to 1024TB. If not specified, the default history log size will be 5% of the size of the CDP-enabled virtual disk or 8GB, whichever is larger.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the storage profile. Valid values in order from highest priority to lowest priority are: "Critical", "High", "Normal", "Low", and "Archive". A custom storage profile can also be set. If this parameter is not set, the default setting of "Normal" will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to enable or disable the redundant mirror paths property for this template. Specify $true to create redundant mirror paths for virtual disks created from this template or $false to disable the redundant mirror paths property. Redundant mirror paths provide two mirror paths going in each direction between servers. Redundant paths can be either iSCSI or Fibre Channel. Each server is required to have two FC or two iSCSI ports with the mirror role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will set the attention level of the Allocated Space Threshold in System Health. The value is the percentage of allocated space in the virtual disk. Valid values are "0" - "101". For example, if the threshold is set to "80", an attention level message will be generated when the virtual disk reaches 80% allocated. The value "101" will silence the message so that it will not be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value of "100" will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will set the warning level of the Allocated Space Threshold in System Health. The value is the percentage of allocated space in the virtual disk. Valid values are "0" - "101". For example, if the threshold is set to "90", a warning level message will be generated when the virtual disk reaches 90% allocated. If this parameter is not set, the default value of "101" will be used in the template. The default value will silence the message so that it will not be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will set the critical level for the Allocated Space Threshold in System Health. The value is the percentage of allocated space in the virtual disk. Valid values are "0" - "100". For example, if the threshold is set to "100", a critical level message will be generated when the virtual disk reaches 100% allocated. If this parameter is not set, the default value of "101" will be used in the template. The default value will silence the message so that it will not be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the attention level of the I/O Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" through "60000". The default value is "5000". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 5,000 ms, an attention level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the warning level of the I/O Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "10000". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 10,000 ms, a warning level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the critical level of the I/O Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "30000". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 30,000 ms, a critical level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the attention level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" through "60000". The default value is "5000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 5,000 ms, an attention level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the warning level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "10000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 10,000 ms, a warning level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the critical level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "30000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 30,000 ms, a critical level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to reserve a percentage of space in each pool for exclusive use by virtual disks created from the template. A valid value is a number between 0 and 100 which refers to the percentage. For example, to reserve 50% space, enter the value "50". If this parameter is not specified, the default of "0" will be used, which will not reserve any space.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to put all virtual disks created from this template in write-through mode (all write operations to the virtual disk are written directly to the back-end storage and then acknowledged).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to enable or disable the sequential storage property for this template. Specify $true to enable or $false to disable sequential storage.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



VirtualDiskTemplateData : Object that identifies and describes the template.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate, Set-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate.


-------------- Example 1 Creates a template to create a mirrored virtual disk with a 4 KB sector size --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate -Name Temp4KMirror -FirstPool "Disk pool 1" -SecondPool "Disk pool 2" -VirtualDiskSize 50GB -VirtualDiskAlias "MR_4K" -VirtualDiskSectorSize 4096

The cmdlet is invoked to create a virtual disk template named "Temp4KMirror". Virtual disks created from this template will be used to create standard virtual disks with a sector size of 4096 bytes (4 KB). Mirrored virtual disks will be created with a size of "50GB" using "Disk pool 1" as the primary storage source and "Disk pool 2" as the secondary storage source. Servers do not need to be specified since the pool names are unique.

Alias : Temp4KMirror
VirtualDiskAlias : MR_4K
VirtualDiskDescription :
Size : 50 GB
SectorSize : 4 KB
VirtualDiskType : MultiPathMirrored
ReservedSpacePercentage : 0
FirstDiskPoolId : FF140341-D7FC-4DF7-95B3-AE551F099F00:{23e82496-7403-11e5-80e6-00155d138910}
SecondDiskPoolId : 039B77A5-AC1D-4562-8335-7B75CBC636A5:{a5cddc40-7405-11e5-80e6-00155d138914}
UseRedundantMirrorMappings : True
ContinuousDataProtectionPoolId :
ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize : 8 GB
SequentialStorageEnabled : False
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
DefaultSnapshotPoolId :
AllocatedSpaceThresholdAttention : 100
AllocatedSpaceThresholdWarning : 101
AllocatedSpaceThresholdCritical : 101
LatencyThresholdAttention : 5000
LatencyThresholdWarning : 10000
LatencyThresholdCritical : 30000
StorageLatencyThresholdAttention : 5000
StorageLatencyThresholdWarning : 10000
StorageLatencyThresholdCritical : 30000
VirtualDiskSubType : Standard
ReadOnly : False
WriteThroughEnabled : False
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 8324
Id : 2c11d5d045404b4491b79378b7ccff4e
Caption : Temp4KMirror
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds a virtual disk to the specified virtual disk group.


Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup   -Group <Object>   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a virtual disk to the specified virtual disk group.


VirtualDiskGroupData object, name, or ID of the virtual disk group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name or ID of the virtual disk to add to the group. The VirtualDiskData object can be obtained from Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskfromGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a virtual disk specified by name. --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup -Group "VD Group FTL" -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

The virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" is added to the group named "VD Group FTL".

VirtualDiskGroupId : {ef015296-0fa8-4bec-80a9-e312547c94a9}
FirstHostId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
SecondHostId : 431D049E-801E-4061-911E-1493A3F2ECC0
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 20.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : bd746e02eea248a2bedc66ed71c8eec7
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Server Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Adds a specific kind of virtual disk to a new virtual disk group --------------

$NewVDgroup = Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup -Name "VD Group FTL" -Description "Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale"

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -ServerGroup "Server Group FTL" -Kind Standard -OnlyWithReplications | Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup -Group $NewVDgroup

The cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is invoked to create a group named "VD Group FTL" with a description of "Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale" for the default server group connection. The result is stored in the variable $NewVDgroup.

To Table of Contents




Adds a front-end or mirror path for the specified logical disk.


Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit   [ -InitiatorHost <String> ]   [ -TargetHost <String> ]   [ -InitiatorPort <String> ]   [ -TargetPort <String> ]   -LogicalDisk <Object>   -MappingType <String>   [ -LUN <UInt64> ]   [ -Access <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a front-end or mirror path for the specified logical disk. Virtual disks are created from one (single or dual) or two (mirrored) logical disks (storage sources). This cmdlet will serve the logical disk to a host or create a mirror path if applicable. To serve a mirrored virtual disk to a host, invoke this cmdlet twice; once for each logical disk. Paths can be created by specifying the initiator and target hosts with or without specifying the ports. When ports are not specified, the software will select appropriate ports to create the path.


Computer name or ID of the server, or the name or ID of the client host to be used as the initiator. The computer name of a server must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server to be used as the target. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name, ID, or address of the initiator port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the initiator host must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name, ID, or address of the target port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the target host must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

LogicalDiskData object, ID or caption that identifies the logical disk of the virtual disk on a server. When creating mirror paths, the logical disk should be the target side of the mapping (path).

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify "Mirror" to add a mirror path, or "Client" to add a front-end path.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The number to assign to the logical unit (LUN). If not specified, the next available LUN will be assigned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The access rights to assign. Valid values for a client mapping type include "ReadWrite", "ReadOnly", and "NoAccess". The valid value for mirror mapping type is "ReadWrite". If not specified, the default value of "ReadWrite" will be assigned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


LogicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the logical disk.


VirtualLogicalUnitData : Object that identifies and describes the path of the logical disk.


Also see Get-DcsLogicalDisk, Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Remove-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Set-DcsVirtualLogicalUnitProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a mirror path for a logical disk in a mirrored virtual disk --------------

$LDisk = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost "Server2" -InitiatorPort "Server FC Port 1" -TargetHost "Server1" -TargetPort "Server FC Port 2" -LogicalDisk $LDisk[0] -MappingType Mirror

The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to obtain the LogicalDiskData objects that comprise the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" and the results are stored in the variable named $LDisk. In this case, Virtual disk 1 is a mirrored virtual disk and has two logical disk objects (storage sources) stored in the variable $LDisk: $LDisk[0] represents the primary side of the mirror, and $LDisk[1] the secondary side. Then the cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit is invoked to create a mirror mapping (path) between the target on the server named "Server1" and the initiator on the server named Server2" using $LDisk[0], which is the logical disk on the target side of the mapping. The path is identified by the initiator port "Server FC Port 1" on "Server2" and the target port "Server FC Port 2" on "Server1". The mapping type is specified as "Mirror".

LogicalDiskId : LD:D3B57824-4E23-4DBB-947B-F8EF13A6CBAD_V.{1db06ce0-e5f0-11e0-8a13-001d7d93b174}-00000003
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 72f8741f-4485-466b-b5bc-ddf6f494b6d2
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Mirror
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : 35192e3b-3c8e-4568-9baf-88a001540baf
Caption : Server FC Port 1 on server2 | Server FC Port 2 on Server1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : Server FC Port 1 on server2 | Server FC Port 2 on Server1 | LUN 0
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Adds a frontend path for a logical disk. --------------

$LDisk = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost "Host3" -TargetHost "Server1" -InitiatorPort "iSCSI Port 1" -TargetPort "Server iSCSI Port 1" -LogicalDisk $LDisk[0] -MappingType Client -LUN 3

The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to obtain the LogicalDiskData objects that comprise the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" and the results are stored in the variable named $LDisk. Then the cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit is invoked to create a front-end path for the specified logical disk $LDisk[0]. The path is identified as the initiator port "iSCSI Port 1" on the client named "Host3" and the target specified as "Server iSCSI Port 1" on the server named "Server1". The variable $LDisk is used to provide the LogicalDiskData object. The mapping type is specified as "Client", which creates a front-end path and the LUN is specified as "3".

LogicalDiskId : LD:D3B57824-4E23-4DBB-947B-F8EF13A6CBAD_V.{1db06ce0-e5f0-11e0-8a13-001d7d93b174}-00000003
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 7e2a8d17-0018-4eab-8325-a6980da11fb6
Lun : 3
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : 22cdc3f6-e8c0-493c-904c-ab27e8690598
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 1 on Server1 | LUN 3
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 1 on Server1 | LUN 3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Adds a frontend path without specifying the ports --------------

Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost "HostVM1" -TargetHost "SSVVM03" -LogicalDisk (Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "VD1") -MappingType "Client"

A front-end (client) path is created from the initiator on the computer "HostVM1" to a target on the server "SSVVM03" for the logical disk contained in the virtual disk "VD1" on the server "SSVVM03". Since ports are not specified, the software will select the appropriate ports on the specified machines in order to create the specified mapping type.

LogicalDiskId : c3ca5cb7-2b9c-40b7-9591-5591dd8001c7
VirtualTargetDeviceId : af83d50e-5ee4-4a84-924e-63a487c47ec5
PhysicalDiskId : 549da3ce079b49cb9f895d884042722a-4ccc0a8cf91543a6b43aa43d1b677bbe
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 27051
Id : 26890758-f8fe-449a-aec7-a4a14c2bf141
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSVVM03 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSVVM03 | LUN 0
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds a witness as an object in the server group configuration. This cmdlet is used when adding a witness that will be configured for a specific virtual disk.


Add-DcsWitness   -Name <String>   -Address <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds a witness as an object in the server group configuration. This cmdlet is used when adding a witness that will be configured for a specific virtual disk. After the witness is added, set the witness properties for the virtual disk using Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties.


Computer name or ID of the server to be added as a witness in the server group. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The IP address for the witness. For instance, "172.99.999.99".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias representing the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



WitnessData : Object that identifies the witness.


Related cmdlets: Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties, Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties, Set-DcsWitnessProperties, Get-DcsWitness, Remove-DcsWitness, Invoke-DcsWitnessContact.


-------------- Example 1 Adds a witness to the server group. --------------

Add-DcsWitness -Name "Witness 2" -Address ""

The network device with the IP address "" is added as a witness in the server group and named "Witness 2". The WitnessData object is returned.

Alias : Witness 2
Server :
IPAddress :
SequenceNumber : 1232600
Id : 8d15390ca0bb4db5ade39938cac0fd9a
Caption : Witness 2
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Backs up the configuration for each server in the server group and stores it in a file.


Backup-DcsConfiguration   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Backs up the configuration for each server in the server group and stores it in a file. The file can be used to restore the configuration if necessary. The file will be copied to the folder assigned using Set-DcsBackupFolder.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


Also see Set-DcsBackupFolder, Get-DcsBackupFolder.


-------------- Example 1 Backups the configuration for a server group --------------


Backups the configuration for both servers in the server group.

GroupId : 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Preserving
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 23238000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 136.08 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in Server Group
Internal : False
GroupId : 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Preserving
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 23274000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 228.11 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\
IpAddresses : {, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df,, fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
Caption : SSV2
ExtendedCaption : SSV2 in Server Group
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Cleans or refreshes the port database of Fibre Channel ports.


Cleanup-DcsServerFCPortDatabase   -Port <Object>   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Cleans or refreshes the port database of Fibre Channel ports. All ports that are not present will be removed from the database of remote ports seen by the specified Fibre Channel port on a server.


ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies the Fibre Channel port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerFCPortData : Object the identifies and describes the Fibre Channel port.


ServerFCPortData : Object the identifies and describes the Fibre Channel port.


Also see Remove-DcsServerPort.


-------------- Example 1 Cleanup port database for port specified by name --------------

Cleanup-DcsServerFCPortDatabase -Port "Server FC Port 1" -Server Server1

The port database for the port named "Server FC Port 1" on server "Server1" is cleaned to remove all remote ports that are not present.

StateInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortStateInfo
CurrentConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortConfigInfo
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortIdInfo
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : 210000E08B0FEF9A
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerFcPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : All
AluaId : 1027
PortName : 21-00-00-E0-8B-0F-EF-9A
Alias : Server FC Port 1
Description :
PortType : FibreChannel
PortMode : InitiatorTarget
HostId : 46921EBF-DC07-4E03-9395-1CEBE4ABE511
Connected : True
SequenceNumber : 1144
Id : dbfe9205-959c-480e-b1d4-d54d0fc0af80
Caption : Server FC Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server FC Port 1 on Server1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Deletes all alerts for all servers in the specified connection.


Clear-DcsAlert   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Deletes all alerts for all servers in the specified connection. After clearing the alerts, the event log messages will remain documented in the Event Log.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false




Also see Get-DcsAlert, Get-DcsLogMessage, Add-DcsLogMessage.


-------------- Example 1 Clears all alerts for a server group --------------


Clears all alerts on both servers in the server group.

To Table of Contents




Clears all messages from the Event Log.


Clear-DcsLog   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Clears all messages from the Event Log.


Deleting log messages is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to permanently delete all log messages and to prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false





-------------- Example 1 Clears the Event Log --------------

Clear-DcsLog -Yes

The cmdlet is invoked to clear all Event Log messages. The parameter Yes is included to confirm the intention to permanently remove all messages and to prevent user interaction while scripts are running.

To Table of Contents




Creates an iSCSI session connection.


Connect-DcsiSCSITarget   -InitiatorPort <Object>   [ -Server <String> ]   -Address <String>   [ -PortNumber <UInt16> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Connect-DcsiSCSITarget   -InitiatorPort <Object>   [ -Server <String> ]   -Address <String>   [ -PortNumber <UInt16> ]   [ -UseChap]   [ -UseMutualAuthentication]   [ -InitiatorPortal <String> ]   [ -UserName <String> ]   -Password <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates an iSCSI session connection. Adds an iSCSI target portal to the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port of a server and logs in. Authentication can be enabled. If different types of authentication are required for different targets, the cmdlet must be run individually for each authentication type. After invoking this cmdlet, when the target is logged out, the target will disappear and in order to log in the target again, this cmdlet would have to be invoked again.


ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port. In order to uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. Computer names must be unique or the names must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Address of an iSCSI target port. The address can be a valid server name or IP address.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The TCP port number used for the connection. If not specified, 3260 will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify the UseChap parameter to enable authentication.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify the UseMutualAuthentication parameter to enable mutual authentication. If UseMutualAuthentication is specified, the parameter UseChap must also be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

IP address that identifies the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

User name assigned to the target port.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The target secret for the iSCSI target port. Secret is 12-16 characters. Use caution when entering the secret, it will appear as typed on the display.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies the initiator port.


iSCSISessionData : Object that identifies and describes the session.


Also see Disconnect-DcsiSCSITarget, Get-DcsPort, Get-DcsPortConnection, Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret, Set-DcsServerPortProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Creates an iSCSI session using CHAP authentication --------------

Connect-DcsiSCSITarget -InitiatorPort "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" -Server SSV1 -Address -UseChap -UserName CHAPhandshk -Password 111111111111

Creates an iSCSI session between the initiator port named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" on the server named "SSV1" and the iSCSI target port with the IP address of on the server named "SSV2". CHAP authentication is used for the session with a user name of "CHAPhandshk" and password of "111111111111".

PortADescriptor :
PortBDescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
Target :
Connected : False
PortAId : FD622C7A-1065-4F2B-97E5-11813DA5AAF5:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-22
PortBId : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699:MSFT-05-1991
Id : 03351a78d471484c8c6815506822255c
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False

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Creates a connection to a server in a server group. When a connection has been created, all servers in the server group can be managed.


Connect-DcsServer   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Connect-DcsServer   -Server <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Connect-DcsServer   -Server <String>   -UserName <String>   -Password <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Connect-DcsServer   -Server <String>   -Credential <PSCredential>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a connection to a server in a server group. When a connection has been created, all servers in the server group can be managed. If this cmdlet is invoked without parameters, a connection to the local host using default credentials will be established. This cmdlet can also be invoked to connect to a remote server using the default system credentials (when using PowerShell 3.0 and above).The last connection created is designated as the default connection unless Set-DcsDefaultConnection is invoked to set a specific connection to be the default. A connection is required for each PowerShell session. The Connection parameter is required to invoke all cmdlets and if not specifically designated, the default connection will be used.


Alias representing the connection to the server group. If other parameter values are specified, but the Connection parameter value is not specified, the server name will be used as the connection alias. If this cmdlet is invoked without parameters, a connection to the local host using default credentials will be established and the connection alias will be "localhost".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or IP address of the server to connect to. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The user name of a registered user or the local administrator account. Operating system credentials are used to authenticate users. User names must match Windows operating system user accounts and must reside on all servers in the associated server group.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Login password that corresponds to the registered user name.

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The PSCredential object containing user name and password. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential, see Example 2. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



string : Alias for the connection.


Also see Disconnect-DcsServer, Set-DcsDefaultConnection, Get-DcsDefaultConnection, Get-DcsConnection.


-------------- Example 1 Connects to a server with a specified connection name --------------

Connect-DcsServer -Server SSV1 -UserName administrator -Password Adminpw! -Connection SSV1Connect

Connects the server named "SSV1" with the UserName of "Administrator" and Password of "Adminpw!" with the connection named "SSV1Connect".


-------------- Example 2 Connects to a server using the Credential parameter --------------

Connect-DcsServer -Server SSVVM1 -Credential(Get-Credential)

The cmdlet Connect-DcsServer is invoked to create a connection through the server named "SSVVM1" using the Credential parameter. The value is obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential. When Get-Credential is invoked a dialog box opens and the user name and password can be entered in a secure manner.

cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:

-------------- Example 3 Connects to a server using a localhost connection --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without parameters resulting in a connection to the local host using default credentials.


-------------- Example 4 Connects to a remote server using the local machine credentials --------------

Connect-DcsServer -Server SSV5

The cmdlet Connect-DcsServer is invoked to create a connection through the remote server named "SSV5". When the credentials are not supplied, a connection using the default local machine credentials of the remote server will be attempted. A network connection must exist from the server connecting to the remote server.


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Converts a single virtual disk to a dual virtual disk.


ConvertTo-DcsDualVirtualDisk   -SecondServer <String>   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -EnableRedundancy]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Converts a single virtual disk to a dual virtual disk. The single virtual disk must be created from a shared pass-through disk or shared disk pool in order to convert to a dual virtual disk.


Computer name or ID of the new server that will be sharing the virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. The second server must share the disk pool or pass-through from which the virtual disk was created.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies the single virtual disk. The single virtual disk must be created from a shared disk pool or shared pass-through disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to create redundant mirror paths between servers. Redundant mirror paths provide two mirror paths going in each direction between servers. Redundant paths can be either iSCSI or Fibre Channel. Each server is required to have two FC or two iSCSI ports with the mirror role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes a virtual disk.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk


-------------- Example 1 Converts single virtual disk to dual by specifying the name --------------

ConvertTo-DcsDualVirtualDisk -SecondServer SSV2 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

This cmdlet will convert the single virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" to a dual virtual disk by adding a path to the second server named "SSV2". Server SSV2 shares the pass-through disk from which the virtual disk "Virtual disk 1" was created.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81
SecondHostId : 8CE05A9F-D367-4BDE-BCE6-67909F6F7F6A
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 200.00 GB
Type : Dual
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90DF97D7019396376E425BFE64
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 35437
Id : 8182a9060ee44e738cf395583ad4b018
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group LOCAL
Internal : False

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Converts (promotes) a differential snapshot to a full snapshot. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group.


ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot   -Snapshot <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot   -SnapshotGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Converts (promotes) a differential snapshot to a full snapshot. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group. The differential (logical copy) will become a clone of the source virtual disk and can exist and operate independently from the source. This operation can be take a considerable amount of time depending on the amount of data that will need to be copied. After the snapshot is converted, it can be split from the source, see Split-DcsSnapshot.


Name, ID, or SnapshotData object that identifies the differential snapshot.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

SnapshotGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a snapshot group to convert to full snapshots. Use this parameter to convert all snapshots in the snapshot group to full snapshots. The SnapshotGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SnapshotData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot.


SnapshotData or SnapshotGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot or snapshot group that was converted.


Also see Get-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Split-DcsSnapshot, Revert-DcsSnapshot.


-------------- Example 1 Promotes a differential snapshot to full image by specifying the name (caption) --------------

ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot -Snapshot "VD2 @ 7/28/2011 4:18:14 PM"

Converts the differential snapshot named "VD2 @ 7/28/2011 4:18:14 PM" to a full (clone) snapshot.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{267e5c50-abd6-11e0-9515-00155d11e921}-00000014
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{b96878da-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921}-0000000B
Type : Full
TimeStamp : 7/28/2011 4:18:43 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{267E5C50-ABD6-11E0-9515-00155D11E921}-00000014--V.{B96878DA-B7AF-11E0-9BA8-00155D11E921}-0000000B
Caption : VD2 @ 7/28/2011 4:18:14 PM
ExtendedCaption : VD2 @ 7/28/2011 4:18:14 PM on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Promotes differential snapshots in a snapshot group to full snapshots. --------------

ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot -SnapshotGroup "VDSnapshotGroup1 @ 11/9/2011 3:30:15 PM"

Converts the differential snapshots in the snapshot group named "VDSnapshotGroup1 @ 11/9/2011 3:30:15 PM" to full (clone) snapshots.

ParentGroupId : {f3e129dd-56bf-40c6-9ebb-e25432138fc6}
Alias : VDSnapshotGroup1 @ 11/9/2011 3:30:15 PM
Description :
Id : {0478ae77-13a2-4153-91cf-9afcbffb867f}
Caption : VDSnapshotGroup1 @ 11/9/2011 3:30:15 PM
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Promotes all differential snapshots to full --------------

Get-DcsSnapshot | ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot

The cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshot is piped to ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot resulting in all differential snapshots being converted (promoted) to full snapshots and the SnapshotData objects returned.

SourceLogicalDiskId : dba9bb6f-4dd7-4017-bf27-6d7166659989
DestinationLogicalDiskId : 61c2100a-4991-4a33-ac4a-a72da684e992
Type : Full
TimeStamp : 3/28/2012 4:02:43 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
SequenceNumber : 14951
Id : V.{FCB8BED3-7423-11E1-9F2A-00155D11E92B}-0000001C--V.{FCB8BED3-7423-11E1-9F2A-00155D11E92B}-00000027
Caption : Virtual disk 6 @ 3/28/2012 4:02:35 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 6 @ 3/28/2012 4:02:35 PM on SSV3
Internal : False
SourceLogicalDiskId : 7693b656-8462-4a08-b9bd-2c181979ed72
DestinationLogicalDiskId : c8dbabdc-727e-4787-b5ee-fa6a7851b910
Type : Full
TimeStamp : 3/28/2012 4:02:24 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
SequenceNumber : 14955
Id : V.{FCB8BED3-7423-11E1-9F2A-00155D11E92B}-0000001B--V.{FCB8BED3-7423-11E1-9F2A-00155D11E92B}-00000025
Caption : Virtual disk 5 @ 3/28/2012 4:02:15 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 @ 3/28/2012 4:02:15 PM on SSV3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Disables Continuous Data Protection (CDP) on a virtual disk or virtual disk group.


Disable-DcsDataProtection   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Disable-DcsDataProtection   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Disables Continuous Data Protection (CDP) on a virtual disk or virtual disk group. When disabled, the history log is deleted and the virtual disk will no longer have Continuous Data Protection. All rollbacks created from the CDP-enabled virtual disk will be deleted. NOTE: Disabling at the group level will disable all eligible healthy group members on all servers.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the CDP-enabled virtual disk. The VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

When Continuous Data Protection is disabled on a virtual disk, all rollbacks created from that virtual disk will be deleted. Disabling Continuous Data Protection when rollbacks exist will result in a confirmation message. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to disable Continuous Data Protection when rollbacks exist in order to prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to disable Continuous Data Protection for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData or VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk or virtual disk group.


Also see Enable-DcsDataProtection, Romove-DcsRollback, Split-DcsRollback, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Disables Continuous Data Protection for a virtual disk specified by name (caption) --------------

Disable-DcsDataProtection -VirtualDisk VDisk3 -Yes

Disables the feature for the virtual disk named "VDisk3". The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

GroupId :
FirstHostId : 4B24F2B0-9A98-4C9E-9996-4E7B89FD6BA9
SecondHostId : 22885568-1C03-4F7D-B95B-5C9C3AA16125
BackupHostId :
Alias : VDisk1
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : VDisk3
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : bc1d2b2d679145698e2029415ea86724
Caption : VDisk3
ExtendedCaption : VDisk3 from LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Disable Continuous Data Protection for a virtual disk group --------------

Disable-DcsDataProtection -VirtualDiskGroup VDDataProtectionGroup1 -Yes

Disables the feature for the virtual disk group named "VDDataProtectionGroup1". The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

Alias : VDDataProtectionGroup1
Description :
Id : {106c2602-5942-4419-af18-bb7412f2fd0b}
Caption : VDDataProtectionGroup1
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Disables replication test mode for a local standby virtual disk.


Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode   -Replication <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Disables replication test mode for a local standby virtual disk. Data changes on the standby virtual disk made during test mode will be deleted when test mode is disabled. Warning: Disabling test mode can take a considerable amount of time and can affect performance.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the standby (destination) virtual disk in the replication. The standby virtual disk must be in the local server group.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to disable test mode for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the standby virtual disk in a replication.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the relationship between the Active (source) and standby (destination) virtual disks in the replication.


Also see Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode, Get-DcsReplication.


-------------- Example 1 Disables test mode for a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode -Replication RepVD1

Test mode is disabled on the standby virtual disk named "RepVD1" in the local server group.

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : a407b0413f9348a2bf645a14d9cf7c57
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Active
Id : 3e017326-4f28-417e-bbd2-6dd238743902
Caption : RepVD1
ExtendedCaption : RepVD1 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Disables test mode on all standby virtual disks --------------

Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide | Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is invoked on the destination (standby) partner to obtain AsyncReplicationData objects for all local standby virtual disks. Those objects are piped to Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode to disable test mode for those virtual disks in the local server group.

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : a407b0413f9348a2bf645a14d9cf7c57
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : Offline
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Active
Id : 3e017326-4f28-417e-bbd2-6dd238743902
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 656bb58c14af4e60ac42daf3db74eacd
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 537cd02923d7487bb8371da08d5bcf8e
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Active
Id : b48a5f68-9861-4948-b902-0ad1dae78e43
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Disables the sequential storage setting for a virtual disk or virtual disk group.


Disable-DcsSequentialStorage   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Disable-DcsSequentialStorage   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Disables the sequential storage setting for a virtual disk or virtual disk group. NOTE: In order to disable at the group level, all group members must be healthy and all affected server must be running. All eligible group members will be disabled and members that are already disabled will be skipped.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Disabling sequential storage will result in a confirmation message. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to disable the sequential storage setting in order to prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to enable sequential storage for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData or VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk or virtual disk group.


Also see Enable-DcsSequentialStorage, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup


-------------- Example 1 Disables sequential storage for a specified virtual disk --------------

Disable-DcsSequentialStorage -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

The sequential storage setting is disabled for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : BB3877BA-4FC9-4429-8D1F-D57D23808ED6
SecondHostId : D4DB7B7A-67F5-4ECB-8350-166057170F7D
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 20 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS dc1df97ee1454f3482a54c456ebc209a
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90B5F1CE06C7E2F4F65FE4CE85
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 3194
Id : dc1df97ee1454f3482a54c456ebc209a
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Disables write caching for the specified server.


Disable-DcsServerWriteCache   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Disables write caching for the specified server. When disabled, all write operations from client hosts will be written directly to the back-end storage and then acknowledged.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias representing the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


Also see Enable-DcsServerWriteCache.


-------------- Example 1 Disables write caching on a server specified by name (caption) --------------

Disable-DcsServerWriteCache -Server SSV1

Disables write caching on the server named "SSV1". All write I/Os will be written directly to back-end storage.

GroupId : d9ecaccf-9a7c-48f3-8d83-c4ebb5811672
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId : V.{b9687922-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921}-00000001
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699:{b9687922-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 23352926053750
ReplicationBufferFolder : E:\
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 58.82 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : False
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritethruGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in LOCAL
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Disables a task.


Disable-DcsTask   -Task <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Disables a task. The task will not run again until enabled.


TaskData object, name, or ID that identifies the task.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.


TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.


Also see Get-DcsTask, Enable-DcsTask.


-------------- Example 1 Disables a task specified by name (caption) --------------

Disable-DcsTask -Task MyNightlyTask

Disables the task named "MyNightlyTask". The task will not run again until enabled.

Description : Start Virtual Disk Reclamation at 2 am
Enabled : False
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalAnd
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : e0b61456-55b1-4f09-9567-39586e71ef16
Caption : MyNightlyTask
ExtendedCaption : MyNightlyTask
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Disables all tasks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsTask | Disable-DcsTask

Disables all enabled tasks on servers in the server group. The task objects were obtained using the Get-DcsTask cmdlet.

Description :
Enabled : False
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : 32651f76-72e9-4852-ba35-0b111eaa7808
Caption : Task 1
ExtendedCaption : Task 1
Internal : False
Description :
Enabled : False
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : b72c3fac-61d0-4641-95f1-1c310b7c322d
Caption : Task 2
ExtendedCaption : Task 2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Disables automatic mirror recovery for a virtual disk or virtual disk group.


Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Disables automatic mirror recovery for a virtual disk or virtual disk group. After disabling auto-recovery, mirror recovery must be manually started, see Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. When the operation is performed on a virtual disk group, auto-recovery will be disabled for all eligible virtual disks in the group and the rest will be ignored.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery, Pause-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery.


-------------- Example 1 Disables auto recovery for all virtual disks on a specified server --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Server SSV1 | Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to get VirtualDiskData objects for all virtual disks on the server named "SSV1." The results are piped to the cmdlet Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery to disable auto-recovery for all eligible virtual disks. A VirtualDiskData object is returned for each virtual disk that has been disabled.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS ec6a87754077499dbe1eda213c6df2e0
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90446DFE01504F9B5BE7187E6F
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : True
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 35198
Id : ec6a87754077499dbe1eda213c6df2e0
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 4
Description :
Size : 45.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS c342896abdbb4de9ba009e9ee63fa815
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D903E7D6C078ED2765BEE1ADBCA
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : True
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 35200
Id : c342896abdbb4de9ba009e9ee63fa815
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 6
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 26599ea3d8704c668b0c6ee048c00653
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90E6876C07DBC76ADE1851A94A
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : True
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 35202
Id : 26599ea3d8704c668b0c6ee048c00653
Caption : Virtual disk 6
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 6 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId : {94add581-0054-4317-95c7-f6f81309370b}
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D906348F000688BBA02259ABAE1
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : True
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 35205
Id : a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Disables auto recovery for all virtual disk groups --------------

Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery -VirtualDiskGroup VDGroup1

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is invoked to get all VirtualDiskGroupData objects for the local server group. Those objects are used as the values for the parameter VirtualDiskGroup. Auto-recovery is disabled for all eligible virtual disks in all virtual disk groups in the local server group. A VirtualDiskData object is returned for each virtual disk that has been disabled.

VirtualDiskGroupId : {94add581-0054-4317-95c7-f6f81309370b}
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D906348F000688BBA02259ABAE1
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : True
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 35329
Id : a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Group1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Logs out an iSCSI target port from the Microsoft Initiator on a server.


Disconnect-DcsiSCSITarget   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -InitiatorPort <String> ]   -Session <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Logs out an iSCSI target port from the Microsoft Initiator on a server.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name, or ID that identifies the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port. In order to uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

iSCSISessionData object or ID that identifies the session to disconnect.

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


iSCSiSessionData : Object that identifies and describes the iSCSI session.


iSCSiSessionData : Object that identifies and describes the iSCSI session.


Also see Connect-DcsiSCSITarget, Remove-DcsServerPort, Get-DcsPort, Get-DcsPortConnection.


-------------- Example 1 Logs out a specified target port by piping the object --------------

Get-DcsPortConnection -ConnectionType iSCSI -Machine SSV2 -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1" | Disconnect-DcsiSCSITarget -Server SSV1 -InitiatorPort "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator"

Logs out the target port named "Server iSCSI Port 1" on the server named "SSV2" from the initiator port named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" on the server named "SSV1". The session object was obtained using the Get-DcsPortConnection cmdlet.

PortADescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
PortBDescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
Target :
Connected : False
PortAId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-10
PortBId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
Id : 19422f2c70684923beff0b9a789fb76a
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Logs out all target ports of a server by piping the objects --------------

Get-DcsPortConnection -ConnectionType iSCSI -Machine SSV2 | Disconnect-DcsiSCSITarget -Server SSV1 -InitiatorPort "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator"

Logs out all target ports belonging to server SSV2 from the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on server SSV1. In this case there are four target ports. The session object was obtained using the Get-DcsPortConnection cmdlet.

PortADescriptor :
PortBDescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
Target :
Connected : False
PortAId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-10
PortBId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
Id : 19422f2c70684923beff0b9a789fb76a
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False
PortADescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
PortBDescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
Target :
Connected : False
PortAId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-23
PortBId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
Id : aea86468f600412487fd9e8c606fe5fb
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False
PortADescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
PortBDescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
Target :
Connected : False
PortAId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-22
PortBId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
Id : 1095330d613040c78c8d280fbe2d2368
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False
PortADescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
PortBDescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
Target :
Connected : False
PortAId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-18
PortBId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
Id : ab270dc1972d4666a829afe7e7cd94d8
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Disconnects from the server in a server group connection.


Disconnect-DcsServer   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Disconnects from the server in a server group connection. The connection will be removed. If the connection being removed is the default connection and other connections exist, the connection created before this connection will be designated as the new default connection.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


string : Alias that identifies the connection.


string : Message that the action has been successfully completed.


Also see Get-DcsDefaultConnection, Set-DcsDefaultConnection, Get-DcsConnection, Connect-DcsServer.


-------------- Example 1 Disconnects a specified connection --------------

Disconnect-DcsServer -Connection SSV2Connect

Disconnects the connection named "SSV2Connect". This connection can no longer be used in cmdlets until or unless the connection is re-established.

Disconnecting SSV2Connect...
Disconnected successfully

To Table of Contents




Enables Continuous Data Protection (CDP) for a virtual disk. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group.


Enable-DcsDataProtection   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Pool <String>   [ -HistorySize <DataSize> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Enable-DcsDataProtection   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   -Pool <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Enables Continuous Data Protection (CDP) for a virtual disk. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group. When enabled, data changes are saved in a history log. If necessary, rollbacks can be created to recover data, see Add-DcsRollback. NOTE: In order to enable this feature at the group level, all group members must be eligible for Continuous Data Protection and not already be enabled; otherwise, members must be enabled individually.


Computer name or ID of the server that will own the history log. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk to protect.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the source of the history log. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The maximum size of the history log. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "10GB", "20.5GB", and "5000MB" are valid sizes. The history log size can range from a minimum of 8GB up to 1024TB. If not specified, the history log size will be set to the default size which is 5% of the size of the CDP-enabled virtual disk or 8GB, whichever is larger. Setting the value of this parameter to zero will also set the maximum history log size to the default size.

Required: false
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to enable Continuous Data Protection for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData or VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk or virtual disk group.


Also see Add-DcsRollback, Disable-DcsDataProtection, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Enables Continuous Data Protection for all virtual disks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk | Enable-DcsDataProtection -Server SSV2 -Pool "Disk Pool 1" -HistorySize 15GB

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is used to pipe all objects to Enable-DcsDataProtection, which results in all virtual disks being enabled for Continuous Data Protection. The history logs for each virtual disk are created on server SSV2 with a maximum size of 15 GB.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SecondHostId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : f692ff225118499ca8c2aaed4c2a91d2
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Ft. Lauderdale
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SecondHostId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 06740ddcb6044087b413f4e34ed603b7
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Ft. Lauderdale
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SecondHostId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 3
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : d2cc2a26ff5c4b0b99736f10bdd863ec
Caption : Virtual disk 3
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 from Ft. Lauderdale
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SecondHostId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 4
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 9fcd72658c2d4023a7b239195b082326
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 from Ft. Lauderdale
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Enables Continuous Data Protection on a virtual disk specified by name (caption) --------------

Enable-DcsDataProtection -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Pool "Disk pool 1" -HistorySize 10GB

Continuous Data Protection is enabled for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1". The history log is created on the disk pool "Disk pool 1" on server "SSV1". The history log will be using the a maximum size of 10GB.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 8BFC6F8B-F0F3-48D9-AE9A-635BC66557C4
SecondHostId : C2CAEE8A-8D1E-4165-96D4-4EFB4FC067C4
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 20 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS c7995948602c4a67b6dd0126a2b9b856
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D9079E2A103A08E76ABBCBE1BF3
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 16362
Id : c7995948602c4a67b6dd0126a2b9b856
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from ServerGroup1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Enables Continuous Data Protection for a virtual disk group --------------

Enable-DcsDataProtection -VirtualDiskGroup VDGroup1 -Server SSVVM1 -Pool "Disk pool 1"

Enables Continuous Data Protection for the virtual group named "VDGroup1" and the history log will be created from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server SSVVM1.

Alias : VDGroup1
Description :
Id : {993a4a47-d76f-4ca4-83a1-8669d436e198}
Caption : VDGroup1
ExtendedCaption : VDGroup1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Enables replication test mode for a local standby virtual disk.


Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode   -Replication <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Enables replication test mode for a local standby virtual disk. Test mode temporarily activates the standby (destination) virtual disk which temporarily enables all host paths on the standby side. In test mode, users can ensure that paths are correctly configured and hosts have read/write access to the virtual disk. Warning: Test mode can take a considerable amount of time, uses storage allocation overhead, and can affect performance. Do not enable test mode during a disaster. Disable test mode when testing is complete, see Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode. Data changes on the standby virtual disk made during test mode are temporary and will be deleted when test mode is disabled.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the standby (destination) virtual disk in the replication. The standby virtual disk must be in the local server group. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained from Get-DcsReplication.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to enable test mode for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the standby virtual disk in a replication.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the relationship between the Active (source) and standby (destination) virtual disks in the replication.


Also see Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode.


-------------- Example 1 Enables test mode on a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode -Replication RepVD1

Test mode is enabled on the standby virtual disk named "RepVD1" in the local server group.

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : a407b0413f9348a2bf645a14d9cf7c57
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Active
Id : 3e017326-4f28-417e-bbd2-6dd238743902
Caption : RepVD1
ExtendedCaption : RepVD1 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Enables test mode on all standby virtual disks --------------

Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide | Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is invoked on the destination (standby) partner to obtain AsyncReplicationData objects for all local standby virtual disks. Those objects are piped to Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode to enable test mode for those virtual disks in the local server group.

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : a407b0413f9348a2bf645a14d9cf7c57
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : Offline
TransferStatus : Unknown
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Active
Id : 3e017326-4f28-417e-bbd2-6dd238743902
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 656bb58c14af4e60ac42daf3db74eacd
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 537cd02923d7487bb8371da08d5bcf8e
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : Offline
TransferStatus : Unknown
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Active
Id : b48a5f68-9861-4948-b902-0ad1dae78e43
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Enables the sequential storage setting for a virtual disk or members in a virtual disk group.


Enable-DcsSequentialStorage   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Enable-DcsSequentialStorage   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Enables the sequential storage setting for a virtual disk or members in a virtual disk group. NOTE: In order to enable this feature at the group level, all group members must be eligible for sequential storage and not already be enabled; otherwise, members must be enabled individually.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to enable sequential storage for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData or VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk or virtual disk group.


Also see Disable-DcsSequentialStorage, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup


-------------- Example 1 Enables sequential storage for a specified virtual disk --------------

Enable-DcsSequentialStorage -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

The sequential storage setting is enabled for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : BB3877BA-4FC9-4429-8D1F-D57D23808ED6
SecondHostId : D4DB7B7A-67F5-4ECB-8350-166057170F7D
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 20 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS dc1df97ee1454f3482a54c456ebc209a
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90B5F1CE06C7E2F4F65FE4CE85
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 3194
Id : dc1df97ee1454f3482a54c456ebc209a
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Enables sequential storage for virtual disks in a group --------------

Enable-DcsSequentialStorage -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1"

The sequential storage setting is enabled for the eligible virtual disks in the group named "VD Group 1". The object VirtualDiskGroupData is returned.

TotalCapacity : 40 GB
Alias : VD Group 1
Description :
SequenceNumber : 3357
Id : {c76830b5-5f1d-4991-97a5-4c0961f0096a}
Caption : VD Group 1
ExtendedCaption : VD Group 1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Enables write caching for the specified server.


Enable-DcsServerWriteCache   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Enables write caching for the specified server. When enabled, all write operations from client hosts will be acknowledged and then written to the back-end storage.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias representing the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


Also see Disable-DcsServerWriteCache.


-------------- Example 1 Enables write caching on a server specified by name (caption) --------------

Enable-DcsServerWriteCache -Server SSV1

Enables write caching on the server named "SSV1".

GroupId : 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 22374000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 46.37 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in Ft. Lauderdale
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Enables write caching on all servers in the server group by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsServer | Enable-DcsServerWriteCache

The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is used to obtain the server objects which are piped to Enable-DcsServerWriteCache resulting in write caching being enabled on both servers (SSV1 and SSV2) in the server group.

GroupId : 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 22374000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 45.64 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in Ft. Lauderdale
Internal : False
GroupId : 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 22410000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 247.05 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\
IpAddresses : {, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df,, fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
Caption : SSV2
ExtendedCaption : SSV2 in Ft. Lauderdale
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Enables a task, which allows the task to run.


Enable-DcsTask   -Task <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Enables a task, which allows the task to run.


TaskData object, name, or ID that identifies the task.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskData : Object the identifies and describes the task.


TasKData : Object the identifies and describes the task.


Also see Get-DcsTask, Set-DcsTaskProperties, Add-DcsTask, Disable-DcsTask.


-------------- Example 1 Enables a task specified by name (caption) --------------

Enable-DcsTask -Task MyNightlyTask

Enable the task named "MyNightlyTask", allowing it to run.

Description : Start Virtual Disk Reclamation at 2 am
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalAnd
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : e0b61456-55b1-4f09-9567-39586e71ef16
Caption : MyNightlyTask
ExtendedCaption : MyNightlyTask
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Enables all tasks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsTask | Enable-DcsTask

The task objects are obtained using the Get-DcsTask cmdlet and piped to Enable-DcsTask, resulting in all disabled tasks on all servers in the server group being enabled.

Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : 32651f76-72e9-4852-ba35-0b111eaa7808
Caption : Task 1
ExtendedCaption : Task 1
Internal : False
Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : b72c3fac-61d0-4641-95f1-1c310b7c322d
Caption : Task 2
ExtendedCaption : Task 2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Enables automatic mirror recovery for a virtual disk or virtual disk group.


Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Enables automatic mirror recovery for a virtual disk or virtual disk group. By default, auto-recovery is enabled. Use this cmdlet to enable auto-recovery after it has been disabled, see Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. When the operation is performed on a virtual disk group, auto-recovery will be enabled for all eligible virtual disks in the group and the rest will be ignored.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes a virtual disk.



Also see Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery, Pause-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery.


-------------- Example 1 Enables auto recovery for all virtual disks on a specified server --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Server SSV1 | Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to get VirtualDiskData objects for all virtual disks on the server named "SSV1." The results are piped to the cmdlet Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery to enable auto-recovery for all eligible virtual disks. A VirtualDiskData object is returned for each virtual disk that has been enabled.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS ec6a87754077499dbe1eda213c6df2e0
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90446DFE01504F9B5BE7187E6F
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 35320
Id : ec6a87754077499dbe1eda213c6df2e0
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 4
Description :
Size : 45.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS c342896abdbb4de9ba009e9ee63fa815
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D903E7D6C078ED2765BEE1ADBCA
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 35322
Id : c342896abdbb4de9ba009e9ee63fa815
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 6
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 26599ea3d8704c668b0c6ee048c00653
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90E6876C07DBC76ADE1851A94A
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 35324
Id : 26599ea3d8704c668b0c6ee048c00653
Caption : Virtual disk 6
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 6 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId : {94add581-0054-4317-95c7-f6f81309370b}
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D906348F000688BBA02259ABAE1
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 35326
Id : a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Enables auto recovery for all eligible virtual disks in all virtual disk groups --------------

$VDGroup = Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup
$VDGroup | ForEach { Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery -VirtualDiskGroup $_.Id }

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is invoked without parameters to get the VirtualDiskGroupData objects for the local server group. The objects are stored in the variable $VDGroup. The IDs in each object in $VDGroup are used to identify the virtual disk groups in the server group. The ForEach loop is used to perform the operation for each object in $VDGroup. Auto-recovery is enabled for all eligible virtual disks in all virtual disk groups in the local server group. A VirtualDiskData object is returned for each virtual disk that has been enabled.

VirtualDiskGroupId : {94add581-0054-4317-95c7-f6f81309370b}
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D906348F000688BBA02259ABAE1
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 43554
Id : a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId : {94add581-0054-4317-95c7-f6f81309370b}
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 5
Description :
Size : 20.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 3dfbb8a237f5423eb5c0552cd8519807
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D907FB2DF01D442CE4F03FBAD4F
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 43556
Id : 3dfbb8a237f5423eb5c0552cd8519807
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId : {922682bc-0651-4bfc-9eef-296e078ffa01}
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 7
Description :
Size : 20.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 213c79d72bb84082a9e90872e332adeb
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90D42CFC01912D9A713C04BEBF
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 43558
Id : 213c79d72bb84082a9e90872e332adeb
Caption : Virtual disk 7
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 7 from Group1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Saves the configuration states of all objects in the configuration to an xml file.


Export-DcsObjectModel   -OutputDirectory <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Saves the configuration states of all objects in the server group configuration to an xml file. If the file path does not exist, it will be created. The file will be named DcsObjectModel with the date and time appended (for example DcsObjectModel_2011_07_29_20_19_25). This cmdlet is included as a diagnostic tool for DataCore Technical Support.


The complete path to the folder where the object model information should be saved. If the folder does not exist, it will be created. The file will be created on the default server for the specified connection. The path should begin with the drive letter. For instance, "C:\ObjectModel" could be a valid path.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



xml file : Configuration states for all objects.



-------------- Example 1 Exports configuration states --------------

Export-DcsObjectModel -OutputDirectory C:\ConfigStates

Saves the configuration states of all objects in the path "C:\ConfigStates". The folder did not exist and was created when the cmdlet was invoked.


To Table of Contents




Creates a report which can be exported in a variety of formats.


Export-DcsReport   -ReportName <String>   -ReportType <String>   -ExportType <String>   [ -ReportDescription <String> ]   [ -Server <String[]> ]   [ -Client <String[]> ]   [ -DiskPool <String[]> ]   [ -MappingType <String[]> ]   [ -VirtualDiskKind <String[]> ]   [ -PortType <String[]> ]   [ -MonitorState <String[]> ]   [ -HostGroup <String[]> ]   [ -VirtualDiskGroup <String[]> ]   [ -PhysicalDiskType <String[]> ]   [ -ExcludeNonServedDisk]   [ -SortBy <String> ]   [ -DescendingOrder]   [ -SaveToFile <String> ]   [ -OverrideFile]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Export-DcsReport   -ReportName <String>   -ReportType <String>   -ExportType <String>   [ -ReportDescription <String> ]   [ -Server <String[]> ]   [ -Client <String[]> ]   [ -DiskPool <String[]> ]   [ -MappingType <String[]> ]   [ -VirtualDiskKind <String[]> ]   [ -PortType <String[]> ]   [ -MonitorState <String[]> ]   [ -HostGroup <String[]> ]   [ -VirtualDiskGroup <String[]> ]   [ -PhysicalDiskType <String[]> ]   -StartTime <DateTime>   -EndTime <DateTime>   [ -ExcludeNonServedDisk]   [ -SortBy <String> ]   [ -DescendingOrder]   [ -SaveToFile <String> ]   [ -OverrideFile]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a report which can be exported in a variety of formats. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the report data. If no parameters are specified, all data for the specified report will be included in the report. Sort order criteria may be specified and sorted by ascending or descending order. Also, the returned data object can be pipelined to another cmdlet or script.


The name of the report.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The type of report to export. Possible parameter values include "Data Usage", "Detailed Data Usage", "Disk Pools", "Hosts", "Hosts By Group", "Paths", "Paths By Host", "Paths By Host Port", "Paths By Server", "Paths By Server Port", "Paths By Virtual Disk", "Physical Disks", "Physical Storage By Server", "Port Connections", "Ports By Host", "Ports By Server", "System Health", "Virtual Disks", "Virtual Disks By Host", "Virtual Disks By Group", "Virtual Disks By Host Port", "Virtual Disks By Path", "Virtual Disks By Pool", "Virtual Disks By Server", or "Virtual Disks By Server Port".

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The format of the report. Possible parameter values include "Csv", "Html", "Mht", "Pdf", "Rtf", "Text", "Xls", "Xlsx", "Bmp", "Gif", "Jpeg" or "Png".

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of report.

Required: false
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify one or more servers. This filter applies to all reports except host reports, Ports By Host report, both Data Usage reports, and System Health report. Values can be the computer name or ID that identifies one or more servers. The computer names must be unique or the names must be fully qualified. If this parameter is specified, only data for those servers will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all servers in the local server group will be included in the report.

Required: false
Position: 5
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify one or more clients (hosts). This filter applies to all virtual disks reports, and reports "By Host" or "By Host Port" (such as Paths By Host). Values can be the name or ID that identifies one or more clients. If this parameter is specified, only data for those clients will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all clients in the local server group will be included in the report. See the parameter ExcludeNonServedDisk if required to exclude virtual disks that are not served to hosts.

Required: false
Position: 6
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify one or more disk pools. This filter applies to the Physical Storage By Server report and the Virtual Disks By Pool report. Values can be the name, or ID that identifies one or more disk pools. (To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.) If this parameter is specified, only data for those disk pools will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all disk pools in the local server group will be included in the report.

Required: false
Position: 7
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify one or more path roles. This filter applies to the following reports: Paths, Paths By Server, Paths By Server Port, Paths By Virtual Disk and Virtual Disks by Path. Valid values include "Client" (front-end path) and "Mirror". If this parameter is specified, only data for those path roles will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all path roles will be included in the report.

Required: false
Position: 8
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify one or more kinds of virtual disks. This filter applies to all virtual disk reports. Valid values include "VirtualDisk", "Snapshot", and "Rollback". If this parameter is specified, only data for virtual disks of that kind will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all virtual disks in the local server group will be included in the report.

Required: false
Position: 9
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify one or more port types. This filter applies to all port reports. Valid values include "Fibre Channel", "iSCSI", and "Loopback". If this parameter is specified, only data for those port types will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all ports will be included in the report.

Required: false
Position: 10
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify one or more System Health message categories. This filter applies to the System Health report. Valid values include "Attention", "Warning", and "Critical". If this parameter is specified, only System Health messages of those categories will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all System Health messages in the local server group will be included in the report.

Required: false
Position: 11
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify host group names, supplied in an array of strings separated by commas, for example: "Host Group 1", "Host Group 2", "Host Group 3". A host group name "No Group" is also allowed. "No Group" will return all objects that are not part of a group. For example, if the argument is "No Group" for the Hosts by Group report, the report will include only hosts that do not belong to any host group. The HostGroup filter applies to the following reports: Data Usage, Detailed Data Usage, Hosts, Hosts by Group, Paths by Host, Paths by Host and Ports by Host. if this parameter is specified, only data for those host groups will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all host groups in the local server group will be included in the report. For the Detailed Data Usage report, more than one host name is not supported and that one host group name is required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify one or more virtual disk group names, supplied in an array of strings separated by commas. A virtual disk group name "No Group" is also allowed. "No Group" will return all objects that are not part of a group. For example, if the argument is "No Group" for the Virtual Disk report, the report will include only virtual disks that do not belong to any virtual disk group. This filter applies to the following reports: Paths, Paths By Server, Paths By Server Port, Paths By Virtual Disk, and all virtual disk reports. If this parameter is specified, only data for those virtual disk groups will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all virtual disk groups in the local server group will be included in the report.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to specify one or more physical disk types. This filter applies to the following reports: Physical Disks and Physical Storage By Server. Valid values include "Available", "PassThrough", and "Pool". If this parameter is specified, only data for those physical disk types will be included in the report. If the parameter is not specified, data for all physical disk types will be included in the report.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this switch parameter to exclude virtual disks that are not served in the report data, for instance when filtering by hosts or host groups when unserved virtual disks may not apply. This parameter applies to all virtual disk reports except Virtual Disks By Host and Virtual Disks By Host Port reports.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Sort order criteria. Specify this parameter to sort the report by the designated value. For Data Usage report, possible values include "HostGroupName", "TotalBytesTransferred", "TotalBytesWritten", "TotalBytesRead", "TotalOperations", "TotalWrites", or "TotalReads". (No sorting for Detailed Data Usage report.) For Disk Pools report, possible values include "ServerName", "PoolName", "PoolSize", or "PoolStatus". For Hosts and Hosts By Group reports, possible values include "HostName", "HostState", "PreferredServer", "Multipath", or "Alua". For Paths report, possible values include "InitiatorPort", "InitiatorMachine", "TargetPort", "TargetMachine", or "VirtualDisk". For Paths By Host and Paths by Host Port reports, possible values include "InitiatorPort", "TargetPort", "TargetMachine", or "VirtualDisk". For Paths By Server report, possible values include "TargetPort", "InitiatorPort", "InitiatorMachine", or "VirtualDisk". For Paths By Server Port report, possible values include "InitiatorPort", "InitiatorMachine", or "VirtualDisk". For Paths By Virtual Disk report, possible values include "InitiatorPort", "InitiatorMachine", "TargetPort", or "TargetMachine". For Physical Disks report, possible values include "ServerName", "DiskName", "DiskType", or "DiskStatus". For Physical Storage By Server report, possible values include "TierNumber", "DiskName", "DiskStatus", or "DiskSize". For Port Connections report, possible values include "PortAlias", "PortRole", "PortType", "PortStatus", or "PortMode". For Ports By Host report, possible values include "PortAlias", "PortName", "PortType", or "PortStatus". For Ports By Server report, possible values include "PortAlias", "PortName", "PortType", "PortStatus", PortRole", or ServerName". For System Health report, possible values include "ResourceName", "ResourceLastUpdate", or "ResourceStatus". For all virtual disks reports, possible values include "VirtualDiskName", "VirtualDiskType", "StorageProfile", "VirtualDiskStatus", or "ReplicationStatus".

Required: false
Position: 12
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to sort the report in descending order. If this parameter is not specified, the report will be sorted in ascending order.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Saves the report data to a file on the machine of the type specified in ReportType parameter. The file will be saved on the computer that invokes this cmdlet. Specify a complete path to an existing directory and the file name for the file. For example, if the report type is text and the value for this parameter is "C:\Reports\TextReport", then the report named "TextReport.txt" will be created in the C:\Reports directory. If the directory does not exist, it will not be created and result in an error, see the OverrideFile parameter for more information. If a file name is not entered in the provided path, the report name will be used as the file name. If a directory is not entered in the provided path, the file will be saved to the current PowerShell directory. If an empty string ("") is entered, the file will be saved in the current PowerShell directory and the name will be the report name. If this parameter is not specified, the report will be exported to the returned memory stream object and the object can be assigned to a variable in a script in order to use the results.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This switch parameter is used in conjunction with the SaveToFile parameter. If there already exists a report of the same name in the same path as specified by the SaveToFile parameter, the OverrideFile parameter will cause the existing file to be overwritten and replaced with the new file and prevent an error from occurring.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to signify the beginning date and time of the data to provide in the report. The StartTime parameter is used with the EndTime parameter to provide a time interval or date range. These parameters are used with the Data Usage and Detailed Data Usage reports. One way to provide the StartTime parameter would be by passing a variable created by invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The StartTime parameter can also be provided in a string that represents the date. An example of the format to use is "09/01/2014" which represents September 1, 2014. This value must be in quotes.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Filtering parameter used to signify the ending date and time of the data to provide in the report. The StartTime parameter is used with the EndTime parameter to provide a time interval or date range. Data for the End date will be included in the report. These parameters are used with the Data Usage and Detailed Data Usage reports. One way to provide the EndTime parameter would be by passing a variable created by invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The EndTime parameter can also be provided in a string representing the date. An example of the format to use is "09/30/2014" which represents September 30, 2014. This value must be in quotes.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



System.IO.Stream : Memory stream object that contains the report data.



-------------- Example 1 Exports a report in PDF and saves to a file. --------------

Export-DcsReport -ReportName "Virtual Disks By Server for SSVVM2" -ReportType "Virtual Disks By Server Port" -ExportType pdf -SaveToFile "C:\Reports\VD_BY_Svr_SSVVM2" -Server SSVVM2

A report of type "Virtual Disks By Server Port" named "Virtual Disks By Server for SSVVM2" is created on the computer invoking the cmdlet and exported in PDF to the existing folder "C:\Reports". The file is named "VD_BY_Svr_SSVVM2" and the report data will be contained in that file. The report is filtered by server named "SSVVM2" and only contains data for that server. The System.IO.Stream object is returned.

CanRead : True
CanSeek : True
CanWrite : True
Capacity : 99434
Length : 83107
Position : 0
CanTimeout : False
ReadTimeout :
WriteTimeout :

-------------- Example 2 Creates a virtual disk by group report and exports to a text file --------------

Export-DcsReport -ReportName "Virtual Disks Served to HostVM1" -ReportType "Virtual Disks By Group" -Export
Type text -SaveToFile "C:\Reports\VDs Served to HostVM1" -Client HostVM1 -VirtualDiskKind "VirtualDisk" -ExcludeNonServedDisk

A report of type "Virtual Disks By Group" named "Virtual Disks Served to HostVM1 is created on the computer invoking the cmdlet and exported in a text file to the existing folder "C:\Reports". The file is named "VDs Served to HostVM1" and the report data will be contained in that file. The report contains virtual disks in the local server group and is filtered to return only the regular virtual disks (not snapshots or rollbacks) that are served to the client named "HostVM1". The System.IO.Stream object is returned.

CanRead : True
CanSeek : True
CanWrite : True
Capacity : 4096
Length : 3978
Position : 0
CanTimeout : False
ReadTimeout :
WriteTimeout :

-------------- Example 3 Creates a detailed data usage report for a specified host group for the month of September --------------

Export-DcsReport -ReportName "Detailed Data Usage for September" -ReportType "Detailed Data Usage" -ExportType csv -SaveToFile "C:\Reports\DetailedDataUsageHostGroup1Sept" -OverrideFile -HostGroup "Host Group 1" -StartTime "09/01/2014" -EndTime "09/30/2014"

A report of type "Detailed Data Usage" named "Detailed Data Usage for Host Group 1 in September" is created on the computer invoking the cmdlet and exported in the report type "csv" (comma separated values) to the existing folder "C:\Reports". The file is named "DetailedDataUsageHostGroup1Sept" and the report data will be stored in that file. The parameter Override is included, so if a file with the same name and path exists, it will be replaced with the new file. The report contains I/O statistics used to charge back the customer affiliated with the host group "Host Group 1" that occurred between September 1, 2014 and September 30, 2014. The System.IO.Stream object is returned.

CanSeek : True
CanWrite : True
Capacity : 65536
Length : 36460
Position : 0
CanTimeout : False
ReadTimeout :
WriteTimeout :

-------------- Example 4 Creates a physical disks report and creates the report from the returned object --------------

$AvailableDisks = Export-DcsReport -ReportName "Available Physical Disks" -ReportType "Physical Disks" -ExportType csv -Server SSV1 -PhysicalDiskType Available
$DestinationStream = [System.IO.File]::Create("C:\Reports\"Available Physical Disks.csv")

A report of type "Physical Disks" named "Available Physical Disks" is created on the computer invoking the cmdlet and exported in the report type "csv" (comma separated values) to the existing folder "C:\Reports". The file is named "Physical Disks SSV1" and the report data will be contained in that file. The report contains the physical disks on the server "SSV1" that are currently available. The returned object System.IO.Stream is assigned to the variable $AvailableDisks. A file is created and the data in $AvailableDisks is copied to the variable $DestinationStream. The destination stream is flushed and closed.

To Table of Contents




Forces a logical disk of a mirrored virtual disk online in order to start mirror recovery.


Force-DcsVirtualDiskOnline   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Server <String>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Forces a logical disk of a mirrored virtual disk online in order to start mirror recovery. This operation is only valid when the data status of both storage sources of a virtual disk are not defined, unknown, or double failure.WARNING: This operation involves risks and should be used with extreme caution. Recovering from the incorrect storage source will result in data loss.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server that will own the history log. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Forcing a virtual disk online is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to force online and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If this parameter is not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


LogicalDiskData : Object the identifies and describes the logical disk.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk


-------------- Example 1 Forces a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Force-DcsVirtualDiskOnline -VirtualDisk "Virtual Disk 1" -Server SSV1 -Yes

Forces the virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 1" on the server named SSV1 to come online. The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : F5381494-7319-4F56-8890-01705D0F5227:{8576dcad-eb64-11e0-81b0-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 5
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : NotUpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : NoAccess
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : 3b535f138ef243e19f10095c73742f6f
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : F5381494-7319-4F56-8890-01705D0F5227
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:F5381494-7319-4F56-8890-01705D0F5227_V.{8576dcad-eb64-11e0-81b0-00155d11e921}-00000005
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns actions associated with a task.


Get-DcsAction   [ -Task <String> ]   [ -Action <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns actions associated with a task. One specific action or all actions for the specified task will be be returned.


Name, or ID that identifies the task.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

TaskActionData object, name or ID that identifies the action. If the action is specified, only that action will be returned. If not specified, all actions will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskActionData : Object the identifies and describes the action of a task.


TaskActionData : Object the identifies and describes the action of a task.


Also see Get-DcsTask, Get-DcsAction, Get-DcsTrigger, Set-DcsAction, Remove-DcsAction.


-------------- Example 1 Returns all actions for a task specified by name --------------

Get-DcsAction -Task "Task 1"

Returns all actions (2) associated with the task named "Task 1".

RecipientId : 9b400063-4e5f-4652-be8a-b3eba1dde95a
TaskId : 32651f76-72e9-4852-ba35-0b111eaa7808
Type : SendNotification
Id : 8442e56b-a1c9-4485-8b45-8d08ce9c3bd4
Caption : Send email to Moe Howard
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False
RecipientId : d8e402d3-8458-4948-912b-95c0b77eb2f1
TaskId : 32651f76-72e9-4852-ba35-0b111eaa7808
Type : SendNotification
Id : 6bb6302b-3530-4a65-a65f-06735c835bbb
Caption : Send email to Curly Howard
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns data for all alerts for all servers in the specified connection.


Get-DcsAlert   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns data for all alerts for all servers in the specified connection.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



LogMessageData : Object that identifies and describes the alert message.


Also see Clear-DcsAlert, Get-DcsLogMessage, Add-DcsLogMessage.


-------------- Example 1 Returns alert data for the server group --------------


Returns data for all alerts on servers in the server group. In this case there were two alerts.

Id : DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId
TimeStamp : 8/8/2011 6:56:41 PM
MachineName : SSV1
Level : Warning
Visibility : Customer
HighPriority : True
NeedsAcknowledge : False
MessageText : CHECK THE EVENT LOG! A WARNING MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIVED. [Triggered by One-Time Scheduler: 8/8/2011
2 : 55:00 PM on 8/8/2011 2:55:00 PM]
MessageData :
UserId :
UserName :
Caller : MessageAction.DoRun
Sources : {f9b6dcc0-5c79-42be-ba39-6d44884cb08c}
Id : DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId
TimeStamp : 8/8/2011 6:50:50 PM
MachineName : SSV1
Level : Error
Visibility : Customer
HighPriority : True
NeedsAcknowledge : False
MessageText : CHECK THE EVENT LOG! AN ERROR MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIVED. [Triggered by One-Time Scheduler: 8/8/2011
2 : 50:00 PM on 8/8/2011 2:50:00 PM]
MessageData :
UserId :
UserName :
Caller : MessageAction.DoRun
Sources : {f2163298-82f3-4b6e-a7d3-1b0e3fa0497c}

To Table of Contents




Retrieves the current allocation map of a virtual disk on a specified server (logical disk).


Get-DcsAllocationMap   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Retrieves the current allocation map of a virtual disk on a specified server (logical disk). The cmdlet returns allocations from the logical disk perspective, which chunks (logical disk SAU offsets) are allocated or not, regardless of the physical disk on which they reside. Returned data includes the Bitmap and Count for the logical disk. Each bit in the bit array corresponds to an SAU for the logical disk. The actual byte offset of this SAU can be determined by its position and the SAU size of the pool. The Count is determined by the number of chunks that logical disk contains (VD size divided by SAU size). If the corresponding bit is set to 1 (or True), the SAU is allocated. See the example for more information on the Bitmap.


VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server with the virtual disk storage source from which to get an allocation map. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



BitArrrayEx : Object that displays the bitmap and bit count for the logical disk.


Also see Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap, Get-DcsChunkAllocation, Get-DcsChunkReclamationMap, Get-DcsVirtualDisk. The difference between Get-DcsAllocationMap and Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap is that the later returns allocations from the physical disk perspective (how many chunks are allocated on each physical disk for the specified logical disk), and the former returns the allocations from the logical disk perspective (which chunks are allocated or not regardless of the physical disk on which they reside). This function is highly volatile because I/O may change at any time. The call will throw an exception if the chunk allocation changes while getting the data. In this case, rerun the cmdlet.


-------------- Example 1 Retrieves current logical disk allocation map for a specified virtual disk and server. --------------

Get-DcsAllocationMap -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Server "SSVVM01"

The cmdlet is invoked to obtain the logical disk allocation map of the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" on the server named "SSVVM01". The Bitmap and Count is returned. In this example, the Count is 80 and the BitMap consists of 10 bytes. 
The entire Bitmap is truncated. One way to see the entire BitMap would be to save the results to a variable and print the contents to the screen:
ForEach ($bit in $map) {Write-Host $bit.Bitmap}
171 84 37 83 149 170 84 165 74 213

To Table of Contents




Returns the path of the folder assigned to store the configuration backup for the specified server.


Get-DcsBackUpFolder   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the path of the folder assigned to store the configuration backup for the specified server.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


string : Complete path of the backup folder.


Also see Set-DcsBackupFolder, Backup-DcsConfiguration.


-------------- Example 1 Returns the path of the backup folder for a server specified by name --------------

Get-DcsBackupFolder -Server SSV1

Returns the path of the backup folder for the server named "SSV1".

C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\

-------------- Example 2 Returns the path to the backup folder for all servers by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsServer | Get-DcsBackUpFolder

The server objects were obtained using the cmdlet Get-DcsServer and piped to Get-DcsBackupFolder resulting in the paths to the backup folders for both servers in the server group.

C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\
C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\

To Table of Contents




Returns storage allocation unit (SAU) data for each physical disk in a disk pool. Data returned can be used to determine allocation distribution for disks in a pool.


Get-DcsChunkAllocation   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns storage allocation unit (SAU) data for each physical disk in a disk pool. Data returned can be used to determine allocation distribution for disks in a pool. The returned object can be saved to a variable and used to get the total bit (SAU) count and view the actual bitmap data for each byte of each disk. This cmdlet can be used to determine if SAUs are allocated on a pool disk.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies the disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.


DiskAllocationInfoData : Object that associates the location for each SAU within the respective physical disks in a pool.


The amount of bytes allocated and other performance data for pools can be retrieved by the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter. Also see Get-DcsPool, Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap, Get-DcsChunkReclamationMap.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a specified pool, finds the properties in the returned object, and displays the number of bits and bitmap for each disk in the pool --------------

$ChunksAlloc = Get-DcsChunkAllocation -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1"


PoolMemberId                                                          ChunkMap
------------                                                          --------
c358e4a6-26e0-4f07-aa9e-e780fff049bb                                  DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx
4407d9de-8022-40d3-be64-5db8eaf44260                                  DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx

$ChunksAlloc[0].ChunkMap | get-member

   TypeName: DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx

Name        MemberType            Definition
----        ----------            ----------
Equals      Method                bool Equals(System.Object other)
GetHashCode Method                int GetHashCode()
GetType     Method                type GetType()
Or          Method                System.Void Or(DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx otherBitArrayEx)
ToString    Method                string ToString()
Item        ParameterizedProperty bool Item(int index) {get;set;}
BitMap      Property              System.Byte[] BitMap {get;set;}
Count       Property              System.Int32 Count {get;set;}


BitMap                                                               Count
------                                                               -----
{254, 255, 255, 255...}                                              397

ForEach ($c in $ChunksAlloc)
   Write-Host  (Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -PoolMember $c.PoolMemberid).ExtendedCaption
   Write-Host "Number of Bits in BitMap =" $c.ChunkMap.Count
   Write-Host "BitMap:"
   Write-Host $c.ChunkMap.BitMap

The chunk allocation data (SAUs) for each disk in the pool named "Disk Pool 1" on the server named "SSV1" is returned and stored in the variable $ChunksAlloc. The contents of the variable are output. There are two physical disks in the pool. The Pool Member ID and Chunk Map are returned for both pool disks. The PowerShell cmdlet Get-Member can be used to find the properties for the ChunkMap object, which are Count and Bitmap. The ChunkMap object for the first record in the variable is displayed. A script shows one way to ouput the Count and entire BitMap for each disk. The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk uses the PoolMemberId to find the disk name. The variable $ChunksAlloc is used to output the bit count and actual bitmap from the ChunkMap object for each disk in the pool. The bitmap is displayed in a series of bytes in decimal that represent a bitmap of the SAU allocation for a disk. The disk size divided by the SAU size is equal to the number of SAUs or bits.

Disk 5 on SSV1

Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Disk 6 on SSV1

Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
250 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-------------- Example 2 Returns bitmap and count data for all pools in a server group --------------

$Servers = Get-DcsServer
ForEach ($s in $Servers) 
   $Pools = Get-DcsPool -Server $s
   ForEach ($p in $Pools) 
      Write-Host "Pool Name =" $p.ExtendedCaption -foregroundcolor Yellow
      $ChunksAllocs = Get-DcsChunkAllocation -Server $s -Pool $p
      ForEach ($c in $ChunksAllocs)
         Write-Host  (Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -PoolMember $c.PoolMemberid).ExtendedCaption 
         Write-Host "Number of Bits in BitMap =" $c.ChunkMap.Count
         Write-Host "BitMap:"
         Write-Host $c.ChunkMap.BitMap

This simple script file builds on the basics shown in Example 1 and shows one way to get bitmap and count data for all pools in a server group. The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is invoked to get the ServerHostData objects for all servers in the server group of the default connection; the objects are stored in the variable $Servers. The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is invoked to get DiskPoolData objects for all pools for all servers; those objects are stored in the variable $Pools. For each pool, the name is output to the screen in yellow. The cmdlet Get-DcsChunkAllocation is invoked for each pool on each server. The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is used with the PoolMemberId to output the disk name. The variable $ChunkAllocs is used to output the Count and the actual Bitmap in the ChunkMap object. In this case there are three servers in the server group: SSV1, SSV2 and SSV3. Each server has a pool (Disk pool 1 on SSV1, Disk pool 2 on SSV2, and Disk pool 3 on SSV3)and all servers share a pool (Shared pool 1). Each pool has two disks.

Pool Name = Disk pool 1 on SSV1

Disk 5 on SSV1
Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Disk 6 on SSV1
Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pool Name = Shared pool 1 on SSV1

Shared Disk 2 on SSV1
Number of Bits in BitMap = 317
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 

Shared Disk 1 on SSV1
Number of Bits in BitMap = 477
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pool Name = Disk pool 2 on SSV2

Disk 11 on SSV2
Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 223 255 255 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Disk 9 on SSV2
Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 223 251 255 255 191 255 255 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pool Name = Shared pool 1 on SSV2

Shared Disk 2 on SSV1
Number of Bits in BitMap = 317
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Shared Disk 1 on SSV1
Number of Bits in BitMap = 477
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pool Name = Disk pool 3 on SSV3

Disk 4 on SSV3
Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Disk 3 on SSV3
Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pool Name = Shared pool 1 on SSV3

Shared Disk 2 on SSV1
Number of Bits in BitMap = 317
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Shared Disk 1 on SSV1
Number of Bits in BitMap = 477
254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

To Table of Contents




Returns storage allocation unit (SAU) data for a specified virtual disk in a pool on a particular server (also known as a logical disk).


Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns storage allocation unit (SAU) data for a specified virtual disk in a pool on a particular server (also known as a logical disk). The cmdlet shows how many chunks are allocated on each physical disk (physical disk SAU offsets) in a pool. Data returned can be used to determine allocation distribution for the virtual disk on disks in the pool.


VirtualDiskData object, name or ID of the virtual disk. The object can be obtained from Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


DiskAllocationInfoData : Object that associates the location for each SAU within the respective physical disks for a specified virtual disk storage source.


Also see Get-DcsAllocationMap, Get-DcsChunkAllocation, Get-DcsChunkReclamationMap, Get-DcsVirtualDisk. The difference between Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap and Get-DcsAllocationMap is that the former returns allocations from the physical disk perspective (how many chunks are allocated on each physical disk for the specified logical disk), and the later returns the allocations from the logical disk perspective (which chunks are allocated or not regardless of the physical disk on which they reside). This function is highly volatile because I/O may change at any time. The call will throw an exception if the chunk allocation changes while getting the data. In this case, rerun the cmdlet.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a specified virtual disk --------------

$VDChunksAllocMap = Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 10" -Server SSV1


PoolMemberId                                                          ChunkMap
------------                                                          --------
c358e4a6-26e0-4f07-aa9e-e780fff049bb                                  DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx
4407d9de-8022-40d3-be64-5db8eaf44260                                  DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx

$VDChunksAllocMap[0].ChunkMap | Get-Member

   TypeName: DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx

Name        MemberType            Definition
----        ----------            ----------
Equals      Method                bool Equals(System.Object other)
GetHashCode Method                int GetHashCode()
GetType     Method                type GetType()
Or          Method                System.Void Or(DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx otherBitArrayEx)
ToString    Method                string ToString()
Item        ParameterizedProperty bool Item(int index) {get;set;}
BitMap      Property              System.Byte[] BitMap {get;set;}
Count       Property              System.Int32 Count {get;set;}


BitMap                                                                                                                                Count
------                                                                                                                                -----
{248, 255, 255, 255...}                                                                                                                 397

$VDChunksAllocMap = Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 10" -Server SSV1
ForEach ($d in $VDChunksAllocMap)
   Write-Host (Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -PoolMember $d.PoolMemberid).ExtendedCaption
   Write-Host "Number of Bits in BitMap =" $d.ChunkMap.Count
   Write-Host "BitMap:"
   Write-Host $d.ChunkMap.BitMap

Chunk allocation data (SAUs) is returned for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 10" on the server named "SSV1" and stored in the variable $VDChunksAllocMap. The contents of the variable are output. There are two physical disks are in the pool. The Pool Member ID and Chunk Map are returned for the disks. The PowerShell cmdlet Get-Member can be used to get the properties of the ChunkMap object, which are Bitmap and Count (total number of bits). The ChunkMap object for the first record in the variable is displayed. A script file shows one way to output the ChunkMap data for each disk. The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is used to get the disk name from the PoolMemberId. The variable $VDChunksAllocMap is used to output the bit count and actual bitmap from the ChunkMap object for each disk in the pool that stores the virtual disk data. The bitmap is displayed in a series of bytes in decimal that represent a bitmap of the SAU allocation for a disk. The disk size divided by the SAU size is equal to the number of SAUs or bits.

Disk 5 on SSV1

Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
248 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 29 252 255 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Disk 6 on SSV1

Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
248 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 21 249 255 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

To Table of Contents




Returns storage allocation unit (SAU) data for SAUs in reclamation in a disk pool. Data returned can be used to determine the distribution for SAUs in reclamation in a pool.


Get-DcsChunkReclamationMap   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Gets the storage allocation unit (SAU) data for SAUs in reclamation in a disk pool. Data returned can be used to determine the distribution for SAUs in reclamation in a pool.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies the disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.


DiskAllocationInfoData : Object that associates the location for each SAU in reclamation within the respective physical disks.


Also see Get-DcsPool, Get-DcsChunkAllocation, Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap.


-------------- Example 1 Returns the reclamation map for a specified disk pool --------------

$ReclaimMap = Get-DcsChunkReclamationMap -Pool "Disk pool 1"


PoolMemberId                                                          ChunkMap
------------                                                          --------
c358e4a6-26e0-4f07-aa9e-e780fff049bb                                  DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx
4407d9de-8022-40d3-be64-5db8eaf44260                                  DataCore.Executive.BitArrayEx

$ReclaimMap = Get-DcsChunkReclamationMap -Pool "Disk pool 1"
ForEach ($d in $ReclaimMap)
   Write-Host (Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -PoolMember $d.PoolMemberid).ExtendedCaption
   Write-Host "Number of Bits in BitMap =" $d.ChunkMap.Count
   Write-Host "BitMap:"
   Write-Host $d.ChunkMap.BitMap

The cmdlet is invoked to obtain the reclamation map for the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server "SSV1" and is stored in the variable $ReclaimMap. The output for the variable is displayed. Two physical disks are in the pool. The Pool Member ID and Chunk Map are returned for the disks. The PowerShell cmdlet Get-Member can be used to get the properties of the ChunkMap object, which are Bitmap and Count (total number of bits). A script file shows one way to output the ChunkMap data for each disk. The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is used to get the disk name from the PoolMemberId. The variable $ReclaimMap is used to get the total number of bits and the actual bitmap for each disk that has SAUs that are being reclaimed. When reclamation is complete, the BitMap will have no bits set. The bitmap is displayed in a series of bytes in decimal that represent a bitmap of the SAUs in reclamation on a disk. The disk size divided by the SAU size is equal to the number of SAUs or bits.

Disk 5 on SSV1

Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
112 255 255 239 255 191 255 255 255 247 255 255 191 187 127 255 239 255 29 180 255 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Disk 6 on SSV1

Number of Bits in BitMap = 397
248 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 21 249 255 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

To Table of Contents




Returns data for clients (hosts).


Get-DcsClient   [ -Client <Object> ]   [ -Group <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns data for clients (hosts). Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all clients associated with the default connection will be returned.


ClientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies a client. If specified, only data for that client will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

HostGroupData, Id or name of the host group. Use this parameter to return data for client hosts that belong to a specific host group.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ClientHostData or HostGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the client or host group.


ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client.


Also see Remove-DcsClient, Remove-DcsClientPort, Register-DcsClientPort, Set-DcsClientProperties, Set-DcsPortProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a client specified by name --------------

Get-DcsClient -Client "Host VM1"

Returns data for the client host named "Host VM1".

HostGroupId : {94f8347a-e846-46cb-aa63-b2d343b0e41d}
Type : WindowsServer2008
State : PortsConnected
AluaSupport : True
PathPolicy : PreferredServer
PreferredServerId :
Description :
HostName : Host VM1
MpioCapable : True
SequenceNumber : 34634
Id : 522f9c1287c145c7888c752dd7b7f325
Caption : Host VM1
ExtendedCaption : Host VM1
Internal : False

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Returns client-preferred server relationships that show which servers are associated with which clients (hosts).


Get-DcsClientPreferredServer   [ -Client <Object> ]   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsClientPreferredServer   -ClientPreferredServer <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns client-preferred server relationships that show which servers are associated with which clients (hosts). Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. Preferred server data can be returned for a specific client (host), a specific server, or a specific client-preferred server relationship. If no parameters are specified, data for all client-preferred server relationships in the server group is returned.


ClientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies a client (host). If specified, only data for that client will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If the server is specified, only data for that server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ClientServerRelationData object, ID, or caption that identifies a client-preferred server relationship. If specified, only data for that relationship will be returned. The caption is the name of the host followed by the name of the preferred server in this format: "HostVM1 | SSVVM01".

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


ClientServerRelationData : Object that identifies the preferred server relationship between a client (host ) and preferred server.


A Preferred Server setting of "Auto select" returns no data since no preferred server is specifically set. A host enabled for ALUA with a Preferred Server setting of "ALL" returns no data. In this case, the path policy is Symmetrical, which means that all available paths are utilized equally, therefore no server is preferred.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a specified client --------------

Get-DcsClientPreferredServer -Client "HostVM1"

The cmdlet is invoked to get the preferred server data for the client (host) named "HostVM1". Two ClientServerRelationData objects are returned. The Caption in the objects show that the servers named "SSVVM01" and "SSVVM02" are preferred servers for the specified client.

ClientId : 549da3ce079b49cb9f895d884042722a
ServerId : 2D78E1A3-FECB-413F-B20F-70340176CF79
SequenceNumber : 10914
Id : c303694d-0ee3-4041-898d-6e9e714296dd
Caption : HostVM1 | SSVVM01
ExtendedCaption : HostVM1 | SSVVM01
Internal : False
ClientId : 549da3ce079b49cb9f895d884042722a
ServerId : 991725E0-A887-4CAA-AAA4-D37D972334C8
SequenceNumber : 10915
Id : 24ba2893-6132-4774-bf5b-0f11fdeacfef
Caption : HostVM1 | SSVVM02
ExtendedCaption : HostVM1 | SSVVM02
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a specified server --------------

Get-DcsServer -Server "SSVVM01" | Get-DcsClientPreferredServer

The cmdlet is invoked to get the preferred server data for the server named "SSVVM01". The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is invoked to return the ServerHostData object for the server and the object is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsClientPreferredServer. Two ClientServerRelationData objects are returned. The Caption in the objects show that the specified server "SSVVM01" is preferred for the Clients (hosts) named "HostVM1" and "HostVM2".

ClientId : f2c26a44d9784647b6168f168b1ad517
ServerId : 2D78E1A3-FECB-413F-B20F-70340176CF79
SequenceNumber : 10912
Id : 1a40c644-4301-4a2c-a890-6dacaa173fd0
Caption : HostVM2 | SSVVM01
ExtendedCaption : HostVM2 | SSVVM01
Internal : False
ClientId : 549da3ce079b49cb9f895d884042722a
ServerId : 2D78E1A3-FECB-413F-B20F-70340176CF79
SequenceNumber : 10914
Id : c303694d-0ee3-4041-898d-6e9e714296dd
Caption : HostVM1 | SSVVM01
ExtendedCaption : HostVM1 | SSVVM01
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Returns data for a specified clientpreferred server relationship --------------

Get-DcsClientPreferredServer -ClientPreferredServer "HostVM1 | SSVVM01"

The cmdlet is invoked using the caption of the client-preferred server "HostVM1 | SSVVM01" to return the object that shows the relationship between the client named "HostVM1" and the preferred server named "SSVVM01".

ClientId : 549da3ce079b49cb9f895d884042722a
ServerId : 2D78E1A3-FECB-413F-B20F-70340176CF79
SequenceNumber : 10914
Id : c303694d-0ee3-4041-898d-6e9e714296dd
Caption : HostVM1 | SSVVM01
ExtendedCaption : HostVM1 | SSVVM01
Internal : False

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Returns the server group configuration state for the specified connection.


Get-DcsConfigurationState   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the server group configuration state for the specified connection.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ConfigurationData : Object describing the state of the server group configuration.


Also see Synch-DcsConfiguration, Get-DcsServer, Get-DcsServerGroup, Get-DcsServerInfo.


-------------- Example 1 Returns the configuration state of the local server group --------------


Returns the configuration state of the local server group.

State : Synchronized
Source :
Id : dd261697-6e3c-47d6-8a6d-034adb0ee163
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

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Displays the names of all connections created for the server group.


Get-DcsConnection   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Displays the names of all connections created for the server group. The connections were created using Connect-DcsServer.



Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



string : Aliases of all connections for the server group.


Also see Get-DcsDefaultConnection, Set-DcsDefaultConnection.


-------------- Example 1 Returns all connections --------------


Lists the connections for this server group.


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Displays the default connection.


Get-DcsDefaultConnection   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Displays the default connection. The default connection is assigned using Set-DcsDefaultConnection, or will be the last connection made.



Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



string : The alias of the default connection.


Also see Set-DcsDefaultConnection, Get-DcsConnection.


-------------- Example 1 Returns the default connection --------------


Returns the default connection for the server group. The name of the connection is "SSV1Connect", as shown by the output.


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THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Get-DcsPhysicalDiskPath.


Get-DcsDiskPath   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Disk <String> ]   [ -Port <String> ]   [ -DiskPath <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Get-DcsPhysicalDiskPath.



Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPathData : Object that identifies and describes the paths for a physical disk.


DiskPathData : Object that identifies and describes the paths for a physical disk.




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Returns a distribution plan for a server in preparation of moving eligible logical disks (storage sources) to other servers without effecting virtual disk high availability. This cmdlet creates a distribution plan in order to perform the "Evacuate DataCore Server" or "Redistribute to DataCore Server" operations. Eligible virtual disks must have a storage source created from a shared pool and the destination server must share the same pool.


Get-DcsDistributionPlan   -LogicalDisk <Object[]>   [ -DestinationServer <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns a distribution plan for a server in preparation of moving eligible logical disks (storage sources) to other servers without effecting virtual disk high availability. This cmdlet creates a distribution plan in order to perform the "Evacuate DataCore Server" or "Redistribute to DataCore Server" operations. Eligible virtual disks must have a storage source created from a shared pool and the destination server must share the same pool. The returned plan consists of an array of logical disk IDs with an associated server where the eligible storage sources will be moved. A warning is provided if storage sources are not eligible to be moved. Logical disks with warnings on the plan will not be moved. Actions can be taken to reduce warnings if desired and the cmdlet can be invoked again to get a new distribution plan. (See Start-DcsDistributionPlan to start the distribution of storage sources to other servers.)


An array of LogicalDiskData objects, IDs or captions that identifies one or more logical disks to move. LogicalDiskData objects can be obtained from Get-DcsLogicalDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the destination server where the storage sources should be moved and behaves in the same way as the "Redistribute to DataCore Server" operation in the user interface. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. The ServerHostData object can be obtained from Get-DcsServer. If the DestinationServer parameter is not specified, the software will determine the best server based on balancing the load and the number of available paths and behaves in the same way as the "Evacuate DataCore Server" operation.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


LogicalDiskData [] : An array of LogicalDiskData objects that describe and identify the storage sources on a server.


LogicalDiskDistributionSet : Object that describes the distribution set which consists of an array of logical disk IDs and the associated server candidates and any warnings.


Under certain circumstances, a distribution plan is not required, see Start-DcsDistributionPlan for more information.


-------------- Example 1 Returns the distribution plan for all storage sources on a specified server to evacuate virtual disks. --------------

$plan = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 | Get-DcsDistributionPlan

This example creates a distribution plan for a "Evacuate DataCore Server" operation. The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to obtain all LogicalDiskData objects for the server named "SSV1", which will be evacuating its logical disks. Those objects are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsDistributionPlan to generate the distribution plan for the server "SSV1". The returned LogicalDiskDistributionSet object is saved to the variable $plan. The returned object lists each logical disk for that server, along with the server IDs to which the logical disks will be moved. No destination server was specified, so the software will select the most suitable destination server. Warnings are provided for seven logical disks, which will not be moved (unless actions are taken to remove the warnings and a new plan is generated). In this case there are four logical disks which have no warnings and will be moved in the event that the variable $plan is passed to the cmdlet Start-DcsDistributionPlan.

LogicalDiskId                                            Servers                                                                                                 Warnings
-------------                                            -------                                                                                                 --------
8c7cfd0d-6885-4575-9088-fd79b14197c4                     {606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81}                                                                      None
07a40cd1-be73-470d-96ed-a5e2d5e1bf69                     {606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81}                                                                      None
18038c60-9243-4d8a-9c92-3551c9a8b28a                     {606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81}                                                                      None
2a5de906-f3bc-4592-9f6f-e18b8dbd64a0                     {606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81}                                                                      None
acb5b7e5-c3f7-404a-88ee-d605e204f847                     {C8A77BC1-E998-4B73-90BF-DE7F097861C2}                                                IsSequentialStorageEnabled
1e9e5134-d88d-42c5-ad07-dfb9b1e7531d                     {606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81}                                                          IsRollbackSource
c141d228-9457-47b4-9801-2ecd491d5cf6                                                                                                         IsDataProtected, IsNotShared
7e988623-4833-42c0-8076-05e47f68363c                                                                                                                          IsNotShared
5a634ef3-b61b-4831-b0bc-2347b5dc9e63                                                                                                                          IsNotShared
798d7069-2c36-4ee8-9bd6-612d0567cac0                                                                                                                        IsNonMirrored
71b962e8-d009-4f0b-b2b1-3b8b4562b767                                                                              ... IsRollbackDestination, IsDataProtected, IsNotShared
0608e471-0c63-49d2-9b4c-a9ff8c3d0893                                                                        IsNotShared
cebda920-8a8b-45fa-bbaf-cc42ac0bced1                                                                        IsNotShared

-------------- Example 2 Returns the distribution plan for a specified server and destination server to redistribute virtual disks and pipe the output directly to StartDcsDistributionPlan. --------------

Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 | Get-DcsDistributionPlan -DestinationServer SSV2 | Start-DcsDistributionPlan

This example creates a distribution plan for a "Redistribute to DataCore Server" operation. The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to obtain all LogicalDiskData objects for the server named "SSV1". Those objects are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsDistributionPlan to generate the distribution plan for the server "SSV1". The server named "SSV2" is specified as the destination server, where all eligible storage sources will be moved. The returned LogicalDiskDistributionSet object is piped directly to the cmdlet Start-DcsDistributionPlan and all logical disks with no warnings are moved to the server "SSV2". All logical disks with warnings are not moved.

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Returns data for a specific host group or all host groups in the server group of the specified connection.


Get-DcsHostGroup   [ -Group <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns data for a specific host group or all host groups in the server group of the specified connection. If no parameters are specified, data for all host groups in the server group of the default connection will be returned.


HostGroupData object, name, or ID that identifies the host group. If specified, only data for that host group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


HostGroupData : The object that identifies and describes the host group.


HostGroupData : The object that identifies and describes the host group.


Also see Add-DcsHostGroup, Add-DcsHostToGroup, Remove-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostFromGroup, Set-DcsHostGroupProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a host group specified by name --------------

Get-DcsHostGroup -Group "HostGroup1"

The cmdlet is invoked with the Group parameter specified as "HostGroup1" to return the HostGroupData object for the host group named "HostGroup1".

Alias : HostGroup1
Description :
SequenceNumber : 5006
Id : {04dcdfbf-109b-4a9c-9fd2-64ac9f5b5d8c}
Caption : HostGroup1
ExtendedCaption : HostGroup1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for all host groups. --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without parameters to return the HostGroupData objects for all host groups in the server group of the default connection. Data for two host groups are returned.

Alias : HostGroup1
Description :
SequenceNumber : 5006
Id : {04dcdfbf-109b-4a9c-9fd2-64ac9f5b5d8c}
Caption : HostGroup1
ExtendedCaption : HostGroup1
Internal : False
Alias : HostGroup2
Description :
SequenceNumber : 5008
Id : {39662275-2f40-407b-ae12-d4557efde87c}
Caption : HostGroup2
ExtendedCaption : HostGroup2
Internal : False

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Returns logical disk (storage source) data.


Get-DcsLogicalDisk   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -VirtualDisk <Object> ]   [ -Pool <Object> ]   [ -LogicalDisk <Object> ]   [ -WithCdpEnabled <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns logical disk (storage source) data. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, logical disk data will be returned for all servers in the default connection.


Computer name or ID of a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If specified, only data for the designated server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a virtual disk. If specified, only data for the designated virtual disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPoolData object, name or ID that identifies a disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If a disk pool is specified, only data for that pool will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

LogicalDiskData object, ID or caption that identifies a logical disk. If specified, only data for that logical disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to return logical disk data based on the Continuous Data Protection (CDP) setting. Specify $true to return data for logical disks with CDP enabled or $false to return data for logical disks with CDP disabled.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


LogicalDiskData : Object the identifies and describes the logical disk.


Also see Get-DcsMirror, Get-DcsVirtualDiskLogicalUnit, Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap, Add-DcsVirtualDisk, Remove-DcsLogicalDisk. Note: The RetentionTime is the returned object is not to be confused with the Retention Period of a CDP-enabled virtual disk. See the examples of Get-DcsPerformanceCounter for an example to get the up-to-date Retention Period of a logical disk.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a pool specified by name --------------

Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1"

Returns data for all logical disks created from "Disk pool 1" on server "SSV1".

StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 45
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : 0dc5596489cb4d8ba0346f80eb47ad46
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002D
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 46
MinQuota : 25.00 GB
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : a6c21da23ec84baa80ab6a5c8c8c605c
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002E
Caption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000031
RetentionTime : 36000000000
StreamSize : 2.50 GB
StreamState : Active
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 47
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : 635134ab2cad4b5d81af73ae5f09bd6f
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002F
Caption : Virtual disk 3 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000033
RetentionTime : 36000000000
StreamSize : 2.50 GB
StreamState : Active
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 50
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : 54893a865cc4412d83b43ba09179996d
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : False
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000032
Caption : Virtual disk 3 @ 8/16/2011 10:10:20 AM on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 @ 8/16/2011 10:10:20 AM on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 51
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : Undefined
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : False
ClientAccessRights : NotDefined
Failure : Undefined
VirtualDiskId :
DiskRole : Unknown
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : False
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000033
Caption : Log history of Virtual disk 3 @ 8/16/2011 10:10:20 AM on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Log history of Virtual disk 3 @ 8/16/2011 10:10:20 AM on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 49
MinQuota : 2.50 GB
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : Undefined
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : False
ClientAccessRights : NotDefined
Failure : Undefined
VirtualDiskId :
DiskRole : Unknown
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : False
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000031
Caption : Log history of Virtual disk 3 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Log history of Virtual disk 3 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for all virtual disks of a certain kind by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Kind Snapshot | Get-DcsLogicalDisk

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is used to get virtual disk data for all snapshots in the server group. This data is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk resulting in logical disk data for all snapshots in the server group.

StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 52
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : ff93ddd9444b46cab5374a04f75cb20d
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : False
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000034
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/16/2011 10:16:12 AM on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/16/2011 10:16:12 AM on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 54
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : 47994570d6b54c59b7e8f8333afd3b9e
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : False
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000036
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/16/2011 10:16:26 AM on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/16/2011 10:16:26 AM on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns Event Log messages for all servers in the connection.


Get-DcsLogMessage   [ -Level <String[]> ]   [ -MatchLevel]   [ -SourceType <String[]> ]   [ -Source <Object> ]   [ -Count <Int32> ]   [ -StartTime <DateTime> ]   [ -EndTime <DateTime> ]   [ -Server <String[]> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns Event Log messages for all servers in the connection. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, all log messages for all servers in the default connection will be returned.


Name or ID that identifies one or more message types. Possible level parameters (in order from highest to lowest) include: "Diagnostic", "Error", "Warning", "Info", and "Trace". If specified, only data for the designated level and all higher levels will be returned. For instance, if the parameter value is "Warning" then all messages with "Diagnostic", "Error", and "Warning" will be returned. If the MatchLevel parmeter is specified, then only the levels that are specified in the Level parameter will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter allows specific level types to be returned. When specified, only the values entered for the Level parameter will be returned. For instance, if the values entered for the Level parameter is "Warning", "Error" then only the Warning and Error messages will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies one or more SAN component types. If specified, only data for the designated source types will be returned. Valid values include: "General", "Diskpools", "Mirrors", "Monitors", "Paths", "Physical disks", "Ports", "Replications", "Rollbacks", "Security", "Snapshots", "Hosts", "DataCoreServers", "Tasks", "DiskSources", "VirtualDisks", and "Support".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The ID of any object identifying a particular source. (See SourceType for valid types.)

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The Count parameter can limit the number of log messages returned. If specified, the number of messages returned will not exceed the parameter value.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter specifies the start of the list of returned log messages. Only messages with the same date and time or later will be returned. A time frame can be specified by using both StartTime and EndTime. One way to provide the StartTime parameter would be by piping a variable created by invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The StartTime parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format to use is "04/06/2011 02:51:00 PM" which represents April 6, 2011 at 2:51 PM. This value must be in quotes.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter specifies the end of the list of returned log messages. Only messages with the same date and time or earlier will be returned. A time frame can be specified by using both StartTime and EndTime. One way to provide the EndTime parameter would be by piping a variable created by invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The EndTime parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format to use is "04/06/2011 02:51:00 PM" which represents April 6, 2011 at 2:51 PM. This value must be in quotes.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of one or more servers in a group. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. Only data for the specified servers will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Object : Any object that identifies the source.


LogMessageData : Object identifying the Event Log message.


Also see Get-DcsAlert, Clear-DcsAlert, Add-DcsLogMessage


-------------- Example 1 Returns log messages of a specified level --------------

Get-DcsLogMessage -Level Warning -MatchLevel

The MatchLevel parameter is used to returns only log messages with a Level of "Warning".

Id : DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId
TimeStamp : 8/16/2011 10:10:41 AM
MachineName : SSV1
Level : Warning
Visibility : Customer
HighPriority : False
NeedsAcknowledge : False
MessageText : Failure status of {0} changed to {1}.
MessageData : {Virtual disk 3 @ 8/16/2011 10:10:20 AM on SSV1, No disk access}
UserId :
UserName :
Caller : LogicalDisk.UpdateCoreLogicalDiskData
Sources : {LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000032, 54893a865cc4412d83b43ba09179996d}
Id : DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId
TimeStamp : 8/16/2011 10:08:11 AM
MachineName : SSV1
Level : Warning
Visibility : Customer
HighPriority : False
NeedsAcknowledge : False
MessageText : Failure status of {0} changed to {1}.
MessageData : {Virtual disk 4 on SSV1, No disk access}
UserId :
UserName :
Caller : LogicalDisk.UpdateCoreLogicalDiskData
Sources : {LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000030, a18dea18ed93428a8951afa75ef6792f}
Id : DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId
TimeStamp : 8/16/2011 10:08:08 AM
MachineName : SSV1
Level : Warning
Visibility : Customer
HighPriority : False
NeedsAcknowledge : False
MessageText : Failure status of {0} changed to {1}.
MessageData : {Virtual disk 3 on SSV1, No disk access}
UserId :
UserName :
Caller : LogicalDisk.UpdateCoreLogicalDiskData
Sources : {LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002F, 635134ab2cad4b5d81af73ae5f09bd6f}
Id : DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId
TimeStamp : 8/16/2011 10:07:34 AM
MachineName : SSV1
Level : Warning
Visibility : Customer
HighPriority : False
NeedsAcknowledge : False
MessageText : Failure status of {0} changed to {1}.
MessageData : {Virtual disk 2 on SSV2, No disk access}
UserId :
UserName :
Caller : LogicalDisk.UpdateCoreLogicalDiskData
Sources : {LD:C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B_V.{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}-0000002B, a6c21da23ec84baa80ab6a5c8c8c605c}
Id : DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId
TimeStamp : 8/16/2011 10:07:34 AM
MachineName : SSV1
Level : Warning
Visibility : Customer
HighPriority : False
NeedsAcknowledge : False
MessageText : Failure status of {0} changed to {1}.
MessageData : {Virtual disk 2 on SSV1, No disk access}
UserId :
UserName :
Caller : LogicalDisk.UpdateCoreLogicalDiskData
Sources : {LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002E, a6c21da23ec84baa80ab6a5c8c8c605c}

-------------- Example 2 Returns all messages of a specified source type with a specified level and higher --------------

Get-DcsLogMessage -Level Warning -SourceType "VirtualDisks"

Returns all log messages with a source type of "VirtualDisks" that are a level of Warning or higher (Warning, Error, or Diagnostic). In this case there are two messages that satisfy the parameters.

Id : DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId
TimeStamp : 8/15/2011 5:14:14 PM
MachineName : SSV1
Level : Warning
Visibility : Customer
HighPriority : True
NeedsAcknowledge : False
MessageText : Failed to create paths between the port(s) on Host3 and the port(s) on SSV2.
The possible reason : No free connection is available between the chosen initiator and target ports.
MessageData :
UserId :
UserName :
Caller : StorageServices.ServeVirtualDiskToNexus
Sources : {0dc5596489cb4d8ba0346f80eb47ad46}
Id : DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId
TimeStamp : 8/15/2011 5:13:12 PM
MachineName : SSV1
Level : Warning
Visibility : Customer
HighPriority : False
NeedsAcknowledge : False
MessageText : Failure status of {0} changed to {1}.
MessageData : {Virtual disk 1 on SSV1, No disk access}
UserId :
UserName :
Caller : LogicalDisk.UpdateCoreLogicalDiskData
Sources : {LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002D, 0dc5596489cb4d8ba0346f80eb47ad46}

To Table of Contents




Returns the logstore pool for a specified server.


Get-DcsLogStore   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the logstore pool for a specified server.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.


Also see Set-DcsServerProperties to set the logstore pool for a server.


-------------- Example 1 Returns the logstore pool for a specified server. --------------

Get-DcsLogStore -Server SSVVM04

The cmdlet Get-DcsLogStore is invoked to return the logstore pool for the server named "SSVVM04". The DiskPoolData object is returned.

To Table of Contents




Returns mirror data for mirrored virtual disks.


Get-DcsMirror   [ -VirtualDisk <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns mirror data for mirrored virtual disks. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, mirror data will be returned for all servers in the default connection.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a virtual disk. If specified, only data for the designated virtual disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


MirrorData : Object that identifies and describes a mirror.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsLogicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Get-DcsMirror -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Returns data for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".

FirstMirrorDiskId : V.{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}-0000002A_N.22430030D9D4116D
SecondMirrorDiskId : V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002D_N.22280030D9A5FE65
FirstLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002D
SecondLogicalDiskId : LD:C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B_V.{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}-0000002A
FirstRecovery : NoRecoveryNeeded
SecondRecovery : NoRecoveryNeeded
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002D|LD:C553
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1 - Virtual disk 1 on SSV2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1 - Virtual disk 1 on SSV2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns data for system monitors. Numerous system monitors gather and report status information for managed SAN resources.


Get-DcsMonitor   [ -Object <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsMonitor   [ -Monitor <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns data for system monitors. Numerous system monitors gather and report status information for managed SAN resources. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, all monitors for all resources for the default connection will be returned.


The ID or object that identifies the resource to monitor. If specified, all monitors for the resource will be returned. For example, to return all monitors for a specific pool, pipe in the DiskPoolData object for that pool (see Example 3) or provide the ID as the parameter value.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

MonitorData object, name, or ID that identifies a monitor. If specified, only data for the designated monitor will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


MonitorData : Object that identifies and describes the monitor and the resource being monitored.


MonitorData : Object that identifies and describes the monitor and the resource being monitored. An object will be returned for each resource that is being monitored.


Also see Get-DcsMonitorTemplate, Get-DcsTrigger.


-------------- Example 1 Returns monitors with selected states by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsMonitor | where {$_.State -ne "Healthy" -and $_.State -ne "Undefined"}

Returns all monitors in the server group with the exception of Healthy and Undefined, resulting in all monitors with a status of Critical, Warning, and Attention.

TemplateId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ScsiPortConnectionStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ScsiPort>)
MonitoredObjectId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
Description : Monitors the connection state of SCSI ports.
State : Attention
StateMessage : DataCore.Executive.LogMessage
Id : ScsiPortConnectionStateMonitor<A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F>
Caption : Connection State
ExtendedCaption : Connection State
Internal : False
TemplateId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMemberStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMember>)
MonitoredObjectId : 20394e04-6134-4ddf-8663-1176e851d27d
Description : Monitors the state of the relation between a pair of mirrored physical disks in a pool.
State : Attention
StateMessage : DataCore.Executive.LogMessage
Id : PoolMemberStateMonitor<20394e04-6134-4ddf-8663-1176e851d27d>
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State
Internal : False
TemplateId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMemberStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMember>)
MonitoredObjectId : a32310da-9e33-43e6-85ec-6d45139d4965
Description : Monitors the state of the relation between a pair of mirrored physical disks in a pool.
State : Attention
StateMessage : DataCore.Executive.LogMessage
Id : PoolMemberStateMonitor<a32310da-9e33-43e6-85ec-6d45139d4965>
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns a specific monitor for a specific virtual disk --------------

$VD1 = Get-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Get-DcsMonitor | where {$_.MonitoredObjectId -eq $VD1.Id}

Get-DcsMonitor | where {$_.MonitoredObjectId -eq $VD1.Id -and $_.TemplateID -match "VirtualDiskDataStatusMonitor"}

In this example, a series of cmdlet invocations is used to single out a specific monitor for a virtual disk. First, Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked with "Virtual disk 1" specified and the resulting VirtualDiskDataObject is stored in the variable $VD1. Next, the Get-DcsMonitor is invoked to return the MonitorData objects where the MonitoredObjectId is equal to the ID in the variable $VD1. In this case, two objects are returned (see the first two objects below). But the only MonitorData object desired is the VirtualDiskDataStatus Monitor, which monitors the status of "Virtual disk 1". So the Get-DcsMonitor cmdlet is invoked again to return the specific MonitorData object that is used to monitor the status of "Virtual disk 1". (See the third object below). The monitor name is included in the TemplateId of the MonitorData object. This method of retrieving a subset of MonitorData objects and then further filtering to pinpoint a specific object will save time due to the large number of monitors used in the system. 
MonitorData objects can be used to create a task trigger for a monitor state change, see Add-DcsTrigger.
TemplateId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskDataStatusMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>)
MonitoredObjectId : 40199f677a87440b8a845eb964f90fdb
Description : Monitors the data status of virtual disks.
State : Healthy
TimeStamp : 9/12/2014 10:46:19 AM
MessageText : Up to date
SequenceNumber : 5701
Id : VirtualDiskDataStatusMonitor<40199f677a87440b8a845eb964f90fdb>
Caption : Data Status
ExtendedCaption : Data Status of Virtual disk 1 from Server Group
Internal : False
TemplateId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskAccessRightsMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>)
MonitoredObjectId : 40199f677a87440b8a845eb964f90fdb
Description : Monitors the access rights of virtual disks.
State : Healthy
TimeStamp : 9/12/2014 10:34:30 AM
MessageText : Read/Write
SequenceNumber : 5553
Id : VirtualDiskAccessRightsMonitor<40199f677a87440b8a845eb964f90fdb>
Caption : Host Access
ExtendedCaption : Host Access of Virtual disk 1 from Server Group
Internal : False
TemplateId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskDataStatusMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>)
MonitoredObjectId : 40199f677a87440b8a845eb964f90fdb
Description : Monitors the data status of virtual disks.
State : Healthy
TimeStamp : 9/12/2014 10:46:19 AM
MessageText : Up to date
SequenceNumber : 5701
Id : VirtualDiskDataStatusMonitor<40199f677a87440b8a845eb964f90fdb>
Caption : Data Status
ExtendedCaption : Data Status of Virtual disk 1 from Server Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Returns all monitors for a specific object. --------------

Get-DcsPool -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" | Get-DcsMonitor

The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is invoked to return the DiskPoolData object for the pool "Disk pool 1" on server SSV1. That object is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsMonitor and all monitors for that object are returned.

TemplateId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPoolStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>)
MonitoredObjectId : 1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}
Description : Monitors the state of disk pools.
State : Healthy
TimeStamp : 9/12/2014 10:43:23 AM
MessageText : Running
SequenceNumber : 5674
Id : DiskPoolStateMonitor<1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}>
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
TemplateId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603
MonitoredObjectId : 1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}
Description : Monitors the disk pools available space percentage.
State : Healthy
TimeStamp : 9/11/2014 10:41:16 AM
MessageText : Available space > 30%
SequenceNumber : 5038
Id : FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1<1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}>PercentAvailable
Caption : Available space
ExtendedCaption : Available space of Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
TemplateId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}
MonitoredObjectId : 1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}
Description : Monitors the disk pools latency.
State : Healthy
TimeStamp : 9/11/2014 10:41:16 AM
MessageText : I/O latency < 5s
SequenceNumber : 5039
Id : RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1<1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}>MaxReadWriteTime
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns templates for all system monitor types.


Get-DcsMonitorTemplate   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns templates for all system monitor types. One object will be returned for every type of monitor template. This cmdlet can be used to identify a monitor template type ID for the Get-DcsTrigger cmdlet.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



MonitorTemplateData : Object that identifies and describes a monitor template type.


Also see Get-DcsMonitor, Get-DcsTrigger.


-------------- Example 1 Returns all monitor template types --------------


Returns all templates for all monitor types.

MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of physical disks.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDiskStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDiskStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>)
SequenceNumber : 4672
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDiskStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Physical Disks
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Battery Power State
Description : Monitors the battery power state for DataCore Servers.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachinePowerStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachinePowerStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine>)
SequenceNumber : 4701
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachinePowerStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine>)
Caption : Battery Power State
ExtendedCaption : Battery Power State of DataCore Servers
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : License Expiration
Description : Monitors the license expiration date of DataCore Servers.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineLicenseMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineLicenseMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine>)
SequenceNumber : 4702
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineLicenseMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine>)
Caption : License Expiration
ExtendedCaption : License Expiration of DataCore Servers
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of DataCore Servers.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine>)
SequenceNumber : 4703
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of DataCore Servers
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : VimHostConnectionStateMonitor
Description :
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimHostConnectionStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimHost
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimHostConnectionStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimHost>)
SequenceNumber : 4704
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimHostConnectionStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimHost>)
Caption : VimHostConnectionStateMonitor
ExtendedCaption : VimHostConnectionStateMonitor of DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimHost
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : VimVirtualMachinePowerStateMonitor
Description :
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimVirtualMachinePowerStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimVirtualMachine
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimVirtualMachinePowerStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimVirtualMachine>)
SequenceNumber : 4705
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimVirtualMachinePowerStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimVirtualMachine>)
Caption : VimVirtualMachinePowerStateMonitor
ExtendedCaption : VimVirtualMachinePowerStateMonitor of DataCore.Executive.Controller.VimVirtualMachine
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of MS iSCSI Initiator ports.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMSiScsiInitiatorStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMSiScsiInitiator
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMSiScsiInitiatorStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMSiScsiInitiator>)
SequenceNumber : 4706
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMSiScsiInitiatorStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMSiScsiInitiator>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Server Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Ports
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of the relation between a pair of mirrored physical disks in a pool.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMemberStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMember
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMemberStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMember>)
SequenceNumber : 4707
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMemberStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PoolMember>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Poo Mirror Disks
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Data Status
Description : Monitors the data status of virtual disk sources.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskDataStatusMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskDataStatusMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk>)
SequenceNumber : 4708
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskDataStatusMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk>)
Caption : Data Status
ExtendedCaption : Data Status of Virtual Disk Sources
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of virtual disk sources.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk>)
SequenceNumber : 4709
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Virtual Disk Sources
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Failure Status
Description : Monitors the failure status of virtual disk sources.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskFailureMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskFailureMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk>)
SequenceNumber : 4710
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskFailureMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk>)
Caption : Failure Status
ExtendedCaption : Failure Status of Virtual Disk Sources
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Host Access
Description : Monitors the access rights of virtual disk sources.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskAccessRightsMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskAccessRightsMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk>)
SequenceNumber : 4711
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDiskAccessRightsMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk>)
Caption : Host Access
ExtendedCaption : Host Access of Virtual Disk Sources
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of disk pools.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPoolStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPoolStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>)
SequenceNumber : 4712
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPoolStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Disk Pools
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Continuous Data Protection State
Description : Monitors the state of the continuous data protection of virtual disk sources.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.StreamLogicalDiskStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.StreamLogicalDisk
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.StreamLogicalDiskStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.StreamLogicalDisk>)
SequenceNumber : 4719
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.StreamLogicalDiskStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.StreamLogicalDisk>)
Caption : Continuous Data Protection State
ExtendedCaption : Continuous Data Protection State of Virtual Disk Sources with Continuous Data Protection
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Connection State
Description : Monitors the connection state of SCSI ports.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ScsiPortConnectionStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ScsiPort
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ScsiPortConnectionStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ScsiPort>)
SequenceNumber : 4720
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ScsiPortConnectionStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ScsiPort>)
Caption : Connection State
ExtendedCaption : Connection State of SCSI Ports
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Replication State
Description : Monitors the replication state of virtual disks.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusBase
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusBase>)
SequenceNumber : 4721
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusBase>)
Caption : Replication State
ExtendedCaption : Replication State of Replication Nexus
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Link Errors
Description : Monitors the link errors on server ports.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerPortLinkErrorMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerFcPort
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerPortLinkErrorMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerFcPort>)
SequenceNumber : 4722
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerPortLinkErrorMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerFcPort>)
Caption : Link Errors
ExtendedCaption : Link Errors of Server Fibre Ports
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of server FC ports.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerFcPortStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerFcPort
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerFcPortStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerFcPort>)
SequenceNumber : 4723
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerFcPortStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerFcPort>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Server Fibre Ports
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of the relation between a virtual disk and its rollback
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RollbackRelationStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RollbackRelation
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RollbackRelationStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.RollbackRelation>)
SequenceNumber : 4724
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RollbackRelationStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.RollbackRelation>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of DataCore.Executive.Controller.RollbackRelation
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of snapshot relations.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.SnapshotRelationStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.SnapshotRelation
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.SnapshotRelationStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.SnapshotRelation>)
SequenceNumber : 4725
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.SnapshotRelationStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.SnapshotRelation>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Snapshot Relations
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of remote virtual disks.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskProxyStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskProxy
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskProxyStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskProxy>)
SequenceNumber : 4726
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskProxyStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskProxy>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Remote Virtual Disks
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of hosts.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine>)
SequenceNumber : 4727
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Hosts
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the replication state of remote virtual disks.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusProxyStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusProxy
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusProxyStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusProxy>)
SequenceNumber : 4728
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusProxyStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusProxy>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of DataCore.Executive.Controller.ReplicationNexusProxy
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Host Access
Description : Monitors the access rights of virtual disks.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskAccessRightsMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskAccessRightsMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>)
SequenceNumber : 4729
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskAccessRightsMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>)
Caption : Host Access
ExtendedCaption : Host Access of Virtual Disks
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : Data Status
Description : Monitors the data status of virtual disks.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskDataStatusMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskDataStatusMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>)
SequenceNumber : 4730
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDiskDataStatusMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>)
Caption : Data Status
ExtendedCaption : Data Status of Virtual Disks
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitor the state of remote DataCore Servers.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineProxyStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineProxy
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineProxyStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineProxy>)
SequenceNumber : 4731
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineProxyStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachineProxy>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Replication Servers
Internal : False
MonitoredObjectId :
Alias : State
Description : Monitors the state of server iSCSI ports.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServeriScsiPortStateMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServeriScsiPort
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServeriScsiPortStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServeriScsiPort>)
SequenceNumber : 4732
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServeriScsiPortStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServeriScsiPort>)
Caption : State
ExtendedCaption : State of Server iSCSI Ports
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 30
WarningLevel : 20
CriticalLevel : 10
CounterName : PercentAvailable
Alias : Available space
Description : Monitors the disk pools available space percentage.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : 1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>PercentAvailable)
SequenceNumber : 4713
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d6516 03}>PercentAvailable)
Caption : Available space
ExtendedCaption : Available space of 1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the disk pools latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : 1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4714
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d65160 3}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of 1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 30
WarningLevel : 20
CriticalLevel : 10
CounterName : PercentAvailable
Alias : Available space
Description : Monitors the disk pools available space percentage.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : 606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81:{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>PercentAvailable)
SequenceNumber : 4715
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81:{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d6516 07}>PercentAvailable)
Caption : Available space
ExtendedCaption : Available space of 606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81:{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the disk pools latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : 606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81:{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4716
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81:{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d65160 7}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of 606E5C02-8C8A-4562-8AB0-2D4FC5A90B81:{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 30
WarningLevel : 20
CriticalLevel : 10
CounterName : PercentAvailable
Alias : Available space
Description : Monitors the disk pools available space percentage.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : 1FB2747D-25E7-45D7-943C-3B203D9D88BE:{1c697e76-39b0-11e4-80cc-00155d651612}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>PercentAvailable)
SequenceNumber : 4717
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<1FB2747D-25E7-45D7-943C-3B203D9D88BE:{1c697e76-39b0-11e4-80cc-00155d6516 12}>PercentAvailable)
Caption : Available space
ExtendedCaption : Available space of 1FB2747D-25E7-45D7-943C-3B203D9D88BE:{1c697e76-39b0-11e4-80cc-00155d651612}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the disk pools latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : 1FB2747D-25E7-45D7-943C-3B203D9D88BE:{1c697e76-39b0-11e4-80cc-00155d651612}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4718
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<1FB2747D-25E7-45D7-943C-3B203D9D88BE:{1c697e76-39b0-11e4-80cc-00155d65161 2}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of 1FB2747D-25E7-45D7-943C-3B203D9D88BE:{1c697e76-39b0-11e4-80cc-00155d651612}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the shared physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.SharedPhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : naa.60030d9013886301c6a4ada19eb953b4
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.SharedPhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4733
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<naa.60030d9013886301c6a4ada19eb953b4>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of naa.60030d9013886301c6a4ada19eb953b4
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the shared physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.SharedPhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : naa.60030d9048116401ccd351e4aeca7d48
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.SharedPhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4734
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<naa.60030d9048116401ccd351e4aeca7d48>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of naa.60030d9048116401ccd351e4aeca7d48
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the shared physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.SharedPhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : naa.60030d90a7c0e9034e3f2394bda58dbd
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.SharedPhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4735
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<naa.60030d90a7c0e9034e3f2394bda58dbd>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of naa.60030d90a7c0e9034e3f2394bda58dbd
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {9ab96746-21c8-4c7f-be71-c97d2f66cb66}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4674
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{9ab96746-21c8-4c7f-be71-c97d2f66cb66}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {9ab96746-21c8-4c7f-be71-c97d2f66cb66}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {c164c16f-26eb-4d6a-b044-df6adff66b7d}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4675
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{c164c16f-26eb-4d6a-b044-df6adff66b7d}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {c164c16f-26eb-4d6a-b044-df6adff66b7d}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {26e01911-9baa-47f4-a304-4cefd5f160e2}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4676
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{26e01911-9baa-47f4-a304-4cefd5f160e2}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {26e01911-9baa-47f4-a304-4cefd5f160e2}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {c9e0e9a8-ff20-49b6-af10-c617cf1f5122}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4677
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{c9e0e9a8-ff20-49b6-af10-c617cf1f5122}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {c9e0e9a8-ff20-49b6-af10-c617cf1f5122}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {483b113d-4fb2-4e70-9514-1ac6dce57e9e}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4678
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{483b113d-4fb2-4e70-9514-1ac6dce57e9e}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {483b113d-4fb2-4e70-9514-1ac6dce57e9e}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {fc5cdc31-6bf9-4776-b53f-b5c20cc32eb6}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4679
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{fc5cdc31-6bf9-4776-b53f-b5c20cc32eb6}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {fc5cdc31-6bf9-4776-b53f-b5c20cc32eb6}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {b534de77-64b9-4521-bcc8-08efa738206b}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4680
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{b534de77-64b9-4521-bcc8-08efa738206b}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {b534de77-64b9-4521-bcc8-08efa738206b}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {527ca6d6-5d74-4ffa-83c8-7eebd945bf57}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4681
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{527ca6d6-5d74-4ffa-83c8-7eebd945bf57}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {527ca6d6-5d74-4ffa-83c8-7eebd945bf57}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {36b544da-eb5e-47ff-ad27-c167db3ca8ac}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4696
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{36b544da-eb5e-47ff-ad27-c167db3ca8ac}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {36b544da-eb5e-47ff-ad27-c167db3ca8ac}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {a4723a62-4ad8-4abd-b0fe-a26c22bf444f}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4697
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{a4723a62-4ad8-4abd-b0fe-a26c22bf444f}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {a4723a62-4ad8-4abd-b0fe-a26c22bf444f}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {a74bef30-818f-417a-9554-fc6535e840b8}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4683
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{a74bef30-818f-417a-9554-fc6535e840b8}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {a74bef30-818f-417a-9554-fc6535e840b8}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {888d81b5-d276-4c97-bd32-7ca6dd13cc1c}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4682
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{888d81b5-d276-4c97-bd32-7ca6dd13cc1c}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {888d81b5-d276-4c97-bd32-7ca6dd13cc1c}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {335264af-710e-42df-b537-aa66adcc7d96}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4698
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{335264af-710e-42df-b537-aa66adcc7d96}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {335264af-710e-42df-b537-aa66adcc7d96}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {715eb815-195b-4b4d-99cd-cac353475a30}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4699
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{715eb815-195b-4b4d-99cd-cac353475a30}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {715eb815-195b-4b4d-99cd-cac353475a30}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {b185247e-0208-497b-9c31-d28be00e4603}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4700
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{b185247e-0208-497b-9c31-d28be00e4603}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {b185247e-0208-497b-9c31-d28be00e4603}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {d4d2a1b7-f30c-4501-837a-0f82dd57dde3}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4690
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{d4d2a1b7-f30c-4501-837a-0f82dd57dde3}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {d4d2a1b7-f30c-4501-837a-0f82dd57dde3}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {9c60527e-f7b0-4c43-9477-a20a38fcb516}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4689
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{9c60527e-f7b0-4c43-9477-a20a38fcb516}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {9c60527e-f7b0-4c43-9477-a20a38fcb516}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {6b1e9aef-d326-4ff8-ae72-d134967ad536}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4688
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{6b1e9aef-d326-4ff8-ae72-d134967ad536}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {6b1e9aef-d326-4ff8-ae72-d134967ad536}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {5121c850-eac3-4942-87ba-8060d0ce1889}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4687
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{5121c850-eac3-4942-87ba-8060d0ce1889}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {5121c850-eac3-4942-87ba-8060d0ce1889}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {cea08013-4f71-40dd-af0e-fd57c20dbf93}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4686
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{cea08013-4f71-40dd-af0e-fd57c20dbf93}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {cea08013-4f71-40dd-af0e-fd57c20dbf93}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {8fb6c5a7-67d5-4c8b-bb4d-4be2383f413f}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4685
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{8fb6c5a7-67d5-4c8b-bb4d-4be2383f413f}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {8fb6c5a7-67d5-4c8b-bb4d-4be2383f413f}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : V.{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}-00000001_N.228A0030D99902E2
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4691
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<V.{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}-00000001_N.228A0030D99902E2>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of V.{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}-00000001_N.228A0030D99902E2
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : V.{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}-00000001_N.22C10030D9BD9800
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4692
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<V.{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}-00000001_N.22C10030D9BD9800>MaxR eadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of V.{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}-00000001_N.22C10030D9BD9800
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : V.{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}-00000002_N.228A0030D99902E2
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4693
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<V.{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}-00000002_N.228A0030D99902E2>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of V.{1266fb4c-39ae-11e4-8cb7-00155d651607}-00000002_N.228A0030D99902E2
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 30000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : V.{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}-00000002_N.22C10030D9BD9800
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 4694
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<V.{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}-00000002_N.22C10030D9BD9800>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of V.{fefed4a4-39ab-11e4-9ab1-00155d651603}-00000002_N.22C10030D9BD9800
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns the identifiable object obtained by an ID.


Get-DcsObject   -Id <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the identifiable object obtained by an ID. This cmdlet can be used to get an object that is identified by ID within another object.


The ID of any object or entity in the configuration

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


string : The ID of any resource used to obtain the identifiable object for the ID.


object : Any type of identifiable object.



-------------- Example 1 Returns the objects for all resources that have monitor states other than "Healthy" or "Undefined". --------------

Get-DcsMonitor | where { $_.State -ne "Healthy" -and $_.State -ne "Undefined"} | foreach { $_.MonitoredObjectId } | Get-DcsObject

The cmdlet Get-DcsMonitor is invoked to get the MonitoredObjectId of all resources that do not have a state of "Healthy" or "Undefined". The MonitoredObjectId is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsObject to return the identifiable objects for those resources. In this case there are two buffer folders that are not set for configured replications.

FirstServerId : 1749d66b-3a4c-4e92-936f-33e693173dd7:737B4128-2806-4C46-BA64-2409C345FE9D
FirstVirtualDiskId : aa0261e857e845faa6582272862944ce
SecondServerId : A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
SecondVirtualDiskId : 55d09862519c4c279fbb0ce736ce4008
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : BufferFolderNotSet
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
IsChangingBufferFolders : False
BackendStatus : NA
DuplicatedDiskId : False
SequenceNumber : 8230
Id : fa8837c6-7d16-4ba4-a040-4f6efb2fcf43
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Group2
Internal : False
FirstServerId : 1749d66b-3a4c-4e92-936f-33e693173dd7:737B4128-2806-4C46-BA64-2409C345FE9D
FirstVirtualDiskId : 43c4d09b49d345f7af97e6ab36ed1d99
SecondServerId : A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
SecondVirtualDiskId : bb559078535047789ced8db9f4b7f9a3
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : BufferFolderNotSet
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
IsChangingBufferFolders : False
BackendStatus : NA
DuplicatedDiskId : False
SequenceNumber : 8231
Id : a0ab1dce-f06b-4e63-a489-b06d55ec0301
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group2
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns the objects for the servers that have alerts --------------

$Alert = Get-DcsAlert
$Alert[0].Id | Get-Member

   TypeName: DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId

Name           MemberType Definition
----           ---------- ----------
Equals         Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode    Method     int GetHashCode()
GetType        Method     type GetType()
LogicalEquals  Method     bool LogicalEquals(DataCore.Executive.LogMessageId id)
ToString       Method     string ToString()
MachineId      Property   string MachineId {get;set;}
SequenceNumber Property   uint64 SequenceNumber {get;set;}

Get-DcsAlert | foreach { $_.Id.MachineId } | Get-DcsObject

The cmdlet Get-DcsAlert is invoked to get the MachineId of all resources that have an alert. The MachineId is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsObject to return the identifiable objects for those resources. In this case the alerts are for the machine named StorageSvr001.

GroupId : 4b428832-fd51-45df-9c21-ce267e1ceb7a
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
CacheSize : 0 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 10.0 PSP 3
OsVersion : Windows Server 2012 x64 Edition
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild : 15.0.300.4633
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 9223372036854775807
ReplicationBufferFolder : R:
TotalSystemMemory : 3.00 GB
AvailableSystemMemory : 775.79 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
LicenseExceeded : False
StorageUsed : 0 B
DataCoreStorageUsed : 50 GB
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::a84e:2f51:c1f2:a122,,}
LicenseNumber : 2513008801887348963
AluaGroupId : 1
IsVirtualMachine : True
HypervisorHostId :
Description :
HostName :
MpioCapable : True
SequenceNumber : 8232
Id : A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
Caption : StorageSvr001
ExtendedCaption : StorageSvr001 in Group1
Internal : False
GroupId : 4b428832-fd51-45df-9c21-ce267e1ceb7a
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
CacheSize : 0 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 10.0 PSP 3
OsVersion : Windows Server 2012 x64 Edition
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild : 15.0.300.4633
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 9223372036854775807
ReplicationBufferFolder : R:
TotalSystemMemory : 3.00 GB
AvailableSystemMemory : 775.79 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
LicenseExceeded : False
StorageUsed : 0 B
DataCoreStorageUsed : 50 GB
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::a84e:2f51:c1f2:a122,,}
LicenseNumber : 2513008801887348963
AluaGroupId : 1
IsVirtualMachine : True
HypervisorHostId :
Description :
HostName :
MpioCapable : True
SequenceNumber : 8233
Id : A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
Caption : StorageSvr001
ExtendedCaption : StorageSvr001 in Group1
Internal : False
GroupId : 4b428832-fd51-45df-9c21-ce267e1ceb7a
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
CacheSize : 0 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 10.0 PSP 3
OsVersion : Windows Server 2012 x64 Edition
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild : 15.0.300.4633
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 9223372036854775807
ReplicationBufferFolder : R:
TotalSystemMemory : 3.00 GB
AvailableSystemMemory : 775.79 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
LicenseExceeded : False
StorageUsed : 0 B
DataCoreStorageUsed : 50 GB
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::a84e:2f51:c1f2:a122,,}
LicenseNumber : 2513008801887348963
AluaGroupId : 1
IsVirtualMachine : True
HypervisorHostId :
Description :
HostName :
MpioCapable : True
SequenceNumber : 8234
Id : A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
Caption : StorageSvr001
ExtendedCaption : StorageSvr001 in Group1
Internal : False
GroupId : 4b428832-fd51-45df-9c21-ce267e1ceb7a
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
CacheSize : 0 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 10.0 PSP 3
OsVersion : Windows Server 2012 x64 Edition
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild : 15.0.300.4633
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 9223372036854775807
ReplicationBufferFolder : R:
TotalSystemMemory : 3.00 GB
AvailableSystemMemory : 775.79 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
LicenseExceeded : False
StorageUsed : 0 B
DataCoreStorageUsed : 50 GB
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::a84e:2f51:c1f2:a122,,}
LicenseNumber : 2513008801887348963
AluaGroupId : 1
IsVirtualMachine : True
HypervisorHostId :
Description :
HostName :
MpioCapable : True
SequenceNumber : 8235
Id : A3E78CFA-DBEC-44E1-A23C-E9E262EC4551
Caption : StorageSvr001
ExtendedCaption : StorageSvr001 in Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Returns the storage profile objects for the virtual disks served to specified machines (hosts) --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Machine "HostVM1", "HostVM2" | foreach { $_.StorageProfileId } | Get-DcsObject

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is used to get objects for all virtual disks served to the client hosts "HostVM1" and "HostVM2". Those objects are piped to Get-DcsObject to return the identifiable objects for each Storage Profile ID.

Alias : Normal
Description :
PerformanceClass : Normal
ReplicationPriority : Regular
RecoveryPriority : Regular
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 8238
Id : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Caption : Normal
ExtendedCaption : Normal Profile
Internal : False
Alias : Normal
Description :
PerformanceClass : Normal
ReplicationPriority : Regular
RecoveryPriority : Regular
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 8239
Id : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Caption : Normal
ExtendedCaption : Normal Profile
Internal : False
Alias : Normal
Description :
PerformanceClass : Normal
ReplicationPriority : Regular
RecoveryPriority : Regular
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 8240
Id : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Caption : Normal
ExtendedCaption : Normal Profile
Internal : False
Alias : Normal
Description :
PerformanceClass : Normal
ReplicationPriority : Regular
RecoveryPriority : Regular
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 8241
Id : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Caption : Normal
ExtendedCaption : Normal Profile
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns performance counter data for the specified object.


Get-DcsPerformanceCounter   -Object <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns performance counter data for the specified object. Some counter values accumulate and some counter values are displayed as the value at collection time (CollectionTime field in the returned object, see example). The accumulated values in returned objects are raw, unprocessed data at collection time, not "per second" as displayed in the Management Console. For instance, to receive values per second the cmdlet would have to be invoked at least twice to calculate values per second. Descriptions of performance counters are provided as tool tips in the Performance tool in the DataCore Management Console. Some counters in the Performance tool are derived from raw data counters found in PerformanceData objects. Therefore, some raw data counters may not appear in the tool and some derived counters may not appear in retrieved PerformanceData objects. Special notes about these raw data counters are documented. For the Pool PerformanceData object: TotalWriteTime is a cumulative counter that measures the total time it took to perform all the write I/Os to the back-end pool disk. It is used to compute the Average Time/Write counter in the Performance tool. Average Time per Write = ∆ TotalWriteTime / ∆ TotalWrites. TotalReadTime is a cumulative counter that measures the total time it took to perform all read I/Os to the back-end pool disk. It is used to compute the Average Time/Read counter in the Performance tool. Average Time per Read = ∆ TotalReadTime / ∆ TotalReads.


Any object or ID that identifies one of the following object types: servers, server SCSI ports, server groups, client hosts, host groups, client host SCSI ports, physical disks, pool members, pools, pool mirrors, virtual disks, snapshots, logical disks, logical disks with Continuous Data Protection, virtual logical units, target devices, and target domains. Special Notes: To get performance counter data for a shared physical disk, provide the SharedPhysicalDiskData object; data will be aggregated from all servers sharing the physical disk. If the PhysicalDiskData object is provided for a shared physical disk, then the performance counter data returned will only be from one server. To get performance counter data for a shared disk pool, always provide the SharedDiskPoolData object for the pool.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Object : Any object that has performance counters, used to identify the Object parameter.


PerformanceData : Object that describes the performance data for an object.


To add counters to a recording session, see Add-DcsRecordingPoint. Also see Get-DcsRecordingInstance, Get-DcsRecordingPerformance, Get-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingResolution, Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint, Get-DcsRecordingSession, Get-DcsRecordingStatistics


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a specified SAN component by piping an object --------------

Get-DcsPool -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter

The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is used to obtain the object for the pool named "Disk pool 1". The server "SSV1" must be specified because the same pool name exists on another server in the server group. The object is piped to Get-DcsPerformance to returns the Performance counter data for the pool "Disk pool 1" on server "SSV1". 
(In the example output, the collection time uses the UTC time standard.)
TotalBytesTransferred : 402739200
TotalBytesRead : 402739200
TotalBytesWritten : 0
TotalBytesMigrated : 0
TotalReads : 2607
TotalWrites : 0
TotalOperations : 2607
BytesAllocated : 402653184
BytesAvailable : 159584878592
BytesInReclamation : 0
BytesTotal : 159987531776
PercentAllocated : 0
PercentAvailable : 99
TotalReadTime : 226572
TotalWriteTime : 0
MaxReadTime : 0
MaxWriteTime : 0
MaxReadWriteTime : 0
MaxNumberChunks : 8290112
BytesReserved : 0
CollectionTime : 8/11/2011 3:16:29 PM

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a specific counter in an object. --------------

Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk 'Virtual Disk 1' -Server SSV2 | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter | select-object BytesAllocated

The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is used to obtain the LogicalDiskData object for the logical disk in "Virtual Disk 1" that resides on server "SSV2". This object is piped to Get-DcsPerformanceCounter to return the Bytes Allocated value for the logical disk on server "SSV2" within "Virtual Disk 1". The BytesAllocated member contains the amount of pool space allocated to Virtual Disk 1 on SSV2.


-------------- Example 3 Returns bytes allocated for all virtual disks in the server group in a text file --------------

$resultsLocation = "C:\"
$allocationResult = @()

foreach($vd in (Get-DcsVirtualDisk))
    $result = New-Object PSObject
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Virtual Disk" -Value ($vd.Alias)
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Allocation" -Value (($vd[0] | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter).BytesAllocated)
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Size" -Value "Bytes"
    $allocationResult += $result

$allocationResult > $resultsLocation\allocation-results.txt

This is a script file which retrieves the number of allocated bytes for each virtual disk in the server group. A high level explanation follows. The number of allocated bytes is part of the performance data for the virtual disk. The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to retrieve the virtual disk objects. The objects are passed to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter in order to get the count for BytesAllocated in the PerformanceData object. A custom object is created with the data returned from the cmdlets. The virtual disk name and allocation size are output to the file allocation-results.txt in the specified folder location.

Virtual Disk                        Allocation Size                                   
------------                        ---------- ----                                   
Virtual disk 1                     53284438016 Bytes                                  
Virtual disk 2                     30601641984 Bytes                                  
Virtual disk 3                     24293408768 Bytes                                  
Virtual disk 4                     24024973312 Bytes

-------------- Example 4 Returns pool allocations for the server group --------------

$MB = 1024*1024
$Pools = Get-DcsPool
foreach($p in $Pools)
        Write-Host "Allocation for" $p.ExtendedCaption " = " $Alloc ($p | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter | % {$_.BytesAllocated/$MB}) "MB"

This simple script file returns the allocations for each pool in the server group in megabytes. The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is used to get the DiskPoolData objects for all pools in the server group and assign to the variable $Pools. For each object in $Pools, the variable is used to output the name of the pool and is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter. The returned performance data is used to get the bytes allocated for each pool. The bytes allocated is multiplied by 1024 * 1024 to get the number of megabytes allocated for each pool.

Allocation for Disk pool 1 on SSV1  =  1408 MB

Allocation for Shared pool 1 on SSV1  =  2176 MB

Allocation for Disk pool 2 on SSV2  =  896 MB

Allocation for Shared pool 1 on SSV2  =  2176 MB

Allocation for Disk pool 3 on SSV3  =  512 MB

Allocation for Shared pool 1 on SSV3  =  2176 MB

-------------- Example 5 Returns performance metrics for physical disks in a specified pool. --------------

Get-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter

The cmdlet Get-DcsPoolMember is invoked to obtain the PoolMemberData object for the pool "Disk pool 1" and the results are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter to retrieve the counters for the physical disk in the pool. In this case, there is one physical disk in the pool so one object is returned.

BytesAllocated : 268435456
BytesAvailable : 20803747840
BytesInReclamation : 0
BytesRecovered : 0
BytesRemainingToRecover : 0
BytesTotalToRecover : 0
BytesMigrated : 0
CollectionTime : 9/8/2015 8:18:16 PM
NullCounterMap : 0

-------------- Example 6 Get the current retention period when Continous Data Protection is enabled. --------------

Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual Disk 1" -Server SSV2 | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter

To obtain the up-to-date retention period of a virtual disk with CDP, invoke the cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk for the virtual disk "Virtual Disk 1" for the Server named "SSV2" and pipe the results to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter. The Retention Period is in milliseconds. 
The result of the following is in hours:
(Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "[VIRTUAL DISK NAME]" -Server [DATACORE SERVER NAME] | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter).RetentionPeriod/(1000*60*60)
DestageTime : 63585965524000
StreamBytesCopied : 0
StreamBytesTotal : 1
StreamRevertOrDetachPercent : 0
StreamAllocationPercent : 1
RetentionPeriod : 85289386
BytesAllocated : 0
BytesMigrated : 0
BytesOutOfAffinity : 0
TotalBytesTransferred : 5632
TotalBytesRead : 5632
TotalBytesWritten : 0
TotalOperations : 4
TotalReads : 4
TotalWrites : 0
CacheReadHits : 4
CacheReadMisses : 0
CacheWriteHits : 0
CacheWriteMisses : 0
CacheReadHitBytes : 5632
CacheReadMissBytes : 0
CacheWriteHitBytes : 0
CacheWriteMissBytes : 0
PercentRecovered : 0
PendingClientIOsToMirror : 0
PendingRecoveryIOs : 0
RemoteReads : 0
RemoteWrites : 0
BytesRecovered : 0
BytesToRecover : 0
TotalReadTime : 0
TotalWriteTime : 0
MaxReadTime : 0
MaxWriteTime : 0
PercentReplaced : 0
CacheBackendTotalWrites : 0
CacheBackendTotalReads : 0
CacheBackendTotalWriteTime : 0
CacheBackendTotalReadTime : 0
CacheBackendMaxReadTime : 0
CacheBackendMaxWriteTime : 0
CacheBackendMaxIOTime : 0
CollectionTime : 12/18/2015 3:53:33 PM
NullCounterMap : 0

To Table of Contents




Returns tdata for physical disks and disks served to clients (hosts).


Get-DcsPhysicalDisk   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Type <String[]> ]   [ -Available]   [ -Disk <Object> ]   [ -Pool <Object> ]   [ -Shared]   [ -PoolMember <Object> ]   [ -SharedDisk <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsPhysicalDisk   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Type <String[]> ]   [ -Available]   [ -Disk <Object> ]   [ -Pool <Object> ]   [ -Shared]   [ -PoolMember <Object> ]   [ -SharedDisk <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsPhysicalDisk   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Type <String[]> ]   [ -Available]   [ -Disk <Object> ]   [ -Pool <Object> ]   [ -NonShared]   [ -PoolMember <Object> ]   [ -SharedDisk <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the data for physical disks and disks served to clients (hosts). Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all physical disks for all servers and all disks served to hosts in the server group will be returned. Notes: As for physical disks that are used as pass-through disks, the entire volume is considered used and the free space will be 0. The free space value for a physical disk is only valid for physical disks that are not members of a pool. To get accurate and up-to-date values for this case, use the cmdlet Get-DcsPoolMember and pipe the object to Get-DcsPerformanceCounter.


Computer name or ID of a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If specified, only data for that server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Type of physical disk. More than one type can be specified and only data for the specified types will be returned. Parameter values are "Mirrored", "PassThrough", "PoolDisk", "Basic", "Dynamic", "Uninitialized", and "Unknown". If not specified, data for all types will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify the Available parameter to only return data for physical disks that are available for use, such as disks that are not in disk pools and that are not used as pass-through disks.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the physical disk is specified, only data for that physical disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name, or ID that identifies the disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the pool is specified, only data for that pool will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to only return data for shared physical disks.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ID or caption that identifies a member of a disk pool. If the pool member is specified, only data for that pool member will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or Shared Physical Disk ID that identifies a shared physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the shared physical disk is specified, only data for that shared physical disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to only return data for physical disks that are not shared by other servers.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PhysicalDiskData : Object identifying and describing the disk.


PhysicalDiskData : Object identifying and describing the disk.


Also see Add-DcsPoolMember, Get-DcsPoolMember, Get-DcsPoolDiskRelation, Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk, Get-DcsSharedPhysicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Returns all uninitialized unitialized physical disk for a specified server --------------

Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -Server "SSVVM01" -Type "Uninitialized"

Returns data for all physical disks of type "Uninitialized" for the server "SSVVM01".

PoolMemberId :
HostId : 9A622809-4DE6-4B9F-9965-EF29852A1D9E
SharedPhysicalDiskId :
PresenceStatus : Present
Alias :
Size : 50 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
FreeSpace : 50.00 GB
InquiryData : DataCoreVirtual Disk DCS 125e932365eb408fa81b0d1fcd997c60
ScsiPath : Port 7, Bus 0, Target 0, LUN 3
DiskIndex : 4
SystemName : \\?\PhysicalDrive4
BusType : iScsi
Type : Uninitialized
DiskStatus : Online
Partitioned : False
InUse : False
IsBootDisk : False
Protected : True
IsSolidState : False
UniqueIdentifier : naa.60030d90e3c7bc02ebf5556fb27fd6c3
IsDataCoreDisk : True
SequenceNumber : 36441806
Id : {7261a103-2126-42c5-b414-dfa9ac93a9d4}
Caption : DataCoreVirtual Disk
ExtendedCaption : DataCoreVirtual Disk on SSVVM01
Internal : False
PoolMemberId :
HostId : 9A622809-4DE6-4B9F-9965-EF29852A1D9E
SharedPhysicalDiskId :
PresenceStatus : Present
Alias :
Size : 50 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
FreeSpace : 50.00 GB
InquiryData : DataCoreVirtual Disk DCS da8eaa010c154e42881282bbe483e915
ScsiPath : Port 7, Bus 0, Target 0, LUN 2
DiskIndex : 3
SystemName : \\?\PhysicalDrive3
BusType : iScsi
Type : Uninitialized
DiskStatus : Online
Partitioned : False
InUse : False
IsBootDisk : False
Protected : True
IsSolidState : False
UniqueIdentifier : naa.60030d9046c7bc02265710f7d15ed3bb
IsDataCoreDisk : True
SequenceNumber : 36441796
Id : {676d4f59-2b4d-4079-a496-5b8e30c34724}
Caption : DataCoreVirtual Disk
ExtendedCaption : DataCoreVirtual Disk on SSVVM01
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a specified shared physical disk. --------------

Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -SharedDisk "SSV1-WDC50-D1"

The cmdlet is invoked using the SharedDisk parameter and a value of "SSV1-WDC50-D1", which is the unique name of a shared physical disk. Two objects are returned, one for each server sharing the disk.

PoolMemberId :
HostId : 8CE05A9F-D367-4BDE-BCE6-67909F6F7F6A
SharedPhysicalDiskId : naa.60030d9056566f6c3231000000000000
PresenceStatus : Present
Alias : SSV1-WDC50-D1
Size : 50.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
FreeSpace : 49.87 GB
InquiryData : DataCore SANmelody DCS VVol21
ScsiPath : Port 4, Bus 0, Target 4, LUN 6
DiskIndex : 9
SystemName : \\?\PhysicalDrive9
BusType : iScsi
Type : Basic
DiskStatus : Offline
Partitioned : False
InUse : False
IsBootDisk : False
Protected : False
UniqueIdentifier : naa.60030d9056566f6c3231000000000000
SequenceNumber : 32757
Id : {20b71485-f554-4538-977d-512a15b6d0b0}
Caption : SSV1-WDC50-D1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1-WDC50-D1 on SSV2
Internal : False
PoolMemberId : 2919eb02-f705-42ec-9ed5-4e2f7a2b7af9
HostId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81
SharedPhysicalDiskId : naa.60030d9056566f6c3231000000000000
PresenceStatus : Present
Alias : SSV1-WDC50-D1
Size : 50.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
FreeSpace : 49.87 GB
InquiryData : DataCore SANmelody DCS VVol21
ScsiPath : Port 4, Bus 0, Target 4, LUN 0
DiskIndex : 1
SystemName : \\?\PhysicalDrive1
BusType : iScsi
Type : Pool
DiskStatus : Online
Partitioned : True
InUse : True
IsBootDisk : False
Protected : False
UniqueIdentifier : naa.60030d9056566f6c3231000000000000
SequenceNumber : 32752
Id : {eaf8d9c0-302b-4c4a-9d37-23b0b407f668}
Caption : SSV1-WDC50-D1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1-WDC50-D1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns the mirror and back-end path data for physical disks.


Get-DcsPhysicalDiskPath   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Disk <String> ]   [ -Port <String> ]   [ -DiskPath <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the mirror and back-end path data for physical disks. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, path data for all physical disks belonging to all servers in the default connection will be returned.


Computer name or ID of a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If a server is specified, only data for that server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the disk is specified, only data for that disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of a port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified. If a port is specified, only data for that port will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPathData object or ID that identifies a physical disk path. If specified, only data for that disk path will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPathData : Object that identifies and describes the disk path.


DiskPathData : Object that identifies and describes the disk path.


Also see Set-DcsPhysicalDiskPathPreference, Get-DcsPhysicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Returns physical disk data for a server specified by name --------------

Get-DcsPhysicalDiskPath -Server SSV1

Returns all physical disk path data for the server named "SSV1".

DiskId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c335f535356315f35
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId :
Lun : 0
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c335f535356315f35-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:0]
Caption : LUN 0 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
ExtendedCaption : LUN 0 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
Internal : False
DiskId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c345f535356315f35
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId :
Lun : 1
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c345f535356315f35-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:1]
Caption : LUN 1 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
ExtendedCaption : LUN 1 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
Internal : False
DiskId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c355f535356315f31
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId :
Lun : 2
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c355f535356315f31-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:2]
Caption : LUN 2 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
ExtendedCaption : LUN 2 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
Internal : False
DiskId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c365f535356315f31
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId :
Lun : 3
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c365f535356315f31-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:3]
Caption : LUN 3 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
ExtendedCaption : LUN 3 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
Internal : False
DiskId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c34325f535356315f
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId :
Lun : 4
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c34325f535356315f-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:4]
Caption : LUN 4 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
ExtendedCaption : LUN 4 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
Internal : False
DiskId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c34335f535356315f
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId :
Lun : 5
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c34335f535356315f-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:5]
Caption : LUN 5 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
ExtendedCaption : LUN 5 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
Internal : False
DiskId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c34345f535356315f
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId :
Lun : 6
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c34345f535356315f-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:6]
Caption : LUN 6 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
ExtendedCaption : LUN 6 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
Internal : False
DiskId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c34385f35305f5353
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId :
Lun : 7
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c34385f35305f5353-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:7]
Caption : LUN 7 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
ExtendedCaption : LUN 7 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
Internal : False
DiskId : V.{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}-0000002A_N.22430030D9D4116D
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-10
Lun : 0
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : V.{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}-0000002A_N.22430030D9D4116D-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:0]
Caption : LUN 0 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2
ExtendedCaption : LUN 0 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns physical disk path data for a physical disk specified by name --------------

Get-DcsPhysicalDiskPath -Server SSV1 -Disk "Disk 1"

Returns physical disk path data for the physical disk named "Disk 1" on the server named "SSV1".

DiskId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c335f535356315f35
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId :
Lun : 0
Active : True
Preferred : False
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:naa.60030d9056566f6c335f535356315f35-[I:MSFT-05-1991 L:0]
Caption : LUN 0 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
ExtendedCaption : LUN 0 on Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 from
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns the data for disk pools.


Get-DcsPool   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Pool <Object> ]   [ -SharedPool <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsPool   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Pool <Object> ]   [ -SharedPool <Object> ]   [ -Shared]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsPool   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Pool <Object> ]   [ -NonShared]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the data for disk pools. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all disk pools belonging to all servers in the default server group connection will be returned.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If a server is specified, only data for that server will be returned. The ServerHostData object can be obtained from Get-DcsServer.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies a disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the pool is specified, only data for that pool will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

SharedDiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies a shared disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If a shared pool is specified, only data for that shared pool will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter for data on shared pools only.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter for data on non-shared pools only.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.


Also see Set-DcsPoolProperties, Get-DcsChunkAllocation, Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap, Get-DcsChunkReclamationMap, Add-DcsPool, Get-DcsSharedPool.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a pool specified by name --------------

Get-DcsPool -Pool "Disk pool 1"

The cmdlet is invoked with the parameter Pool. The pool name is "Disk pool 1" which is unique to the server group so the parameter Server is not necessary.
Returns data for "Disk pool 1" on the server "SSV1".
PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SharedPoolId :
Alias : Disk pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
TierReservedPct : 0
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : False
SMPAApproved : False
SequenceNumber : 6942
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for all pools on a server specified by name --------------

Get-DcsPool -Server SSV1

Returns data for all pools on server "SSV1". There are two pools.

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SharedPoolId :
Alias : Disk pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SharedPoolId :
MaxTierNumber : 3
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : False
SMPAApproved : False
SequenceNumber : 6942
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SharedPoolId :
Alias : Disk pool 2
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : False
SMPAApproved : False
SequenceNumber : 6942
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{8d8cb33b-c37e-11e0-90c4-00155d11e921}
Caption : Disk pool 2
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 2 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Returns data for a shared pool --------------

Get-DcsPool -SharedPool shared-pool-1

The cmdlet is invoked with the parameter SharedPool. The name of the shared pool is "shared-pool-1". An object is returned for each server that shares the pool.

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : F0AE5233-62EC-4006-A0C7-0BD308F84D28
SharedPoolId : {c5d2cc01-0b41-11e3-9829-002590570c2f}
Alias : shared-pool-1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
MaxTierNumber : 3
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : False
InSharedMode : False
SequenceNumber : 41285
Id : F0AE5233-62EC-4006-A0C7-0BD308F84D28:{c5d2cc01-0b41-11e3-9829-002590570c2f}
Caption : shared-pool-1
ExtendedCaption : shared-pool-1 on Heavy
Internal : False
PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 45C4A667-7A9B-4BF0-9E6D-EFEA0EF01A0E
SharedPoolId : {c5d2cc01-0b41-11e3-9829-002590570c2f}
Alias : shared-pool-1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : True
SequenceNumber : 41284
Id : 45C4A667-7A9B-4BF0-9E6D-EFEA0EF01A0E:{c5d2cc01-0b41-11e3-9829-002590570c2f}
Caption : shared-pool-1
ExtendedCaption : shared-pool-1 on Metal
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Returns data for all shared pools in the server group --------------

Get-DcsPool -Shared

The cmdlet is invoked with the switch parameter Shared and objects are returned for all shared pools on all servers in the default server group. Data for all non-shared pools are excluded.

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 842E17B3-B000-4553-B711-7BE46FA260FF
SharedPoolId : {b490ba62-8e9a-11e3-bbb8-00155d11e952}
Alias : SharedPool1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : True
SequenceNumber : 7181
Id : 842E17B3-B000-4553-B711-7BE46FA260FF:{b490ba62-8e9a-11e3-bbb8-00155d11e952}
Caption : SharedPool1
ExtendedCaption : SharedPool1 on SSV1
Internal : False
PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : FF212987-2B4F-40DD-A490-A0CA13E58FDF
SharedPoolId : {b490ba62-8e9a-11e3-bbb8-00155d11e952}
Alias : SharedPool1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : True
SequenceNumber : 7189
Id : FF212987-2B4F-40DD-A490-A0CA13E58FDF:{b490ba62-8e9a-11e3-bbb8-00155d11e952}
Caption : SharedPool1
ExtendedCaption : SharedPool1 on SSV2
Internal : False
PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 842E17B3-B000-4553-B711-7BE46FA260FF
SharedPoolId : {b490ba64-8e9a-11e3-bbb8-00155d11e952}
Alias : SharedPool2
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : True
SequenceNumber : 7218
Id : 842E17B3-B000-4553-B711-7BE46FA260FF:{b490ba64-8e9a-11e3-bbb8-00155d11e952}
Caption : SharedPool2
ExtendedCaption : SharedPool2 on SSV1
Internal : False
PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : FF212987-2B4F-40DD-A490-A0CA13E58FDF
SharedPoolId : {b490ba64-8e9a-11e3-bbb8-00155d11e952}
Alias : SharedPool2
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : False
InSharedMode : False
SequenceNumber : 7226
Id : FF212987-2B4F-40DD-A490-A0CA13E58FDF:{b490ba64-8e9a-11e3-bbb8-00155d11e952}
Caption : SharedPool2
ExtendedCaption : SharedPool2 on SSV2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns data for physical disks in a disk pool.


Get-DcsPoolMember   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Pool <String> ]   [ -Disk <String> ]   [ -PoolMember <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns data for physical disks in a disk pool. If a physical disk is mirrored in the pool, one object will be returned that describes both disks in the mirror. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all physical disks in pools belonging to all servers in the default connection will be returned.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If a server is specified, only data for that server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies a disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If a pool is specified, only data for that pool will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies a physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the physical disk is specified, only data for that physical disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PoolMemberData object, ID or caption that identifies the pool member of a disk pool. If the pool member is specified, only data for that pool member will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PoolMemberData : Object the identifies and describes the pool member.


PoolMemberData : Object the identifies and describes the pool member.


Also see Add-DcsPoolMember, Get-DcsPool, Get-DcsPhysicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a pool specified by name --------------

Get-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1"

Returns data for all pool members in the pool named "Disk pool 1". In this case, there is one pool disk and one pool mirror in the pool.

DiskPoolId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929}
DiskInRecoveryId : {0b89a4a7-242e-4f8b-926f-ecc9397d5cdf}
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : InRecovery
Size : 100.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
IsMirrored : True
SequenceNumber : 7752
Id : ed78b36a-613a-4c28-b4d8-f00d0fc5fbec
Caption : SSV1-WDC100-D1|SSV1-WDC100-D2
ExtendedCaption : Pool mirror SSV1-WDC100-D1|SSV1-WDC100-D2 on SSV1
Internal : False
DiskPoolId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929}
DiskInRecoveryId :
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : Healthy
Size : 50.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
IsMirrored : False
SequenceNumber : 7640
Id : 9661d57d-30a5-4994-925e-ba92e0f067ad
Caption : SSV1-WDC50-D1
ExtendedCaption : Pool disk SSV1-WDC50-D1 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a pool member specified by caption --------------

Get-DcsPoolMember -Disk "SSV1-WDC50-D1"

Returns data for the pool member named "SSV1-WDC50-D1". In this case, the name is unique in the server group and can be resolved without additional parameters.

DiskPoolId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929}
DiskInRecoveryId :
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : Healthy
Size : 50.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
IsMirrored : False
SequenceNumber : 7640
Id : 9661d57d-30a5-4994-925e-ba92e0f067ad
Caption : SSV1-WDC50-D1
ExtendedCaption : Pool disk SSV1-WDC50-D1 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Retrieves performance metrics for physical disks in a specified pool. --------------

Get-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter

The cmdlet Get-DcsPoolMember is invoked to obtain the PoolMemberData object for the pool "Disk pool 1" and the results are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter to retrieve the counters for the physical disk in the pool. In this case, there is one physical disk in the pool so one object is returned.

BytesAllocated : 268435456
BytesAvailable : 20803747840
BytesInReclamation : 0
BytesRecovered : 0
BytesRemainingToRecover : 0
BytesTotalToRecover : 0
BytesMigrated : 0
CollectionTime : 9/8/2015 8:18:16 PM
NullCounterMap : 0

To Table of Contents




Returns the port data for SCSI ports.


Get-DcsPort   [ -Type <String[]> ]   [ -Machine <Object> ]   [ -MachineType <String> ]   [ -Port <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsPort   [ -Type <String[]> ]   [ -Unassigned]   [ -Port <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the port data for SCSI ports. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all SCSI ports for all servers and all associated clients in the server group of the default connection will be returned.


Type of SCSI port. Parameter values are "iSCSI", "FibreChannel", and "Loopback". If one or more types are specified, only data for those port types will be returned. If not specified, data for all types will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID that identifies a server or client (host) machine. The computer name for a server must be unique or the names must be fully qualified. If a machine is specified, only data involving that machine will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter is used to limit the return of data by the type of machine. Possible values include "Servers", "Clients" (host), or "All".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies a port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified. If a port is specified, only data for that port will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to only return ports that are not assigned to a client (host). If this parameter not specified, all assigned and unassigned ports will be returned. If specifying this parameter, omit the MachineType parameter when invoking this cmdlet.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


Also see Get-DcsPortConnection, Get-DcsiSCSISession. To set port properties, see Set-DcsServerPortProperties or Set-DcsPortProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a port specified by name --------------

Get-DcsPort -Port "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator"

Returns data for all ports named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" in the server group.

InitiatorPortals : {fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299, fe80::d86e:28b1:6c8e:ee36, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a, fe80::f13e:c21d:f0b8:c2e...}
iSnsServer : {}
TargetPortals : {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData}
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MSFT-05-1991
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Backend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
HostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
Connected : True
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False
InitiatorPortals : {fe80::4845:95ea:39c3:6fa6, fe80::706f:1642:d9f4:d1b7, fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df...}
iSnsServer : {}
TargetPortals : {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsi TargetPortalData...}
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MSFT-05-1991
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Backend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
HostId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
Connected : True
Id : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6:MSFT-05-1991
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV2
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns server port properties for a specific port --------------

(Get-DcsPort -Machine "SSVVM04" -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1").ServerPortProperties

Returns server port properties for the port named Server iSCSI Port 1 on the server named SSVVM04.

Active : True
Alias :
Authentication : CHAP
AutoLoginMode : Default
DisablePortWhileStopped : True
Discovery : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.DiscoveryConfig
InstanceName : MAC:00-15-5D-13-89-10
ISID : 140737488355328
MaxActiveICommands : 0
MaxActiveTCommands : 256
NodeName :
IScsiPortalsConfig : {DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortalConfigInfo}
RecoveryLevel : Default
ScsiMode : Target
SessionParams : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionParams
TPGT : 1
Role : Frontend, Mirror
PortGroup : Zone 1

-------------- Example 3 Returns data for all unassigned ports of a specified type --------------

Get-DcsPort -Type iSCSI -Unassigned

Returns data for all iSCSI ports that are currently unassigned. There are four ports.

HostId :
PortName :
Alias :
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
Connected : True
Id :
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False
HostId :
PortName :
Alias :
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
Connected : True
Id :
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False
HostId :
PortName :
Alias :
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
Connected : True
Id :
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False
HostId :
PortName :
Alias :
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
Connected : True
Id :
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns port connection data.


Get-DcsPortConnection   [ -PortConnection <Object> ]   [ -Port <String> ]   [ -Machine <String> ]   [ -ConnectionType <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsPortConnection   [ -PortConnection <Object> ]   [ -PortA <String> ]   [ -MachineA <String> ]   [ -PortB <String> ]   [ -MachineB <String> ]   [ -ConnectionType <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns port connection data. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all port connections for all servers in the default connection will be returned.


PortConnectionData object or ID that identifies a port connection. If a port connection is specified, only data for that port connection will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of a port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the machine must be specified. If a port is specified, only data for that port will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID for a server, or the name or ID for a client machine. Computer names for servers must be unique or the names must be fully qualified. If a machine is specified, only port connection data for that machine will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter is used to limit the return of data by the port type. Possible values include "FibreChannel", "iSCSI", or "All". "All" will return connection data for all port types.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of a initiator port in a path. To uniquely identify a port by name, the parameter MachineA must be specified. This parameter can be used with PortB to identify two ports in a path. If PortA is specified, only data for that port will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID for a server, or the name or ID for a client machine. Computer names for servers must be unique or the names must be fully qualified. If MachineA is specified, only data for that machine will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of a target port in a path. To uniquely identify a port by name, the parameter MachineB must be specified. This parameter can be used with PortA to identify two ports in a path. If PortB is specified, only data for that port will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID for a server, or the name or ID for a client machine. Computer names for servers must be unique or the names must be fully qualified. If MachineB is specified, only data for that machine will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PortConnectionData : Object that identifies and describes a port connection.


PortConnectionData : Object that identifies and describes a port connection.


Also see Get-DcsPort.


-------------- Example 1 Returns connection data for a port specified by name --------------

Get-DcsPortConnection -Port "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" -Machine SSV1

Returns data for connections involving the port named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" on the machine named "SSV1".

PortADescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
PortBDescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
Target :
Connected : True
PortAId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
PortBId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-22
Id : 15d8e3340cdb435d9b2d10b06036e03b
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 to Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 to Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2
Internal : False
PortADescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
PortBDescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
Target :
Connected : True
PortAId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
PortBId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-23
Id : b47cb891604047569f7036e75193bb01
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 to Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV2
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 to Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV2
Internal : False
PortADescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
PortBDescriptor :
Target :
Connected : True
PortAId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991
PortBId :
Id : 2953c2e974414ae5a02bbc09d0fe65f5
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 to
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 to
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for two specified ports in a path --------------

Get-DcsPortConnection -PortA "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" -MachineA SSV1 -PortB "Server iSCSI Port 1" -MachineB SSV2

Returns data for two ports that consist of the endpoints of a path. The endpoints of the path consist of PortA named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" on MachineA named "SSV1" to PortB named "Server iSCSI Port 1" on MachineB named "SSV2".

PortADescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
PortBDescriptor : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor
Target :
Connected : True
PortAId : fc3a73e9-28f4-4e2f-a8e5-cdc50beb045b
PortBId : ef2bd94f-e093-4305-994d-435bde2ec455
Id : b1c80cb79b5f46569ceee6b5ade324b0
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 to Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 to Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns prerequisite actions needed to be performed before purging a failed pool disk.


Get-DcsPurgePrerequisites   -Disk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns prerequisite actions needed to be performed before purging a failed pool disk. After completing prerequisite actions, see Purge-DcsPoolMember to begin the purge operation for the disk.


PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PhysicalDiskData : Object identifying and describing a physical disk.


VirtualDiskChunkStatistics : Object containing virtual disk information on the physical disk, such as ID, allocated size on the disk and total allocated size, along with actions that need to be taken for each virtual disk.


Also see Purge-DcsPoolMember, Get-DcsPhysicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Gets purge prerequisites for a disk specified by name --------------

Get-DcsPurgePrerequisites -Disk "Disk2"

The prerequisite actions needed to purge the disk named "Disk2" from the configuration are retrieved. The VirtualDiskChunkStatistics object is returned, which includes information for the virtual disks that will be affected by the purge operation: the virtual disk ID, size of the allocation on the failed disk, total allocation size of the virtual disk, and the actions required so that the purge operation can be performed. After all actions have been performed, the cmdlet Purge-DcsPoolMember can be run to perform the purge operation.

Id                                                      AllocatedSizeOnDisk                   AllocatedSizeTotal                              Actions
--                                                      -------------------                   ------------------                              -------
af4a7c67d3484b02858d0849451e5ee5                                 6979321856                          13287555072                                 None
97cdc9be7747421da532c1f9a0c9c43e                                 4563402752                           9529458688 ...eleteSnapshots, SplitFailedMirror
001e75810bf24809bf98e1a7a416afee                                 7113539584                          11542724608                     SplitReplication
344410225d844622afd82e1f9d9023f4                                  268435456                            268435456          SplitMirrorAndDeleteCdpDisk
88d953cd90654f93a57c543ef2b00e56                                 4563402752                          10468982784                                 None

-------------- Example 2 Gets purge prerequisites for a failed pool disk by ID --------------

$FailedDisks = Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -Type PoolDisk | Get-DcsMonitor | Where-Object -Filterscript {$_.State -eq "Critical"}

$FailedDisks.MonitoredObjectId | Get-DcsPurgePrerequisites

The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is invoked to get the PhysicalDiskData objects for all pool disks. The PhysicalDiskData objects are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsMonitor where they are filtered by the State "Critical" (the state of a failed disk) and saved in the variable $FailedDisks. The MonitoredObjectId field in the saved objects stored in $FailedDisks is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsPurgePrerequisites to get the prerequisite actions for the virtual disks affected by the failed disks. In this case, there is one failed disk.

Id                                                      AllocatedSizeOnDisk                   AllocatedSizeTotal                              Actions
--                                                      -------------------                   ------------------                              -------
af4a7c67d3484b02858d0849451e5ee5                                 6979321856                          13287555072                                 None
97cdc9be7747421da532c1f9a0c9c43e                                 4563402752                           9529458688 ...eleteSnapshots, SplitFailedMirror
001e75810bf24809bf98e1a7a416afee                                 7113539584                          11542724608                     SplitReplication
344410225d844622afd82e1f9d9023f4                                  268435456                            268435456          SplitMirrorAndDeleteCdpDisk
88d953cd90654f93a57c543ef2b00e56                                 4563402752                          10468982784                                 None

To Table of Contents




Returns the data for the recording endpoints. Each endpoint may be connected to a local DataCore Server or a remote SQL DataBase.


Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint   [ -Endpoint <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the data for the recording endpoints. Each endpoint may be connected to a local DataCore Server or remote SQL Server. The "Enabled" property determines if the user can modify the endpoint. One endpoint can be used from multiple (recording) sessions (for example both the "ChargeBackSession" and "UserRecordingSession").


The RecordingEndpointData object, name or ID that identifies a recording endpoint. If a specific recording endpoint is not specified, all recording endpoints in the server group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RecordingEndpointData : Object that identifies and describes the recording endpoint, which represents the recording server, database, and gives the current state of the recording service for the database.


RecordingEndpointData : Object that identifies and describes the recording endpoint, which represents the recording server, database, and gives the current state of the recording service for the database.


This cmdlet replaces the obsolete cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingServer. Also see Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all recording endpoints in the server group. --------------


The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint is invoked without parameters to return all recording endpoints in the server group. Two objects are returned; one for the user-defined performance recording (configured by the user) and one for historical performance monitoring (assigned by the software).

CurrentState : Connected
Alias : !UserRecordingEndpoint
EndpointType : LocalDb
Readonly : False
Settings : DataCore.Executive.LocalRecordingEndpointSettings
SequenceNumber : 4175
Id : 7A46DCA6-85CA-4E52-9329-A2CD7C565B14
Caption : User recording endpoint
ExtendedCaption : User recording endpoint
Internal : False
CurrentState : Connected
Alias : !HistoricalMonitoringEndpoint
EndpointType : MultiPeriodLocalDb
Readonly : True
Settings : DataCore.Executive.LocalRecordingEndpointSettings
SequenceNumber : 3677
Id : EAC11308-BD78-4EFF-9CDD-C46AE4CED481
Caption : Historical monitoring recording endpoint
ExtendedCaption : Historical monitoring recording endpoint
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns the instances in the database to which the specified recording endpoint is connected at the moment. The instances can be used to retrieve performance data with Get-DcsRecordingPerformance.


Get-DcsRecordingInstance   [ -StartTime <DateTime> ]   [ -EndTime <DateTime> ]   [ -Category <String> ]   [ -InstanceId <Object> ]   [ -Endpoint <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the instances in the database to which the specified recording endpoint is connected at the moment. The instances can be used to retrieve performance data with Get-DcsRecordingPerformance. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all instances recorded in the "!UserRecordingEndpoint" will be returned."


The starting date and time of the performance recording. One way to provide the StartTime parameter would be to invoke New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The StartTime parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format is "Monday, December 3, 2012 2:00:00 PM". All instances which existed at or after the start time will be returned. This parameter can be used with the parameter EndTime to create a time frame.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The ending date and time of the performance recording. One way to provide the EndTime parameter would be to invoke New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The StartTime parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format is "Monday, December 3, 2012 4:00:00 PM". All instances which existed before or at the end time will be returned. This parameter can be used with the parameter StartTime to create a time frame.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name of a category. If specified, only data for this category will be returned. Valid values for category names include: "DiskPool", "LogicalDisk", "Machine", "HostGroup", "PhysicalDisk", "PoolMember", "Replication", "RollbackGroup", "ScsiPort", "ServerGroup", "ServerMachine", "ServerScsiPort", "SharedDiskPool", "SharedPhysicalDisk", "SnapshotGroup", "SnapshotRelation", "StreamLogicalDisk", "VirtualDiskGroup", "VirtualDisk", "VirtualLogicalUnit", "VirtualTargetDevice", and "VirtualTargetDomain". Full category names are also supported, for instance "DiskPool" as well "DiskPoolPerformance".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The PerformanceInstanceData object or any other object, ID or name that identifies the instance that is being recorded. If specified only data for that instance will be returned. See example 4.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The RecordingEndpointData object, name or ID that identifies a recording endpoint. If the endpoint is not specified, statistics for the "!UserRecordingEndpoint" will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PerformanceInstanceData or other object : The PerformanceInstanceData object identifies and describes the instance in a recording session. Any other object that identifies the instance that is being recorded may also be piped.


PerformanceInstanceData : Object identifying and describing the instance in a recording session.


To get an instance for a physical disk not in a pool, use the PhysicalDiskId. To get an instance for a physical disk in a pool, use the PoolMemberId.In the returned PerformanceInstanceData object, the ActivityWindow field can be used to find the start and end dates of the data for an instance. Note: In the ActivityWindow object, the timestamp for Center, StateTime and EndTime fields will always reflect midnight on the correct day. See Example 2.See Example 4 which demonstrates how to use an instance to get recorded performance data and output the data to a CSV file.Also see Add-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingPerformance, Get-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingResolution, Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint, Get-DcsRecordingSession, Get-DcsRecordingStatistics


-------------- Example 1 Returns all instances during a specific time frame --------------

Get-DcsRecordingInstance -StartTime "Monday, December 3, 2012 3:15:00 PM" -EndTime "Monday, December 3, 2012 4:15:00 PM"

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingInstance is invoked with a start time of "Monday, December 3, 2012 3:15:00 PM" and ending time of "Monday, December 3, 2012 4:15:00 PM". This cmdlet returns all instances of resources which existed in the recording session between the start and end time. PerformanceInstanceData objects that fit the criteria are returned.

KeyData : DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData
Alias :
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSVVM1
ActivityWindow : DataCore.Executive.TimeInterval
KeyData : DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData
Alias :
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSVVM1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSVVM1
ActivityWindow : DataCore.Executive.TimeInterval

-------------- Example 2 Returns all instances for a specified category and finds the start and end time of an instance in the database --------------

$PoolInstances = Get-DcsRecordingInstance -Category DiskPool


The cmdlet is invoked to return all instances for the category "DiskPool" and the instances are stored in the variable $PoolInstances. The variable $PoolInstances is used to obtain the ActivityWindow data for the object which contains the start time and end time of the recorded data. Note: the EndTime field in the Activity Window will be at midnight on the last day of the instance in the recorded data. Note: In the ActivityWindow object, the timestamp for Center, StateTime and EndTime fields will always reflect midnight on the correct day.

KeyData : DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData
Alias :
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSV1
ActivityWindow : DataCore.Executive.TimeInterval
KeyData : DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData
Alias :
Caption : Disk pool 2
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 2 on SSV2
ActivityWindow : DataCore.Executive.TimeInterval
Center : 6/19/2013 12:00:00 PM
Period : 139.00:00:00
IsValid : True
StartTime : 4/11/2013 12:00:00 AM
EndTime : 8/28/2013 12:00:00 AM

-------------- Example 3 Returns a specific instance for the specified endpoint --------------

Get-DcsRecordingInstance -InstanceId (Get-DcsClient -Client "HostVM1").Id -Endpoint "User recording endpoint"

The cmdlet is invoked with a value for the parameter InstanceId. The value is retrieved by invoking the cmdlet Get-DcsClient to get the ClientHostData object for the host named "HostVM1". The Id from the object is used as the instance value. The PerformanceInstanceData object for "HostVM1" is returned.

KeyData : DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData
Alias :
Caption : HostVM1
ExtendedCaption : HostVM1
ActivityWindow : 9/3/2015 8:20:00 PM - 9/3/2015 8:30:00 PM

-------------- Example 4 Uses an instance to retrieve performance data for an object category --------------

$PoolInstances = Get-DcsRecordingInstance -Category DiskPool


Center    : 4/2/2014 2:17:01 PM
Period    : 00:45:57.3670000
IsValid   : True
StartTime : 4/2/2014 1:54:02 PM
EndTime   : 4/2/2014 2:40:00 PM

$StartTime = $PoolInstances[0].ActivityWindow.StartTime
$EndTime = $PoolInstances[0].ActivityWindow.EndTime
$Resolution = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 10)
$RecPerf = Get-DcsRecordingPerformance -StartTime $StartTime -EndTime $EndTime -Instance $PoolInstances[0] -Resolution $Resolution
$RecPerf.PerformanceSeries | Export-Csv -Path C:\Example.csv

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingInstance is used to retrieve recorded disk pool instances and store them in the variable $PoolInstances. The ActivityWindow for the first instance is retrieved and displayed. The Start time from the Activity Window is stored in the variable $StartTime and the End Time from the Activity Window is stored in the variable $EndTime. A resolution of 12 hours is stored in the variable $Resolution. the cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPerformance is used to get the recording data for every 12 hours between the start time and end time and the performance data is stored in the variable $RecPerf. The Performance Series in the variable $RecPerf is exported to a CSV file named Example.csv located in the C:\ path. Data for all recorded disk pool counters are in the file. An excerpt from the Example.csv file follows:

#TYPE DataCore.Executive.DiskPoolPerformance
"9253376","5824512","3428864","0","2602","1664","4266","2147483648","92288109772","0","106568876032","13","86","172271","1457","74","6","74","1108127332171776","12133282611","2","11","0","86","23125338724761","4/2/2014 2:00:00 PM","18446744073675997184"
"90112","90112","0","0","16","0","16","536870912","106032005120","0","106568876032","1","99","1684","0","96","0","96","1108127332171776","0","1","0","0","99","23197923672064","4/2/2014 2:10:00 PM","18446744073675997184"
"199680","196608","3072","0","48","6","54","590558003","105978318028","0","106568876032","1","99","214","30","3","0","3","1108127332171776","0","1","0","0","99","23197923672064","4/2/2014 2:20:00 PM","18446744073675997184"
"832150528","817792000","14358528","26172456960","19845","7011","26856","104233487564","15837691904","72074919936","192146099404","58","41","2275090","161310","1084","646","1096","1108127332171776","0","58","0","33","8","23112346448691","4/2/2014 2:30:00 PM","18446744073675997184"
"436641792","430460928","6180864","20267139072","9196","3018","12214","108000531797","51136954368","54402919082","213540405248","51","48","1510510","24018","1067","207","1067","1108127332171776","0","51","0","25","23","23090952142848","4/2/2014 2:40:00 PM","18446744073675997184"

-------------- Example 5 Gets all disk pool instances for a server by passing the disk pool object --------------

Get-DcsPool -Server SSV1 | Get-DcsRecordingInstance

The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is invoked to get DiskPoolData objects for all pools on server SSV1. The objects are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingInstance. In this case, there are recording instances in the recording database for two pools on SSV1: "Disk pool 1" and "SharedPool1".

KeyData : DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData
Alias :
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSV1
ActivityWindow : DataCore.Executive.TimeInterval
KeyData : DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData
Alias :
Caption : SharedPool1
ExtendedCaption : SharedPool1 on SSV1
ActivityWindow : DataCore.Executive.TimeInterval

To Table of Contents




Returns recorded performance data for a specific instance or counters.


Get-DcsRecordingPerformance   -Instance <Object>   [ -StartTime <DateTime> ]   [ -EndTime <DateTime> ]   [ -Resolution <TimeSpan> ]   [ -Counter <String[]> ]   [ -Endpoint <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns recorded performance data for a specific instance or counters. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, all data for the "!UserRecordingEndpoint" will be returned."


The PerformanceInstanceData object or any other object, ID or name that identifies the instance that is being recorded. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group. If the instance is specified, only data for that instance will be returned.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The starting date and time of the performance recording. One way to provide the StartTime parameter would be to invoke New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The StartTime parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format is "Monday, December 3, 2012 2:00:00 PM". All data which existed at or after the start time will be returned. This parameter can be used with the parameter EndTime to create a time frame.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The ending date and time of the performance recording. One way to provide the EndTime parameter would be to invoke New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The StartTime parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format is "Monday, December 3, 2012 4:00:00 PM". All data which existed at or before the end time will be returned. This parameter can be used with the parameter EndTime to create a time frame.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The interval between each recording point in the recording session. For instance, if the resolution is 10 minutes, recorded data will be returned for every 10 minute interval. One way to provide the TimeSpan parameter would be by using New-TimeSpan with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-TimeSpan). The TimeSpan parameter value can also be provided in a string which represents the number of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds in the past. For instance, if the timespan should be 10 minutes, the value would be "00.00:10:00.00000". Note: Data is recorded at a default rate of every 2 minutes, so the recording interval rate should be considered for the resolution value in order to get meaningful recording performance data returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name of one or more specific counters. To get counter names for an instance, use the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter and pass the specific object that identifies the instance.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The RecordingEndpointData object, name or ID that identifies a recording endpoint. If the endpoint is not specified, statistics for the "!UserRecordingEndpoint" will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PerformanceInstanceData or any object type that identifies an instance. : The PerformanceInstanceData object identifies and describes the instance in a recording session. Any other object that identifies the instance that is being recorded may also be piped.


PerformanceSeriesData : Object that identifies and describes the performance data.


To get performance for a physical disk not in a pool, use the PhysicalDiskId for the instance. To get performance for a physical disk in a pool, use the PoolMemberId for the instance.See Example 4 which demonstrates how to use an instance to get recorded performance data and output the data to a CSV file.Also see Get-DcsRecordingInstance, Get-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingResolution, Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint, Get-DcsRecordingSession, Get-DcsRecordingStatistics


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a specified instance and at a specified resolution --------------

$Tspan = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 10

Get-DcsPool -Pool "Disk pool 1" | Get-Dcsrecordingperformance -Resolution $Tspan

The cmdlet New-TimeSpan is invoked to create a TimeSpan object with the time span of 10 minutes and store it in the variable $Tspan. The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is invoked with the pool parameter of "Disk pool 1" to return the object DiskPoolData for Disk pool 1. This object is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPerformance with the value of the parameter Resolution set to $Tspan. The object PerformanceSeriesData is returned with data at a resolution of 10 minutes.

InstanceKeyData                                              PerformanceSeries
---------------                                              -----------------
DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData                 DataCore.Executive.DiskPoolPerformance, DataCore.Executive.DiskPoolPer...

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a specific start and end time --------------

Get-DcsRecordingPerformance -StartTime "Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:50 AM" -EndTime "Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:25:00 PM" -Resolution 00.00:10:00.00000 -Instance "Disk pool 1"

The Get-DcsRecordingPerformance cmdlet is invoked with a start time of "Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:50 AM" and an end time of "Tuesday, February 12,
 2013 12:25:00 PM", with a resolution of 10 minutes for the instance "Disk pool 1". The object PerformanceSeriesData is returned which contains the data for "Disk pool 1" for the specified time frame using a resolution of 10 minutes.
InstanceKeyData                                                PerformanceSeries
---------------                                                -----------------
DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData                  {DataCore.Executive.DiskPoolPerformance, DataCore.Executive.DiskPoolPer...

-------------- Example 3 Returns data for specific counters --------------

$VD1Ctrs = Get-DcsRecordingPoint -Instance "Virtual disk 1"

Get-DcsRecordingPerformance -Instance "Virtual disk 1" -Counter $VD1Ctrs.counters

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked to return the recording points for the instance "Virtual disk 1". The results are stored in the variable $VD1Ctrs. The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPerformance is invoked for the instance "Virtual disk 1" and counter parameter is given the value of the variable "$VD1Crs.counters" where the specific counters are stored for "Virtual disk 1". The PerformanceSeriesData object is returned.

InstanceKeyData                                             PerformanceSeries
---------------                                             -----------------
DataCore.Executive.PerformanceInstanceKeyData               {DataCore.Executive.VirtualDiskPerformance, DataCore.Exe...

-------------- Example 4 Uses an instance to retrieve performance data for an object category --------------

$PoolInstances = Get-DcsRecordingInstance -Category DiskPool

Center    : 8/10/2013 12:00:00 AM
Period    : 6.00:00:00
IsValid   : True
StartTime : 8/7/2013 12:00:00 AM
EndTime   : 8/13/2013 12:00:00 AM

$StartTime = $PoolInstances[0].ActivityWindow.StartTime
$EndTime = $PoolInstances[0].ActivityWindow.EndTime
$Resolution = (New-TimeSpan -Hours 12)
$RecPerf = Get-DcsRecordingPerformance -StartTime $StartTime -EndTime $EndTime
 -Instance $PoolInstances[0] -Resolution $Resolution
$RecPerf.PerformanceSeries | Export-Csv -Path C:\Example.csv

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingInstance is used to retrieve recorded disk pool instances and stored in the variable $PoolInstances. The ActivityWindow for the first instance is retrieved and displayed. The Start time from the Activity Window is stored in the variable $StartTime and the End Time from the Activity Window is stored in the variable $EndTime. A resolution of 12 hours is stored in the variable $Resolution. the cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPerformance is used to get the recording data for every 12 hours between the start time and end time and the performance data is stored in the variable $RecPerf. The Performance Series in the variable $RecPerf is exported to a CSV file named Example.csv located in the C:\ path. Data for all recorded disk pool counters are in the file. An excerpt from the Example.csv file follows:

#TYPE DataCore.Executive.DiskPoolPerformance
"0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","8/7/2013 12:00:00 AM","18446744073709551615"
"4504486400","3812809728","1245054464","0","678815","338046","1016861","42949672960","10200547328","0","53150220288","81","19","8678677","314593","65","5","66","1108127332171776","0","81","0","0","19","0","8/7/2013 12:00:00 PM","18446744073675997184"
"13315784192","11271298560","2044485632","0","2007382","998288","3005670","42949672960","10200547328","0","53150220288","81","19","26319872","910059","74","5","74","1108127332171776","0","81","0","0","19","0","8/8/2013 12:00:00 AM","18446744073675997184"
"55390927872","53090332672","2300595200","0","1200480","2720512","3920992","43005691003","55848109408","300392057","99154192470","46","53","14099141","4425856","56","7","59","1108127332171776","0","46","0","0","53","13892474748","8/8/2013 12:00:00 PM","18446744073675997184"

To Table of Contents




Provides counter information for the specified object or performance category in the performance recording.


Get-DcsRecordingPerformanceDescription   -Object <Object>   [ -Counters <String[]> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsRecordingPerformanceDescription   [ -Category <String> ]   [ -Counters <String[]> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Provides counter information for the specified object or performance category in the performance recording. Data returned is the counter name, full name, truncated description, and type of counter. Information for specific counters can be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned; otherwise, information for all counters for the object or category will be returned. Note: Output is in default table format which truncates the counter description. To view the complete description, save the output to a variable and view the description for each entry, such as $result[0].Description or reformat the data (see examples).


The name, ID, or any data object that identifies the counters, including (but not limited to) PerformanceData object (see Get-DcsPerformanceCounter), InstanceRecordingPointData object (see Get-DcsRecordingPoint), or CategoryRecordingPointData object (see Get-DcsRecordingPoint). If the Counters parameter is not specified, all counter information for the object will be returned.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

A comma-separated list of counter names. If specified, information will only be provided for those counters. See Example 1.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name of a performance category the identifies the counters. Valid values for category names include: "DiskPool", "LogicalDisk", "Machine", "HostGroup", "PhysicalDisk", "PoolMember", "Replication", "RollbackGroup", "ScsiPort", "ServerGroup", "ServerMachine", "ServerScsiPort", "SharedDiskPool", "SharedPhysicalDisk", "SnapshotGroup", "SnapshotRelation", "StreamLogicalDisk", "VirtualDiskGroup", "VirtualDisk", "VirtualLogicalUnit", "VirtualTargetDevice", and "VirtualTargetDomain". Full category names are also supported, for instance "DiskPool" as well "DiskPoolPerformance". If the Counters parameter is not specified, all counter information for the category will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Object : Any data object that can identify the Object parameter that is used to identify the counters.


PerformanceTypeDescriptor : Counter information and description.


Also see Get-DcsPerformanceCounter.


-------------- Example 1 Returns specific counter information for a specified pool by piping the DiskPoolData object --------------

Get-DcsPool -Pool "Disk pool 1" | Get-DcsRecordingPerformanceDescription -Counters TotalBytesTransferred, TotalBytesRead, TotalBytesWritten

The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is invoked to obtain the DiskPoolData object for the specified pool "Disk pool 1". The object is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPerformanceDescription. Information for the counters specified by the Counters parameter is returned.

Counter                       FullName                      Description                   Type
-------                       --------                      -----------                   ----
TotalBytesTransferred         Total Bytes Transferred / sec Displays the total bytes w... Delta
TotalBytesRead                Total Bytes Read / sec        Displays the total bytes r... Delta
TotalBytesWritten             Total Bytes Written / sec     Displays the total bytes w... Delta

-------------- Example 2 Returns all counter information for a specified category --------------

Get-DcsRecordingPerformanceDescription -Category PoolMember | Format-Table Counter, Description -AutoSize -Wrap

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPerformanceDescription is invoked with the Category value of "PoolMember" which returns all counter information for physical disks that are in disk pools. In this case, the output is selectively displayed on the screen by using the PowerShell cmdlet Format-Table to only show the counter name and the complete description and not display the additional data returned (FullName and Type).

Counter                 Description
-------                 -----------
BytesAllocated          Displays the amount of logical pool space allocated by the pool disk. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over a period of time.
BytesAvailable          Displays the amount of logical pool space that is available to be allocated to a particular pool disk. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over a period of time.
BytesInReclamation      Displays the amount of logical space being (re)initialized by pool disk. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over a period of a period of time.
BytesRecovered          Displays the total number of bytes recovered by the pool disk.
BytesRemainingToRecover Displays the remaining number of bytes that need to be recovered by the pool disk.
BytesTotalToRecover     Displays the total number of bytes that need to be recovered by the pool disk.
BytesMigrated           Displays the number of bytes per second that are migrated between different tiers.

-------------- Example 3 Returns counter information by specifying the name of an object --------------

Get-DcsRecordingPerformanceDescription -Object "HostVM1"

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPerformanceDescription is invoked with the name of a client host "HostVM1" as the value of the parameter object. All counter information for "HostVM1" is returned.

Counter                       FullName                      Description                   Type
-------                       --------                      -----------                   ----
TotalBytesTransferred         Total Bytes Transferred / sec Displays the total bytes w... Delta
TotalBytesRead                Total Bytes Read / sec        Displays the total bytes r... Delta
TotalBytesWritten             Total Bytes Written / sec     Displays the total bytes w... Delta
TotalOperations               Total Operations / sec        Displays the total write a... Delta
TotalReads                    Total Reads / sec             Displays the total read op... Delta
TotalWrites                   Total Writes / sec            Displays the total write o... Delta

To Table of Contents




Returns category or instance data for counters configured in the specified recording session (recording points).


Get-DcsRecordingPoint   [ -Instance <Object> ]   [ -Session <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsRecordingPoint   [ -Category <String> ]   [ -Session <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsRecordingPoint   [ -OnlyInstances]   [ -Session <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsRecordingPoint   [ -OnlyCategories]   [ -Session <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns category or instance data for counters configured in the specified recording session (recording points). Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, all category and instance data from the "!UserRecordingSession" will be returned. Note: When "All instances" for a category has been added to a recording session, the data is stored in the CategoryRecordingPointData object. When individual instances or counters have been added, the data is stored in the InstanceRecordingPointData object. To return data in a more user-friendly format use "Format-Table Category, InstanceId, Counters", see Example 1.


The InstanceRecordingPointData object or any object which identifies the instance, as well as the ID or name of the instance. If specified only data for that instance will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The PerformanceRecordingSessionData object, Id, or Caption that identifies the recording session. If the session is not specified, the "!UserRecordingSession" will used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Connection: Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name of a category. If specified, only data for this category will be returned. Valid values for category names include: "DiskPool", "LogicalDisk", "Machine", "HostGroup", "PhysicalDisk", "PoolMember", "Replication", "RollbackGroup", "ScsiPort", "ServerGroup", "ServerMachine", "ServerScsiPort", "SharedDiskPool", "SharedPhysicalDisk", "SnapshotGroup", "SnapshotRelation", "StreamLogicalDisk", "VirtualDiskGroup", "VirtualDisk", "VirtualLogicalUnit", "VirtualTargetDevice", and "VirtualTargetDomain".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to return recording points for individual instances and counters that are configured in a recording session.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to return recording points for categories with "all instances" configured in a recording session.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


InstanceRecordingPointData, CategoryRecordingPointData, or any object type that identifies an instance. : Object that identifies and describes a category or instance of a counter.


CategoryRecordingPointData or InstanceRecordingPointData : Object that identifies and describes a category or instance of a counter.


Also see Get-DcsRecordingInstance, Get-DcsRecordingPerformance, Add-DcsRecordingPoint, Remove-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingInstance, Get-DcsRecordingPerformance, Get-DcsRecordingResolution, Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint, Get-DcsRecordingSession, Get-DcsRecordingStatistics


-------------- Example 1 Returns all instance and category data for the recording session --------------

Get-DcsRecordingPoint | Format-Table Category, Instanceid, Counters

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked without parameters to return all instance and category data for the recording session for the default connection. The output is formatted in a table.

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a specific instance in a specific recording session --------------

Get-DcsRecordingPoint -Instance "HostVM1" -Session "User recording session"

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked to get data for the instance "HostVM1" for the "User recording session" as defined in the PerformanceRecordingSessionData object. The InstanceRecordingPointData object for "HostVM1 in the recording session is returned.

InstanceId                                                  Counters
----------                                                  --------

-------------- Example 3 Returns data for a specific category --------------

Get-DcsRecordingPoint -Category DiskPool

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked to return data for the category with the name "DiskPool". The CategoryRecordingPointData object for the disk pools configured in the recording session are returned.

-------------- Example 4 Returns data for all individual instances and counters that are configured in a recording session. --------------

Get-DcsRecordingPoint -OnlyInstances

The cmdlet is invoked with the parameter OnlyInstances to return all individual instances and counters that are configured in a recording session. In this case, one instance was configured with all counters and another instance was configured with specific counters.

InstanceId                                                  Counters
----------                                                  --------
b9bebf8a-1bb6-43a6-a335-83d4264271c1                        {TotalBytesRead, TotalBytesTransferred, TotalBytesWritte...

-------------- Example 5 Returns data for all instances in a category that are configured in a recording session. --------------

Get-DcsRecordingPoint -OnlyCategories

The cmdlet is invoked with the parameter OnlyCategories to return the categories that were added with "all instances" to recording session. In this case, there are two categories with "all instances" and the specific counters that were added for each are displayed.

To Table of Contents




Returns the resolution of the recording session.


Get-DcsRecordingResolution   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the resolution of the recording session. The resolution is the time interval between when the data is recorded.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



TimeSpan : Object that describes the resolution.


Also see Add-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingInstance, Get-DcsRecordingPerformance, Get-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint, Get-DcsRecordingSession, Get-DcsRecordingStatistics


-------------- Example 1 Returns the resolution of the recording session --------------


The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingResolution is invoked to return the time interval between when the performance data is recorded. The TimeSpan object is returned indicating that data is collected and recorded every 2 minutes.

Days : 0
Hours : 0
Minutes : 2
Seconds : 0
Milliseconds : 0
Ticks : 1200000000
TotalDays : 0.00138888888888889
TotalHours : 0.0333333333333333
TotalMinutes : 2
TotalSeconds : 120
TotalMilliseconds : 120000

To Table of Contents




THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint.


Get-DcsRecordingServer   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint.



Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false





To Table of Contents




Returns data for the specified recording session.


Get-DcsRecordingSession   [ -Session <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns data for the specified recording session. Data includes resolution, collection set and the status of the recording.


The PerformanceRecordingSessionData object, Id, or Caption that identifies the performance recording session. If the session is not specified, all sessions will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PerformanceRecordingSessionData : Object that identifies and describes a performance recording session.


PerformanceRecordingSessionData : Object that identifies and describes a performance recording session.


This cmdlet replaces the obsolete cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingSessionObsolete. Also see Get-DcsRecordingStatistics, Get-DcsRecordingResolution, Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint, Get-DcsRecordingInstance, Get-DcsRecordingPerformance, Get-DcsRecordingPoint


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for the specified recording session. --------------

Get-DcsRecordingSession -Session "User recording session"

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingSession is invoked to retrieve the session data for the "User recording session" as defined in the Caption of the PerformanceRecordingSessionData object.

EndpointId : 7A46DCA6-85CA-4E52-9329-A2CD7C565B14
Alias : !UserRecordingSession
CollectionSet : {DataCore.Executive.CategoryRecordingPointData}
Running : True
Readonly : False
SequenceNumber : 456
Id : 70138D60-B267-452B-AE0B-49838F09676A
Caption : User recording session
ExtendedCaption : User recording session on User recording endpoint
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




NOTE: THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Get-DcsRecordingSession.


Get-DcsRecordingSessionObsolete   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


NOTE: THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Get-DcsRecordingSession.



Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false




This cmdlet was formerly named Get-DcsRecordingSession and was renamed to Get-DcsRecordingSessionObsolete, See the new Get-DcsRecordingSession.


To Table of Contents




Returns the statistics for the database to which the specified recording endpoint is connected at the moment.


Get-DcsRecordingStatistics   [ -Endpoint <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the statistics for the database to which the specified recording endpoint is connected at the moment. Statistics include timestamp of first and last record, name and the size of the database used by the recording endpoint, the total number of counters, samples, and instances, and more.


The RecordingEndpointData object, name or ID that identifies a recording endpoint. If the endpoint is not specified, statistics for the "!UserRecordingEndpoint" will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PerformanceRecordingSessionData : Object that identifies and describes a performance recording session.


PerformanceRecordingSessionData : Object that identifies and describes a performance recording session.


Also see Get-DcsRecordingSession, Get-DcsRecordingInstance, Get-DcsRecordingPerformance, Get-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingResolution, Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint


-------------- Example 1 Returns statistics for the recording session --------------

Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint -Endpoint "User recording endpoint" | Get-DcsRecordingStatistics

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint is invoked to retrieve the RecordingEndpointData object for the "User recording endpoint" and pipes the results to the cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingStatistics to return the statistics of the specified recording session.

TotalCounters : 816
TotalSamples : 48
TotalInstances : 4
UsedSize : 2.69 MB
FirstRecord : 9/3/2015 8:20:00 PM
LastRecord : 9/3/2015 8:50:00 PM
DatabaseName : DcsPerf
MinimumResolution : 00:00:30
EndpointId : 7A46DCA6-85CA-4E52-9329-A2CD7C565B14
CurrentHostId : A9DF0027-4577-42ED-B98F-5F39CDFE248E

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Returns replication data. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group.


Get-DcsReplication   [ -VirtualDisk <Object> ]   [ -Replication <String> ]   [ -ShowOnlyLocalSide]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsReplication   [ -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> ]   [ -Replication <String> ]   [ -ShowOnlyLocalSide]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns replication data. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, all replications on all servers (local and remote) in the default connection will be returned.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the local virtual disk in a replication. If specified, only data for that virtual disk will be returned. The VirtualDiskData object can be obtained from Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The Async Replication ID (from the AsyncReplicationData object), virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies a replication. If specified, only data for that replication will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

If this parameter is specified, only data for source virtual disks that are local for the connection will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to get replication data for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the relationship between the source and destination virtual disks in a replication.


Also see Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Get-ReplicationBufferFolder, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Returns local replications for a specified server by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Server SSV1 -OnlyWithReplications | Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is used to obtain virtual disk objects for server "SSV1" that are involved with replication. Those objects are piped to Get-DcsReplication which returns data for the local side of those objects.

FirstServerId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
FirstVirtualDiskId : a2cd4ba379e74d45985f1782c7b88573
SecondServerId : a420399f-ab67-4f87-aed2-39690ae21a5f:BECCFDE2-EEFC-4A6F-B425-5DDF7704DE1B
SecondVirtualDiskId : ef276db503c14e82b285450154f62f14
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 5615bb30-8c01-4086-a331-b83781f3448a
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
FirstVirtualDiskId : d4c9888f18004dfabf9542036c1538f1
SecondServerId : a420399f-ab67-4f87-aed2-39690ae21a5f:BECCFDE2-EEFC-4A6F-B425-5DDF7704DE1B
SecondVirtualDiskId : cec88d7114ed4d2c98eb268c21e10c33
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Offline
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 593dca01-9233-4a76-a11d-2f336d2570de
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a replication specified by virtual disk name --------------

Get-DcsReplication -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Returns data for the replication associated with "Virtual disk 1". Local and remote sides are returned.

FirstServerId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
FirstVirtualDiskId : a2cd4ba379e74d45985f1782c7b88573
SecondServerId : a420399f-ab67-4f87-aed2-39690ae21a5f:BECCFDE2-EEFC-4A6F-B425-5DDF7704DE1B
SecondVirtualDiskId : ef276db503c14e82b285450154f62f14
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 5615bb30-8c01-4086-a331-b83781f3448a
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : a420399f-ab67-4f87-aed2-39690ae21a5f:BECCFDE2-EEFC-4A6F-B425-5DDF7704DE1B
FirstVirtualDiskId : ef276db503c14e82b285450154f62f14
SecondServerId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SecondVirtualDiskId : a2cd4ba379e74d45985f1782c7b88573
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : BufferFolderNotSet
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : ea566728-56ae-4102-a6a4-a25e1d84b9d0
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Returns data for a virtual disk group specified by name --------------

Get-DcsReplication -VirtualDiskGroup VDGroup1

Returns data for the replications associated with the virtual disk group named "VDGroup1". Local and remote sides are returned.

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : b71e83f78bb947268981e235598e7bff
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 176821e1-9d98-4308-ac6c-457a33921a4f
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
FirstVirtualDiskId : d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9
SecondServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
SecondVirtualDiskId : b71e83f78bb947268981e235598e7bff
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : Offline
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 6b487532-5290-475b-943b-b17d718e652b
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Returns counter value for data waiting to be replicated for an individual virtual disk. --------------

Get-DcsReplication -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -ShowOnlyLocalSide  | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is invoked with the parameter VirtualDisk, which identifies the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1". The parameter ShowOnlyLocalSide is included so that only data for the source is returned. This data is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter to return the counter values. The counter that displays the value for data waiting to be replicated is BytesToSend in the returned object.

BytesSent : 12288
BytesToSend : 4194304
TimeLag : 0
InitializationPercentage : 100
TestModeProgressPercentage : 0
ConsistencyCheckPercentage : 100
ReplicationBufferPercentFreeSpace : 100
CollectionTime : 09/20/2017 9:33:07 PM
NullCounterMap : 0

To Table of Contents




Returns the path of the replication buffer on the specified server.


Get-DcsReplicationBufferFolder   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the path of the replication buffer on the specified server.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes a server.


string : The path of the replication buffer.


Also see Get-DcsReplication, Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder.


-------------- Example 1 Returns the path of the buffer for a server specified by name --------------

Get-DcsReplicationBufferFolder -Server SSV1

Returns the complete path to the replication buffer for the server "SSV1".


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Retrieves data for the Replication Consistency Point markers for a specified virtual disk group on the destination server.


Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -After <DateTime> ]   [ -Before <DateTime> ]   [ -UserDefinedCode <Byte> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Retrieves data for the Replication Consistency Point markers for a specified virtual disk group on the destination server. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, all markers for the virtual disk group will be returned.


VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group on the replication destination that have received the markers. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to retrieve marker data that is later in time than the date and time specified as the parameter value. This parameter can be used with the Before parameter in order to retrieve markers within a range of dates and times. (see Example 2) Time should be reflected in UTC. The value can be supplied as a DateTime object. One way to create a DateTime object is using the PowerShell cmdlet Get-Date. The value can also be provided in a string with the date and time, for example "6/16/2015 8:00:00 PM".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to retrieve marker data that is earlier in time than the date and time specified as the parameter value. This parameter can be used with the After parameter in order to retrieve markers within a range of dates and times. (see Example 2) Time should be reflected in UTC. The value can be supplied as a DateTime object. One way to create a DateTime object is using the PowerShell cmdlet Get-Date. The value can also be provided in a string with the date and time, for example "6/16/2015 8:00:00 PM".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

An optional user-defined code used to identify the marker data to retrieve. If a values is specified, all markers with the same user-defined code will be returned. Valid values are 0 - 255. If a code is not specified, all markers will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk group that has markers stored on the replication destination.


GroupConsistencyPointData : Object that identifies and describes Consistency Point markers received for a virtual disk group at a replication destination. Returned data consists of a timestamp and user-defined code for each marker. The timestamp is the time that the marker was issued on the source side of the replication and is represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Also see Set-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint, Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback


-------------- Example 1 Returns marker data for a specified virtual disk group and userdefined code --------------

Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -UserDefinedCode 10

The cmdlet is invoked to return the data (TimeStamp and UserDefinedCode) for all markers received by the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote" that contain the user-defined code of "10". The timestamp is the time that the marker was issued on the source side of the replication.

TimeStamp                                                                                               UserDefinedCode
---------                                                                                               ---------------
6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM                                                                                                 10
6/16/2015 7:56:45 PM                                                                                                 10
6/16/2015 7:41:51 PM                                                                                                 10

-------------- Example 2 Returns marker data for a specified virtual disk group that were issued between two dates and times. --------------

Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -After "6/16/2015 8:00:00 PM" -Before "6/25/2105 8:00:00 AM"

The cmdlet is invoked to return the data (TimeStamp and UserDefinedCode) for all markers received by the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote" that contain the user-defined code of "10". The timestamp is the time that the marker was issued on the source side of the replication.

TimeStamp                                                                                               UserDefinedCode
---------                                                                                               ---------------
6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM                                                                                                 10
6/16/2015 9:21:32 PM                                                                                                  0

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Returns replication partner group data.


Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup   [ -ReplicationPartnerGroup <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns replication partner group data. If no parameters are specified, then all replication partner group data for the default connection will be returned.


PartnershipData object, ServerHostGroupData object, Server Host Group Name, or Server Host Group ID that identifies a Replication Partner Group. If specified, only data for that group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PartnershipData or ServerHostGroupData : The PartnershipData object identifies and describes the replication partner group. The ServerHostGroupData object identifies the server group and can also be used to identify the replication partner group


PartnershipData : Object that identifies and describes the replication partner group.


Also see Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all replication partner groups --------------


Returns data for all replication partner groups for the server group. There is one replication partner group assigned to the server group.

GroupId : eeb3a36c-dc57-4418-9906-c73717c57571
HostAddresses : {SSV3}
IncomingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
OutgoingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
Connected : True
EnableCompression : True
Id : 5418e2b5-3c0c-4756-9699-71038e43be2c
Caption : ControllerProxy
ExtendedCaption : ControllerProxy
Internal : False

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Returns the IP address of the partner replication server used for data transfers. If the IP address is not specified, "default" is returned.


Get-DcsReplicationTransferAddress   -PartnerServer <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the IP address of the partner replication server used for data transfers. If the IP address is not specified, "default" is returned.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the partner replication server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the replication partner group.


string : The IP address used for data transfers is returned. If the IP address is not specified, "default" is returned.


Also see Set-DcsReplicationTransferAddress, Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Returns the IP address of the partner replication server specified by name --------------

Get-DcsReplicationTransferAddress -PartnerServer SSV4

The cmdlet is invoked with the name of the replication partner server and the IP address used for data transfers is returned. If the IP address is not specified, "default" is returned.

-------------- Example 2 Returns IP address for the partner server specified by piping the object --------------

Get-DcsServer -ServerGroup Remote -Server SSV4 | Get-DcsReplicationTransferAddress

The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is invoked to get the ServerHostData object for the server named "SSV4" in the server group named "Remote". The object is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsReplicationTransferAddress and the IP address is returned.

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Returns user role data.


Get-DcsRole   [ -Role <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns user role data. Data can be returned for all roles or a specified role.


RoleData object, ID, or alias that identifies a specific role.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RoleData : Object that identifies and describes the user role.


RoleData : Object that identifies and describes the user role.


Also see Add-DcRole, Remove-DcsRole.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a specified role. --------------

Get-DcsRole -Role "Networking"

The cmdlet is invoked to return data for the ole named "Networking". The RoleData object is returned.

Alias : Networking
Description : Role for Network Administrators
Privileges : General privileges: All
Port privileges : All
Host privileges : All
Host group privileges : All
DataCore Server privileges : All
DataCore Server group privileges : All
Virtual disk privileges : All
Snapshot privileges : All
Rollback privileges : All
Replication privileges : All
Physical disk privileges : All
Disk pool privileges : All
Service level privileges : All
Replication partner privileges : All
Task privileges : All
System health monitor privileges : All
Log privileges : All
Virtual disk group privileges : All
Performance recording privileges : All
IsPredefined : False
SequenceNumber : 3146
Id : 5a418634-6ca6-410b-a25e-2ab33bb7b417
Caption : Networking
ExtendedCaption : Networking
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for all roles --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without specifying a specific role which returns all roles in the server group.

Alias : Full Privileges
Description : Role with full privileges
Privileges : All
IsPredefined : True
SequenceNumber : 37
Id : {DAD4B92D-BFC8-4628-A313-51D8B2F57083}
Caption : Full Privileges
ExtendedCaption : Full Privileges
Internal : False
Alias : View
Description : Role with view-only privileges
Privileges : General privileges: ViewInformation
IsPredefined : True
SequenceNumber : 38
Id : {B1210FAD-5DAC-4a7b-B3D6-EEB8DFFE1F7A}
Caption : View
ExtendedCaption : View
Internal : False
Alias : VVol Managers
Description : Role with privileges on VVol related operations
Privileges : General privileges: ViewInformation
Port privileges : All
Host privileges : All
DataCore Server privileges : RescanDisks
Virtual disk privileges : All
Snapshot privileges : All
Physical disk privileges : All
User account privileges : AssignIdentifiable
Virtual disk group privileges : All
Virtual disk template privileges : All
IsPredefined : True
SequenceNumber : 39
Id : {E1077253-9FD3-4460-A39A-7A13AF1E885E}
Caption : VVol Managers
ExtendedCaption : VVol Managers
Internal : False
Alias : Networking
Description : Role for Network Administrators
Privileges : General privileges: All
Port privileges : All
Host privileges : All
Host group privileges : All
DataCore Server privileges : All
DataCore Server group privileges : All
Virtual disk privileges : All
Snapshot privileges : All
Rollback privileges : All
Replication privileges : All
Physical disk privileges : All
Disk pool privileges : All
Service level privileges : All
Replication partner privileges : All
Task privileges : All
System health monitor privileges : All
Log privileges : All
Virtual disk group privileges : All
Performance recording privileges : All
IsPredefined : False
SequenceNumber : 3146
Id : 5a418634-6ca6-410b-a25e-2ab33bb7b417
Caption : Networking
ExtendedCaption : Networking
Internal : False

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Returns rollback data.


Get-DcsRollback   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -VirtualDisk <Object> ]   [ -Rollback <Object> ]   [ -RollbackGroup <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns rollback data. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all rollbacks for all servers in the default connection will be returned.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If a server is specified, only data for that server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a virtual disk. If specified, only data for that source virtual disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name, or ID that identifies a rollback. If specified, only data for that rollback will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

RollbackGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a rollback group. If specified, only rollback data for that rollback group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


RollbackData : Object that identifies and describes the rollback.


Also see Add-DcsRollback, Remove-DcsRollback.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all rollbacks on a specified server by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Server SSV1 | Get-DcsRollback

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is used to pipe virtual disk objects pertaining to server "SSV1". The cdmlet Get-DcsRollback then returns rollback data for those objects.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000018
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000001D
RestorePoint : 8/11/2011 8:19:21 PM
AutoExpire : True
State : Active
Id : V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000018--V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-0000001D
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 4:19:21 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 4:19:21 PM on SSV1
Internal : False
SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000001A
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000001F
RestorePoint : 8/11/2011 8:17:02 PM
AutoExpire : True
State : Active
Id : V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-0000001A--V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-0000001F
Caption : Virtual disk 3 @ 8/11/2011 4:17:02 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 @ 8/11/2011 4:17:02 PM on SSV1
Internal : False
SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6_V.{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}-00000021
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6_V.{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}-00000024
RestorePoint : 8/11/2011 8:35:22 PM
AutoExpire : True
State : Active
Id : V.{315F03EC-BDF5-11E0-9DC3-00155D11E923}-00000021--V.{315F03EC-BDF5-11E0-9DC3-00155D11E923}-00000024
Caption : Virtual disk 4 @ 8/11/2011 4:35:22 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 @ 8/11/2011 4:35:22 PM on SSV2
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Get-DcsRollback -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Returns data for rollbacks associated with "Virtual disk 1" on server "SSV1". There are two rollbacks.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000018
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000001D
RestorePoint : 8/11/2011 8:19:21 PM
AutoExpire : True
State : Active
Id : V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000018--V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-0000001D
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 4:19:21 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 4:19:21 PM on SSV1
Internal : False
SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000018
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000021
RestorePoint : 8/11/2011 8:25:39 PM
AutoExpire : False
State : Active
Id : V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000018--V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000021
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 4:25:39 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 4:25:39 PM on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns rollback group data.


Get-DcsRollbackGroup   [ -RollbackGroup <Object> ]   [ -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns rollback group data. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all rollback groups in the default connection will be returned.


RollbackGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a rollback group. If specified, only data for that rollback group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. If specified, only rollback group data for that virtual disk group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RollbackGroupData : Object that identifies a rollback group.


RollbackGroupData : Object that identifies a rollback group.


Also see Add-DcsRollback, Remove-DcsRollbackGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all rollback groups --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without parameters resulting in the return of a RollbackGroupData object for each rollback group in the server group.

ParentGroupId : {33817673-3a68-4eca-88d2-bd0085dd57a5}
Alias : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:04:49 AM
Description :
Id : {b24e39eb-a4a6-4fe0-af66-2caff9438891}
Caption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:04:49 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:04:49 AM
Internal : False
ParentGroupId : {f9dfafdf-3531-43b0-9b55-02e088960d7a}
Alias : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/22/2012 10:12:47 AM
Description :
Id : {d586c7f0-6009-4e25-bfa0-a41b1c31e80a}
Caption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/22/2012 10:12:47 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/22/2012 10:12:47 AM
Internal : False
ParentGroupId : {33817673-3a68-4eca-88d2-bd0085dd57a5}
Alias : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:51:29 AM
Description :
Id : {03e7d46a-4503-4d1b-a091-de845328e61c}
Caption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:51:29 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:51:29 AM
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a virtual disk group specified by name --------------

Get-DcsRollbackGroup -VirtualDiskGroup "Virtual disk group 1"

The cmdlet s invoked with the VirtualDiskGroup parameter specified as "Virtual disk group 1". A RollbackGroupData object is returned for each rollback group in the specified virtual disk group.

ParentGroupId : {33817673-3a68-4eca-88d2-bd0085dd57a5}
Alias : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:04:49 AM
Description :
Id : {b24e39eb-a4a6-4fe0-af66-2caff9438891}
Caption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:04:49 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:04:49 AM
Internal : False
ParentGroupId : {33817673-3a68-4eca-88d2-bd0085dd57a5}
Alias : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:51:29 AM
Description :
Id : {03e7d46a-4503-4d1b-a091-de845328e61c}
Caption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:51:29 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:51:29 AM
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns the SCSI Inquiry data for a virtual disk.


Get-DcsSCSIInquiryData   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the SCSI Inquiry data for a virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


InquiryData : Object that identifies the inquiry data of the virtual disk.


Also see Set-DcsSCSIInquiryData.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Get-DcsSCSIInquiryData -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Returns SCSI inquiry data for "Virtual disk 1" in the server group.

Vendor      Product      Revision      Serial

DataCore    Virtual Disk  DCS

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Returns system and product information, and server properties for servers.


Get-DcsServer   [ -ServerGroup <String> ]   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns system and product information, and server properties for servers. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all servers in the default connection and associated replication partner groups will be returned.


Name or ID of a server group. If specified, only data for servers in that server group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If the server is specified, only data for that server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server and provides system and product information.


Also see Get-DcsServerGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all servers in the server group --------------


Returns server information (ServerHostData object) for both servers in this server group. Notes about ServerHostData: The field LicenseRemaining is reported in "ticks". ServerHostData returns several server states. Some of these states are not reported or are reported differently in the management console and will be provided here as reference. Possible states for [Server] State are: NotPresent, Offline, Online, and Failed. Possible states for SupportState are: NotPresent, Idle, Collecting, Sending, Cancelling, Preserving, and CommunicationInterrupted. Possible states for LogStatus are: Operational, StoragePaused, StorageFailed, QueueFull, and Flooded. Possible states for PowerState are: Unknown, ACOffline, ACOnline, and BatteryLow. Possible states for CacheState are: Unknown, WritethruGlobal, and WritebackGlobal.

GroupId : 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 23238000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 136.08 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in Server Group
Internal : False
GroupId : 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 23274000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 228.11 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df,, fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
Caption : SSV2
ExtendedCaption : SSV2 in Server Group
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns the cache size that is set on a server.


Get-DcsServerCacheSize   -Server <Object>   [ -Current]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsServerCacheSize   -Server <Object>   [ -UserDefined]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsServerCacheSize   -Server <Object>   [ -SystemManaged]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsServerCacheSize   -Server <Object>   [ -Pending]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the cache size that is set on a server. The cmdlet will return either the current cache size (parameter Current) or the cache size after the server is restarted (parameter Pending). The parameter Pending also indicates whether the cache will be system managed or user defined. Running the cmdlet without either parameter will return the current cache size.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to display the current cache memory being used by SANsymphony software. The value is returned in bytes.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

THIS PARAMETER IS OBSOLETE AND ONLY MAINTAINED FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY. This parameter has been replaced by the parameter Pending.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

THIS PARAMETER IS OBSOLETE AND ONLY MAINTAINED FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY. This parameter has been replaced by the parameter Current.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to display the amount of cache memory that will be used by SANsymphony software the next time the server is restarted. In addition to the amount of cache memory, this parameter also indicates whether the cache will be system managed or user-defined by the boolean value for IsSystemManaged. "True" means that the cache setting is system managed or defined by the software; "False" means that the cache setting is user-defined.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.


DataSize : The object that contains the server cache size.


Also see Set-DcsServerCacheSize.


-------------- Example 1 Returns current cache size for a server specified by name --------------

Get-DcsServerCacheSize -Server "SSVVM01" -Current

Returns the current cache size for the server "SSVVM01".


-------------- Example 2 Returns the pending cache size for a server and System Managed value --------------

Get-DcsServerCacheSize -Server "SSVVM01" -Pending

The cmdlet is invoked to return the cache setting which will be used the next time the server "SSVVM01" is restarted". The value for IsSystemManaged is True, which means that the cache setting is system managed or defined by the software.

Value                                           IsSystemManaged
-----                                           ---------------
2.00 GB                                                    True

To Table of Contents




Returns server group data.


Get-DcsServerGroup   [ -ServerGroup <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns server group data. If no parameters are specified, data for all server groups, including replication partner groups, will be returned for the default connection.


ServerHostGroupData object, ID, or name (caption) that identifies the server group. If the Server Group is not specified, data for all server groups (including replication partner groups) will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the server group.


ServerHostGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the server group.


Also see Set-DcsServerGroupProperties, Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a server group specified by name --------------

Get-DcsServerGroup -ServerGroup Local

Returns data for the server group named "Local".

OurGroup : True
Alias : Local
Description :
State : Present
SmtpSettings : DataCore.Executive.SmtpServerSettings
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
LicenseType : Regular
ContactData :
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
ExistingProductKeys : {, , , }
Id : 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf
Caption : Local
ExtendedCaption : Local
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns the UTC time of a specified server.


Get-DcsServerTime   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time of a specified server.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the system and product information for a server.


System.DateTime : Object that contains the date and time of the server.


Also see Get-DcsServer.


-------------- Example 1 Returns the date and time of a server by specifying the name. --------------

Get-DcsServerTime -Server SSV1

The cmdlet Get-DcsServerTime is invoked to retrieve the date and time for the server named "SSV1".

Thursday, June 07, 2012 1:52:36 PM

-------------- Example 2 Returns the date and time for all servers in a group by piping objects. --------------

Get-DcsServer -ServerGroup "Group LOCAL" | Get-DcsServerTime

The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is invoked to return all ServerHost objects for the server group named "Group LOCAL". Those objects are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsServerTime to return the date and time for both servers in the group.

Thursday, June 07, 2012 2:02:03 PM
Thursday, June 07, 2012 2:02:03 PM

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Returns the data for shared physical disks.


Get-DcsSharedPhysicalDisk   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -SharedDisk <Object> ]   [ -PhysicalDisk <String> ]   [ -Available]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the data for shared physical disks. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all shared physical disks for all servers in the default connection will be returned.


Computer name or ID of a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If specified, only data for that server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

SharedPhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a shared physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the shared physical disk is specified, only data for that shared physical disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies a physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the physical disk is specified, only data for that physical disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify the Available parameter to only return data for shared physical disks that are available for use, such as disks that are not in disk pools and that are not used as pass-through disks.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SharedPhysicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the shared disk.


SharedPhysicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the shared disk.


Also see Get-DcsSharedPool.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all shared physical disks --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without parameters which returns data for all shared physical disks in the server group of the default connection.

Id                            Caption                       ExtendedCaption                                    Internal
--                            -------                       ---------------                                    --------
naa.60030d9056566f6c343400... Shared - Disk 13 | DataCor... Shared - Disk 13 | DataCor...                         False
naa.60030d9056566f6c343300... Shared - Disk 12 | DataCor... Shared - Disk 12 | DataCor...                         False
naa.60030d9056566f6c343500... Shared - Disk 14 | DataCor... Shared - Disk 14 | DataCor...                         False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a specified physical disk --------------

Get-DcsSharedPhysicalDisk -Server SSV3 -PhysicalDisk "Disk 12"

The cmdlet is invoked with the Server parameter specified as "SSV3" and the PhysicalDisk parameter specified as "Disk 12". The SharedPhysicalDiskData object for that shared physical disk is returned.

Id                            Caption                       ExtendedCaption                                    Internal
--                            -------                       ---------------                                    --------
naa.60030d9056566f6c343300... Shared - Disk 12 | DataCor... Shared - Disk 12 | DataCor...                         False

To Table of Contents




Returns the data for shared pools.


Get-DcsSharedPool   [ -SharedPool <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the data for shared pools. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all shared pools in the server group for the default connection will be returned.


SharedDiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies a shared disk pool. If the shared pool is specified, only data for that shared pool will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SharedDiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the shared pool.


SharedDiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the shared pool.


Also see Get-DcsSharedPhysicalDisk, Get-DcsPool.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all shared pools --------------


Returns data for all shared pools in the server group configuration for the default connection. There are two shared pools.

ChunkSize : 0.00 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
Id : {fcb8bf28-7423-11e1-9f2a-00155d11e92b}
Caption : Shared disk pool 1 - SSV3 | SSV4
ExtendedCaption : Shared disk pool 1 - SSV3 | SSV4
Internal : False
ChunkSize : 0.00 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
Id : {fcb8bf34-7423-11e1-9f2a-00155d11e92b}
Caption : Shared disk pool 2 - SSV3 | SSV4
ExtendedCaption : Shared disk pool 2 - SSV3 | SSV4
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns the SMTP settings used for email notifications for the server group of the specified connection.


Get-DcsSMTPSettings   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the SMTP settings used for email notifications for the server group of the specified connection.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



SmtpServerSettings : Object that provides the SMTP settings for the server group.


Also see Set-DcsSMTPSettings.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for the server group --------------


The cmdlet Get-DcsSMTPSettings is invoked without parameters resulting in the SMTP settings for the server group.

SmtpServer :
EmailAddress :
Username : administrator
TcpPort : 25
UseSSL : False

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Returns snapshot data for virtual disks.


Get-DcsSnapshot   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -VirtualDisk <Object> ]   [ -Snapshot <Object> ]   [ -SnapshotGroup <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns snapshot data for virtual disks. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, all snapshots on all servers in the default connection will be returned.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If specified, only data for the designated server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a virtual disk. If specified, only snapshot data for the designated virtual disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

SnapshotData object, name or ID of a snapshot. If specified, only data for that snapshot will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

SnapshotGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a snapshot group. If specified, only snapshot data for that snapshot group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


SnapshotData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot.


Also see Get-DcsSnapshotMapStore, Add-DcsSnapshot, Remove-DcsSnapshot.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all snapshots on a specific server by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Server SSV1 | Get-DcsSnapshot

The cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshot is invoked without parameters resulting in the return of data for all snapshots in the server group.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000018
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000023
Type : Differential
TimeStamp : 8/12/2011 9:47:02 AM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000018--V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000023
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/12/2011 9:46:09 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/12/2011 9:46:09 AM on SSV1
Internal : False
SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000019
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000025
Type : Full
TimeStamp : 8/12/2011 9:47:04 AM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Migrated
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000019--V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000025
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/12/2011 9:46:25 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/12/2011 9:46:25 AM on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Get-DcsSnapshot -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 2"

Returns data for all snapshots created from "Virtual disk 2". There are two snapshots.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002E
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000038
Type : Differential
TimeStamp : 8/16/2011 1:06:06 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-0000002E--V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000038
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/16/2011 1:06:00 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/16/2011 1:06:00 PM on SSV1
Internal : False
SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002E
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000037
Type : Full
TimeStamp : 8/16/2011 1:05:18 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Migrated
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-0000002E--V.{EA7C7A80-BDF3-11E0-8304-00155D11E921}-00000037
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/16/2011 1:05:03 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/16/2011 1:05:03 PM on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns snapshot group data.


Get-DcsSnapshotGroup   [ -SnapshotGroup <Object> ]   [ -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns snapshot group data. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all snapshot groups in the default connection will be returned.


SnapshotGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a snapshot group. If specified, only data for that snapshot group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. If specified, only snapshot group data for that virtual disk group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SnapshotGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot group.


SnapshotGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot group.


Also see Add-DcsSnapshot, Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all snapshot groups --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without parameters resulting in the return of a SnapshotGroupData object for each snapshot group in the server group.

ParentGroupId : {28c9c50f-bc30-4bf1-9fea-1bfc19bbcfd5}
Alias : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 10:05:15 AM
Description :
Id : {6e788a45-a079-4fc4-9e80-8a09b1c1696d}
Caption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 10:05:15 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 10:05:15 AM
Internal : False
ParentGroupId : {28c9c50f-bc30-4bf1-9fea-1bfc19bbcfd5}
Alias : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 12:05:14 PM
Description :
Id : {652cdc16-31dd-4a7f-9884-0a2cb44e5c97}
Caption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 12:05:14 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 12:05:14 PM
Internal : False
ParentGroupId : {2dced492-e3e8-4abb-aa14-80c7c9e1a898}
Alias : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/20/2012 12:13:31 PM
Description :
Id : {ac7b28a2-b92c-407e-94a4-6ded377fb0dc}
Caption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/20/2012 12:13:31 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/20/2012 12:13:31 PM
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a virtual disk group specified by name --------------

Get-DcsSnapshotGroup -VirtualDiskGroup "Virtual disk group 2"

The cmdlet s invoked with the VirtualDiskGroup parameter specified as "Virtual disk group 2". A SnapshotGroupData object is returned for each snapshot group in the specified virtual disk group.

ParentGroupId : {28c9c50f-bc30-4bf1-9fea-1bfc19bbcfd5}
Alias : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 10:05:15 AM
Description :
Id : {6e788a45-a079-4fc4-9e80-8a09b1c1696d}
Caption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 10:05:15 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 10:05:15 AM
Internal : False
ParentGroupId : {28c9c50f-bc30-4bf1-9fea-1bfc19bbcfd5}
Alias : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 12:05:14 PM
Description :
Id : {652cdc16-31dd-4a7f-9884-0a2cb44e5c97}
Caption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 12:05:14 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/20/2012 12:05:14 PM
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns disk pool data for the pool used to create the snapshot mapstore for the specified server.


Get-DcsSnapshotMapStore   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns disk pool data for the pool used to create the snapshot mapstore for the specified server.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. Only data for the specified server will be returned.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the disk pool used to create the mapstore.


Also see Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a server specified by name --------------

Get-DcsSnapshotMapStore -Server SSV1

Returns snapshot mapstore data for server "SSV1".

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
Alias : Disk pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
MaxTierNumber : 3
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for all servers in the server group by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsServer | Get-DcsSnapshotMapStore

The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is used to pipe all server objects to the cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshotMapstore, resulting in data for both servers in the server group.

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
Alias : Disk pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
MaxTierNumber : 3
Id : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6
Alias : Disk pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
MaxTierNumber : 3
Id : 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6:{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSV2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns data for a particular storage profile or all storage profiles.


Get-DcsStorageProfile   [ -StorageProfile <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns data for a particular storage profile or all storage profiles. If no parameters are specified, data for all system and custom storage profiles configured for the server group in the default connection will be returned.


StorageProfileData object, name (alias), or ID that identifies a storage profile. Valid values for the storage profile name (in order from highest priority to lowest priority) are: "Critical", "High", "Normal", "Low", and "Archive". If specified only data for that profile will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


StorageProfileData : Object that identifies and describes the storage profile.


StorageProfileData : Object that identifies and describes the storage profile.


Also see Set-DcsStorageProfileProperties, Add-DcsStorageProfile, Remove-DcsStorageProfile.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all storage profiles --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without parameters to get data for all storage profiles.

Alias : Critical
Description :
PerformanceClass : Critical
ReplicationPriority : Critical
RecoveryPriority : Critical
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 34350
Id : E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867
Caption : Critical
ExtendedCaption : Critical Profile
Internal : False
Alias : High
Description :
PerformanceClass : High
ReplicationPriority : High
RecoveryPriority : High
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 34351
Id : A122B0E3-7D32-4783-BDE4-619049C936C9
Caption : High
ExtendedCaption : High Profile
Internal : False
Alias : Normal
Description :
PerformanceClass : Normal
ReplicationPriority : Regular
RecoveryPriority : Regular
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 34352
Id : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Caption : Normal
ExtendedCaption : Normal Profile
Internal : False
Alias : Low
Description :
PerformanceClass : Low
ReplicationPriority : Low
RecoveryPriority : Low
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 34353
Id : D3A1308B-7770-408E-AC49-7F9EEE83C05A
Caption : Low
ExtendedCaption : Low Profile
Internal : False
Alias : Archive
Description :
PerformanceClass : Archive
ReplicationPriority : Low
RecoveryPriority : Low
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 34354
Id : 3ACE5F17-41DB-445D-B1EF-C8F04953B5AD
Caption : Archive
ExtendedCaption : Archive Profile
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a specified storage profile --------------

Get-DcsStorageProfile -StorageProfile Critical

The cmdlet is invoked with the StorageProfile specified as "Critical", resulting in the return of that data object.

Alias : Critical
Description :
PerformanceClass : Critical
ReplicationPriority : Critical
RecoveryPriority : Critical
WriteTracking : False
DefaultProfile : True
SequenceNumber : 34350
Id : E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867
Caption : Critical
ExtendedCaption : Critical Profile
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns path data for target ports used by virtual disks.


Get-DcsTargetDevice   [ -TargetDevice <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns path data for target ports used by virtual disks. If no parameters are specified, data for all target devices in the specified connection will be returned.


TargetDeviceData object, ID, or name (caption) that identifies the target device. If this parameter is specified, then only data for this target device will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TargetDeviceData : Object that identifies the target device.


TargetDeviceData : Object that identifies and describes path data for a target port (target device) used by a virtual disk.


Also see Get-DcsPortConnection, Get-DcsPort, Get-DcsTargetDomain.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a target port specified by name --------------

Get-DcsTargetDevice -TargetDevice "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator_Server iSCSI Port 2"

Returns the target device data for the caption "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator_Server iSCSI Port 2" in the server group.

TargetDomainId : 210e3409-a735-45de-aa57-132d47e22fe9
InitiatorPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-22
DeviceName :
Id : d93a7d5c-b538-4432-a21d-24d9a043af31
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator | Server iSCSI Port 2
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator | Server iSCSI Port 2
Internal : False
TargetDomainId : 685e85de-7ba2-4fa8-9432-d838d421e61d
InitiatorPortId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:MSFT-05-1991
TargetPortId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-21
DeviceName :
Id : 7620c2b7-a852-4ac5-b42f-49e88c939199
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator | Server iSCSI Port 2
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator | Server iSCSI Port 2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns initiator/target path data for servers or client hosts.


Get-DcsTargetDomain   [ -TargetDomain <Object> ]   [ -InitiatorHost <String> ]   [ -TargetHost <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns initiator/target path data for servers or client hosts. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, data for all client hosts and servers in the default connection will be returned.


VirtualTargetDomain object, ID, or name (caption) that identifies the target domain.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of a server, or the name or ID of a client host. The computer name of a server must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If this parameter is specified, only path data involving initiator ports on that server or client host will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of a server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If specified, only path data involving target ports on that server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualTargetDomain : Object that identifies the target domain.


VirtualTargetDomain : Object that identifies and describes the initiator and target path information for the target domain.


Also see Get-DcsPortConnection, Get-DcsPort, Get-DcsTargetDevice.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for server group --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without parameters, resulting in all target domain data for the server group.

InitiatorHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
TargetHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Id : 907e054d-0bba-43b8-b920-0082354e7310
Caption : SSV2_SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV2_SSV1
Internal : False
InitiatorHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
TargetHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
Id : 75b2d2fd-8742-4874-9b88-ec53fd2b4881
Caption : SSV1 | SSV2
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 | SSV2
Internal : False
InitiatorHostId : 02e62275b0f84decbd81fdd83210ef13
TargetHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Id : 35b37757-a8de-49b7-82a1-1b4abc891652
Caption : Host3 | SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Host3 | SSV1
Internal : False
InitiatorHostId : b26c5aa9d9c74f8e97b29ce20b2c7fef
TargetHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Id : 66df3d86-0546-4130-a185-d5f664598ba1
Caption : Host4 | SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Host4 | SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns data for tasks.


Get-DcsTask   [ -Task <Object> ]   [ -States <String[]> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns data for tasks. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, all tasks on all servers in the default connection will be returned.


TaskData object, name, or ID that identifies a task. If specified, only data for that task will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to return tasks with one or more specific states. Possible values are: "Idle", "Running", and "Aborting". If specified, only tasks in those states will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskData : Object that identifies the task.


TaskData : Object that identifies the task.


Also see Add-DcsTask, Remove-DcsTask, Get-DcsAction, Get-DcsTrigger, Set-DcsTaskProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a task specified by name --------------

Get-DcsTask -Task ReclaimVD1

Returns data about the task named "ReclaimVD1".

Description : Reclaims unused space on Virtual disk 1 every night at 11:30PM
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : 0f028eee-1954-4d2a-8787-a36ba47a472f
Caption : ReclaimVD1
ExtendedCaption : ReclaimVD1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns triggers associated with a task.


Get-DcsTrigger   [ -Task <String> ]   [ -Trigger <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns triggers associated with a task. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. One specific trigger or all triggers for the specified task will be returned.


Name or ID that identifies a task. If specified, only data for that task will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name or ID of a trigger. If specified, only data for that trigger will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskTriggerData : Object identifying and describing the trigger of a task.


TaskTriggerData : Object identifying and describing the trigger of a task.


Also see Get-DcsTask, Get-DcsAction, Remove-DcsTrigger, Add-DcsTrigger.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a task specified by name --------------

Get-DcsTrigger -Task ReclaimVD1

Returns all triggers for the task named "ReclaimVD1". In this case, there is one trigger.

Weekdays : False
DailyInterval : 1
Recurrence : Daily
SignalDuration : 0
StartTime : 8/13/2011 3:30:00 AM
TaskId : 0f028eee-1954-4d2a-8787-a36ba47a472f
Type : ScheduledTrigger
Description :
Id : a230c41f-ebad-4c6f-b47c-5b0495cb4396
Caption : Every 1 days at 23:30:00, starting on 8/12/2011 11:30:00 PM
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns one or all registered users in a server group.


Get-DcsUser   [ -User <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsUser   [ -Current]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns one or all registered users in a server group. If no parameters are specified, all users in the default connection will be returned.


UserData object, name, or ID that identifies a user. If specified, only data for that user will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to get user data for the user that is currently logged-in.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


UserData : Object that identifies and describes a registered software user.


UserData : Object that identifies and describes a registered software user.


Also see Add-DcsUser, Get-DcsUserRole.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all users --------------


Returns data for all users in the server group.

Name : Administrator
Description : User with the Owners role
EmailAddress :
BlendedPrivileges : ViewInformation
IsAdministrator : True
RoleIds : {{DAD4B92D-BFC8-4628-A313-51D8B2F57083}}
SequenceNumber : 3433
Id : 7edfb6ed-8f24-4138-a23b-2843600d939d
Caption : Administrator
ExtendedCaption : Administrator
Internal : False
Name : Joe Schmoe
Description :
EmailAddress :
BlendedPrivileges : ViewInformation, ConfigureVVols
IsAdministrator : False
RoleIds : {{E1077253-9FD3-4460-A39A-7A13AF1E885E}}
SequenceNumber : 3434
Id : 2acfbe83-5af0-426e-8420-6e8ce0711d04
Caption : Joe Schmoe
ExtendedCaption : Joe Schmoe
Internal : False
Name : Larry C. Moe
Description :
EmailAddress :
BlendedPrivileges : ViewInformation
IsAdministrator : False
RoleIds : {{B1210FAD-5DAC-4a7b-B3D6-EEB8DFFE1F7A}}
SequenceNumber : 3563
Id : 4c3cf2d1-b2c7-462c-97da-9db62e0b3805
Caption : Larry C. Moe
ExtendedCaption : Larry C. Moe
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns user data for the user that is currently logged in. --------------

Get-DcsUser -Current

Returns user data for the user that is currently logged in by specifying the -Current parameter.

Name : Administrator
Description : User with the Owners role
EmailAddress :
BlendedPrivileges : ViewInformation
IsAdministrator : True
RoleIds : {{DAD4B92D-BFC8-4628-A313-51D8B2F57083}}
SequenceNumber : 3560
Id : 7edfb6ed-8f24-4138-a23b-2843600d939d
Caption : Administrator
ExtendedCaption : Administrator
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns ownership data for virtual disks.


Get-DcsUserOwnership   [ -User <Object> ]   [ -Object <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsUserOwnership   -Ownership <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns ownership data for virtual disks. The cmdlet can be used to obtain all owners of a specified virtual disk or all virtual disks owned by a specified user.


UserData object, name, or ID that identifies a user. If specified, only data for that user will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID the identifies the virtual disk. The object and ID can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk. If specified, only ownership data for that virtual disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The OwnershipData object, or ID the identifies the ownership object. If specified, only data for that ownership object will be returned.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes a virtual disk.


OwnershipData : Object that identifies and describes an ownership relationship between a user and a virtual disk.


Also see Add-DcsUserOwnership, Remove-DcsUserOwnership


-------------- Example 1 Returns all data for a particular virtual disk --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" | Get-DcsUserOwnership

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to obtain the VirtualDiskData object for"Virtual disk 1". The result is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsOwnership. The OwnershipData objects for each owner of that virtual disk are returned.

UserId : 39cb3daf-5d18-42ba-a3a9-13e5c3782c8a
IdentifiableId : a354eee825cb408a9a4858323d301ae3
SequenceNumber : 4102
Id : 9f9332a1-675c-4786-b570-f953bd45dbe9
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False
UserId : cba8d0fd-7a21-45bd-b6be-360f9447b1c5
IdentifiableId : a354eee825cb408a9a4858323d301ae3
SequenceNumber : 4111
Id : 7068dc7b-cc3e-4bb8-acd2-be7683ce30ac
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns all data for a specified user. --------------

Get-DcsUserOwnership -User "JSchmoe"

The cmdlet is invoked with the user name "JSchmoe" to return all virtual disks that are owned by the specified user.

UserId : 39cb3daf-5d18-42ba-a3a9-13e5c3782c8a
IdentifiableId : a354eee825cb408a9a4858323d301ae3
SequenceNumber : 4102
Id : 9f9332a1-675c-4786-b570-f953bd45dbe9
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False
UserId : 39cb3daf-5d18-42ba-a3a9-13e5c3782c8a
IdentifiableId : 704da63e20ad4eaaa9e4701bb7bc5fbc
SequenceNumber : 4104
Id : 97404981-9e0d-48bd-8ed8-5994f753125e
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False
UserId : 39cb3daf-5d18-42ba-a3a9-13e5c3782c8a
IdentifiableId : 0c3e004607a04864bdb507ccb09f641c
SequenceNumber : 4106
Id : 51424fac-2c66-4462-b545-0a7a8e9aa7e1
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns role data.


Get-DcsUserRole   [ -Role <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsUserRole   [ -User <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns role data. All possible roles, a specific role, or all roles for a specific user can be returned. Roles are used to grant user privileges.


RoleData object, Alias, or ID that identifies a role. If specified, only data for that role will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

UserData object, name, or ID that identifies a user. If specified, only data for that user will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RoleData : Object that identifies the role.


RoleData : Object that identifies and describes the user role.


Also see Add-DcsUserRole, Remove-DcsUserRole.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all user roles --------------


Returns data for all possible user roles.

Alias : Full Privileges
Description : Role with full privileges
Privileges : All
IsPredefined : True
SequenceNumber : 10317
Id : {DAD4B92D-BFC8-4628-A313-51D8B2F57083}
Caption : Full Privileges
ExtendedCaption : Full Privileges
Internal : False
Alias : View
Description : Role with view-only privileges
Privileges : General privileges: ViewInformation
IsPredefined : True
SequenceNumber : 10318
Id : {B1210FAD-5DAC-4a7b-B3D6-EEB8DFFE1F7A}
Caption : View
ExtendedCaption : View
Internal : False
Alias : VVol Managers
Description : Role with privileges on VVol related operations
Privileges : General privileges: ViewInformation
Port privileges : All
Host privileges : All
DataCore Server privileges : RescanDisks
Virtual disk privileges : All
Snapshot privileges : All
Physical disk privileges : All
User account privileges : AssignIdentifiable
Virtual disk group privileges : All
Virtual disk template privileges : All
IsPredefined : True
SequenceNumber : 10319
Id : {E1077253-9FD3-4460-A39A-7A13AF1E885E}
Caption : VVol Managers
ExtendedCaption : VVol Managers
Internal : False
Alias : Networking
Description :
Privileges : General privileges: All
Port privileges : All
Host privileges : All
Host group privileges : All
DataCore Server privileges : All
DataCore Server group privileges : All
Service level privileges : All
Task privileges : All
IsPredefined : False
SequenceNumber : 10972
Id : 68b11804-1575-4ab1-8945-95b0ff37a526
Caption : Networking
ExtendedCaption : Networking
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns roles for a specific user. --------------

Get-DcsUserRole -User "Larry C. Moe"

The cmdlet is invoked with the user specified by name. All roles for the specified user are returned. In this case, there is one role.

Alias : View
Description : Role with view-only privileges
Privileges : General privileges: ViewInformation
IsPredefined : True
SequenceNumber : 10318
Id : {B1210FAD-5DAC-4a7b-B3D6-EEB8DFFE1F7A}
Caption : View
ExtendedCaption : View
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns the relationship between a user and the roles assigned to the user.


Get-DcsUserRoleRelation   [ -User <Object> ]   [ -Role <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Get-DcsUserRoleRelation   -UserRole <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns the relationship between a user and the roles assigned to the user. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. User-role relationship data can be returned for a specific user, a specific role, or a specific user-role relationship. If no parameters are specified, data is returned for all user-role relationships in the server group.


UserData object, name, or ID that identifies a user. If specified, only data for that user will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

RoleData object, Alias, or ID that identifies a role. If specified, only data for that role will be returned.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

UserRoleRelationData object, ID, or caption that identifies a user-role relationship. If specified, only data for that relationship will be returned. The caption is the name of the user followed by the name of the role in this format: "Clark Kent | Networking".

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RoleData : Object that identifies the role.


UserRoleRelationData : Object that identifies the relationship between a user and his/her assigned roles.



-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a specific user --------------

Get-DcsUserRole -User "Clark Kent" | Get-DcsUserRoleRelation

The cmdlet Get-DcsUserRole is invoked to get the RoleData object for the user named "Clark Kent". The object is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsUserRoleRelation and the object that shows the relationship between the user "Clark Kent" and the role "Networking" is returned.

UserId : 8a1f9129-363b-446e-965f-a91098da3995
RoleId : 68b11804-1575-4ab1-8945-95b0ff37a526
SequenceNumber : 10977
Id : 39345c73-4e73-48ca-a9b8-6c3ab27d8aab
Caption : Clark Kent | Networking
ExtendedCaption : Clark Kent | Networking
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a specific role --------------

Get-DcsUserRoleRelation -UserRole "Networking"

The cmdlet is invoked to get the UserRoleRelationData object for the user role named "Networking".

UserId : 8a1f9129-363b-446e-965f-a91098da3995
RoleId : 68b11804-1575-4ab1-8945-95b0ff37a526
SequenceNumber : 10977
Id : 39345c73-4e73-48ca-a9b8-6c3ab27d8aab
Caption : Clark Kent | Networking
ExtendedCaption : Clark Kent | Networking
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Returns data for a specified userrole relationship --------------

Get-DcsUserRoleRelation -UserRole 39345c73-4e73-48ca-a9b8-6c3ab27d8aab

The cmdlet is invoked using the ID to identify the user-role relationship. The returned object shows the relationship between the user "Clark Kent" and the role assigned to the user "Networking".

UserId : 8a1f9129-363b-446e-965f-a91098da3995
RoleId : 68b11804-1575-4ab1-8945-95b0ff37a526
SequenceNumber : 10977
Id : 39345c73-4e73-48ca-a9b8-6c3ab27d8aab
Caption : Clark Kent | Networking
ExtendedCaption : Clark Kent | Networking
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns data for a specific vCenter or all vCenters in the server group that is associated with the specified connection.


Get-DcsvCenter   [ -vCenter <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns data for a specific vCenter or all vCenters in the server group that is associated with the specified connection. If no parameters are specified, data for all vCenters associated with the default connection will be returned.


VimVirtualCenterData object, name or ID that identifies the vCenter. If specified, only data for that vCenter will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VimVirtualCenterData : Object that identifies and describes the vCenter.


VimVirtualCenterData : Object that identifies and describes the vCenter.


Also see Add-DcsvCenter, Add-DcsvCenterDataStore, Set-DcsvCenterProperties, Remove-DcsvCenter, Set-DcsvCenterMultipathPolicy


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all vCenters --------------


The cmdlet Get-DcsvCenter is invoked without parameters. The VimVirtualCenterData object for all vCenters in the server group of the default connection. In this case, there is one vCenter that has been added to the server group configuration.

ServerAddress : esxvc55
Username : administrator
Description :
FullName : VMware vCenter Server 5.5.0 build-1099559
ProductBuild : 1099559
Version : 5.5
State : WaitingForUpdates
SequenceNumber : 24393
Id : 0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE
Caption : esxvc55
ExtendedCaption : esxvc55
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a vCenter specified by name --------------

Get-DcsvCenter -vCenter esxvc55

The cmdlet Get-DcsvCenter is invoked using the name of the vCenter "esxvc55" as the value of the parameter vCenter. The VimVirtualCenterData object for that vCenter is returned.

ServerAddress : esxvc55
Username : administrator
Description :
FullName : VMware vCenter Server 5.5.0 build-1099559
ProductBuild : 1099559
Version : 5.5
State : WaitingForUpdates
SequenceNumber : 24393
Id : 0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE
Caption : esxvc55
ExtendedCaption : esxvc55
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns virtual disk data.


Get-DcsVirtualDisk   [ -ServerGroup <Object[]> ]   [ -Server <Object[]> ]   [ -Machine <Object[]> ]   [ -Group <Object> ]   [ -Kind <String[]> ]   [ -VirtualDisk <Object> ]   [ -OnlyWithReplications]   [ -WithCdpEnabled <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns virtual disk data. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. Data can be returned for one or more server groups. If no parameters are specified, data for all virtual disks on all servers in the default connection will be returned, and if that group is in a replication partner group, data for all virtual disks in the replication partner group will be returned as well.


The ServerHostGroupData object, name or ID of one or more server groups. If specified, virtual disk data for the designated server groups will be returned. If not specified, virtual disk data for the server group of the specified connection will be returned, and if that server group is in a replication partner group, virtual disk data for the replication partner group will also be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The ServerHostData object, computer name or ID of one or more servers. Computer names must be unique or the names must be fully qualified. If specified, only data for those servers will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The ServerHostData or ClientHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies one or more servers or clients in order to obtain data for virtual disks served to them. The computer name for a server must be unique or the names must be fully qualified. If specified, only data for virtual disks served to the designated machines will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The VirtualDiskGroupData, name or ID of a virtual disk group. If specified, only data for that group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The kind of virtual disks to return. If specified, only data for the designated types will be returned. Specify one or more of the following values: "Standard" will return virtual disks that are not rollbacks or snapshots. "Rollback" will return virtual disks that are rollbacks. "Snapshot" will return virtual disks that are snapshots.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk. If specified, only data for that virtual disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to only return data for virtual disks that are involved in replications.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to return virtual disk data based on the Continuous Data Protection (CDP) setting. Specify $true to return data for virtual disks with CDP enabled or $false to return data for virtual disks with CDP disabled.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Set-VirtualDiskProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for a specific type of virtual disk on a specific client host machine in a specified by name --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Machine Host4 -Kind Rollback

Returns data for all rollbacks that are served to the machine "Host4". There are two rollbacks served to Host4.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 5:07:01 PM
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
Id : 485f20b6b4ad47abab73cadbc84d3564
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 5:07:01 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 5:07:01 PM from Local
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 6:04:17 PM
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
Id : 314b37787a1847f799315cab4d10e092
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 6:04:17 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/11/2011 6:04:17 PM from Local
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns a list of bytes allocated for all virtual disks in the server group --------------

$resultsLocation = "C:\"
$allocationResult = @()

foreach($vd in (Get-DcsVirtualDisk))
    $result = New-Object PSObject
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Virtual Disk" -Value ($vd.Alias)
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Allocation" -Value (($vd[0] | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter).BytesAllocated)
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Size" -Value "Bytes"
    $allocationResult += $result

$allocationResult > $resultsLocation\allocation-results.txt

This is a script file which retrieves the number of allocated bytes for each virtual disk in the server group. A high level explanation follows. The number of allocated bytes is part of the performance data for the virtual disk. The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to retrieve the virtual disk objects. The objects are passed to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter in order to get the count for BytesAllocated in the PerformanceData object. A custom object is created with the data returned from the cmdlets. The virtual disk name and allocation size are output to the file allocation-results.txt in the specified folder location.

Virtual Disk                        Allocation Size                                   
------------                        ---------- ----                                   
Virtual disk 1                     53284438016 Bytes                                  
Virtual disk 2                     30601641984 Bytes                                  
Virtual disk 3                     24293408768 Bytes                                  
Virtual disk 4                     24024973312 Bytes

-------------- Example 3 Returns a list of bytes allocated for all virtual disks for a specified server --------------

Connect-DcsServer -server SSV1 -UserName SANadministrator -Password SANpassword99 -Connection SSV1Connect 
sleep -seconds 1
$resultsLocation = "C:\"
$allocationResult = @()
foreach($logicalDisk in (Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server "SSV1"))
    $result = New-Object PSObject
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Virtual Disk" -Value ((Get-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk $logicalDisk.VirtualDiskId).Alias)
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Allocation" -Value (($logicalDisk | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter).BytesAllocated)
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Size" -Value "Bytes"
    $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Pool Name" -Value ((Get-DcsPool -Pool $logicalDisk.PoolId).Caption)
    $allocationResult += $result
$allocationResult > $resultsLocation\allocation-results.txt

This is a script file which retrieves the number of allocated bytes for each virtual disk for a specified server. A high level explanation follows. The number of allocated bytes is part of the performance data for the logical disk. The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to retrieve the logical disk objects for the server named "SSV1". The objects are passed to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter in order to get the count for BytesAllocated in the PerformanceData object. The pool name is retrieved from the cmdlet Get-DcsPool. The virtual disk name, allocation size and pool name are copied to the file allocation-results.txt in the specified results location.

Virtual Disk             Allocation Size            Pool Name                    
------------             ---------- ----            ---------                    
Virtual disk 1          53284438016 Bytes           Disk pool 1                  
Virtual disk 2          30601641984 Bytes           Disk pool 1                  
Virtual disk 4          24024973312 Bytes           Disk pool 4                  
Virtual disk 3          24293408768 Bytes           Disk pool 4

-------------- Example 4 Returns data for virtual disks served to all clients hosts --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Machine (Get-DcsClient)

The cmdlet is invoked to return all virtual disks that are served to all client hosts in the local server group. The cmdlet Get-DcsClient is used to obtain all ClientHostData objects for all client hosts. In this

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 842E17B3-B000-4553-B711-7BE46FA260FF
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1 @ 2/5/2014 3:12:19 PM
Description :
Size : 20.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 3bfdb6f009814301a19ae92a1a84acb9
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90C87DDC011B810E83BABAD321
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 6337
Id : 3bfdb6f009814301a19ae92a1a84acb9
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 2/5/2014 3:12:19 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 2/5/2014 3:12:19 PM from Local
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 842E17B3-B000-4553-B711-7BE46FA260FF
SecondHostId : FF212987-2B4F-40DD-A490-A0CA13E58FDF
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 20.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 088fc1e87f3140178acd91e3434c084d
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90739C660159D02020C214008A
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 6600
Id : 088fc1e87f3140178acd91e3434c084d
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Local
Internal : False

-------------- Example 5 Returns data for all virtual disks with a specified storage profile --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk | where{$_.StorageProfileId -eq 'E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867'}

The cmdlet is invoked to obtain all virtual disk data objects where the StorageProfileId field is equal to "E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867" which is the ID for the critical storage profile. Information about storage profiles can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsStorageProfile.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 18C3C2A0-8AAD-4899-8C00-7F73375E1E41
SecondHostId : 0067448A-1FE5-4646-A934-3ECDFEAC1CED
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 3
Description :
Size : 50 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 39f8cefccbd64e3da365dad4e89add85
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90BAEC370737C82297BDEA027C
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Critical
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 40494
Id : 39f8cefccbd64e3da365dad4e89add85
Caption : Virtual disk 3
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 18C3C2A0-8AAD-4899-8C00-7F73375E1E41
SecondHostId : 0067448A-1FE5-4646-A934-3ECDFEAC1CED
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 4
Description :
Size : 50 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS ff175cbeece04104aa21bfe8c5fde546
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D9073643B07AC3255C9C30ACF6D
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Critical
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 40580
Id : ff175cbeece04104aa21bfe8c5fde546
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 from Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 6 Return current WitnessId and WitnessOption values for all virtual disks in the server group --------------

$VD = Get-DcsVirtualDisk
$VD | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_.alias - Witness Id =  $_.WitnessId  and  Witness Option = $_.WitnessOption}

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked without parameters to return VirtualDiskData for all virtual disks in the server group and store results in the variable $VD.
Results of the variable $VD are piped to ForEach-Object and the virtual disk name, WitnessId, and WitnessOption are output. Virtual disks set to use a witness will have a WitnessId and WitnessOption; otherwise, the WitnessOption will be "Default" (NoWitness) or "IoFenced".
Virtual disk 3 - Witness Id =  and Witness Option = Default
Virtual disk 2 - Witness Id =  and Witness Option = IoFenced
Virtual disk 1 - Witness Id = d629f3dc7b284325b539ee595e8d29f1 and Witness Option = Manual

To Table of Contents




Returns virtual disk group data.


Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup   [ -Group <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns virtual disk group data. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. Data can be returned for one or more virtual disk groups. If no parameters are specified, data for all groups in the default connection will be returned. This cmdlet will not return rollback groups or snapshot groups associated with the virtual disk groups, see Get-DcsRollbackGroup and Get-DcsSnapshotGroup.


VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. If specified, only data for that group will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies the group.


VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies the virtual disk group.


Also see Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskfromGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Get-DcsSnapshotGroup, Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup, Get-DcsRollbackGroup, Remove-DcsRollbackGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for all virtual disk groups --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without parameters resulting in the return of data for all virtual disk groups in the server group of the default connection.

Alias : Virtual disk group 1
Description :
Id : {0eac68d1-b3ed-46a4-8248-19d44055bb41}
Caption : Virtual disk group 1
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False
Alias : Virtual disk group 2
Description :
Id : {63bd7326-dc7a-47b9-9275-cecbb9945606}
Caption : Virtual disk group 2
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a virtual disk group specified by name --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup -Group "Virtual disk group 1 CDP"

The cmdlet is invoked with the Group parameter specified as "Virtual disk group 1 CDP". The VirtualDiskGroupData object is returned for the specified group.

Alias : Virtual disk group 1 CDP
Description :
Id : {2dced492-e3e8-4abb-aa14-80c7c9e1a898}
Caption : Virtual disk group 1 CDP
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk group 1 CDP
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns virtual disk template data.


Get-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns virtual disk template data. All templates configured for the server group are returned.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



VirtualDiskTemplateData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk template.


Also see Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate.


-------------- Example 1 Get virtual disk template data for the server group --------------


The cmdlet is invoked without parameters to return all templates for the server group.

Alias : TempMirrorCDP
VirtualDiskAlias : MR VD
VirtualDiskDescription :
Size : 50 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
VirtualDiskType : MultiPathMirrored
ReservedSpacePercentage : 50
FirstDiskPoolId : 16E92F64-1A7B-43C8-8FEA-40F508A99B95:{7879824d-5011-11e5-80e4-00155d138904}
SecondDiskPoolId : 8D3DE096-E3B4-427D-B0E1-4EC96C45F6E1:{59db8910-5014-11e5-80e4-00155d138908}
UseRedundantMirrorMappings : True
ContinuousDataProtectionPoolId : 16E92F64-1A7B-43C8-8FEA-40F508A99B95:{7879824d-5011-11e5-80e4-00155d138904}
ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize : 10 GB
SequentialStorageEnabled : False
StorageProfileId : E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867
DefaultSnapshotPoolId : 8D3DE096-E3B4-427D-B0E1-4EC96C45F6E1:{59db8910-5014-11e5-80e4-00155d138908}
AllocatedSpaceThresholdAttention : 0
AllocatedSpaceThresholdWarning : 70
AllocatedSpaceThresholdCritical : 90
LatencyThresholdAttention : 0
LatencyThresholdWarning : 0
LatencyThresholdCritical : 0
VirtualDiskSubType : VVOL
ReadOnly : False
WriteThroughEnabled : False
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 4694
Id : a8bbfac504c44bd1be074113a3961598
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False
Alias : TempSinglePE
VirtualDiskAlias : PE VD
VirtualDiskDescription :
Size : 5 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
VirtualDiskType : NonMirrored
ReservedSpacePercentage : 0
FirstDiskPoolId : 16E92F64-1A7B-43C8-8FEA-40F508A99B95:{7879824d-5011-11e5-80e4-00155d138904}
SecondDiskPoolId :
UseRedundantMirrorMappings : True
ContinuousDataProtectionPoolId :
ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize : 0 B
SequentialStorageEnabled : False
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
DefaultSnapshotPoolId : 8D3DE096-E3B4-427D-B0E1-4EC96C45F6E1:{59db8910-5014-11e5-80e4-00155d138908}
AllocatedSpaceThresholdAttention : 0
AllocatedSpaceThresholdWarning : 0
AllocatedSpaceThresholdCritical : 0
LatencyThresholdAttention : 0
LatencyThresholdWarning : 0
LatencyThresholdCritical : 0
VirtualDiskSubType : ProtocolEndpoint
ReadOnly : False
WriteThroughEnabled : False
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 4696
Id : 982c1f631f58499e9bda740696072e22
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns front-end or mirror path information for logical disks.


Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit   [ -InitiatorPort <String> ]   [ -TargetPort <String> ]   [ -InitiatorHost <String> ]   [ -TargetHost <String> ]   [ -VirtualDisk <Object> ]   [ -VirtualLogicalUnit <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns front-end or mirror path information for logical disks. Filtering parameters may be specified to narrow the scope of the data returned. If no parameters are specified, path data for all logical disks on all servers in the default connection will be returned.


Name, ID, or address of an initiator port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the initiator host must be specified. If the port is specified, only data for that port will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name, ID, or address of a target port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the target host must be specified. If the port is specified, only data for that port will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of a server, or the name or ID of a client host used as an initiator. The computer name of a server must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If the initiator host is specified, only data for that server or client host will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server used as a target. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. If specified, data for that server will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a virtual disk. If specified, only data for that virtual disk will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

ID or name (caption) that identifies the virtual logical unit. If specified, only data for that virtual logical unit will be returned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualLogicalDiskData : Object the identifies and describing the path of a logical disk on a server.


Also see Get-DcsLogicalDisk, Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Remove-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit.


-------------- Example 1 Returns data for paths using a specific initiator port on a specific initiator host --------------

Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorPort "iSCSI Port 1" -InitiatorHost Host3

Returns virtual logical unit path data for the initiator port named "iSCSI Port 1" on the machine "Host3".

LogicalDiskId : LD:781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6_V.{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}-0000001E
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 20bbc66f-673a-46de-b80d-b9ff62aa16fb
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : False
Enabled : True
Id : 091e5bab-2669-4697-bb97-7b36f6931e18
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 | LUN 0
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000018
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 14773e8b-788b-45d1-b361-38240474a842
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : bf3d332b-ebe7-470a-b7f1-2d8790c33bcf
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV1 | LUN 0
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : LD:781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6_V.{315f03ec-bdf5-11e0-9dc3-00155d11e923}-0000001E
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 99429536-660b-4d30-ab7b-9efd31b492a6
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : False
Enabled : True
Id : 03f537e3-f435-40c3-a325-c66907b43b98
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 | LUN 0
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000018
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 7a42bf89-106e-4827-987f-ab51980f4508
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : cafdd48c-4487-4ac8-b957-6c1b8b78107b
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1 | LUN 0
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Returns data for a specific virtual disk type and a specific initiator host --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Kind Rollback | Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost Host3

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked with the Kind parameter set to Rollback to get data for all virtual disks which are rollbacks. This data is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit with the InitiatorHost parameter set to Host3. This results in data for all rollbacks that are served to the client host named Host3.

LogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000032
VirtualTargetDeviceId : dcf8c909-c610-4b53-9aa8-e49e902770b2
Lun : 1
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : 874f6c93-96ac-458c-81cc-255c6257e7a5
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV1 | LUN 1
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV1 | LUN 1
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000032
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 5faead98-f219-4a7e-92df-b05cc07b30e3
Lun : 1
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : f3faafe4-6ef0-45bd-baf7-6604fd1dbdca
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 1
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 1
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000003B
VirtualTargetDeviceId : dcf8c909-c610-4b53-9aa8-e49e902770b2
Lun : 2
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : efbacf1c-10e9-417a-9452-86b261fb58a9
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV1 | LUN 2
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV1 | LUN 2
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000003B
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 23c5a1d2-4c15-444f-ac0d-2eb5d3579ac6
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : a406c5ac-4ea6-4bbf-91df-09518890fa17
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV1 | LUN 0
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Returns data for a specific virtual disk and a specific initiator host and target host --------------

Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost Host3 -TargetHost SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 3"

Returns path data for virtual disk named "Virtual disk 3" which is served to the initiator host named "Host3" from the target host named "SSV1".

LogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-0000002F
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 5faead98-f219-4a7e-92df-b05cc07b30e3
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : 6c5fd817-fb2f-489e-b3f0-53543dc0c610
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 0
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Returns witness data for the server group.


Get-DcsWitness   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Returns witness data for the server group.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



WitnessData : Object that identifies the witness.


DefaultWitnessId and DefaultWitnessOption are included in the ServerGroupData object returned from Get-DcsServerGroup to determine which witness is assigned as the default for the server group. WitnessId and WitnessOption in the VirtualDiskData object returned from Get-DcsVirtualDisk to determine the witness set for a virtual disk. NoWitness is displayed as the default option. Related cmdllets: Add-DcsWitness, Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties, Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties, Set-DcsWitnessProperties, Invoke-DcsWitnessContact, Remove-DcsWitness.


-------------- Example 1 Gets witness data for witnesses in the server group --------------


Returns the WitnessData objects for all witnesses in the server group. In this case, there is one witness in the server group.

Alias : Witness 1
Server :
IPAddress :
SequenceNumber : 1232600
Id : 8d15390ca0bb4db5ade39938cac0fd9a
Caption : Witness 1
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Imports a foreign disk pool.


Import-DcsPool   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Imports a foreign disk pool. Pools will be marked as foreign when physical disks containing pool information are moved from one server to another. This cmdlet adds the foreign pool to the configuration of the server and discovers all physical disks in the pool.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies the foreign disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the disk pool.


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the disk pool.



-------------- Example 1 Imports a pool specified by name --------------

Import-DcsPool -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1"

Imports the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server "SSV1".

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Alias : Disk pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
MaxTierNumber : 3
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Causes the specified task to run.


Invoke-DcsTask   -Task <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Causes the specified task to run. The task must be enabled.


TaskData object, name, or ID that identifies the task.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.


TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.


Also see Enable-DcsTask, Disable-DcsTask, Stop-DcsTask.


-------------- Example 1 Runs a task specified by name --------------

Invoke-DcsTask -Task "Reclaim_VirtualDisk1"

Invokes the task named "Reclaim_VirtualDisk1", which causes the task to run.

Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 8/15/2011 2:59:59 PM
LastStopTime : 8/15/2011 3:00:00 PM
Id : 517d1498-04aa-4dda-9873-497db1964cf9
Caption : Reclaim_VirtualDisk1
ExtendedCaption : Reclaim_VirtualDisk1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Runs all tasks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsTask | Invoke-DcsTask

The cmdlet Get-DcsTask is used to pipe all task objects to the cmdlet Invoke-DcsTask, causing all tasks in the server group to be invoked.

Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 8/15/2011 2:59:59 PM
LastStopTime : 8/15/2011 3:00:06 PM
Id : c1099d5b-0769-4322-9b73-f575fc5e45c3
Caption : MonitorPoolUsage
ExtendedCaption : MonitorPoolUsage
Internal : False
Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 8/15/2011 3:02:28 PM
LastStopTime : 8/15/2011 3:02:28 PM
Id : 517d1498-04aa-4dda-9873-497db1964cf9
Caption : Reclaim_VirtualDisk1
ExtendedCaption : Reclaim_VirtualDisk1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Tests witness connectivity by issuing a request asynchronously to all servers in the local server group to attempt to contact the specified witness, and returns the results for all servers.


Invoke-DcsWitnessContact   -Witness <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Tests witness connectivity by issuing a request asynchronously to all servers in the local server group to attempt to contact the specified witness, and returns the results for all servers. The response is Success or ErrorEncountered.


Name, object, or ID that identifies the witness.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


WitnessData : Object that identifies the witness.


WitnessResponseData : Object containing the servers responses from the witness contact request.


Related cmdllets: Add-DcsWitness, Get-DcsWitness, Set-DcsWitnessProperties, Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties, Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties, Remove-DcsWitness.


-------------- Example 1 Issues contact request for the witness --------------

Get-DcsWitness | Invoke-DcsWitnessContact

In the example, there is one witness configured for the server group. The cmdlet Get-DcsWitness is used to retrieve the WitnessData object which is piped to the cmdlet Invoke-DcsWitnessContact, which returns the WitnessResponseData for the witness.

ServerId                                WitnessId                                                        ResponseStatus
--------                                ---------                                                        --------------
49949EE7-BF92-4833-A880-8BBCD096750B    2ebabefa4a6d42d282fa4d83d83c9d4a                                        Success
79E57CB3-F7A6-48C1-B079-CAAEE2183ACE    2ebabefa4a6d42d282fa4d83d83c9d4a                                        Success
373B4037-4A93-4FD3-A7B4-C416DCCFD2CA    2ebabefa4a6d42d282fa4d83d83c9d4a                                        Success
24ECF19D-034F-4875-97B9-B529350B9A8D    2ebabefa4a6d42d282fa4d83d83c9d4a                                        Success

To Table of Contents




Moves a logical disk (storage source) used in a mirrored or dual virtual disk.


Move-DcsLogicalDisk   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Pool <Object>   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Move-DcsLogicalDisk   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -SourceServer <Object>   -DestinationServer <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Move-DcsLogicalDisk   -LogicalDisk <Object>   -Pool <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Move-DcsLogicalDisk   -LogicalDisk <Object>   -DestinationServer <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Moves a logical disk (storage source) used in a mirrored or dual virtual disk. The logical disk in a mirrored virtual disk can be moved to another disk pool on the same server. The logical disk in a dual virtual disk can be moved to another server that shares the pool. Paths are adjusted to use the new source. The move is done with a minimal loss of high availability.


VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies the virtual disk with the storage source to move. (The VirtualDiskData object can be obtained from Get-DcsVirtualDisk.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPoolData object, name or ID that identifies the disk pool to use to create the new storage source. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. (The DiskPoolData object can be obtained from Get-DcsPool.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, name or ID that identifies the server that owns the logical disk to be moved. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. (The ServerHostData object can be obtained from Get-DcsServer.)

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Moving a logical disk is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention in order to prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If this parameter is not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, name or ID that identifies the server that owns the current logical disk to be moved in a shared pool. Use this parameter when moving the storage source from one server to another server that share the same disk pool. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. (The ServerHostData object can be obtained from Get-DcsServer.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, name or ID that identifies the new server where the storage source is to be moved within a shared pool. Use this parameter when moving the storage source from one server to another server that share the same disk pool. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. (The ServerHostData object can be obtained from Get-DcsServer.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

LogicalDiskData object, ID or caption of a logical disk that identifies the storage source to move.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Only logical disks that are eligible to be moved will be moved. Warnings will be provided for logical disks that cannot be moved. Also see Stop-DcsMoveStorageSource, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource


-------------- Example 1 Moves the logical disks from one pool to another pool on the same server by piping virtual disk objects --------------

$SSV1_VDs = Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Server "SSV1"
$SSV1_VDs | ForEach { Move-DcsLogicalDisk -Server "SSV1" -VirtualDisk $_.Id -Pool "Disk pool 4" }

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is used to get all VirtualDiskData objects on the server "SSV1". The objects are stored in the variable $SSV_VDs. That variable is piped to the cmdlet Move-DcsLogicalDisk and the ID in the object is used to identify each virtual disk. The ForEach loop is used to perform the operation for each object in $SSV_VDs. The pool to use as the new storage source is "Disk pool 4" on the server "SSV1". Two virtual disks are not eligible to be moved and warnings are provided for those. Two virtual disks were moved and the VirtualDiskData objects are returned for those.

Move-DcsLogicalDisk : Non-mirrored virtual disk sources cannot be replaced.
At line : 1 char:42
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Move-DcsLogicalDisk], FaultException`1
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 32,DataCore.Executive.PowerShell.MoveLogicalDiskCmdlet
Move-DcsLogicalDisk : Unable to use Disk pool 4 on SSV1 for the dual virtual disk.
At line : 1 char:42
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Move-DcsLogicalDisk], FaultException`1
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 32,DataCore.Executive.PowerShell.MoveLogicalDiskCmdlet
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 3E3C4C19-BC7D-48AE-81A1-3121C0591962
SecondHostId : 1EC3121D-3169-4E41-A6B0-E6E97F4D7DFD
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 7
Description :
Size : 25 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS c4866c71ed544e4ea48b9a35bc1769d1
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90926D4F07EC9CBE96B6623483
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 11302
Id : c4866c71ed544e4ea48b9a35bc1769d1
Caption : Virtual disk 7
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 7 from Server Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 3E3C4C19-BC7D-48AE-81A1-3121C0591962
SecondHostId : 4B1BC95E-D3DA-469A-B397-6A2720B4FB1B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 8
Description :
Size : 30 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 42126c8857974c0abef93ca2d0b80a1e
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90A6755007E2C485A12ED6EB6C
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 12120
Id : 42126c8857974c0abef93ca2d0b80a1e
Caption : Virtual disk 8
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 8 from Server Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Moves a logical disk in a shared pool from one server to another server by specifying the virtual disk name --------------

Move-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 5" -SourceServer "SSV1" -DestinationServer "SSV3" -Yes

The logical disk for the dual virtual disk named "Virtual disk 5" on the server "SSV1" is moved to the server "SSV3" within the same shared pool. The parameter Yes for confirmation is included so that user intervention is not required.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 4B1BC95E-D3DA-469A-B397-6A2720B4FB1B
SecondHostId : 1EC3121D-3169-4E41-A6B0-E6E97F4D7DFD
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 5
Description :
Size : 15 GB
Type : Dual
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 46546606f92a45488fbe3aa958172b36
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90F0954D072F366E331019F829
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : True
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 13805
Id : 46546606f92a45488fbe3aa958172b36
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 from Server Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Moves all logical disks from one pool to another on the same server using logical disk objects --------------

$LD = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server "SSV1" -Pool "Disk pool 4"
ForEach ($l in $LD) {Move-DcsLogicalDisk -LogicalDisk $l.Id -Pool "Disk pool 1"}

The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is used to get all LogicalDiskData objects from "Disk pool 4" on the server "SSV1". The objects are stored in the variable $LD. The objects in the variable are used with the cmdlet Move-DcsLogicalDisk and the ID in the LogicalDiskData object is used to identify each logical disk. The ForEach loop is used to perform the operation for each object in $LD. The logical disks are moved to the pool "Disk pool 1" on the same server "SSV1".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 3E3C4C19-BC7D-48AE-81A1-3121C0591962
SecondHostId : 4B1BC95E-D3DA-469A-B397-6A2720B4FB1B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 8
Description :
Size : 30 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 42126c8857974c0abef93ca2d0b80a1e
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90A6755007E2C485A12ED6EB6C
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 14542
Id : 42126c8857974c0abef93ca2d0b80a1e
Caption : Virtual disk 8
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 8 from Server Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 3E3C4C19-BC7D-48AE-81A1-3121C0591962
SecondHostId : 1EC3121D-3169-4E41-A6B0-E6E97F4D7DFD
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 7
Description :
Size : 25 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS c4866c71ed544e4ea48b9a35bc1769d1
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90926D4F07EC9CBE96B6623483
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 16141
Id : c4866c71ed544e4ea48b9a35bc1769d1
Caption : Virtual disk 7
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 7 from Server Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Moves the logical disks for dual virtual disks in a shared pool to another server by using logical disk objects --------------

$LD = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server "SSV1" -Pool "Shared pool 1"
ForEach ($l in $LD) {Move-DcsLogicalDisk -LogicalDisk $l.Id -DestinationServer "SSV2"}

The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is used to get all LogicalDiskData objects from the shared pool "Shared pool 1" on the server "SSV1". The objects are stored in the variable $LD. The objects in the variable are used with the cmdlet Move-DcsLogicalDisk and the ID in the LogicalDiskData object is used to identify each logical disk. The ForEach loop is used to perform the operation for each object in $LD. In this case, there was one logical disk that was not eligible to be moved and a warning is provided. One logical disk was moved to the server "SSV2" on the same shared pool and the VirtualDiskData object is returned.

Move-DcsLogicalDisk : Non-mirrored virtual disk sources cannot be replaced.
At line : 1 char:41
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Move-DcsLogicalDisk], FaultException`1
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 32,DataCore.Executive.PowerShell.MoveLogicalDiskCmdlet
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 1EC3121D-3169-4E41-A6B0-E6E97F4D7DFD
SecondHostId : 4B1BC95E-D3DA-469A-B397-6A2720B4FB1B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 6
Description :
Size : 20 GB
Type : Dual
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 049db1f47ad14c179e3c969052a45371
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90481C4E0775F6DBA00A745C04
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : True
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 17624
Id : 049db1f47ad14c179e3c969052a45371
Caption : Virtual disk 6
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 6 from Server Group
Internal : False

To Table of Contents






Move-DcsVirtualDiskSource   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Pool <Object>   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Move-DcsVirtualDiskSource   -LogicalDisk <Object>   -Pool <Object>   [ -Server <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE AND IS ONLY MAINTAINED FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY. The cmdlet has been replaced by Move-DcsLogicalDisk. In PowerShell versions 3 and above, using this cmdlet will produce a warning.



Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false





To Table of Contents




Temporarily stops data transfers from the local (active) virtual disk in a replication. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group.


Pause-DcsReplication   -Replication <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Pause-DcsReplication   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Temporarily stops data transfers from the active virtual disk in a replication. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group. In order to start data transfers again, the replication must be resumed, see Resume-DcsReplication.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the active virtual disk in the replication. The active virtual disk must be a local virtual disk for the connection. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to pause the replication data transfer for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : The AsyncReplicationData object describes the replication relationship and can be used to identify the virtual disk. The VirtualDiskData object can also be used to identify the active (local) virtual disk in the replication.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the replication relationship.


Also see Resume-DcsReplication, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Pauses a replication specified by virtual disk name --------------

Pause-DcsReplication -Replication "Virtual disk 1"

The cmdlet is invoked using the name of the active virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1", for the Replication parameter. This results in pausing the replication for Virtual disk 1.

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 0dc5596489cb4d8ba0346f80eb47ad46
SecondServerId : 0d352083-e854-4fbd-a3af-beec1145fed4:867DB6EE-C656-47F7-A160-DCCC35C2D225
SecondVirtualDiskId : b817122629a64d819a5e96e98a992d24
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : True
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : db5abff0-9509-4d4e-b16e-b8c9c403da64
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3

-------------- Example 2 Pauses all local active replications by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide | Pause-DcsReplication

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is invoked with the ShowOnlyLocalSide parameter to get all replications on the local server group side. The data is piped to the cmdlet Pause-DcsReplication resulting in all active replications on the local server group side being paused.

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 0dc5596489cb4d8ba0346f80eb47ad46
SecondServerId : 0d352083-e854-4fbd-a3af-beec1145fed4:867DB6EE-C656-47F7-A160-DCCC35C2D225
SecondVirtualDiskId : b817122629a64d819a5e96e98a992d24
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : True
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : db5abff0-9509-4d4e-b16e-b8c9c403da64
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 635134ab2cad4b5d81af73ae5f09bd6f
SecondServerId : 0d352083-e854-4fbd-a3af-beec1145fed4:867DB6EE-C656-47F7-A160-DCCC35C2D225
SecondVirtualDiskId : 15336c814739431fa6d3aa609c1f1922
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : True
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 5b0e64e0-8727-46f6-9644-241d2fcf2955
Caption : Virtual disk 3
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 on SSV3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Pauses transfers for eligible replications in all virtual disk groups --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup | where {$_-isNot[DataCore.Executive.SnapshotGroupData
] -and $_ -isNot [DataCore.Executive.RollbackGroupData]} | foreach {Pause-DcsReplication -VirtualDiskGroup $_}

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is invoked to obtain VirtualDiskGroupData objects while excluding SnapshotGroupData and RollbackGroupData objects. The objects are piped into a loop created by using foreach (a PowerShell operation), which performs the operation Pause-DcsReplication for each VirtualDiskGroupData object. Since the VirtualDiskGroup parameter only accepts one object, the foreach loop is one way to perform the operation on multiple objects.

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : b71e83f78bb947268981e235598e7bff
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : True
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 176821e1-9d98-4308-ac6c-457a33921a4f
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 14454ab447634aa880c102df9827db72
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 77192956a71845ebb9f214c167d8f2bf
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : True
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : d6b62c88-54f5-4524-86d2-7205fb1200df
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 1a2ff247d5aa4b0596eedf8d5835e857
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 9b1763a132cb41389c57a287bfc23414
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : True
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 0b342a3c-48a4-45fb-8773-2a398e1cac32
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Temporarily stops the current mirror recovery process of a virtual disk.


Pause-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Pause-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Temporarily stops the current mirror recovery process of a virtual disk. The recovery process will be paused until Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery is invoked.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk. To obtain the VirtualDiskData object, see Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. When the operation is performed on a virtual disk group, all current mirror recoveries for all eligible virtual disks in the group will be paused and the rest will be ignored.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.



Also see Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery, Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery, Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup


-------------- Example 1 Pauses mirror recovery for a virtual disk --------------

Pause-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 3"

Mirror recovery is paused for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 3".

-------------- Example 2 Pauses mirror recoveries for a specified virtual disk group --------------

Pause-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery -VirtualDiskGroup VDGroup1

Current mirror recoveries for eligible virtual disks in virtual disk group "VDGroup1" are paused.

To Table of Contents




Purges a failed physical disk from a pool in order to make an offline or unavailable pool healthy again.


Purge-DcsPoolMember   -Disk <Object>   [ -AllowDataLoss]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Purges a failed physical disk from a pool in order to make an offline or unavailable pool healthy again. Note: Before running this cmdlet, ensure the required actions have been taken to prepare affected virtual disks. See Get-DcsPurgePrerequisites to obtain the required actions before purging a failed pool disk.


PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The purge operation cannot prevent data loss on affected single or dual virtual disks. To allow the purge operation when single or dual virtual disks are affected by a failed disk, this switch parameter is required. Using this switch parameter signifies that you are aware that there will be data loss when the failed disk is purged.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PhysicalDiskData : Object the identifies and describes the physical disk.


PoolMemberData : Object the identifies and describes the pool member.


Also see Get--DcsPurgePrerequisites, Get-DcsPhysicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Purges a failed disk specified by name --------------

Purge-DcsPoolMember -Disk "Disk1"

The cmdlet Purge-DcsPoolMember is invoked with the name of the failed disk "Disk1". In this case, all affected virtual disks are mirrored on another server in the server group, so that the switch parameter AllowDataLoss is not necessary. The PoolMemberData object is returned for the purged physical disk. The failed disk is removed and the pool is healthy again.

DiskPoolId : 1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{503aa12d-2e19-11e4-9319-00155d651603}
DiskInRecoveryId :
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : Unknown
Size : 0 B
IsMirrored : False
SequenceNumber : 31483
Id : da528352-c3ce-4026-a7fc-f4d2f422e32e
Caption :
ExtendedCaption : Pool disk on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Purges a failed disk identified by the ID --------------

$FailedDisks = Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -Type PoolDisk | Get-DcsMonitor | Where-Object -Filterscript {$_.State -eq "Critical"}

$FailedDisks.MonitoredObjectId | Get-DcsPurgePrerequisites

$FailedDisks.MonitoredObjectId | Purge-DcsPoolMember -AllowDataLoss

This example shows one way of obtaining the ID of a failed pool disk and using it to get the prerequisites and also to purge the disk. The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is invoked to get the PhysicalDiskData objects for all pool disks. The PhysicalDiskData objects are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsMonitor where they are filtered by the State "Critical" (the state of a failed disk) and saved in the variable $FailedDisks. The MonitoredObjectId field in the saved objects stored in $FailedDisks is piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsPurgePrerequisites to get the prerequisite actions for the virtual disks affected by the failed disks. In this case, there is one failed disk. Assume the prerequisite actions have been performed and the disk is ready to be purged. The MonitoredObjectId field (containing the Id of the failed disk) in $FailedDisks is piped to the cmdlet Purge-DcsPoolMember to purge the disk from the pool. In this case, a single virtual disk is affected by the failed disk, so the parameter AllowDataLoss must be included in order to allow the operation. The PoolMemberData object is returned for the purged physical disk. The failed disk is removed and the pool is healthy again.

DiskPoolId : 1B3541A1-752C-485E-B729-CB47CE559886:{503aa12d-2e19-11e4-9319-00155d651603}
DiskInRecoveryId :
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : Unknown
Size : 0 B
IsMirrored : False
SequenceNumber : 29948
Id : 55afb7ea-8a50-4f38-97e0-dd3da8af71b1
Caption :
ExtendedCaption : Pool disk on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Registers a port to a client (host).


Register-DcsClientPort   -Port <Object>   -Client <String>   [ -PortType <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Registers a port to a client (host). The client must be registered before using this cmdlet (see Add-DcsClient). If a port is not defined or known to the server, it will be added.


ScsiPortData object, name (IQN or WWN), ID, or address that identifies the port to register. If the port is not known to the server, it will be added. If providing an IQN as the value, all letters must be lowercase.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the client. The client must be registered and exist in the configuration (see Add-DcsClient).

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The PortType parameter is used to define the port as the specified type. Valid values are "iSCSI" or "FibreChannel".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object the identifies and describes the port.


ScsiPortData : Object the identifies and describes the port.


Also see Set-DcsPortProperties, Get-DcsPort, Get-DcsPortConnection.


-------------- Example 1 Assigns a specified port to a specified client --------------

Register-DcsClientPort -Port
com -Client Host4

The cmdlet is invoked with the value of the Port parameter being the IQN. (The IQN must be entered in lowercase.) The name of the client is provided in the Client parameter. The iSCSI port named "" is assigned to the client named "Host4". An alias of "iSCSI Port 1" is assigned to the port.

HostId : b26c5aa9d9c74f8e97b29ce20b2c7fef
PortName :
Alias : iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
Connected : True
Id :
Caption : iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host4
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Removes an access token from an iSCSI Initiator for an iSCSI target port on the server.


Remove-DcsAccessToken   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <String>   -AccessToken <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes an access token from an iSCSI Initiator for an iSCSI target port on the server.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the iSCSI target port on the server. In order to uniquely identify the port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The initiator node name that the access token belongs to. The access token can be retrieved from the AccessToken object or the SCSIPortData object for the iSCSI target (Server iSCSI Port Data). See Get-DcsPorts for the iSCSI target. (Refer to the field iSCSINodes, each node has an access token).

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AccessToken : Object that identifies and describes the access token.


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


See Add-DcsAccessToken, Set-DcsAccessTokenProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Removes access token using a specified initiator node name and target port name --------------

Remove-DcsAccessToken -Server SSV1 -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1" -AccessToken "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator"

Removes the access token for the initiator named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" on the port named "Server iSCSI Port 1" on the server "SSV1".

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {microsoft iscsi initiator,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Connected : True
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MAC:00-15-5D-11-9-0F
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Removes an action from the specified task.


Remove-DcsAction   [ -Task <String> ]   -Action <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes an action from the specified task.


Name, or ID that identifies the task.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

TaskActionData object, name or ID that identifies the action to remove. Actions can be attained by invoking Get-DcsAction.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskActionData : Object the identifies and describes the action.



Also see Get-DcsAction, Remove-DcsTask, Remove-DcsTrigger.


-------------- Example 1 Removes an action specified by name (caption) --------------

Remove-DcsAction -Task Reclaim_VirtualDisks -Action "Initiates space reclamation on Virtual disk 3"

Removes the action named (caption) "Initiates space reclamation on Virtual disk 3" from the task named "Reclaim_VirtualDisks".

To Table of Contents




Removes a client (host) from the server group configuration.


Remove-DcsClient   -Client <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a client (server) from the server group configuration.


ClientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies the client.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client.



Also see Get-DcsClient.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a client specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsClient -Client Host4

Removes the client named "Host4" from the server group configuration.

To Table of Contents




Removes a port from the specified client (host).


Remove-DcsClientPort   -Client <String>   -Port <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a port from the specified client (host).


Name or ID of the client.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ScsiPortData object, name, ID, or address that identifies a port to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object the identifies and describes the port.


ScsiPortData : Object the identifies and describes the port.


Also see Register-DcsClientPort, Remove-DcsClient, Get-DcsPort.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a client port specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsClientPort -Client Host4 -Port

Removes the port named "" on the client named "Host4".

HostId :
PortName :
Alias :
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
Connected : True
Id :
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Removes a client (host) from a host group.


Remove-DcsHostFromGroup   -Client <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Removes a client (host) from a host group.


ClientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies the client to remove from the host group to which it belongs.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client.



Also see Add-DcsHostGroup, Add-DcsHostToGroup, Get-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostGroup, Set-DcsHostGroupProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Remove a specified client from the host group --------------

Remove-DcsHostFromGroup -Client "HostVM1"

The client named "HostVM1" is removed from the host group to which it belongs.

To Table of Contents




Removes a host group from the configuration.


Remove-DcsHostGroup   -Group <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Removes a host group from the configuration. Warning: Use caution when removing host groups. This cmdlet will remove a host group with Charge Back enabled.


HostGroupData object, name, or ID that identifies the host group to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to remove the host group in order to prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


HostGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the group.



Also see Add-DcsHostGroup, Add-DcsHostToGroup, Get-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostFromGroup, Set-DcsHostGroupProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a host group specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsHostGroup -Group "HostGroup1"

The host group named "HostGroup1" is removed from the server group of the default connection.

-------------- Example 2 Removes a host group by piping object --------------

Get-DcsHostGroup -Group "HostGroup1" | Remove-DcsHostGroup

The cmdlet Get-DcsHostGroup is invoked with the Group parameter "HostGroup1". This returns the HostGroupData object for the host group named "HostGroup1". The object is piped to the cmdlet Remove-DcsHostGroup to remove that host group from the server group of the default connection.

To Table of Contents




Removes the registration of a Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port from an iSNS server.


Remove-DcsiSNSServer   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   -Address <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes the registration of a Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port from an iSNS server.


Computer name or ID of the server. Computer names must be unique or the names must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

SCSIPortData object, name, ID or address that identifies the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or IP address of an iSNS server.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object the identifies and describes the port.


ScsiPortData : Object the identifies and describes the port.


Also see Add-DcsiSNSServer, Set-DcsServerPortProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a specified initiator port from a specified iSNS server --------------

Remove-DcsiSNSServer -Server SSV1 -Port "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" -Address

Removes the registration of the port named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" on server "SSV1" from the iSNS server at address

InitiatorPortals : {fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299, fe80::f13e:c21d:f0b8:c2e, fe80::d86e:28b1:6c8e:ee36...}
iSnsServer : {}
TargetPortals : {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData}
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MSFT-05-1991
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Backend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
HostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Connected : True
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Removes a logical disk from a server.


Remove-DcsLogicalDisk   -LogicalDisk <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Removes a logical disk from a server. The logical disk to be removed must not be part of a virtual disk. The logical disk will be deleted and the resources will be unallocated and returned to the pool.


LogicalDiskData object, ID, or caption that identifies the logical disk to be removed.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Removing a logical disk is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to remove the logical disk and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


LogicalDiskData : Object the identifies and describes the logical disk.



Also see Add-DcsLogicalDisk, Get-DcsLogicalDisk, Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a logical disk specified by Id --------------

Remove-DcsLogicalDisk -LogicalDisk "LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000044" -Yes

Removes the logical disk with the ID of "LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000044" from the server group. The Yes parameter is included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

To Table of Contents




Removes a disk pool.


Remove-DcsPool   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a disk pool. The pool will be permanently deleted from the server configuration. Pools cannot be removed if virtual disks are created from them, see Remove-DcsVirtualDisk.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies the pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.



Also see Remove-DcsPoolMember, Get-DcsPool.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a pool specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsPool -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 3"

Removes the pool named "Disk pool 3" on server "SSV1" from the server group configuration.

To Table of Contents




Removes a physical disk from a disk pool.


Remove-DcsPoolMember   [ -Server <String> ]   -Disk <Object>   [ -Count <Int32> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a physical disk from a disk pool. Disks that were added as pool mirrors can also be removed. Physical disks cannot be removed if used in a virtual disk, unless the physical disk is mirrored in the pool.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the physical disk to remove. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The Count parameter can limit the number of disks to remove from the pool using the Disk parameter when the Disks parameter is obtained from the pipeline and includes multiple objects. If not specified, all disks will be removed from the pool.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PhysicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the disk.


PhysicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the disk.


Also see Add-DcsPoolMember, Get-DcsPhysicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a pool member specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsPoolMember -Disk "SSV1-WDC50-D1"

Removes the disk named "SSV1-WDC50-D1". In this case the physical disk name is unique in the server group and can be resolved without additional parameters.

PoolMemberId :
HostId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81
SharedPhysicalDiskId :
PresenceStatus : Present
Alias : SSV1-WDC50-D1
Size : 50.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
FreeSpace : 0.00 B
InquiryData : DataCore SANmelody DCS VVol21
ScsiPath : Port 4, Bus 0, Target 4, LUN 0
DiskIndex : 1
SystemName : \\?\PhysicalDrive1
BusType : iScsi
Type : Uninitialized
DiskStatus : NotReady
Partitioned : False
InUse : False
IsBootDisk : False
Protected : False
IsSolidState : False
UniqueIdentifier : naa.60030d9056566f6c3231000000000000
SequenceNumber : 8969
Id : {eaf8d9c0-302b-4c4a-9d37-23b0b407f668}
Caption : SSV1-WDC50-D1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1-WDC50-D1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Removes a category, instance, or counter from the specified recording session (recording points).


Remove-DcsRecordingPoint   [ -Session <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   -Instance <Object>   [ -Counter <String[]> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Remove-DcsRecordingPoint   [ -Session <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   -Category <String>   [ -Counter <String[]> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a category, instance, or counter from the specified recording session. Recording points must be removed in the same manner as they were added. For instance, when "All instances" for a category has been added, the category must be removed. Categories are stored in the CategoryRecordingPointData object. When individual instances or counters have been added, the instances must be removed. Instances are stored in the InstanceRecordingPointData object.


The PerformanceRecordingSessionData object, Id, or Caption that identifies the recording session. If the session is not specified, the "!UserRecordingSession" will used."

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The InstanceRecordingPointData object or any object which identifies the instance, as well as the ID or name of the instance to remove.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

One or more counters to remove from the recording session. Multiple counters should be provided in a comma-separated list. Only the specified counters will be removed. (To get a list of counter names for an object, use the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter and pass the specific object; a list of counters will be returned.)

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The category to remove from the recording session. Valid values for category names include: "DiskPool", "LogicalDisk", "Machine", "HostGroup", "PhysicalDisk", "PoolMember", "Replication", "RollbackGroup", "ScsiPort", "ServerGroup", "ServerMachine", "ServerScsiPort", "SharedDiskPool", "SharedPhysicalDisk", "SnapshotGroup", "SnapshotRelation", "StreamLogicalDisk", "VirtualDiskGroup", "VirtualDisk", "VirtualLogicalUnit", "VirtualTargetDevice", and "VirtualTargetDomain".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


InstanceRecordingPointData or CategoryRecordingPointData : Object that identifies and describes a category or instance.


InstanceRecordingPointData : The object InstanceRecordingPointData identifies and describes an instance. This object will be returned if counters remain for the instance after one or more counters have been deleted.


Also see Add-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingPoint


-------------- Example 1 Removes specific counters for a specific instance --------------

Get-DcsClient -Client HostVM1 | Remove-DcsRecordingPoint -Counter TotalWrites, TotalReads, TotalOperations

The cmdlet Get-DcsClient is invoked with the parameter Client specified as "HostVM1". The results are piped to the cmdlet Remove-DcsRecordingPoint. Three counters are removed from the default recording session: TotalWrites, TotalReads, and TotalOperations. In this case, the updated InstanceRecordingPointData object is returned because the instance has other counters configured.

InstanceId                                                  Counters
----------                                                  --------
e829690c50df4c5fa978d5e48ca5bcf7                            {TotalBytesTransferred, TotalBytesWritten

-------------- Example 2 Removes a specific counter for all instances --------------

Remove-DcsRecordingPoint -Category PhysicalDisk -Counter TotalOperations

The cmdlet Remove-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked with the parameter Category having a value of "PhysicalDisk" and the parameter Counter having a value of "TotalOperations". This results in the counter "TotalOperations" being removed for all physical disk instances in the server group for the default session.

Category Counters
               -------- --------
PhysicalDiskPerformance {TotalReads, TotalWrites}

-------------- Example 3 Removes all counters in all instances for a category --------------

Remove-DcsRecordingPoint -Category PhysicalDisk

The cmdlet Remove-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked with the single parameter Category and the value "PhysicalDisk". This results in all physical disk counters being removed for all physical disk instances in the server group for the default session.

-------------- Example 4 Removes all counters for a specific instance --------------

Get-DcsClient -Client HostVM1 | Remove-DcsRecordingPoint

The cmdlet Get-DcsClient is invoked with the parameter Client specified as "HostVM1". The results are piped to the cmdlet Remove-DcsRecordingPoint. This results in all counters for the instance "HostVM1" being removed from the default session.

To Table of Contents




Removes (splits) a replication relationship between two virtual disks on different servers. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group.


Remove-DcsReplication   -Replication <Object>   [ -Force]   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Remove-DcsReplication   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Force]   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Removes (splits) a replication relationship between two virtual disks on different servers. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group. The virtual disks will exist, but data changes will no longer be asynchronously mirrored between them.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the active virtual disk in the replication. The active virtual disk must be a local virtual disk for the connection. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained from Get-DcsReplication.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

If the destination server is unreachable and Remove-DcsReplication is invoked, the replication cannot be removed. The Force parameter can be specified to force the operation. (Also see Yes parameter description.)WARNING: THIS PARAMETER SHOULD ONLY BE SPECIFIED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. If data files exist in the replication buffer when the operation is forced, those changes will be lost.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Removing a replication is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to remove the replication and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to remove the replication relationships for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : The AsyncReplicationData object describes the replication relationship and can be used to identify the virtual disk. The VirtualDiskData object can also be used to identify the active (local) virtual disk in the replication.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the replication relationship.


Also see Stop-DcsDeleteReplication, Get-DcsReplication, Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a specified replication by name --------------

Remove-DcsReplication -Replication "Virtual disk 6"

Removes the replication involving the source virtual disk named "Virtual disk 6".

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : df1ee028a1824b7b9c2bcaac2e582340
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 537cd02923d7487bb8371da08d5bcf8e
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : f04b5aa4-0985-4fdc-95a3-453effb69a7c
Caption : Virtual disk 6
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 6 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Removes all replications by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide | Remove-DcsReplication

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is used to obtain the AsyncReplicationData objects for all replications for the server group. The switch parameter ShowOnlyLocalSide ensures that only replications for the local server group are included. The results are piped to Remove-DcsReplication resulting in the removal of all replication configurations from the server group.

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : b71e83f78bb947268981e235598e7bff
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9
IsActiveSide : False
ReplicationState : Standby
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 176821e1-9d98-4308-ac6c-457a33921a4f
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Removes the replications in a virtual disk group specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsReplication -VirtualDiskGroup VDGroup2

Removes all eligible replications in the virtual disk group named "VDGroup2".

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 14454ab447634aa880c102df9827db72
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 77192956a71845ebb9f214c167d8f2bf
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 7932cf6f-8857-4702-82b7-61878f2ead2b
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 1a2ff247d5aa4b0596eedf8d5835e857
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 9b1763a132cb41389c57a287bfc23414
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 0b342a3c-48a4-45fb-8773-2a398e1cac32
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Removes a partner server group used for replications.


Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup   -ReplicationPartnerGroup <Object>   [ -Force]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup   -ReplicationPartnerServer <String>   [ -Force]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a partner server group used for replications. The replication partner group can be removed by specifying the group or server. Once removed, the remote group will no longer be able to replicate virtual disks with the remaining local server group.


PartnershipData object, ServerHostGroupData object, Server Host Group name, or Server Host Group ID that identifies the remote server group to remove. The PartnershipData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

If the destination server is unreachable and Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup is invoked, the server cannot be removed from the replication group. The Force parameter can be specified to force the operation to complete.WARNING: THIS PARAMETER SHOULD ONLY BE SPECIFIED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. Do not use this parameter in scripts. If data files exist in the replication buffer when the operation is forced, those changes will be lost.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Fully qualified computer name or ID of the server used in the remote replication group to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PartnershipData or ServerHostGroupData : ThePartnershipData object identifies and describes a replication partner group. The ServerHostGroupData object, which identifies a server group, can also be used to identify the replication partner group.



Also see Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Remove-DcsReplication.


-------------- Example 1 Removes replication partner group specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup -ReplicationPartnerGroup Remote

Removes the remote replication partner group named "Remote" from the local server group configuration.

-------------- Example 2 Removes a replication partner group by piping object --------------

Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup | Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup is used to obtain the PartnershipData object for the replication partner group. The object is piped to the cmdlet Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup which results in the replication partner group being removed.

To Table of Contents




Removes the specified user role from the configuration.


Remove-DcsRole   -Role <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes the specified user role from the configuration.


RoleData object, Alias, or ID that identifies the role to remove. The RoleData object can be obtained using the cmdlet Get-DcsRole.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false




Also see Get-DcsRole.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a role specified by alias. --------------

Remove-DcsRole -Role "Networking"

The role named "Networking" is removed from the configuration. The alias of the role is supplied using the parameter Role.

To Table of Contents




Deletes the specified rollback. This operation can also be performed on a rollback group.


Remove-DcsRollback   -Rollback <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Deletes the specified rollback. This operation can also be performed on a rollback group. The rollbacks will no longer exist, but the CDP-enabled virtual disks that are the sources of the rollbacks are not deleted.


RollbackData object, name, or ID that identifies the rollback to remove.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Removing a rollback is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to remove the rollback and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If this parameter is not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RollbackData : Object that identifies and describes a rollback.



Also see Get-DcsRollback, Split-DcsRollback, Disable-DcsDataProtection, Add-DcsRollback.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a rollback specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsRollback -Rollback "Virtual disk 3 @ 8/16/2011 10:10:20 AM on SSV1" -Yes

Removes the rollback named "Virtual disk 3 @ 8/16/2011 10:10:20 AM on SSV1" from the server group configuration. The Yes parameter is included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

-------------- Example 2 Removes all rollbacks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsRollback | Remove-DcsRollback -Yes

The cmdlet Get-DcsRollback is used to obtain the RollbackData objects for all rollbacks for the server group. The results are piped to Remove-DcsRollback resulting in the removal of all rollbacks from the server group configuration. The Yes parameter is included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation. (Rollbacks that are served to clients cannot be removed.)

To Table of Contents




Removes a rollback group from the configuration.


Remove-DcsRollbackGroup   -RollbackGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a rollback group from the configuration. When removed, the rollback data from the rollback group is permanently destroyed and the rollbacks from the group will no longer exist.


RollbackGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a rollback group to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RollbackGroupData : Object that identifies the rollback group.



Also see Get-DcsRollbackGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a rollback group specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsRollbackGroup -RollbackGroup "Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:04:49 AM"

The cmdlet is invoked with the RollbackGroup parameter specified as "Virtual disk group 1 @ 3/22/2012 10:04:49 AM" resulting in the removal of that rollback group.

-------------- Example 2 Removes all rollback groups by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsRollbackGroup | Remove-DcsRollbackGroup

The cmdlet Get-DcsRollbackGroup is invoked without parameters to get all RollbackGroupData objects in the local server group. The results are piped to the cmdlet Remove-DcsRollbackGroup to remove all rollback groups.

To Table of Contents




Removes the specified server from the server group.


Remove-DcsServer   -Server <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Removes the specified server from the server group. The server to be removed will exist in its own group.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the server to be removed. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Removing a server from a server group is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to remove the server and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If this parameter is not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.



Also see Add-DcsServer.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a server by name --------------

Remove-DcsServer -Server SSV2 -Yes

The server named SSV2 is removed from the server group of the default connection. The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

To Table of Contents




Removes a Fibre Channel or iSCSI ports from a server. The port can only be removed if it is in the Not Present state and has no paths.


Remove-DcsServerPort   -Port <Object>   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a Fibre Channel or iSCSI port from a server. The port can only be removed if it is in the Not Present state and has no paths.


ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies a port to remove. To uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object the identifies and describes the port.



After running this cmdlet, if the ports are not physically removed, they will be rediscovered when the DataCore Executive Service is stopped and restarted. Also see Get-DcsPort, Get-DcsPortConnection.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a server port specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsServerPort -Port "Server iSCSI Port 3" -Server SSV1

The port named "Server iSCSI Port 3" on the server named "SSV1" is removed from the configuration.

To Table of Contents




Removes a snapshot from the configuration.


Remove-DcsSnapshot   -Snapshot <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Removes a snapshot from the configuration. When removed, the data on the snapshot is permanently destroyed and the snapshot will no longer exist.


SnapshotData object, name, or ID that identifies the snapshot to remove. A snapshot in a snapshot group can also be removed using this parameter.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Removing a snapshot is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to remove the snapshot and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If this parameter is not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SnapshotData : Object identifying and describing the snapshot.



Also see Split-DcsSnapshot, Add-DcsSnapshot, Get-Snapshot.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a snapshot specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsSnapshot -Snapshot "Virtual disk 2 @ 8/16/2011 1:06:00 PM on SSV1" -Yes

Removes the specified snapshot named "Virtual disk 2 @ 8/16/2011 1:06:00 PM on SSV1" on the server SSV1. The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

-------------- Example 2 Removes all snapshots by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsSnapshot | Remove-DcsSnapshot -Yes

The cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshot is used to obtain the objects for all snapshots for the server group. The results are piped to Remove-DcsSnapshot resulting in the removal of all snapshots from the server group configuration. The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation. (Snapshots that are served to clients cannot be removed.)

-------------- Example 3 Removes a snapshot group specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsSnapshot -SnapshotGroup "VDSnapGroup1 @ 11/17/2011 11:00:04 AM" -Yes

Removes the snapshot group named "VDSnapGroup1 @ 11/17/2011 11:00:04 AM". The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation. (Snapshots that are served to clients cannot be removed.)

To Table of Contents




Removes a snapshot group from the configuration.


Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup   -SnapshotGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a snapshot group from the configuration. When removed, the snapshot data from the snapshot group is permanently destroyed and the snapshots from the group will no longer exist.


SnapshotGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a snapshot group to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SnapshotGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot group.



Also see Get-DcsSnapshotGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a snapshot group specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup -SnapshotGroup "Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/21/2012 2:28:34 PM"

The cmdlet is invoked with the SnapshotGroup parameter specified as "Virtual disk group 2 @ 3/21/2012 2:28:34 PM" resulting in the removal of that snapshot group.

-------------- Example 2 Removes all snapshot groups by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsSnapshotGroup | Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup

The cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshotGroup is invoked without parameters to get all SnapshotGroupData objects in the local server group. The results are piped to the cmdlet Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup to remove all snapshot groups.

To Table of Contents




Deletes a custom storage profile from the server group configuration.


Remove-DcsStorageProfile   -StorageProfile <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Deletes a custom storage profile from the server group configuration.


The StorageProfileData object, ID, or name that identifies the storage profile to be removed.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


StorageProfileData : Object that identifies and describes the storage profile.



Also see Set-DcsStorageProfileProperties, Add-DcsStorageProfile, Get-DcsStorageProfile.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a custom storage profile. --------------

Remove-DcsStorageProfile -StorageProfile Profile1

The custom storage profile named "Profile1" is removed from the server group configuration.

To Table of Contents




Removes a task from the configuration.


Remove-DcsTask   -Task <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a task from the configuration. After removal, the task will no longer exist.


TaskData object, name, or ID that identifies the task to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.



Also see, Add-DcsTask, Get-DcsTask, Remove-DcsAction, Remove-DcsTrigger.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a task specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsTask -Task MonitorPoolUsage

Removes the task named "MonitorPoolUsage" from the server group configuration.

-------------- Example 2 Removes all tasks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsTask | Remove-DcsTask

The cmdlet Get-DcsTask is used to obtain the TaskData objects for all tasks for the server group. The results are piped to Remove-DcsSnapshot resulting in the removal of all tasks from the server group configuration.

To Table of Contents




Removes a trigger from the specified task.


Remove-DcsTrigger   [ -Task <String> ]   -Trigger <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a trigger from the specified task.


Name or ID that identifies the task.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The TaskTriggerData object, name or ID that identifies the trigger to remove. Trigger can be attained by invoking Get-DcsTrigger.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskTriggerData : Object that identifies and describes the trigger.



Also see Add-DcsTrigger, Add-DcsTask, Get-DcsTask, Remove-DcsAction, Remove-DcsTask.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a trigger specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsTrigger -Task MonitorPoolUsage -Trigger  "Available space of Disk Pools >= Attention"

Removes the action named "Available space of Disk Pools >= Attention" from the task named "MonitorPoolUsage". The name "Available space of Disk Pools >= Attention" appears in the caption of the TaskTriggerData object.

To Table of Contents




Removes a registered user from the configuration.


Remove-DcsUser   -User <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a registered user from the configuration. Once removed, the user will no longer have access to the management console or software.


UserData object or user name that identifies the user to remove.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.



Also see Add-DcsUser, Get-DcsUser, Remove-DcsUserRole.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a user specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsUser -User "Larry Howard"

Remove the user named "Larry Howard" from the server group configuration.

To Table of Contents




Removes ownership of a virtual disk from a user.


Remove-DcsUserOwnership   -Ownership <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Remove-DcsUserOwnership   [ -User <Object> ]   [ -Object <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes ownership of a virtual disk from a user. Removing ownership prevents the user from performing operations on the virtual disk. Ownership can be removed for all virtual disks for a specified user, all users for a specified virtual disk, or a specified virtual disk for a specified user.


OwnershipData object, ID, or caption that identifies the user and object to remove from ownership. The OwnershipData object and ID can be obtained from Get-DcsUserOwnership. The caption can be obtained from the OwnershipData object.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

UserData object, name (caption) or ID that identifies a user. This parameter can be used instead of the Ownership parameter. If User is specified with an object, ownership for the specified object will be removed from the specified user. If user is specified without the object, all ownership for that user will be removed. The UserData object can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsUser.

Required: false
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The VirtualDiskData object, ID, or extended caption that identifies a virtual disk from which to remove the user ownership. This parameter can be used instead of the Ownership parameter. If the object is specified with a user, ownership for the specified object will be removed from the specified user. If object is specified without the user, all ownership for that object will be removed. The object for a virtual disk can be retrieved from Get-DcsVirtualDisk. The extended caption is found in the object and consists of the name and server group, for example "Virtual disk 1 from Server Group 1".

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes a virtual disk, used for the Object parameter.



Also see Add-DcsUserOwnership, Get-DcsUserOwnership.


-------------- Example 1 Removes ownership of all virtual disks from a specified user. --------------

Remove-DcsUserOwnership -User "JSchmoe"

The cmdlet is invoked to remove ownership of all virtual disks from the user named "JSchmoe".

-------------- Example 2 Removes ownership of a specific virtual disk from a specific user --------------

Remove-DcsUserOwnership -User "JSchmoe" -Object (Get-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1")

The cmdlet Remove-DcsUserOwnership is invoked to remove ownership of the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" from the user named "JSchmoe". The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is used to obtain the VirtualDiskData object for "Virtual disk 1".

To Table of Contents




Removes a role from an existing user.


Remove-DcsUserRole   -User <Object>   -Role <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a role from an existing user. The role assigns the privilege level, so if removed the user will no longer have the associated privileges.


UserData object, user name, or ID that identifies the user.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the role to remove from the user. User roles can be attained with the Get-DcsUserRole cmdlet.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.


UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.


Also see Get-DcsUserRole, Add-DcsUserRole, Remove-DcsUser.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a role from a user specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsUserRole -User "Larry Howard" -Role "Full Privileges"

Removes the "Full Privileges" role from the user named "Larry Howard".

Name : Larry Howard
Description :
EmailAddress :
BlendedPrivileges : ViewInformation
IsAdministrator : False
RoleIds : {{B1210FAD-5DAC-4a7b-B3D6-EEB8DFFE1F7A}}
Id : 5b2cf3ad-04f3-447f-960e-2c70e8484773
Caption : Larry Howard
ExtendedCaption : Larry Howard
Internal : False

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Removes a vCenter from the server group configuration.


Remove-DcsvCenter   -vCenter <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a vCenter from the server group configuration.


VimVirtualCenterData object, name or ID that identifies the vCenter.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VimVirtualCenterData : Object that identifies and describes the vCenter.



Also see Add-DcsvCenter, Get-DcsvCenter


-------------- Example 1 Removes a vCenter specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsvCenter -vCenter esxvc55

The vCenter named "esxvc55" is removed from the configuration.

To Table of Contents




Removes a virtual disk from the configuration.


Remove-DcsVirtualDisk   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Removes a virtual disk from the configuration. The virtual disk is deleted and the data will be permanently destroyed.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a virtual disk to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Removing a virtual disk is a destructive operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to remove the virtual disks and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If this parameter is not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.



Also see Remove-DcsSnapshot, Remove-DcsRollback, Remove-DcsReplication, Split-DcsVirtualDisk, Add-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Yes

Removes the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" from the server group configuration. The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

To Table of Contents




Removes a virtual disk from a virtual disk group.


Remove-DcsVirtualDiskFromGroup   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Removes a virtual disk from a virtual disk group. Any associated snapshots or rollbacks created from the virtual disk will also be removed from the group. The virtual disk and associated snapshots and rollbacks are not deleted from the configuration.


VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies the virtual disk to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.



Also see Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsVirtualDiskFromGroup -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

The virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" is removed from the virtual disk group to which it belongs

To Table of Contents




Deletes a virtual disk group.


Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup   -Group <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Deletes a virtual disk group. This operation also deletes any snapshot groups and rollback groups in the virtual disk group resulting in the permanent deletion of the snapshot and rollback data. The virtual disks that are members of the virtual disk group are not deleted; they are only removed from the virtual disk group.


VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies the virtual disk group to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the group.



Also see Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskFromGroup, Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup, Remove-DcsRollbackGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a virtual disk group specified by name --------------

Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup -Group "Virtual disk group 1" -Connection SSVVM1Connect

The virtual disk group named "Virtual disk group 1" is removed from the configuration.

-------------- Example 2 Removes all virtual disk groups by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup | Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is invoked without parameters to get all VirtualDiskGroupData objects in the local server group. The results are piped to the cmdlet Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup to removed all groups.

To Table of Contents




Removes a virtual disk template.


Remove-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate   -VirtualDiskTemplate <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a virtual disk template.


VirtualDiskTemplateData object, ID, or name that describes the template. (See Get-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate to obtain VirtualDiskTemplateData objects.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskTemplateData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk template.




-------------- Example 1 Removes a virtual disk template by specifying the name --------------

Remove-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate -VirtualDiskTemplate "TempMirrorCDP"

The cmdlet removes the virtual disk template named "TempMirrorCDP" from the server group configuration.

To Table of Contents




Removes a front-end or mirror path for the specified logical disk on a server.


Remove-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit   -VirtualLogicalUnit <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes a front-end or mirror path for the specified logical disk on a server. A virtual logical unit is the path of a logical disk on a server.


VirtualLogicalUnitData object or ID that identifies the path of the logical disk of a virtual disk on a server.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualLogicalUnitData : Object that identifies the virtual logical unit.



Also see Get-DcsLogicalDisk, Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit.


-------------- Example 1 Removes a path for a specified virtual disk using specified initiator and target hosts --------------

Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost Host3 -TargetHost SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 3" | Remove-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit is invoked to return the VirtualLogicalDiskData object for the path used by the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 3" from the initiator host named "Host3" to the target host named "SSV1". The object is piped to Remove-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit resulting in the removal of that path.

To Table of Contents




Removes the specified witness from the server group.


Remove-DcsWitness   -Witness <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes the specified witness from the server group.


Name, object, or ID that identifies the witness to remove.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


WitnessData : Object that identifies the witness.



Related cmdlets: Add-DcsWitness, Get-DcsWitness, Set-DcsWitnessProperties, Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties, Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties, Invoke-DcsWitnessContact.


-------------- Example 1 Removes the specified witness from the server group --------------

Get-DcsWitness | Remove-DcsWitness

In this example there is one witness configured in the server group. The cmdlet Get-DcsWitness is invoked to retrieve the WitnessData object for the server group. The object is piped to the cmdlet Remove-DcsWitness to remove that witness.

To Table of Contents




Replaces one failed storage source (logical disk) in a mirrored virtual disk with another storage source from a healthy disk pool.


Repair-DcsVirtualDisk   -TriggerState <Object>   -DiskPools <String[]>   [ -LocalServerOnly]   [ -ForceSplit]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Repair-DcsVirtualDisk   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -DiskPools <String[]>   [ -LocalServerOnly]   [ -ForceSplit]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Repair-DcsVirtualDisk   -LogicalDisk <Object>   -DiskPools <String[]>   [ -LocalServerOnly]   [ -ForceSplit]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Replaces one failed storage source (logical disk) in a virtual disk with another storage source from a healthy disk pool. The logical disk to replace can be identified by virtual disk or logical disk if run from the cmdlet. If the virtual disk is healthy and does not require fixing, an informational message to that effect will be logged and the repair will not take place. If the virtual disk is failed but cannot be repaired (for instance, in double failure), an alert will be posted with an explanation.


The TriggerState will be appended to the script when a task trigger fires and a PowerShell script action is configured with the AppendTriggerStates parameterPowerShell script action in the task. (See Add-DcsAction for more information.) THIS PARAMETER IS ONLY VALID WHEN RUNNING A SCRIPT ACTION IN A TASK. THE ONLY WAY TO USE THE TRIGGER STATE IS FROM THE TASK. It cannot be used by invoking this cmdlet.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

A comma separated list of pool candidates to use as the new logical disk for a failed virtual disk. The pool will be automatically selected from the list. Eligible candidates will be online and healthy, and cannot exist on the same server as the healthy storage source side of the mirror. The list can include pools from different servers, but a pool on the same server as the failed storage source will be preferred in order to maintain the same front-end paths and avoid a rescan on the host. The first eligible pool in the list of pool candidates will be used. All pool names should be unique to the server group. For example, if the list consisted of "Disk pool 1", "Disk pool 2", "Disk pool 3" and all three pools are eligible candidates and "Disk pool 1" resides on the same server as the failed storage source, "Disk pool 1" will be selected. NOTE: To include shared disk pools in the list, use the extended caption for the pool in order to identify which server to use to create the logical disk and corresponding paths. For instance "SharedPool1 on Server1".

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

A switch parameter that indicates to only use disk pools from the same server that has the failed storage source. This will prevent the host paths from being replaced which would force the client (host) to perform a disk rescan to see the new paths. This cmdlet will always prefer to repair a virtual disk using local resources, but without this parameter, the cmdlet will split and remirror a virtual disk to repair it if local resources are not available.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The VirtualDiskData object, ID, or name that identifies a virtual disk. To get the virtual disk object or ID, see Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The LogicalDiskData object, ID, or name that identifies a logical disk. To get the logical disk object or ID, see Get-DcsLogicalDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Replace-DcsVirtualDisk, Move-DcsVirtualDiskSource, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsLogicalDisk


-------------- Example 1 Repairs all failed virtual disks in the server group --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -ServerGroup Group1 | Repair-DcsVirtualDisk -DiskPools "Disk pool 1", "Disk pool 2", "Disk pool 3", "Disk pool 4", "Disk pool 5" -LocalServerOnly

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to get the VirtualDiskData objects for all virtual disks in the server group. The results are piped to the cmdlet Repair-DcsVirtualDisk. Each eligible failed mirrored virtual disk is repaired using an eligible disk pool from the list provided for the parameter DiskPools. The switch parameter is included to ensure that a pool from the same server as the failed logical disk is used.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D906348F000688BBA02259ABAE1
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 29893
Id : a55059113f1e424895f4eea7751aa546
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 5
Description :
Size : 10.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 8dd498e35f3b44a6ad612d0ee29d3ce4
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90D34EF00046FEB7263A4420AA
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 29942
Id : 8dd498e35f3b44a6ad612d0ee29d3ce4
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 from Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Repairs a specified logical disk using a specified pool on a third server in the group. --------------

$LD = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 3" -Server SSV1
Repair-DcsVirtualDisk -LogicalDisk $LD -DiskPools SSV3Pool1

The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to get the LogicalDiskData object for the storage source of "Virtual disk 3" on the server named "SSV1". ("Virtual disk 3" was created from a pool on server "SSV1" and "SSV2".) That object is stored in the variable $LD. The cmdlet Repair-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to replace the storage source on SSV1 (stored in the variable $LD) with a storage source created from "SSV3Pool1" which is on the server "SSV3". After the repair, "Virtual disk 3" consists of mirrors from "SSV2" and "SSV3".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
SecondHostId : 5F19A038-D494-43E4-B657-51213CE189D0
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 3
Description :
Size : 15.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 2ba9e02a7c114153abbdcbfb5eb6d0a3
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D908ABBCC00C10B69AA1E9A5AF7
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 22795
Id : 2ba9e02a7c114153abbdcbfb5eb6d0a3
Caption : Virtual disk 3
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 from Group1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Replaces a storage source used in a mirrored virtual disk.


Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Pool <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -PassThroughDisk <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource   [ -Server <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -LogicalDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Replaces a storage source used in a mirrored virtual disk. The new storage source can be from a pool, pass-through disk, or logical disk. When the storage source is replaced, all paths are adjusted to use the new source.


Computer name or ID of the server from which the storage source is being replaced. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk in which the storage source should be replaced.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the pool if using a pool as the new storage source. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name or ID of the pass-through disk, if it is being used as the new storage source for the virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

LogicalDiskData object, ID or caption of a logical disk that identifies the new storage source.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Move-DcsVirtualDiskSource, Split-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Replaces a virtual disk source from a pool --------------

Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Pool "Disk pool 1"

Replaces the virtual disk source from server "SSV1" for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" from the pool named "Disk pool 1".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 162032c99ebd4272b80ea6de9757bafc
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Replaces a virtual disk source with a passthrough disk --------------

Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -PassThroughDisk "Disk 8"

Replaces the virtual disk source from server "SSV1" for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" with the pass-through disk named "Disk 8".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 162032c99ebd4272b80ea6de9757bafc
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Replaces a virtual disk source with a logical disk --------------

Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -LogicalDisk (Add-DcsLogicalDisk -Pool "Disk Pool 1" -Server SSV1)

Replaces the virtual disk source for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" with a new logical disk. The parameter LogicalDisk is obtained by invoking the cmdlet Add-DcsLogicalDisk which creates a new logical disk from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on server "SSV1" and passes the LogicalDiskData object to Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 162032c99ebd4272b80ea6de9757bafc
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Replaces all virtual disk sources from a specified pool by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Server SSV1 -Kind Standard | Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 2"

In this example, assume that the server SSV1 has two pools. All existing virtual disks were created from Disk pool 1. Disk pool 2 is a new pool and there are no virtual disks created from the pool.
This example invokes the cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk to get objects for all "standard" virtual disks on server "SSV1". The VirtualDiskData objects are piped to Replace-DcsVirtualDiskSource, resulting in the replacement of those virtual disk sources on server "SSV1" using the new pool named "Disk pool 2".
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 162032c99ebd4272b80ea6de9757bafc
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from LOCAL
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 0f1fbf4ac7cf40a491cad91e4ef8d324
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from LOCAL
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 3
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
Id : 635134ab2cad4b5d81af73ae5f09bd6f
Caption : Virtual disk 3
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 from LOCAL
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 4
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : FailedRedundancy
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 7ffb74fd190d4c9c9c7b7e14748e2da6
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 from LOCAL
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Removes the logstore setting of the specified server.


Reset-DcsLogStore   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Removes the logstore setting of the specified server. No logstore will be saved on the server after running this cmdlet and mirror recoveries will not be optimized if virtualization is stopped on the mirror partner.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. The object can be obtained using Get-DcsServer.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


To set the logstore, see Set-DcsLogStore.


-------------- Example 1 Resets the logstore for a server --------------

Reset-DcsLogStore -Server "SSVVM01"

The logstore setting for the server named "SSVVM01" is removed.

GroupId : 81ca629e-56e2-48fd-bf2b-bb801fb764ca
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:F51570F9-23FD-43C9-BE56-563D26220F18
CacheSize : 0 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : F51570F9-23FD-43C9-BE56-563D26220F18:{f554e264-6b97-11e6-80f4-00155d138904}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 10.0 PSP 6
OsVersion : Windows Server 2012 x64 Edition
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild : 15.0.600.9431
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 9223372036854775807
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 4.00 GB
AvailableSystemMemory : 472.38 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
LicenseExceeded : False
StorageUsed : 0 B
BulkStorageUsed : 0 B
DataCoreStorageUsed : 55 GB
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::489a:9be6:dd88:608,,}
LicenseNumber : 2514979126712921976
AluaGroupId : 1
IsVirtualMachine : True
HypervisorHostId :
LogStorePoolId :
Description :
HostName :
MpioCapable : True
SequenceNumber : 7670
Id : F51570F9-23FD-43C9-BE56-563D26220F18
Caption : SSVVM01
ExtendedCaption : SSVVM01 in Server Group
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Resets all Fibre Channel link error counters to zero. The following counters are reset: Total CRC Errors, Total Link Failures, Total Loss of Signal Errors, Total Protocol Errors, Total Synchronization Errors, and Total Transmission Errors.


Reset-DcsServerFCPortLinkErrorCounts   -Port <Object>   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Resets all Fibre Channel link error counters to zero. The following counters are reset: Total CRC Errors, Total Link Failures, Total Loss of Signal Errors, Total Protocol Errors, Total Synchronization Errors, and Total Transmission Errors.


ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies the port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


Also see Get-DcsPort


-------------- Example 1 Resets all port link errors for all FC ports on a server --------------

Get-DcsPort -Type FibreChannel -Machine Server1 | Reset-DcsServerFCPortLinkErrorCounts

The cmdlet Get-DcsPort is invoked to return the ScsiPortData objects for all Fibre Channel ports on the server named Server1. The objects are piped to the cmdlet Reset-DcsServerFCPortLinkErrorCounts which will reset all port link counters for all Fibre Channel ports on Server1.

StateInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortStateInfo
CurrentConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortConfigInfo
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortIdInfo
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : 210000E08B0FEF9A
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerFcPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : All
AluaId : 1027
PortName : 21-00-00-E0-8B-0F-EF-9A
Alias : Server FC Port 1
Description :
PortType : FibreChannel
PortMode : InitiatorTarget
HostId : A6A1AB9B-F268-4193-9594-DA6005BEEB9D
Connected : False
SequenceNumber : 9633
Id : a5955721-3a69-4308-9e33-c60d3bd99881
Caption : Server FC Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server FC Port 1 on Server1
Internal : False
StateInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortStateInfo
CurrentConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortConfigInfo
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortIdInfo
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : 210100E08B2FEF9A
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerFcPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : All
AluaId : 1028
PortName : 21-01-00-E0-8B-2F-EF-9A
Alias : Server FC Port 2
Description :
PortType : FibreChannel
PortMode : InitiatorTarget
HostId : A6A1AB9B-F268-4193-9594-DA6005BEEB9D
Connected : True
SequenceNumber : 9634
Id : 829bdc82-d166-48cc-9e22-5f3976a97bb3
Caption : Server FC Port 2
ExtendedCaption : Server FC Port 2 on Server1
Internal : False
StateInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortStateInfo
CurrentConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortConfigInfo
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortIdInfo
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : 210000E08B1672E6
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerFcPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : All
AluaId : 1029
PortName : 21-00-00-E0-8B-16-72-E6
Alias : Server FC Port 3
Description :
PortType : FibreChannel
PortMode : InitiatorTarget
HostId : A6A1AB9B-F268-4193-9594-DA6005BEEB9D
Connected : True
SequenceNumber : 9635
Id : 4803becd-ba44-437f-a9d1-6610fe37ed58
Caption : Server FC Port 3
ExtendedCaption : Server FC Port 3 on Server1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Reinitializes a server target port.


Reset-DcsServerPort   -Port <Object>   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Reinitializes a server target port. This cmdlet performs a full re-initialization on the specified Fibre Channel or iSCSI port on a server, which includes reloading firmware, re-initializing hardware (FC only), resetting the link, and logging in the ports. This operation may take a few minutes and during that time traffic on the port will be suspended.


ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies the port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


Also see Get-DcsPort


-------------- Example 1 Reinitializes a server port by specifying the name --------------

Reset-DcsServerPort -Port "Server iSCSI Port 3" -Server SSV1

The port named "Server iSCSI Port 3" on the server named "SSV1" is reinitialized.

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-65-16-01
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
AluaId : 1028
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 3
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 10724844-FEF9-415C-8292-44EAE2826487
Connected : True
SequenceNumber : 1989
Id : 158f6c2b-8475-42df-92e0-77e5ceb6361e
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 3
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Reinitializes all iSCSI target ports for a server --------------

$ports = Get-DcsPort -Type "iSCSI" -Machine SSV1 | where {$_.PortMode -eq 'Target'}
$ports | Reset-DcsServerPort

The cmdlet Get-DcsPort is invoked to get ScsiPortData objects for all iSCSI ports on server "SSV1" that have a target port mode. The objects are saved in the variable $ports. The variable $ports is used to pipe all the objects to the cmdlet Reset-DcsServerPort. All target iSCSI ports on the server "SSV1" are reinitialized.

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-65-16-00
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
AluaId : 1027
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 10724844-FEF9-415C-8292-44EAE2826487
Connected : True
SequenceNumber : 2517
Id : a8d45168-1a67-4823-ad20-79247cc511e9
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-65-16-03
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
AluaId : 1030
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 2
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 10724844-FEF9-415C-8292-44EAE2826487
Connected : True
SequenceNumber : 1991
Id : 8f24e316-ae18-4562-a723-ecc53dcee196
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 2
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Resumes data transfers on a paused virtual disk replication. This operation can also be performed for a virtual disk group.


Resume-DcsReplication   -Replication <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Resume-DcsReplication   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Resumes data transfers on a paused virtual disk replication. This operation can also be performed for a virtual disk group.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the paused virtual disk in the replication. The paused virtual disk must be a local virtual disk for the connection. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to resume replication data transfers for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : The AsyncReplicationData object identifies the replication relationship. The VirtualDiskData object identifies the paused (local) virtual disk in the replication.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies the replication relationship.


Also see Pause-DcsReplication, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Resumes a replication specified by virtual disk name --------------

Resume-DcsReplication -Replication "Virtual disk 1"

Resumes the replication for the paused virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" in the server group.

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 0dc5596489cb4d8ba0346f80eb47ad46
SecondServerId : 0d352083-e854-4fbd-a3af-beec1145fed4:867DB6EE-C656-47F7-A160-DCCC35C2D225
SecondVirtualDiskId : b817122629a64d819a5e96e98a992d24
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : db5abff0-9509-4d4e-b16e-b8c9c403da64
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Resumes all paused local replications by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide | Resume-DcsReplication

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is invoked with the ShowOnlyLocalSide parameter to get all AsyncReplicationData objects for the local server group side. The data is piped to the cmdlet Resume-DcsReplication resulting in all paused replications on the local server group being resumed.

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 0dc5596489cb4d8ba0346f80eb47ad46
SecondServerId : 0d352083-e854-4fbd-a3af-beec1145fed4:867DB6EE-C656-47F7-A160-DCCC35C2D225
SecondVirtualDiskId : b817122629a64d819a5e96e98a992d24
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : db5abff0-9509-4d4e-b16e-b8c9c403da64
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 635134ab2cad4b5d81af73ae5f09bd6f
SecondServerId : 0d352083-e854-4fbd-a3af-beec1145fed4:867DB6EE-C656-47F7-A160-DCCC35C2D225
SecondVirtualDiskId : 15336c814739431fa6d3aa609c1f1922
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 5b0e64e0-8727-46f6-9644-241d2fcf2955
Caption : Virtual disk 3
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 on SSV3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Resumes transfers for eligible replications in all virtual disk groups --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup | where {$_-isNot[DataCore.Executive.SnapshotGroupData
] -and $_ -isNot [DataCore.Executive.RollbackGroupData]} | foreach {Resume-DcsReplication -VirtualDiskGroup $_}

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is invoked to obtain VirtualDiskGroupData objects while excluding SnapshotGroupData and RollbackGroupData objects. The objects are piped into a loop created by using foreach (a PowerShell operation), which performs the operation Resume-DcsReplication for each VirtualDiskGroupData object. Since the VirtualDiskGroup parameter only accepts one object, the foreach loop is one way to perform the operation on multiple objects.

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : b71e83f78bb947268981e235598e7bff
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 176821e1-9d98-4308-ac6c-457a33921a4f
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 14454ab447634aa880c102df9827db72
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 77192956a71845ebb9f214c167d8f2bf
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : d6b62c88-54f5-4524-86d2-7205fb1200df
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 1a2ff247d5aa4b0596eedf8d5835e857
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 9b1763a132cb41389c57a287bfc23414
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 0b342a3c-48a4-45fb-8773-2a398e1cac32
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Resumes the mirror recovery of a virtual disk after it has been suspended.


Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Resumes the mirror recovery of a virtual disk after it has been suspended. (Also see Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery)


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. When the operation is performed on a virtual disk group, all current mirror recoveries will be resumed for the eligible virtual disks in the group will be resumed and the rest will be ignored.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the virtual disk.



Also see Pause-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery, Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery, Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup


-------------- Example 1 Mirror recovery is resumed for a virtual disk --------------

Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 3"

Mirror recovery is suspended for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 3".

To Table of Contents




Reverses the direction of the data transfer between virtual disks used in a replication. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group.


Reverse-DcsReplication   -Replication <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Reverse-DcsReplication   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Reverses the direction of the data transfer between virtual disks used in a replication. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group. The current active virtual disk will be deactivated, and the current standby virtual disk will be activated. Paths from the client to the current source will be disabled, and paths from the client to the new source will be enabled.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the active virtual disk in the replication. The active virtual disk must be a local virtual disk for the connection. This virtual disk will be deactivated. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskData.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to reverse the replication direction for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : The AsyncReplicationData object identifies and describes the replication relationship. The VirtualDiskData object identifies and describes the current active virtual disk in the replication.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies the replication relationship.


Also see Stop-DcsDeactivateReplication, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Reverses a replication specified by virtual disk name --------------

Reverse-DcsReplication -Replication "Virtual disk 1"

Reverses the replication for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" in the server group.

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : eed9e8f6b02542c3a637e75093b12cfa
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fc9535748c98442b9d23f9aea0a8067f
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 5d917790-968f-4bf4-8a20-d50b6e832616
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Reverses all replications by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide | Reverse-DcsReplication

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is invoked with the switch parameter ShowOnlyLocalSide to obtain all AsynchReplicationData objects for the local server group. The objects are piped to Reverse-DcsReplication resulting in all active local replications being reversed.

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : eed9e8f6b02542c3a637e75093b12cfa
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fc9535748c98442b9d23f9aea0a8067f
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 5d917790-968f-4bf4-8a20-d50b6e832616
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : ff69cf72849c49bdb319bb2b61970306
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : becf15f38d004eac81553e1f437dcec5
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : d6097734-4d4d-43da-81b9-2fc86645cc00
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 50d3414ffbc94c6c9a73f52b67d0d0ae
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : e79d12330c674360a0b6ee0b053dda72
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 5b53983e-07ec-4479-9342-695ef8472335
Caption : Virtual disk 3
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 on SSV3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Reverses replications in a virtual disk group specified by name --------------

Reverse-DcsReplication -VirtualDiskGroup VDGroup2

Reverses the eligible replications in the virtual disk group named "VDGroup2" in the server group.

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 14454ab447634aa880c102df9827db72
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 77192956a71845ebb9f214c167d8f2bf
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 7932cf6f-8857-4702-82b7-61878f2ead2b
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 1a2ff247d5aa4b0596eedf8d5835e857
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 9b1763a132cb41389c57a287bfc23414
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 0b342a3c-48a4-45fb-8773-2a398e1cac32
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Reverts the CDP-enabled virtual disk to the state of the rollback. This operation can also be performed on a rollback group.


Revert-DcsRollback   -Rollback <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Revert-DcsRollback   -RollbackGroup <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Reverts the CDP-enabled virtual disk to the state of the rollback. This operation can also be performed on a rollback group. Reverting will overwrite all changes that have occurred on the CDP-enabled virtual disk after the restore point (point-in-time) of the rollback. Before invoking this cmdlet, I/O from the client host should be stopped and the CDP-enabled (source) virtual disk should be unserved from the client host, see Unserve-DcsVirtualDisk.


RollbackData object, name, or ID that identifies the rollback.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Reverting is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to revert and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If this parameter is not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

RollbackGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a rollback group to revert. This will revert all rollbacks in the rollback group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RollbackData : Object the identifies and describes the rollback.


RollbackData : Object the identifies and describes the rollback.


Also see Remove-DcsRollback, Get-DcsRollback, Disable-DcsDataProtection, Split-DcsRollback.


-------------- Example 1 Reverts a rollback specified by name --------------

Revert-DcsRollback -Rollback "Virtual disk 1 @ 8/26/2011 3:01:18 PM on SSV1" -Yes

Reverts the rollback named "Virtual disk 1 @ 8/26/2011 3:01:18 PM on SSV1" in the server group. The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000001
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000005
RestorePoint : 8/26/2011 7:01:18 PM
AutoExpire : False
State : Reverting
Id : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000001--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000008
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/26/2011 3:01:18 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/26/2011 3:01:18 PM on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Reverts all rollbacks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsRollback | Revert-DcsRollback -Yes

The cmdlet Get-DcsRollback is invoked to obtain all RollbackData objects for the server group. The objects are piped to Revert-DcsRollback resulting in the reverting of all rollbacks in the server group. The Yes parameter is included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000002
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000006
RestorePoint : 8/29/2011 11:00:00 AM
AutoExpire : False
State : Reverting
Id : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000002--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000010
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/29/2011 7:00:00 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/29/2011 7:00:00 AM on SSV1
Internal : False
SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000003
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000007
RestorePoint : 8/29/2011 11:00:00 AM
AutoExpire : False
State : Reverting
Id : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000003--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000013
Caption : Virtual disk 3 @ 8/29/2011 7:00:00 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 @ 8/29/2011 7:00:00 AM on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Reverts the source virtual disk to the state of the snapshot. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group.


Revert-DcsSnapshot   -Snapshot <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Revert-DcsSnapshot   -SnapshotGroup <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Reverts the source virtual disk to the state of the snapshot. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group. Reverting will overwrite all changes that have occurred on the source virtual disk after the point-in-time of the snapshot. Before invoking this cmdlet, I/O from the client host should be stopped and the source virtual disk should be unserved from the client host, see Unserve-DcsVirtualDisk.


SnapshotData object, name, or ID that identifies the snapshot.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Reverting is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to revert and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If this parameter is not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

SnapshotGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a snapshot group to revert.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SnapshotData : Object the identifies and describes the snapshot.


SnapshotData : Object the identifies and describes the snapshot.


Also see Remove-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsSnapshot, Split-DcsSnapshot.


-------------- Example 1 Reverts a snapshot specified by name --------------

Revert-DcsSnapshot -Snapshot "Virtual disk 1 @ 8/26/2011 3:52:23 PM on SSV1" -Yes

Reverts the snapshot named "Virtual disk 1 @ 8/26/2011 3:52:23 PM on SSV1" in the server group. The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000001
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-0000000E
Type : Differential
TimeStamp : 8/26/2011 3:52:34 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000001--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-0000000E
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/26/2011 3:52:23 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/26/2011 3:52:23 PM on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Reverts all snapshots by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsSnapshot | Revert-DcsSnapshot -Yes

The cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshot is invoked to obtain all SnapshotData objects for the server group. The objects are piped to Revert-DcsSnapshot resulting in the reverting of all snapshots in the server group. The Yes parameter is included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000002
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000018
Type : Differential
TimeStamp : 8/29/2011 11:22:20 AM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000002--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000018
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/29/2011 11:22:15 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 8/29/2011 11:22:15 AM on SSV1
Internal : False
SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000015
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000016
Type : Differential
TimeStamp : 8/29/2011 11:22:09 AM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000015--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000016
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/29/2011 11:21:49 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 8/29/2011 11:21:49 AM on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Serves a virtual disk to a client, host group, or server. Snapshots and rollbacks are virtual disks and can also be served. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group.


Serve-DcsVirtualDisk   -Machine <String>   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -StartingLun <UInt64> ]   [ -EnableRedundancy]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Serve-DcsVirtualDisk   -Machine <String>   -VirtualDiskGroup <String>   [ -StartingLun <UInt64> ]   [ -EnableRedundancy]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Serve-DcsVirtualDisk   -Machine <String>   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Server <String> ]   -InitiatorPort <String>   -TargetPort <String>   [ -LUN <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Serve-DcsVirtualDisk   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -VirtualDiskGroup <String>   -HostGroup <String>   [ -EnableRedundancy]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Serves a virtual disk to a client, host group or server. Snapshots and rollbacks are virtual disks and can also be served. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group. For front-end non-redundant paths, the initiator and target paths can be specified. If paths are not specified, virtual disks will be served according to the standard software guidelines.


Computer name or ID that identifies a server or client (host) that will be served the virtual disk. The computer name for a machine must be unique or the names must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a virtual disk to serve. Snapshots and rollbacks are virtual disks and can also be served if specified with this parameter.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to serve virtual disks beginning with the specified LUN number. The LUNs will be assigned using consecutive numbers beginning with the starting LUN. A sufficient number of consecutive LUNs must be available to complete the operation. Valid values are 0 - 254.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to create redundant paths. Redundant paths creates two paths from the specified machine to each server. The server must have two ports (Fibre Channel or iSCSI) with the front-end role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies the virtual disk group to serve.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name, or ID that identifies a server. Computer names must be unique or the names must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name, address, or ID of the initiator port when specifying the front-end path.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name, address, or ID of the target port when specifying the front-end path.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The number to assign to the logical unit (LUN). If not specified, the next available LUN will be assigned.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies the host group, if serving to a host group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the virtual disk.


VirtualLogicalUnitData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual logical unit (path to the logical disk on a server). One object is returned for every path created.


Also see related cmdlets Unserve-DcsVirtualDisk, Add-DcsvCenterDataStore, Set-DcsHypervisorHost. See Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit (-MappingType) to add mirror paths to virtual disks.


-------------- Example 1 Serves a mirrored virtual disk specified by name --------------

Serve-DcsVirtualDisk -Machine Host3 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Serves the mirrored virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" to the machine named "Host3".

LogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000015
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 4e175a78-f623-4ae1-911c-e94b6a370ce8
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : ee3688c9-05fc-45cf-b915-e0f3f9270581
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 0
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : LD:C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B_V.{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}-0000000C
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 453e5fbe-56f0-43be-ab37-f59bb95d18e8
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : False
Enabled : True
Id : 616e63a8-b2f7-4db3-a6b3-b14b1ad3421e
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 | LUN 0
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Creates multiple virtual disks and serves them to a host using a starting LUN --------------

Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Size 50GB -Count 5 -FirstServer StorageSvr001 -SecondServer StorageSvr002 -FirstPool "Disk pool 1" -SecondPool "Disk pool 2" -EnableRedundancy | Serve-DcsVirtualDisk -Machine HostVM1 -StartingLun 20

The cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to create five mirrored virtual disk with a size of "50 GB" from pools on servers "StorageSvr001" and "StorageSvr002". The virtual disks are created with redundant mirror paths. The VirtualDiskData objects obtained are piped to Serve-DcsVirtualDisk. The virtual disks are served to the machine named "Host3" beginning with the LUN "20".

LogicalDiskId : 4f668b4c-8185-47f0-94da-31d9745b93b2
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 0faf1802-5b83-4a6d-849e-947a5017e504
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-285539104fd542e5b4d162f45d9e2e6f
Lun : 20
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5355
Id : 098a9a59-2a75-4c60-a8bf-cae2acc4c63c
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 20
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 20
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : 67ba5af5-ed4b-4dab-927a-323e7504a3a4
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 861183bc-3bac-4fe3-87a6-aa5d845b25b9
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-285539104fd542e5b4d162f45d9e2e6f
Lun : 20
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5356
Id : 322c4566-7b67-4e78-a3e2-3bc1190c6769
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 20
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 20
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : 1abe197c-896a-4aa2-a5e1-c7868f22b2ae
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 0faf1802-5b83-4a6d-849e-947a5017e504
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-56cbba5287164d05bd450c7d071e994d
Lun : 21
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5463
Id : 9912b687-ca9c-400e-ba09-b6de2b5e6a3f
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 21
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 21
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : a19e4ac6-71ec-4ff1-884c-f3fac5f3cc6e
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 861183bc-3bac-4fe3-87a6-aa5d845b25b9
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-56cbba5287164d05bd450c7d071e994d
Lun : 21
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5464
Id : 5c4b3945-233c-4550-b2da-8f927819a3bd
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 21
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 21
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : d39d8c75-f8f7-4886-9fea-f66c15870580
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 0faf1802-5b83-4a6d-849e-947a5017e504
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-d6a393f831e34a13948d932b31a0d67b
Lun : 22
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5573
Id : bbd34972-4813-4981-ad75-e3e670170034
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 22
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 22
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : acb0a564-ba1f-47a7-bc5f-27c2dae18e56
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 861183bc-3bac-4fe3-87a6-aa5d845b25b9
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-d6a393f831e34a13948d932b31a0d67b
Lun : 22
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5574
Id : e73e5975-475d-48e5-9050-3d8f27b0b52b
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 22
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 22
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : d622f50a-6a3c-4dc2-9644-a2e77e58645d
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 0faf1802-5b83-4a6d-849e-947a5017e504
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-72f943815f744c719c1748291d3b2f42
Lun : 23
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5683
Id : 1de682a2-a5a3-489e-a87f-7172dc65fe30
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 23
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 23
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : 6911a3fe-be67-46ec-b97d-32af688df866
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 861183bc-3bac-4fe3-87a6-aa5d845b25b9
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-72f943815f744c719c1748291d3b2f42
Lun : 23
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5684
Id : a753a175-932a-4e2d-b355-170bf9aba266
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 23
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 23
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : 454f53e1-64bb-4ccc-91be-4f8f56413e11
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 0faf1802-5b83-4a6d-849e-947a5017e504
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-a36fa8c7369c4623a3eba72004d34d17
Lun : 24
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5793
Id : 48b42d33-76ac-4b24-a43c-e568e157a0f7
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 24
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr001 | LUN 24
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : 3d43c810-3eb2-4e3d-9b5e-c864bf8cd50f
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 861183bc-3bac-4fe3-87a6-aa5d845b25b9
PhysicalDiskId : 5909e5ec1dbb460ca2273e6b8c7932ce-a36fa8c7369c4623a3eba72004d34d17
Lun : 24
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 5794
Id : c9d669f0-0c85-4e33-b5a5-3422f21bebd2
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 24
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on StorageSvr002 | LUN 24
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Serves a virtual disk using ports specified by name --------------

Serve-DcsVirtualDisk -Machine Host3 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -InitiatorPort "iSCSI Port 1" -TargetPort "Server iSCSI Port 3" -Server SSV2

Serves the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" to the machine named "Host3". The initiator port on Host3 is named "iSCSI Port 1" and the target port on server SSV2 is named "Server iSCSI Port 3". The parameter Server is used to resolve the server because ports of the same name exist on both servers in the server group.

LogicalDiskId : LD:C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B_V.{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}-0000000C
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 98ccd6a3-33ff-47d6-9301-f9b77dbb2101
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : False
Enabled : True
Id : f7116ac7-4ea0-4dfb-aff6-5b3a82426af4
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 | LUN 0
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Serves a virtual disk group to a host group --------------

Serve-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDiskGroup "VDGroup1" -HostGroup "HostGroup1"

The virtual disk group "VDGroup1" is served to the host group named "HostGroup1". Since no other parameters were specified, the virtual disks are served according to standard guidelines.

LogicalDiskId : caa3ec30-419d-4254-922a-f52e9b21af6f
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 85f6c01e-f690-4519-8404-a782d40b9bf3
PhysicalDiskId : 4e18b7c089c94eda802f689cd253f80a-0fa6024958424ab9831bf788fdb09f10
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 6119
Id : 64e9967a-3198-41be-b5eb-d2cce9df0637
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 0
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : 54141939-8535-4329-9213-858026eae6ad
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 2b6cc2e1-ead7-450b-af4b-de8e448df99e
PhysicalDiskId : 4e18b7c089c94eda802f689cd253f80a-0fa6024958424ab9831bf788fdb09f10
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 6120
Id : b206d872-5789-47af-b763-0011ac01f758
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 | LUN 0
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : 63d138c3-0362-4569-966e-1ddc9e39ea99
VirtualTargetDeviceId : fff1ede0-c2a8-420b-8912-fbc10f7c314a
PhysicalDiskId : 4e18b7c089c94eda802f689cd253f80a-414a212179684f0e801788e9dfeb1c16
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 6121
Id : e68ec1e5-6207-4c27-accd-91ddcdf35d63
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1 | LUN 0
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : c8870e88-6ea3-4644-97f4-117b27129909
VirtualTargetDeviceId : a359d56d-a93d-4da1-85f8-a8987f75a4a1
PhysicalDiskId : 4e18b7c089c94eda802f689cd253f80a-414a212179684f0e801788e9dfeb1c16
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 6122
Id : 9b794a2e-6fc6-4988-861e-6b3b8dd984a8
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV2 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV2 | LUN 0
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : 0ebc035f-fa28-4ab2-8de9-d8a4e8bbdcae
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 7866941b-4e0a-4026-8db6-e9e477f75cb3
PhysicalDiskId : 4e18b7c089c94eda802f689cd253f80a-ca28e270349c426ca891ab6a7578467e
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 6123
Id : 54113d22-6db8-42e4-92e2-6bb48140d677
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSV1 | LUN 0
Internal : False
LogicalDiskId : 4ae34a27-2356-432e-8dab-455b9dbbff6a
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 989b3a01-a913-4a8b-9761-f62bd3417aaf
PhysicalDiskId : 4e18b7c089c94eda802f689cd253f80a-ca28e270349c426ca891ab6a7578467e
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : NotSet
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 6124
Id : e4d057f1-30d2-4a82-97b2-e017cfa7718b
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM2 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2 | LUN 0
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the access token properties for an iSCSI connection.


Set-DcsAccessTokenProperties   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <String>   -AccessToken <Object>   [ -InitiatorPassword <String> ]   [ -InitiatorUser <String> ]   [ -TargetPassword <String> ]   [ -TargetUser <String> ]   [ -UseMutualAuthentication <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the access token properties for an iSCSI connection. Specify the parameters to set or change. If a parameter is not specified it will not be changed from the current setting.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The name or ID of the iSCSI target port. In order to uniquely identify the port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The initiator node name that the access token belongs to. The access token can be retrieved from the AccessTokenData object or the SCSIPortData object for the iSCSI target (Server iSCSI Port Data). See Get-DcsPorts for the iSCSI target. (Refer to the field iSCSINodes, each node has an access token and each accesstoken has an initiatornodename. See the example for more information.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set or change the secret for the iSCSI initiator port when using Mutual Authentication. Secrets are 12-16 characters.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set or change the user name of the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port when using Mutual Authentication.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set or change the secret of the iSCSI target port. Secrets are 12-16 characters.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set or change the user name for the iSCSI target port.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to designate whether or not Mutual Authentication should be used. Specify $true to specify Mutual Authentication or $false to specify no Mutual Authentication.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AccessToken : Object that identifies the access token.


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


Also see Remove-DcsAccessToken, Add-DcsAccessToken.


-------------- Example 1 Changes a specified property by piping object --------------

$targetport = Get-DcsPort -Machine SSV1 -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1"

$targetport.iSCSINodes[0].accesstoken.initiatornodename | Set-DcsAccessTokenProperties -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1" -UseMutualAuthentication $false

The cmdlet Get-DcsPort is invoked to obtain the ScsiPortData object for the port named "Server iSCSI Port 1" on the server named "SSV1". The object is stored in the variable named $targetport. The variable $targetport is used to obtain the accesstoken and the access token is used to obtain the initiatornodename of the target port ($targetport.iSCSINodes[0].accesstoken.initiatornodename). This object is piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsAccessTokenProperties to disable the Mutual Authentication for the access token on the target port named (extended caption) "Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1".

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {microsoft iscsi initiator,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Connected : True
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Assigns a folder where the configuration backups should be stored on a server after being created.


Set-DcsBackUpFolder   -Server <Object>   [ -Folder <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Assigns a folder where the configuration backups should be stored on a server after being created. If the folder does not exist, it will be created. The backup folder should be set for each server in the server group. The folder will appear when the Backup-DcsConfiguration cmdlet is invoked.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the the server where the folder should be located. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The complete path to the folder used to store configuration backups. If the folder does not exist, it will be created. The path should begin with the drive letter. For instance, "C:\Backups" could be a valid value. To remove the folder, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.


string : The path of the backup folder.


Also see Get-DcsBackupFolder, Backup-DcsConfiguration.


-------------- Example 1 Sets backup folder by piping object --------------

$servers = Get-DcsServer

Set-DcsBackUpFolder -Server $servers[0] -Folder "C:\Backups\"

Set-DcsBackUpFolder -Server $servers[1] -Folder "C:\Backups\"

The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is used to get ServerHostData objects for all servers in the server group and store the objects in the variable $servers.
The cmdlet Set-DcsBackupFolder is invoked once for each server to set the location of the backup folder to "C:\Backups\" on each server.


To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a client (host).


Set-DcsClientProperties   -Client <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -PreferredServer <Object[]> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -ClientType <String> ]   [ -Multipath <Boolean> ]   [ -ALUA <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a client (host). Specify the parameters to set or change.


ClientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies the client.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a new name for the client.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the preferred servers for the client (host). Valid values include the computer name or ID of one or more servers. Computer names must be either unique or fully qualified. Multiple servers should be separated by commas, for instance "SSVVM01", "SSVVM02", "SSVVM03". The Auto Select option (available in the console) is not supported in this cmdlet.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set or change the description of the client. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the operating system type of the client. Specify one of the following types: "WindowsServer2012" if the client host is running Windows Server 2012 and later. "WindowsServer2008" if the client host is running Windows Server 2008. "Windows" if the client host is running any Windows operating system version prior to Windows Server 2008. "Esx" if the client host is running VMware ESX. "CitrixXenServer" if the client host is running Citrix Xen Server. "SuseEnterpriseLinusServer11" if the client host is running Linux Suse Enterprise Server 11. "Linux" if the client host is running any Linux operating system other than Linux Suse Enterprise Server 11. "AixMpio" if the client host is running IBM AIX Native MPIO Legacy. "AixMpioTL6Plus" if the client host is running IBM AIX. "HPUX" if the client is running HP HPUX. "SolarisSanFoundation" if the client host is running Oracle (Sun) Solaris. "Other" if the client host is running an operating system that is not listed.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set multipathing. Specify $true to enable multipathing or $false to disable multipathing. After this function is enabled, any virtual disk then served to a client will have one path from the client to each server.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set ALUA support. Specify $true to enable ALUA support or $false to disable ALUA support. After this function is enabled, any virtual disk then served to a client will have support for SCSI-3 target port group commands. Multipathing must be enabled in order to enable ALUA support (see Multipath parameter).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client.


ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client.


Also see Set-DcsPortProperties, Get-DcsClient.


-------------- Example 1 Sets properties for a client specified by name --------------

Set-DcsClientProperties -Client Host3 -PreferredServer SSV1 -ALUA $true

Sets properties for the client named "Host3". The preferred server is set to the server named "SSV1" and ALUA is enabled.

Type : WindowsServer2008
State : Online
MpioCapable : True
AluaSupport : True
PreferredServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Description :
HostName : Host3
Id : f9ce9aa11ab34f7a8309ca563e9af221
Caption : Host3
ExtendedCaption : Host3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets a property for all clients by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsClient | Set-DcsClientProperties -PreferredServer SSV2

The cmdlet Get-DcsClient is invoked to obtain ClientHostData objects for all clients. The objects are piped to Set-DcsClientProperties to set the preferred server for all clients to the server named "SSV2".

Type : WindowsServer2008
State : Online
MpioCapable : True
AluaSupport : False
PreferredServerId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
Description :
HostName : Host4
Id : fae898de7c5e4b8b83099f6f4d4703be
Caption : Host4
ExtendedCaption : Host4
Internal : False
Type : WindowsServer2008
State : Online
MpioCapable : True
AluaSupport : True
PreferredServerId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
Description :
HostName : Host3
Id : f9ce9aa11ab34f7a8309ca563e9af221
Caption : Host3
ExtendedCaption : Host3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Sets the multipath and ALUA settings for a virtual machine --------------

Set-DcsClientProperties -Client audi-vm1 -Multipath $true -ALUA $true

Changed the multipath and ALUA settings for the virtual machine named "audi-vm1". Enabled the multipath and ALUA settings by providing $true as the value for both.

HostId : 0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE-host-29
PowerState : PoweredOn
ProvisionedSpace : 62.24 GB
UsedSpace : 62.24 GB
Template : False
ConnectorId : 0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE
DatacenterId : 0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE-datacenter-21
Datastores : {0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE-datastore-41}
HostGroupId :
Type : WindowsServer2008
State : Unknown
MpioCapable : True
AluaSupport : True
PathPolicy : PreferredServer
PreferredServerId :
Description : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
HostName : audi-vm1
SequenceNumber : 57196
Id : 0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE-vm-44
Caption : audi-vm1
ExtendedCaption : audi-vm1 from esxvc55
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the history log size and retention period for a virtual disk with Continuous Data Protection (CDP).


Set-DcsDataProtectionProperties   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -HistorySize <DataSize> ]   [ -RetentionPeriod <TimeSpan> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the history log size and retention period for a virtual disk with Continuous Data Protection (CDP).


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk to protect.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The maximum size of the history log. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "10GB", "20.5GB", and "5000MB" are valid sizes. The history log size can range from a minimum of 8GB up to 1TB. If not specified, the history log size will be set to the default size which is 5% of the size of the CDP-enabled virtual disk or 8GB, whichever is larger. Setting the value of this parameter to zero will also set the maximum history log size to the default size.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the retention period of a virtual disk to a period that is less than the licensed retention period. The value should be in hours and can be entered as a Timespan object (see Windows Help for New-Object) or as a string consisting of numbers consisting of days, hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, "02:00:00" would represent two hours and "02:00:00:00" would represent two days. Minutes and seconds in the parameter value will be rounded up to the hour. For example, if the value entered is "02:30:15" the retention period will be set to three hours. To reset the value to the licensed retention period, use zero as the value or omit the value for this parameter. Note: To get the retention period setting, use the cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk specifying the server and virtual disk. See the RetentionTime field in the returned object. The value is displayed in milliseconds.

Required: false
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Enable-DcsDataProtection, Disable-DcsDataProtection


-------------- Example 1 Sets the maximum history size and the retention period for a CDPenabled virtual disk --------------

Set-DcsDataProtectionProperties -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -HistorySize 20GB -RetentionPeriod 02:00:00

The maximum history log for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" is set to be 20 GB. The retention period is set to 2 hours, which is less than the licensed retention time for the server group.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 16E92F64-1A7B-43C8-8FEA-40F508A99B95
SecondHostId : 8D3DE096-E3B4-427D-B0E1-4EC96C45F6E1
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 10 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 8edabe5777a0473bbd032b2bfcb28089
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D903C0CB706A1D1C3F91CBD2DC6
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
SequenceNumber : 2447
Id : 8edabe5777a0473bbd032b2bfcb28089
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group 1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Designates a connection to be the default connection.


Set-DcsDefaultConnection   -Connection <String>   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Designates a connection to be the default connection. A connection name is required for all cmdlets and if not specified, the default connection will be used.


Alias of the connection to the server group.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false




Also see Get-DcsDefaultConnection, Get-DcsConnection.


-------------- Example 1 Sets default connection --------------

Set-DcsDefaultConnection -Connection SSV1Connect

The default connection for the server group is set to the connection named "SSV1Connect".

To Table of Contents




THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Set-DcsPhysicalDiskPathPreference.


Set-DcsDiskPathPreference   -Path <Object>   -Preferred <Boolean>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Set-DcsPhysicalDiskPathPreference.



Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false





To Table of Contents




Changes the properties of a host group; such as name, description, Quality of Service settings, and Charge Back feature setting.


Set-DcsHostGroupProperties   -Group <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -MaxIoOperationsPerSec <UInt64> ]   [ -MaxDataTransferredPerSec <DataSize> ]   [ -EnableChargeBack <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Changes the properties of a host group; such as name, description, Quality of Service settings, and Charge Back feature setting.


HostGroupData object, name, or ID that identifies the host group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a new name for the host group.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the description of the host group. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The maximum number of operations per second allowed between a set of hosts in a host group and a particular server. The maximum number ranges from 1 to 2,147,483,647. To remove the value in order to disable the setting, set the value to "0".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The maximum amount of data that can be transferred per second between a set of hosts in a host group and a particular server. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (KB, MB, GB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100KB", "500MG", and "2.99GB" are valid amounts. Maximum amount can range from 1 KB to 3 GB. To remove the value in order to disable the setting, set the value to "0".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use the parameter to enable or disable the Charge Back setting for the host group. Specify $true to enable the feature or $false to disable the feature. Note: The recording server must be configured before enabling the Charge Back feature, see Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


HostGroupData : The object that identifies and describes the host group.


HostGroupData : The object that identifies and describes the host group.


Also see Add-DcsHostGroup, Add-DcsHostToGroup, Get-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostFromGroup, Remove-DcsHostGroup, Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Changes the name and description of the host group. --------------

Set-DcsHostGroupProperties -Group "HostGroup1" -Name "FinanceGroup1" -Description "A collection of hosts that serve the Finance Department for Region 1."

The name of the host group is changed from "HostGroup1" to "FinanceGroup1" and a description is added to the host group which reads: "A collection of hosts that serve the Finance Department for Region 1." The HostGroupData object is returned.

Alias : FinanceGroup1
Description : A collection of hosts that serve the Finance Department for Region 1.
SequenceNumber : 5052
Id : {9d34aa15-0f47-4a89-b12e-04778c5dccaf}
Caption : FinanceGroup1
ExtendedCaption : FinanceGroup1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets Quality of Service properties --------------

Set-DcsHostGroupProperties -Group HostGroup1 -MaxDataTransferredPerSec 3GB -MaxIoOperationsPerSec 100000 -EnableChargeBack $true

The maximum amount of data to be transferred per second is set to 3 GB and the maximum IO operations per second is set to 100,000 for the host group named "Host Group 1". The Charge Back feature is also enabled for the host group. Note: The recording server must be configured before the Charge Back feature is enabled, see Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties.

Alias : HostGroup1
Description :
StorageDomainSettings : DataCore.Executive.StorageDomainSettings
SequenceNumber : 15233
Id : {a1ad4425-dc4b-4b3d-b0c4-c28185eb56ca}
Caption : HostGroup1
ExtendedCaption : HostGroup1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets or identifies a hypervisor host when DataCore software is running on virtual machines on that hypervisor. This cmdlet allows virtual machines running DataCore software to create virtual disks from local storage resources and serve them to the host hypervisor.


Set-DcsHypervisorHost   -Server <Object>   [ -HypervisorHost <Object> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets or identifies a hypervisor host when DataCore software is running on virtual machines on that hypervisor. This cmdlet allows virtual machines running DataCore software to create virtual disks from local storage resources and serve them to the host hypervisor.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the virtual machine running DataCore software. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

ClientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies the hypervisor that hosts the server.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData object : Object that identifies and describes the server.


ServerHostData object : Object that identifies and describes the server.


Also see Add-DcsvCenter.


-------------- Example 1 Sets a hypervisor and virtual machine --------------

Get-DcsServer -Server SSVVM2 | Set-DcsHypervisorHost -HypervisorHost VMHost

The server named "SSVVM2" is a virtual machine with DataCore software installed. The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is invoked to return the ServerHostData object which is piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsHypervisorHost with the name of the hypervisor host "VMHost". This allows the server "SSVVM2" to create virtual disks from local storage resources and serve them to "VMHost".

GroupId : 78685465-1fb8-4d70-a6b5-2e3cb1335cdb
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:20CA1861-E7C5-43C4-996B-5EF0B8E68DB1
CacheSize : 0 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 10.0
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 9223372036854775807
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1.9 GB
AvailableSystemMemory : 334.02 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
LicenseExceeded : False
StorageUsed : 0 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::dc33:251e:102f:fa0e,, fe80::892e:3d88:9c7e:7137...}
LicenseNumber : 2495838828307655716
AluaGroupId : 4
IsVirtualMachine : True
HypervisorHostId : 783aac977e7d4d418792461ee0c42964
Description :
HostName :
MpioCapable : False
SequenceNumber : 62326
Id : 20CA1861-E7C5-43C4-996B-5EF0B8E68DB1
Caption : SSVVM2
ExtendedCaption : SSVVM2 in Group1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Changes the name of the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port on a server.


Set-DcsInitiatorNodeName   -Port <Object>   -Name <String>   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Changes the name of the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port on a server. The name is also known as the IQN.


The ScsiPortData object, name, ID, or address of the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port. In order to uniquely identify the port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The new name (IQN) for the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port. All letters must be entered in lowercase.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the initiator port.


Also see Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret.


-------------- Example 1 Changes the name by passing the object --------------

$port = Get-DcsPort -Machine SSV3 | ? { $_.Portmode -eq "initiator" }

Set-DcsInitiatorNodeName -Port $port -Name ssv3initiator

The cmdlet Get-DcsPort is invoked to get the SCSIPortData object for the initiator port on machine "SSV3". The object is stored in the variable $port.
The cmdlet Set-DcsInitiatorNodeName is invoked with the Port parameter value passed in the variable $port and the new name of "ssv3initiator". The new name (IQN) must be entered in lowercase.
InitiatorPortals : {fe80::e169:3c7b:3385:164, fe80::28ac:ee4a:8125:4b71,
fe80 : :835:d773:fc7f:fa16, fe80::35bb:6ee9:b2cf:1b93...}
iSnsServer : {}
TargetPortals : {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData}
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MSFT-05-1991
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Backend, Mirror
AluaId : 0
PortName : ssv3initiator
Alias : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
HostId : 84736D42-1CDC-438E-9C35-8CBAC6015E7F
Connected : True
SequenceNumber : 877
Id : ab8750ef-9743-49ea-a62b-2a2a782f9275
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets a secret for the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port on a server.


Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   -Secret <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets a secret for the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port on a server. The secret is used for mutual authentication.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The ScsiPortData object, name, ID, or address of the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port. In order to uniquely identify the port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the secret for the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port. The secret is 12-16 characters. Use caution when entering the secret, it will appear as typed on the display.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies the port (Microsoft iSCSI Initiator).


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies the port (Microsoft iSCSI Initiator).


Also see Add-DcsAccessToken, Connect-DcsiSCSITarget, Set-DcsInitiatorNodeName.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the secret by identifying the port by name (caption) --------------

Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret -Server SSV1 -Port "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" -Secret 111111111111

Sets the secret for the port named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" on the server "SSV1" to be "11111111111".

InitiatorPortals : {fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299, fe80::f13e:c21d:f0b8:c2e, fe80::d86e:28b1:6c8e:ee36...}
iSnsServer : {}
TargetPortals : {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData}
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MSFT-05-1991
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Backend, Mirror
PortName : SSV1MSiSCSIInitiator
Alias : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
HostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Connected : True
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MSFT-05-1991
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets host and mirror access to a logical disk (storage source of a virtual disk).


Set-DcsLogicalDiskAccess   -LogicalDisk <Object>   -AccessEnabled <Boolean>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets host and mirror access to a logical disk (storage source of a virtual disk). The cmdlet can either set host access (front-end paths) offline and disable mirror access, or set host access online and enable mirror access to a logical disk. The access setting is saved for persistence over computer restarts.


LogicalDiskData object, ID or caption that identifies a logical disk. The LogicalDiskData object can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to specify whether or not to enable host access and mirror access to the logical disk. Specify $true to enable access or $false to disable access.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false




Also see Get-DcsLogicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Disables access to a specified logical disk. --------------

Set-DcsLogicalDiskAccess -LogicalDisk (Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server StorageSvr001 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 3") -AccessEnabled $false

In this example the Logical disk is specified by invoking the cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk and supplying parameters to identify the server as "StorageSvr001" and the virtual disk as "Virtual disk 3". Access is disabled by supplying $false as the value of the parameter AccessEnabled.

-------------- Example 2 Disables access to all logical disks from a specified pool --------------

$LDs = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Pool "Disk pool 3"
$LDs | ForEach {Set-DcsLogicalDiskAccess -LogicalDisk $_ -AccessEnabled $false}

The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to get all LogicalDiskData objects for all logical disks created from the pool named "Disk pool 3" and the objects are saved in the variable $LDs. Then the cmdlet Set-DcsLogicalDiskAccess is invoked to disable access to each logical disk using the objects stored in the variable.

To Table of Contents




Sets or changes the pool used for the logstore.


Set-DcsLogStore   -Pool <Object>   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets or changes the pool used for the logstore.


DiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies the pool to use for the logstore. To uniquely identify a pool by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.


To remove the logstore setting of a server, see Reset-DcsLogStore.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the logstore for a server --------------

Get-DcsPool -Pool "Disk pool 1" | Set-DcsLogStore

The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is used to get the DiskPoolData object for the pool named "Disk pool 1". The object is piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsLogStore and the logstore is set to "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM01".

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : F51570F9-23FD-43C9-BE56-563D26220F18
SharedPoolId : {f554e264-6b97-11e6-80f4-00155d138904}
Alias : Disk pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
TierReservedPct : 0
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : False
SMPAApproved : False
SequenceNumber : 7010
Id : F51570F9-23FD-43C9-BE56-563D26220F18:{f554e264-6b97-11e6-80f4-00155d138904}
Caption : Disk pool 1
ExtendedCaption : Disk pool 1 on SSVVM01
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets a back-end or mirror Fibre Channel path to be preferred or non-preferred.


Set-DcsPhysicalDiskPathPreference   -Path <Object>   -Preferred <Boolean>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets a back-end or mirror Fibre Channel path to be preferred or non-preferred. A preferred path will always be used if available.


The physical disk ID or DiskPathData object that identifies the back-end or mirror Fibre Channel path.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set whether or not the path should be preferred. Specify $true to assign the path to be the preferred path to use. A preferred path will always be used if available. Specify $false to assign the path as non-preferred.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPathData : Object that identifies the path.


DiskPathData : Object that identifies the disk path.


Also see Get-DcsPhysicalDiskPath. To set front-end preferred path option and access rights, see Set-DcsVirtualLogicalUnitProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Sets a backend disk path to preferred --------------

Get-DcsPhysicalDiskPath -Server Server1 -Disk "Disk 0" | Set-DcsPhysicalDiskPathPreference -Preferred $true

The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDiskPath is invoked to obtain the DiskPathData object for the physical disk named "Disk 0" on the server named "Server1". This object is piped to Set-DcsPhysicalDiskPathPreference with the Preferred parameter set to true.

DiskId : D3B57824-4E23-4DBB-947B-F8EF13A6CBAD:naa.60030d9056566f6c31335f5365727665
InitiatorPortId : D3B57824-4E23-4DBB-947B-F8EF13A6CBAD:210000E08B1672E6
TargetPortId : 21-00-00-E0-8B-85-7E-B9
Lun : 0
Active : True
Preferred : True
Id : D3B57824-4E23-4DBB-947B-F8EF13A6CBAD:naa.60030d9056566f6c31335f5365727665-[I:210000E08B1672E6 T:21-00 -00-E0-8B-85-7E-B9 L:0]
Caption : LUN 0 on Server FC Port 3 on Server1 from 21-00-00-E0-8B-85-7E-B9
ExtendedCaption : LUN 0 on Server FC Port 3 on Server1 from 21-00-00-E0-8B-85-7E-B9
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets or changes the name of physical disk.


Set-DcsPhysicalDiskProperties   -Disk <Object>   [ -NewName <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsPhysicalDiskProperties   -SharedDisk <Object>   [ -NewName <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets or changes the name of physical disk.


PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that uniquely identifies a physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias to assign to the physical disk. The alias must be unique in the server group. to remove the current name and restore the default name, which is the concatenation of the vendor and product name, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

SharedPhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that uniquely identifies a shared physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



PhysicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes a physical disk.


Also see Get-DcsPhysicalDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Sets a physical disk name by passing an object --------------

$WDCDisk = Get-DcsPhysicalDisk | where {$_.caption -match "WDC*"}

Set-DcsPhysicalDiskProperties -Disk $WDCDisk -NewName SSV1-WDC50-1

The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is invoked to get all physical disk objects for disks that contain "WDC" in the caption. The results are stored in the variable $WDCDisk. In this case, there is one object in the variable. The cmdlet Set-DcsPhysicalDiskProperties is invoked using the variable $WDCDisk for the value of the parameter Disk and the parameter NewName is given the value "SSV1-WDC50-1". The alias of the disk is set to "SSV1-WDC50-1".

PoolMemberId : 9661d57d-30a5-4994-925e-ba92e0f067ad
HostId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81
SharedPhysicalDiskId :
PresenceStatus : Present
Alias : SSV1-WDC50-1
Size : 50.00 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
FreeSpace : 49.87 GB
InquiryData : DataCore SANmelody DCS VVol21
ScsiPath : Port 4, Bus 0, Target 4, LUN 0
DiskIndex : 1
SystemName : \\?\PhysicalDrive1
BusType : iScsi
Type : Pool
DiskStatus : Online
Partitioned : True
InUse : True
IsBootDisk : False
Protected : False
IsSolidState : False
UniqueIdentifier : naa.60030d9056566f6c3231000000000000
SequenceNumber : 11970
Id : {eaf8d9c0-302b-4c4a-9d37-23b0b407f668}
Caption : SSV1-WDC50-1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1-WDC50-1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Assigns or changes the tier number of a physical disk in a pool.


Set-DcsPoolMemberProperties   -PoolMember <Object>   [ -Pool <String> ]   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -DiskTier <Int32> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Assigns or changes the tier number of a physical disk in a pool.


PoolMemberData object, ID, or caption that identifies the physical disk that is a member of a disk pool.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies the disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The tier number in the pool that the physical disk should be assigned to. The tier number should not exceed the total number of tiers in the pool (see MaxTierNumber in Set-DcsPoolProperties).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PoolMemberData : Object the identifies and describes the pool member.


PoolMemberData : Object the identifies and describes the pool member.


Also see Get-DcsPoolMember


-------------- Example 1 Sets the property by identifying the pool member by caption --------------

Set-DcsPoolMemberProperties -PoolMember ""SSV1-WDC50-D1" -DiskTier 2

Sets the disk tier to 2 for the pool member with a caption of "SSV1-WDC50-D1". In this case, the name is unique in the server group and can be resolved without additional parameters.

DiskPoolId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929}
DiskInRecoveryId :
DiskTier : 2
MemberState : Healthy
Size : 50.00 GB
IsMirrored : False
SequenceNumber : 9675
Id : 865a3e60-4120-4ca8-9de5-d19dab509a7b
Caption : SSV1-WDC50-D1
ExtendedCaption : Pool disk SSV1-WDC50-D1 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets the properties of all members of a specified pool by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" | Set-DcsPoolMemberProperties -DiskTier 1

The cmdlet Get-DcsPoolMember is invoked to obtain the PoolMemberData objects for all pool members in the pool named "Disk pool 1". The objects are piped to Set-DcsPoolMemberProperties to set the disk tier to 1 for all pool members.

DiskPoolId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929}
DiskInRecoveryId : {0b89a4a7-242e-4f8b-926f-ecc9397d5cdf}
DiskTier : 1
MemberState : InRecovery
Size : 100.00 GB
IsMirrored : True
SequenceNumber : 9433
Id : ed78b36a-613a-4c28-b4d8-f00d0fc5fbec
Caption : SSV1-WDC100-D1|SSV1-WDC100-D2
ExtendedCaption : Pool mirror SSV1-WDC100-D1|SSV1-WDC100-D2 on SSV1
Internal : False
DiskPoolId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929}
DiskInRecoveryId :
DiskTier : 1
MemberState : Healthy
Size : 50.00 GB
IsMirrored : False
SequenceNumber : 9440
Id : 865a3e60-4120-4ca8-9de5-d19dab509a7b
Caption : SSV1-WDC50-D1
ExtendedCaption : Pool disk SSV1-WDC50-D1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the I/O Latency Thresholds for a pool member.


Set-DcsPoolMemberThreshold   -PoolMember <Object>   [ -Pool <String> ]   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -LatencyAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the I/O Latency Thresholds for a pool member (physical disks and DataCore Disks added to pools). Thresholds can be set for attention, warning, and critical levels which will generate the appropriate level messages in System Health.


PoolMemberData object, ID, or caption (name) that identifies the pool member. PoolMemberData objects can be retrieved with the cmdlet Get-DcsPoolMember.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies the disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The I/O latency threshold that will generate an attention message. The value is in milliseconds. Valid values are 0 to 60,000. The default value is 5,000 ms. For instance, when the I/O latency reaches 5,000 milliseconds, an attention message will be posted to the System Health tool.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The I/O latency threshold that will generate a warning message. The value is in milliseconds. Valid values are 0 to 60,000. The default value is 10,000 ms. For instance, when the I/O latency reaches 10,000 milliseconds, a warning message will be posted to the System Health tool.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The I/O latency threshold that will generate a critical message. The value is in milliseconds. Valid values are 0 to 60,000. The default value is 30,000 ms. For instance, when the I/O latency reaches 30,000 milliseconds, a critical message will be posted to the System Health tool.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PoolMemberData : Object the identifies and describes the pool member.


ThresholdMonitorTemplateData : Object the identifies and describes the thresholds for the pool member.


Also see related cmdlets: Set-DcsPoolMemberProperties, Get-DcsPoolMember.


-------------- Example 1 Sets new thresholds for a single pool member --------------

Get-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" -Disk "SSVVM01-WDC100-D1" | Set-DcsPoolMemberThreshold -LatencyAttention 10000 -LatencyWarning 20000 -LatencyCritical 40000

The cmdlet Get-DcsPoolMember is invoked to retrieve the PoolMemberData object for the disk named "SSVVM01-WDC100-D1" in the pool "Disk pool 1". The object is piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsPoolMemberThreshold to set the Latency Attention threshold to 10,000 milliseconds, the Latency Warning threshold to 20,000 milliseconds, and the Latency Critical threshold to 40,000 milliseconds. The ThresholdMonitorTemplateData object is returned.

AttentionLevel : 10000
WarningLevel : 20000
CriticalLevel : 40000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {4bd69b5c-3b15-4c7d-a474-191b204d707f}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Phy
SequenceNumber : 2853
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{4bd69b5c-3b15-4c7d-a474-191b204d
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {4bd69b5c-3b15-4c7d-a474-191b204d707f}
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets thresholds for all pool members in a specific pool --------------

Get-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" | ForEach {Set-DcsPoolMemberThreshold -PoolMember $_.Id -LatencyAttention 3000 -LatencyWarning 5000 -LatencyCritical 8000}

The cmdlet Get-DcsPoolMember is invoked to retrieve all PoolMemberData objects for the pool named "Disk pool 1". The ForEach loop is used to pipe each object to the cmdlet Set-DcsPoolMemberThreshold to set the Latency Attention threshold to 3,000 milliseconds, the Latency Warning threshold to 5,000 milliseconds, and the Latency Critical threshold to 8,000 milliseconds. The ThresholdMonitorTemplateData objects are returned.

AttentionLevel : 3000
WarningLevel : 5000
CriticalLevel : 8000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {4bd69b5c-3b15-4c7d-a474-191b204d707f}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Phy
SequenceNumber : 2916
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{4bd69b5c-3b15-4c7d-a474-191b204d
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {4bd69b5c-3b15-4c7d-a474-191b204d707f}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 3000
WarningLevel : 5000
CriticalLevel : 8000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {758b64d4-64e0-4e97-a763-6adfefa95dc6}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Phy
SequenceNumber : 2919
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{758b64d4-64e0-4e97-a763-6adfefa9
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {758b64d4-64e0-4e97-a763-6adfefa95dc6}
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 3000
WarningLevel : 5000
CriticalLevel : 8000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the physical disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.PhysicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : {5ce592f3-e676-4d24-94ad-7320f021e04b}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Phy
SequenceNumber : 2922
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<{5ce592f3-e676-4d24-94ad-7320f021
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of {5ce592f3-e676-4d24-94ad-7320f021e04b}
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a disk pool.


Set-DcsPoolProperties   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <Object>   [ -NewName <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -MaxTierNumber <Int32> ]   [ -TierReservedPct <Int32> ]   [ -SMPAApproved <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a disk pool. Specify the parameters to set or change.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies the disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. The DiskPoolData object can be obtained from Get-DcsPool.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The new name for the disk pool. The name must be unique in the server group.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a description of the pool. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a maximum number of tiers for the disk pool. Up to 15 tiers are allowed in a pool.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to reserve a percentage of space in each pool tier (except the lowest tier) to use for future virtual disk allocations. A valid value is a number between 0 and 95 which refers to the percentage. For example, to reserve 20% space in each tier, enter the value "20".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to confirm that the pool is an actively shared pool containing disks that meet the requirements of a shared multi-port array. Specify $true if the pool is intended to be used as an actively shared pool and that all pool disks meet the requirements of a shared multi-port array. Specify $false to remove the acknowledgement.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies the pool.


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies the pool.


Also see Get-DcsPool.


-------------- Example 1 Sets properties for a pool specified by name --------------

Set-DcsPoolProperties -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -NewName "SSV1 SSD Pool 1" -MaxTierNumber 5 -TierReservedPct 10

Sets the pool properties for the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server "SSV1". The pool name is changed to "SSV1 SSD Pool 1". The maximum number of tiers in the pool is set to 5 and the percentage of preserved space in each tier is set to 10%.

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 8BFC6F8B-F0F3-48D9-AE9A-635BC66557C4
SharedPoolId :
Alias : SSV1 SSD Pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 64 MB
MaxTierNumber : 5
TierReservedPct : 10
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : False
SequenceNumber : 13194
Id : 8BFC6F8B-F0F3-48D9-AE9A-635BC66557C4:{5b98d064-c0ce-11e3-889b-00155d651603}
Caption : SSV1 SSD Pool 1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 SSD Pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets properties for all pools by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsPool | Set-DcsPoolProperties -MaxTierNumber 3

The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is invoked without parameters to obtain DiskPoolData objects for all pools in the server group. The objects are piped to Set-DcsPoolProperties to set the maximum number of tiers for all pools to 3.

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
SharedPoolId :
Alias : SSV2 SSD Pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
TierReservedPct : 0
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : False
SMPAApproved : False
SequenceNumber : 6942
Id : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}
Caption : SSV2 SSD Pool 1
ExtendedCaption : SSV2 SSD Pool 1 on SSV2
Internal : False
PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SharedPoolId :
Alias : SSV1 SSD Pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
SectorSize : 512 B
MaxTierNumber : 3
TierReservedPct : 0
AutoTieringEnabled : True
IsAuthorized : True
InSharedMode : False
SMPAApproved : False
SequenceNumber : 6942
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
Caption : SSV1 SSD Pool 1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 SSD Pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the Available Space Thresholds, I/O Latency Thresholds, and Pool Depletion Thresholds for a disk pool.


Set-DcsPoolThreshold   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <Object>   [ -AvailableSpaceAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -AvailableSpaceWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -AvailableSpaceCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsPoolThreshold   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <Object>   [ -LatencyAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsPoolThreshold   [ -Server <String> ]   -Pool <Object>   [ -PoolDepletionAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -PoolDepletionWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -PoolDepletionCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the Available Space Thresholds, I/O Latency Thresholds, and Pool Depletion Thresholds for a disk pool. Thresholds can be set for attention, warning, and critical levels which will generate the appropriate level messages in System Health.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

DiskPoolData or SharedDiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies the disk pool or shared disk pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. The objects can be obtained from Get-DcsPool or Get-DcsSharedPool.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The available space threshold that will generate an attention message. The value is a percentage of the total disk pool space. For instance, if the value is 40, when the available space is at 40% of the total disk pool space, an attention message will be posted to the System Health tool and Event Log.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The available space threshold that will generate a warning message. The value is a percentage of the total disk pool space. For instance, if the value is 30, when the available space is at 30% of the total disk pool space, a warning message will be posted to the System Health tool and Event Log.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The available space threshold that will generate a critical message. The value is a percentage of the total disk pool space. For instance, if the value is 20, when the available space is at 20% of the total disk pool space, a critical message will be posted to the System Health tool and Event Log.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The I/O latency threshold that will generate an attention message. The value is in milliseconds. Valid values are 0 to 60,000. The default value is 5,000 ms. For instance, when the I/O latency reaches 5,000 milliseconds, an attention message will be posted to the System Health tool and Event Log.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The I/O latency threshold that will generate a warning message. The value is in milliseconds. Valid values are 0 to 60,000. The default value is 10,000 ms. For instance, when the I/O latency reaches 10,000 milliseconds, a warning message will be posted to the System Health tool and Event Log.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The I/O latency threshold that will generate a critical message. The value is in milliseconds. Valid values are 0 to 60,000. The default value is 30,000 ms. For instance, when the I/O latency reaches 30,000 milliseconds, a critical message will be posted to the System Health tool and Event Log.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The pool depletion threshold that will generate an attention message. The threshold value is the number of days. Valid values range from 0 to 30. The value 0 disables the setting. The default value is 30 days. For example, when pool depletion is projected to be in 30 days, an attention message will be posted to the System Health tool and Event Log. The monitor stores the value in milliseconds.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The pool depletion threshold that will generate a warning message. The threshold value is the number of days. Valid values range from 0 to 30. The default value is 0 days which disables the setting. For example, if the value is 7, when pool depletion is projected to be in 7 days, a warning message will be posted to the System Health tool and Event Log. The monitor stores the value in milliseconds.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The pool depletion threshold that will generate a critical message. The threshold value is the number of days. Valid values range from 0 to 30. The default value is 0 days which disables the setting. For example, if the value is 2, when pool depletion is projected to be in 2 days, a critical message will be posted to the System Health tool and Event Log. The monitor stores the value in milliseconds.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPoolData or SharedDiskPoolData : Object that identifies the pool.


ThresholdMonitorTemplateData : Object that identifies and describes the threshold.


Also see Get-DcsPool, Get-DcsSharedPool.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the attention available space threshold by specifying the disk pool name --------------

Set-DcsPoolThreshold -Server SSVVM1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -AvailableSpaceAttention 40

Sets the attention available space threshold for the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM1". When the available space in the pool reaches 40% of the total disk pool space, an attention message will be generated in System Health and Event Log.

AttentionLevel : 40
WarningLevel : 20
CriticalLevel : 10
CounterName : PercentAvailable
Alias : Available space
Description : Monitors the disk pools available space percentage.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : E7CEDD96-F6B6-4A70-AA4E-6405F4DB1EC4:{f8748d9b-3704-11e1-9f4b-00155d133a22}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>PercentAvailable)
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<E7CEDD96-F6B6-4A70-AA4E-6405F4DB1EC4:{f8748d9b-3704-11e1-9f4b-00155d133a22}>PercentAvailable)
Caption : Available space
ExtendedCaption : Available space
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets the critical I/O latency threshold for all pools by piping in objects --------------

Get-DcsPool | foreach {Set-DcsPoolThreshold -Pool $_ -LatencyCritical 25000}

The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is invoked without parameters to retrieve DiskPoolData objects for all disk pools in the server group. The objects are piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsPoolThreshold using foreach to set the critical I/O latency threshold for each pool to 25,000 milliseconds. When the I/O latency reaches 25,000 ms, a critical message will be generated in System Health and Event Log. Each server has one pool so two objects are returned.

AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 25000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the disk pools latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : E7CEDD96-F6B6-4A70-AA4E-6405F4DB1EC4:{f8748d9b-3704-11e1-9f4b-00155d133a22}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>MaxReadWriteTime)
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<E7CEDD96-F6B6-4A70-AA4E-6405F4DB1EC4:{f8748d9b-3704-11e1-9f4b-00155d133a22}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 10000
CriticalLevel : 25000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the disk pools latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : DA6BF9C1-11EC-4167-8574-A6FE0B645905:{bee781c8-3706-11e1-b17d-00155d133a24}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.DiskPool>MaxReadWriteTime)
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DA6BF9C1-11EC-4167-8574-A6FE0B645905:{bee781c8-3706-11e1-b17d-00155d133a24}>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Set the attention level for the pool depletion threshold --------------

Get-DcsSharedPool -SharedPool "Shared pool 1" | Set-DcsPoolThreshold -PoolDepletionAttention 15

The cmdlet Get-DcsSharedPool is invoked to get the SharedPoolData object for the shared pool named "Shared pool 1". The object is piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsPoolThreshold to set the Pool Depletion Attention threshold to 15 days. An attention message will be generated when the pool depletion is projected to be 15 days away.

AttentionLevel : 1296000000
WarningLevel : 0
CriticalLevel : 0
CounterName : EstimatedDepletionTime
Alias : Pool Depletion
Description : Monitors the allocations in the shared pool. Estimates future allocations in time and alerts if
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.SharedPoolDepletionMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.Base.SharedDiskPool
MonitoredObjectId : {2dd77841-848e-11e6-80ec-00155d138904}
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.SharedPoolDepletionMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Base.Sha
SequenceNumber : 10997
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.SharedPoolDepletionMonitor<{2dd77841-848e-11e6-80ec-00155d138904}
Caption : Pool Depletion
ExtendedCaption : Pool Depletion of {2dd77841-848e-11e6-80ec-00155d138904}
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the alias or description of a server or client (host) port.


Set-DcsPortProperties   [ -Machine <String> ]   -Port <Object>   [ -NewName <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the alias or description of a server or client (host) port.


Computer name or ID that identifies a server, or the name or ID that identifies a client. The computer name of the server must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies the port to set or change. To uniquely identify the port by name, the machine must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the name (alias) for the port. Specify the new name.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a description of the port. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


To view the properties of the port such as port group, use Get-DcsPort. To set preferred server, use Set-DcsClientProperties, To set other server port properties see Set-DcsServerPortProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Changes the name and adds a description for a specified port --------------

Set-DcsPortProperties -Machine SSVVM01 -Port "Server iSCSI Port 2" -NewName "Server iSCSI Port FE MR" -Description "Zone 1, FE/MR"

Changes the name of the port "Server iSCSI Port 2" on server "SSVVM01" to "Server iSCSI Port FE MR" and adds a description "Zone 1, FE/MR".

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {, :, :}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-13-89-05
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
AluaId : 1029
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port FE MR
Description : Zone 1, FE/MR
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : F51570F9-23FD-43C9-BE56-563D26220F18
Connected : True
SequenceNumber : 9394
Id : d0618002-4ce6-41e7-8493-77b558a9c2cc
Caption : Server iSCSI Port FE MR
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port FE MR on SSVVM01
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets or changes the properties of a recording endpoint; such as local or remote SQL Server, and in case of a remote SQL Server; database name and credentials.


Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties   -Endpoint <Object>   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties   -Endpoint <Object>   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -UserName <String>   -Password <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties   -Endpoint <Object>   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -Credentials <PSCredential>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties   -Endpoint <Object>   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -UseWindowsAuthentication   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets or changes the properties of a recording endpoint; such as local or remote SQL Server, and in case of a remote SQL Server; database name and credentials.


The RecordingEndpointData object, name (caption) or ID that identifies a recording endpoint.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, Id, or computer name that identifies the local recording server.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The hostname that identifies a remote SQL server.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the SQL database where performance data will be stored on a remote SQL server. If the database does not exist, it will be created.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Username configured for the remote SQL Server login.

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Password configured for the remote SQL Server login.

Required: true
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The PSCredential object containing user name and password for a remote SQL Server. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential, see Example 3. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to indicate that Windows login credentials will be used to authenticate.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RecordingEndpointData : Object that identifies the endpoint.


RecordingEndpointData : The object describes the recording endpoint, which represents the recording server, database, and gives the current state of the recording service for the database.


This cmdlet replaces the obsolete cmdlet Set-DcsRecordingServer.


-------------- Example 1 Sets a local recording server for the server group --------------

Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties -Endpoint "User recording endpoint" -Server SSVVM02

The performance recording server is set to the local DataCore Server named "SSVVM02". The endpoint is identified by using the caption "User recording point" from the RecordingEndpointData object.

CurrentState : Connected
Alias : !UserRecordingEndpoint
EndpointType : LocalDb
Readonly : False
Settings : DataCore.Executive.LocalRecordingEndpointSettings
SequenceNumber : 4671
Id : 7A46DCA6-85CA-4E52-9329-A2CD7C565B14
Caption : User recording endpoint
ExtendedCaption : User recording endpoint
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets a remote SQL server and database and credentials using strings --------------

Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties -Endpoint "User recording endpoint" -RemoteServer "SQLServer" -DatabaseName "DcsPerf" -UserName "SQLUser" -Password "SQLpw001!"

The performance server is set to the remote SQL server with the hostname of "SQLServer" and the SQL database is named "DcsPerf". The SQL login credentials are username "SQLUser" and password "SQLpw001!". The endpoint to configure is identified by the caption "User recording endpoint" from the RecordingEndpointData object.

CurrentState : Connected
Alias : !UserRecordingEndpoint
EndpointType : RemoteDb
Readonly : False
Settings : DataCore.Executive.RemoteRecordingEndpointSettings
SequenceNumber : 441
Id : 7A46DCA6-85CA-4E52-9329-A2CD7C565B14
Caption : User recording endpoint
ExtendedCaption : User recording endpoint
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Sets a remote SQL server using Windows authentication --------------

Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties -Endpoint "User recording endpoint" -RemoteServer "SQLServer" -DatabaseName "DcsPerf" -UseWindowsAuthentication

The performance server is set to the remote SQL server with the hostname of "SQLServer" and the SQL database is named "DcsPerf". The switch parameter "UseWindowsAuthentication" is included to use Windows login credentials to authenticate. The endpoint to configure is identified by the caption "User recording endpoint" from the RecordingEndpointData object.

CurrentState : Connected
Alias : !UserRecordingEndpoint
EndpointType : RemoteDb
Readonly : False
Settings : DataCore.Executive.RemoteRecordingEndpointSettings
SequenceNumber : 441
Id : 7A46DCA6-85CA-4E52-9329-A2CD7C565B14
Caption : User recording endpoint
ExtendedCaption : User recording endpoint
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Sets a remote SQL server using using PSCredentials --------------

$SQLCreds = Get-Credential

Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint -Endpoint "User recording endpoint"  | Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties -RemoteServer "Semkovo1" -DatabaseName "DcsPerf" -Credentials $SQLCreds

The Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential is invoked to collect the credentials for the remote SQL Server. When Get-Credential is invoked a dialog box opens and the username and password of the recording server can be entered in a secure manner. The credentials of the recording server are saved to the variable $SQLCreds.

cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:

To Table of Contents




THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties.


Set-DcsRecordingServer   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsRecordingServer   -Server <Object>   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -UserName <String>   -Password <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsRecordingServer   -Server <Object>   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -Credentials <PSCredential>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsRecordingServer   -Server <Object>   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -UseWindowsAuthentication   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsRecordingServer   -Server <Object>   -ConnectionString <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties.



Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false





To Table of Contents




Sets or changes the replication buffer on a server.


Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder   -Server <Object>   [ -Folder <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets or changes the replication buffer on a server. The buffer should reside on the server used as the source of replications. The buffer is used to store outgoing I/Os which have not been transferred to the destination server. The buffer should be a local NTFS volume partition with a drive letter (and optional folder name). Use a dedicated volume to avoid contention with other system or application files. Do not use a buffer on the boot disk or a virtual disk.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the server where the buffer resides. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter designates the complete path to the replication buffer, beginning with the drive letter. For instance, "e:\repbuffer" or "e:\" could be valid examples. To remove the buffer folder, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.


string : Complete path to replication buffer.


Also see Get-DcsReplicationBufferFolder, Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroupProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the replication buffer on a specified server --------------

Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder -Server SSV1 -Folder E:\

Sets the replication buffer for server "SSV1" to drive "E:\".


To Table of Contents




Sends a checkpoint marker to the virtual disk in a replication. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group.


Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint   -Replication <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sends a checkpoint marker to the virtual disk in a replication. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group. When the operation is performed on a virtual disk group, all replications for the virtual disks in the group will be resolved and a checkpoint marker will be set for all applicable virtual disks on the local active side. (The rest will be ignored.) The checkpoint is inserted in the data stream of a local active virtual disk involved in a replication. When received at the destination, the checkpoint can initiate other operations. A checkpoint can be used to update an existing designated snapshot (see Set-DcsReplicationSnapshot) or as a trigger in tasks (see Add-DcsTrigger).


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the active virtual disk in the replication. The active virtual disk must be a local virtual disk for the connection. This virtual disk will send the checkpoint marker to the destination. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskData.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to set the checkpoint for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. All replications will be resolved for the virtual disks in the group and a checkpoint marker will be set for all applicable virtual disks on the local active side. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : The AsyncReplicationData object identifies and describes the replication relationship. The VirtualDiskData object identifies and describes the virtual disk in the replication which will send the checkpoint marker.


AsyncReplicationData : The object identifies and describes the replication relationship.


Checkpoints should always be marked (sent) when virtual disks are healthy and the replication transfer status is healthy. Data on the source virtual disk should be in a known good state. The virtual disk must be in the Active replication state. Checkpoints cannot be sent if the buffer is full or missing. Warning: If this cmdlet is invoked and those conditions are not met, then the checkpoint will not be sent. Do not send checkpoints when the virtual disk is in recovery, the snapshot may not be valid. Also see Set-DcsReplicationSnapshot, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsTrigger, Add-DcsTask.


-------------- Example 1 Inserts a checkpoint marker in a replication specified by virtual disk name --------------

Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint -Replication "Virtual disk 2"

Inserts a checkpoint marker in the data stream of the replication virtual disk named "Virtual disk 2". The checkpoint marker will be sent to the replication virtual disk on the destination.

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : ff69cf72849c49bdb319bb2b61970306
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fc9535748c98442b9d23f9aea0a8067f
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000002--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000027
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 647f5c8e-90ce-439f-adc9-c96a1ec4213d
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Inserts checkpoint markers for all replication virtual disk by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide | Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is invoked with the switch parameter ShowOnlyLocalSide to obtain all AsyncReplicationData objects for the local server group. The objects are piped to Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint resulting in checkpoint markers being sent for all active replication virtual disks in the local server group.

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 2ecb9cd180354c20873d1fee7399e700
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fbc7abc4b680468e9d3b5f0ff828d858
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000028--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 96e8b662-3897-43de-ae28-5e3e80e1e218
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : ff69cf72849c49bdb319bb2b61970306
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fc9535748c98442b9d23f9aea0a8067f
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000002--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000027
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 647f5c8e-90ce-439f-adc9-c96a1ec4213d
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Inserts checkpoint markers for eligible replications in a virtual disk group specified by name --------------

Set-DcsReplicationCheckpoint -VirtualDiskGroup VDGroup2

Inserts checkpoint markers for all eligible replications in the virtual disk group named "VDGroup2".

FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 14454ab447634aa880c102df9827db72
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 77192956a71845ebb9f214c167d8f2bf
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 7932cf6f-8857-4702-82b7-61878f2ead2b
Caption : Virtual disk 4
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 4 on SSVVM3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0
FirstVirtualDiskId : 1a2ff247d5aa4b0596eedf8d5835e857
SecondServerId : a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68
SecondVirtualDiskId : 9b1763a132cb41389c57a287bfc23414
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
TestModeStatus : Disabled
Id : 0b342a3c-48a4-45fb-8773-2a398e1cac32
Caption : Virtual disk 5
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 on SSVVM3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




A failover mechanism that sends a Replication Consistency Point marker for all members of a virtual disk group with an optional user-defined code to identify the marker. This cmdlet can be used in conjunction with the cmdlet Add-ReplicationConsistencyRollback to create CDP rollbacks on the destination when an application is known to be in a consistent state.


Set-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -UserDefinedCode <Byte> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


A failover mechanism that sends a Replication Consistency Point marker for all members of a virtual disk group with an optional user-defined code to identify the marker. This cmdlet can be used in conjunction with the cmdlet Add-ReplicationConsistencyRollback to create CDP rollbacks on the destination when an application is known to be in a consistent state. This cmdlet requires a virtual disk group on the source server that is being replicated to another virtual disk group with equivalent virtual disks on the destination server. In order to create rollbacks on the destination, CDP must be enabled for all virtual disks in the virtual disk group on the same server acting as the replication destination. Once the virtual disk group is created and a consistency point is sent, DO NOT add, remove or split any virtual disk in the group; this will invalidate all markers previously sent for the virtual disk group. Note: For mirrored virtual disks in a group, either server on the source side may replicate to the destination, although this in not an optimal configuration and we recommend using the same source server to replicate all virtual disks to the destination to keep I/O more consistent. In order to send markers that are in a known good state, before invoking this cmdlet, stop I/O to the group (until the call completes) and flush the cache on the hosts. Markers should be sent when virtual disks are healthy and the replication transfer status is healthy. Markers cannot be sent if the buffer is full or missing. When the cmdlet is invoked, the marker is inserted in the data stream of each local active virtual disk in the group. Each time a marker is received at the destination, the cache on the destination server is flushed.


VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group on the local active (source) side of the replications. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

An optional user-defined code used to identify the marker being sent or the condition of the data being marked. Valid values for the code are from 0 - 255. If a code is not specified, the default value of 0 will be sent.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies the virtual disk group sending the marker.



Also see Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint, Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback


-------------- Example 1 Sends a marker for a specified virtual disk group and userdefined code --------------

Set-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1" -UserDefinedCode 10

The cmdlet is invoked to send a marker for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1". The user-defined code is set to "10" which is a meaningful code to the user.

-------------- Example 2 Sends a marker for virtual disks in multiple virtual disk groups --------------

$RepConsistencyPtGroups = Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup | where {$_.Description -like "*consistency point*"}
$RepConsistencyPtGroups | ForEach {Set-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup $_ -UserDefinedCode 10}

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is used to get all the objects for virtual disk groups that contain the words "consistency point" in the description and save them to the variable "$RepConsistencyPtGroups. Then the cmdlet Set-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint is invoked for each VirtualDiskGroupData object saved in the variable. The user-defined code is set to "10" which is a meaningful code to the user.

To Table of Contents




Changes the initialization type for a replication.


Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType   -Replication <Object>   -Type <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   -Type <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Changes the initialization type for a replication. The initialization type can be set for active replications on the local server group.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the active local source virtual disk in the replication. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskData.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to specify the initialization type. Valid values are "online" or "offline".

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to set the replication initialization type for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsynchReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the replication or local source virtual disk in a replication.


AsynchReplicationData : Object that identifies the replication.


Also see Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization, Stop-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the initialization type for a replication specified by virtual disk name --------------

Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType -Replication "Virtual disk 1" -Type offline

Sets the initialization type to offline for the local replication virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 2ecb9cd180354c20873d1fee7399e700
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fbc7abc4b680468e9d3b5f0ff828d858
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000028--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000029
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Offline
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 96e8b662-3897-43de-ae28-5e3e80e1e218
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets the initialization type for all replications by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide | Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType -Type offline

The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is invoked with the switch parameter ShowOnlyLocalSide to obtain all AsyncReplicationData objects for the local server group. The objects are piped to Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType with the Type parameter set to offline. This causes the initialization type to be set as offline for all replication virtual disks in the local server group.

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : 2ecb9cd180354c20873d1fee7399e700
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fbc7abc4b680468e9d3b5f0ff828d858
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000028--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000029
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Offline
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 96e8b662-3897-43de-ae28-5e3e80e1e218
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False
FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : ff69cf72849c49bdb319bb2b61970306
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fc9535748c98442b9d23f9aea0a8067f
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000002--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000027
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Offline
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 647f5c8e-90ce-439f-adc9-c96a1ec4213d
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a remote replication partner group.


Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroupProperties   -ReplicationPartnerGroup <Object>   -RemoteUserName <String>   -RemotePassword <String>   [ -Address <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroupProperties   -ReplicationPartnerGroup <Object>   [ -EnableCompression <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroupProperties   -ReplicationPartnerServer <String>   -RemoteUserName <String>   -RemotePassword <String>   [ -Address <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroupProperties   -ReplicationPartnerServer <String>   [ -EnableCompression <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a remote replication partner group. Specify the parameters to change or set. If a parameter is not specified, it will not be changed from the current setting.


PartnershipData object, ServerHostGroupData object, Server Host Group name, or Server Host Group ID that identifies the remote replication partner group. The remote group can be identified using this parameter or the parameter ReplicationPartnerServer.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The user name of the account used to connect to the remote server group. User names must match Windows user accounts and must reside on all servers in the remote server group. Credentials can be domain-wide or local (workgroup). If credentials are domain-wide, include the domain with the name.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The login password that corresponds to the remote user name.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The server name or IP address of a server in the remote replication partner group used to make the connection. This remote server will field communications from the local group. If an IP address is specified, only that address will be used. For instance, valid values could be an IP address such as "" or a server name such as "SSV1".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set whether or not to enable data compression. Specify $true to enable data compression or $false to disable data compression on the remote replication server. By default data compression is enabled for remote replication servers. If replication data is already compressed in some other manner on the remote replication server, such as through a hardware VPN device with native compression, then data compression is not required and can be disabled.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of any server in the remote replication partner group. This server will be used to identify the remote replication partner group. The remote group can be identified using this parameter or the parameter ReplicationPartnerGroup.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PartnershipData or ServerHostGroupData : Object that identifies the replication partner group.


PartnershipData : Object that identifies the replication partner group.


Also see Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Enables compression for a replication partner group specified by name --------------

Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroupProperties -ReplicationPartnerGroup REMOTE -EnableCompression $True

Data compression is enabled for the replication partner group named REMOTE.

GroupId : a1ce3063-d80c-4aa7-90f6-a528aa3d2a20
HostAddresses : {}
IncomingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
OutgoingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
Connected : True
EnableCompression : True
Id : 8c9bba43-cc5d-4d7d-bbda-0282a8fb492f
Caption : ControllerProxy
ExtendedCaption : ControllerProxy
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Changes the remote user name and password --------------

Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroupProperties -ReplicationPartnerServer SSV3 -RemoteUserName LHoward -RemotePassword $LH03421d

Changes the user name and password for the remote replication partner server SSV3. The user name is set to LHoward and the password is set to $LH03421d.

GroupId : a1ce3063-d80c-4aa7-90f6-a528aa3d2a20
HostAddresses : {}
IncomingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
OutgoingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
Connected : False
EnableCompression : True
Id : 8c9bba43-cc5d-4d7d-bbda-0282a8fb492f
Caption : ControllerProxy
ExtendedCaption : ControllerProxy
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Changes the address of the remote replication server --------------

Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroupProperties -ReplicationPartnerServer SSV2 -RemoteUserName Administrator -RemotePassword PWXXXXXX01 -Address SSV1

A connection to the remote server group is made through the replication partner server named "SSV2". Credentials for SSV2 are supplied as "Administrator" as the user name and "PWXXXXXX01" as the password. The remote replication partner server is changed to "SSV1". The server "SSV1" will field communications from the local replication group.

GroupId : 956be680-7c12-4c95-b54b-5219a20d1c44
HostAddresses : {SSV1}
IncomingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
OutgoingCredentials : DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials
Connected : False
EnableCompression : True
SequenceNumber : 12057
Id : e9657c2e-d289-4c35-8ae3-04fbed2a2343
Caption : ControllerProxy
ExtendedCaption : ControllerProxy
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Assigns a snapshot to be updated for the destination virtual disk when a checkpoint is received.


Set-DcsReplicationSnapshot   -Replication <Object>   [ -Snapshot <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Assigns a snapshot to be updated for the destination virtual disk when a checkpoint is received, see Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the local virtual disk in the replication. The virtual disk must be a local virtual disk for the connection. This virtual disk will receive the checkpoint marker used to update the snapshot. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskData.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the snapshot to update. The virtual disk specified for the Replication parameter must be the source of the snapshot. To remove the snapshot, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : The object that identifies the replication. The VirtualDiskData object can also be used to identify the virtual disk in the replication that will receive the checkpoint marker used to update the snapshot.


AsyncReplicationData : The object that identifies the replication.


Also see Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Sets a replication snapshot for a replication specified by name --------------

Set-DcsReplicationSnapshot -Replication "Virtual disk 2" -Snapshot "Virtual disk 2 @ 8/31/2011 11:41:58 AM"

Sets the snapshot named "Virtual disk 2 @ 8/31/2011 11:41:58 AM" as a replication snapshot. The local virtual disk involved in the replication is named "Virtual disk 2". This snapshot will be updated when a checkpoint marker is sent (see Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint).

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : ff69cf72849c49bdb319bb2b61970306
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fc9535748c98442b9d23f9aea0a8067f
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000002--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-00000027
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 647f5c8e-90ce-439f-adc9-c96a1ec4213d
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the IP address of the partner replication server used for data transfers.


Set-DcsReplicationTransferAddress   -PartnerServer <Object>   -Address <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the IP address of the partner replication server used for data transfers.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the partner replication server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The partner server IP address to use for data transfers. For instance, "172.99.999.99". To set the address to use the default IP address resolved by the DNS server, use "default".

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the partner server.


string : The IP address that was set is returned. If the default was set, "default" is returned.


Also see Get-DcsReplicationTransferAddress, Set-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the IP address of the partner server by piping the object --------------

Get-DcsServer -ServerGroup Remote -Server SSV4 | Set-DcsReplicationTransferAddress

The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is invoked to get the ServerHostData object for the server named "SSV4" in the server group named "Remote". The object is piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsReplicationTransferAddress to identify the partner server and the IP address is set to

To Table of Contents




Sets or changes the properties of a user role.


Set-DcsRoleProperties   -Role <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -General <GeneralPrivileges> ]   [ -Ports <PortPrivileges> ]   [ -ClientMachines <ClientMachinePrivileges> ]   [ -HostGroups <HostGroupPrivileges> ]   [ -ServerMachines <ServerMachinePrivileges> ]   [ -ServerMachineGroups <ServerMachineGroupPrivileges> ]   [ -VirtualDisks <VirtualDiskPrivileges> ]   [ -Snapshots <SnapshotPrivileges> ]   [ -Rollbacks <RollbackPrivileges> ]   [ -Replications <ReplicationPrivileges> ]   [ -PhysicalDisks <PhysicalDiskPrivileges> ]   [ -DiskPools <DiskPoolPrivileges> ]   [ -Controller <ExecutivePrivileges> ]   [ -PartnerController <PartnerControllerPrivileges> ]   [ -Users <UserPrivileges> ]   [ -Roles <RolePrivileges> ]   [ -StorageProfiles <StorageProfilePrivileges> ]   [ -Tasks <TaskPrivileges> ]   [ -Monitors <MonitorPrivileges> ]   [ -Logs <LogPrivileges> ]   [ -VirtualDiskGroups <VirtualDiskGroupPrivileges> ]   [ -License <LicensePrivileges> ]   [ -PerformanceRecording <PerformanceRecordingPriviledges> ]   [ -VirtualDiskTemplate <VirtualDiskTemplatePrivileges> ]   [ -Witness <WitnessPrivileges> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets or changes the properties of a user role. Specify the parameters to set or change. The ability to view information in the software, a privilege in the General privilege set, cannot be removed from a role.


RoleData object, ID, or alias that identifies the role. The RoleData object can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsRole.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the user role.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Description of the user role.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the General privilege set, which grants general privileges such as viewing information. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set. The ability to view information in the software, a privilege in the General privilege set, cannot be removed from a role.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Ports privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the ClientMachines privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the HostGroups privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the ServerMachines privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the ServerMachineGroups privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the VirtualDisks privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Snapshots privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Rollbacks privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Replications privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the PhysicalDisks privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the DiskPools privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Controller privilege set, which grants privileges to perform actions on service level operations. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the PartnerController privilege set, which grants privileges to perform actions on Replication Partners. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Users privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Roles privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the StorageProfiles privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Tasks privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Monitors privilege set, which grants privileges to perform actions on system health monitors. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the Logs privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the VirtualDiskGroups privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the License privilege set, which grants privileges to perform actions on software licenses. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the PerformanceRecording privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Adds or removes the VirtualDiskTemplate privilege set. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RoleData : Object that identifies the role.


RoleData : Object that identifies the role.


Also see Add-DcsRole, Get-DcsRole, Remove-DcsRole.


-------------- Example 1 Adds and removes privilege sets from a role. --------------

Set-DcsRoleProperties -Role "RoleY" -VirtualDisks All -Snapshots All -Rollbacks All -Ports None

The cmdlet adds the privilege sets "VirtualDisks", "Snapshots", and "Rollbacks", and removes the privilege sets "Ports" from the role named "RoleY". The RoleData object is returned.

Alias : RoleY
Description :
Privileges : General privileges: All
Host privileges : All
Host group privileges : All
DataCore Server privileges : All
DataCore Server group privileges : All
Virtual disk privileges : All
Snapshot privileges : All
Rollback privileges : All
SequenceNumber : 7779
Id : f59693a2-ebf0-4972-a60b-782400b314f4
Caption : RoleY
ExtendedCaption : RoleY
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a rollback.


Set-DcsRollbackProperties   -Rollback <Object>   [ -WriteThrough <Boolean> ]   [ -Alias <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -StorageProfile <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsRollbackProperties   [ -WriteThrough <Boolean> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Alias <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -StorageProfile <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a rollback. Specify the parameters to set or change. The rollback can be identified by using either the Rollback or VirtualDisk parameter.


RollbackData object, name (alias), or ID that identifies the rollback.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to specify whether to enable or disable cache write-through for the virtual disk. Specify $true to enable cache write-through or $false to disable cache write-through. When enabled, all write operations to the virtual disk are written directly to the back-end storage and then acknowledged. This setting is disabled by default.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the name of the rollback.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a description of the rollback. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the storage profile. Valid values in order from highest priority to lowest priority are: "Critical", "High", "Normal", "Low", and "Archive". A custom storage profile can also be set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name (alias), or ID that identifies the rollback. The VirtualDiskData object can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RollbackData : Object that identifies the rollback.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the rollback virtual disk.



-------------- Example 1 Changes rollback properties using the alias to identify the rollback. --------------

Set-DcsRollbackProperties -Rollback "VD1 RB1" -WriteThrough $true -Alias "Virtual disk 1 RB 050516" -StorageProfile "High"

The cmdlet uses the alias of the rollback "VD1 RB1" as the value for the parameter Rollback. Write-through is enabled, the alias is changed to "Virtual disk 1 RB 050515" and the storage profile is set to "High".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 9C459815-28B7-45E1-9228-1C9B3EABF124
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : A122B0E3-7D32-4783-BDE4-619049C936C9
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1 RB 050516
Description :
Size : 100 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 0514fca72801485e800916a72970ec0c
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D9019AA2B07F90286529EABA0A2
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : True
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : High
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 8212
Id : 0514fca72801485e800916a72970ec0c
Caption : Virtual disk 1 RB 050516
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 RB 050516 from Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Changes the storage profile and writethrough settings on all rollbacks in the group using the VirtualDiskData objects to identify the rollbacks. --------------

$RBs = Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Kind Rollback
ForEach ($RB in $RBs) {Set-DcsRollbackProperties -VirtualDisk $RB.Id -WriteThrough $true -StorageProfile "High"}

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to return VirtualDiskData objects for all rollbacks in the group. The objects are saved to the variable $RBs, which is used with a ForEach loop to identify each rollback by ID for the parameter VirtualDisk. The cmdlet Set-DcsRollbackProperties enables Write-through and sets the storage profile to "High" for each rollback.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 9C459815-28B7-45E1-9228-1C9B3EABF124
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : A122B0E3-7D32-4783-BDE4-619049C936C9
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1 @ 5/31/2016 12:52:33 PM
Description :
Size : 100 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS db24560e43324c58b300559f4cb67085
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D909FF27607398D40D83219B9DB
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : True
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : High
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 9291
Id : db24560e43324c58b300559f4cb67085
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 5/31/2016 12:52:33 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 5/31/2016 12:52:33 PM from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 9C459815-28B7-45E1-9228-1C9B3EABF124
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : A122B0E3-7D32-4783-BDE4-619049C936C9
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1 @ 6/1/2016 3:51:22 PM
Description :
Size : 100 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 544a69d7023b4bed8894a6f92ddda7e9
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90E3F61702B9BAAFF26FE03F06
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : True
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : High
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 10248
Id : 544a69d7023b4bed8894a6f92ddda7e9
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 6/1/2016 3:51:22 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 6/1/2016 3:51:22 PM from Group1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the SCSI Inquiry data for a virtual disk.


Set-DcsSCSIInquiryData   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Product <String> ]   [ -Revision <String> ]   [ -Serial <String> ]   [ -Vendor <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Changes the SCSI Inquiry data for a virtual disk. This data is returned to the client host when discovering devices through SCSI inquiries. Specify the parameters to set or change. If a parameter is not specified it will not be changed from the current setting. CAUTION: Do not change these values unless you are certain that they need to be changed in order for client hosts to discover virtual disks or to properly function while using virtual disks. Changing these values unnecessarily or incorrectly will cause errors.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the product name.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the revision.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the serial number.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the vendor number.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the virtual disk.


InquiryData : Object that identifies and describes the SCSI Inquiry Data for the virtual disk.


Also see Get-DcsScsiInquiryData.


-------------- Example 1 Sets SCSI Inquiry Data for a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Set-DcsSCSIInquiryData -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Serial 00058321

Set the serial number to 00058321 for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".

Vendor                        Product                       Revision                      Serial
------                        -------                       --------                      ------
DataCore                      Virtual Disk                  DCS                           00058321

To Table of Contents




Changes the cache size of a server.


Set-DcsServerCacheSize   -Server <Object>   -Size <DataSize>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsServerCacheSize   -Server <Object>   [ -SystemManaged]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Changes the cache size of a server. After changing the cache size, the server must be stopped and restarted for the changes to take effect (see Stop-DcsServer, Start-DcsServer). Caution: The default setting is the system managed cache size which has been optimized for I/O performance based on memory in the server. Do not alter default settings unless you are aware of the affect your changes will have on performance.


ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify the new size of the cache. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB or GB). For example, "256MB" or "1GB" could be valid sizes.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the cache size to system managed, which is optimized for I/O performance by the operating system based on the amount of memory in the server.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.


Also see Get-DcsServerCacheSize, Get-DcsServer, Stop-DcsServer, Start-DcsServer.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the server cache for a server specified by name --------------

Set-DcsServerCacheSize -Server SSV1 -SystemManaged

The server cache for the server named "SSV1" is set to System Managed. In order for this to take effect the server must be stopped and restarted (see Stop-DcsServer, Start-DcsServer).

GroupId : 4ba07046-5f6b-44f1-acf8-41d77d0dc184
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId : V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000017
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 21546000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder : E:\
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 111.92 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Set the cache size for all servers by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsServer -ServerGroup LOCAL | Set-DcsServerCacheSize -Size 255MB

The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is invoked with the ServerGroup parameter to obtain all ServerHostData objects for the local server group named "LOCAL". The objects are piped to Set-DcsServerCacheSize with a size of 255MB. This causes the cache size of all servers in the LOCAL server group to be set to 255MB. In order for this to take effect the servers must be stopped and restarted (see Stop-DcsServer, Start-DcsServer).

GroupId : 4ba07046-5f6b-44f1-acf8-41d77d0dc184
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
CacheSize : 255.00 MB
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId : V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000017
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 21546000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder : E:\
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 111.92 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in LOCAL
Internal : False
GroupId : 4ba07046-5f6b-44f1-acf8-41d77d0dc184
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
CacheSize : 255.00 MB
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId : V.{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}-0000000B
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 21546000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 137.17 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df,, fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
Caption : SSV2
ExtendedCaption : SSV2 in LOCAL
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the default witness properties for the server group.


Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties   -Address <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties   -IOFenced   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties   -NoWitness   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the default witness properties for the server group. The default server group setting is applied to all virtual disks that are not individually configured to use a specific witness with the cmdlet Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties. The witness can be configured by providing an IP address for that witness. If the witness already exists and an IP address is provided, the IP address for the witness is changed. If a witness does not exist, it is created automatically using the provided IP address and assigned a default name. If there is an existing witness and it is set as either the -IOFenced or -NoWitness option, the witness is no longer needed and automatically deleted.


IP address of the witness. This parameter will either change the IP address of an existing witness, or create a new witness with the provided IP address if a witness does not already exist. New witness is created with the base name of "Witness" with a number appended, such as Witness 1, Witness 2.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to set the witness option for an existing witness as "IOFenced", which will deny host access to both active storage sources in applicable virtual disks.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to disable the witness and remove it from the server group configuration. This option does not disable host access in any way. Data will continue to flow through enabled front-end paths.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ServerHostGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the server group.


The current values for DefaultWitness (Witness ID), and DefaultWitnessOption are displayed in the returned object from Get-DcsServerGroup. Related cmdlets: Add-DcsWitness, Get-DcsWitness, Remove-DcsWitness, Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties, Set-DcsWitnessProperties, Invoke-DcsWitnessContact.


-------------- Example 1 Sets a new witness with the provided IP address --------------

Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties -Address ""

In the example, there was no witness set and therefore a new witness is created using the provided IP address "". The ServerHostGroupData object is returned. The data for the new witness (including the default name) can be retrieved using the cmdlet Get-DcsWitness.

OurGroup : True
Alias : Local
Description :
State : Present
SmtpSettings :
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
LicenseType : NFR
ContactData :
StorageUsed : 0 B
BulkStorageUsed : 0 B
MaxStorage : 1 PB
RecoverySpeed : 32
ExistingProductKeys : {, , , ...}
DataCoreStorageUsed : 700 GB
SupportBundleRelayAddress :
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SelfHealingDelay : 480
DefaultWitness : 542bedf181cc496091462bad5c5bc6b9
DefaultWitnessOption : Automatic
SequenceNumber : 641409
Id : 9c72ee84-b984-4d7a-a382-170f9d770e53
Caption : Local
ExtendedCaption : Local
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Existing default witness for the server group is set to IO Fenced --------------

Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties -IOFenced

The server group default witness is set to IOFenced, which disables host access to both active storage sources in affected virtual disks. In this case, the witness is no longer needed and is removed from the server group. The ServerHostGroupData object is returned.

OurGroup : True
Alias : Local
Description :
State : Present
SmtpSettings :
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
LicenseType : NFR
ContactData :
StorageUsed : 0 B
BulkStorageUsed : 0 B
MaxStorage : 1 PB
RecoverySpeed : 32
ExistingProductKeys : {, , , ...}
DataCoreStorageUsed : 700 GB
SupportBundleRelayAddress :
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SelfHealingDelay : 480
DefaultWitness :
DefaultWitnessOption : IoFenced
WitnessAllowed : True
SequenceNumber : 778703
Id : 9c72ee84-b984-4d7a-a382-170f9d770e53
Caption : Local
ExtendedCaption : Local
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets properties for the local server group .


Set-DcsServerGroupProperties   [ -Alias <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -RecoverySpeed <UInt32> ]   [ -SelfHealingDelay <Int32> ]   [ -SelfHealingDisabled <Boolean> ]   [ -SupportBundleRelayAddress <String> ]   [ -Telemetry <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the alias, description, recovery speed, support bundle relay server address, automatic self-healing, and telemetry settings used by the local server group. Specify the parameters to set or change.


Use this parameter to set a new name for the server group.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a description of the server group. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the overall mirror recovery for all servers in the server group. The value controls the number of commands that will be processed at the same time for each server in the group. Valid values include "0", "16", "32", "48", and "64". The default setting is "32". For instance, the maximum number of outstanding I/O commands per virtual disk is eight. If the default of 32 is used, then the approximate number of virtual disks that can recover at the same time is four. A value of "0" will suspend mirror recoveries for all servers in the group.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Sets the delay for the automatic self-healing feature. The value can be set in number of seconds, from a minimum of five seconds to a maximum of 60000 (1000 minutes). The default is 480 (eight minutes).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter enables or disables the automatic self-healing feature. Specify $true to disable or $false to enable.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the address or non-default port number for the Support Bundle Relay Server used by the server group. The address can be the hostname or IP address of the Relay Server running the Support Bundle Relay service. If using a hostname, a name resolution mechanism must be used to resolve the hostname to an IP address. For example, "Relay1" would set the Support Bundle Relay Server to the machine named "Relay1" using the default port number (3795). If the port is not included, the default port will be used. To set the address for a Relay Server using a non-default port number, enter the host name or IP address followed by a colon and then the non-default port number to use such as "Relay1:3700". In this case the non-default port "3700" would be set. (Note: using a non-default port also requires the port to be changed directly on the Relay Server, see the Release Notes for information.) See the cmdlet Test-DcsSupportBundleRelayAddress to test connections to the support bundle relay server.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to enable or disable machine data transmission (telemetry) to DataCore Software. Valid values are "Disabled" to disable machine data transmission, or "Enabled" to enable machine data transmission.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ServerHostGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the server group.


Also see Get-DcsServerGroup.


-------------- Example 1 Changes properties for the local server group --------------

Set-DcsServerGroupProperties -Alias "Local Group" -Description "SAN shop in Ft. Lauderdale, FL" -RecoverySpeed 0

Changes the name of the local server group to "Local Group", sets the description to be "SAN shop in Ft. Lauderdale, FL", and sets the Recovery speed to zero in order to suspend recovery for all servers in the group.

OurGroup : True
Alias : Local Group
Description : SAN shop in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
State : Present
SmtpSettings :
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
LicenseType : NFR
ContactData : DataCore.Executive.ContactData
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
RecoverySpeed : 0
ExistingProductKeys : {, , , }
Id : 4ba07046-5f6b-44f1-acf8-41d77d0dc184
Caption : Local Group
ExtendedCaption : Local Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets the support bundle relay address to use for the local server group --------------

Set-DcsServerGroupProperties -SupportBundleRelayAddress HostVM1

The cmdlet is invoked with the support bundle relay address set to the hostname "HostVM1". Since the port number is not specified, the default port number 3795 will be used.

OurGroup : True
Alias : Group1
Description :
State : Present
SmtpSettings :
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
LicenseType : NFR
ContactData :
StorageUsed : 0 B
MaxStorage : 1 PB
RecoverySpeed : 32
ExistingProductKeys : {, , }
DataCoreStorageUsed : 160 GB
SupportBundleRelayAddress : HostVM1
SequenceNumber : 7954
Id : 4b428832-fd51-45df-9c21-ce267e1ceb7a
Caption : Group1
ExtendedCaption : Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Enables automatic selfhealing and sets the delay. --------------

Set-DcsServerGroupProperties -SelfHealingDisabled $false  -SelfHealingDelay 3600

The automatic self-healing feature is enabled and the delay is set to 60 minutes for the local server group.

OurGroup : True
Alias : Server Group FTL
Description : Changed by the REST API
State : Present
SmtpSettings : DataCore.Executive.SmtpServerSettings
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
LicenseType : NFR
ContactData :
StorageUsed : 0 B
BulkStorageUsed : 0 B
MaxStorage : 1 PB
RecoverySpeed : 32
ExistingProductKeys : {, , , }
DataCoreStorageUsed : 511 GB
SupportBundleRelayAddress :
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SelfHealingDelay : 3600
SequenceNumber : 78559
Id : 1063f426-5fd0-4152-b6a6-d93b6f07ded1
Caption : Server Group FTL
ExtendedCaption : Server Group FTL
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a Fibre Channel or iSCSI target server port and reinitializes the port. Port group can be set. (To change the alias or description of a port, see Set-DcsPortProperties cmdlet.)


Set-DcsServerPortProperties   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   [ -NodeName <String> ]   [ -SCSIMode <String> ]   [ -PortRole <String[]> ]   [ -PortGroup <String> ]   [ -MaxActiveInitiatorCommands <UInt32> ]   [ -MaxActiveTargetCommands <UInt32> ]   [ -DisablePortWhileStopped <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsServerPortProperties   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   [ -NodeName <String> ]   [ -SCSIMode <String> ]   [ -PortRole <String[]> ]   [ -PortGroup <String> ]   [ -MaxActiveInitiatorCommands <UInt32> ]   [ -MaxActiveTargetCommands <UInt32> ]   [ -DisablePortWhileStopped <Boolean> ]   [ -PortName <String> ]   [ -ConnectionMode <String> ]   [ -DataRateMode <String> ]   [ -HardAssignedId <UInt32> ]   [ -HardIdMode <String> ]   [ -UseSoftWWN <Boolean> ]   [ -PortDownTimeout <UInt32> ]   [ -VmIdMode <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsServerPortProperties   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   [ -NodeName <String> ]   [ -SCSIMode <String> ]   [ -PortRole <String[]> ]   [ -PortGroup <String> ]   [ -MaxActiveInitiatorCommands <UInt32> ]   [ -MaxActiveTargetCommands <UInt32> ]   [ -DisablePortWhileStopped <Boolean> ]   [ -Authentication <String> ]   [ -AutoLoginMode <String> ]   [ -InstanceName <String> ]   [ -ISID <UInt64> ]   [ -RecoveryLevel <String> ]   [ -TPGT <UInt32> ]   [ -TCPPort <UInt16> ]   [ -IPAddress <String> ]   [ -iSNSServerAddress <String> ]   [ -iSNSDomainName <String> ]   [ -iSNSTCPPort <UInt16> ]   [ -iSNSEnabled <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a Fibre Channel or iSCSI target server port and reinitializes the port. Port group can be set. (To change the alias or description of a port, see Set-DcsPortProperties cmdlet.) CAUTION: Some settings will affect performance. Do not alter settings unless you are familiar with the options and understand the ramifications of the changes.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies the port. To uniquely identify the port by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the node name (IQN or WWN) of a port or to set the node name of the Fibre Channel port when using the Soft WWN feature. If changing an IQN, all letters must be entered in lowercase. To use the Soft WWN feature, the parameter UseSoftWWN must be enabled.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a SCSI mode for the port. Parameter values are Initiator, InitiatorTarget, Target, or NonScsi.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set one or more port roles for the port. Port roles regulate the use of ports. Valid values include: "Frontend" allows the port to be used to serve virtual disks to client hosts. "Backend" allows the port to be used to access physical disk storage. "Mirror" allows the port to be used in mirroring virtual disk data between servers. "None" will prohibit use of the port. This value should not be combined with other values in the same operation.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a port group for the server FC port or iSCSI target port. The valid value for this parameter is the name of the port group in quotation marks, for instance "Port group 1". To remove the port from the port group, use an empty string as the value; for example "". Port groups are not valid for iSCSI initiator ports or loopback ports.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the maximum number of active outstanding initiator commands. The default setting is dependent on card capabilities and port mode.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the maximum number of active outstanding target commands. The default setting is dependent on card capabilities and port mode.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to enable or disable the Disable Port While Stopped function. Specify $true to enable the function or $false to disable the function. When Disable Port While Stopped is enabled, the port is offlined and logged out when the server is stopped. This function is required by some client host operating systems to properly failover. The SCSI mode of the target port should be set to target (see ScsiMode parameter).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the soft WWN port name of the Fibre Channel port. To use the Soft WWN feature, the parameter UseSoftWWN must also be enabled.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the connection mode (or preferred topology) of the Fibre Channel port. Valid values include: "Default" allows the port to set the connection mode. "P2P" will set the mode as Point to Point only. "LoopThanP2P" will set the mode as Loop being preferred, otherwise Point to Point is used. "P2PThanLoop" will set the mode as Point to Point being preferred, otherwise Loop is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the data rate (link speed) of the Fibre Channel port. Parameter values are Auto, Default, OneGB, TwoGB, FourGB, or EightGB. "Default" allows the port to set the data rate. "Auto" allows the port to set the data rate by sensing the current data rate on the link (if the port has this capability).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the new loop ID to use for the Fibre Channel port. When specified, the parameter HardIDMode must be enabled.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set whether or not a fixed loop ID should be assigned for the Fibre Channel port. Valid values include: "Default" allows the port to determine if the loop ID should be assigned. If set, the HardAssignedId parameter must be specified. "Enabled" will allow the port to assign a fixed loop ID. If set, the HardAssignedID parameter must be specified. "Disabled" will disabled the fixed loop ID.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to enable or disable the Soft WWN feature. When enabled, Fibre Channel ports can be identified using a substitute World Wide Name (WWN). When soft WWNs are used, Fibre Channel HBAs can be replaced without having to unserve virtual disks and then reserve virtual disks to hosts again using the WWNs of the new HBAs. Specify $true to enable the Soft WWN feature. If enabled, the parameters NodeName and PortName must also be specified. Specify $false to disable the Soft WWN feature.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the delay time in seconds before a Fibre Channel port is considered offline and will be logged off.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to enable or disable support for the Brocade VM Insight switch feature. Enter "Brocade" to enable the feature or "None" to disable the feature.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the CHAP authentication for the iSCSI target port. Parameter values are "Default", "None", or "CHAP". "Default" will allow the initiator to determine whether to use CHAP. If "Default" or "CHAP" is specified, the target secret will have to be provided (see Add-DcsAccessToken).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to designate if the iSCSI port should be automatically logged in. Parameter values include: "Enabled" will allow the port to be automatically logged in. "Disabled" will prevent the port from being automatically logged in. "Default" will allow the port to determine.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the Initiator Instance Name for an iSCSI port.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the initiator session ID (ISID) for an iSCSI port.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the recovery level of the port. Valid vales include "Default", "ConnectionLost", "DigestFailure", or "SessionFailure".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the Target Portal Group Tag (TPGT) for an iSCSI port.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the TCP port to use to connect to the iSCSI port. The default is 3260, which should be correct for standard environments.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the IP address of the iSCSI port.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the address of the iSNS server. This parameter is only valid if iSNS is enabled for the iSCSI port. (See the ISNSEnabled parameter.)

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the domain name of the iSNS server. This parameter is only valid if iSNS is enabled for the iSCSI port. (See the ISNSEnabled parameter.)

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the TCP port to use for the iSNS server. The default port is 3205, which should be correct for standard environments. This parameter is only valid if iSNS is enabled for the iSCSI port. (See the ISNSEnabled parameter.)

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to designate whether or not iSNS is used. Specify $true if using iSNS or $false if iSNS is not used. When this parameter is specified as $true, the parameters IsnsServerAddress, IsnsDomainName, and IsnsTcpPort must also be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


Also see Set-DcsPortProperties, Get-DcsPort, Get-DcsPortConnection, Get-DcsFcPortConnection, Set-DcsInitiatorNodeName, Set-DcsInitiatorSecret, Add-DcsAccessToken.


-------------- Example 1 Sets various properties for an iSCSI port specified by name --------------

Set-DcsServerPortProperties -Server SSV1  -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1" -SCSIMode Target -PortRole "Frontend", "Mirror" -Authentication CHAP -PortGroup "Zone 1"

The SCSI mode is changed to Target, the port role is changed to "Frontend" and "Mirror", CHAP authentication is enabled, and a port group "Zone 1" is set for the port named "Server iSCSI Port 4" on the server "SSVVM01".

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {, :, :}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-13-89-06
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
AluaId : 1028
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 4
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : F51570F9-23FD-43C9-BE56-563D26220F18
Connected : True
SequenceNumber : 9399
Id : 545e91a1-67d1-49fc-a36c-f843c7578cda
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 4
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 4 on SSVVM01
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets iSNS server properties for all server ports by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsPort -Type iSCSI -MachineType Servers | Set-DcsServerPortProperties -iSNSServerAddress -iSNSDomainName -iSNSEnabled $true

The cmdlet Get-DcsPort is invoked with Type parameter set to iSCSI and MachineType parameter set to Servers to obtain the ScsiPortData objects for all iSCSI server ports. The objects are piped to Set-DcsServerPort to enable iSNS for all iSCSI server ports. The iSNS server address is set to and the iSNS domain name is set to

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,,,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-21
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 2
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Connected : True
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-21
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 2
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV1
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {microsoft iscsi initiator,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Connected : True
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,,,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-22
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 2
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
Connected : True
Id : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-22
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 2
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-10
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
Connected : False
Id : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-10
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Changes the node name (IQN) of an iSCSI target port --------------

Set-DcsServerPortProperties -Server SSV3 -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1" -NodeName ""

Changes the node name (IQN) of the port "iSCSI Port 1" on server "SSV3" to "". The IQN must be entered in lowercase.

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-4A
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
AluaId : 1031
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 84736D42-1CDC-438E-9C35-8CBAC6015E7F
Connected : False
SequenceNumber : 971
Id : 1ca453a7-8250-4b3d-8aef-0b84f3664cf2
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the Busy Count per Second Thresholds for a Fibre Channel server port.


Set-DcsServerPortThreshold   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   [ -BusyCountAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -BusyCountWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -BusyCountCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the Busy Count per Second Thresholds for a Fibre Channel server port. Thresholds can be set for attention, warning, and critical levels which will generate the appropriate level messages in System Health.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies the port. To uniquely identify the port by name, the server must be specified. The ScsiPortData object can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsPort.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will cause an attention message to be generated when the busy port count for a port reaches the attention threshold that is set. The value is the number of times per second that the port sends busy due to a queue full condition. The default value is "1" per second. Valid values are "0" - "10000". In the default case, when the port busy count reaches 1 per second, an attention message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will cause a warning message to be generated when the busy port count for a port reaches the warning threshold that is set. The value is the number of times per second that the port sends busy due to a queue full condition. The default value is "1000" per second. Valid values are "0" - "10000". In the default case, when the port busy count reaches 1000 per second, a warning message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will cause a critical message to be generated when the busy port count for a port reaches the critical threshold that is set. The value is the number of times per second that the port sends busy due to a queue full condition. The default value is "2000" per second. Valid values are "0" - "10000". In the default case, when the port busy count reaches 2000 per second, a critical message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies the port.


ThresholdMonitorTemplateData : A type of MonitorTemplateData object which identifies and describes the threshold monitor.


Also see Set-DcsPortProperties, Get-DcsPort,


-------------- Example 1 Sets all thresholds for a port by name --------------

Set-DcsServerPortThreshold -Server "Server2" -Port "Server FC Port 3" -BusyCountAttention 500 -BusyCountWarning 1000 -BusyCountCritical 2000

The cmdlet is invoked to set the thresholds for the port named "Server FC Port 3" on the server named "Server2". The attention threshold is set to "500" per second, the warning threshold is set to "1000" per second, and the critical threshold is set to "2000" per second.

AttentionLevel : 500
WarningLevel : 1000
CriticalLevel : 2000
CounterName : BusyCount
Alias : Busy count / sec
Description : Monitors the number of busy per second on the port
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerScsiPort
MonitoredObjectId : b549dc1d-7d26-4ffd-b1b4-6a71427f1fb7
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Ser
SequenceNumber : 796
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<b549dc1d-7d26-4ffd-b1b4-6a71427f1
Caption : Busy count / sec
ExtendedCaption : Busy count / sec of b549dc1d-7d26-4ffd-b1b4-6a71427f1fb7
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets the critical threshold for all Fibre Channel ports on a specific server --------------

Get-DcsPort -Type FibreChannel -Machine "Server2" | ForEach  { Set-DcsServerPortThreshold -Port $_.Id -BusyCountCritical 1500 }

The Get-DcsPort cmdlet is invoked to get the ScsiPortData objects for all Fibre Channel ports on the machine named "Server1". The objects are piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsServerPortThreshold and the critical level threshold is set to "1500" per second.

AttentionLevel : 500
WarningLevel : 1000
CriticalLevel : 1500
CounterName : BusyCount
Alias : Busy count / sec
Description : Monitors the number of busy per second on the port
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerScsiPort
MonitoredObjectId : b549dc1d-7d26-4ffd-b1b4-6a71427f1fb7
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Ser
SequenceNumber : 800
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<b549dc1d-7d26-4ffd-b1b4-6a71427f1
Caption : Busy count / sec
ExtendedCaption : Busy count / sec of b549dc1d-7d26-4ffd-b1b4-6a71427f1fb7
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the description of the specified server.


Set-DcsServerProperties   -Server <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the description of the specified server.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. The object can be obtained using Get-DcsServer.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify the new description for the server. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


For other server settings see Set-DcsServerCacheSize, Set-DcsLogStore, Set-DcsSnapshotMapstore, Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder, Set-DcsBackUpFolder. To set port properties for a server, see Set-DcsServerPortProperties,


-------------- Example 1 Sets the description for a specified server --------------

Set-DcsServerProperties -Server SSV1 -Description "Storage server located in Ft. Lauderdale Lab2 Room 13E."

The description for the server SSV1 is changed to "Storage server located in Ft. Lauderdale Lab2 Room 13E."

GroupId : 4ba07046-5f6b-44f1-acf8-41d77d0dc184
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
CacheSize : 255.00 MB
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId : V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000017
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 10332000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder : E:\
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 145.85 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description : Storage server located in Ft. Lauderdale Lab2 Room 13E.
HostName :
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in Local Group
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the Available Space Thresholds for the replication buffer on a server.


Set-DcsServerThreshold   -Server <Object>   [ -ReplicationBufferSpaceAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -ReplicationBufferSpaceWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -ReplicationBufferSpaceCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the Available Space Thresholds for the replication buffer on a server. Thresholds can be set for attention, warning, and critical levels which will generate the appropriate level messages in System Health.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will cause an attention message to be generated when the available space in the replication buffer for a server reaches the attention threshold that is set. The value is the percentage of available space in the buffer. The default value is 30 percent. Valid values are 0 - 100. In the default case, when the replication buffer reaches 30% available space, an attention message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will cause a warning message to be generated when the available space in the replication buffer for a server reaches the warning threshold that is set. The value is the percentage of available space in the buffer. The default value is 20 percent. Valid values are 0 - 100. In the default case, when the replication buffer reaches 20% available space, a warning message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will cause a critical message to be generated when the available space in the replication buffer for a server reaches the critical threshold that is set. The value is the percentage of available space in the buffer. The default value is 10 percent. Valid values are 0 - 100. In the default case, when the replication buffer reaches 10% available space, a critical message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.


ThresholdMonitorTemplateData : A type of MonitorTemplateData object which identifies and describes the threshold monitor.



-------------- Sets the warning and critical thresholds for a replication buffer on a server. --------------

Set-DcsServerThreshold -Server StorageSvr003 -ReplicationBufferSpaceWarning 25 -ReplicationBufferSpaceCritical 20

AttentionLevel : 30
WarningLevel : 25
CriticalLevel : 20
CounterName : ReplicationBufferPercentFreeSpace
Alias : Replication buffer free space
Description : Monitors the percent of free space on the disk where the buffer folder is located
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine
MonitoredObjectId : 12C6EB85-0536-4E6E-85D5-053C9C7077F2
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ServerMachine>ReplicationBufferPercentFreeSpace)
SequenceNumber : 7114
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.FallingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<12C6EB85-0536-4E6E-85D5-053C9C7077F2>ReplicationBufferPercentFreeSpace)
Caption : Replication buffer free space
ExtendedCaption : Replication buffer free space of 12C6EB85-0536-4E6E-85D5-053C9C7077F2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Adds SMTP settings for the mail server used for outgoing email messages for the server group.


Set-DcsSMTPSettings   [ -SMTPServer <String> ]   [ -EmailAddress <String> ]   [ -Username <String> ]   [ -Password <String> ]   [ -TCPPort <Int32> ]   [ -UseSSL <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Adds SMTP settings for the mail server used for outgoing email messages for the server group. In order to send email notifications, the mail server and other settings must be configured. Specify the parameters to set or change.


Name, ID, or address that identifies the mail server.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the email address of the sender of the email. This could be a dedicated email address used for email notifications.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the user name of the email logon account. User name must match an existing account known to the operating system and exist on all servers in the server group.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the password of the email logon account.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the TCP port to use for the mail server. If not specified, the default port number of 25 will be used. Port 25 is standard and correct for most environments.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use the parameter to specify whether or not to use SSL encryption for security. Specify $true to use SSL encryption or $false to not use SSL encryption.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



SmtpServerSettings : Object that contains the SMTP settings for the server group.


Also see Get-DcsSMTPSetting.


-------------- Example 1 Sets SMTP server settings for the server group --------------

Set-DcsSMTPSettings -SMTPServer -EmailAddress -Username SANadministrator -Password Adminpw1!

SMTP server for outgoing messages is set as "" with an email address of "". The user name is set as "SANadministrator" and the password is set to "Adminpw1!." The TCP port was not specified, so the default setting of 25 will be used.

SmtpServer :
EmailAddress :
Username : SANadministrator
TcpPort : 25
UseSSL : False

To Table of Contents




Sets or changes the pool used for the snapshot mapstore.


Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore   -Pool <Object>   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets or changes the pool used for the snapshot mapstore.


DiskPoolData object, name, or ID that identifies the pool to use for the mapstore. To uniquely identify a pool by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.


DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the pool.


The mapstore setting cannot be removed after setting it, the mapstore can only be changed. Also see Get-DcsSnapshotMapStore.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the mapstore for a pool specified by name --------------

Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore -Pool "SSV1 SSD Pool 1" -Server SSV1

The mapstore on server SSV1 is set to be created from the pool named "SSV1 SSD Pool 1".

PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Alias : SSV1 SSD Pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
MaxTierNumber : 3
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
Caption : SSV1 SSD Pool 1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 SSD Pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets the mapstore using an object --------------

$pool = Get-DcsPool -Server SSV1

Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore -Pool $pool[0]

The cmdlet Get-DcsPool is invoked to obtain all DiskPoolData objects for server SSV1 and the data is stored in the variable named $pool.
The cmdlet Set-DcsSnapshotMapstore is invoked with the first DiskPoolData object in the variable named $pool being assigned as the location of the MapStore for server SSV1.
PoolMode : ReadWrite
ServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Alias : SSV1 Mapstore Pool 1
Description :
PresenceStatus : Present
PoolStatus : Running
Type : Dynamic
ChunkSize : 128.00 MB
MaxTierNumber : 3
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e631be-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
Caption : SSV1 Mapstore Pool 1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 Mapstore Pool 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets or changes the preferred snapshot pool for a virtual disk.


Set-DcsSnapshotPool   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Pool <String> ]   [ -Server <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets or changes the preferred snapshot pool for a virtual disk. Only specify the parameters to set or change. If a parameter is not specified it will not be changed from the current setting.


VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies the preferred snapshot pool. To uniquely identify a pool by name, the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server where the snapshot pool will reside. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsPool


-------------- Example 1 Adds a preferred snapshot pool for a virtual disk --------------

Set-DcsSnapshotPool -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Pool "Disk pool 1" -Server SSV1

The pool named "Disk pool 1" on server "SSV1" is set as the preferred snapshot pool for virtual disk "Virtual disk 1".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 7BB3253B-2387-432D-B147-487B8561D856
SecondHostId : D1BEB53C-F039-44F8-88AC-A6E74E97F4E1
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : f08c94e8-d6c0-4e98-b78b-c5d08b502ac3
SnapshotPoolId : 7BB3253B-2387-432D-B147-487B8561D856:{3a2cd880-9231-11e2-883e-00155d11e952}
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D900ED94507007618C76ED2A566
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Low
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 5859
Id : 92b7ec8928c1402988f1d19f04260f4a
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a snapshot.


Set-DcsSnapshotProperties   -Snapshot <Object>   [ -Alias <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -StorageProfile <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsSnapshotProperties   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Alias <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -StorageProfile <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a snapshot. Specify the parameters to set or change. The snapshot can be identified by using either the Snapshot or VirtualDisk parameter.


SnapshotData object, name (alias), or ID that identifies the snapshot.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the alias (name) of the snapshot.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a description of the snapshot. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the storage profile. Valid values in order from highest priority to lowest priority are: "Critical", "High", "Normal", "Low", and "Archive". A custom storage profile can also be set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name (alias), or ID that identifies the snapshot. The VirtualDiskData object can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SnapshotData : Object that identifies the snapshot.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the snapshot virtual disk.


Also see related cmdlets: Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore, Set-DcsSnapshotPool.


-------------- Example 1 Changes the alias of a snapshot using the name to identify the snapshot. --------------

Set-DcsSnapshotProperties -Snapshot "VD1 S1" -Alias "Virtual disk 1 Snap 053116"

The cmdlet is invoked to change the alias of the snapshot from "VD1 S1" to "Virtual disk 1 Snap 053116".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 76418969-E2A7-4CE5-B32C-3886A0E794AF
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1 Snap 053116
Description :
Size : 100 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 442698722e9f42cabca359a1bfe54433
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90B9AA2A075E397C02AD704DD9
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 11217
Id : 442698722e9f42cabca359a1bfe54433
Caption : Virtual disk 1 Snap 053116
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 Snap 053116 from Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Changes the storage profile for all snapshots in the group using the VirtualDiskData objects to identify the snapshots. --------------

$Snaps = Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Kind Snapshot
ForEach ($s in $Snaps) {Set-DcsSnapshotProperties -VirtualDisk $s.Id -StorageProfile "High"}

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to return VirtualDiskData objects for all snapshots in the group. The objects are saved to the variable $Snaps, which is used with a ForEach loop to identify each snapshot by ID for the parameter VirtualDisk. The cmdlet Set-DcsSnapshotProperties sets the storage profile for each snapshot to "High".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 9C459815-28B7-45E1-9228-1C9B3EABF124
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : A122B0E3-7D32-4783-BDE4-619049C936C9
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2 snapshot
Description :
Size : 20 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS a8d0fc6ca9264d52ac50d594ea3575cc
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D904E0529073D615AD778912A97
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : High
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 12174
Id : a8d0fc6ca9264d52ac50d594ea3575cc
Caption : Virtual disk 2 snapshot
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 snapshot from Group1
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 76418969-E2A7-4CE5-B32C-3886A0E794AF
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : A122B0E3-7D32-4783-BDE4-619049C936C9
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1 Snap 053116
Description :
Size : 100 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 442698722e9f42cabca359a1bfe54433
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90B9AA2A075E397C02AD704DD9
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : High
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 13131
Id : 442698722e9f42cabca359a1bfe54433
Caption : Virtual disk 1 Snap 053116
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 Snap 053116 from Group1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets or changes the properties of a custom storage profile.


Set-DcsStorageProfileProperties   -StorageProfile <Object>   [ -NewName <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -PerformanceClass <PerformanceClass> ]   [ -ReplicationPriority <AsyncReplicationPriority> ]   [ -MirrorRecoveryPriority <MirrorRecoveryPriority> ]   [ -WriteTracking <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets or changes the properties of a custom storage profile. Only specify the parameters to set or change. If a parameter is not specified it will not be changed from the current setting.


The StorageProfileData object, ID, or name that identifies the storage profile to be changed.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a new name for the storage profile.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set or change the description of the storage profile. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the performance class of the storage profile. Valid values include "Archive", "Low", "Normal", "High", and "Critical".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the replication priority of the storage profile. Valid values include "Low", "Regular", "High", and "Critical".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the mirror recovery priority of the storage profile. Valid values include "Low", "Regular", "High", and "Critical".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to specify whether or not to include write operations when determining the data temperature in the auto-tiering feature. Specify $true to have auto-tiering determine data temperature based on both read and write operations equally. Specify $false to have auto-tiering determine data temperature based on read operations only.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


StorageProfileData : Object that identifies and describes the storage profile.


StorageProfileData : Object that identifies and describes the storage profile.


Also see Add-DcsStorageProfileProperties, Remove-DcsStorageProfile, Get-DcsStorageProfile


-------------- Example 1 Changes the name and a profile value of a custom storage profile --------------

Set-DcsStorageProfileProperties -StorageProfile PF_Billing -NewName PF_ExchangeSvr -PerformanceClass High -WriteTracking $true

The name of the storage profile is changed from "PF_Billing" to "PF_ExchangeSvr", the performance class is changed to "High", and write tracking is enabled. The remaining properties of the storage profile are unchanged.

Alias : PF_ExchangeSvr
Description : Profile for Finance Dept billing records
PerformanceClass : High
ReplicationPriority : Regular
RecoveryPriority : Critical
WriteTracking : True
DefaultProfile : False
SequenceNumber : 22989
Id : 6b83a780-e607-4167-a7dc-92e2c45962a9
Caption : PF_ExchangeSvr
ExtendedCaption : PF_ExchangeSvr Profile
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a task.


Set-DcsTaskProperties   -Task <Object>   [ -NewName <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -ActionDelay <TimeSpan> ]   [ -RequireAllTriggers <Boolean> ]   [ -MaxRunTime <TimeSpan> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a task. Specify the parameters to set or change.


TaskData object, name, or ID that identifies the task.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the name of the task.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a description of the task. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the amount of time to wait before performing actions when triggers are signaled. The format of this parameter consists of decimals representing hours, minutes, and seconds, that are separated by colons. For instance, 01:05:30 would represent a delay of 1 hour, 5 minutes and 30 seconds. The maximum value is 2 hours.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to indicate whether to run the task when one trigger is met or to wait until all triggers are met. Specify $true to run the task when all triggers are met or $false to run the task when one trigger is met.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the amount of time allotted to perform all actions for each instance that the task is run. The time is shared by all actions in the task. When the time has been reached, all actions will be terminated. If triggered again, the same time will be allotted to perform the actions again. The format of this parameter consists of decimals representing days, hours, minutes, and seconds, that are separated by colons. For instance, 01:05:30:00 would represent a maximum run time of 1 day, 5 hours and 30 minutes. The maximum value is 7 days.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.


TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.


Also see Add-DcsTrigger, Add-DcsAction, Remove-DcsTask, Remove-DcsTrigger, Remove-DcsAction, Get-DcsTask.


-------------- Example 1 Sets a task property for a task specified by name --------------

Set-DcsTaskProperties -Task "Pool I/O Latency" -MaxRunTime 01:00:00:00

Sets the maximum runtime to be one day for the task named "Pool I/O Latency".

Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 864000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : 60411088-bc2c-450c-ace4-553688068b9f
Caption : Pool I/O Latency
ExtendedCaption : Pool I/O Latency

-------------- Example 2 Sets a property for all tasks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsTask | Set-DcsTaskProperties -MaxRunTime 01:00:00:00

The cmdlet Get-DcsTask is invoked to obtain the TaskData objects for all tasks. The data is piped to Set-DcsTaskProperties to set the maximum run time for all tasks to be one day (01:00:00:00).

Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 864000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : 9e302227-8ba5-4f6f-8d03-70e03a8f4387
Caption : Available Pool Space
ExtendedCaption : Available Pool Space
Internal : False
Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 864000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : 60411088-bc2c-450c-ace4-553688068b9f
Caption : Pool I/O Latency
ExtendedCaption : Pool I/O Latency
Internal : False
Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 864000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
LastStopTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Id : e618fb0c-09f6-4611-b2f7-c6ddabd4c048
Caption : Pool State Change
ExtendedCaption : Pool State Change
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a user.


Set-DcsUserProperties   -User <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Email <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a user. Specify the parameters to set or change.


UserData object, name, or ID that identifies the user.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to change the name of the user.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set an email address of the user.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a description of the user. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.


UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.


Also see Add-DcsUserRole, Get-DcsUser, Get-DcsUserRole, Remove-DcsUserRole.


-------------- Example 1 Sets a property for a user specified by name --------------

Set-DcsUserProperties -User "Joe Schmoe" -Email

Sets the email address for the user named "Joe Schmoe" to be "

Name : Joe Schmoe
Description :
EmailAddress :
BlendedPrivileges : ViewInformation
IsAdministrator : False
RoleIds : {{B1210FAD-5DAC-4a7b-B3D6-EEB8DFFE1F7A}}
Id : a23fdc22-90d5-4961-bfcb-5267801a4acf
Caption : Joe Schmoe
ExtendedCaption : Joe Schmoe
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the VMware multipathing policy (path selection policy) for a virtual disk that is served to a VMware host or virtual machine.


Set-DcsvCenterMultipathPolicy   -VimClient <Object>   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -MultipathPolicy <VimMultipathPolicy> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the VMware multipathing policy (path selection policy) for a virtual disk that is served to a VMware host or virtual machine. If the policy is not specifically set, the default policy of Round Robin will be used.


VimHostData object, name, or ID that identifies the ESX host or virtual machine. (The VimHostData object can be retrieved from invoking Get-DcsClient.)

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The VMware path selection policy to use. Valid values include "MostRecentlyUsed", "RoundRobin", "Fixed", and "FixedAP".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.



Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsClient and Set-DcsClientProperties to set multipathing and ALUA properties for a virtual machine.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the path selection policy for a virtual disk --------------

Set-DcsvCenterMultipathPolicy -VimClient "" -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -MultipathPolicy Fixed

The path selection policy for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" that is served to the VMware host named "" is set to "Fixed".

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a vCenter.


Set-DcsvCenterProperties   -vCenter <Object>   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -Username <String> ]   [ -Password <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a vCenter. The description and credentials for the vCenter can be changed. Specify the parameters to set or change. (See Set-DcsClientProperties to set description and preferred servers for VMware hosts and virtual machines, and to set the multipath and ALUA settings for virtual machines.)


VimVirtualCenterData object, name or ID that identifies the vCenter.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The description of the vCenter. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The user name of the account used to connect to the vCenter.

Required: false
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The password of the account used to connect to the vCenter.

Required: false
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VimVirtualCenterData : Object that identifies and describes the vCenter.


VimVirtualCenterData : Object that identifies and describes the vCenter.


Also see Add-DcsvCenter, Get-DcsvCenter, Add-DcsvCenterDataStore, Remove-DcsvCenter, Set-DcsvCenterMultipathPolicy


-------------- Example 1 Adds a description for the vCenter --------------

Set-DcsvCenterProperties -vCenter esxvc55 -Description "Financial data for Southeast Region 1"

A description for the vCenter named "esxvc55" is added and reads "Financial data for Southeast Region 1".

ServerAddress : esxvc55
Username : administrator
Description : Financial data for Southeast Region 1
FullName : VMware vCenter Server 5.5.0 build-1099559
ProductBuild : 1099559
Version : 5.5
State : WaitingForUpdates
SequenceNumber : 52727
Id : 0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE
Caption : esxvc55
ExtendedCaption : esxvc55
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the alias or description of a virtual disk group, snapshot group, or rollback group.


Set-DcsVirtualDiskGroupProperties   -Group <Object>   [ -NewAlias <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -MaxIoOperationsPerSec <UInt64> ]   [ -MaxDataTransferredPerSec <DataSize> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the alias or description of a virtual disk group, snapshot group, or rollback group. Specify the parameters to set or change.


The VirtualDiskGroupData object, SnapshotGroupData object, or RollbackGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group, snapshot group, or rollback group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a new name for the group.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a description of the group. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The maximum number of operations per second allowed between a set of virtual disks in a virtual disk group and their hosts. The maximum number ranges from 1 to 2,147,483,647. To remove the value in order to disable the setting, set the value to "0".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The maximum amount of data that can be transferred per second between a set of virtual disks in a virtual disk group and their hosts. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (KB, MB, GB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100KB", "500MG", and "2.99GB" are valid amounts. Maximum amount can range from 1 KB to 3 GB. To remove the value in order to disable the setting, set the value to "0".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskGroupData, SnapshotData, or RollbackData : Object that identifies the group (virtual disk group, snapshot group, or rollback group).


VirtualDiskGroupData, SnapshotGroupData, or RollbackGroupData : Object that identifies and describes he group (virtual disk group, snapshot group, or rollback group).


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Get-DcsSnapshotGroup, Get-DcsRollbackGroup


-------------- Example 1 Sets properties for a snapshot group specified by name --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskGroupProperties -Group "VDGroup1 @ 11/17/2011 2:37:38 PM" -NewAlias "VDSnapGrp1 @ 11/17/2011 2:37:38 PM" -Description "Snapshot group of VDGroup1"

Changes the name of the snapshot group named "VDGroup1 @ 11/17/2011 2:37:38 PM" to the new name of "VDSnapGrp1 @ 11/17/2011 2:37:38 PM" and added a description of "Snapshot group of VDGroup1".

ParentGroupId : {993a4a47-d76f-4ca4-83a1-8669d436e198}
Alias : VDSnapGrp1 @ 11/17/2011 2:37:38 PM
Description : Snapshot group of VDGroup1
Id : {ebd1e0e3-65e3-4a47-b6bb-4424058e005e}
Caption : VDSnapGrp1 @ 11/17/2011 2:37:38 PM
ExtendedCaption : VDSnapGrp1 @ 11/17/2011 2:37:38 PM
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a virtual disk.


Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties   [ -Alias <String> ]   [ -Description <String> ]   [ -RecoveryPriority <String> ]   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -WriteThrough <Boolean> ]   [ -StorageProfile <String> ]   [ -PreferredServer <Object2> ]   [ -ResiliencyEnabled <$false/$true> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]  


Sets the properties of a virtual disk. Specify the parameters to set or change. (See Notes for other cmdlets related to virtual disk settings.)


Use this parameter to change the name of the virtual disk.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set a description of the virtual disk. To remove the description, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The RecoveryPriority parameter is obsolete and the parameter is only included for backward compatibility. The mirror recovery priority is included as part of the storage profile for a virtual disk. To change the setting for storage profile, see the StorageProfile parameter.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to specify whether to enable or disable cache write-through for the virtual disk. Specify $true to enable cache write-through or $false to disable cache write-through. When enabled, all write operations to the virtual disk are written directly to the back-end storage and then acknowledged. This setting is disabled by default.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the storage profile. Valid values in order from highest priority to lowest priority are: "Critical", "High", "Normal", "Low", and "Archive". A custom storage profile can also be set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the preferred server, so that all auto-select hosts are redirected to a specific side.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to turn resiliency on or off.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


This cmdlet requires virtual disk privileges. To change rollback properties, rollback privileges are also required. To change snapshot properties, snapshot privileges are also required. For user accounts without virtual disk privileges, see Set-DcsRollbackProperties to set rollback properties and see Set-DcsSnapshotProperties to set snapshot properties. Also see related cmdlets: Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Set-DcsVirtualDiskScsiId, Set-DcsStorageProfileProperties, Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery, Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery, Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Sets properties for a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -StorageProfile "Storage profile 1"

Sets properties of the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1". The storage profile is set to a custom profile with the name "Storage profile 1".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : C87B2538-74C3-4570-B472-93F1FC398C5B
SecondHostId : ECDF56A2-5CB9-486F-BA7B-69B135B22B3B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 122cb163-bbdc-4392-86da-c7ccf3052d9e
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 25.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D904CBD000212CD550779E3E888
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 26692
Id : 0ffe95524f0b4d8d85a138b9a017fd45
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets a property for all virtual disks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -ServerGroup "Local Group" -Kind Standard, Rollback | Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties -WriteThrough $true

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to obtain VirtualDiskData objects for all virtual disks of standard and rollback types in the server group named "Local Group". The data is piped to Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties to enable cache write through for those virtual disks.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/13/2011 12:08:11 PM
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : True
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 9dff5e93d3e84a6692805413aee21e07
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/13/2011 12:08:11 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/13/2011 12:08:11 PM from Local Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/13/2011 12:02:36 PM
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : True
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 9f98483a3ba64a6fb20183f4c5d537a9
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/13/2011 12:02:36 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/13/2011 12:02:36 PM from Local Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : True
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : ff69cf72849c49bdb319bb2b61970306
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Local Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 12345
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : True
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Critical
IsServed : False
Id : 2ecb9cd180354c20873d1fee7399e700
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Local Group
Internal : False
-------------- Example 3 Sets the preferred server and enables resiliency --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -PreferredServer "Server 1" -ResiliencyEnabled $true

Sets properties of the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1". The preferred server is set to Server 1 and resiliency is enabled.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : C9330AA5-89D6-4A83-B860-EAA442DFACEB
SecondHostId : 9592A0C1-DBC3-4FD7-94B5-767B1CC30AD5
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 1.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 036f1e01ea394a62b975af0e3ec6e629
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D9094222A07AB668B23CE59A842
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
PreferredServer : 9592A0C1-DBC3-4FD7-94B5-767B1CC30AD5
ResiliencyEnabled : True
SequenceNumber : 25258464
Id : 036f1e01ea394a62b975af0e3ec6e629
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Server 1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the SCSI device ID for a virtual disk.


Set-DcsVirtualDiskScsiId   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -ScsiId <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the SCSI device ID for a virtual disk. Under most circumstances this value should not be changed. If the virtual disk is using duplicate disk IDs and is involved in replications, snapshots, or Continuous Data Protection, then if the replication, snapshot or rollback is split, both virtual disks will have the same SCSI device ID. Under these circumstances, the SCSI device IDs on one virtual disk may need to be changed in order to make it unique. WARNING: This value should only be changed if necessary and with extreme caution. Providing an incorrect value will result in functional problems.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The new SCSI device ID to use for the virtual disk. The SCSI device ID is intended to be globally unique and must be unique in the local server group and any server groups of which the virtual disk may interact, for instance in replications. The format of the value is a 32-digit hexadecimal number. Valid characters are 0-9 and a-f. The value must begin with "60030D90" which signifies a DataCore virtual disk. Add 24 additional characters to complete the number. For example, "60030d9078870206ffc9c0263011a718" could be a valid ID.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties


-------------- Example 1 Assigns new SCSI ID to a virtual disk --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk | foreach { $_.ScsiDeviceIdString } | sort

Set-DcsVirtualDiskScsiId -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -ScsiId "60030D90D1DB02061F960065E185D7AF"

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to retrieve the SCSI IDs assigned to all virtual disks in the server group and sorts them. (In this case, assume that the virtual disk will never be interacting with virtual disks in any other server group.)
The cmdlet Set-DcsVirtualDiskScsiId is invoked to set the SCSI device ID for "Virtual disk 1" to a unique SCSI device ID " " in the local server group.

To Table of Contents




Changes the size parameters of a virtual disk.


Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Size <DataSize> ]   [ -ReservedSpace <DataSize> ]   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Changes the size parameters of a virtual disk. If decreasing the size of a virtual disk, ensure that data will not be lost before performing this operation.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to change the size of the virtual disk. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a minimum of 8MB to a maximum of 1024TB.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to set the size of the reserved space for the virtual disk. Reserved space is the space reserved in a pool for exclusive use by the virtual disk and must be currently free in the pool. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a minimum of 1GB to the size of the virtual disk.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Decreasing the size of a virtual disk is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to decrease the size and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsChunkAllocation, Get-DcsChunkAllocationMap


-------------- Example 1 Sets size for a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Size 50GB -ReservedSpace 25GB -Yes

The size of the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" is set to 50GB and the reserved size in the pool is set to 25GB. The Yes parameter is included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Failed
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : ff8924d57a8945e89f2738545d52503d
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Local Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets size of virtual disks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -ServerGroup "Local Group" -Kind Standard | Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize -Size 100GB

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to obtain VirtualDiskData objects for all virtual disks of standard type in the server group named "Local Group". The data is piped to Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize to set the size for those virtual disks to 100GB. The size was increased for all virtual disks, so the Yes parameter was not needed to confirm the operation.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 100.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : ff8924d57a8945e89f2738545d52503d
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Local Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 100.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : eaf8503bd6df4888922811dfc945aaca
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Local Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 3
Description :
Size : 100.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : d4682ace67a44d86a6b6489b3ef700fa
Caption : Virtual disk 3
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 from Local Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Sets a virtual disk to be the same size as a different virtual disk. --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Size (Get-DcsVirtualDisk  -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 2").Size

The cmdlet Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize is invoked to change the size of "Virtual disk 1". For the parameter Size, the cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to get the size of "Virtual disk 2" and use that size for the new size of "Virtual disk 1".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90348A5307ABA92C415396D28A
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 37440
Id : c1391785925d46a3b6e1fc606244ab39
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group FTL

-------------- Example 4 Increases the size of a virtual disk by a specified amount using a variable. --------------

$size = (Get-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk ").Size

$size = $size + "10GB"

Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Size $size

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to get the current size of "Virtual disk 1" and the size is assigned to the variable $size. The variable $size is increased by adding "10GB" to the current size and the new size is stored in the variable $size. The cmdlet Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize is invoked to change the size of "Virtual disk 1" to the new size stored in the variable $size.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 60.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90348A5307ABA92C415396D28A
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 37826
Id : c1391785925d46a3b6e1fc606244ab39
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group FTL
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties of a specified virtual disk template. Specify the parameters to change in the existing template.


Set-DcsVirtualDiskTemplateProperties   -VirtualDiskTemplate <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -VirtualDiskAlias <String> ]   [ -FirstPool <String> ]   [ -FirstServer <String> ]   [ -SecondPool <String> ]   [ -SecondServer <String> ]   [ -VirtualDiskSize <DataSize> ]   [ -VirtualDiskSectorSize <DataSize> ]   [ -SnapshotServer <String> ]   [ -SnapshotPool <String> ]   [ -ContinuousDataProtectionServer <String> ]   [ -ContinuousDataProtectionPool <String> ]   [ -ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize <DataSize> ]   [ -StorageProfile <String> ]   [ -UseSequentialStorage <Boolean> ]   [ -UseRedundantMirrorMappings <Boolean> ]   [ -AllocationAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -AllocationWarningThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -AllocationCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ]   [ -ReservedSpacePercentage <UInt32> ]   [ -WriteThroughEnabled <Boolean> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties of a specified virtual disk template. Specify the parameters to change in the existing template. To create a template, see Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate.


VirtualDiskTemplateData object, ID, or name that describes the template.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the virtual disk template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the virtual disk to create from the template. If multiple virtual disks will be created, the names will begin with the root name and subsequent virtual disks will have a number appended to the end to make them unique. The number will begin with the first available number and will be incremented by one provided that the name is available. Numbers will be skipped if they already exist. For instance, if the alias is "VVOLMR" and these names are available, virtual disks will be named "VVOLMR", "VVOLMR 1", "VVOLMR 2", and so on.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the first storage source of the virtual disks created from the template. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server supplying the first storage source (FirstPool parameter). The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the second storage source of virtual disks created from this template when mirrored virtual disks will be created. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. To remove the pool, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server supplying the second storage source (SecondPool parameter). The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. To remove the server, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The size of the virtual disk to create from the template. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a miniumum of 1GB to a maximum of 1024TB.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The sector size of the virtual disk to create from the template. Valid values are "512" (bytes), "512B", "4096" (bytes), or "4KB". If no value is set for the template, the default size of 512 bytes will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server with the preferred snapshot pool (SnapshotPool parameter). The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. To remove the server, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies the preferred snapshot pool. Snapshots of virtual disks created from this template will be created from this pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server (SnapshotServer parameter) must be specified. To remove the pool, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server with the pool (ContinousDataProtectionPool parameter) used for the history log. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. To remove the server, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Computer name or ID of the server with the pool (ContinousDataProtectionPool parameter) used for the history log. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. To remove the pool, use an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The maximum size of the history log for data protection. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "10GB", "20.5GB", and "5000MB" are valid sizes. The history log size can range from a minimum of 8GB up to 1024TB. If not specified, the default history log size will be 5% of the size of the CDP-enabled virtual disk or 8GB, whichever is larger. To remove the size, use "0" or an empty string as the value; for example "".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to set the storage profile. Valid values in order from highest priority to lowest priority are: "Critical", "High", "Normal", "Low", and "Archive". A custom storage profile can also be set.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to enable or disable sequential storage for a virtual disk created from this template. Specify $true to enable or $false to disable sequential storage.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to enable or disable the redundant mirror paths property for this template. Specify $true to create redundant mirror paths for virtual disks created from this template or $false to disable the redundant mirror paths property. Redundant mirror paths provide two mirror paths going in each direction between servers. Redundant paths can be either iSCSI or Fibre Channel. Each server is required to have two FC or two iSCSI ports with the mirror role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will set the attention level of the Allocated Space Threshold in System Health. The value is the percentage of allocated space in the virtual disk. Valid values are "0" - "101". For example, if the threshold is set to "80", an attention level message will be generated when the virtual disk reaches 80% allocated. The default value is "100". The value "101" will silence the message so that it will not be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will set the warning level of the Allocated Space Threshold in System Health. The value is the percentage of allocated space in the virtual disk. Valid values are "0" - "101". For example, if the threshold is set to "90", a warning level message will be generated when the virtual disk reaches 90% allocated. The default value is "101", which will silence the message so that it will not be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will set the critical level for the Allocated Space Threshold in System Health. The value is the percentage of allocated space in the virtual disk. Valid values are "0" - "100". For example, if the threshold is set to "100", a critical level message will be generated when the virtual disk reaches 100% allocated. The default value is "101", which will silence the message so that it will not be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the attention level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" through "60000". The default value is "5000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 5,000 ms, an attention message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the warning level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "10000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the virtual disk reaches 10,000 ms, a warning message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the critical level of the I/O Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "30000". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 30,000 ms, a critical message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the attention level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" through "60000". The default value is "5000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 5,000 ms, an attention level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the warning level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "10000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 10,000 ms, a warning level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the critical level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "30000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 30,000 ms, a critical level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to reserve a percentage of space in each pool for exclusive use by virtual disks created from the template. A valid value is a number between 0 and 100 which refers to the percentage. For example, to reserve 50% space, enter the value "50". The default setting is "0", which will not reserve any space.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to put all virtual disks created from this template in write-through mode (all write operations to the virtual disk are written directly to the back-end storage and then acknowledged).

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskTemplateData : Object that identifies the virtual disk template and stores the template information.


VirtualDiskTemplateData : Object that identifies and stores the virtual disk template information.


Also see Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate, Get-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate.


-------------- Example 1 Changes some properties and the name of the specified template. --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskTemplateProperties -VirtualDiskTemplate "TempMirrorCDP" -Name "TmpltMirrorVOL" -VirtualDiskAlias "MirrorVOL" -ContinuousDataProtectionPool "" -ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize ""

The cmdlet changes the properties set for the template named "TempMirrorCDP". The name is changed to "TmpltMirrorVOL" and the virtual disk alias to "MirrorVOL". The pool used for Continuous Data Protection is removed along with the history log size. This effectively disables Continuous Data Protection and removes the ability for the template.

Alias : TmpltMirrorVOL
VirtualDiskAlias : MirrorVOL
VirtualDiskDescription :
Size : 50 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
VirtualDiskType : MultiPathMirrored
ReservedSpacePercentage : 50
FirstDiskPoolId : 16E92F64-1A7B-43C8-8FEA-40F508A99B95:{7879824d-5011-11e5-80e4-00155d138904}
SecondDiskPoolId : 8D3DE096-E3B4-427D-B0E1-4EC96C45F6E1:{59db8910-5014-11e5-80e4-00155d138908}
UseRedundantMirrorMappings : True
ContinuousDataProtectionPoolId :
ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize :
SequentialStorageEnabled : False
StorageProfileId : E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867
DefaultSnapshotPoolId : 8D3DE096-E3B4-427D-B0E1-4EC96C45F6E1:{59db8910-5014-11e5-80e4-00155d138908}
AllocatedSpaceThresholdAttention : 0
AllocatedSpaceThresholdWarning : 70
AllocatedSpaceThresholdCritical : 90
LatencyThresholdAttention : 0
LatencyThresholdWarning : 0
LatencyThresholdCritical : 0
VirtualDiskSubType : Standard
ReadOnly : False
WriteThroughEnabled : False
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
SequenceNumber : 4918
Id : a8bbfac504c44bd1be074113a3961598
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets System Health thresholds for virtual disks. Thresholds can be set for Allocated Space, I/O Latency, Storage Latency, and History Log Size and Retention Period for data protected (CDP-enabled) virtual disks.


Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -AllocatedSpaceAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -AllocatedSpaceWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -AllocatedSpaceCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -LatencyAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -LatencyCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -StorageLatencyAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -StorageLatencyCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -RetentionPeriodWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -HistoryLogSizeAttention <UInt64> ]   [ -HistoryLogSizeWarning <UInt64> ]   [ -HistoryLogSizeCritical <UInt64> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets System Health thresholds for virtual disks. Thresholds can be set for Allocated Space, I/O Latency, Storage Latency, and History Log Size and Retention Period for data protected (CDP-enabled) virtual disks. The I/O Latency Threshold is for the front-end paths to the virtual disk. Storage Latency Threshold monitors the back-end paths. Thresholds can be set for attention, warning, and critical levels which will generate the appropriate level messages in System Health.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will set the attention level of the Allocated Space Threshold. The value is the percentage of allocated space in the virtual disk. Valid values are "0" - "101". For example, if the threshold is set to "80", an attention level message will be generated when the virtual disk reaches 80% allocated. The default value is "100". The value "101" will silence the message so that it will not be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will set the warning level of the Allocated Space Threshold. The value is the percentage of allocated space in the virtual disk. Valid values are "0" - "101". For example, if the threshold is set to "90", a warning level message will be generated when the virtual disk reaches 90% allocated. The default value is "101", which will silence the message so that it will not be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter will set the critical level for the Allocated Space Threshold. The value is the percentage of allocated space in the virtual disk. Valid values are "0" - "100". For example, if the threshold is set to "100", a critical level message will be generated when the virtual disk reaches 100% allocated. The default value is "101", which will silence the message so that it will not be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the attention level of the I/O Latency Threshold. The value is the the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" through "60000". The default value is "5000". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 5,000 ms, an attention message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the warning level of the I/O Latency Threshold. The value is the the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "10000". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 10,000 ms, a warning message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the critical level of the I/O Latency Threshold. The value is the the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "30000". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 30,000 ms, a critical message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the attention level of the Storage Latency Threshold. The value is the the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" through "60000". The default value is "5000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 5,000 ms, an attention message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the warning level of the Storage Latency Threshold. The value is the the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "10000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the virtual disk reaches 10,000 ms, a warning message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the critical level of the I/O Latency Threshold. The value is the the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "30000". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the virtual disk reaches 30,000 ms, a critical message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter allows a threshold to be set that will issue a System Health warning if the number of hours left in the history log drops below the threshold that is set. Enter the value in number of hours. (The value will be reflected in milliseconds in the returned object in both AttentionLevel and Warning Level fields. Note: Only a warning will be issued.) Valid values are 0-1000. The default setting is 0, which means that the threshold is disabled and will not produce a warning.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the attention level of the history log size threshold for a data protected virtual disk. The value is the percentage of the maximum history log size set for the virtual disk. Valid values are 100 - 10000. The default value is 100 percent. In this case, when the current history log size reaches 100% of the maximum history log size setting an attention message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the warning level of the history log size threshold for a data protected virtual disk. The value is the percentage of the maximum history log size set for the virtual disk. Valid values are 100 - 10000. The default value is 100 percent. In this case, when the current history log size reaches 100% of the maximum history log size setting a warning message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

This parameter sets the critical level of the history log size threshold for a data protected virtual disk. The value is the percentage of the maximum history log size set for the virtual disk. Valid values are 100 - 10000. The default value is 0 percent, which will not be reached and therefore not produce a critical alert. For instance, if the setting is 300, when the current history log size reaches 300% of the maximum history log size setting a critical message will be generated.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the virtual disk.


ThresholdMonitorTemplateData : A type of MonitorTemplateData object which identifies and describes the threshold monitor.


Note: The behavior of history log size thresholds are different in the console. In the console, there is one setting and it sets a threshold for a System Health warning. To obtain the same behavior in the cmdlets, set the Attention and Warning levels to the same value and ensure the Critical level is set to 0. Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the Allocated Space Thresholds for a specific virtual disk --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -AllocatedSpaceAttention 95 -AllocatedSpaceWarning 100 -AllocatedSpaceCritical 101

The cmdlet is invoked to set all allocated space thresholds for the virtual disk "Virtual disk 1". The attention threshold is set for 95 percent allocated space, the warning threshold is set for 100 percent allocated space, and the critical threshold is set for 101 percent allocated space (which will silence the message such that no critical level message will be generated).

AttentionLevel : 95
WarningLevel : 100
CriticalLevel : 101
CounterName : PercentAllocated
Alias : Allocated space
Description : Monitors the virtual disks allocated space percentage.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk
MonitoredObjectId : 1ac0cb1cc3174dacaf9750c80145a70b
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>PercentAllocated)
SequenceNumber : 6184
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<1ac0cb1cc3174dacaf9750c80145a70b>PercentAllocated)
Caption : Allocated space
ExtendedCaption : Allocated space of 1ac0cb1cc3174dacaf9750c80145a70b
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets I/O Latency Thresholds for all virtual disks with a specific storage profile --------------

$CriticalVDs = Get-DcsVirtualDisk | where{$_.StorageProfileId -eq 'E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867'} 
$CriticalVDs | Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold -LatencyWarning 15000 -LatencyCritical 20000

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to obtain all VirtualDiskData objects in which the StorageProfileId field is equal to "E84B65FF-B69A-4EF1-B79E-71D3DC29E867" which is the ID for the critical storage profile. (Information about storage profiles can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsStorageProfile.) The data is stored in the variable $CriticalVDs. That variable is used to pipe the VirtualDiskData objects to the cmdlet Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold and the warning threshold is set to 15,000 ms and the critical threshold is set to 20,000 ms. Thresholds are met when any front-end path to the virtual disks reach the thresholds that are set.

AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 15000
CriticalLevel : 20000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the virtual disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk
MonitoredObjectId : 1ac0cb1cc3174dacaf9750c80145a70b
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 6348
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<1ac0cb1cc3174dacaf9750c80145a70b>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of 1ac0cb1cc3174dacaf9750c80145a70b
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 15000
CriticalLevel : 20000
CounterName : MaxReadWriteTime
Alias : I/O latency
Description : Monitors the virtual disks latency.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk
MonitoredObjectId : 16758e0944e34e8fbcf2f8cc548fbcf2
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.VirtualDisk>MaxReadWriteTime)
SequenceNumber : 6350
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<16758e0944e34e8fbcf2f8cc548fbcf2>MaxReadWriteTime)
Caption : I/O latency
ExtendedCaption : I/O latency of 16758e0944e34e8fbcf2f8cc548fbcf2
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Sets all thresholds for the history log size for a data protected virtual disk --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 7" -HistoryLogSizeAttention 100 -HistoryLogSizeWarning 120 -HistoryLogSizeCritical 150

The cmdlet is invoked to set the attention level threshold to 100 percent, the warning level threshold to 120 percent and the critical level threshold to 150 percent. These thresholds are set for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 7". When any of these thresholds are met for Virtual disk 7, the appropriate level System Health message will be generated.

AttentionLevel : 100
WarningLevel : 120
CriticalLevel : 150
CounterName : StreamAllocationPercent
Alias : History log size
Description : Monitors the percentage of the maximum history log currently allocated.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.HistoryAllocationMonitor
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.StreamLogicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : b2363949-0e14-4546-9c9f-0f0c4c9b5663
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.HistoryAllocationMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.StreamLogicalDisk>StreamAllocationPercent)
SequenceNumber : 21000
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.HistoryAllocationMonitor<b2363949-0e14-4546-9c9f-0f0c4c9b5663>StreamAllocationPercent)
Caption : History log size
ExtendedCaption : History log size of b2363949-0e14-4546-9c9f-0f0c4c9b5663
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Sets Storage Latency Thresholds for all virtual disks with replications --------------

$VDs = Get-DcsVirtualDisk -OnlyWithReplications
$VDs | ForEach { Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold -VirtualDisk $_.Id -StorageLatencyWarning 15000 -StorageLatencyCritical 20000

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to get all virtual disks in the server group that are being replicated. The VirtualDiskData objects are stored in the variable $VDs. That variable is then used to pipe the IDs for each virtual disk to the cmdlet Set-DcsVirtualDiskThreshold and the warning threshold is set to 15,000 ms and the critical threshold is set to 20,000 ms. Thresholds are met when any back-end path to the virtual disks reach the thresholds that are set.

AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 15000
CriticalLevel : 20000
CounterName : CacheBackendMaxIOTime
Alias : Storage latency
Description : Monitors the maximum latency at the backend of the cache for the virtual disk source.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : b0def27c-b8c5-49dc-b0f2-63ce0146057d
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Log
SequenceNumber : 4884
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<b0def27c-b8c5-49dc-b0f2-63ce0146057d>CacheBackendMaxIOTime)
Caption : Storage latency
ExtendedCaption : Storage latency of b0def27c-b8c5-49dc-b0f2-63ce0146057d
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 15000
CriticalLevel : 20000
CounterName : CacheBackendMaxIOTime
Alias : Storage latency
Description : Monitors the maximum latency at the backend of the cache for the virtual disk source.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : af2bf99f-f29f-4240-9b67-a637e3cc06e1
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Log
SequenceNumber : 4886
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<af2bf99f-f29f-4240-9b67-a637e3cc06e1>CacheBackendMaxIOTime)
Caption : Storage latency
ExtendedCaption : Storage latency of af2bf99f-f29f-4240-9b67-a637e3cc06e1
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 15000
CriticalLevel : 20000
CounterName : CacheBackendMaxIOTime
Alias : Storage latency
Description : Monitors the maximum latency at the backend of the cache for the virtual disk source.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : db265f8b-64a8-43b2-956d-9c413a7070b4
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Log
SequenceNumber : 4888
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<db265f8b-64a8-43b2-956d-9c413a7070b4>CacheBackendMaxIOTime)
Caption : Storage latency
ExtendedCaption : Storage latency of db265f8b-64a8-43b2-956d-9c413a7070b4
Internal : False
AttentionLevel : 5000
WarningLevel : 15000
CriticalLevel : 20000
CounterName : CacheBackendMaxIOTime
Alias : Storage latency
Description : Monitors the maximum latency at the backend of the cache for the virtual disk source.
MonitorType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]
MonitoredObjectType : DataCore.Executive.Controller.LogicalDisk
MonitoredObjectId : 7809cc14-09e9-4d85-8c4b-7676ee726ace
TypeId : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<DataCore.Executive.Controller.Log
SequenceNumber : 4890
Id : T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.RisingThresholdPerfMonitor`1[T]<7809cc14-09e9-4d85-8c4b-7676ee726ace>CacheBackendMaxIOTime)
Caption : Storage latency
ExtendedCaption : Storage latency of 7809cc14-09e9-4d85-8c4b-7676ee726ace
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the witness properties for the specified virtual disk.


Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -Witness <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -IOFenced   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties   -VirtualDisk <Object>   -NoWitness   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the witness properties for the specified virtual disk. Setting a witness or setting the Witness option to IOFenced will override the server group default witness setting for the specified virtual disk. When setting the witness to -IOFenced or -NoWitness, the witness is not automatically deleted from the configuration. (See Remove-DcsWitness in order to delete it.)


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name or ID that identifies the witness. The witness must exist in the server group configuration, see Add-DcsWitness if the witness does not exist in the configuration.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to set the witness option for an existing witness as "IOFenced", which will deny host access to both active storage sources for the specified virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Specify this parameter to set the witness option to Default, which will use whatever is configured for the server group default witness.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


See Get-DcsVirtualDisk example to get current WitnessId and WitnessOption values set for all virtual disks. Related cmdlets: Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties, Set-DcsWitnessProperties, Add-DcsWitness, Get-DcsWitness, Remove-DcsWitness.


-------------- Example 1 Sets a witness for the specified virtual disk. --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties -Witness "Witness 2" -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 2"

The witness for the virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 2" is set to the witness named "Witness 2".

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 79E57CB3-F7A6-48C1-B079-CAAEE2183ACE
SecondHostId : 49949EE7-BF92-4833-A880-8BBCD096750B
BackupHostId : 373B4037-4A93-4FD3-A7B4-C416DCCFD2CA
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
WitnessId : 3a340e72221640879deba52582e23915
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 10 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 763a2c232bc841239b9e861a773fdd1a
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D9000A2D1006BA4D7600414C0E9
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
TPThresholdsEnabled : False
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
WitnessOption : Manual
SequenceNumber : 2316074
Id : 763a2c232bc841239b9e861a773fdd1a
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Local
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets the IOFenced witness option for the specified virtual disk. --------------

Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 2" -IOFenced

The witness option for the virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 2" is set to "IOFenced", which disables all host access to the virtual disk.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 49949EE7-BF92-4833-A880-8BBCD096750B
SecondHostId : 79E57CB3-F7A6-48C1-B079-CAAEE2183ACE
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
WitnessId :
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 2
Description :
Size : 20 GB
SectorSize : 512 B
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 42f697f2df404b029f77099cdba54e99
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90E8E606024A0C759D4736D4B1
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
TPThresholdsEnabled : False
IsServed : False
SubType : Standard
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled : False
WitnessOption : IoFenced
SequenceNumber : 817549
Id : 42f697f2df404b029f77099cdba54e99
Caption : Virtual disk 2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 from Local
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the preferred path option and access rights for the front-end path of a logical disk.


Set-DcsVirtualLogicalUnitProperties   -VirtualLogicalUnit <Object>   [ -Access <LogicalUnitAccess> ]   [ -PreferredPathOption <PreferredPathOption> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the preferred path option and access rights for the front-end path of a logical disk. Note: To change the LUN, the virtual logical unit must be removed and re-added with the new LUN specified. (See Remove-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit and Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit)


VirtualLogicalUnitData object, ID or name (caption) that identifies the virtual logical unit (path of a logical disk).

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The client (host) access rights to assign for the front-end path. Valid values include "ReadWrite", "ReadOnly", and "NoAccess".

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Sets the preferred path option for the logical disk path. Possible parameter values are "NotSet", "NotPreferred", or "Preferred". The value "NotSet" will allow the preferred path to be auto-selected by the software, which will select the path to the first server used when the virtual disk was created (see Add-DcsVirtualDisk for first server). The value "NotPreferred" will make the path not preferred no matter which server is the first server and regardless of the preferred server setting for a client (see Set-DcsClientProperties).

Required: false
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualLogicalUnitData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual logical unit (path of a logical disk on a server).


VirtualLogicalUnitData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual logical unit (path of a logical disk on a server).


Also see Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Remove-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit. To set back-end or mirror preferred path options for Fibre Channel paths, see Set-DcsDiskPathPreference.


-------------- Example 1 Sets the access rights for a virtual logical unit stored in a variable --------------

$LD1 | Set-DcsVirtualLogicalUnitProperties -Access "ReadOnly"

A VirtualLogicalUnitData object is stored in the variable $LD1. This variable is piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsVirtualLogicalUnitProperties to change the access rights to "ReadOnly" and the updated object is returned.

LogicalDiskId : LD:CB06D908-CED2-48CC-B9FD-FBFF58F63604_V.{dd9cac8a-5658-11e1-920a-00155d11e929}-00000001
VirtualTargetDeviceId : d85bf872-e173-48a9-9112-0fc949774aca
Lun : 0
Access : ReadOnly
Type : Client
Preferred : True
Enabled : True
Id : a4fa8b01-37a3-46b6-bbb5-bebf5c9b6cec
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1 | LUN 0
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Sets a frontend path to preferred for a logical disk. --------------

$LD = Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost HostVM1 -TargetHost SSVVM1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

$LD[0] | Set-DcsVirtualLogicalUnitProperties -PreferredPathOption Preferred

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit is invoked to obtain the VirtualLogicalUnitData objects for the paths between the initiator ports on the host named HostVM1 and the target ports on the server SSVVM1. Two objects were returned and stored in the variable $LD. The first object in this variable is piped to the cmdlet Set-DcsVirtualLogicalUnitProperties to set the preferred path option to "Preferred" and the updated object is returned.

LogicalDiskId : aa9f301c-6e65-4d81-afa4-07d0b014900e
VirtualTargetDeviceId : 168d8793-6554-48f0-a389-1ca2b6ca52c7
PhysicalDiskId : b6d3b0f116944db8a188caf1c5654d2d-7e861baa7d474da5ad559be8d2144f85
Lun : 0
Access : ReadWrite
Type : Client
Preferred : Preferred
Enabled : True
SequenceNumber : 3019
Id : 6035da7b-172f-4c3c-8460-e85c69f6599c
Caption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSVVM1 | LUN 0
ExtendedCaption : iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSVVM1 | LUN 0
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Sets the properties for the specified witness.


Set-DcsWitnessProperties   -Witness <Object>   [ -Name <String> ]   [ -Address <String> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Sets the properties for the specified witness. This cmdlet can be used to change the name or IP address of a witness.


Object, name or ID that identifies the witness.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

New name to assign to the specified witness.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

New IP address to use for the specified witness. For instance, "172.99.999.99".

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


WitnessData : Object that identifies the witness.


WitnessData : Object that identifies the witness.


See Get-DcsVirtualDisk example to get current WitnessId and WitnessOption values set for all virtual disks. Related cmdlets: Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties, Add-DcsWitness, Get-DcsWitness, Remove-DcsWitness, Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties.


-------------- Example 1 Changes the name and address for the specified witness --------------

Set-DcsWitnessProperties -Witness "Witness 2" -Name "FTL Witness" -Address ""

The name of the Witness named "Witness 2" is changed to "FTL Witness" and the IP address is changed to "". The WitnessData object is returned.

Alias : FTL Witness
IPAddress :
SequenceNumber : 2384950
Id : f199cd79c9e4472a90fb5f976a1ae25a
Caption : FTL Witness
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Terminates the relationship between a CDP-enabled virtual disk and a rollback. This operation can also be performed on a rollback group.


Split-DcsRollback   -Rollback <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Split-DcsRollback   -RollbackGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Terminates the relationship between a CDP-enabled virtual disk and a rollback. This operation can also be performed on a rollback group. The data on the rollback is preserved, but the rollback can no longer be used to revert, see Revert-DcsRollback. After the operation is complete, the rollback becomes a fully usable single virtual disk and is no longer designated as a rollback.


RollbackData object, name, or ID that identifies the rollback.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

RollbackGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a rollback group to split. This will split all rollbacks in the rollback group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


RollbackData : Object that identifies the rollback.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the rollback virtual disk.


Also see Remove-DcsRollback, Get-DcsRollback, Disable-DcsDataProtection, Revert-DcsRollback


-------------- Example 1 Splits a rollback specified by name --------------

Split-DcsRollback -Rollback "Virtual disk 1 @ 9/14/2011 11:17:57 AM on SSV1"

The rollback named "Virtual disk 1 @ 9/14/2011 11:17:57 AM on SSV1" is split to become a fully functioning single virtual disk.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/14/2011 11:17:57 AM
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : fa650cb445954c8995b42d2b51c81326
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/14/2011 11:17:57 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/14/2011 11:17:57 AM from Local Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Splits all rollbacks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsRollback | Split-DcsRollback

The cmdlet Get-DcsRollback is invoked to obtain all RollbackData objects for the server group. The data is piped to Split-DcsRollback resulting in all rollbacks being split.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/14/2011 11:19:34 AM
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : b606266a4f124276ac64e76dbf10c9bd
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/14/2011 11:19:34 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/14/2011 11:19:34 AM from Local Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 3 @ 9/14/2011 11:20:20 AM
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 31ca740738344c91914d1bfefb224094
Caption : Virtual disk 3 @ 9/14/2011 11:20:20 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 @ 9/14/2011 11:20:20 AM from Local Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 2 @ 9/14/2011 11:21:02 AM
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 2c14094d8b2443b795db1014386fcd64
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 9/14/2011 11:21:02 AM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 9/14/2011 11:21:02 AM from Local Group
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Terminates the relationship between the source virtual disk and a full snapshot. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group.


Split-DcsSnapshot   -Snapshot <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Split-DcsSnapshot   -SnapshotGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Terminates the relationship between the source virtual disk and a full snapshot. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group. When split, the snapshot will be independent of the source and operation as any other virtual disk. (The snapshot must be a full snapshot in order to perform this operation, see ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot.)


SnapshotData object, name, or ID that identifies a snapshot.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

SnapshotGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a snapshot group to split. Use this parameter to split all eligible snapshots in the snapshot group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SnapshotData : Object that identifies the snapshot.


VirtualDiskData or VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot virtual disk or snapshot group.


Also see Update-DcsSnapshot, ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot, Revert-DcsSnapshot, Remove-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsSnapshot


-------------- Example 1 Splits a full snapshot specified by name --------------

Split-DcsSnapshot -Snapshot "Virtual disk 2 @ 3/28/2012 2:49:36 PM on SSV4"

The full snapshot named "Virtual disk 2 @ 3/28/2012 2:49:36 PM on SSV4" is split to become a fully functioning single virtual disk.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 25C0A9F6-4F7D-44DD-95BA-1DEDCA9A4D9D
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 2 @ 3/28/2012 2:49:36 PM
Description :
Size : 100.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Low
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 12598
Id : 3e09050b09af45a5adc73d9744c764c1
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 3/28/2012 2:49:36 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 3/28/2012 2:49:36 PM from Server Group FTL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Splits all full snapshots by piping objects --------------

$fullsnaps = (Get-DcsSnapshot | ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot)

$fullsnaps | Split-DcsSnapshot

The cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshot is piped to ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot resulting in all differential snapshots being converted to full snapshots and the SnapshotData objects returned are stored in the variable $fullsnaps. After this process is complete, the variable $fullsnaps is piped to Split-DcsSnapshot and those snapshots are split.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 3CA4C19A-D3A3-4CBE-9426-0F6A88AFB744
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 5 @ 3/27/2012 5:35:28 PM
Description :
Size : 20.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Low
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 13364
Id : cc6446229b12459da9b4506da1a7c604
Caption : Virtual disk 5 @ 3/27/2012 5:35:28 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 5 @ 3/27/2012 5:35:28 PM from Server Group FTL
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 25C0A9F6-4F7D-44DD-95BA-1DEDCA9A4D9D
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 2 @ 3/28/2012 3:40:58 PM
Description :
Size : 100.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Low
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 13516
Id : 2410495ca6274082af6cf8c8980f3dec
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 3/28/2012 3:40:58 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 3/28/2012 3:40:58 PM from Server Group FTL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Splits a snapshot group --------------

$SSgrp = Split-DcsSnapshot -SnapshotGroup "VD group 1 @ 5/10/2012 4:22:52 PM"

The full snapshot group named "VD group 1 @ 5/10/2012 4:22:52 PM" is split to become a fully functioning virtual disk group.

Alias : VD group 1 @ 5/10/2012 4:22:52 PM
Description :
SequenceNumber : 10925
Id : {6a7243e0-7c82-4492-9cf5-e2205ba6267d}
Caption : VD group 1 @ 5/10/2012 4:22:52 PM
ExtendedCaption : VD group 1 @ 5/10/2012 4:22:52 PM
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Splits a multi-copy or dual virtual disk.


Split-DcsVirtualDisk   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -UnserveServer <Object> ]   [ -Force]   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Splits a multi-copy or dual virtual disk. When splitting a multi-copy virtual disk that is unserved , each server with a copy of the data will retain that copy as a single virtual disk. A dual virtual disk will become one single virtual disk on one server. To split a virtual disk that is served, use the parameter UnserveServer. To split a dual virtual disk or to split one storage source from a 3-copy virtual disk specify the server by using the parameter UnserveServer. See UnserveServer for more information.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk to split.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object or ID that identifies the server to unserve. Use this parameter to split without unserving a virtual disk or to split a dual virtual disk. If specified, all front-end paths from this server to a client host will be removed. In the case of a dual virtual disk, the specified server will be removed as a storage source of the virtual disk. In the case of a 3-copy virtual disk, the specified server will be split to create a single virtual disk, and a mirrored virtual disk is left from the remaining storage sources.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to force the operation to be performed in the case of 3-copy virtual disks, when one of the active storage sources is being split and the inactive storage source is failed or is determined to be not up-to-date by the software. For example, this could occur when the the virtual disk is failed or in recovery. Forcing this operation can cause a full recovery.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Forcing the split operation when the state of the data on the inactive storage source is unknown or not up-to-date and the operation can result in full recovery requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the virtual disk to be split.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk created by the split operation.


Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Add-VirtualDiskMirror.


-------------- Example 1 Splits a virtual disk identified by name (caption) --------------

Split-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1 from Local Group"

The mirrored virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1 from Local Group" is split.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1 (Second)
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : d6aa8ebde16f4819a4af062b0b9512fa
Caption : Virtual disk 1 (Second)
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 (Second) from Local Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Splits virtual disks by piping objects --------------

$SplitVD = Get-DcsVirtualDisk -ServerGroup "Local Group" -Kind Standard

$SplitVD | Split-DcsVirtualDisk

In this example, assume that only mirrored virtual disk exist in the server group and meet the requirements for the split operation. The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to obtain objects for all standard type virtual disks in the server group named "Local Group" and store them in the variable $SplitVD. The variable $SplitVD is piped to Split-DcsVirtualDisk resulting in those virtual disks being split.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 3 (Second)
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 4e79b97c6ecf4baab130873b16e83649
Caption : Virtual disk 3 (Second)
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 3 (Second) from Local Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1 (Second)
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : fa1fcfe1198c416fa0f5713368904231
Caption : Virtual disk 1 (Second)
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 (Second) from Local Group
Internal : False
VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 2 (Second)
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : False
Id : 0f1680d87cff473da737aead48b6ed6e
Caption : Virtual disk 2 (Second)
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 (Second) from Local Group
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Splits a virtual disk that is served. --------------

$Svr = Get-DcsServer -Server SSV2

Split-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -UnserveServer $Svr

The cmdlet Get-DcsServer is invoked to return the ServerHostData object for server "SSV2" and save it to the variable $Svr. The cmdlet Split-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to split the virtual disk "Virtual disk 1" and the variable $Svr is used to pass the object for server SSV2. This results in two single virtual disks, one on each server. The single virtual disk on server SSV2 will be unserved.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : 8CE05A9F-D367-4BDE-BCE6-67909F6F7F6A
SecondHostId :
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
Alias : Virtual disk 1 (Second)
Description :
Size : 30.00 GB
Type : NonMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D9082DF42069B9F0E63E185D7AF
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Low
IsServed : False
SequenceNumber : 8608
Id : 7fea38e4c221401497bb1e4756e3e7e6
Caption : Virtual disk 1 (Second)
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 (Second) from Group FTL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 4 Splits a dual virtual disk identified by name --------------

Split-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 2" -UnserveServer SSV1

In this cmdlet, the dual virtual disk named "Virtual disk 2" is split. The parameter UnservServer is used to designate the server that is removed from the dual virtual disk configuration. Removing server "SSV1" results in one single virtual disk owned by server "SSV2". The virtual disk remains served to the client host. In this case, since splitting a dual virtual disk does not create a new virtual disk, the VirtualDisksData object is not returned.

To Table of Contents




Moves eligible logical disks (storage sources) from a specified server to one or more servers in the server group.


Start-DcsDistributionPlan   -DistributionPlan <LogicalDiskDistributionSet[]>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Start-DcsDistributionPlan   -SourceServer <Object>   -DestinationServer <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Moves eligible logical disks (storage sources) from a specified server to other servers in the server group. Logical disks can be moved using two different methods. Method 1- All eligible logical disks from one server (source server) are moved to another server (destination server). A distribution plan is not needed. This method behaves in the same way as the "Evacuate DataCore Server" operation. Method 2 - All eligible logical disks are moved to one or more servers based on the distribution plan (see Get-DcsDistributionPlan). In this method, the operation is performed based on the distribution plan and behaves in the same way as the "Evacuate DataCore Server" or "Redistribute to DataCore Server" operations. The Get-DcsDistributionPlan can be rerun before invoking this cmdlet in the event that actions have been taken to reduce warnings which cause the plan to change.


An array of LogicalDiskDistributionSet, which is the distribution plan created from the cmdlet Get-DcsDistributionPlan.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Logical disks with warnings will not be moved unless the Yes parameter is used. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to move logical disks that have warnings. This parameter prevents user interaction and is required for scripted scenarios.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server with the virtual disks to evacuate. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. The ServerHostData object can be obtained using Get-DcsServer.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server that will receive the virtual disks that are evacuated. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. The ServerHost object can be obtained using Get-DcsServer.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


LogicalDiskDistributionSet[] : An array of LogiicalDiskDistributionSet, which is the distribution plan created from the cmdlet Get-DcsDistributionPlan.



Eligible logical disks can be from single, dual, or mirrored virtual disks. Hosts will temporarily lose access to single virtual disks during the operation. This operation can also move logical disks from servers that are unavailable (offline or failed), although in this case moving logical disks from multipath mirrored virtual disks that are not in write-through modes will fail. Logical disks with warnings will not be moved unless the Yes parameter is used. Also see related cmdlet Get-DcsDistributionPlan.


-------------- Example 1 Starts the distribution of storage sources from a specified server to other eligible servers using the distribution plan --------------

Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 | Get-DcsDistributionPlan | Start-DcsDistributionPlan

This cmdlet starts an operation that behaves in the same way as the "Evacuate DataCore Server" operation. The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to get all the LogicalDiskData objects for the server "SSV1". The results are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsDistributionPlan to create the distribution plan and the plan is piped to the cmdlet Start-DcsDistributionPlan to start the operation.

-------------- Example 2 Starts the distribution of storage sources from a specified server to another specified server using the distribution plan --------------

Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server "SSV2" | Get-DcsDistributionPlan -DestinationServer "SSV1"  | Start-DcsDistributionPlan

This cmdlet starts an operation that behaves in the same way as the "Redistribute to DataCore Server" operation. The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to get all the LogicalDiskData objects for the server "SSV2". The results are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsDistributionPlan and the parameter DestinationServer is used to specify that the storage sources should be moved to the server "SSV1" and a distribution plan is created. The plan is piped to the cmdlet Start-DcsDistributionPlan to start the operation.

-------------- Example 3 Starts the distribution of storage sources from a source server to the destination server --------------

Start-DcsDistributionPlan -SourceServer "SSVVM01" -DestinationServer "SSVVM06" -Yes

Storage sources from the source server named "SSVVM01" are moved to the destination server named "SSVVM06". A distribution plan is not needed when source server and destination server are supplied to the cmdlet. The parameter Yes is included in order to also move storage sources with warnings.

To Table of Contents




Enables historical performance recording.


Start-DcsHistoricalRecording   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Enables historical performance recording.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



RecordingEndpointData : Object that identifies the recording endpoint



-------------- Example 1 Enable historical performance recording --------------


Historical performance recording is started for the default server group.

CurrentState : Connected
Alias : !HistoricalMonitoringEndpoint
EndpointType : MultiPeriodSchema
Readonly : True
Enabled : True
Settings : DataCore.Executive.LocalRecordingEndpointSettings
SequenceNumber : 24717
Id : EAC11308-BD78-4EFF-9CDD-C46AE4CED481
Caption : Historical monitoring recording endpoint
ExtendedCaption : Historical monitoring recording endpoint
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Start-DcsRecordingSession.


Start-DcsRecording   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Start-DcsRecordingSession.



Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false





To Table of Contents




Starts the specified performance recording session.


Start-DcsRecordingSession   -Session <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Starts the specified performance recording session.


The PerformanceRecordingSessionData object, Id, or Caption that identifies the performance recording session. The object can be obtained from Get-DcsRecordingSession.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PerformanceRecordingSessionData : Object that identifies the session.



This cmdlet replaces the obsolete cmdlet Start-DcsRecording. Also see Get-DcsRecordingSession, Stop-DcsRecordingSession.


-------------- Example 1 Starts a recording session by piping a session object --------------

Get-DcsRecordingSession -Session "User recording session" | Start-DcsRecordingSession

The cmdlet Get-DcsRecordingSession is invoked to retrieve the PerformanceRecordingSessionData object for the "User recording session" as described in the Caption of the object. This object is piped to Start-DcsRecordingSession to identify the session to start.

To Table of Contents




Starts the offline initialization process for the specified replication.


Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization   -Replication <Object>   -Buffer <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Starts the offline initialization process for the specified replication. In this process, the cmdlet is invoked on the source to copy the data on the source virtual disk to the offline buffer on the source. When the operation completes, the data should be prepared for transport and delivered to the destination via courier or shipping service. At the destination, the data should be copied to a folder on the destination server. This cmdlet must be invoked again on the destination using the folder as the offline buffer on the destination. When the operation completes on the destination, the offline initialization is complete. The transfer status should go healthy and normal asynchronous data transfer from the source will begin.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies either the source or the destination virtual disk in the replication. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskData. Use the object for the source when copying the source virtual disk data to the offline buffer. Use the object for the destination when copying the offline buffer contents to the destination virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

The complete and valid path to the offline replication buffer. The location could be a removable drive, local folder or network location that is accessible to the server. (The folder must exist and will not be created by this cmdlet.) We highly recommend creating a different offline buffer for each virtual disk. Name the folder so that it identifies the virtual disk. This will be useful when initializing multiple virtual disks or if data may have to go to different locations. An example of a complete path: "E:\OfflineInit_VD1".

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsynchReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the replication. The VirtualDiskData object can also be used to identify either the source or destination in a replication.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the replication.


Also see Add-DcsReplication, Stop-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization, Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Starts offline initialization for a local virtual disk specified by name --------------

Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization -Replication "Virtual disk 1" -Buffer "F:\Replication Offline Buffer\Virtual Disk 1"

Offline initialization is started for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1". The location of the existing offline buffer folder for the virtual disk is "F:\Replication Offline Buffer\Virtual Disk 1".

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : a7869c8ba5304c7d8ebfca176680a407
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fc9535748c98442b9d23f9aea0a8067f
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Initializing
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Offline
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : WaitToStartOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 050bc912-b0b4-46d8-ad5a-c4f8a0917e2a
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Starts virtualization on a stopped server.


Start-DcsServer   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Starts virtualization on a stopped server. When a server is started, the serving and mirroring capabilities of the server are enabled. If the server is "preferred," the virtual disk paths using the server will failback and any single virtual disks will be accessible to the host again.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


Also see Stop-DcsServer.


-------------- Example 1 Starts a server specified by name --------------

Start-DcsServer -Server SSV1

The server named SSV1 is started.

GroupId : 4ba07046-5f6b-44f1-acf8-41d77d0dc184
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
CacheSize : 255.00 MB
State : Online
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 7848000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder : E:\
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 54.86 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description : Storage server located in Ft. Lauderdale Lab2 Room 13E.
HostName :
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in Local Group
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Starts the reclamation process for a virtual disk.


Start-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Starts the reclamation process for a virtual disk. The reclamation process de-allocates any storage allocation units (SAUs) that are completely filled with zeros in the virtual disk. Those SAUs are added back to the available free space in the pool. The reclamation process could have an impact on the performance of the host. The process can be aborted without damage to the virtual disk integrity and restarted at a later time if performance is impacted, see Stop-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


LogicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes a logical disk.


Also see Stop-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Starts reclamation on a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Start-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Starts the reclamation process on the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".

StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 62
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : a7869c8ba5304c7d8ebfca176680a407
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-0000003E
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}
VolumeIndex : 43
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : NotUpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : a7869c8ba5304c7d8ebfca176680a407
DiskRole : Second
ServerHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B_V.{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}-0000002B
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV2
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Starts reclamation for virtual disks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -ServerGroup "Local Group" -Kind Standard | Start-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to obtain the VirtualDiskData objects for all standard type virtual disks in the server group named "Local Group". The objects are piped to Start-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation to start reclamation on those virtual disks.

StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}
VolumeIndex : 41
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : True
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : 2164986282d34c3282e73a2002801368
DiskRole : Second
ServerHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B_V.{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}-00000029
Caption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV2
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 63
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : True
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : 2164986282d34c3282e73a2002801368
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-0000003F
Caption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 62
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : True
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : a7869c8ba5304c7d8ebfca176680a407
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-0000003E
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}
VolumeIndex : 43
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : True
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : a7869c8ba5304c7d8ebfca176680a407
DiskRole : Second
ServerHostId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B_V.{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}-0000002B
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Aborts the pending deactivation of a virtual disk in a replication.


Stop-DcsDeactivateReplication   -Replication <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Stop-DcsDeactivateReplication   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Aborts the pending deactivation of a virtual disk in a replication. If a virtual disk is deactivated in error, while the virtual disk is in the process of deactivating (a transitional state), the deactivation process can be cancelled. This operation may not be available in some cases because deactivation will occur almost instantaneously if the replication buffer is empty.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk that is in the process of being deactivated. The virtual disk must be a local virtual disk for the connection. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskData.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to stop the deactivation of replication relationships for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the replication. The VirtualDiskData object can also be used to identify the local virtual disk that is in the process of being deactivated.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the replication.


Also see Reverse-DcsReplication, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Stops the deactivate operation by specifying the virtual disk name --------------

Stop-DcsDeactivateReplication -Replication "Virtual disk 1"

The pending deactivate replication operation is cancelled for the local virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".

FirstServerId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
FirstVirtualDiskId : 8eadb3320aa74743be32f8632e025be2
SecondServerId : 720943c9-eaf5-4820-b422-fd6f4fdcc9c6:B36AABC8-31AA-4602-B898-4B82506225FC
SecondVirtualDiskId : ae34af84e7674c278a66b5a803ef7117
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : f9c71343-464d-4761-8bd7-04b378990632
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Aborts the pending process to remove the relationship between the source and destination virtual disks in a replication.


Stop-DcsDeleteReplication   -Replication <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Stop-DcsDeleteReplication   -VirtualDiskGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Aborts the pending process to remove the relationship between the source and destination virtual disks in a replication (see Remove-DcsReplication). This operation may not be available is some cases, because deleting a replication will occur almost instantaneously if the replication buffer is empty.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk that is in the process of being deleted. The virtual disk must be a local virtual disk for the connection. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskData.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to stop the removal of replication relationships for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : The AsyncReplicationData object identifies and describes the replication relationship. The VirtualDiskData object identifies and describes the virtual disk that is in the process of being deleted.


AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the replication.


Also see Remove-DcsReplication, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Stops the deletion of the replication by specifying the virtual disk name --------------

Stop-DcsDeleteReplication -Replication "Virtual disk 1"

The delete replication operation for the local virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" is cancelled.

FirstServerId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
FirstVirtualDiskId : 8eadb3320aa74743be32f8632e025be2
SecondServerId : 720943c9-eaf5-4820-b422-fd6f4fdcc9c6:B36AABC8-31AA-4602-B898-4B82506225FC
SecondVirtualDiskId : ae34af84e7674c278a66b5a803ef7117
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Active
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Enabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Online
OfflineInitializationBuffer :
OfflineInitStatus : NoOfflineInit
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : f9c71343-464d-4761-8bd7-04b378990632
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Disables historical performance recording.


Stop-DcsHistoricalRecording   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Disables historical performance recording.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



RecordingEndpointData : Object that identifies the recording endpoint



-------------- Example 1 Disable historical performance recording --------------


Historical performance recording is stopped for the default server group.

CurrentState : Connected
Alias : !HistoricalMonitoringEndpoint
EndpointType : MultiPeriodSchema
Readonly : True
Enabled : False
Settings : DataCore.Executive.LocalRecordingEndpointSettings
SequenceNumber : 25169
Id : EAC11308-BD78-4EFF-9CDD-C46AE4CED481
Caption : Historical monitoring recording endpoint
ExtendedCaption : Historical monitoring recording endpoint
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Aborts an active Move Logical Disk operation. (See Move-DcsLogicalDisk)


Stop-DcsMoveLogicalDisk   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Stop-DcsMoveLogicalDisk   -LogicalDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Aborts an active Move Logical Disk operation. (See Move-DcsLogicalDisk)


VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies the virtual disk which should have the move operation stopped.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

LogicalDiskData object, ID or caption that identifies a logical disk that should have the move operation stopped.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


Also see Move-DcsLogicalDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDisk


-------------- Example 1 Stops the Move Logical Disk operation in progress --------------

Stop-DcsMoveLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Assume that the Move Logical Disk operation is in progress for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1". The cmdlet Stop-DcsMoveLogicalDisk is invoked to stop the operation on "Virtual disk 1". The operation is stopped and the VirtualDiskData object is returned.

VirtualDiskGroupId :
FirstHostId : E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093
SecondHostId : BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386
BackupHostId :
StorageProfileId : 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3
SnapshotPoolId :
Alias : Virtual disk 1
Description :
Size : 50.00 GB
Type : MultiPathMirrored
DiskStatus : Online
InquiryData : DataCore Virtual Disk DCS ec6a87754077499dbe1eda213c6df2e0
ScsiDeviceId : {96, 3, 13, 144...}
ScsiDeviceIdString : 60030D90446DFE01504F9B5BE7187E6F
RemovableMedia : False
WriteThrough : False
Offline : False
Disabled : False
ManualRecovery : False
DiskLayout : DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout
PersistentReserveEnabled : True
RecoveryPriority : Regular
IsServed : True
SequenceNumber : 11226
Id : ec6a87754077499dbe1eda213c6df2e0
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 from Group1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents






Stop-DcsMoveStorageSource   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Stop-DcsMoveStorageSource   -LogicalDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]




Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false





To Table of Contents




THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Stop-DcsRecordingSession.


Stop-DcsRecording   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Stop-DcsRecordingSession.



Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false





To Table of Contents




Stops the specified performance recording session.


Stop-DcsRecordingSession   -Session <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Stops the specified performance recording session.


The PerformanceRecordingSessionData object, Id, or Caption that identifies the performance recording session.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PerformanceRecordingSessionData : Object that identifies the recording session.



This cmdlet replaces the obsolete cmdlet Stop-DcsRecording. Also see Get-DcsRecordingSession, Start-DcsRecordingSession.


-------------- Example 1 Stops the session by specifying the Caption. --------------

Stop-DcsRecordingSession -Session "User recording session"

The cmdlet Stop-DcsRecordingSession is invoked with the session identified by the Caption in the PerformanceRecordingSessionData.

To Table of Contents




Cancels an offline replication in progress.


Stop-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization   -Replication <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Cancels an offline replication in progress.


AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the source or the destination virtual disk in the replication. The AsyncReplicationData object can be obtained with Get-DcsReplication and the VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskData.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


AsynchReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the replication. The VirtualDiskData object can also be used to identify either the source or destination in a replication.


AsynchReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the replication.


Also see Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization, Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType, Get-DcsReplication, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Stops offline replication for a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Stop-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization -Replication "Virtual disk 1"

Stops the offline initialization process for the local virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".

FirstServerId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
FirstVirtualDiskId : d9918a9a4c0949fdbc1ddcc5bdf5bc57
SecondServerId : ef23cc60-9003-452d-a291-3dd29aa1f403:2AB62361-B9B9-4A38-B246-3EACF3B19B3A
SecondVirtualDiskId : fbc7abc4b680468e9d3b5f0ff828d858
IsActiveSide : True
ReplicationState : Initializing
FailureStatus : NoFailure
TransferStatus : Disabled
Paused : False
CheckpointSnapshotId :
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense : Enabled
OfflineInitializationSupported : True
InitializationType : Offline
OfflineInitializationBuffer : F:\Replication Offline Buffer\Virtual disk 1
OfflineInitStatus : WaitToTransportOfflineBuffer
InitializationFailureStatus : NoFailure
Id : 964ab920-856e-4607-8f62-8ddb2878e627
Caption : Virtual disk 1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV3
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Stops virtualization on a server.


Stop-DcsServer   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Stops virtualization on a server. When a server is stopped, the serving and mirroring capabilities of the server are disabled until the server is started again. When stopped, mirrored virtual disks with active paths using the server will failover and single virtual disks will be inaccessible to the host.


ServerHostData object, computer name or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


Also see Start-DcsServer.


-------------- Example 1 Stops a server specified by name --------------

Stop-DcsServer -Server SSV1

The server named SSV1 is stopped.

GroupId : 4ba07046-5f6b-44f1-acf8-41d77d0dc184
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
CacheSize : 255.00 MB
State : Offline
SupportState : Idle
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 7866000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder : E:\
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 179.23 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : Unknown
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description : Storage server located in Ft. Lauderdale Lab2 Room 13E.
HostName :
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in Local Group
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Aborts the current operation that is being performed on the specified snapshot or snapshot group.


Stop-DcsSnapshotOperation   -Snapshot <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Stop-DcsSnapshotOperation   -SnapshotGroup <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Aborts the current operation that is being performed on the specified snapshot or snapshot group.


SnapshotData object, name, or ID that identifies the snapshot.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

SnapshotGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a snapshot group. Use this parameter to stop the current snapshot operation on all all eligible snapshots in the snapshot group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SnapshotData : Object that identifies the snapshot.


SnapshotData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot.


Also see Update-DcsSnapshot, ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot, Revert-DcsSnapshot, Remove-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsSnapshot.


-------------- Example 1 Stops snapshot operation on snapshot specified by name (caption) --------------

Stop-DcsSnapshotOperation -Snapshot "Virtual disk 1 @ 9/16/2011 4:23:51 PM on SSV1"

Stops the active snapshot operation on the snapshot named "Virtual disk 1 @ 9/16/2011 4:23:51 PM on SSV1".

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-0000004A
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4_V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000050
Type : Full
TimeStamp : 9/16/2011 4:24:30 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Migrated
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-0000004A--V.{91E63003-CA79-11E0-A962-00155D11E921}-
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/16/2011 4:23:51 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/16/2011 4:23:51 PM on SSV1

To Table of Contents




Aborts the support bundle process on servers in a server group.


Stop-DcsSupportBundle   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Aborts the support bundle process on servers in a server group.


Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.


Also see Upload-DcsSupportBundle.


-------------- Example 1 Stops the support bundle process for a server group --------------


Stops the active support bundle process on the default server group.

GroupId : 4ba07046-5f6b-44f1-acf8-41d77d0dc184
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
CacheSize : 255.00 MB
State : Online
SupportState : Cancelling
SnapshotMapStoreId : V.{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}-00000051
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4:{91e63003-ca79-11e0-a962-00155d11e921}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 7740000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder : E:\
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 79.26 MB
LogStatus : StoragePaused
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description : Storage server located in Ft. Lauderdale Lab2 Room 13E.
HostName :
Id : 84972D6B-7E71-4616-BDA1-57ECEAF3FFC4
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in Local Group
Internal : False
GroupId : 4ba07046-5f6b-44f1-acf8-41d77d0dc184
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
CacheSize : 255.00 MB
State : Online
SupportState : Cancelling
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B:{9437d954-ca79-11e0-857f-00155d11e923}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 7740000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 89.84 MB
LogStatus : StoragePaused
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df,, fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : C553D471-3527-47EC-9326-D53E04204F2B
Caption : SSV2
ExtendedCaption : SSV2 in Local Group
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Stops a task if it is currently in the "Running" state.


Stop-DcsTask   -Task <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Stops a task if it is currently in the "Running" state. The task is not disabled; the next time that the task is triggered, it will run again.


TaskData object, name, or ID that identifies the task.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


TaskData : Object identifying and describing the task.


TaskData : Object identifying and describing the task.


Also see Invoke-DcsTask, Disable-DcsTask, Enable-DcsTask.


-------------- Example 1 Stops a task specified by name --------------

Stop-DcsTask -Task ReclaimVirtualDisk1

Stops the running task named ReclaimVirtualDisk1.

Description :
Enabled : True
ActionBehavior : RunPerTrigger
MaxRunTime : 6048000000000
Connective : LogicalOr
ActionDelay : 0
State : Idle
CurrentActionId :
LastStartTime : 9/19/2011 4:31:31 PM
LastStopTime : 9/19/2011 4:31:33 PM
Id : 6d03de54-d9bb-4228-9484-acd926819c5f
Caption : ReclaimVirtualDisk1
ExtendedCaption : ReclaimVirtualDisk1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Aborts the reclamation process for a virtual disk.


Stop-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Aborts the reclamation process for a virtual disk. If aborted, the process can be restarted at a later time without damage to the virtual disk integrity, see Start-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation.


VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.


LogicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the logical disk. One object will be returned for each logical disk.


See Start-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Stops reclamation on a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Stop-DcsVirtualDiskReclamation -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

Stops reclamation on the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".

StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1:{4e7bb88f-e2da-11e0-8749-00155d11e923}
VolumeIndex : 1
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : 659d6809344d47bcb2c6384fd769cf69
DiskRole : Second
ServerHostId : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1_V.{4e7bb88f-e2da-11e0-8749-00155d11e923}-00000001
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV2
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV2
Internal : False
StreamDiskId :
RetentionTime : 0
StreamSize : 0.00 B
StreamState : NotPresent
PoolId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}
VolumeIndex : 1
MinQuota : 0.00 B
MaxQuota : 0.00 B
TierAffinity : {1, 2, 3}
StorageName :
InReclamation : False
DataStatus : UpToDate
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 1.00 PB
Description :
DiskStatus : Online
Virtualized : True
ClientAccessRights : ReadWrite
Failure : Healthy
VirtualDiskId : 659d6809344d47bcb2c6384fd769cf69
DiskRole : First
ServerHostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
IsMapped : True
Protected : True
Id : LD:4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2_V.{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}-00000001
Caption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Synchronizes an out-of-synch configuration.


Sync-DcsConfiguration   -Server <String>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Synchronizes an out-of-synch configuration. If communication is lost between servers in a server group and the servers are unable to automatically reconcile the differences, the configuration will be temporarily out-of-synch. In this case, the user must select the server with the most appropriate configuration, so that the configuration can be synchronized again.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. This server will propagate its configuration to the other server in the group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Synchronizing the configuration is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to synchronize and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ConfigurationData : Object that identifies the state of the configuration.


Also see Get-DcsConfigurationState.


-------------- Example 1 Synchronizes a configuration --------------

Sync-DcsConfiguration -Server SSV1 -Yes

The configuration of the server group is synchronized using the configuration of the server named SSV1. The Yes parameter is included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

State : Synchronized
Source :
Id : 942c3183-edd5-409f-8116-b721be9e3f1b
Caption :
ExtendedCaption :
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Tests the connection to a local or remote SQL recording server.


Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection   -Server <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -UserName <String>   -Password <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -Credentials <PSCredential>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -UseWindowsAuthentication   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Tests the connection to a local or remote SQL recording server. For the remote SQL Server, either Windows login or SQL login credentials are required.


ServerHostData object, Id, or computer name that identifies the local recording server.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The hostname of the remote SQL Server.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the SQL database.

Required: true
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Username configured for the SQL Server login.

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Password configured for the SQL Server login.

Required: true
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

The PSCredential object containing user name and password for the remote SQL Recording Server. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.

Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use this parameter to use Windows login credentials to authenticate.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



string : String conveying the success or failure of the connection. "True" means a successful connection. "False" means a failed connection.


This cmdlet replaces Test-DcsRecordingServerConnection. See also Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties to set the recording server, database, and credentials.


-------------- Example 1 Tests the connection to a local recording server --------------

Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection -Server SSVVM03

The cmdlet Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection is invoked to test the connection to the local server named "SSVVM03".


-------------- Example 2 Tests the connection to a remote server, specifying the username and password as parameter values --------------

Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection -RemoteServer "SQLServer -DatabaseName "DcsPerf" -UserName "SQLUser" -Password "SQLpw001!"

The cmdlet Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection is invoked to test the connection to the remote SQL server with the host name "SQLServer" and the SQL database named "DcsPerf". The SQL login credentials has the username "SQLUser" and password "SQLpw001!".


-------------- Example 3 Tests the connection to a remote server using a PSCredentials object --------------

Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection -RemoteServer "SQLServer" -DatabaseName "DcsPerf" -Credentials $SQLCreds

The Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential is invoked to collect the credentials for the remote SQL recording server. When Get-Credential is invoked a dialog box opens and the username and password of the recording server can be entered in a secure manner. The credentials of the recording server are saved to the variable $SQLCreds.

cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:

-------------- Example 4 Tests the connection to a remote server using Windows operating system credentials --------------

Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection -RemoteServer "SQLServer" -DatabaseName "DcsPerf" -UseWindowsAuthentication

The cmdlet Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection is invoked to test the connection to the remote SQL server with the host name "SQLServer" and the SQL database named "SQLDatabase". The switch parameter "UseWindowsAuthentication" is included to use Windows login credentials to authenticate. The string "True" is returned meaning that the connection was successful.


To Table of Contents




THIS CMDLET IS OBSOLETE, use Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection.


Test-DcsRecordingServerConnection   -ConnectionString <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Test-DcsRecordingServerConnection   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -UserName <String>   -Password <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Test-DcsRecordingServerConnection   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -Credentials <PSCredential>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Test-DcsRecordingServerConnection   -RemoteServer <String>   -DatabaseName <String>   -UseWindowsAuthentication   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]




Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false





To Table of Contents




Tests the connections between all servers in the server group and the support bundle relay server.


Test-DcsSupportBundleRelayAddress   -SupportBundleRelayAddress <String>   [ -Port <Int32> ]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Tests the connections between all servers in the server group and the support bundle relay server. (See Set-DcsServerGroupProperties to configure the address of the support bundle relay server.)


The name or IP address for the support bundle relay server.

Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Use the parameter to specify a non-default port number. If not specified, the default port number 3795 will be used.

Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



string : Message is returned that informs the administrator whether or not all servers in the server group could successfully communicate with the support bundle relay server.



-------------- Tests communication to the support bundle relay server using a nondefault port number. --------------

Test-DcsSupportBundleRelayAddress -SupportBundleRelayAddress SSVVM03 -Port 3700

The connection to the support bundle relay server named "SSVVM03" is tested using non-default port "3700. A message is returned that communication is successful.

All servers successfully communicated with the support bundle relay at SSVVM03:3700.

To Table of Contents




Releases the lock put on a discovered physical disk in order to use it.


Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk   [ -Server <String> ]   -Disk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Releases the lock put on a discovered physical disk in order to use it. When a new physical disk is discovered, it is protected or "locked" from use.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


PhysicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the disk.


PhysicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the disk.


Also see Add-DcsPoolMember, Get-DcsPhysicalDisk


-------------- Example 1 Unlocks a physical disk specified by name --------------

$unlock = Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk -Server SSV1 -Disk "Disk 8"

The physical disk named "Disk 8" on the server named SSV1 is unlocked.

PoolMemberId :
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
PresenceStatus : Present
Size : 50.00 GB
FreeSpace : 0.00 B
InquiryData : DataCore SANmelody DCS VVol51_SSV1_50
ScsiPath : Port 4, Bus 0, Target 4, LUN 10
DiskIndex : 8
SystemName : \\?\PhysicalDrive8
DiskHealth : Healthy
BusType : iScsi
Type : Uninitialized
DiskStatus : Online
Partitioned : False
InUse : False
IsBootDisk : False
Protected : False
UniqueIdentifier : naa.60030d9056566f6c35315f535356315f
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:naa.60030d9056566f6c35315f535356315f
Caption : Disk 8
ExtendedCaption : Disk 8 on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Unserves virtual disks from a client host.


Unserve-DcsVirtualDisk   -Machine <String>   -VirtualDisk <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Unserves virtual disks from a client host. When a virtual disk is unserved, the virtual disk path from the server to the client host is removed and the virtual disk becomes inaccessible to the client host.


Computer name or ID that identifies a server or client host from which to unserve the virtual disk. The computer name for a server must be unique or the names must be fully qualified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a virtual disk to unserve.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.



Also see Serve-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDisk.


-------------- Example 1 Unserves a virtual disk specified by name --------------

Unserve-DcsVirtualDisk -Machine Host3 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"

The virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" is unserved from the machine named "Host3".

-------------- Example 2 Unserves virtual disks by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsVirtualDisk -ServerGroup Local -Machine Host3 | Unserve-DcsVirtualDisk -Machine Host3

The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to obtain VirtualDiskData objects for all virtual disks in the server group named "Local" that are served to the client named "Host3". Those objects are piped to Unserve-DcsVirtualDisk with the machine specified as "Host3". This results in all virtual disks served to Host 3 being unserved.

To Table of Contents




Rescans server ports to discover disks.


Update-DcsServerPort   [ -Server <String> ]   -Port <Object>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Update-DcsServerPort   [ -Server <String> ]   -AllPorts   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Rescans server ports to discover disks. All ports on a server can be scanned or an individual port can be scanned.


Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies a port. To uniquely identify ports by name, the server must be specified.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

use this parameter to rescan all ports on the server.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


ScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.


Also see Set-DcsServerPortProperties, Set-DcsPortProperties, Remove-DcsServerPort, Disconnect-DcsiSCSITarget, Connect-DcsiSCSITarget.


-------------- Example 1 Scans all ports on a server specified by name --------------

Update-DcsServerPort -Server SSV1 -AllPorts

The cmdlet is invoked with the parameter AllPorts in order to scan all ports of the server named SSV1.

PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : 22FE0030D920F40E
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Backend
PortName : 22-FE-00-30-D9-20-F4-0E
Alias : Loopback Port
Description :
PortType : Loopback
PortMode : InitiatorTarget
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:22FE0030D920F40E
Caption : Loopback Port
ExtendedCaption : Loopback Port on SSV1
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-15
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-15
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-20
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 2
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-20
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 2
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV1
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 3
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 3
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1
Internal : False
InitiatorPortals : {fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299, fe80::d86e:28b1:6c8e:ee36, fe80::f13e:c21d:f0b8:c2e...}
iSnsServer : {}
TargetPortals : {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData}
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MSFT-05-1991
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Backend, Mirror
PortName : ssv1msiscsiinitiator
Alias : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:MSFT-05-1991
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Scans a port specified by name --------------

Update-DcsServerPort -Server SSV1 -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1"

The port named "Server iSCSI Port 1" on the server SSV1 is scanned.

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-15
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-15
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 3 Scans all iSCSI ports for servers by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsPort -Type iSCSI -MachineType Servers | Update-DcsServerPort

The cmdlet Get-DcsPort is invoked to obtain ScsiPortData objects for all iSCSI ports for both servers in the server group. The objects are piped to Update-DcsServerPort to scan the ports for those objects.

IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-15
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-15
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-20
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 2
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-20
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 2
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV1
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 3
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 3
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV1
Internal : False
InitiatorPortals : {fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299, fe80::d86e:28b1:6c8e:ee36, fe80::f13e:c21d:f0b8:c2e...}
iSnsServer : {}
TargetPortals : {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData}
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MSFT-05-1991
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Backend, Mirror
PortName : ssv1msiscsiinitiator
Alias : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
HostId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Connected : True
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:MSFT-05-1991
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,,,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-22
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 2
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1
Connected : True
Id : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-22
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 2
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {,, ssv1msiscsiinitiator,}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-23
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 3
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1
Connected : True
Id : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-23
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 3
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSV2
Internal : False
IdInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo
PortConfigInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo
IScsiPortStateInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo
iSCSINodes : {}
CapabilityInfo : DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-10
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Frontend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Server iSCSI Port 1
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Target
HostId : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1
Connected : True
Id : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-10
Caption : Server iSCSI Port 1
ExtendedCaption : Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV2
Internal : False
InitiatorPortals : {fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2, fe80::4845:95ea:39c3:6fa6, fe80::706f:1642:d9f4:d1b7, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df...}
iSnsServer : {}
TargetPortals : {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData...}
PresenceStatus : Present
PhysicalName : MSFT-05-1991
ServerPortProperties : DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData
RoleCapability : Backend, Mirror
PortName :
Alias : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Description :
PortType : iSCSI
PortMode : Initiator
HostId : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1
Connected : True
Id : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1:MSFT-05-1991
Caption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
ExtendedCaption : Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV2
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Updates a snapshot with the changes that have occurred on the source virtual disk since the snapshot was created or last updated. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group.


Update-DcsSnapshot   -Snapshot <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]

Update-DcsSnapshot   -SnapshotGroup <Object>   [ -Yes]   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]   [ -WhatIf]   [ -Confirm]


Updates a snapshot with the changes that have occurred on the source virtual disk since the snapshot was created or last updated. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group.


SnapshotData object, name, or ID that identifies the snapshot to be updated.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: false

Updating a snapshot is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to update the snapshot and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios. If not specified, user interaction will be required.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

SnapshotGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a snapshot group to update. Use this parameter to update all eligible snapshots in the snapshot group.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


SnapshotData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot.


SnapshotData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot.


Also see ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot, Split-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsSnapshot.


-------------- Example 1 Updates a snapshot specified by name --------------

Update-DcsSnapshot -Snapshot "Virtual disk 1 @ 9/20/2011 12:08:03 PM" -Yes

Updates the snapshot named "Virtual disk 1 @ 9/20/2011 12:08:03 PM". The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2_V.{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}-00000004
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2_V.{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}-00000006
Type : Differential
TimeStamp : 9/20/2011 12:33:57 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{412F1A8C-E2DA-11E0-AFAA-00155D11E921}-00000004--V.{412F1A8C-E2DA-11E0-AFAA-00155D11E921}-00000006
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/20/2011 12:08:03 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/20/2011 12:08:03 PM on SSV1
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Updates all snapshots by piping objects --------------

Get-DcsSnapshot | Update-DcsSnapshot -Yes

The cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshot is invoked to obtain SnapshotData objects for all snapshots in the server group. The objects are piped to Update-DcsSnapshot to update those snapshots. The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.

SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2_V.{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}-00000004
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2_V.{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}-00000006
Type : Differential
TimeStamp : 9/20/2011 12:08:17 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{412F1A8C-E2DA-11E0-AFAA-00155D11E921}-00000004--V.{412F1A8C-E2DA-11E0-AFAA-00155D11E921}-00000006
Caption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/20/2011 12:08:03 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 1 @ 9/20/2011 12:08:03 PM on SSV1
Internal : False
SourceLogicalDiskId : LD:4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2_V.{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}-00000005
DestinationLogicalDiskId : LD:4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2_V.{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}-00000008
Type : Differential
TimeStamp : 9/20/2011 12:29:09 PM
ActiveOperation : NoOperation
State : Healthy
Failure : NoFailure
Id : V.{412F1A8C-E2DA-11E0-AFAA-00155D11E921}-00000005--V.{412F1A8C-E2DA-11E0-AFAA-00155D11E921}-00000008
Caption : Virtual disk 2 @ 9/20/2011 12:29:00 PM
ExtendedCaption : Virtual disk 2 @ 9/20/2011 12:29:00 PM on SSV1
Internal : False

To Table of Contents




Creates a support bundle and optionally transmits the support bundle to DataCore Technical Support.


Upload-DcsSupportBundle   -BundleType <String>   -Company <String>   -IncidentNumber <String>   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]

Upload-DcsSupportBundle   -BundleType <String>   -SkipUpload   [ -Connection <String> ]   [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]


Creates a support bundle and optionally uploads the support bundle to DataCore Technical Support. An incident number from DataCore Technical Support is required when invoking this Cmdlet.


The type of support bundle to create. To create more than one type of support bundle, the cmdlet must be invoked again. Each time the cmdlet is invoked, a cabinet file is created which contains the support bundle information. For instance, it may be necessary to create a crashdump bundle and a full bundle, so the cmdlet would need to be run twice. Specify one of the following values: "Standard" will collect more recent file information pertaining to configuration and system, logs, and driver traces. "Full" will collect a full support bundle which consists of configuration and system information, registry keys, event logs and driver dumps. "Mini" will collect a mini support bundle which consists of configuration information. "CrashDump" will collect the memory dump at crash time.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Name of the company, which helps to identify the support bundle.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Incident number assigned by Technical Support in order to identify the support bundle. The incident number is a 12-digit decimal number in this format: dddddd-dddddd, for instance 110315-123456.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.

Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Required: false
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false

Uploading the support bundle to Technical Support requires Internet access from the server and port 3793 must be open if using firewalls. Specify this parameter to skip the automatic upload over the Internet. The support bundle will have to be sent to Technical Support manually. The cabinet file containing the support bundle information will be located in the Support folder where the software files exist. The cabinet file can be copied to a server with Internet access and attached directly to the incident in the Technical Support Web page. If this parameter is not specified, the support bundle will be automatically uploaded after it is created.

Required: true
Position: named
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false



ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server. An object is returned for every server in the group.


Also see Stop-DcsSupportBundle.


-------------- Example 1 Creates and uploads a full support bundle --------------

Upload-DcsSupportBundle -BundleType Full -Company "Acme Co." -IncidentNumber 123456-123456

A full support bundle is created for the company named "Acme Co." with the incident number "123456-123456" and is uploaded to Technical Support.

GroupId : 3fc88f37-37c6-4ad1-9708-7d21a21ff967
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Collecting
SnapshotMapStoreId : V.{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}-00000007
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 25920000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 307.87 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in LOCAL
Internal : False
GroupId : 3fc88f37-37c6-4ad1-9708-7d21a21ff967
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Collecting
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 25920000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 117.96 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df,, fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1
Caption : SSV2
ExtendedCaption : SSV2 in LOCAL
Internal : False

-------------- Example 2 Creates a crash dump and skips upload --------------

Upload-DcsSupportBundle -BundleType CrashDump -SkipUpload

Creates a crashdump support bundle for the server group of the default connection. The crashdump support bundle is not uploaded to Technical Support. The support bundle file will be located in the Support folder where the software files exist and the file will have to be manually sent to Technical Support.

GroupId : 3fc88f37-37c6-4ad1-9708-7d21a21ff967
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Collecting
SnapshotMapStoreId : V.{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}-00000007
SnapshotMapStorePoolId : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2:{412f1a8c-e2da-11e0-afaa-00155d11e921}
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 25920000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 307.87 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 4A58C0F4-59AB-4A16-A559-2ED9778CC2B2
Caption : SSV1
ExtendedCaption : SSV1 in LOCAL
Internal : False
GroupId : 3fc88f37-37c6-4ad1-9708-7d21a21ff967
RegionNodeId : ExecutiveNode:02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1
CacheSize : 0.00 B
State : Online
SupportState : Collecting
SnapshotMapStoreId :
SnapshotMapStorePoolId :
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony
ProductName : DataCore SANsymphony
ProductType : Standard
ProductVersion : 8.1, Update 1
OsVersion : Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1
ProcessorInfo : DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation
ProductBuild :
BuildType : Release
DiagnosticMode : Enabled
LicenseRemaining : 25920000000000
ReplicationBufferFolder :
TotalSystemMemory : 1,023.56 MB
AvailableSystemMemory : 117.96 MB
LogStatus : Operational
LicenseSettings : DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings
IsLicensed : True
StorageUsed : 0.00 B
PowerState : ACOnline
CacheState : WritebackGlobal
BackupStorageFolder :
IpAddresses : {, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df,, fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2...}
Description :
HostName :
Id : 02BE2FB5-73E0-4072-9DDB-4F0B1B9BB0D1
Caption : SSV2
ExtendedCaption : SSV2 in LOCAL
Internal : False