Physical Disk Details

Each physical disk has a Physical Disk Details page with detailed information for a physical disk. A shared physical disk uses the same details form but is labeled as a shared physical disk at the top of the page.

(Basic physical disk information can also be viewed per server the DataCore Server Details page>Physical Disks tab.)

The details page displays the following information at the top of the page:

o           Status is displayed under the icon.

o           Type - Possible types include: Basic, Dynamic, Uninitialized, Pool (if added to a pool), Pass-through (if used in a virtual disk), MirrorDisk (if used as a pool disk mirror), or Unknown. Solid State Disks will be identified by appending the word SSD to the end of the type.  

o           Size

o           Sector size (512B or 4KB)

o           Disk tier (If the physical disk is in a pool.) See Automated Storage Tiering for more information.

o           Pie chart showing disk space usage in percentages of the total disk space. Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole percent. The different categories of disk usages are color-coded and the key is next to the chart.

o           The physical disk name and disk tier number can be changed by clicking Edit at the top of the change. After the change is made, click Done.
Note: When a physical disk is renamed, an alias is created. Each alias must be unique to the server group. To remove the alias, edit the name and delete the alias.

To open the details page:

1            In DataCore Servers Panel, expand Physical Disks and click the physical disk to open the details page.

2           Information is organized under tabs (described below). Click on a tab to view the information.


Physical Disk Details Tabs  

Info tab


Provides general information about the physical disk:

Identification and Usage

o           Vendor specifications (product, revision, serial number)

o           Unique identifier from page 83 of the vital product data (Device Identification Page)

o           Partition

o           Amount of free space, allocated space, and space in reclamation will be displayed if the physical disk is a member of a pool. As for physical disks that are not in pools or used as pass-throughs, the entire disk is considered used and the free space will be displayed as zero.

Disk Information per Server

o           DataCore Server, index, disk sector size, pool name (if a member of a pool), Port.Bus.Target.LUN, status

When the physical disk is shared, two sets of information are provided; one set from each server sharing the physical disk.

Settings tab

This tab allows the following settings for the physical disk to be changed:*

o           I/O latency thresholds, see System Health Thresholds.

*This tab is only available for pool disks and DataCore Disks.

Paths tab

Lists the initiator and target ports for the physical disk paths. The state of each path and LUN is also included.

When more than one FC path exists, the preferred path to use can be specified. See Modifying Paths.

Performance tab

Displays real-time performance counter measurements for the physical disk. See Live Performance.

Events tab

Lists events for the selected physical disk. Click an event in the list to view details in the Message Text area at the bottom of the tab. See Event Log and Alerts.