DataCore Cmdlet Reference Guide
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Activates license keys for non-trial licenses.
Activate-DcsLicense -Keys<String> -Server <Object> -ServerKey <String> -CompanyName <String> -ContactName <String> -EmailAddress <String> -PhoneNumber <String> [ -Accept ] [ -LicenseServer <String> ] [ -LicensePort <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf ] [ -Confirm ]
Activate-DcsLicense -GroupKey <String> [ -Capacity <String> ] -CompanyName <String> -ContactName <String> -EmailAddress <String> -PhoneNumber <String> [ -Accept ] [ -LicenseServer <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf ] [ -Confirm ]
Activates license keys for non-trial licenses. The cmdlet must be invoked using either ways: single server keys, which requires the server and server keys parameters, server group keys, which requires group keys and capacity parameters or multiple keys, which requires the keys parameters to be provided.
- -Keys<String>
- An array of strings that repeats sets of strings, where the first string is a license key and the next string is an optional paramteter based on the specified type of key:
- Group Capacity Key: A data size string, for instance "10 TB".
- Server key: The server name.
- Other (for instance BZ capacity): none
- The key must be entered in the DataCore Management Console license activation page to view the applicable parameters that a key requires.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Server<Object>
- ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ServerKey<String>
- The license key to apply to a particular server. The format consists of five groups of five alphanumeric characters separated by hyphens, for instance "ABC1D-E23F4-5GHIJ6-LM78N-ABCDE".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -GroupKey<String>
- The license key to apply to the server group. The format consists of five groups of five alphanumeric characters separated by hyphens, for instance "ABC1D-E23F4-5GHIJ6-LM78N-ABCDE".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Capacity<String>
- The amount of licensed storage capacity to activate for the group. Use this parameter to activate a portion of the total licensed storage capacity. For instance, if the total licensed capacity is 100 TB, to activate 50 TB of that total capacity, enter "50 TB". The amount must be designated in terabytes.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -CompanyName<String>
- Name of the company.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ContactName<String>
- Name of the person designated to communicate with DataCore Technical Support.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -EmailAddress<String>
- Email address of the contact. A valid format would be "".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PhoneNumber<String>
- The phone number of the contact. The valid format includes the area code and hyphens, such as "555-555-5555".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Accept<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter to accept the license term agreements without user interaction when invoking this cmdlet.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LicenseServer<String>
- This parameter is included as a diagnostic tool for DataCore Technical Support only. Do not use this parameter when invoking the cmdlet.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LicensePort<String>
- A string that is a port number. This parameter is included as a diagnostic tool for DataCore Technical Support only. Do not use this parameter when invoking the cmdlet.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WhatIf<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Confirm<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.
$servers = Get-DcsServer Activate-DcsLicense -Server $servers[1].id -ServerKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX -CompanyName "Acme Data Storage Co." -ContactName "Sam Administrati" -EmailAddress -PhoneNumber 555-555-1212 -Accept
Activates a server key for the server group. Company and contact information is provided using parameters. The license term agreement is accepted. The server id is previously acquired with Get-DcsServer and stored in the variable $servers.
Activate-DcsLicense -GroupKey XXXX1-XXXX1-XXXX1-XXXX1-XXXX1 -Capacity "50 TB" -CompanyName "Acme Data Storage Co." -ContactName "Sam Administrati" -EmailAddress -PhoneNumber 555-555-1212 -Accept
Activates a server group key for licensed storage capacity. A portion of the total licensed capacity ("50 TB") is activated by using the parameter Capacity. Company and contact information is provided using parameters. The license term agreement is accepted.
Creates an access token for an iSCSI target port to authenticate communication from the designated initiator port.
Add-DcsAccessToken [ -Server <String> ] -Port <Object> -InitiatorNodeName <String> -TargetPassword <String> -TargetUser <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsAccessToken [ -Server <String> ] -Port <Object> -InitiatorNodeName <String> -InitiatorPassword <String> [ -InitiatorUser <String> ] -TargetPassword <String> -TargetUser <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates an access token for an iSCSI target port to authenticate communication from the designated initiator port. The access token will be created using CHAP authentication. When using mutual authentication, set the initiator secret before creating an access token for target secrets, see Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret. Before creating an access token for target secrets, the target should be logged out, see Disconnect-DcsiSCSITarget.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Port<Object>
- The name or ID of the iSCSI target port. In order to uniquely identify the port by name, the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InitiatorNodeName<String>
- Name of the initiator node that will be used in the session.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TargetPassword<String>
- Secret of the iSCSI target port. Secrets are 12-16 characters. Use caution when entering the secret, it will appear as typed on the display.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TargetUser<String>
- User Name for the iSCSI target port.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InitiatorPassword<String>
- Secret for the iSCSI initiator port. Secrets are 12-16 characters. This parameter value should be specified if using Mutual Authentication.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InitiatorUser<String>
- User name of the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port. This parameter value should be specified if using Mutual Authentication.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ServerScsiPortData : Object that identifies and describes the port.
Also see Remove-DcsAccessToken, Set-DcsAccessTokenProperties, Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret.
Add-DcsAccessToken -Server SSV1 -Port "Server iSCSI Port 1" -InitiatorNodeName "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" -InitiatorPassword initsecret12 -InitiatorUser inithandshk -TargetPassword targetsecret1 -TargetUser targethandshk
Creates an access token for the port named "Server iSCSI Port 1" on the server named "SSV1" with target and initiator CHAP settings for mutual authentication.
IdInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortIdInfo |
PortConfigInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.PortConfigInfo |
IScsiPortStateInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortStateInfo |
iSCSINodes | : | {} |
CapabilityInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.iScsiPortCapabilityInfo |
PresenceStatus | : | Present |
PhysicalName | : | MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F |
ServerPortProperties | : | DataCore.Executive.ServeriScsiPortPropertiesData |
RoleCapability | : | Frontend, Mirror |
PortName | : | |
Alias | : | Server iSCSI Port 1 |
Description | : | |
PortType | : | iSCSI |
PortMode | : | Target |
HostId | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699 |
Connected | : | True |
Id | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-0F |
Caption | : | Server iSCSI Port 1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Server iSCSI Port 1 on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
Creates an action for the specified task.
Add-DcsAction -Task <Object> -FilePath <String> -Server <String> -ScriptAction <String> [ -ScriptParams <String> ] [ -AppendTriggerStates <Boolean> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsAction -Task <Object> -LogLevel <String> [ -PostAlert] -Message <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsAction -Task <Object> -Recipient <String> [ -CustomMessage <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsAction -Task <Object> -TargetId <String> -MethodActionType <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates an action for the specified task. A parameter set is provided for each of the following function types: a scripting action, a logging action, sending an email, or performing a specific operation on an object (see MethodActionType parameter). One action can be added to the task for each invocation of the cmdlet.
- -Task<Object>
- TaskData object, ID, or name of the task to assign the created action to.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FilePath<String>
- The complete path to the script file or other executable file to be run as an action. The ScriptAction parameter must also be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ScriptAction<String>
- Designates the type of scripting function for the action. Possible values are "PowerShell" or "General". See example 2.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ScriptParams<String>
- Script parameters to be used with the script action. Multiple parameters and the associated values, or parameter arrays can be input, for example "-param1 value1 -param2 value2" or "-paramarray value1, value2, value3". Values without parameter names can also be input, for example "value1, value2, value3". See example 2.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AppendTriggerStates<Boolean>
- Use this parameter to append the trigger state data for the active triggers in a task. This parameter is only valid when running a script action. The trigger state data is appended to the script and can be accessed from the script, not returned in the TaskActionData object. Specify $true to append the trigger state data in the script. The data returned from the script will depend on the type of triggers that are configured for the task. Data will be returned in an array of objects called "TriggerState". Data from the trigger states can be compared using other cmdlets to obtain additional information. For instance, if the trigger was a monitor trigger, a “MonitorTriggerState” object will be appended with the following fields: MonitoredObjectId, TriggerType, TriggerTime, Caption, and ManualInvocation. The MonitoredObjectId in the object can be used to resolve the exact object that caused the monitor state to trigger the action. Another example, if a checkpoint trigger is configured, the "CheckpointTriggerState object will be appended with the following fields: VirtualDiskId, TriggerType, TriggerTime, Caption, and ManualInvocation. The VirtualDiskID can be used to resolve the exact object that received the checkpoint marker. Data can be output from the script file or used in the script to invoke other cmdlets. See Example 2 for more information.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LogLevel<String>
- The type of message to post in the event log if a messaging function is required. Possible values are: "Trace", "Info", "Warning", or "Error".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PostAlert<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter to cause the event log message to also post an alert.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Message<String>
- The message text to post to the event log for a log message action.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Recipient<String>
- The name of the user to receive the email message. The user must have an email address specified in the user properties (see Add-DcsUser) and mail server information must be set (see Set-DcsSmtpSettings). To send a custom message in the email, use the -CustomMessage parameter in this cmdlet.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -CustomMessage<String>
- The custom message text to include with an email action.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TargetId<String>
- ID of the target object associated with the MethodActionType parameter. If MethodActionType is "UpdateSnapshot" specify the ID of the snapshot in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "UpdateSnapshotGroup" specify the ID of the snapshot group in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "RevertSnapshot" specify the ID of the snapshot in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "RevertSnapshotGroup" specify the ID of the snapshot group in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "StartReclamation" specify the ID of the virtual disk in the TargetId parameter. If MethodActionType is "SendCheckpoint" specify the ID of the replication destination virtual disk in the TargetId parameter.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MethodActionType<String>
- Indicates which operation will be performed on the object indicated by the TargetId parameter. Specify one of the following values: "UpdateSnapshot" causes a snapshot to be updated with the latest changes on the source virtual disk. "UpdateSnapshotGroup" causes a snapshot group to be updated with the latest changes on the source virtual disks in the snapshot group. "RevertSnapshot" causes the virtual disk source to be reverted to the current state of the snapshot image. "RevertSnapshotGroup" causes the virtual disk sources in the snapshot group to be reverted to the current state of the snapshot images in the snapshot group. "StartReclamation" causes any SAUs comprised of all zeros on a virtual disk to be de-allocated and returned as available space in the pool. "SendCheckpoint" causes a checkpoint marker to be sent to the replication destination virtual disk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
TaskData : Object that identifies the task.
TaskActionData : Object that identifies and describes the task action.
Also see Remove-DcsAction, Get-DcsAction, Get-DcsTask.
Add-DcsAction -Task MyNightlyTask -TargetId (Get-DcsVirtualDisk | where{$_.Caption -eq 'VDisk3'}).Id -MethodActionType StartReclamation
Adds an action for the task named "MyNightlyTask". The action is "StartReclamation" on the virtual disk named "VDisk3". Note the Virtual Disk Id is required, so is obtained programatically using the Get-DcsVirtualDisk cmdlet.
TargetId | : | bc1d2b2d679145698e2029415ea86724 |
MethodType | : | StartReclamation |
TaskId | : | e0b61456-55b1-4f09-9567-39586e71ef16 |
Type | : | InvokeMethod |
Id | : | 29359072-bf3e-4cd2-aab5-18c0056e688b |
Caption | : | Initiates space reclamation on VDisk3 |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Get-DcsTask -Task Task1 | Add-DcsAction -Server SSV1 -ScriptAction PowerShell -FilePath C:\Test.ps1 -ScriptParams "-param1 Value1 -paramarray ArrayValue1, ArrayValue2, ArrayValue3" -AppendTriggerStates $true
The cmdlet Get-DcsTask is invoked to return the TaskData object for the task named Task1. The object is piped to the cmdlet Add-DcsAction to add a script action for the PowerShell script named "Test.ps1" which resides in the file path "C:\". The script will run with the parameter values "-param1 Value1 -paramarray ArrayValue1, ArrayValue2, ArrayValue3" on the server named "SSV1". The active trigger states for the task are appended to the script.
Import-Module ".\Datacore.Executive.cmdlets.dll"
Adds a client (host) to a server group configuration.
Add-DcsClient -Name <String> [ -Description <String> ] [ -ClientType <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsClient -Name <String> [ -PreferredServer <Object[]> ] [ -Description <String> ] [ -ClientType <String> ] -Multipath <Boolean> -ALUA <Boolean> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a client (host) to a server group configuration. Preferred servers can also be assigned, and MPIO and ALUA settings can be configured. After adding the client, ports can be assigned, see Register-DcsClientPort. See Set-DcsClientProperties to change properties.
- -Name<String>
- Name of the client to add.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the client host.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ClientType<String>
- The operating system of the client. If this parameter is not specified, the default value of "WindowsServer2012" will be assigned. Values include: "WindowsServer2012" if the client host is running Windows Server 2012 and later. "WindowsServer2008" if the client host is running Windows Server 2008. "Windows" if the client host is running any Windows operating system version prior to Windows Server 2008. "ESXi" if the client host is running VMware ESXi. "CitrixXenServer" if the client host is running Citrix Xen Server. "SuseEnterpriseLinusServer11" if the client host is running Linux Suse Enterprise Server 11. "Linux" if the client host is running any Linux operating system other than Linux Suse Enterprise Server 11. "AixMpio" if the client host is running IBM AIX Native MPIO Legacy. "AixMpioTL6Plus" if the client host is running IBM AIX. "HPUX" if the client is running HP HPUX. "SolarisSanFoundation" if the client host is running Oracle (Sun) Solaris. "Other" if the client host is running an operating system that is not listed.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PreferredServer<Object[]>
- Computer name or ID of one or more servers that should be preferred to handle I/O requests from the client (host). The computer names must be either unique or fully qualified. Multiple servers should be separated by commas, for instance "SSVVM01", "SSVVM02", "SSVVM03". MPIO and ALUA must be enabled. The Auto Select option (available in the console) is not supported in this cmdlet. If this parameter is not specified, the preferred server will be automatically selected when a mirrored virtual disk is created, the server with the first storage source is designated as the preferred server. See Add-DcsVirtualDisk and refer to the FirstServer parameter.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Multipath<Boolean>
- Specify $true to enable multipathing support, or $false to disable multipathing support.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ALUA<Boolean>
- Specify $true to enable ALUA support, or $false to disable ALUA. Multipathing support must be enabled in order to enable ALUA support.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client host.
Also see Register-DcsClientPort, Set-DcsClientProperties, Get-DcsClient, Remove-DcsClient.
Add-DcsClient -Name ExchSrv1 -Description "MainLab_ExchangeServer" -ClientType "WindowsServer2012" -PreferredServer "BlazeSSV1", "BlazeSSV2" -Multipath $true -ALUA $true
Adds a Host named "ExchSrv1", provides a description, sets the operating system as "Microsoft Windows 2012", and sets the preferred servers as "BlazeSSV1" and "BlazeSSV2", and enables multipathing and ALUA support for the host. The default connection is used.
HostGroupId | : | |
Type | : | WindowsServer2012 |
State | : | Unknown |
AluaSupport | : | True |
PathPolicy | : | PreferredServer |
Description | : | MainLab_ExchangeServer |
HostName | : | ExchSrv1 |
MpioCapable | : | True |
SequenceNumber | : | 1086846 |
Id | : | 586dfb8e7ff845be986511a95491a74d |
Caption | : | ExchSrv1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | ExchSrv1 |
Internal | : | False |
Uses the specified physical disk to increase Capacity Optimization storage available on the corresponding server.
Add-DcsDvaPoolDisk -Server<String> [-DvaPool<String>] -Disk<Object> [-IsL2ARCDisk<Boolean>] [-Connection <String>] [-InformationAction <ActionPreference>] [-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Uses the specified physical disk to increase Capacity Optimization storage available on the corresponding server.
- -Server<String>
- The Id of the server the Dva Pool Disk will be created on, extending Capacity Optimization storage.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DvaPool<String>
- The Id of the Dva Pool that the physical disk will be inserted.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Disk<Object>
- The Id of the physical disk that will be used to extend Capacity Optimization storage.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- -IsL2ARCDisk<Boolean>
- Indicates if the physical disk will be used as read performance booster, this may improve Capacity Optimization performance.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InformationAction <ActionPreference>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InformationVariable <String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -<CommonParameters>
- This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (https:/
DvaPoolDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the DvaPool disk.
Add-DcsDvaPoolDisk -Server SSVVM011 -Disk "{4d8e1dae-98d4-4797-a235-1305982d4afe}"
Adds the disk to the capacity optimization pool in SSVVM011 server.
DvaPoolId | : | b775b652-b244-44e0-9076-4cbd86814129 |
ServerId | : | 39A178A9-E133-4574-BA23-D65426ADD5D2 |
DvaPoolDeviceId | : | 01e71176-d8be-45ca-ba9a-9ea2adca521e |
IsL2ARCDisk | : | False |
IsSpecialMirrorDisk | : | False |
DvaDiskResilveringStatus | : | None |
SequenceNumber | : | 258 |
Id | : | f5f249f4-0a0b-4c48-b949-7f6a753f2001 |
Caption | : | |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsDvaPoolDisk -Server SSVVM011 -Disk "{4d8e1dae-98d4-4797-a235-1305982d4afe}"- IsL2ARCDisk $true
Adds the disk to the capacity optimization pool in SSVVM011 server.
DvaPoolId | : | b775b652-b244-44e0-9076-4cbd86814129 |
ServerId | : | 39A178A9-E133-4574-BA23-D65426ADD5D2 |
DvaPoolDeviceId | : | ffc11bfc-e5a8-46bc-b12d-b7d990539125 |
IsL2ARCDisk | : | True |
IsSpecialMirrorDisk | : | False |
DvaDiskResilveringStatus | : | None |
SequenceNumber | : | 64922 |
Id | : | 06d5cee2-3875-4e34-9f53-52db243e7c1c |
Caption | : | |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add Mirrored Special Device to Capacity Optimization.
Add-DcsDvaPoolSpecialMirror -Server<String> [-DvaPool <String>] –MirrorDisks<Object[]> [-Connection <String>] [-InformationAction <ActionPreference>] [-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Add a new Mirrored Special Device group to Capacity Optimization storage using the specified physical disks. For Mirrored Special Device, only 2 disks are supported.
- -Server<String>
- The Id of the server the Mirrored Special Device will be created on Capacity Optimization.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DvaPool<String>
- ID of the DvaPool.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MirrorDisks<Object[]>
- Array of Disk name or ID of physical disk. Only 2 disks are supported for Special Mirror.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InformationAction <ActionPreference>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InformationVariable <String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -<CommonParameters>
- This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (https:/
DvaPoolDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the DvaPool disk.
Add-DcsDvaPoolSpecialMirror -Server SSVVM011 -MirrorDisks "{0a9497a2-b60e-4b96-b7fd-bb38912cd1dd}","{1e45d652-f5f6-463b-9ce0-798225fd9dbf}"
Adding special mirror to the capacity optimization pool in SSVVM011 server.
DvaPoolId | : | b775b652-b244-44e0-9076-4cbd86814129 |
ServerId | : | 39A178A9-E133-4574-BA23-D65426ADD5D2 |
DvaPoolDeviceId | : | ffdcd3e7-948d-41a7-9c54-aecbe38a64f0 |
IsL2ARCDisk | : | False |
IsSpecialMirrorDisk | : | True |
DvaDiskResilveringStatus | : | None |
SequenceNumber | : | 262 |
Id | : | 9bab0876-61ce-4f8c-a7fe-a57bb5c232c9 |
Caption | : | |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
DvaPoolId | : | b775b652-b244-44e0-9076-4cbd86814129 |
ServerId | : | 39A178A9-E133-4574-BA23-D65426ADD5D2 |
DvaPoolDeviceId | : | ffdcd3e7-948d-41a7-9c54-aecbe38a64f0 |
IsL2ARCDisk | : | False |
IsSpecialMirrorDisk | : | True |
DvaDiskResilveringStatus | : | None |
SequenceNumber | : | 263 |
Id | : | 07748ffc-b4c1-4287-8b79-1d67465dc824 |
Caption | : | |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add a new RAID 5 group to Capacity Optimization storage using the specified physical disks.
Add-DcsDvaRaidPoolDisks -Server<String> [-DvaPool <String>] -PhysicalDisks <String[]> [-Connection <String>] [-InformationAction <ActionPreference>] [-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Add a new RAID 5 group to Capacity Optimization storage using the specified physical disks.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DvaPool<String>
- The Id of the Dva Pool that the physical disk will be inserted.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PhysicalDisks<String[]>
- The Ids of the physical disks to create new RAID 5 group.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InformationAction <ActionPreference>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InformationVariable <String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -<CommonParameters>
- This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (https:/
DvaPoolDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the DvaPool disks.
Add-DcsDvaRaidPoolDisks -Server SSVVM011 -PhysicalDisks "Disk4","Disk5","Disk6"
Creates a new RAID 5 group in Capacity Optimization Pool with 3 physical disks.
DvaPoolId | : | b775b652-b244-44e0-9076-4cbd86814129 |
ServerId | : | 39A178A9-E133-4574-BA23-D65426ADD5D2 |
DvaPoolDeviceId | : | 01e71176-d8be-45ca-ba9a-9ea2adca521e |
IsL2ARCDisk | : | False |
IsSpecialMirrorDisk | : | False |
DvaDiskResilveringStatus | : | None |
SequenceNumber | : | 258 |
Id | : | f5f249f4-0a0b-4c48-b949-7f6a753f2001 |
Caption | : | |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
DvaPoolId | : | b775b652-b244-44e0-9076-4cbd86814129 |
ServerId | : | 39A178A9-E133-4574-BA23-D65426ADD5D2 |
DvaPoolDeviceId | : | 01e71176-d8be-45ca-ba9a-9ea2adca521e |
IsL2ARCDisk | : | False |
IsSpecialMirrorDisk | : | False |
DvaDiskResilveringStatus | : | None |
SequenceNumber | : | 259 |
Id | : | 56e57d51-6fb7-44fc-ae60-fe567e597074 |
Caption | : | |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
DvaPoolId | : | b775b652-b244-44e0-9076-4cbd86814129 |
ServerId | : | 39A178A9-E133-4574-BA23-D65426ADD5D2 |
DvaPoolDeviceId | : | 01e71176-d8be-45ca-ba9a-9ea2adca521e |
IsL2ARCDisk | : | False |
IsSpecialMirrorDisk | : | False |
DvaDiskResilveringStatus | : | None |
SequenceNumber | : | 260 |
Id | : | db8646cf-44d3-4eca-b7a2-483db94ad6f1 |
Caption | : | |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a host group.
Add-DcsHostGroup -Name <String> [ -Description <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a host group. After creating the group, add hosts to the group, see Add-DcsHosttoGroup.
- -Name<String>
- Name of the Host Group to create.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the host group.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
string : Name of host group.
HostGroupData : The object that identifies and describes the host group.
Also see Add-DcsHostToGroup, Get-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostFromGroup, Set-DcsHostGroupProperties.
Add-DcsHostGroup -Name FinanceGroup1 -Description "A collection of hosts that serve the Finance Department for Region 1."
A host group named "FinanceGroup1" is created in the server group of the default connection. A description of the host group is also provided.
Alias | : | FinanceGroup1 |
Description | : | A collection of hosts that serve the Finance Department for Region 1. |
SequenceNumber | : | 3200 |
Id | : | {9c1ea090-8af9-4207-93af-0864e2d99a94} |
Caption | : | FinanceGroup1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | FinanceGroup1 |
Internal | : | False |
Adds a client (host) to an existing host group.
Add-DcsHostToGroup -Group <String> -Client <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a client (host) to an existing host group.
- -Group<String>
- Name of the host group to add the clients to.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Client<Object>
- ClientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies the client to add to the host group.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client host.
ClientHostData : Object that identifies and describes the client host.
Also see: Add-DcsHostGroup, Get-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostGroup, Remove-DcsHostFromGroup, Set-DcsHostGroupProperties.
Add-DcsHostToGroup -Group "FinanceGroup1" -Client "HostVM1"
The client named "HostVM1" is added to the host group named "FinanceGroup1".
HostGroupId | : | {9c1ea090-8af9-4207-93af-0864e2d99a94} |
Type | : | WindowsServer2008 |
State | : | PortsConnected |
MpioCapable | : | True |
AluaSupport | : | False |
PathPolicy | : | PreferredServer |
PreferredServerId | : | |
Description | : | |
HostName | : | HostVM1 |
SequenceNumber | : | 3236 |
Id | : | 79ad9e209d68427c97edb01b6aa56e35 |
Caption | : | HostVM1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | HostVM1 |
Internal | : | False |
Get-DcsClient | Add-DcsHostToGroup -Group "HostGroup1"
The cmdlet Get-DcsClient is invoked to obtain the ClientHostData objects for all clients in the default connection of the server group. The objects are piped to the cmdlet Add-DcsHostToGroup to add all clients to the host group named "HostGroup1". The ClientHostData objects for the two clients are returned.
HostGroupId | : | {c45a88ba-fb29-4e7f-b607-02e29dceb166} |
Type | : | WindowsServer2008 |
State | : | PortsConnected |
MpioCapable | : | True |
AluaSupport | : | False |
PathPolicy | : | PreferredServer |
PreferredServerId | : | |
Description | : | |
HostName | : | HostVM1 |
SequenceNumber | : | 4571 |
Id | : | 79ad9e209d68427c97edb01b6aa56e35 |
Caption | : | HostVM1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | HostVM1 |
Internal | : | False |
HostGroupId | : | {c45a88ba-fb29-4e7f-b607-02e29dceb166} |
Type | : | WindowsServer2008 |
State | : | PortsConnected |
MpioCapable | : | True |
AluaSupport | : | False |
PathPolicy | : | PreferredServer |
PreferredServerId | : | |
Description | : | |
HostName | : | HostVM2 |
SequenceNumber | : | 4573 |
Id | : | 4e18b7c089c94eda802f689cd253f80a |
Caption | : | HostVM2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | HostVM2 |
Internal | : | False |
Registers a Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port with an iSNS server.
Add-DcsiSNSServer [ -Server <String> ] -Port <Object> -Address <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Registers a Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port with an iSNS server. Also see Set-DcsServerPortProperties to configure iSNS on target ports.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Port<Object>
- ScsiPortData object, name, ID, or IP address that identifies the initiator port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Address<String>
- Name or IP address of the iSNS server.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ServerMSiScsiInitiatorData : Object that identifies the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator.
Also see Set-DcsServerPortProperties.
Add-DcsiSNSServer -Port "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1" -Address
Registers the initiator port named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1" with the iSNS Server at address
InitiatorPortals | : | {fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299, fe80::f13e:c21d:f0b8:c2e, fe80::d86e:28b1:6c8e:ee36...} |
iSnsServer | : | {} |
TargetPortals | : | {DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData, DataCore.Executive.iScsiTargetPortalData...} |
PresenceStatus | : | Present |
PhysicalName | : | MSFT-05-1991 |
ServerPortProperties | : | DataCore.Executive.ServerPortPropertiesData |
RoleCapability | : | Backend, Mirror |
PortName | : | ssv1msiscsiinitiator |
Alias | : | Microsoft iSCSI Initiator |
Description | : | |
PortType | : | iSCSI |
PortMode | : | Initiator |
HostId | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3 |
Connected | : | True |
Id | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:MSFT-05-1991 |
Caption | : | Microsoft iSCSI Initiator |
ExtendedCaption | : | Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a logical disk from a pool or a pass-through disk on a server.
Add-DcsLogicalDisk [ -Server <String> ] -Pool <String> [ -ReservedSpace <String> ] [ -Count <UInt32> ] [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsLogicalDisk [ -Server <String> ] -PassThroughDisk <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a logical disk from a pool or a pass-through disk on a server. Multiple logical disks can be created if the source is from a pool. Logical disks can be used when creating virtual disks (see Add-DcsVirtualDisk).
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Pool<String>
- Name or ID of the pool if used as the storage source of the logical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ReservedSpace<String>
- The amount of space reserved in a pool for exclusive use by the logical disk. This space must be free in the pool. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a minimum of 1GB to the size of the virtual disk.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Count<UInt32>
- The number of logical disks to create from a pool. If not specified, one logical disk will be created.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SectorSize<DataSize>
- The sector size of the logical disk. Valid values are "512", "512B", "4096", or "4KB". If the unit is not included, it is assumed to represent the number of bytes in the sector. If this parameter is not specified, the sector size of the disk pool will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PassThroughDisk<String>
- Physical disk name or ID of the pass-through disk if used as the storage source of the logical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
LogicalDiskData : Object the identifies and describes the logical disk.
Also see Add-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsLogicalDisk, Remove-DcsLogicalDisk.
Add-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -ReservedSpace 10GB -Count 3
Creates three logical disks from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSV1", each having 10GB of reserved space in the pool. The server is identified to resolve the disk pool name.
StreamDiskId | : | |
RetentionTime | : | 0 |
StreamSize | : | 0.00 B |
StreamState | : | NotPresent |
PoolId | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921} |
VolumeIndex | : | 1 |
MinQuota | : | 10.00 GB |
MaxQuota | : | 0.00 B |
TierAffinity | : | |
StorageName | : | |
InReclamation | : | False |
DataStatus | : | Undefined |
PresenceStatus | : | Present |
Size | : | 1.00 PB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Description | : | |
DiskStatus | : | Online |
Virtualized | : | False |
ClientAccessRights | : | NotDefined |
Failure | : | Undefined |
VirtualDiskId | : | |
DiskRole | : | Unknown |
ServerHostId | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3 |
IsMapped | : | False |
Protected | : | False |
Id | : | LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000001 |
Caption | : | Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
StreamDiskId | : | |
RetentionTime | : | 0 |
StreamSize | : | 0.00 B |
StreamState | : | NotPresent |
PoolId | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921} |
VolumeIndex | : | 2 |
MinQuota | : | 10.00 GB |
MaxQuota | : | 0.00 B |
TierAffinity | : | |
StorageName | : | |
InReclamation | : | False |
DataStatus | : | Undefined |
PresenceStatus | : | Present |
Size | : | 1.00 PB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Description | : | |
DiskStatus | : | Online |
Virtualized | : | False |
ClientAccessRights | : | NotDefined |
Failure | : | Undefined |
VirtualDiskId | : | |
DiskRole | : | Unknown |
ServerHostId | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3 |
IsMapped | : | False |
Protected | : | False |
Id | : | LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000002 |
Caption | : | Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
StreamDiskId | : | |
RetentionTime | : | 0 |
StreamSize | : | 0.00 B |
StreamState | : | NotPresent |
PoolId | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921} |
VolumeIndex | : | 3 |
MinQuota | : | 10.00 GB |
MaxQuota | : | 0.00 B |
TierAffinity | : | |
StorageName | : | |
InReclamation | : | False |
DataStatus | : | Undefined |
PresenceStatus | : | Present |
Size | : | 1.00 PB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Description | : | |
DiskStatus | : | Online |
Virtualized | : | False |
ClientAccessRights | : | NotDefined |
Failure | : | Undefined |
VirtualDiskId | : | |
DiskRole | : | Unknown |
ServerHostId | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3 |
IsMapped | : | False |
Protected | : | False |
Id | : | LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.{ea7c7a80-bdf3-11e0-8304-00155d11e921}-00000003 |
Caption | : | Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Storage source from Disk pool 1 on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 -PassThroughDisk "Disk 7"
Creates a logical disk from the pass-through disk named "Disk 7" on the server named "SSV1".
PhysicalDiskId | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3:naa.60030d9056566f6c34345f535356315f |
DataStatus | : | Undefined |
PresenceStatus | : | Present |
Size | : | 50.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Description | : | |
DiskStatus | : | Online |
Virtualized | : | False |
ClientAccessRights | : | NotDefined |
Failure | : | Undefined |
VirtualDiskId | : | |
DiskRole | : | Unknown |
ServerHostId | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3 |
IsMapped | : | False |
Protected | : | False |
Id | : | LD:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3_V.DataCore-naa.60030d9056566f6c34345f535356315f |
Caption | : | Storage source from SSV1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Storage source from SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
Adds a custom message to the Event Log.
Add-DcsLogMessage -Message <String> [ -Level <String> ] [ -PostAlert] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a custom message to the Event Log.
- -Message<String>
- Message to add to the Event Log.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Level<String>
- The importance of the message. Possible values are "Trace", "Info", "Warning", "Error", and "Diagnostic". If the Level parameter is not included, by default the level will be Info.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PostAlert<SwitchParameter>
- Include this parameter to post an alert in addition to the message.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
Also see Get-DcsLogMessage, Clear-DcsAlert, Get-DcsAlert, Get-DcsLogMessage
Add-DcsLogMessage -Message "Power state is LOW BATTERY and write caching will be disabled." -Level Warning -PostAlert
The message "Power state is LOW BATTERY and write caching will be disabled." is output to the Event Log as a Warning message and a warning alert is posted to the Alerts.
Creates a full snapshot with a destination that is a pass-through virtual disk.
Add-DcsPassthroughSnapshot [ -Server <String> ] -VirtualDisk <Object> -Disk <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Description <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a full snapshot with a destination that is a pass-through virtual disk. The purpose is to allow the migration of virtual disks with pool storage sources to physical disks.
- -Server<String>
- The computer name or ID that identifies the server where the snapshot should be created. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies the virtual disk to use as the source of the snapshot.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Disk<Object>
- PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a physical disk to be used as the snapshot destination. The disk should be initialized, but not be partitioned.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Name<String>
- Name to assign to the snapshot. If not specified a default name will be assigned. The default name will consist of "[PT}", a space, then the name of the source virtual disk and timestamp of when the snapshot is created. For instance: [PT] <Virtualdiskname><Timestamp>.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the snapshot.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
PhysicalDiskData : Object that identifies the disk.
SnapshotData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot.
Also see Get-DcsPhysicalDisk
Add-DcsPassthroughsSnapshot -Server "SSVVM05" -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 6" -Disk $disk
The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is invoked to get the PhysicalDiskData object for the disk and the object is stored in the variable $disk. The cmdlet Add-DcsPassthroughSnapshot is invoked to create a snapshot on the server named "SSVVM05" using the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 6" as the snapshot source and the passthrough disk identified in the variable $disk. The SnapshotData object is returned.
SourceLogicalDiskId | : | 9e56ad73-6e66-49d1-93cd-52a07e177c93 |
DestinationLogicalDiskId | : | 0bc51a70-7ba0-4f29-83a8-a89dd3342ba1 |
Type | : | Full |
TimeStamp | : | 4/20/2016 9:19:05 AM |
ActiveOperation | : | Snap |
State | : | Healthy |
Failure | : | NoFailure |
SequenceNumber | : | 6585 |
Id | : | V.{680B0BB6-F2B0-11E5-80E7-00155D138914}-00000007--V |
Caption | : | [PT] Virtual disk 6 @ 4/20/2016 9:19:05 AM |
ExtendedCaption | : | [PT] Virtual disk 6 @ 4/20/2016 9:19:05 AM on |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a disk pool.
Add-DcsPool -Server <String> -Name <String> [ -Description <String> ] [ -StorageAllocationUnitSize <UInt32> ] [ -SectorSize <UInt32> ] [ -MaxTierNumber <Int32> ] [ -TierReservedPct <Int32> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a disk pool. Disks can be added to the pool with Add-DcsPoolMember. Properties can be customized with Set-DcsPoolProperties.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Name<String>
- Name to assign to the disk pool. The disk pool will be created on the specified server.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the disk pool.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StorageAllocationUnitSize<UInt32>
- Number of megabytes to assign as the storage allocation unit (SAU) size of the disk pool. Possible values are "4", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "256", "512", or "1024" MB. If the value is not specified, the pool will be created with the default size of 1024 MB.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value: 1024
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SectorSize<UInt32>
- Use this parameter to set the sector size for the disk pool. Valid values are "512" and "4096", which represent the number of bytes in the sector. If this parameter is not specified, the default of "512" will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MaxTierNumber<Int32>
- Use this parameter to set a maximum number of tiers for the disk pool. Up to 15 tiers are allowed in a pool. If this parameter is not specified, the default of "3" will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TierReservedPct<Int32>
- Use this parameter to reserve a percentage of space in each pool tier to use for future virtual disk allocations. A valid value is a number between 0 and 20 which refers to the percentage. For example, to reserve 20% space in each tier, enter the value "20". If this parameter is not specified, the default of "0" will be used, which will not reserve any space in the tiers.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
DiskPoolData : Object that identifies and describes the disk pool.
Also see Get-DcsPool, Set-DcsPoolProperties.
Add-DcsPool -Server SSVVM011 -Name "Disk pool 1"
Creates a pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM01". Since the values are not specified, the pool is created using the default values for SAU (chunksize) size (128 MB), sector size (512 B), and maximum number of tiers (3). The DiskPoolData object is returned.
PoolMode | : | ReadWrite |
ServerId | : | 9A622809-4DE6-4B9F-9965-EF29852A1D9E |
SharedPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | Disk pool 1 |
Description | : | |
PresenceStatus | : | Present |
PoolStatus | : | Running |
Type | : | Dynamic |
ChunkSize | : | 128 MB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
MaxTierNumber | : | 3 |
TierReservedPct | : | 0 |
AutoTieringEnabled | : | True |
IsAuthorized | : | True |
InSharedMode | : | False |
SMPAApproved | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 4977 |
Id | : | 9A622809-4DE6-4B9F-9965-EF29852A1D9E:{3fddb6db-f226-11e6-80eb-00155d138904} |
Caption | : | Disk pool 1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Disk pool 1 on SSVVM01 |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsPool -Server "SSVVM04" -Name "VM04Pool1" -StorageAllocationUnitSize 1024 -SectorSize 4096 -MaxTierNumber 5 -TierReservedPct 20
A disk pool named "VM04Pool1" is created on the server named "SSVVM04". The storage allocation unit size is 1024 MB (1 GB) and the sector size is 4096 bytes (4 KB). The pool will have 5 tiers and each tier will have 20% reserved space. The DiskPoolData object is returned.
PoolMode | : | ReadWrite |
ServerId | : | FF140341-D7FC-4DF7-95B3-AE551F099F00 |
SharedPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | VM04Pool1 |
Description | : | |
PresenceStatus | : | Present |
PoolStatus | : | Running |
Type | : | Dynamic |
ChunkSize | : | 1 GB |
SectorSize | : | 4 KB |
MaxTierNumber | : | 5 |
TierReservedPct | : | 20 |
AutoTieringEnabled | : | True |
IsAuthorized | : | True |
InSharedMode | : | False |
SMPAApproved | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 7126 |
Id | : | FF140341-D7FC-4DF7-95B3-AE551F099F00:{911d1f40-8d55-11e5-80ee-00155d138910} |
Caption | : | VM04Pool1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | VM04Pool1 on SSVVM04 |
Internal | : | False |
Adds a physical disk or mirror to an existing pool.
Add-DcsPoolMember [ -Server <String> ] -Pool <String> -Disk <Object> [ -Count <Int32> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsPoolMember [ -Server <String> ] -Pool <String> -Disk <Object> [ -MirrorDisk <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsPoolMember [ -Server <String> ] -Pool <String> -PoolMember <String> [ -MirrorDisk <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a physical disk or mirror to an existing pool.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Pool<String>
- Name or ID of the pool to which the disks should be added. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Disk<Object>
- PhysicalDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies a physical disk to add to the pool. The name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Count<Int32>
- The Count parameter can limit the number of disks added to the pool using the Disk parameter when the Disks parameter is obtained from the pipeline and includes multiple objects. If not specified, all disks will be added to the pool.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MirrorDisk<String>
- Name or ID that identifies a physical disk to be added to the pool as a mirror. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. The MirrorDisk parameter can be used with the Disk parameter or PoolMember parameter.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PoolMember<String>
- PoolMember ID or caption that identifies the physical disk that is a member of a disk pool. Use this parameter when adding a mirror to an existing disk in a pool.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
PhysicalDiskData : Object the identifies the disk.
PoolMemberData : Object the identifies and describes the pool member.
Also see Set-DcsPoolProperties, Get-DcsPhysicalDisk, Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk, Set-DcsPhysicalDiskProperties.
Add-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" -Disk "WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA03"
Adds a physical disk named "WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA03" to the pool named "Disk pool 1". In this case, the physical disk name must be unique in the server group.
DiskPoolId | : | 101796F5-90A6-4929-B28D-98D195834677:{2186893e-985e-11e5-80e7-00155d138910} |
DiskInRecoveryId | : | |
DiskTier | : | 2 |
MemberState | : | Healthy |
Size | : | 200.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
IsMirrored | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 8684 |
Id | : | f155ff13-5cf2-4289-9eba-4252518d6f23 |
Caption | : | WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA03 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Pool disk WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA03 on SSVVM04 |
Internal | : | False |
Get-DcsPhysicalDisk -Server SSV1 -Type Uninitialized | Add-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" -Count 2
The cmdlet Get-DcsPhysicalDisk is invoked to get PhysicalDiskData objects for all the disks of type "uninitialized" on the server "SSV1". Those objects are piped to the cmdlet Add-DcsPoolMember to add two physical disks to the pool "Disk pool 1".
DiskPoolId | : | 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929} |
DiskInRecoveryId | : | |
DiskTier | : | 2 |
MemberState | : | Healthy |
Size | : | 500.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
IsMirrored | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 6738 |
Id | : | dfc54ce8-314d-4b36-a09d-a40c958f6975 |
Caption | : | WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA02 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Pool disk WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA02 on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
DiskPoolId | : | 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929} |
DiskInRecoveryId | : | |
DiskTier | : | 2 |
MemberState | : | Healthy |
Size | : | 100.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
IsMirrored | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 6746 |
Id | : | d6ca93da-9086-49f7-a80b-00630dcecb66 |
Caption | : | WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA010 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Pool disk WDC WD800AAJS-N8TDA010 on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
$PM = Get-DcsPoolMember -Pool "Disk pool 1" -Disk "SSV1-WDC100-D1" Add-DcsPoolMember -Pool $PM.DiskPoolId -PoolMember $PM -MirrorDisk "SSV1-WDC100-D2"
The cmdlet Get-DcsPoolMember is invoked to get the PoolMemberData object for the physical disk named "SSV1-WDC100-D1" in the pool named "Disk pool 1". The object is stored in the variable $PM.
The cmdlet Add-DcsPoolMember is invoked using the object in the variable to get the Disk pool ID for the Pool parameter and the PoolMemberData object for the PoolMember parameter. The MirrorDisk parameter is the physical disk named "SSV1-WDC100-D2". The updated PoolMemberData object is returned.
DiskPoolId | : | 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81:{2b28c5b6-a04d-11e1-96c0-00155d11e929} |
DiskInRecoveryId | : | {0b89a4a7-242e-4f8b-926f-ecc9397d5cdf} |
DiskTier | : | 2 |
MemberState | : | OutOfSync |
Size | : | 100.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
IsMirrored | : | True |
SequenceNumber | : | 7335 |
Id | : | ed78b36a-613a-4c28-b4d8-f00d0fc5fbec |
Caption | : | SSV1-WDC100-D1|SSV1-WDC100-D2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Pool mirror SSV1-WDC100-D1|SSV1-WDC100-D2 on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
Adds counters to the specified recording session.
Add-DcsRecordingPoint [ -Session <Object> ] [ -Connection <String> ] -Instance <Object> [ -Counter <String[]> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsRecordingPoint [ -Session <Object> ] [ -Connection <String> ] -Category <String> [ -Counter <String[]> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds counters to the specified recording session. A specific counter can be added or all counters in a category can be added. Counters can be added for all instances or specific instances.
- -Session<Object>
- The PerformanceRecordingSessionData object, Id, or Caption that identifies the recording session. If the session is not specified, the "!UserRecordingSession" will used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Instance<Object>
- Use this parameter to add an instance to the recording session. The value is the InstanceRecordingPointData object or any object which identifies the instance.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Counter<String[]>
- One or more specific counters to add to the recording session. A valid value is the name of the counter or a comma separated list of counters. To get counter names, use the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter and pass the specific object; a list of counter names will be returned for the object.
- Required: false
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Category<String>
- Use this parameter to add a category to the recording session. Valid values for category names include: "DiskPool", "LogicalDisk", "Machine", "HostGroup", "PhysicalDisk", "PoolMember", "Replication", "RollbackGroup", "ScsiPort", "ServerGroup", "ServerMachine", "ServerScsiPort", "SharedDiskPool", "SharedPhysicalDisk", "SnapshotGroup", "SnapshotRelation", "StreamLogicalDisk", "VirtualDiskGroup", "VirtualDisk", "VirtualLogicalUnit", "VirtualTargetDevice", and "VirtualTargetDomain". Note: "Machine" refers to client host category and "ServerMachine" refers to server category. "ScsiPort" refers to client host SCSI ports category and "ServerScsiPort" refers to server SCSI ports category. "PoolMember" refers to physical disks in pools and "PhysicalDisk" refers to physical disks not in pools.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
InstanceRecordingPointData, CategoryRecordingPointData, or any object type that identifies an instance.
InstanceRecordingPointData or CategoryRecordingPointData : Object that identifies and describes either a category or instance of a counter.
Also see Get-DcsPerformanceCounter, Remove-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingPoint.
Add-DcsRecordingPoint -Session "User recording session" -Category PhysicalDisk
The cmdlet Add-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked with the single parameter Category and the value "PhysicalDisk". This results in all physical disk counters being added for all physical disk instances to the "User recording session". The object CategoryRecordingPointData is returned. Note: If the last counter is removed from the recording point Instance or Category, the entire point will be removed from the list.
Category Counters -------- -------- PhysicalDiskPerformance
Get-DcsClient -Client "HostVM1" | Add-DcsRecordingPoint -Session "User recording session"
The cmdlet Get-DcsClient is invoked with the parameter Client specified as "HostVM1". The results are piped to the cmdlet Add-DcsRecordingPoint to identify the instance. This results in all counters for the instance "HostVM1" being added to the "User recording session" as defined in the PerformanceRecordingSessionData object. The object InstanceRecordingPointData is returned.
InstanceId Counters ---------- -------- c14ee231f735470195253a98961d5674
Add-DcsRecordingPoint -Category PhysicalDisk -Counter TotalOperations
The cmdlet Add-DcsRecordingPoint is invoked with the parameter Category having a value of "PhysicalDisk" and the parameter Counter having a value of "TotalOperations". This results in the counter "TotalOperations" being added for all physical disk instances in the server group for the default connection. The object CategoryRecordingPointData is returned.
Get-DcsClient -Client HostVM1 | Get-DcsPerformanceCounter TotalBytesTransferred : 0 TotalBytesRead : 0 TotalBytesWritten : 0 TotalOperations : 0 TotalReads : 0 TotalWrites : 0 CollectionTime : 4/10/2013 7:58:28 PM NullCounterMap : 0 Get-DcsClient -Client HostVM1 | Add-DcsRecordingPoint -Counter "TotalOperations", "TotalReads", "TotalWrites"
To obtain a list of counters for the specific client named "HostVM1", the cmdlet Get-DcsClient is invoked and the results are piped to the cmdlet Get-DcsPerformanceCounter.
Creates a replication relationship between a source and a destination virtual disk in order to asynchronously mirror data.
Add-DcsReplication -SourceServer <String> -DestinationServer <String> -SourceDisk <String> -DestinationDisk <String> [ -DuplicateDiskId] [ -OfflineInitialization] [ -Yes] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf] [ -Confirm]
Creates a replication relationship between a source and a destination virtual disk in order to asynchronously mirror data. After the replication is created, checkpoint markers can be created and used to update snapshots on the destination server, see Set-ReplicationSnapshot and Set-ReplicationCheckPoint.
- -SourceServer<String>
- Computer name or ID of the local source server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DestinationServer<String>
- Computer name or ID of the remote destination server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SourceDisk<String>
- The name or ID that identifies the virtual disk to be used as the source of the replication. The source disk must exist on the source server.
- Required: true
- Position: 3
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DestinationDisk<String>
- The name or ID that identifies the virtual disk to be used as the destination of the replication. The destination virtual disk must exist on the destination server.
- Required: true
- Position: 4
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DuplicateDiskId<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter only if both the source and the destination virtual disks will be served to client hosts that require the same SCSI inquiry ID (virtual product information).
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -OfflineInitialization<SwitchParameter>
- Use this parameter to specify offline initialization for this replication. (See Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization to start the initialization.) If not specified, an automatic online initialization will occur.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Yes<SwitchParameter>
- Creating a replication is an operation that requires confirmation because the contents of the destination virtual disk will be overwritten. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to create the replication and prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WhatIf<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Confirm<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the relationship between the source and destination virtual disks in the replication.
Also see Add-DcsPartnerGroup, Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder, Set-DcsReplicationCheckPoint, Set-DcsReplicationSnapshot, Reverse-DcsReplication, Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization, Stop-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization, Set-DcsReplicationInitializationType, Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode.
Add-DcsReplication -SourceServer SSV1 -DestinationServer SSV3 -SourceDisk "Virtual Disk 5" -DestinationDisk "Virtual Disk 6" -OfflineInitialization -Yes
Creates a replication relationship between a virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 5" on the Source Server named "SSV1" and the virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 6" on the Destination Server named "SSV3". Offline initialization is specified (see Start-DcsReplicationOfflineInitialization). The parameter Yes is specified to prevent user interaction.
FirstServerId | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699 |
FirstVirtualDiskId | : | 01cf04e35b5a4f23913c329deb0cc3da |
SecondServerId | : | 4d188191-a5b7-4bc1-9ff0-07fa3cddc2a7:863F19DC-41D6-4D46-92A6-30686E3A24AC |
SecondVirtualDiskId | : | a19d230f8c29423f9e23c14d059916c1 |
IsActiveSide | : | True |
ReplicationState | : | Initializing |
FailureStatus | : | NoReplicationDefinedForPartner |
TransferStatus | : | Disabled |
Paused | : | False |
CheckpointSnapshotId | : | |
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense | : | Enabled |
OfflineInitializationSupported | : | False |
InitializationType | : | Offline |
OfflineInitializationBuffer | : | |
OfflineInitStatus | : | WaitToStartOfflineInit |
InitializationFailureStatus | : | NoFailure |
Id | : | 74c9e07c-e419-48a3-8215-097c89d8bcd0 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 5 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 5 on SSV3 |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a rollback group of expiring rollbacks for the specified virtual disk group using a Consistency Point marker stored on the replication destination.
Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [ -TimeStamp <Object> ] [ -DuplicateDiskId] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [ -UserDefinedCode <Byte> ] [ -DuplicateDiskId] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a rollback group of expiring rollbacks for the specified virtual disk group using a Consistency Point marker stored on the replication destination. The marker to use as a restore point can be specified. If optional parameters are not specified, the latest common consistency point marker for the specified virtual disk group will be used as the restore point. This cmdlet requires Continuous Data Protection (CDP) to be enabled on all virtual disks in the virtual disk group on the replication destination.
- -VirtualDiskGroup<Object>
- VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group on the replication destination that has received replication consistency markers. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TimeStamp<Object>
- Use this parameter to create a rollback group using the specified date and time as a restore point. The date and time must correspond to a Replication Consistency Point marker stored on the replication destination server. If this parameter is not specified, then the latest common marker stored for the virtual disk group will be used to create the rollback group. (see Example 1) Time should be reflected in UTC. The value can be supplied from the GroupConsistencyPointData object which is returned from the cmdlet Get-DcssReplicationConsistencyPoint. The value can also be supplied as a DateTime object. One way to create a DateTime object is using the PowerShell cmdlet Get-Date. The value can also be provided in a string with the date and exact time which includes milliseconds in this format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffff", for example "2015-06-24 19:56:45.2958955". (See example 4)
- Required: false
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DuplicateDiskId<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter only if both the source and the destination virtual disks will be served to clients (hosts) that require the same SCSI inquiry ID (virtual product information).
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -UserDefinedCode<Byte>
- Use the parameter to create the latest rollback group based on the specified marker. A marker with the specified code must exist. Valid values for the code are from 0 - 255.
- Required: false
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk group.
RollbackGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the rollback group that was created.
Also see Set-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint, Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint
$point = Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -UserDefinedCode 10 $point TimeStamp UserDefinedCode --------- --------------- 6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM 10 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM 10 6/24/2015 7:41:51 PM 10 Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -TimeStamp $point[1].TimeStamp
The cmdlet Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint is invoked to get the marker data for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote" with a user-defined code of "10". The data is stored in the variable $point, where the data can be viewed. The cmdlet Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback is invoked to create a rollback group for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote". The restore point of the rollbacks will be the timestamp of the second indexed entry [1] in the object. (Indexes in the object begin with [0].) In this manner rollback groups can be created for timestamps other than the latest common marker.
TotalCapacity | : | 21 GB |
ParentGroupId | : | {be8b88ea-daca-424e-af18-282835a27f26} |
Alias | : | VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC |
Description | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 3369 |
Id | : | {c71334b5-e3b9-4892-91f7-d194253d2d71} |
Caption | : | VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC |
ExtendedCaption | : | VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC |
Internal | : | False |
$RepConsistencyPtGroups = Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup | where {$_.Description -like "*consistency point*"} $RepConsistencyPtGroups | ForEach {Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup $_}
The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is used to get all the objects for virtual disk groups that contain the words "consistency point" in the description. (This requires the user to provide a description.) The returned RollbackGroupData objects are saved to the variable "$RepConsistencyPtGroups. Then the cmdlet Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback is invoked for each VirtualDiskGroupData object saved in the variable. A rollback group is created for each virtual disk group. In this case, there were two groups. The restore point of the rollbacks will be the latest common marker stored on the replication destination.
TotalCapacity | : | 21 GB |
ParentGroupId | : | {be8b88ea-daca-424e-af18-282835a27f26} |
Alias | : | VD Group 1 Remote 5 @ 6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM UTC |
Description | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 6200 |
Id | : | {346b6b9e-1bf6-41e5-9fbc-3eecb40f2378} |
Caption | : | VD Group 1 Remote 5 @ 6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM UTC |
ExtendedCaption | : | VD Group 1 Remote 5 @ 6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM UTC |
Internal | : | False |
TotalCapacity | : | 30 GB |
ParentGroupId | : | {0e3a9ae5-bb8e-43d8-a95d-7d82ae3c312b} |
Alias | : | VD Group 2 Remote @ 7/9/2015 2:19:34 PM UTC |
Description | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 6334 |
Id | : | {9f8f93d4-e2f5-40a0-84c9-51054149ceac} |
Caption | : | VD Group 2 Remote @ 7/9/2015 2:19:34 PM UTC |
ExtendedCaption | : | VD Group 2 Remote @ 7/9/2015 2:19:34 PM UTC |
Internal | : | False |
$point = Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -UserDefinedCode 10 $point TimeStamp UserDefinedCode --------- --------------- 6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM 10 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM 10 6/24/2015 7:41:51 PM 10 Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -TimeStamp $point[1]
The cmdlet Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint is invoked to get the marker data for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote" with a user-defined code of "10". The data is stored in the variable $point, where the data can be viewed. The cmdlet Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback is invoked to create a rollback group for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote". The restore point of the rollbacks will be the timestamp of the second indexed entry [1] in the object. (Indexes in the object begin with [0].) In this manner rollback groups can be created for timestamps other than the latest common marker.
TotalCapacity | : | 21 GB |
ParentGroupId | : | {be8b88ea-daca-424e-af18-282835a27f26} |
Alias | : | VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC |
Description | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 3369 |
Id | : | {c71334b5-e3b9-4892-91f7-d194253d2d71} |
Caption | : | VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC |
ExtendedCaption | : | VD Group 1 Remote @ 6/24/2015 7:56:45 PM UTC |
Internal | : | False |
$Point = Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -UserDefinedCode 10 $Point TimeStamp UserDefinedCode --------- --------------- 6/24/2015 9:41:03 PM 10 6/16/2015 7:56:45 PM 10 6/16/2015 7:41:51 PM 10 $time = $point.TimeStamp[1].ToString("O") $time 2015-06-16T19:56:45.2958955Z Add-DcsReplicationConsistencyRollback -VirtualDiskGroup "VD Group 1 Remote" -TimeStamp $time
The cmdlet Get-DcsReplicationConsistencyPoint is invoked to get the marker data for the virtual disk group named "VD Group 1 Remote" with a user-defined code of "10". The data is stored in the variable $Point, where the data can be viewed.
The restore point of the rollbacks will be the timestamp of the second indexed entry [1] in the object, which is stored in the variable $time using the PowerShell function ToString("O"). (Indexes in the object begin with [0].)
Partners one server group to another server group for the purpose of performing replications.
Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup -Server <String> -LocalUserName <String> -LocalPassword <String> -RemoteUserName <String> -RemotePassword <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup -Server <String> -LocalCredential <PSCredential> -RemoteCredential <PSCredential> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Partners one server group to another server group in order to perform replications, see Add-DcsReplication. A replication buffer must be created, see Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of one of the servers in the remote destination group. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. The specified server will be used for communications between local (source) and remote (destination) server groups.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LocalUserName<String>
- User name of the account used to connect to the local (source) server group. User names must match Windows user accounts and must reside on all servers in the local server group. Credentials can be domain-wide or local (workgroup). If credentials are domain-wide, include the domain with the name for example: DOMAIN\user name.) Name resolution is required between local and remote groups.
- Required: true
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LocalPassword<String>
- Login password that corresponds to the local user name.
- Required: true
- Position: 3
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -RemoteUserName<String>
- User name of the account used to connect to the remote (destination) server group. User names must match Windows user accounts and must reside on all servers in the remote server group. Credentials can be domain-wide or local (workgroup). If credentials are domain-wide, include the domain with the name for example: DOMAIN\user name.) Name resolution is required between local and remote groups.
- Required: true
- Position: 4
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -RemotePassword<String>
- Login password that corresponds to the remote user name.
- Required: true
- Position: 5
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LocalCredential<PSCredential>
- The PSCredential object containing user name and password for the local server group. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential, see Example 2. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.
- Required: true
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -RemoteCredential<PSCredential>
- The PSCredential object containing user name and password for the remote server group. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential, see Example 2. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.
- Required: true
- Position: 3
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
PartnershipData : Object that identifies and describes the replication partner group.
Also see Add-DcsReplication, Set-DcsReplicationBufferFolder, Remove-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup, Get-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup.
Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup -Server SSV3 -LocalUserName administrator -LocalPassword Adminpw! -RemoteUserName administrator -RemotePassword Adminpw!
Adds a replication partner group to the current server group for replication purposes. In this example, the partner group contains a server named "SSV3". The User Names and Passwords are "administrator" and "Adminpw!" on both local and remote servers.
GroupId | : | 091705db-3bfd-4c3a-9d58-8455fe6628ef |
HostAddresses | : | {} |
IncomingCredentials | : | DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials |
OutgoingCredentials | : | DataCore.Executive.ConnectionCredentials |
Connected | : | True |
EnableCompression | : | True |
Id | : | 285ea682-2b07-4020-8f52-b87441579783 |
Caption | : | ControllerProxy |
ExtendedCaption | : | ControllerProxy |
$localCred = Get-Credential $remoteCred = Get-Credential Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup -Server -LocalCredential $localCred -RemoteCredential $remoteCred
The Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential is invoked to collect the credentials for the local and remote server groups. When Get-Credential is invoked a dialog box opens and the user name and password can be entered in a secure manner. The local credentials are saved to the variable $localCred and the remote credentials are saved to the variable $remoteCred.
The cmdlet Add-DcsReplicationPartnerGroup is invoked to create a replication partnership between the local and remote server groups. The remote server is named "" and is identified by the parameter Server. Local credentials are passed using $localCred as the value for the parameter LocalCredential. Remote credentials are passed using $remoteCred as the value for the parameter RemoteCredential.
$remoteCred = Get-Credential
Creates a custom user role and assigns privileges to the role.
Add-DcsRole -Name <String> [ -Description <String> ] [ -General <GeneralPrivileges> ] [ -Ports <PortPrivileges> ] [ -ClientMachines <ClientMachinePrivileges> ] [ -HostGroups <HostGroupPrivileges> ] [ -ServerMachines <ServerMachinePrivileges> ] [ -ServerMachineGroups <ServerMachineGroupPrivileges> ] [ -VirtualDisks <VirtualDiskPrivileges> ] [ -Snapshots <SnapshotPrivileges> ] [ -Rollbacks <RollbackPrivileges> ] [ -Replications <ReplicationPrivileges> ] [ -PhysicalDisks <PhysicalDiskPrivileges> ] [ -DiskPools <DiskPoolPrivileges> ] [ -Controller <ExecutivePrivileges> ] [ -PartnerController <PartnerControllerPrivileges> ] [ -Users <UserPrivileges> ] [ -Roles <RolePrivileges> ] [ -StorageProfiles <StorageProfilePrivileges> ] [ -Tasks <TaskPrivileges> ] [ -Monitors <MonitorPrivileges> ] [ -Logs <LogPrivileges> ] [ -VirtualDiskGroups <VirtualDiskGroupPrivileges> ] [ -License <LicensePrivileges> ] [ -PerformanceRecording <PerformanceRecordingPriviledges> ] [ -VirtualDiskTemplate <VirtualDiskTemplatePrivileges> ] [ -Witness <WitnessPrivileges> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a custom user role and assigns privileges to the role. The ability to view information in the software, which is one of the General privileges, is automatically added to each role.
- -Name<String>
- Name of the user role.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the user role.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -General<GeneralPrivileges>
- General privilege set grants privileges to users to perform general actions, such as viewing information in the software. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set. The ability to view information in the software is automatically added to each role without this privilege being specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Ports<PortPrivileges>
- Ports privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on Fibre Channel and iSCSI ports. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ClientMachines<ClientMachinePrivileges>
- ClientMachines privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on hosts. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -HostGroups<HostGroupPrivileges>
- HostGroups privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on host groups. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ServerMachines<ServerMachinePrivileges>
- ServerMachines privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on DataCore Servers. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ServerMachineGroups<ServerMachineGroupPrivileges>
- ServerMachineGroups privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on server groups. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDisks<VirtualDiskPrivileges>
- VirtualDisks privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on virtual disks. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Snapshots<SnapshotPrivileges>
- Snaphots privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on snapshots. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Rollbacks<RollbackPrivileges>
- Rollbacks privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on rollbacks. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Replications<ReplicationPrivileges>
- Replications privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on replications. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PhysicalDisks<PhysicalDiskPrivileges>
- PhysicalDisks privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on physical disks. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DiskPools<DiskPoolPrivileges>
- DiskPools privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on disk pools. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Controller<ExecutivePrivileges>
- Controller privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on service level operations. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PartnerController<PartnerControllerPrivileges>
- PartnerController privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on Replication Partner. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Users<UserPrivileges>
- Users privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on user accounts. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Roles<RolePrivileges>
- Roles privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on user roles. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StorageProfiles<StorageProfilePrivileges>
- StorageProfiles privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on storage profiles. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Tasks<TaskPrivileges>
- Tasks privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on tasks. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Monitors<MonitorPrivileges>
- Monitors privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on system health monitors. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Logs<LogPrivileges>
- Logs privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on event logs. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskGroups<VirtualDiskGroupPrivileges>
- VirtualDiskGroups privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on virtual disk groups. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -License<LicensePrivileges>
- License privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on software licenses. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PerformanceRecording<PerformanceRecordingPriviledges>
- PerformanceRecording privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on performance recording sessions. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskTemplate<VirtualDiskTemplatePrivileges>
- VirtualDiskTemplate privilege set grants privileges to users to perform actions on virtual disk templates. Valid values include "All" to add the privilege set or "None" to remove the privilege set.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Witness<WitnessPrivileges>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
RoleData : Object that identifies and describes the role.
Also see Get-DcsRole, Remove-DcsRole.
Add-DcsRole -Name "Networking" -Description "Role for Network Administrators" -General ALL -Ports ALL -ClientMachines ALL -HostGroups ALL -ServerMachines ALL -ServerMachineGroups ALL -VirtualDisks ALL -Snapshots ALL -Rollbacks ALL -Replications ALL -PhysicalDisks ALL -DiskPools ALL -PartnerController ALL -Controller ALL -Tasks ALL -Monitors ALL -Logs ALL -VirtualDiskGroups ALL -PerformanceRecording ALL
Creates a role named "Networking" which is a role reserved for Network Administrators. All privileges in the following privilege sets are assigned to the role: General, Ports, ClientMachines, HostGroups, ServerMachines, ServerMachineGroups, VirtualDisks, Snapshots, Rollbacks, Replications, PhysicalDisk, DiskPools, PartnerController, Controller, Tasks, Monitors, Logs, VirtualDiskGroups, and PerformanceRecording. The RoleData object is returned.
Alias | : | Networking |
Description | : | Role for Network Administrators |
Privileges | : | General privileges: All |
Port privileges | : | All |
Host privileges | : | All |
Host group privileges | : | All |
DataCore Server privileges | : | All |
DataCore Server group privileges | : | All |
Virtual disk privileges | : | All |
Snapshot privileges | : | All |
Rollback privileges | : | All |
Replication privileges | : | All |
Physical disk privileges | : | All |
Disk pool privileges | : | All |
Service level privileges | : | All |
Replication partner privileges | : | All |
Task privileges | : | All |
System health monitor privileges | : | All |
Log privileges | : | All |
Virtual disk group privileges | : | All |
Performance recording privileges | : | All |
IsPredefined | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 3146 |
Id | : | 5a418634-6ca6-410b-a25e-2ab33bb7b417 |
Caption | : | Networking |
ExtendedCaption | : | Networking |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a rollback from a virtual disk with Continuous Data Protection (CDP). This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group and creates a rollback group.
Add-DcsRollback [ -Server <String> ] -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Description <String> ] -Pool <String> [ -AutoExpire] [-Compressed <Boolean>] [ -DuplicateDiskId] -TimeStamp <DateTime> [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsRollback [ -Server <String> ] -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Description <String> ] -Pool <String> [ -AutoExpire] [-Compressed <Boolean>] [ -DuplicateDiskId] -TimeSpan <TimeSpan> [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsRollback [ -Server <String> ] -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Description <String> ] -Pool <String> [ -AutoExpire] [-Compressed <Boolean>] [ -DuplicateDiskId] -TimeStamp <DateTime> [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsRollback [ -Server <String> ] -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Description <String> ] -Pool <String> [ -AutoExpire] [-Compressed <Boolean>] [ -DuplicateDiskId] -TimeSpan <TimeSpan> [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a rollback from virtual disk with Continuous Data Protection (CDP). This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group and creates a rollback group. The rollback can be created to expire automatically or stay persistent (see AutoExpire). A special rollback marker can also be created that flushes the cache before creating the rollback, see the description for the TimeSpan parameter. CDP must be enabled for a virtual disk before a rollback can be created, see Enable-DcsDataProtection.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the CDP-enabled virtual disk, which is the source of the rollback.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Name<String>
- Name to assign to the rollback. If not specified, a default name will be assigned consisting of the name of the CDP-enabled virtual disk and the timestamp.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the rollback.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Pool<String>
- Name or ID of the pool where the rollback should be created. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AutoExpire<SwitchParameter>
- Specify the AutoExpire parameter to allow the rollback to expire automatically when the history log advances past the restore point (point-in-time of the rollback). When the history log advances past the restore point, the rollback will expire without warning and be permanently unusable and should be deleted, see Remove-DcsRollback.If not specified, the rollback will persist until it is deleted or split. (An exception to this is when a marker is created. In this case, the marker will automatically expire by default. See TimeSpan parameter description.) WARNING: Keeping a rollback persistent can have ramifications. When the history log advances past the restore point, a mirrored virtual disk will have compromised mirror redundancy and a single virtual disk will become inaccessible. The rollback will have to be deleted or split to allow writes to the CDP-enabled virtual disk again.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Compressed<Boolean>
- Use this parameter to enable Inline Compression on the Rollback. Specifying as $True will enable the feature. It can only be enabled if the destination pool has Capacity Optimization enabled.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DuplicateDiskId<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter only if both the CDP-enabled virtual disk and the rollback will be served to client hosts that require the same SCSI inquiry ID (virtual product information).
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TimeStamp<DateTime>
- The date and time of the rollback. The rollback will become a logical representation of the virtual disk data at the specified date and time (restore point). Use either the Timestamp parameter or the TimeSpan parameter to specify the restore point. One way to provide the TimeStamp parameter would be by piping a variable created by invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The TimeStamp parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format to use is "Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:51:00 PM".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AssignToCurrentUser<SwitchParameter>
- Use this parameter to assign exclusive ownership to the user account currently logged in. This restricts all operations on the rollback being created to only the authenticated user for the current PowerShell session.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TimeSpan<TimeSpan>
- TimeSpan is the amount of negative elapsed time used to represent the date and time of the rollback. Use either the Timestamp parameter or the TimeSpan parameter to specify the restore point.One way to provide the TimeSpan parameter would be using a variable piped from invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of TimeSpan with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object). The TimeSpan parameter can also be provided in a string that represents the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds in the past. For instance, if the rollback should be created using the data as it existed 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes ago, the value would be "01.12:30:00" and this must be in quotes. A TimeSpan with the value of "0" (which means now) will create a special rollback that can be used as a marker. In this special case and only in this case, after the cmdlet is invoked, the cache will be flushed on the DataCore Server before creating the rollback. To create a rollback with consistent application data, perform an application-specific flush and quiesce on the client host before invoking the cmdlet. The default behavior for the marker is to automatically expire. See example 4.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskGroup<Object>
- VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. The object can be obtained using Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup. This parameter is used to create a rollback group from a virtual disk group. The rollback group will be named using the virtual disk group name with the timestamp appended. For example, if the virtual disk group is named VDGroup1 and the timestamp is 11/2/2011 2:45:19 PM, then the snapshot group name would be named "VDGroup1 @ 11/2/2011 2:45:19 PM".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData or VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk or virtual disk group.
RollbackData or RollbackGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the rollback or the rollback group that was created.
Also see Remove-DcsRollback, Get-DcsRollback, Revert-DcsRollback, Split-DcsRollback, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Get-DcsRollbackGroup, Remove-DcsRollbackGroup.
Add-DcsRollback -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "virtual disk 5" -Name VDisk5RB3 -Pool SSV1Pool3 -AutoExpire -TimeStamp "Thursday, July 28, 2011 01:08:00 PM" -Compressed $True
Creates a rollback of the virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 5" from the pool named "SSV1Pool3" on the server named "SSV1". The rollback is named "VDisk5RB3" and is an image of the data on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 1:08 AM and will expire automatically when the restore point reaches the end of the history log. The RestorePoint field in the returned object is displayed in UTC.
SourceLogicalDiskId | : | LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{267e5c50-abd6-11e0-9515-00155d11e921}-00000018 |
DestinationLogicalDiskId | : | LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{b96878da-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921}-00000009 |
RestorePoint | : | 7/28/2011 5:08:00 PM |
AutoExpire | : | True |
State | : | Unknown |
CompressedEnabled | : | True |
SequenceNumber | : | 2654201 |
Id | : | V.{267E5C50-ABD6-11E0-9515-00155D11E921}-00000018--V.{B96878DA-B7AF-11E0-9BA8-00155D11E921}-00000009 |
Caption | : | VDisk5RB3 |
ExtendedCaption | : | VDisk5RB3 on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsRollback -Server SSVVM1 -VirtualDiskGroup VDgroup1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -AutoExpire -TimeStamp "Thursday, November 3, 2011 4:00:00 PM" -Compressed $True
Creates a compressed rollback group for the virtual disk group named "VDgroup1" from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM1". The rollback group is named "VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:07:57 PM" (which is the time that the group was created). The rollback group contains a rollback for each virtual disk in the group. Those rollbacks are an image of the data on Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 4:00 PM and will expire automatically when the restore point reaches the end of the history log.
Total Capacity | : | 150 GB |
ParentGroupId | : | {827c0546-a101-4115-8a8f-b07ab87272dd} |
Alias | : | VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:07:57 PM |
Description | : | |
StorageDomainSettings | : | 0 B/sec|0 IO/sec|False |
SequenceNumber | : | 530287 |
Id | : | {33b3686c-06e2-4067-9c2e-aca0f794d4ec} |
Caption | : | VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:07:57 PM UTC |
ExtendedCaption | : | VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:07:57 PM UTC |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsRollback -Server SSVVM1 -VirtualDiskGroup VDgroup1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -AutoExpire -TimeSpan "00.00:30:00"
Creates a rollback group for the virtual disk group named "VDgroup1" from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM1". The rollback group is named "VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:45:24 PM" (which is the time that the group was created). The rollback group contains a rollback for each virtual disk in the group. The rollbacks are an image of the data on as it was 30 minutes in the past. The rollbacks will expire automatically when the restore point reaches the end of the history log.
ParentGroupId | : | {827c0546-a101-4115-8a8f-b07ab87272dd} |
Alias | : | VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:45:24 PM |
Description | : | |
Id | : | {b807ccec-4b97-400e-8936-0b9d98d09788} |
Caption | : | VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:45:24 PM |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsRollback -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Name VDisk1RBMarker1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -AutoExpire -TimeSpan 0
Creates a special rollback marker of the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" from the pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSV1". The rollback is named "VDisk1RBMarker1". When the cmdlet is invoked, the cache is flushed on the server SSV1 and then the rollback is created on SSV1. The rollback will expire automatically when the restore point reaches the end of the history log. The RestorePoint field in the returned object is the timestamp when the rollback was created on the server SSV1 and is displayed in UTC.
SourceLogicalDiskId | : | e75bf8bd-6dc4-4237-a867-5d4844f87355 |
DestinationLogicalDiskId | : | c928faa7-15e3-4c9d-ac6d-49d55bcd0f18 |
RestorePoint | : | 9/16/2014 5:11:34 PM |
AutoExpire | : | True |
State | : | Unknown |
SequenceNumber | : | 1114 |
Id | : | V.{378327E6-3D98-11E4-BD80-00155D651603}-00000001--V.{378327E6-3D98-11E4-BD80-00155D651603}-00000003 |
Caption | : | VDisk1RBNOW |
ExtendedCaption | : | VDisk1RBNOW on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
Adds a server to an existing server group.
Add-DcsServer -Server <String> [ -DisableLogin] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a server to an existing server group. Two servers in a group enables mirroring and high availability.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or IP address of the server to be added to the server group. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DisableLogin<SwitchParameter>
- By default, iSCSI ports are automatically logged in when a server is added to a server group. Specify this parameter to prevent automatic login in order to selectively login the iSCSI ports manually.
- Required: false
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias representing the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ServerHostData : Object that identifies the server.
Also see Remove-DcsServer, Get-DcsServer.
Add-DcsServer -Server "SSVVM03" -DisableLogin -Connection "Commect1"
Adds a server named "SSVVM03" to the server group that uses the connection named "Connect1". Automatic login of ports is disabled.
GroupId | : | 01b849ad-54b9-413b-9654-dc4eface5c40 |
RegionNodeId | : | ExecutiveNode:2955B0EE-D2A5-4162-97E5-E99CEBE933E7 |
CacheSize | : | 0 B |
State | : | NotPresent |
SupportState | : | NotPresent |
SnapshotMapStoreId | : | |
SnapshotMapStorePoolId | : | |
InstallPath | : | |
ProductName | : | |
ProductType | : | |
ProductVersion | : | |
OsVersion | : | |
ProcessorInfo | : | |
ProductBuild | : | |
BuildType | : | |
DiagnosticMode | : | Disabled |
LicenseRemaining | : | -9223372036854775808 |
ReplicationBufferFolder | : | |
TotalSystemMemory | : | 0 B |
AvailableSystemMemory | : | 0 B |
LogStatus | : | Operational |
LicenseSettings | : | DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings |
IsLicensed | : | False |
LicenseExceeded | : | False |
StorageUsed | : | 0 B |
BulkStorageUsed | : | 0 B |
DataCoreStorageUsed | : | 0 B |
DataCoreBulkStorageUsed | : | 0 B |
PowerState | : | Unknown |
CacheState | : | Unknown |
BackupStorageFolder | : | |
IpAddresses | : | {} |
LicenseNumber | : | 2509912577132288407 |
AluaGroupId | : | 2 |
IsVirtualMachine | : | False |
HypervisorHostId | : | |
LogStorePoolId | : | |
Description | : | |
HostName | : | |
MpioCapable | : | True |
SequenceNumber | : | 2066386 |
Id | : | 2955B0EE-D2A5-4162-97E5-E99CEBE933E7 |
Caption | : | SSVVM03 |
ExtendedCaption | : | SSVVM03 in Server Group 1 |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a snapshot of a virtual disk. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group, which creates a snapshot group.
Add-DcsSnapshot [ -Server <String> ] -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Pool <String> ] [ -Full] [ -Description <String> ] [-Compressed <Boolean>] [ -DuplicateDiskId] [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsSnapshot [ -Server <String> ] -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Pool <String> ] [ -Full] [ -Description <String> ] [ -DuplicateDiskId] [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsSnapshot [-Server <String>] -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [-Name <String>] -SnapshotGroupCreationProperties <Object []> [-Full] [-Description <String>] [-DuplicateDiskId] [-AssignToCurrentUser] [-Connection <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a snapshot of a virtual disk. This operation can also be performed on a virtual disk group, which creates a snapshot group. The snapshots created can be different or full images. A mapstore must be set before invoking this cmdlet, see Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server where the snapshot should be created. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk to be used as the source of the snapshot.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Name<String>
- Name to assign to the snapshot. If not specified a default name will be assigned. The default name will consist of the name of the source virtual disk and timestamp of when the snapshot is created.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Pool<String>
- Name or ID of the pool to use to create the snapshot. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SnapshotGroupCreationProperties <Object []>
- An array of SnapshotGroupCreationData, which is created from the cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshotGroupCreationProperties.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Full
- Specify this parameter to create a snapshot that is a clone copy of the source and can exist and operate independently from the source virtual disk. If this parameter is not specified, a differential snapshot will be created. A differential snapshot is a logical image that is dependent on the source virtual disk.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the snapshot.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Compression <Boolean>
- Use this parameter to enable Inline Compression on the Snapshot. Specifying as $True will enable the feature. It can only be enabled if the destination pool has Capacity Optimization enabled.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DuplicateDiskId<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter only if both the source virtual disk and the snapshot will be served to client hosts that require the same SCSI inquiry ID (virtual product information).
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AssignToCurrentUser<SwitchParameter>
- Use this parameter to assign exclusive ownership to the user account currently logged in. This restricts all operations on the snapshot being created to only the authenticated user for the current PowerShell session.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskGroup<Object>
- VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. The object can be obtained using Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup. This parameter is used to create a snapshot group from a virtual disk group. The snapshot group will be named using the virtual disk group name with the timestamp appended. For example, if the virtual disk group is named VDGroup1 and the timestamp is 11/2/2011 2:45:19 PM, then the snapshot group name would be "VDGroup1 @ 11/2/2011 2:45:19 PM".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- <CommonParameters>
- This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (https:/
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
SnapshotData or SnapshotGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot or the snapshot group.
Also see Set-DcsSnapshotMapStore, Update-DcsSnapshot, ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot, Revert-DcsSnapshot, Remove-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Get-DcsSnapshotGroup, Remove-DcsSnapshotGroup, Get-SnapshotGroupCreationProperties.
Add-DcsSnapshot -Server SSV1 -VirtualDisk "Virtual Disk 2" -Pool SSV1Pool3 -Full -Compressed $True -Description "Virtual Disk 2 Nightly Backup"
Creates a full (clone copy) snapshot of the virtual disk named "Virtual Disk 2". The snapshot is created from the disk pool named "SSV1Pool3" on the server named "SSV1". The description is set to "Virtual Disk 2 Nightly Backup". Compression is enabled. The snapshot name will be the default name "Virtual disk 2 @ 7/27/2011 2:09:11 PM" (virtual disk name with the timestamp of when the snapshot was created).
SourceLogicalDiskId | : | LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{267e5c50-abd6-11e0-9515-00155d11e921}-00000014 |
DestinationLogicalDiskId | : | LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{b96878da-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921}-00000004 |
Type | : | Full |
TimeStamp | : | 7/27/2011 2:09:13 PM |
ActiveOperation | : | NoOperation |
State | : | Creating |
Failure | : | NoFailure |
Compression | : | True |
SequenceNumber | : | 18918 |
Id | : | V.{267E5C50-ABD6-11E0-9515-00155D11E921}-00000014--V.{B96878DA-B7AF-11E0-9BA8-00155D11E921}-00000004 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 2 @ 7/27/2011 2:09:11 PM |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 2 @ 7/27/2011 2:09:11 PM on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsSnapshot -Server SSVVM1 -VirtualDiskGroup VDgroup1 -Pool "Disk pool 1" -Full
Creates a full (clone copy) snapshot of the virtual disk group named "VDgroup1". The snapshot is created from the disk pool named "Disk pool 1" on the server named "SSVVM1". The snapshot name will be the default name "VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:25:48 PM" (virtual disk group name with the timestamp of when the snapshot group was created).
TotalCapacity | : | 100 GB |
ParentGroupId | : | {827c0546-a101-4115-8a8f-b07ab87272dd} |
Type | : | Full |
ActiveOperation | : | NoOperation |
TimeStamp | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
Alias | : | VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:25:48 PM |
Description | : | |
StorageDomainSettings | : | 0 B/sec|0 IO/sec|False |
SequenceNumber | : | 11725 |
Id | : | {02685559-ba03-4cb5-a346-f79fc2d62765} |
Caption | : | VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:25:48 PM |
ExtendedCaption | : | VDgroup1 @ 11/3/2011 4:25:48 PM UTC |
Internal | : | False |
$snapshotGroupCreationProperties = Get-DcsSnapshotGroupCreationProperties -VirtualDiskGroup "Virtual disk group 1" $snapshotGroupCreationProperties | where {$_.VirtualDiskId -eq "2317ff2f7f294f94ba462b244d4e7526"}).DestinationPoolId= "663204D9-B5F0-4251-9B9D-C0E8CE081456:{32bf0009-0ce6-11ee-9f8d-00155d026515}" $snapshotGroupCreationProperties | where {$_.VirtualDiskId -eq "cffa9aa70a7a4ae9bbf6e97c14d95cce"}).Compression = $true Add-DcsSnapshot -VirtualDiskGroup "Virtual disk group 1" -SnapshotGroupCreationProperties $snapshotGroupCreationProperties -Full
In this example, a series of cmdlet invocations is used to create a snapshot group for "Virtual disk group 1" with SnapshotGroupCreationProperties. First, Get-DcsSnapshotGroupCreationProperties is invoked with "Virtual disk group 1" specified and the resulting SnapshotGroupCreationData is stored in the variable $snapshotGroupCreationProperties. Next, get SnapshotGroupCreationData from variable $snapshotGroupCreationProperties where VirtualDiskId is equal to "2317ff2f7f294f94ba462b244d4e7526" and set DestinationPoolId to "663204D9-B5F0-4251-9B9D-C0E8CE081456:{32bf0009-0ce6-11ee-9f8d-00155d026515}". Next, get SnapshotGroupCreationData from variable $snapshotGroupCreationProperties where VirtualDiskId is equal to "cffa9aa70a7a4ae9bbf6e97c14d95cce" and set Compression to $true. At the last line, the Add-DcsSnapshot is invoked with "Virtual disk group 1" and edited $snapshotGroupCreationProperties to create snapshot group for virtual disk group "Virtual disk group 1".
TotalCapacity | : | 25 GB |
ParentGroupId | : | {fc378d78-9314-4478-bfac-ea1b13e90045} |
Type | : | Full |
ActiveOperation | : | NoOperation |
TimeStamp | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
Alias | : | Virtual disk group 1 @ 6/23/2023 3:58:23 PM UTC |
Description | : | |
StorageDomainSettings | : | 0 B/sec|0 IO/sec|False |
SequenceNumber | : | 88928 |
Id | : | {ec67e4f4-251a-4839-9ca4-564f06d98555} |
Caption | : | Virtual disk group 1 @ 6/23/2023 3:58:23 PM UTC |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk group 1 @ 6/23/2023 3:58:23 PM UTC |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a custom storage profile.
Add-DcsStorageProfile -Name <String> [ -Description <String> ] [ -PerformanceClass <PerformanceClass> ] [ -ReplicationPriority <AsyncReplicationPriority> ] [ -MirrorRecoveryPriority <MirrorRecoveryPriority> ] [ -WriteTracking <Boolean> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a custom storage profile.
- -Name<String>
- Name of the storage profile being created.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the storage profile being created.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PerformanceClass<PerformanceClass>
- The performance class to assign to the storage profile. Valid values include "Archive", "Low", "Normal", "High", and "Critical". If not specified, the default setting "Normal" will be assigned.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ReplicationPriority<AsyncReplicationPriority>
- The replication priority to assign to the storage profile. Valid values include "Low", "Regular", "High", and "Critical". If not specified, the default setting "Regular" will be assigned.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MirrorRecoveryPriority<MirrorRecoveryPriority>
- The mirror recovery priority to assign to the storage profile. Valid values include "Low", "Regular", "High", and "Critical". (The value "Unset" is for DataCore internal use only.) If this parameter is not specified, the default setting "Regular" will be assigned.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WriteTracking<Boolean>
- Use this parameter to specify whether or not to include write operations when determining the data temperature in the auto-tiering feature. Specify $true to have auto-tiering determine data temperature based on both read and write operations equally. Specify $false to have auto-tiering determine data temperature based on read operations only.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
StorageProfileData : Object that identifies and describes the storage profile.
Also see Set-DcsStorageProfileProperties, Remove-DcsStorageProfile, Get-DcsStorageProfile.
Add-DcsStorageProfile -Name PF_Billing -Description "Profile for Finance Dept billing records" -MirrorRecoveryPriority critical -WriteTracking $true
A custom storage profile named "PF_Billing" is created with a description of "Profile for Finance Dept billing records. The value for the parameter MirrorRecoveryPriority is assigned as "critical". The parameters PerformanceClass and ReplicationPriority were not set, so the default values are assigned. Write tracking is enabled. The StorageProfileData object for the new storage profile is returned.
Alias | : | PF_Billing |
Description | : | Profile for Finance Dept billing records |
PerformanceClass | : | Normal |
ReplicationPriority | : | Regular |
RecoveryPriority | : | Critical |
WriteTracking | : | True |
DefaultProfile | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 22986 |
Id | : | 6b83a780-e607-4167-a7dc-92e2c45962a9 |
Caption | : | PF_Billing |
ExtendedCaption | : | PF_Billing Profile |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a task used to perform actions automatically when triggered by events.
Add-DcsTask -Name <String> [ -Description <String> ] [ -ActionDelay <TimeSpan> ] [ -RequireAllTriggers] [ -Disabled] [ -MaxRunTime <TimeSpan> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a task used to perform actions automatically when events are triggered. This cmdlet creates the task and sets properties of the task. Add a trigger to the task with Add-DcsTrigger. Add an action to the task with Add-DcsAction. Properties of the task can be set with Set-DcsTaskProperties.
- -Name<String>
- Name to assign to the task.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the task.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ActionDelay<TimeSpan>
- Use this parameter to set the amount of time to wait before performing actions when triggers are signaled. The format of this parameter consists of decimals representing hours, minutes, and seconds. For instance, 01:05:30 would represent a delay of 1 hour, 5 minutes and 30 seconds. The maximum value must be less than 2 hours. The default value is 0.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -RequireAllTriggers<SwitchParameter>
- This parameter indicates whether to run the task when one trigger is met or to wait until all triggers are met. If specified, the task will only run when all triggers are met.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Disabled<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter to disable the task. The task will not run until it is enabled (see Enable-DcsTask). If not specified, the task will be enabled.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MaxRunTime<TimeSpan>
- The amount of time allotted to perform all actions for each instance that the task is run. The time is shared by all actions in the task. When the time has been reached, all actions will be terminated. If triggered again, the same time will be allotted to perform the actions again. The format of this parameter consists of decimals representing days, hours, minutes, and seconds, that are separated by colons. For instance, 01:05:30:00 would represent a maximum run time of 1 day, 5 hours and 30 minutes. The maximum value is 7 days. If this parameter is not specified, the default setting of 7 days (7:00:00:00) will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.
Also see Add-DcsTrigger, Add-DcsAction, Remove-DcsTask, Get-DcsTask, Set-DcsTaskProperties.
Add-DcsTask -Name MyNightlyTask -Description 'Start Virtual Disk Reclamation at 2 am' -ActionDelay 01:05:30 -RequireAllTriggers
Adds a task named "MyNightlyTask" and set the ActionDelay for 1 hour, 5 minutes and 30 seconds. All triggers must be tripped before actions will be performed.
Description | : | Start Virtual Disk Reclamation at 2 am |
Enabled | : | True |
ActionBehavior | : | RunInBatchMode |
MaxRunTime | : | 6048000000000 |
Connective | : | LogicalAnd |
ActionDelay | : | 39300000000 |
State | : | Idle |
CurrentActionId | : | |
LastStartTime | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
LastStopTime | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
Id | : | 00380dca-5084-49b1-9568-202eced2e79a |
Caption | : | MyNightlyTask |
ExtendedCaption | : | MyNightlyTask |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a trigger for the specified task.
Add-DcsTrigger -Task <Object> [ -Description <String> ] -SignalDuration <TimeSpan> -StartTime <DateTime> -Interval <TimeSpan> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsTrigger -Task <Object> [ -Description <String> ] -SignalDuration <TimeSpan> -StartTime <DateTime> -WeekDays <String[]> -WeekInterval <Int32> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsTrigger -Task <Object> [ -Description <String> ] -SignalDuration <TimeSpan> -StartTime <DateTime> -DayInterval <Int32> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsTrigger -Task <Object> [ -Description <String> ] -SignalDuration <TimeSpan> -StartTime <DateTime> [ -MonthNumber <Int32> ] -DayOfMonth <Int32> -MonthlyInterval <Int32> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsTrigger -Task <Object> [ -Description <String> ] -SignalDuration <TimeSpan> -StartTime <DateTime> [ -MonthNumber <Int32> ] -WeekDays <String[]> -MonthlyInterval <Int32> -WeekNumber <Int32> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsTrigger -Task <Object> [ -Description <String> ] -MonitorId <String> -MonitorState <String> -Comparison <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsTrigger -Task <Object> [ -Description <String> ] -TemplateTypeId <String> -MonitorState <String> -Comparison <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsTrigger -Task <Object> [ -Description <String> ] -FilterType <String[]> -FilterValue <String[]> -FilterComparison <String[]> -RequireAll <Boolean> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsTrigger -Task <Object> [ -Description <String> ] -VirtualDisk <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a trigger for the specified task. A trigger contains criteria that, when met, causes the task actions to be performed (see Add-DcsAction). One trigger can be added to the task each time the cmdlet is invoked.The trigger will be based on one of the following types of events: a scheduled time, a monitor state change, a message posted in the event log, or a replication checkpoint being received. There are several parameter sets for this cmdlet; five for scheduled time events, two for a monitor state change event, one for a log message event, and one for a replication checkpoint event. When creating a trigger for a log message event, filters are used to narrow the scope of the log messages. If multiple filters are configured, the number of values specified for FilterType, FilterValue, and FilterComparison parameters in the array must be identical and in an associated order. See example 7.
- -Task<Object>
- TaskData object, ID, or name of the task that the trigger will be added to.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- The description parameter has been deprecated and will always be empty. This parameter is left in the interface for backwards compatibility. It cannot be changed.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SignalDuration<TimeSpan>
- This parameter indicates how long the trigger will be considered active. If not specified, the default value of "00:00:00" will be used, which indicates no signal duration setting. This parameter is only relevant when multiple triggers exist, and the RequireAllTriggers parameter set to $true in Add-DcsTask. For example, if one trigger is set to run once at 8PM and another scheduled time trigger in the same task is set to run hourly and the SignalDuration parameter is set to 12 hours, then the action would run 12 times starting at 8PM. One way to provide the SignalDuration parameter would be by passing a variable created from invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of TimeSpan with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object). The TimeSpan parameter can also be provided in a string that represents the number of days, hours, and minutes in this format: "dd:dd:dd". This value does not require quotes. For instance, to keep the triggers active for one week, the value would be "07:00:00" or to keep the triggers active for 12 hours, the value would be "00:12:00".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StartTime<DateTime>
- The beginning date and time of a scheduled time trigger. One way to provide the StartTime parameter would be by passing a variable created by invoking New-Object with the TypeName parameter of DateTime with the correct arguments (see the Help for New-Object, Get-Date). The StartTime parameter can also be provided in a string with the date and time. An example of the format to use is "04/06/2011 02:51:00 PM" which represents April 6, 2011 at 2:51 PM. This value must be in quotes.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Interval<TimeSpan>
- When creating a scheduled time event, this parameter is used to indicate the amount of time in hours, minutes, seconds to wait between triggering the event again. The format to use is dd:dd:dd. This value does not require quotes. For instance, "02:15:30" would represent that the scheduled time event to occur every 2 hours, 15 minutes and 30 seconds. Use "00:00:00" to not set an interval.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WeekDays<String[]>
- When creating a scheduled time event based on specific days of the week, this parameter uses an array of the days on which the event will occur. Possible values are: "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", and "Weekdays". The "Weekdays" value is exclusive; when "Weekdays" is used, then no other day is valid. For instance, for a scheduled time event to run Monday through Friday, the parameter value would be "Weekdays". For a scheduled time event to run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the parameter value would be "Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WeekInterval<Int32>
- When creating a weekly scheduled time event based on the WeekDays parameter, the WeekInterval indicates how many weeks are in-between each firing of the event. For example: A value of "1" indicates that the event will occur every week. A value of "2" indicates that the event will occur every two weeks (or every other week). A value of "3" indicates that the event will occur every three weeks.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DayInterval<Int32>
- When creating a scheduled time event, this parameter is used to indicate how often, in terms of days, that the event should be triggered. For example: To trigger the event every day, use "1". To trigger the event to run every two days (or every other day), use "2". To trigger the event every seven days, use "7".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MonthNumber<Int32>
- When creating a yearly scheduled time event, this parameter is used to signify the number of the month on which event will occur. For instance, January would be "1" and December would be "12". If MonthNumber and MonthlyInterval are both set, MonthNumber will supersede MonthlyInterval.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DayOfMonth<Int32>
- When creating a yearly or monthly scheduled time event based on the MonthNumber or MonthlyInterval parameters, the DayOfMonth parameter is used to indicate the day of the month when the event is triggered. Valid parameter values are 1 through 31. For instance a value of "2" would indicate the second day of the month.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MonthlyInterval<Int32>
- When creating a monthly scheduled time event, the MonthlyInterval parameter indicates how many months are in-between each firing of the event. For example: A value of 1 indicates that the event will occur every month. A value of 2 indicates that the event will occur every two months (or every other month). A value of 3 indicates that the event will occur every three months.(If MonthNumber and MonthlyInterval are both used in the parameter set, MonthNumber will supersede MonthlyInterval.)
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WeekNumber<Int32>
- When creating a monthly scheduled time event, this parameter signifies the number of the week in a month when the event will occur. For instance, the first week in the month would be "1" and the forth week in the month would be "4".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MonitorId<String>
- The ID of the monitor that will trigger the event. This parameter is used to specify an instance of a specific monitor. The monitor ID is included in the MonitorData object (ID field), which can be obtained from Get-DcsMonitor. See the example 5 for more information.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MonitorState<String>
- The state that will trigger the Monitor based event. Possible values in order from lowest to highest: "Healthy", "Attention", "Warning" , and "Critical". This parameter works in conjunction with the comparison operator.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Comparison<String>
- Monitor Comparison values are as follows: ">", ">=", "=", "<", and "<=".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TemplateTypeId<String>
- The Type ID of the template used in the Monitor based trigger. This parameter is used to specify a selection of all instances of a monitor type. The template type ID is included in the MonitorDataTemplate object (TypeID field) and can be obtained from Get-DcsMonitorTemplate. See the example 6 for more information.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FilterType<String[]>
- The FilterType parameter is used to indicate what aspect of the log messages will be used to trigger the event. Potential values are: "Source", "SourceType", "MessageText", and "LogLevel". If creating multiple filters, the number of values for FilterType, FilterValue, and FilterComparison parameters must be equal and in an associated order.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FilterValue<String[]>
- The filter value that the LogMessage based trigger must contain to trigger the event. For a filter type of "Source", possible values include a string containing the name of a SAN resource. For a filter type of "SourceType", possible values include: "General", "Disk pools", "Mirrors", "Monitors", "Paths", "Physical disks", "Ports", "Replications", "Rollbacks", "Security", "Snapshots", "Hosts", "DataCore Servers", "Tasks", "Virtual disk sources", "Virtual disks", "Support", or "PerfStorage". For a filter type of "MessageText", possible values include a string from the message text field. For a filter type of "LogLevel", possible values include "Trace", "Info", "Warning", or "Error". If creating multiple filters, the number of values for FilterType, FilterValue, and FilterComparison parameters must be equal and in an associated order.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FilterComparison<String[]>
- The filter comparison value is used to compare the FilterValue to see whether the criteria have been met. Possible values are: "Contains", "DoesNotContain", "IsEqualTo", and "IsNotEqualTo". If creating multiple filters, the number of values for FilterType, FilterValue, and FilterComparison parameters must be equal and in an associated order.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -RequireAll<Boolean>
- Indicates whether all Filters must be met when creating a log based event trigger.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDisk<String>
- The name or ID of the virtual disk that will receive the replication checkpoint marker.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.
TaskTriggerData : Object that identifies and describes the task trigger.
Also see Get-DcsTask, Get-DcsTrigger, Remove-DcsTrigger, Add-DcsTask, Get-DcsMonitor, Get-DcsMonitorTemplate.
Add-DcsTrigger -Task MyHourlyTask -Interval 01:00:00 -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "07/28/2011 11:00:00 PM"
Creates a trigger for the task named "MyHourlyTask", starting at 11 PM on July 27, 2011 (see caption). The trigger will occur every hour. No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.
Interval | : | 36000000000 |
Recurrence | : | TimeInterval |
SignalDuration | : | 0 |
StartTime | : | 7/29/2011 3:00:00 AM |
TaskId | : | c122c331-f334-437f-a176-db9d3053ab4f |
Type | : | ScheduledTrigger |
Description | : | |
Id | : | a9125ed8-514c-48e8-9521-2dbb3c7d4f19 |
Caption | : | Every 01:00:00, starting on 7/28/2011 11:00:00 PM |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsTrigger -Task MyTask -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "10/18/11 11:45:00 AM" -DayInterval 3
Creates a trigger for the task named "MyTask", starting at 11:45 AM on October 18, 2011. The trigger will occur every three days. No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.
Weekdays | : | False |
DailyInterval | : | 3 |
Recurrence | : | Daily |
SignalDuration | : | 0 |
StartTime | : | 10/18/2011 3:45:00 PM |
TaskId | : | 0049e781-b588-4019-b43d-3f88925dbbd4 |
Type | : | ScheduledTrigger |
Description | : | |
Id | : | f377926e-3361-44e4-9fe9-0882af0f6140 |
Caption | : | Every 3 days at 11:45:00, starting on 10/18/2011 11:45:00 AM |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsTrigger -Task MyTask -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "10/18/11 1:00:00 PM" -WeekDays "Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday" -WeekInterval 1
Creates a trigger for the task named "MyTask", starting at 1:00 PM on October 18, 2011. The trigger will occur Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of every week. No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.
WeeklyInterval | : | 1 |
WeekdaySelection | : | Monday, Wednesday, Friday |
Recurrence | : | Weekly |
SignalDuration | : | 0 |
StartTime | : | 10/18/2011 5:00:00 PM |
TaskId | : | 0049e781-b588-4019-b43d-3f88925dbbd4 |
Type | : | ScheduledTrigger |
Description | : | |
Id | : | 8de47e2d-0cb5-4a1c-a1b8-016c9883218e |
Caption | : | Once every 1 week at 13:00:00 starting on 10/18/2011 1:00:00 PM, on these days only: Mon Wed Fri |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsTrigger -Task MyTask -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 2"
Creates a replication checkpoint trigger for the task named "MyTask". The trigger will occur when the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 2" receives a checkpoint marker.
VirtualDiskDataId | : | 396397105a7a4094949f33adce4c2fb1 |
TaskId | : | 0049e781-b588-4019-b43d-3f88925dbbd4 |
Type | : | CheckpointTrigger |
Description | : | |
Id | : | dca2bad428f3428cabf36acca28dda7a |
Caption | : | Checkpoint Marker for Virtual disk 2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
$Monitor = Get-DcsMonitor -Object (Get-DcsClient -Client "HostVM1") Add-DcsTrigger -Task MonitorStateChange -MonitorId $Monitor.Id -MonitorState Healthy -Comparison ">"
This example creates a trigger to monitor a specific host client for any state other than Healthy. The cmdlet Get-DcsMonitor is invoked to retrieve the MonitorData object for the host client named "HostVM1". The object is stored in the variable $Monitor. The cmdlet Add-DcsTrigger is invoked to add a trigger to the task "MonitorStateChange". The monitor ID is identified by supplying the variable $Monitor.Id (where the Id is stored). The trigger will monitor for all state greater than "Healthy", which include Attention, Warning and Critical states.
MonitoredObjectId | : | ClientMachineStateMonitor<8cdaebf4085b4a7fb3d53b0647cbf95e> |
MonitorTemplateTypeId | : | |
MonitorThreshold | : | Healthy |
TriggerStateOperator | : | Greater |
TaskId | : | 2aba4b9b-e48b-4ef5-9926-8984e05823c2 |
Type | : | MonitorTrigger |
Description | : | |
Active | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 11463 |
Id | : | a5b46206-1a16-4070-8c75-fe27c2c9d7a8 |
Caption | : | State of HostVM1 > Healthy |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsTrigger -Task MonitorHosts -TemplateTypeId "T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine>)" -MonitorState Healthy -Comparison ">"
Creates a monitor trigger for the task named "MonitorHosts" by providing the template type ID "T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine>)" to specify all monitor instances of that type. The trigger will occur when the monitor is greater than Healthy, which includes the states Attention, Warning and Critical. The template type ID was found by invoking Get-DcsMonitorTemplate and providing the correct type ID from the returned templates.
MonitoredObjectId | : | |
MonitorTemplateTypeId | : | T(DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachineStateMonitor<DataCore.Executive.Controller.ClientMachine>) |
MonitorThreshold | : | Healthy |
TriggerStateOperator | : | Greater |
TaskId | : | 827fec88-94cd-487d-a2d4-e3354d968f55 |
Type | : | MonitorTrigger |
Description | : | |
Id | : | c7e52761-2891-432f-bac7-64429259c7c9 |
Caption | : | State of Hosts > Healthy |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
$Tasks = Get-DcsTask $tasks | Add-DcsTrigger -FilterType "SourceType","LogLevel" -FilterValue "Disk pools","Warning" -FilterComparison "IsEqualTo","IsEqualTo" -RequireAll $true
The cmdlet Get-DcsTask is invoked to get all TaskData objects and stored in the variable $Tasks. (In this case, there is one task created.) The variable $Tasks is piped to cmdlet Add-DcsTrigger and the cmdlet is invoked to add a single trigger with two filters to the existing task "Task1". The first filter will be satisfied when a log message is received for any disk pool; the filter type is "SourceType", filter value is "Disk pools", and filter comparison is "IsEqualTo". The second filter will be satisfied when a log message is received for a log message at the warning level; filter type is "LogLevel", filter value is "Warning", and filter comparison is "IsEqualTo". The RequireAll parameter is set to true, which means that both filters must be satisfied, so the trigger will fire when a message is received for a disk pool that is at the warning level.
MessageFilters | : | {Source type = Disk pools, Log level = Warning} |
Connective | : | LogicalAnd |
TaskId | : | 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3 |
Type | : | MessageTrigger |
Description | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 36931 |
Id | : | d757d6ea-4569-43f2-8285-4ec5d13d447d |
Caption | : | Log messages matching [Source type = Disk pools] AND [Log level = Warning] |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsTrigger -Task "Task 1" -Interval 00:00:00 -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "06/18/2012 15:30:00 PM"
Creates a trigger for the task named "Task 1" that occurs once (because the interval is set to zero) that occurs at 3:30 PM on June 18, 2012 (see caption). No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.
Recurrence | : | OneTime |
SignalDuration | : | 0 |
StartTime | : | 6/18/2012 7:30:00 PM |
TaskId | : | 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3 |
Type | : | ScheduledTrigger |
Description | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 26431 |
Id | : | e5953632-56c8-4ff1-bdda-746141cb6031 |
Caption | : | At 3:30 PM on 6/18/2012 |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsTrigger -Task "Task 1" -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "06/18/2012 15:30:00 PM" -WeekInterval 1 -WeekDays "Weekdays"
Creates a daily weekday trigger for the task named "Task 1", starting at 3:30 PM on June 18, 2012 (see caption). No signal duration is set. The WeekInterval is set to "1" and the WeekDays parameter is set to "Weekdays" so the trigger will occur every week Monday through Friday. No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.
Weekdays | : | True |
DailyInterval | : | 1 |
Recurrence | : | Daily |
SignalDuration | : | 0 |
StartTime | : | 6/18/2012 7:30:00 PM |
TaskId | : | 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3 |
Type | : | ScheduledTrigger |
Description | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 26474 |
Id | : | 6672488b-bf18-4774-a06a-e877a9bd6e24 |
Caption | : | Every weekday at 3:30 PM starting on 6/18/2012 |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsTrigger -Task "Task 1" -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "06/18/2012 14:00:00 PM" -MonthlyInterval 1 -DayOfMonth "15"
Creates a trigger for the task named "Task 1". The MonthlyInterval parameter is set to "1" and the DayOfMonth parameter is set to "15" so the trigger occurs every month on the 15th day of the month. The trigger starts at 2PM on June 18, 2012 (see caption). No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.
MonthlyByDateFlag | : | True |
MonthIntervalByDayNumber | : | 1 |
DayNumberInMonth | : | 15 |
DayOfWeekInMonthlyByWeek | : | Sunday |
WeekNumInMonthlyByWeek | : | 0 |
MonthIntervalByWeek | : | 0 |
Recurrence | : | Monthly |
SignalDuration | : | 0 |
StartTime | : | 6/18/2012 6:00:00 PM |
TaskId | : | 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3 |
Type | : | ScheduledTrigger |
Description | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 26504 |
Id | : | 300729ca-e219-4e24-aea6-d6701504224a |
Caption | : | On the 15th day of every month at 2:00 PM starting on 6/18/2012 |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsTrigger -Task "Task 1" -SignalDuration 00:00:00 -StartTime "06/18/2012 20:00:00 PM" -MonthNumber 1 -DayOfMonth "15" -MonthInterval 12
Creates a trigger for the task named "Task 1". The MonthNumber is set to "1", the DayOfMonth is set to "15", and the MonthInterval is set to "12" or every 12 months, so the trigger occurs yearly every January 15th. The trigger starts at 2PM on June 18, 2012 (see caption). No signal duration is set. The StartTime returned in the object is displayed in UTC.
YearlyByDateFlag | : | True |
YearlyByDateMonth | : | 1 |
YearlyByDateDay | : | 15 |
YearlyWeek | : | 0 |
YearlyDayOfWeek | : | Sunday |
YearlyMonth | : | 0 |
Recurrence | : | Yearly |
SignalDuration | : | 0 |
StartTime | : | 6/19/2012 12:00:00 AM |
TaskId | : | 380f189b-80dd-4a09-b0cd-f3647fb330f3 |
Type | : | ScheduledTrigger |
Description | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 26728 |
Id | : | 17348b39-67f7-4f65-a313-aa6d9b812ce8 |
Caption | : | Every year on the 15th day of January at 8:00 PM starting on 6/18/2012 |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Registers a user in order to access the software.
Add-DcsUser -Name <String> [ -Email <String> ] [ -Description <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Registers a user in order to access the software. After the user is registered, add roles to assign privilege level, see Add-DcsUserRole.
- -Name<String>
- Name of the user to register. Operating system credentials are used to authenticate users. User names must match Windows user accounts and must reside on all servers in the local server group. Credentials can be domain-wide or local (workgroup). If credentials are domain-wide, include the domain with the name for example: DOMAIN\user name.)
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Email<String>
- Email address of the user. The address may used to send email notifications in other cmdlets.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the user.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.
Also see Add-DcsUserRole, Get-DcsUserRole, Get-DcsUser, Remove-DcsUser
Add-DcsUser -Name "Jane Doe" -Email -Description "Storage Administrator"
Registers the user named "Jane Doe" with an email address of "" and a description of this user "Storage Administrator".
Name | : | Jane Doe |
Description | : | Storage Administrator |
EmailAddress | : | |
BlendedPrivileges | : | |
IsAdministrator | : | False |
RoleIds | : | {} |
Id | : | 08538d5d-2b16-4dc2-a948-810adbcdfedc |
Caption | : | Jane Doe |
ExtendedCaption | : | Jane Doe |
Internal | : | False |
Assigns ownership of a virtual disk to a user.
Add-DcsUserOwnership -User <Object> -Object <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Assigns ownership of a virtual disk to a user. Ownership of a virtual disk grants the user authorization to perform operations on the virtual disk.
- -User<Object>
- UserData object or ID that identifies the user. The object and ID can be obtained from Get-DcsUser.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Object<Object>
- The VirtualDiskData object or ID the identifies the virtual disk in the configuration. The object or ID can be obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk.
- Required: true
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes a virtual disk.
OwnershipData : Object that identifies and describes an ownership relationship between a user and a virtual disk.
Also see Get-DcsUserOwnership, Remove-DcsUserOwnership, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsUser.
Get-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" | Add-DcsUserOwnership -User (Get-DcsUser -User "JSchmoe")
This example assigns ownership of "Virtual disk 1" to the user named "JSchmoe". The value for the parameter Object is obtained from the Get-DcsVirtualDisk cmdlet with the name of the virtual disk. The VirtualDiskData object is piped to the Add-DcsUserOwnership cmdlet. The value for the parameter User is obtained from the cmdlet Get-DcsUser to get the UserData object for the user named "Schmoe" The OwnershipData object is returned.
UserId | : | 39cb3daf-5d18-42ba-a3a9-13e5c3782c8a |
IdentifiableId | : | a354eee825cb408a9a4858323d301ae3 |
SequenceNumber | : | 4102 |
Id | : | 9f9332a1-675c-4786-b570-f953bd45dbe9 |
Caption | : | |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsUserOwnership -User (Get-DcsUser -User "JSchmoe").Id -Object (Get-DcsVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 2").Id
This example assigns ownership of "Virtual disk 2" to the user named "JSchmoe".
The ID value for the parameter User is obtained from the UserData object returned from the cmdlet Get-DcsUser for the user named "Schmoe" The ID value for the parameter Object is obtained from the VirtualDiskData object returned from the Get-DcsVirtualDisk cmdlet for "Virtual disk 2". The OwnershipData object is returned.
UserId | : | 39cb3daf-5d18-42ba-a3a9-13e5c3782c8a |
IdentifiableId | : | 704da63e20ad4eaaa9e4701bb7bc5fbc |
SequenceNumber | : | 4104 |
Id | : | 97404981-9e0d-48bd-8ed8-5994f753125e |
Caption | : | |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Adds a role to a user in order to assign the privilege level.
Add-DcsUserRole -User <Object> -Role <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a role to a user in order to assign the privilege level.
- -User<Object>
- UserData object, user name, or ID that identifies the user.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Role<String>
- Name or ID that identifies the role to assign to the user. Possible roles include the predefined roles "Full Privileges", "View", and "VVol Managers", as well as any custom role. User roles can be obtained with Get-DcsUserRole.
- Required: true
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.
UserData : Object that identifies and describes the user.
Also see related cmdlets: Get-DcsUser, Get-DcsUserRole, Remove-DcsUserRole, Add-DcsRole.
Add-DcsUserRole -User "Jane Doe" -Role "Full Privileges"
Adds the "Full Privileges" predefined role to the previously registered user named "Jane Doe".
Name | : | Jane Doe |
Description | : | Storage Administrator |
EmailAddress | : | |
BlendedPrivileges | : | All |
IsAdministrator | : | False |
RoleIds | : | {{DAD4B92D-BFC8-4628-A313-51D8B2F57083}} |
SequenceNumber | : | 5799 |
Id | : | 34383bd0-487b-4d89-8d45-7ca68ae43f30 |
Caption | : | Jane Doe |
ExtendedCaption | : | Jane Doe |
Internal | : | False |
Adds a VMware vCenter configuration to the server group configuration. VMware hosts and virtual machines in the vCenter are added as hosts.
Add-DcsvCenter -Address <String> [ -Username <String> ] [ -Password <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsvCenter -Address <String> [ -Credential <PSCredential> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a VMware vCenter configuration to the server group configuration. VMware hosts and virtual machines in the vCenter are added as hosts.
- -Address<String>
- Computer name or IP address of the vCenter to be added.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Username<String>
- User name of the account used to connect to the vCenter.
- Required: false
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Password<String>
- Login password of the account used to connect to the vCenter.
- Required: false
- Position: 3
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Credential<PSCredential>
- The PSCredential object containing user name and password for the vCenter. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential, see Example 2. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.
- Required: false
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VimVirtualCenterData : Object that identifies and describes the vCenter.
Also see Get-DcsvCenter, Add-DcsvCenterDataStore, Set-DcsvCenterProperties, Remove-DcsvCenter, Set-DcsvCenterMultipathPolicy, Set-DcsHypervisorHost.
Add-DcsvCenter -Address ESXivc55 -Username administrator -Password vmvcenterpw
Adds the vCenter with the name "ESXivc55" to the configuration. The username and password of the vCenter login are "administrator" and "vmvcenterpw".
ServerAddress | : | ESXivc55 |
Username | : | administrator |
Description | : | |
FullName | : | VMware vCenter Server 5.5.0 build-1099559 |
ProductBuild | : | 1099559 |
Version | : | 5.5 |
State | : | WaitingForFirstUpdate |
SequenceNumber | : | 23793 |
Id | : | 0A76B835-99B2-4340-97F3-3E5F769589AE |
Caption | : | ESXivc55 |
ExtendedCaption | : | ESXivc55 |
Internal | : | False |
$vCtrCred = Get-Credential Add-DcsvCenter -Address ESXivc55 -Credential $vCtrCred
The Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential is invoked to collect the credentials for the vCenter. When Get-Credential is invoked a dialog box opens and the user name and password can be entered in a secure manner. The credentials are saved to the variable $vCtrCred.
cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: Credential
Adds a VMFS datastore on a virtual disk that is served to a VMware host or virtual machine.
Add-DcsvCenterDataStore -VimClient <Object> -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a VMFS datastore on a virtual disk that is served to a VMware host or virtual machine. The datastore will span the entire virtual disk.
- -VimClient<Object>
- VimclientHostData object, name, or ID that identifies the ESXi host or virtual machine. (The VimClientHostData object is a type of ClientHostData and can be retrieved from invoking Get-DcsClient.)
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
Also see Get-DcsvCenter, Add-DcsvCenterDataStore, Set-DcsvCenterProperties, Remove-DcsvCenter, Set-DcsvCenterMultipathPolicy
Add-DcsvCenterDataStore -VimClient (Get-DcsClient -Client -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"
The cmdlet Add-DcsvCenterDataStore is invoked and the object used for the parameter VimClient is retrieved by invoking Get-DcsClient for the VMware Host named "". The value of the parameter VirtualDisk is the name "Virtual disk 1".
Creates a virtual disk.
Add-DcsVirtualDisk [ -Name <String> ] -Size <DataSize> [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ] [ -Count <Int32> ] [ -Server <String> ] -Pool <String> [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsVirtualDisk [ -Name <String> ] -Size <DataSize> [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ] -LogicalDisk <Object> [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [-EncryptionEnabled] [-DeduplicationEnabled <Boolean>] [-CompressionEnabled <Boolean>] [-OptimizeStaleOnly <Boolean>] [-StaleDataWeight <UInt32>] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsVirtualDisk [ -Name <String> ] -Size <DataSize> [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ] [ -Count <Int32> ] [ -FirstServer <String> ] [ -SecondServer <String> ] [ -FirstPool <String> ] [ -SecondPool <String> ] [ -FirstPassThroughDisk <String> ] [ -SecondPassThroughDisk <String> ] [ -EnableRedundancy] [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [-EncryptionEnabled] [-DeduplicationEnabled <Boolean>] [-CompressionEnabled <Boolean>] [-OptimizeStaleOnly <Boolean>] [-StaleDataWeight<UInt32>] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsVirtualDisk [ -Name <String> ] -Size <DataSize> [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ] -FirstLogicalDisk <Object> -SecondLogicalDisk <Object> [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsVirtualDisk [ -Name <String> ] -Size <DataSize> [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ] [ -Count <Int32> ] [ -FirstServer <String> ] [ -SecondServer <String> ] [ -SharedPool <String> ] [ -ApproveSMPA] [ -SharedDisk <String> ] [ -EnableRedundancy] [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [-EncryptionEnabled] [-DeduplicationEnabled <Boolean>] [-CompressionEnabled <Boolean>] [-OptimizeStaleOnly <Boolean>] [-StaleDataWeight <UInt32>] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-DcsVirtualDisk [ -Name <String> ] -PassThroughDisk <String> [ -Server <String> ] [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [-EncryptionEnabled] [-DeduplicationEnabled <Boolean>] [-CompressionEnabled <Boolean>] [-OptimizeStaleOnly <Boolean>] [-StaleDataWeight <UInt32>] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a virtual disk. Multiple virtual disks can be created if all storage sources are from pools. All virtual disks will be created using the same parameters. If using a pass-through or logical disk as a storage source, then one virtual disk can be created. Virtual disks can be single, dual, or mirrored. After virtual disks are created, virtual disks can be served to clients, see Serve-DcsVirtualDisk. Properties can be customized, see Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties, Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize.
- -Name<String>
- Name of the virtual disk to create. If specified and multiple virtual disks will be created, the virtual disks created will begin with the designated name and have a number appended to the end of the name. Subsequent names will have the number incremented.If not specified a default name will be assigned. The default name will consist of "Virtual disk" with the next available number assigned. For instance, if no other virtual disks have default names assigned, the virtual disk will be named "Virtual disk 1". If creating multiple virtual disks, subsequent virtual disks created will be named "virtual disk 2" and so on.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Size<DataSize>
- The size of the virtual disk to create. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a miniumum of 1GB to a maximum of 1024TB.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SectorSize<DataSize>
- The sector size of the virtual disk. Valid values are "512", "512B", "4096", or "4KB". If the unit is not included, it is assumed to represent the number of bytes in the sector. If this parameter is not specified, the default of 512 bytes will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Count<Int32>
- The number of virtual disks to create when storage sources are from pools. If not specified, one virtual disk will be created. Multiple virtual disks will be created with the same specifications indicated in the Cmdlet parameters. Multiple virtual disks cannot be created using pass-through disks or logical disks.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server used to create a single virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Pool<String>
- Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the storage source of a single virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. If the pool is not specified, the pool with the largest amount of available space on the specified server will be used.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AssignToCurrentUser<SwitchParameter>
- Use this parameter to assign exclusive ownership to the user account currently logged in. This restricts all operations on the virtual disks being created to only the authenticated user for the current PowerShell session.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -EncryptionEnabled
- Use this parameter to enable encryption on the virtual disk.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DeduplicationEnabled [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable Inline Deduplication on the virtual disk.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -CompressionEnabled [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable Inline Compression on the virtual disk.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -OptimizeStaleOnly [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable optimization only for stale data of the virtual disk. This option can be enabled only when Inline Compression and/or Inline Deduplication are enabled.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StaleDataWeight <UInt32>
- Use this parameter to specify the Optimization Policy applied to stale data of the virtual disk. The valid values include "32", "64", and "96". The input is rounded to these valid values. The default value is "64" which specifies the Normal Optimization Policy. Similarly, "32" specifies Lazy and "96" specifies Aggressive Optimization Policy.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LogicalDisk<Object>
- LogicalDiskData object or ID of the logical disk used as the storage source of a single virtual disk. The LogicalDiskData object can be retrieved by invoking Get-DcsLogicalDisk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FirstServer<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server with the first storage source (FirstPassThroughDisk or FirstDiskPool parameters) used in a mirrored or dual virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SecondServer<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server with the second storage source (SecondPassThroughDisk or SecondDiskPool parameters) used in a mirrored or dual virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FirstPool<String>
- Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the first storage source of a mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SecondPool<String>
- Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the second storage source of a mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FirstPassThroughDisk<String>
- The disk name or ID of the pass-through disk used as the first storage source of a mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. Data on the specified first pass-through disk will be mirrored to the second storage source (SecondDiskPool or SecondPassThroughDisk parameters).
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SecondPassThroughDisk<String>
- The disk name or ID of the pass-through disk used as the second storage source of a mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. IMPORTANT: The data on the specified second pass-through disk will be overwritten and replaced with the data from the first storage source (FirstDiskPool or FirstPassThroughDisk parameters).
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -EnableRedundancy<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter to create redundant mirror paths between servers. Redundant mirror paths provide two mirror paths going in each direction between servers. Redundant paths can be either iSCSI or Fibre Channel. Each server is required to have two FC or two iSCSI ports with the mirror role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FirstLogicalDisk<Object>
- LogicalDiskData object or ID of the logical disk used as the first storage source of a mirrored or dual virtual disk. Data on the specified first logical disk will be mirrored to the second logical disk. The LogicalDiskData object can be retrieved by invoking Get-DcsLogicalDisk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SecondLogicalDisk<Object>
- LogicalDiskData object or ID of the logical disk used as the second storage source of a mirrored or dual virtual disk. IMPORTANT: The data on the specified second logical disk will be overwritten and replaced with the data from the first logical disk. The LogicalDiskData object can be retrieved by invoking Get-DcsLogicalDisk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SharedPool<String>
- Name or ID that identifies a shared disk pool to use when creating a dual virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ApproveSMPA<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter to acknowledge that all disks in the shared pool are qualified shared multi-port array disks. The shared pool must be SMPA approved in order to create dual virtual disks.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SharedDisk<String>
- Name or ID that identifies a shared physical disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PassThroughDisk<String>
- The disk name or ID of the pass-through disk used as the storage source of a non-mirrored virtual disk. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -<CommonParameters>
- This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (https:/
LogicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the logical disk.
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk. One object is returned for each virtual disk created.
Also see Get-DcsLogicalDisk, Add-DcsLogicalDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties, Set-DcsVirtualDiskSize, Serve-DcsVirtualDisk, Enable-DcsDataProtection, Enable-DcsSequentialStorage, Add-DcsSnapshot, Add-DcsReplication, Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk.
Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Name VDisk1 -Size 100GB -Server SSV1 -Pool SSV1Pool3
Creates a single virtual disk named "VDisk1" with a size of 100 GB. The source is from the pool named "SSV1Pool3" on the server named "SSV1". The sector size was not specified so the default of 512 bytes will be used.
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699 |
SecondHostId | : | |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | VDisk1 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 100.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Type | : | NonMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Failed |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90BACB6807A841CFAA0E0AE367 |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
CompressionEnabled | : | False |
DeduplicationEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataWeight | : | 64 |
SequenceNumber | : | 227035 |
Id | : | 39ddeb4ad1c94197bd805c58a113a112 |
Caption | : | VDisk1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | VDisk1 from LOCAL |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Name VDisk2 -Size "500 GB" -SectorSize 4096 FirstServer SSV1 -SecondServer SSV2 -FirstPool SSV1Pool1 -SecondPool SSV2Pool3
Creates a 500 GB mirrored virtual disk named "Vdisk2". The first storage source is the pool named "SSV1Pool1" on the server named "SSV1", and the second storage source is the pool named "SSV2Pool3" on the server named "SSV2". The sector size is 4096 bytes (4 KB).
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699 |
SecondHostId | : | FD622C7A-1065-4F2B-97E5-11813DA5AAF5 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | VDisk2 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 500.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 4 KB |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Failed |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90BACB6807A841CFAA0E0AE367 |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
ManualRecovery | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
CompressionEnabled | : | False |
DeduplicationEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataWeight | : | 64 |
SequenceNumber | : | 227036 |
Id | : | ba12f1d9e84b44708d7eab01f3572b5d |
Caption | : | VDisk2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | VDisk2 from LOCAL |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Name "VD99FTL" -FirstLogicalDisk (Add-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV1 -Pool "Disk pool 1") -SecondLogicalDisk (Add-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSV2 -Pool "Disk pool 2")
Creates a 1 PB (default size) mirrored virtual disk named "VD99FTL". In this case, the first and second logical disks were both created by invoking the Add-DcsLogicalDisk cmdlet within the Add-DcsVirtualDisk operation (although existing logical disks could also be used).
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | F5381494-7319-4F56-8890-01705D0F5227 |
SecondHostId | : | AA4A7D96-81A9-4BB2-AFD6-B96B29599ECE |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | VD99FTL |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 1.00 PB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Failed |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90BACB6807A841CFAA0E0AE367 |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
ManualRecovery | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Low |
IsServed | : | False |
CompressionEnabled | : | False |
DeduplicationEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataWeight | : | 64 |
SequenceNumber | : | 227038 |
Id | : | f7dd03cbf4164a248b4637e1d1f6d823 |
Caption | : | VD99FTL |
ExtendedCaption | : | VD99FTL from Server Group LOCAL |
Internal | : | False |
$sharedpassthru = Get-DcsSharedPhysicalDisk -Server SSV1 -PhysicalDisk "SSV1-WDC50-D1" Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Size 50GB -FirstServer SSV1 -SecondServer SSV2 -SharedDisk $sharedpassthru
The cmdlet Get-DcsSharedPhysicalDisk is invoked to return the SharedPhysicalDiskData object for the shared physical disk named "SSV1-WDC50-D1" on the server named "SSV1". The object is stored in the variable "$sharedpassthru". The cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to create a 50GB dual virtual disk on servers named "SSV1" and "SSV2" by passing the variable "$sharedpassthru" to the parameter SharedDisk. The virtual disk is assigned a default name because the Name parameter is not specified.
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81 |
SecondHostId | : | 8CE05A9F-D367-4BDE-BCE6-67909F6F7F6A |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | Virtual disk 2 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 50.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Type | : | Dual |
DiskStatus | : | Failed |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90C43B6201DEFA3B4D046FD665 |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
CompressionEnabled | : | False |
DeduplicationEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataWeight | : | 64 |
SequenceNumber | : | 61725 |
Id | : | c403478e65a24e01b389100a375a5346 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 2 from Group LOCAL |
Internal | : | False |
$ldiskSSVVM5 = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSVVM5 | where {$_.Virtualized -eq $False} $ldiskSSVVM6 = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -Server SSVVM6 | where {$_.MappingName -eq $ldiskSSVVM5.MappingName} Add-DcsVirtualDisk -FirstLogicalDisk $ldiskSSVVM5.Id -SecondLogicalDisk $ldiskSSVVM6.Id -Size 50GB
The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to get a logical disk which is not virtualized from the server SSVVM5. The object is stored in the variable $ldiskSSVVM5. Next, the cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked again to get the same logical disk on server SSVVM6. In order to ensure it is the same logical disk on both servers, the MappingName must be the same. The object is stored in the variable $ldiskSSVVM6. Lastly, the cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked with the FirstLogicalDisk being the Id stored in variable $ldiskSSVVM5 and the SecondLogicalDisk being the Id stored in variable $ldiskSSVVM6. The dual virtual disk is created with a size of 50GB and the VirtualDiskData object is returned.
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 5583AA5D-EF6B-4A3C-8442-9E079EEE7D99 |
SecondHostId | : | 68BEE1CB-0751-4D88-B1C6-3853FDEAA800 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | Virtual disk 1 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 50.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Type | : | Dual |
DiskStatus | : | Failed |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90929BEA01FEBB51CFF8941E98 |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
CompressionEnabled | : | False |
DeduplicationEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataWeight | : | 64 |
SequenceNumber | : | 10825 |
Id | : | da19f10e1ab94110893ef1e6dd5965a7 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 1 from Group2 |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsVirtualDisk -Size 40GB -FirstServer SSVVM5 -SecondServer SSVVM6 -SharedPool "Shared disk pool 1" -ApproveSMPA
The cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked with the first server being SSVVM5 and the second server being SSVVM6. The shared pool "Shared disk pool 1" is specified as the storage source. The shared pool is acknowledged to be SMPA approved. A dual virtual disk with a size of 40GB is created and the VirtualDiskData object is returned.
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 5583AA5D-EF6B-4A3C-8442-9E079EEE7D99 |
SecondHostId | : | 68BEE1CB-0751-4D88-B1C6-3853FDEAA800 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | Virtual disk 2 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 40.00 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Type | : | Dual |
DiskStatus | : | Failed |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90C06405024F56BD5EB96751EA |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 11195 |
Id | : | 99a72f0b7f5b4295afdbf61d65bf5cb9 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 2 from Group2 |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a virtual disk from a virtual disk template.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromTemplate -VirtualDiskTemplate <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Description <String> ] [ -Size <DataSize> ] [ -SectorSize <DataSize> ] [-VirtualDiskSubType <String>] [ -Count <UInt32> ] [-MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled<Boolean>] [-EncryptionEnabled <Boolean>] [-CompressionEnabled <Boolean>] [-DeduplicationEnabled <Boolean>] [-OptimizeStaleOnly <Boolean>] [-StaleDataWeight <UInt32>] [ -AssignToCurrentUser] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a virtual disk from a virtual disk template. Some parameters are provided which can override settings in the specified template. (See Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate to create a template. )
- -VirtualDiskTemplate<Object>
- VirtualDiskTemplateData object, ID, or name that describes the template to use when creating the virtual disks.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Name<String>
- Name of the virtual disk to create. If specified and multiple virtual disks will be created, the names will have a number appended to the end to make them unique. The number will begin with the first available number and will be incremented by one, provided that the name is available. Numbers will be skipped if they already exist. For instance, if the alias is "VVOLMR" and these names are available, virtual disks will be named "VVOLMR 1", "VVOLMR 2" and so on.If this parameter is not specified, the virtual disk alias, supplied when the template was created, will be used as the root of the name.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the new virtual disks.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Size<DataSize>
- The size of the virtual disk to create. If specified, this parameter will override the virtual disk size set in the template. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a miniumum of 1GB to a maximum of 1024TB.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SectorSize<DataSize>
- The sector size of the virtual disk. If specified, this parameter will override the sector size set in the template. Valid values are "512", "512B", "4096", or "4KB". Values "512" and "4096" are the number of bytes.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskSubType <String>
- The subtype of the virtual disk that will be created. If specified, this parameter will override the virtual disk subtype set in the template. Possible values are "Standard", "VVOL", and "ProtocolEndpoint". "Standard" creates a standard virtual disk. "VVOL" creates a virtual volume to use as a storage resource for a VMware virtual machine. "ProtocolEndpoint" creates a protocol endpoint for a VMware virtual volume datastore (storage container).
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Count<UInt32>
- The number of virtual disks to create. If not specified, one virtual disk will be created.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled [<Boolean>]
- Indicates whether or not to use the trunk for mirror paths. Specify $true to use the trunk or $false to not use the trunk. THIS PARAMETER IS FOR DATACORE INTERNAL USE ONLY.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -EncryptionEnabled [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable or disable the use of Encryption on virtual disks created from this template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -CompressionEnabled [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable or disable the use of Inline Compression on virtual disks created from this template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DeduplicationEnabled [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable or disable the use of Inline Deduplication on virtual disks created from this template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -OptimizeStaleOnly [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable or disable optimization only for stale data of the virtual disk created from this template. This option can be enabled only when Inline Compression and/or Inline Deduplication are enabled.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StaleDataWeight <UInt32>
- Use this parameter to specify the Optimization Policy applied to stale data of the virtual disk created from this template. The valid values include "32", "64", and "96". The input is rounded to these valid values. The default value is "64" which specifies the Normal Optimization Policy. Similarly, "32" specifies Lazy and "96" specifies Aggressive Optimization Policy.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AssignToCurrentUser<SwitchParameter>
- Use this parameter to assign exclusive ownership to the user account currently logged in. This restricts all operations on the virtual disks being created to only the authenticated user for the current PowerShell session.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -<CommonParameters>
- This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (https:/
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk. One object is returned for each virtual disk created.
Also see Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk, which creates a virtual disk using the properties of another virtual disk.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromTemplate -VirtualDiskTemplate "MR_100" -SectorSize 4KB -AssignToCurrentUser Count 2
The cmdlet is invoked to create two virtual disks from the template named "MR_100 with the specified sector size of 4KB and assign both virtual disks to the logged in user performing the operation. The parameter SectorSize was included to override the setting in the template.
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | AF7412B4-5320-4FEC-98E4-E90ED9C9BF6B |
SecondHostId | : | 692CED43-5AE3-4CEA-87E7-7D9B4E77F180 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | MR_100_ |
Description | : | Creates mirrored virtual disk 100 GB |
Size | : | 100 GB |
SectorSize | : | 4 KB |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Offline |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS f4d633ec8c754689a135ac9ad1327211 |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D9067323B07586CCE3DC06BED8E |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
ManualRecovery | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
TPThresholdsEnabled | : | False |
IsServed | : | False |
SubType | : | Standard |
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled | : | True |
EncryptionEnabled | : | False |
CompressionEnabled | : | False |
DeduplicationEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataWeight | : | 64 |
SequenceNumber | : | 640889 |
Id | : | f4d633ec8c754689a135ac9ad1327211 |
Caption | : | MR_100_ |
ExtendedCaption | : | MR_100_ from Server Group 1 |
Internal | : | False |
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | AF7412B4-5320-4FEC-98E4-E90ED9C9BF6B |
SecondHostId | : | 692CED43-5AE3-4CEA-87E7-7D9B4E77F180 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | MR_100_1 |
Description | : | Creates mirrored virtual disk 100 GB |
Size | : | 100 GB |
SectorSize | : | 4 KB |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Offline |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 9df40c31b39e4a65bbadc86725b25ee6 |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D9032333B078DF1AC38A4E7119E |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
ManualRecovery | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
TPThresholdsEnabled | : | False |
IsServed | : | False |
SubType | : | Standard |
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled | : | True |
EncryptionEnabled | : | False |
CompressionEnabled | : | False |
DeduplicationEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataWeight | : | 64 |
SequenceNumber | : | 640890 |
Id | : | 9df40c31b39e4a65bbadc86725b25ee6 |
Caption | : | MR_100_1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | MR_100_1 from Server Group 1 |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a new virtual disk with the same properties and settings as an existing virtual disk.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Description <String> ] [ -Count <Int32> ] [ -AutoCreate] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Name <String> ] [ -Description <String> ] [ -Count <Int32> ] [ -CopyMappings] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a new virtual disk with the same properties and settings as an existing virtual disk. The existing virtual disk will be used as a "model" to create the new virtual disk. The new virtual disk will be created from the same storage sources. If optional parameters are not included, one virtual disk will be created with a default name and mirror paths will be auto-selected by the software.
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk to use as a model.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Name<String>
- Name of the virtual disk to create. If specified and multiple virtual disks will be created, the virtual disks created will begin with the designated name and have a number appended to the end of the name. Subsequent names will have the number incremented.If not specified a default name will be assigned. The default name will consist of "Virtual disk" with the next available number assigned. For instance, if no other virtual disks have default names assigned, the virtual disk will be named "Virtual disk 1". If creating multiple virtual disks, subsequent virtual disks created will be named "virtual disk 2" and so on.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the new virtual disk.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Count<Int32>
- The number of virtual disks to create when storage sources are from pools. If not specified, one virtual disk will be created.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AutoCreate<SwitchParameter>
- Use this parameter to allow the software to auto-select mirror paths. Auto-selection of mirror paths is also the default behavior if neither AutoCreate or CopyMappings parameters are included in the command.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -CopyMappings<SwitchParameter>
- Use this parameter to specify that mirror paths should be identical to the virtual disk that is used as a model.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk. One object is returned for each virtual disk created.
Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"
The existing virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" is used as a model to create a new virtual disk with the same properties and settings as "Virtual disk 1". No optional parameters are supplied in the command, so one virtual disk is created with a default name and mirror paths are auto-selected.
VVirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 09440587-2E02-4BAA-8CC5-162B1DF66BE8 |
SecondHostId | : | 60858B8A-928F-4CF0-9FBA-A62DC4C120C7 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | Virtual disk 5 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 5 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Failed |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS c093a0025cbf4ee28d0a64a131136618 |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90B64BE60659BEAF27834D369C |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
ManualRecovery | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
SubType | : | Standard |
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 5358 |
Id | : | c093a0025cbf4ee28d0a64a131136618 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 5 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 5 from LocalGroup1 |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" -Name "BillingQ3" -Description "Account Billing for Q3" -Count 2 -CopyMappings
The existing "Virtual disk 1" is used as a model to create 3 new virtual disks. The new virtual disks will have the same properties and settings as "Virtual disk 1". The names for the new virtual disks will have a root of "BillingQ3". The description for those virtual disks will be "Account Billing for Q3". The parameter CopyMappings is included in the command to specify that the mirror paths should be identical to the paths used for "Virtual disk 1".
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 09440587-2E02-4BAA-8CC5-162B1DF66BE8 |
SecondHostId | : | 60858B8A-928F-4CF0-9FBA-A62DC4C120C7 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | BillingQ3 |
Description | : | Account Billing for Q3 |
Size | : | 5 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Failed |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS 02da20543e2b45e7ac9eb228c4adc404 |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90E3542C07DABD4C1BC61174B4 |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
ManualRecovery | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
SubType | : | Standard |
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 6121 |
Id | : | 02da20543e2b45e7ac9eb228c4adc404 |
Caption | : | BillingQ3 |
ExtendedCaption | : | BillingQ3 from LocalGroup1 |
Internal | : | False |
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 09440587-2E02-4BAA-8CC5-162B1DF66BE8 |
SecondHostId | : | 60858B8A-928F-4CF0-9FBA-A62DC4C120C7 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | BillingQ 4 |
Description | : | Account Billing for Q3 |
Size | : | 5 GB |
SectorSize | : | 512 B |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Failed |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS e4b624874b5d4b42921866ac22bb5c7c |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D9065572C0760BD8AECC71CFC58 |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
ManualRecovery | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
SubType | : | Standard |
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 6216 |
Id | : | e4b624874b5d4b42921866ac22bb5c7c |
Caption | : | BillingQ 4 |
ExtendedCaption | : | BillingQ 4 from LocalGroup1 |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a virtual disk group.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup -Name <String> [ -Description <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a virtual disk group.
- -Name<String>
- Name of the virtual disk group.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Description<String>
- Description of the virtual disk group.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
string : The name of the virtual disk group.
VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk group.
Also see Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskfromGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Set-DcsVirtualDiskGroupProperties.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup -Name "VD Group FTL" -Description "Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale" -Connection SSVVM1Connect
Creates a group named "VD Group FTL" with a description of "Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale" for the server group of the connection named "SSVVM1Connect".
Alias | : | VD Group FTL |
Description | : | Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale |
Id | : | {ef015296-0fa8-4bec-80a9-e312547c94a9} |
Caption | : | VD Group FTL |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Adds a mirror to a virtual disk.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskMirror [ -Server <String> ] -VirtualDisk <Object> -Pool <String> [ -EnableRedundancy] [ -SourceLogicalDisk <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsVirtualDiskMirror [ -Server <String> ] -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -PassThroughDisk <String> ] [ -EnableRedundancy] [ -SourceLogicalDisk <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsVirtualDiskMirror -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -EnableRedundancy] -LogicalDisk <String> [ -SourceLogicalDisk <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a mirror to a virtual disk. The storage source of the mirror to add can be a pool, pass-through disk, or an existing logical disk. A mirror may be added to a single or mirrored virtual disk.
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server that will be adding a mirror to the virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the single virtual disk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Pool<String>
- Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the storage source of the mirror. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -EnableRedundancy<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter to create redundant mirror paths between servers. Redundant mirror paths provide two mirror paths going in each direction between servers. Redundant paths can be either iSCSI or Fibre Channel. Each server is required to have two FC or two iSCSI ports with the mirror role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SourceLogicalDisk<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PassThroughDisk<String>
- The disk name or ID of the pass-through disk used as the storage source of the mirror. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified. Note: The data on the virtual disk will be copied to the pass-through disk.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LogicalDisk<String>
- ID or caption of the logical disk used as the storage source of a single virtual disk. Information for the logical disk can be retrieved by invoking Get-DcsLogicalDisk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
Also see Split-DcsVirtualDisk, Set-DcsVirtualDiskProperties, Unlock-DcsPhysicalDisk.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskMirror -Server SSV2 -VirtualDisk VDisk1 -Pool SSV2Pool3 -EnableRedundancy -Connection SSV1Connect
Adds a mirror to the existing single virtual disk named "VDisk1". The mirror will be created from the pool named "SSV2Pool3" on the server named "SSV2". The connection to use is SSV1Connect.
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699 |
SecondHostId | : | FD622C7A-1065-4F2B-97E5-11813DA5AAF5 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
Alias | : | VDisk1 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 100.00 GB |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | FailedRedundancy |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
Id | : | 39ddeb4ad1c94197bd805c58a113a112 |
Caption | : | VDisk1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | VDisk1 from LOCAL |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a template that can be used to create virtual disks.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate -Name <String> -FirstPool <String> [ -FirstServer <String> ] [ -SecondPool <String> ] [ -SecondServer <String> ] -VirtualDiskSize <DataSize> [ -VirtualDiskSectorSize <DataSize> ] -VirtualDiskAlias <String> [-Tag <String>] [ -SnapshotServer <String> ] [ -SnapshotPool <String> ] [ -ContinuousDataProtectionServer <String> ] [ -ContinuousDataProtectionPool <String> ] [ -ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize <DataSize> ] [ -StorageProfile <String> ] [ -UseRedundantMirrorMappings <Boolean> ] [-MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled <Boolean>] [-EncryptionEnabled <Boolean>] [-CompressionEnabled <Boolean>] [-DeduplicationEnabled <Boolean>] [-OptimizeStaleOnly <Boolean>] [-StaleDataWeight <UInt32>] [ -AllocationAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -AllocationWarningThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -AllocationCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -LatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -LatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -LatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -StorageLatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -StorageLatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -StorageLatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ] [-VirtualDiskSubType <String>] [ -ReservedSpacePercentage <UInt32> ] [-ReadOnly] [ -WriteThroughEnabled] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate -Name <String> -FirstPool <String> [ -FirstServer <String> ] [ -SecondPool <String> ] [ -SecondServer <String> ] -VirtualDiskSize <DataSize> [ -VirtualDiskSectorSize <DataSize> ] -VirtualDiskAlias <String> [ -SnapshotServer <String> ] [ -SnapshotPool <String> ] [ -StorageProfile <String> ] [ -UseSequentialStorage] [ -UseRedundantMirrorMappings <Boolean> ] [-MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled <Boolean>] [-EncryptionEnabled <Boolean>] [-CompressionEnabled <Boolean>] [-DeduplicationEnabled <Boolean>] [-OptimizeStaleOnly <Boolean>] [-StaleDataWeight <UInt32>] [ -AllocationAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -AllocationWarningThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -AllocationCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -LatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -LatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -LatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -StorageLatencyAttentionThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -StorageLatencyWarningThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -StorageLatencyCriticalThreshold <UInt64> ] [ -ReservedSpacePercentage <UInt32> ] [-ReadOnly] [ -WriteThroughEnabled] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a template that can be used to create virtual disks. Parameters are included to set the properties and settings for the template. Virtual disks created from the template will have the same properties and settings of the template and can be used to create different virtual disk subtypes (standard, VVOLs, or protocol endpoints). To create virtual disks from a template, see Add-DcsVirtualDiskFromTemplate.
- -Name<String>
- Name of the virtual disk template being created.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FirstPool<String>
- Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the first storage source of the virtual disks created from the template. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -FirstServer<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server supplying the first storage source (FirstPool parameter). The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SecondPool<String>
- Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the second storage source of virtual disks created from this template when mirrored virtual disks will be created. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SecondServer<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server supplying the second storage source (SecondPool parameter). The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskSize<DataSize>
- The size of the virtual disk to create from the template. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "100GB", "1.5TB", and "500000MB" are valid sizes. Size can range from a miniumum of 1GB to a maximum of 1024TB.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskSectorSize<DataSize>
- The sector size of the virtual disk to create from the template. Valid values are "512", "512B", "4096", or "4KB". If the unit is not included, it is assumed to represent the number of bytes in the sector. If this parameter is not specified, the default of 512 bytes will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskAlias<String>
- Name of the virtual disk to create from the template. If multiple virtual disks will be created, the names will beginning with the root name and subsequent virtual disks will have a number appended to the end to make them unique. The number will begin with the first available number and will be incremented by one provided that the name is available. Numbers will be skipped if they already exist. For instance, if the alias is "VVOLMR" and these names are available, virtual disks will be named "VVOLMR", "VVOLMR 1", "VVOLMR 2" and so on.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Tag<String>
- Used to tag Virtual Disk Templates for vVol datastores.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SnapshotServer<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server with the preferred snapshot pool (SnapshotPool parameter). The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SnapshotPool<String>
- Name or ID that identifies the preferred snapshot pool. Snapshots of virtual disks created from this template will be created from this pool. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server (SnapshotServer parameter) must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ContinuousDataProtectionServer<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server with the pool (ContinousDataProtectionPool parameter) used for the history log. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ContinuousDataProtectionPool<String>
- Name or ID of the disk pool to use as the source of the history log. To resolve by name, the name must be unique to the server group or the server must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize<DataSize>
- The maximum size of the history log for data protection. Valid values consist of the number followed by the unit of measurement (MB, GB, TB). Decimals may be used. For example, "10GB", "20.5GB", and "5000MB" are valid sizes. The history log size can range from a minimum of 8GB up to 1024TB. If not specified, the default history log size will be 5% of the size of the CDP-enabled virtual disk or 8GB, whichever is larger.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StorageProfile<String>
- Use this parameter to set the storage profile. Valid values in order from highest priority to lowest priority are: "Critical", "High", "Normal", "Low", and "Archive". A custom storage profile can also be set. If this parameter is not set, the default setting of "Normal" will be used in the template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -UseRedundantMirrorMappings<Boolean>
- Use this parameter to enable or disable the redundant mirror paths property for this template. Specify $true to create redundant mirror paths for virtual disks created from this template or $false to disable the redundant mirror paths property. Redundant mirror paths provide two mirror paths going in each direction between servers. Redundant paths can be either iSCSI or Fibre Channel. Each server is required to have two FC or two iSCSI ports with the mirror role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled<Boolean>
- Indicates whether or not to use a mirror trunk for mirror paths. Specify $true to use the trunk or $false to not use the trunk. THIS PARAMETER IS FOR DATACORE INTERNAL USE ONLY.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -EncryptionEnabled<Boolean>
- Use this parameter to enable or disable the use of Encryption on Virtual Disks created from this template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -CompressionEnabled [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable or disable the use of Inline Compression on virtual disks created from this template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -DeduplicationEnabled [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable or disable the use of Inline Deduplication on virtual disks created from this template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -OptimizeStaleOnly [<Boolean>]
- Use this parameter to enable or disable optimization only for stale data of the virtual disk created from this template. This option can be enabled only when Inline Compression and/or Inline Deduplication are enabled.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StaleDataWeight <UInt32>
- Use this parameter to specify the Optimization Policy applied to stale data of the virtual disk created from this template. The valid values include "32", "64", and "96". The input is rounded to these valid values. The default value is "64" which specifies the Normal Optimization Policy. Similarly, "32" specifies Lazy and "96" specifies Aggressive Optimization Policy.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AllocationAttentionThreshold<UInt64>
- This parameter has been deprecated and will always be empty. This parameter is left in the interface for backwards compatibility. It cannot be changed.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AllocationWarningThreshold<UInt64>
- This parameter has been deprecated and will always be empty. This parameter is left in the interface for backwards compatibility. It cannot be changed.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -AllocationCriticalThreshold<UInt64>
- This parameter has been deprecated and will always be empty. This parameter is left in the interface for backwards compatibility. It cannot be changed.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LatencyAttentionThreshold<UInt64>
- This parameter sets the attention level of the I/O Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" through "60000". The default value is "30". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 30 ms, an attention level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LatencyWarningThreshold<UInt64>
- This parameter sets the warning level of the I/O Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "60". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 60 ms, a warning level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LatencyCriticalThreshold<UInt64>
- This parameter sets the critical level of the I/O Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "120". In this case, when the latency for a front-end path to the virtual disk reaches 120 ms, a critical level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StorageLatencyAttentionThreshold<UInt64>
- This parameter sets the attention level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" through "60000". The default value is "120". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 120 ms, an attention level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StorageLatencyWarningThreshold<UInt64>
- This parameter sets the warning level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "240"". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 240 ms, a warning level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -StorageLatencyCriticalThreshold<UInt64>
- This parameter sets the critical level of the Storage Latency Threshold in System Health. The value is the amount of milliseconds (ms). Valid values are "0" to "60000". The default value is "480". In this case, when the latency for a back-end path to the disk reaches 480 ms, a critical level message will be generated. If this parameter is not set, the default value will be used in the template.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskSubType<String>
- The subtype of the virtual disk that will be created from the template. Possible values are "Standard", "VVOL", and "ProtocolEndpoint". "Standard" creates a standard virtual disk. "VVOL" creates a virtual volume to use as a storage resource for a VMware virtual machine. "ProtocolEndpoint" creates a protocol endpoint for a VMware virtual volume datastore (storage container). THIS PARAMETER IS FOR DATACORE INTERNAL USE ONLY.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ReservedSpacePercentage<UInt32>
- Use this parameter to reserve a percentage of space in each pool for exclusive use by virtual disks created from the template. A valid value is a number between 0 and 100 which refers to the percentage. For example, to reserve 50% space, enter the value "50". If this parameter is not specified, the default of "0" will be used, which will not reserve any space.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -ReadOnly
- Specify this parameter to set the template as read only, which prevents the template from being changed or deleted. THIS PARAMETER IS FOR DATACORE SOFTWARE INTERNAL USE ONLY.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WriteThroughEnabled
- Specify this parameter to put all virtual disks created from this template in write-through mode (all write operations to the virtual disk are written directly to the back-end storage and then acknowledged).
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -UseSequentialStorage
- Use this parameter to enable or disable the sequential storage property for this template. Specify $true to enable or $false to disable sequential storage.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- <CommonParameters>
- This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (
VirtualDiskTemplateData : Object that identifies and describes the template.
Also see Get-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate, Set-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskTemplate -Name Temp4KMirror -FirstPool "Disk pool 1" -SecondPool "Disk pool 2" -VirtualDiskSize 50GB -VirtualDiskAlias "MR_4K" -VirtualDiskSectorSize 4096
The cmdlet is invoked to create a virtual disk template named "Temp4KMirror". Virtual disks created from this template will be used to create standard virtual disks with a sector size of 4096 bytes (4 KB). Mirrored virtual disks will be created with a size of "50GB" using "Disk pool 1" as the primary storage source and "Disk pool 2" as the secondary storage source. Servers do not need to be specified since the pool names are unique.
Alias | : | Temp4KMirror |
VirtualDiskAlias | : | MR_4K |
Tag | : | vVol |
VirtualDiskDescription | : | |
Size | : | 50 GB |
SectorSize | : | 4 KB |
VirtualDiskType | : | MultiPathMirrored |
ReservedSpacePercentage | : | 0 |
FirstDiskPoolId | : | FF140341-D7FC-4DF7-95B3-AE551F099F00:{23e82496-7403-11e5-80e6-00155d138910} |
SecondDiskPoolId | : | 039B77A5-AC1D-4562-8335-7B75CBC636A5:{a5cddc40-7405-11e5-80e6-00155d138914} |
UseRedundantMirrorMappings | : | True |
ContinuousDataProtectionPoolId | : | |
ContinuousDataProtectionLogSize | : | 8 GB |
SequentialStorageEnabled | : | False |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
DefaultSnapshotPoolId | : | |
AllocatedSpaceThresholdAttention | : | 100 |
AllocatedSpaceThresholdWarning | : | 101 |
AllocatedSpaceThresholdCritical | : | 101 |
LatencyThresholdAttention | : | 30 |
LatencyThresholdWarning | : | 60 |
LatencyThresholdCritical | : | 120 |
StorageLatencyThresholdAttention | : | 120 |
StorageLatencyThresholdWarning | : | 240 |
StorageLatencyThresholdCritical | : | 480 |
VirtualDiskSubType | : | Standard |
ReadOnly | : | False |
WriteThroughEnabled | : | False |
MirrorTrunkMappingEnabled | : | False |
EncryptionEnabled | : | False |
CompressionEnabled | : | False |
DeduplicationEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataEnabled | : | False |
StaleDataWeight | : | 64 |
SequenceNumber | : | 8324 |
Id | : | 2c11d5d045404b4491b79378b7ccff4e |
Caption | : | Temp4KMirror |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Adds a virtual disk to the specified virtual disk group.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup -Group <Object> -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a virtual disk to the specified virtual disk group.
- -Group<Object>
- VirtualDiskGroupData object, name, or ID of the virtual disk group.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name or ID of the virtual disk to add to the group. The VirtualDiskData object can be obtained from Get-DcsVirtualDisk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskfromGroup, Remove-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.
Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup -Group "VD Group FTL" -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"
The virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" is added to the group named "VD Group FTL".
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | {ef015296-0fa8-4bec-80a9-e312547c94a9} |
FirstHostId | : | D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0 |
SecondHostId | : | 431D049E-801E-4061-911E-1493A3F2ECC0 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
Alias | : | Virtual disk 1 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 20.00 GB |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Online |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
Id | : | bd746e02eea248a2bedc66ed71c8eec7 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 1 from Server Group |
Internal | : | False |
$NewVDgroup = Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup -Name "VD Group FTL" -Description "Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale" Get-DcsVirtualDisk -ServerGroup "Server Group FTL" -Kind Standard -OnlyWithReplications | Add-DcsVirtualDiskToGroup -Group $NewVDgroup
The cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualDiskGroup is invoked to create a group named "VD Group FTL" with a description of "Mail server backup for Ft. Lauderdale" for the default server group connection. The result is stored in the variable $NewVDgroup.
Adds a front-end or mirror path for the specified logical disk.
Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit [ -InitiatorHost <String> ] [ -TargetHost <String> ] [ -InitiatorPort <String> ] [ -TargetPort <String> ] -LogicalDisk <Object> -MappingType <String> [ -LUN <UInt64> ] [ -Access <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a front-end or mirror path for the specified logical disk. Virtual disks are created from one (single or dual) or two (mirrored) logical disks (storage sources). This cmdlet will serve the logical disk to a host or create a mirror path if applicable. To serve a mirrored virtual disk to a host, invoke this cmdlet twice; once for each logical disk. Paths can be created by specifying the initiator and target hosts with or without specifying the ports. When ports are not specified, the software will select appropriate ports to create the path.
- -InitiatorHost<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server, or the name or ID of the client host to be used as the initiator. The computer name of a server must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TargetHost<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server to be used as the target. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InitiatorPort<String>
- Name, ID, or address of the initiator port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the initiator host must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -TargetPort<String>
- Name, ID, or address of the target port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the target host must be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LogicalDisk<Object>
- LogicalDiskData object, ID or caption that identifies the logical disk of the virtual disk on a server. When creating mirror paths, the logical disk should be the target side of the mapping (path).
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -MappingType<String>
- Specify "Mirror" to add a mirror path, or "Client" to add a front-end path.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -LUN<UInt64>
- The number to assign to the logical unit (LUN). If not specified, the next available LUN will be assigned.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Access<String>
- The access rights to assign. Valid values for a client mapping type include "ReadWrite", "ReadOnly", and "NoAccess". The valid value for mirror mapping type is "ReadWrite". If not specified, the default value of "ReadWrite" will be assigned.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
LogicalDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the logical disk.
VirtualLogicalUnitData : Object that identifies and describes the path of the logical disk.
Also see Get-DcsLogicalDisk, Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Remove-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Set-DcsVirtualLogicalUnitProperties.
$LDisk = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost "Server2" -InitiatorPort "Server FC Port 1" -TargetHost "Server1" -TargetPort "Server FC Port 2" -LogicalDisk $LDisk[0] -MappingType Mirror
The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to obtain the LogicalDiskData objects that comprise the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" and the results are stored in the variable named $LDisk. In this case, Virtual disk 1 is a mirrored virtual disk and has two logical disk objects (storage sources) stored in the variable $LDisk: $LDisk[0] represents the primary side of the mirror, and $LDisk[1] the secondary side. Then the cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit is invoked to create a mirror mapping (path) between the target on the server named "Server1" and the initiator on the server named Server2" using $LDisk[0], which is the logical disk on the target side of the mapping. The path is identified by the initiator port "Server FC Port 1" on "Server2" and the target port "Server FC Port 2" on "Server1". The mapping type is specified as "Mirror".
LogicalDiskId | : | LD:D3B57824-4E23-4DBB-947B-F8EF13A6CBAD_V.{1db06ce0-e5f0-11e0-8a13-001d7d93b174}-00000003 |
VirtualTargetDeviceId | : | 72f8741f-4485-466b-b5bc-ddf6f494b6d2 |
Lun | : | 0 |
Access | : | ReadWrite |
Type | : | Mirror |
Preferred | : | True |
Enabled | : | True |
Id | : | 35192e3b-3c8e-4568-9baf-88a001540baf |
Caption | : | Server FC Port 1 on server2 | Server FC Port 2 on Server1 | LUN 0 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Server FC Port 1 on server2 | Server FC Port 2 on Server1 | LUN 0 |
Internal | : | False |
$LDisk = Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1" Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost "Host3" -TargetHost "Server1" -InitiatorPort "iSCSI Port 1" -TargetPort "Server iSCSI Port 1" -LogicalDisk $LDisk[0] -MappingType Client -LUN 3
The cmdlet Get-DcsLogicalDisk is invoked to obtain the LogicalDiskData objects that comprise the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" and the results are stored in the variable named $LDisk. Then the cmdlet Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit is invoked to create a front-end path for the specified logical disk $LDisk[0]. The path is identified as the initiator port "iSCSI Port 1" on the client named "Host3" and the target specified as "Server iSCSI Port 1" on the server named "Server1". The variable $LDisk is used to provide the LogicalDiskData object. The mapping type is specified as "Client", which creates a front-end path and the LUN is specified as "3".
LogicalDiskId | : | LD:D3B57824-4E23-4DBB-947B-F8EF13A6CBAD_V.{1db06ce0-e5f0-11e0-8a13-001d7d93b174}-00000003 |
VirtualTargetDeviceId | : | 7e2a8d17-0018-4eab-8325-a6980da11fb6 |
Lun | : | 3 |
Access | : | ReadWrite |
Type | : | Client |
Preferred | : | True |
Enabled | : | True |
Id | : | 22cdc3f6-e8c0-493c-904c-ab27e8690598 |
Caption | : | iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 1 on Server1 | LUN 3 |
ExtendedCaption | : | iSCSI Port 1 on Host3 | Server iSCSI Port 1 on Server1 | LUN 3 |
Internal | : | False |
Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit -InitiatorHost "HostVM1" -TargetHost "SSVVM03" -LogicalDisk (Get-DcsLogicalDisk -VirtualDisk "VD1") -MappingType "Client"
A front-end (client) path is created from the initiator on the computer "HostVM1" to a target on the server "SSVVM03" for the logical disk contained in the virtual disk "VD1" on the server "SSVVM03". Since ports are not specified, the software will select the appropriate ports on the specified machines in order to create the specified mapping type.
LogicalDiskId | : | c3ca5cb7-2b9c-40b7-9591-5591dd8001c7 |
VirtualTargetDeviceId | : | af83d50e-5ee4-4a84-924e-63a487c47ec5 |
PhysicalDiskId | : | 549da3ce079b49cb9f895d884042722a-4ccc0a8cf91543a6b43aa43d1b677bbe |
Lun | : | 0 |
Access | : | ReadWrite |
Type | : | Client |
Preferred | : | NotSet |
Enabled | : | True |
SequenceNumber | : | 27051 |
Id | : | 26890758-f8fe-449a-aec7-a4a14c2bf141 |
Caption | : | iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSVVM03 | LUN 0 |
ExtendedCaption | : | iSCSI Port 1 on HostVM1 | Server iSCSI Port 3 on SSVVM03 | LUN 0 |
Internal | : | False |
Adds a witness as an object in the server group configuration. This cmdlet is used when adding a witness that will be configured for a specific virtual disk.
Add-DcsWitness -Name <String> -Address <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Adds a witness as an object in the server group configuration. This cmdlet is used when adding a witness that will be configured for a specific virtual disk. After the witness is added, set the witness properties for the virtual disk using Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties.
- -Name<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server to be added as a witness in the server group. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Address<String>
- The IP address for the witness. For instance, "172.99.999.99".
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias representing the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
WitnessData : Object that identifies the witness.
Related cmdlets: Set-DcsServerGroupDefaultWitnessProperties, Set-DcsVirtualDiskWitnessProperties, Set-DcsWitnessProperties, Get-DcsWitness, Remove-DcsWitness, Invoke-DcsWitnessContact.
Add-DcsWitness -Name "Witness 2" -Address ""
The network device with the IP address "" is added as a witness in the server group and named "Witness 2". The WitnessData object is returned.
Alias | : | Witness 2 |
Server | : | |
IPAddress | : | |
SequenceNumber | : | 1232600 |
Id | : | 8d15390ca0bb4db5ade39938cac0fd9a |
Caption | : | Witness 2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Back to topNAME
Backs up the configuration for each server in the server group and stores it in a file.
Backup-DcsConfiguration [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Backs up the configuration for each server in the server group and stores it in a file. The file can be used to restore the configuration if necessary. The file will be copied to the folder assigned using Set-DcsBackupFolder.
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.
Also see Set-DcsBackupFolder, Get-DcsBackupFolder.
Backups the configuration for both servers in the server group.
GroupId | : | 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf |
RegionNodeId | : | ExecutiveNode:A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3 |
CacheSize | : | 0.00 B |
State | : | Online |
SupportState | : | Preserving |
SnapshotMapStoreId | : | |
SnapshotMapStorePoolId | : | |
InstallPath | : | C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony |
ProductName | : | DataCore SANsymphony |
ProductType | : | Standard |
ProductVersion | : | 8.1 |
OsVersion | : | Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1 |
ProcessorInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation |
ProductBuild | : | |
BuildType | : | Release |
DiagnosticMode | : | Enabled |
LicenseRemaining | : | 23238000000000 |
ReplicationBufferFolder | : | |
TotalSystemMemory | : | 1,023.56 MB |
AvailableSystemMemory | : | 136.08 MB |
LogStatus | : | Operational |
LicenseSettings | : | DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings |
IsLicensed | : | True |
StorageUsed | : | 0.00 B |
PowerState | : | ACOnline |
CacheState | : | WritebackGlobal |
BackupStorageFolder | : | C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\ |
IpAddresses | : | {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...} |
Description | : | |
HostName | : | |
Id | : | A6EA4E77-BBFF-4F48-91CD-3987E81C1CB3 |
Caption | : | SSV1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | SSV1 in Server Group |
Internal | : | False |
GroupId | : | 626ad5ae-8297-4068-832c-7c476fe32abf |
RegionNodeId | : | ExecutiveNode:781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6 |
CacheSize | : | 0.00 B |
State | : | Online |
SupportState | : | Preserving |
SnapshotMapStoreId | : | |
SnapshotMapStorePoolId | : | |
InstallPath | : | C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony |
ProductName | : | DataCore SANsymphony |
ProductType | : | Standard |
ProductVersion | : | 8.1 |
OsVersion | : | Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1 |
ProcessorInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation |
ProductBuild | : | |
BuildType | : | Release |
DiagnosticMode | : | Enabled |
LicenseRemaining | : | 23274000000000 |
ReplicationBufferFolder | : | |
TotalSystemMemory | : | 1,023.56 MB |
AvailableSystemMemory | : | 228.11 MB |
LogStatus | : | Operational |
LicenseSettings | : | DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings |
IsLicensed | : | True |
StorageUsed | : | 0.00 B |
PowerState | : | ACOnline |
CacheState | : | WritebackGlobal |
BackupStorageFolder | : | C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony\Backups\ |
IpAddresses | : | {, fe80::2920:ddc6:93a7:45df,, fe80::6181:9311:6644:c8d2...} |
Description | : | |
HostName | : | |
Id | : | 781D998D-3920-46BB-9F26-88BC591772B6 |
Caption | : | SSV2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | SSV2 in Server Group |
Internal | : | False |
Back to topNAME
Cleans or refreshes the port database of Fibre Channel ports.
Cleanup-DcsServerFCPortDatabase -Port <Object> [ -Server <String> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Cleans or refreshes the port database of Fibre Channel ports. All ports that are not present will be removed from the database of remote ports seen by the specified Fibre Channel port on a server.
- -Port<Object>
- ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies the Fibre Channel port. To uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ServerFCPortData : Object the identifies and describes the Fibre Channel port.
ServerFCPortData : Object the identifies and describes the Fibre Channel port.
Also see Remove-DcsServerPort.
Cleanup-DcsServerFCPortDatabase -Port "Server FC Port 1" -Server Server1
The port database for the port named "Server FC Port 1" on server "Server1" is cleaned to remove all remote ports that are not present.
StateInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortStateInfo |
CurrentConfigInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortConfigInfo |
IdInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortIdInfo |
CapabilityInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.FC.FcPortCapabilityInfo |
PresenceStatus | : | Present |
PhysicalName | : | 210000E08B0FEF9A |
ServerPortProperties | : | DataCore.Executive.ServerFcPortPropertiesData |
RoleCapability | : | All |
AluaId | : | 1027 |
PortName | : | 21-00-00-E0-8B-0F-EF-9A |
Alias | : | Server FC Port 1 |
Description | : | |
PortType | : | FibreChannel |
PortMode | : | InitiatorTarget |
HostId | : | 46921EBF-DC07-4E03-9395-1CEBE4ABE511 |
Connected | : | True |
SequenceNumber | : | 1144 |
Id | : | dbfe9205-959c-480e-b1d4-d54d0fc0af80 |
Caption | : | Server FC Port 1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Server FC Port 1 on Server1 |
Internal | : | False |
Deletes all alerts for all servers in the specified connection.
Clear-DcsAlert [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Deletes all alerts for all servers in the specified connection. After clearing the alerts, the event log messages will remain documented in the Event Log.
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
Also see Get-DcsAlert, Get-DcsLogMessage, Add-DcsLogMessage.
Clears all alerts on both servers in the server group.
Clears all messages from the Event Log.
Clear-DcsLog [ -Yes] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf] [ -Confirm]
Clears all messages from the Event Log.
- -Yes<SwitchParameter>
- Deleting log messages is an operation that requires confirmation. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to permanently delete all log messages and to prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WhatIf<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Confirm<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
Clear-DcsLog -Yes
The cmdlet is invoked to clear all Event Log messages. The parameter Yes is included to confirm the intention to permanently remove all messages and to prevent user interaction while scripts are running.
Creates an iSCSI session connection.
Connect-DcsiSCSITarget -InitiatorPort <Object> [ -Server <String> ] -Address <String> [ -PortNumber <UInt16> ] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Connect-DcsiSCSITarget -InitiatorPort <Object> [ -Server <String> ] -Address <String> [ -PortNumber <UInt16> ] [ -UseChap] [ -UseMutualAuthentication] [ -InitiatorPortal <String> ] [ -UserName <String> ] -Password <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates an iSCSI session connection. Adds an iSCSI target portal to the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port of a server and logs in. Authentication can be enabled. If different types of authentication are required for different targets, the cmdlet must be run individually for each authentication type. After invoking this cmdlet, when the target is logged out, the target will disappear and in order to log in the target again, this cmdlet would have to be invoked again.
- -InitiatorPort<Object>
- ScsiPortData object, name, or ID that identifies the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port. In order to uniquely identify a port by name, the server must be specified.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or ID of the server. Computer names must be unique or the names must be fully qualified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Address<String>
- Address of an iSCSI target port. The address can be a valid server name or IP address.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PortNumber<UInt16>
- The TCP port number used for the connection. If not specified, 3260 will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -UseChap<SwitchParameter>
- Specify the UseChap parameter to enable authentication.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -UseMutualAuthentication<SwitchParameter>
- Specify the UseMutualAuthentication parameter to enable mutual authentication. If UseMutualAuthentication is specified, the parameter UseChap must also be specified.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InitiatorPortal<String>
- IP address that identifies the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator port.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -UserName<String>
- User name assigned to the target port.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Password<String>
- The target secret for the iSCSI target port. Secret is 12-16 characters. Use caution when entering the secret, it will appear as typed on the display.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ScsiPortData : Object that identifies the initiator port.
iSCSISessionData : Object that identifies and describes the session.
Also see Disconnect-DcsiSCSITarget, Get-DcsPort, Get-DcsPortConnection, Set-DcsiSCSIInitiatorSecret, Set-DcsServerPortProperties.
Connect-DcsiSCSITarget -InitiatorPort "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" -Server SSV1 -Address -UseChap -UserName CHAPhandshk -Password 111111111111
Creates an iSCSI session between the initiator port named "Microsoft iSCSI Initiator" on the server named "SSV1" and the iSCSI target port with the IP address of on the server named "SSV2". CHAP authentication is used for the session with a user name of "CHAPhandshk" and password of "111111111111".
PortADescriptor | : | |
PortBDescriptor | : | DataCore.Executive.iSCSI.SessionDescriptor |
Target | : | |
Connected | : | False |
PortAId | : | FD622C7A-1065-4F2B-97E5-11813DA5AAF5:MAC:00-15-5D-11-E9-22 |
PortBId | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699:MSFT-05-1991 |
Id | : | 03351a78d471484c8c6815506822255c |
Caption | : | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Server iSCSI Port 2 on SSV2 to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
Creates a connection to a server in a server group. When a connection has been created, all servers in the server group can be managed.
Connect-DcsServer [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Connect-DcsServer -Server <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Connect-DcsServer -Server <String> -UserName <String> -Password <String> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Connect-DcsServer -Server <String> -Credential <PSCredential> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Creates a connection to a server in a server group. When a connection has been created, all servers in the server group can be managed. If this cmdlet is invoked without parameters, a connection to the local host using default credentials will be established. This cmdlet can also be invoked to connect to a remote server using the default system credentials (when using PowerShell 3.0 and above).The last connection created is designated as the default connection unless Set-DcsDefaultConnection is invoked to set a specific connection to be the default. A connection is required for each PowerShell session. The Connection parameter is required to invoke all cmdlets and if not specifically designated, the default connection will be used.
- -Connection<String>
- Alias representing the connection to the server group. If other parameter values are specified, but the Connection parameter value is not specified, the server name will be used as the connection alias. If this cmdlet is invoked without parameters, a connection to the local host using default credentials will be established and the connection alias will be "localhost".
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Server<String>
- Computer name or IP address of the server to connect to. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -UserName<String>
- The user name of a registered user or the local administrator account. Operating system credentials are used to authenticate users. User names must match Windows operating system user accounts and must reside on all servers in the associated server group.
- Required: true
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Password<String>
- Login password that corresponds to the registered user name.
- Required: true
- Position: 3
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Credential<PSCredential>
- The PSCredential object containing user name and password. This object can be obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential, see Example 2. In this manner, credentials can be passed through the object instead of typing the credentials.
- Required: true
- Position: 2
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
string : Alias for the connection.
Also see Disconnect-DcsServer, Set-DcsDefaultConnection, Get-DcsDefaultConnection, Get-DcsConnection.
Connect-DcsServer -Server SSV1 -UserName administrator -Password Adminpw! -Connection SSV1Connect
Connects the server named "SSV1" with the UserName of "Administrator" and Password of "Adminpw!" with the connection named "SSV1Connect".
Connect-DcsServer -Server SSVVM1 -Credential(Get-Credential)
The cmdlet Connect-DcsServer is invoked to create a connection through the server named "SSVVM1" using the Credential parameter. The value is obtained by invoking the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-Credential. When Get-Credential is invoked a dialog box opens and the user name and password can be entered in a secure manner.
cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: Credential
The cmdlet is invoked without parameters resulting in a connection to the local host using default credentials.
Connect-DcsServer -Server SSV5
The cmdlet Connect-DcsServer is invoked to create a connection through the remote server named "SSV5". When the credentials are not supplied, a connection using the default local machine credentials of the remote server will be attempted. A network connection must exist from the server connecting to the remote server.
Converts a single virtual disk to a dual virtual disk.
ConvertTo-DcsDualVirtualDisk -SecondServer <String> -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -EnableRedundancy] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Converts a single virtual disk to a dual virtual disk. The single virtual disk must be created from a shared pass-through disk or shared disk pool in order to convert to a dual virtual disk.
- -SecondServer<String>
- Computer name or ID of the new server that will be sharing the virtual disk. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified. The second server must share the disk pool or pass-through from which the virtual disk was created.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name or ID that identifies the single virtual disk. The single virtual disk must be created from a shared disk pool or shared pass-through disk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -EnableRedundancy<SwitchParameter>
- Specify this parameter to create redundant mirror paths between servers. Redundant mirror paths provide two mirror paths going in each direction between servers. Redundant paths can be either iSCSI or Fibre Channel. Each server is required to have two FC or two iSCSI ports with the mirror role enabled (see Set-DcsServerPortProperties). Port paths are automatically selected.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes a virtual disk.
Also see Get-DcsVirtualDisk
ConvertTo-DcsDualVirtualDisk -SecondServer SSV2 -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"
This cmdlet will convert the single virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1" to a dual virtual disk by adding a path to the second server named "SSV2". Server SSV2 shares the pass-through disk from which the virtual disk "Virtual disk 1" was created.
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 8BD7BD0F-F5F9-40DB-B8B0-6ABB74D43F81 |
SecondHostId | : | 8CE05A9F-D367-4BDE-BCE6-67909F6F7F6A |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
Alias | : | Virtual disk 1 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 200.00 GB |
Type | : | Dual |
DiskStatus | : | FailedRedundancy |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90DF97D7019396376E425BFE64 |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 35437 |
Id | : | 8182a9060ee44e738cf395583ad4b018 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 1 from Group LOCAL |
Internal | : | False |
Converts (promotes) a differential snapshot to a full snapshot. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group.
ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot -Snapshot <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot -SnapshotGroup <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Converts (promotes) a differential snapshot to a full snapshot. This operation can also be performed on a snapshot group. The differential (logical copy) will become a clone of the source virtual disk and can exist and operate independently from the source. This operation can be take a considerable amount of time depending on the amount of data that will need to be copied. After the snapshot is converted, it can be split from the source, see Split-DcsSnapshot.
- -Snapshot<Object>
- Name, ID, or SnapshotData object that identifies the differential snapshot.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -SnapshotGroup<Object>
- SnapshotGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a snapshot group to convert to full snapshots. Use this parameter to convert all snapshots in the snapshot group to full snapshots. The SnapshotGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
SnapshotData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot.
SnapshotData or SnapshotGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the snapshot or snapshot group that was converted.
Also see Get-DcsSnapshot, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Split-DcsSnapshot, Revert-DcsSnapshot, Stop-DcsSnapshotOperation.
ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot -Snapshot "VD2 @ 7/28/2011 4:18:14 PM"
Converts the differential snapshot named "VD2 @ 7/28/2011 4:18:14 PM" to a full (clone) snapshot.
SourceLogicalDiskId | : | LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{267e5c50-abd6-11e0-9515-00155d11e921}-00000014 |
DestinationLogicalDiskId | : | LD:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699_V.{b96878da-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921}-0000000B |
Type | : | Full |
TimeStamp | : | 7/28/2011 4:18:43 PM |
ActiveOperation | : | NoOperation |
State | : | Healthy |
Failure | : | NoFailure |
Id | : | V.{267E5C50-ABD6-11E0-9515-00155D11E921}-00000014--V.{B96878DA-B7AF-11E0-9BA8-00155D11E921}-0000000B |
Caption | : | VD2 @ 7/28/2011 4:18:14 PM |
ExtendedCaption | : | VD2 @ 7/28/2011 4:18:14 PM on SSV1 |
Internal | : | False |
ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot -SnapshotGroup "VDSnapshotGroup1 @ 11/9/2011 3:30:15 PM"
Converts the differential snapshots in the snapshot group named "VDSnapshotGroup1 @ 11/9/2011 3:30:15 PM" to full (clone) snapshots.
ParentGroupId | : | {f3e129dd-56bf-40c6-9ebb-e25432138fc6} |
Alias | : | VDSnapshotGroup1 @ 11/9/2011 3:30:15 PM |
Description | : | |
Id | : | {0478ae77-13a2-4153-91cf-9afcbffb867f} |
Caption | : | VDSnapshotGroup1 @ 11/9/2011 3:30:15 PM |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Get-DcsSnapshot | ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot
The cmdlet Get-DcsSnapshot is piped to ConvertTo-DcsFullSnapshot resulting in all differential snapshots being converted (promoted) to full snapshots and the SnapshotData objects returned.
SourceLogicalDiskId | : | dba9bb6f-4dd7-4017-bf27-6d7166659989 |
DestinationLogicalDiskId | : | 61c2100a-4991-4a33-ac4a-a72da684e992 |
Type | : | Full |
TimeStamp | : | 3/28/2012 4:02:43 PM |
ActiveOperation | : | NoOperation |
State | : | Healthy |
Failure | : | NoFailure |
SequenceNumber | : | 14951 |
Id | : | V.{FCB8BED3-7423-11E1-9F2A-00155D11E92B}-0000001C--V.{FCB8BED3-7423-11E1-9F2A-00155D11E92B}-00000027 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 6 @ 3/28/2012 4:02:35 PM |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 6 @ 3/28/2012 4:02:35 PM on SSV3 |
Internal | : | False |
SourceLogicalDiskId | : | 7693b656-8462-4a08-b9bd-2c181979ed72 |
DestinationLogicalDiskId | : | c8dbabdc-727e-4787-b5ee-fa6a7851b910 |
Type | : | Full |
TimeStamp | : | 3/28/2012 4:02:24 PM |
ActiveOperation | : | NoOperation |
State | : | Healthy |
Failure | : | NoFailure |
SequenceNumber | : | 14955 |
Id | : | V.{FCB8BED3-7423-11E1-9F2A-00155D11E92B}-0000001B--V.{FCB8BED3-7423-11E1-9F2A-00155D11E92B}-00000025 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 5 @ 3/28/2012 4:02:15 PM |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 5 @ 3/28/2012 4:02:15 PM on SSV3 |
Internal | : | False |
Back to topNAME
Disables Capacity Optimization for the specified server.
Disable-DcsCapacityOptimization -Server <String> [ -Force <Boolean>] [-Connection <String>] [-InformationAction <ActionPreference>] [-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Disables Capacity Optimization for the specified server, and releases the physical disks used for providing Capacity Optimization storage.
- -Server<String>
- The Id of the server that the Capacity Optimization upon which the feature will be disabled.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Force<SwitchParameter>
- The Force parameter can be specified to force the operation.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InformationAction <ActionPreference>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -InformationVariable <String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -<CommonParameters>
- This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (https:/
ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.
Disable-DcsCapacityOptimization -Server SSVVM011
Demonstrates disabling the Capacity Optimization feature on the specified server.
GroupId | : | a38b9795-7697-4153-a41f-80c98d82d613 |
RegionNodeId | : | ExecutiveNode:BB46C478-3E47-42E3-8DA9-FD918C28D099 |
KmipEndpointId | : | |
CacheSize | : | 0 B |
State | : | Online |
SupportState | : | Idle |
SnapshotMapStoreId | : | |
SnapshotMapStorePoolId | : | |
InstallPath | : | C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony |
ProductName | : | DataCore SANsymphony |
ProductType | : | Standard |
ProductVersion | : | 10.0 PSP 16 |
OsVersion | : | Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard, Build 20348 |
ProcessorInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation |
ProductBuild | : | 15.0.1600.38191 |
BuildType | : | Release |
DiagnosticMode | : | Enabled |
LicenseRemaining | : | 26748000000000 |
ReplicationBufferFolder | : | |
TotalSystemMemory | : | 8.00 GB |
AvailableSystemMemory | : | 2.96 GB |
LogStatus | : | Operational |
LicenseSettings | : | DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings |
IsLicensed | : | False |
LicenseExceeded | : | False |
StorageUsed | : | 160 GB |
BulkStorageUsed | : | 0 B |
DataCoreStorageUsed | : | 0 B |
DataCoreBulkStorageUsed | : | 0 B |
PowerState | : | ACOnline |
CacheState | : | WritebackGlobal |
BackupStorageFolder | : | |
IpAddresses | : | {, fe80::5123:7e24:3de6:ca37,, fe80::414a:1d3:96f:5ef5...} |
LicenseNumber | : | 2480639179566772618 |
MaxPollerThreadsConfig | : | 12 |
AluaGroupId | : | 1 |
IsVirtualMachine | : | True |
IsAzureVirtualMachine | : | False |
IsPayGo | : | False |
HypervisorHostId | : | |
LogStorePoolId | : | |
ConfigurationInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.ConfigurationInfoData |
OutOfCompliance | : | False |
NextExpirationDate | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
DeduplicationPoolId | : | |
CdpMaxHistoryLogSizeGb | : | 10240 |
SeqMaxHistoryLogSizeGb | : | 10240 |
IsTcLoaded | : | False |
IldcConfigurationData | : | DataCore.Executive.IldcConfigurationData |
Description | : | |
HostName | : | SSVVM011 |
MpioCapable | : | True |
SequenceNumber | : | 5961 |
Id | : | BB46C478-3E47-42E3-8DA9-FD918C28D099 |
Caption | : | SSVVM011 |
ExtendedCaption | : | SSVVM011 in Server Group |
Internal | : | False |
Disables Continuous Data Protection (CDP) on a virtual disk or virtual disk group.
Disable-DcsDataProtection -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Yes] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf] [ -Confirm]
Disable-DcsDataProtection -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [ -Yes] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf] [ -Confirm]
Disables Continuous Data Protection (CDP) on a virtual disk or virtual disk group. When disabled, the history log is deleted and the virtual disk will no longer have Continuous Data Protection. All rollbacks created from the CDP-enabled virtual disk will be deleted. NOTE: Disabling at the group level will disable all eligible healthy group members on all servers.
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the CDP-enabled virtual disk. The VirtualDiskData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDisk.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Yes<SwitchParameter>
- When Continuous Data Protection is disabled on a virtual disk, all rollbacks created from that virtual disk will be deleted. Disabling Continuous Data Protection when rollbacks exist will result in a confirmation message. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to disable Continuous Data Protection when rollbacks exist in order to prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WhatIf<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Confirm<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskGroup<Object>
- VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to disable Continuous Data Protection for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
VirtualDiskData or VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk or virtual disk group.
Also see Enable-DcsDataProtection, Romove-DcsRollback, Split-DcsRollback, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.
Disable-DcsDataProtection -VirtualDisk VDisk3 -Yes
Disables the feature for the virtual disk named "VDisk3". The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.
GroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 4B24F2B0-9A98-4C9E-9996-4E7B89FD6BA9 |
SecondHostId | : | 22885568-1C03-4F7D-B95B-5C9C3AA16125 |
BackupHostId | : | |
Alias | : | VDisk1 |
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699 |
SecondHostId | : | |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
Alias | : | VDisk3 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 10.00 GB |
Type | : | NonMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Online |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
Id | : | bc1d2b2d679145698e2029415ea86724 |
Caption | : | VDisk3 |
ExtendedCaption | : | VDisk3 from LOCAL |
Internal | : | False |
Disable-DcsDataProtection -VirtualDiskGroup VDDataProtectionGroup1 -Yes
Disables the feature for the virtual disk group named "VDDataProtectionGroup1". The Yes parameter was included to eliminate the need to confirm the operation.
Alias | : | VDDataProtectionGroup1 |
Description | : | |
Id | : | {106c2602-5942-4419-af18-bb7412f2fd0b} |
Caption | : | VDDataProtectionGroup1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | |
Internal | : | False |
Disables replication test mode for a local standby virtual disk.
Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode -Replication <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Disables replication test mode for a local standby virtual disk. Data changes on the standby virtual disk made during test mode will be deleted when test mode is disabled. Warning: Disabling test mode can take a considerable amount of time and can affect performance.
- -Replication<Object>
- AsyncReplicationData object, VirtualDiskData object, Async Replication ID, virtual disk name, or virtual disk ID that identifies the standby (destination) virtual disk in the replication. The standby virtual disk must be in the local server group.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskGroup<Object>
- VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to disable test mode for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. Eligibility may not apply to all virtual disks in the group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
AsyncReplicationData or VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies the standby virtual disk in a replication.
AsyncReplicationData : Object that identifies and describes the relationship between the Active (source) and standby (destination) virtual disks in the replication.
Also see Enable-DcsReplicationTestMode, Get-DcsReplication.
Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode -Replication RepVD1
Test mode is disabled on the standby virtual disk named "RepVD1" in the local server group.
FirstServerId | : | D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0 |
FirstVirtualDiskId | : | a407b0413f9348a2bf645a14d9cf7c57 |
SecondServerId | : | a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68 |
SecondVirtualDiskId | : | d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9 |
IsActiveSide | : | False |
ReplicationState | : | Standby |
FailureStatus | : | NoFailure |
TransferStatus | : | Enabled |
Paused | : | False |
CheckpointSnapshotId | : | |
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense | : | Enabled |
OfflineInitializationSupported | : | True |
InitializationType | : | Online |
OfflineInitializationBuffer | : | |
OfflineInitStatus | : | NoOfflineInit |
InitializationFailureStatus | : | NoFailure |
TestModeStatus | : | Active |
Id | : | 3e017326-4f28-417e-bbd2-6dd238743902 |
Caption | : | RepVD1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | RepVD1 on SSVVM3 |
Internal | : | False |
Get-DcsReplication -ShowOnlyLocalSide | Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode
The cmdlet Get-DcsReplication is invoked on the destination (standby) partner to obtain AsyncReplicationData objects for all local standby virtual disks. Those objects are piped to Disable-DcsReplicationTestMode to disable test mode for those virtual disks in the local server group.
FirstServerId | : | D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0 |
FirstVirtualDiskId | : | a407b0413f9348a2bf645a14d9cf7c57 |
SecondServerId | : | a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68 |
SecondVirtualDiskId | : | d3a0fbdd7eae488a936cea47d31ddfd9 |
IsActiveSide | : | False |
ReplicationState | : | Standby |
FailureStatus | : | Offline |
TransferStatus | : | Enabled |
Paused | : | False |
CheckpointSnapshotId | : | |
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense | : | Enabled |
OfflineInitializationSupported | : | True |
InitializationType | : | Online |
OfflineInitializationBuffer | : | |
OfflineInitStatus | : | NoOfflineInit |
InitializationFailureStatus | : | NoFailure |
TestModeStatus | : | Active |
Id | : | 3e017326-4f28-417e-bbd2-6dd238743902 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 1 on SSVVM3 |
Internal | : | False |
FirstServerId | : | D3D14D3A-67A2-4E5F-9FA4-262B812EFFA0 |
FirstVirtualDiskId | : | 656bb58c14af4e60ac42daf3db74eacd |
SecondServerId | : | a6c68fe8-ea6f-420f-b791-278a02a176eb:AA56BE97-83F3-45B0-B81C-2184A8083E68 |
SecondVirtualDiskId | : | 537cd02923d7487bb8371da08d5bcf8e |
IsActiveSide | : | False |
ReplicationState | : | Standby |
FailureStatus | : | NoFailure |
TransferStatus | : | Enabled |
Paused | : | False |
CheckpointSnapshotId | : | |
AutoAsyncReplicationLicense | : | Enabled |
OfflineInitializationSupported | : | True |
InitializationType | : | Online |
OfflineInitializationBuffer | : | |
OfflineInitStatus | : | NoOfflineInit |
InitializationFailureStatus | : | NoFailure |
TestModeStatus | : | Active |
Id | : | b48a5f68-9861-4948-b902-0ad1dae78e43 |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 2 on SSVVM3 |
Internal | : | False |
Disables the sequential storage setting for a virtual disk or virtual disk group.
Disable-DcsSequentialStorage -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Yes] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf] [ -Confirm]
Disable-DcsSequentialStorage -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [ -Yes] [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf] [ -Confirm]
Disables the sequential storage setting for a virtual disk or virtual disk group. NOTE: In order to disable at the group level, all group members must be healthy and all affected server must be running. All eligible group members will be disabled and members that are already disabled will be skipped.
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Yes<SwitchParameter>
- Disabling sequential storage will result in a confirmation message. Specify this parameter to confirm your intention to disable the sequential storage setting in order to prevent user interaction during scripted scenarios.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WhatIf<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Confirm<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskGroup<Object>
- VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. Use this parameter to enable sequential storage for all eligible virtual disks in the virtual disk group. The VirtualDiskGroupData object can be obtained with Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
VirtualDiskData or VirtualDiskGroupData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk or virtual disk group.
Also see Enable-DcsSequentialStorage, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup
Disable-DcsSequentialStorage -VirtualDisk "Virtual disk 1"
The sequential storage setting is disabled for the virtual disk named "Virtual disk 1".
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | BB3877BA-4FC9-4429-8D1F-D57D23808ED6 |
SecondHostId | : | D4DB7B7A-67F5-4ECB-8350-166057170F7D |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | Virtual disk 1 |
Description | : | |
Size | : | 20 GB |
Type | : | MultiPathMirrored |
DiskStatus | : | Online |
InquiryData | : | DataCore Virtual Disk DCS dc1df97ee1454f3482a54c456ebc209a |
ScsiDeviceId | : | {96, 3, 13, 144...} |
ScsiDeviceIdString | : | 60030D90B5F1CE06C7E2F4F65FE4CE85 |
RemovableMedia | : | False |
WriteThrough | : | False |
Offline | : | False |
Disabled | : | False |
ManualRecovery | : | False |
DiskLayout | : | DataCore.Executive.PhysicalDiskLayout |
PersistentReserveEnabled | : | True |
RecoveryPriority | : | Regular |
IsServed | : | False |
SequenceNumber | : | 3194 |
Id | : | dc1df97ee1454f3482a54c456ebc209a |
Caption | : | Virtual disk 1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Virtual disk 1 from Group1 |
Internal | : | False |
Disables write caching for the specified server.
Disable-DcsServerWriteCache -Server <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Disables write caching for the specified server. When disabled, all write operations from client hosts will be written directly to the back-end storage and then acknowledged.
- -Server<Object>
- ServerHostData object, computer name, or ID that identifies the server. The computer name must be unique or the name must be fully qualified.
- Required: true
- Position: 1
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias representing the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.
ServerHostData : Object that identifies and describes the server.
Also see Enable-DcsServerWriteCache.
Disable-DcsServerWriteCache -Server SSV1
Disables write caching on the server named "SSV1". All write I/Os will be written directly to back-end storage.
GroupId | : | d9ecaccf-9a7c-48f3-8d83-c4ebb5811672 |
RegionNodeId | : | ExecutiveNode:74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699 |
CacheSize | : | 0.00 B |
State | : | Online |
SupportState | : | Idle |
SnapshotMapStoreId | : | V.{b9687922-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921}-00000001 |
SnapshotMapStorePoolId | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699:{b9687922-b7af-11e0-9ba8-00155d11e921} |
InstallPath | : | C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony |
ProductName | : | DataCore SANsymphony |
ProductType | : | Standard |
ProductVersion | : | 8.1 |
OsVersion | : | Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition, Service Pack 1 |
ProcessorInfo | : | DataCore.Executive.ProcessorInformation |
ProductBuild | : | |
BuildType | : | Release |
DiagnosticMode | : | Enabled |
LicenseRemaining | : | 23352926053750 |
ReplicationBufferFolder | : | E:\ |
TotalSystemMemory | : | 1,023.56 MB |
AvailableSystemMemory | : | 58.82 MB |
LogStatus | : | Operational |
LicenseSettings | : | DataCore.Executive.LicenseSettings |
IsLicensed | : | False |
StorageUsed | : | 0.00 B |
PowerState | : | ACOnline |
CacheState | : | WritethruGlobal |
BackupStorageFolder | : | |
IpAddresses | : | {, fe80::ac9f:4abc:8e7:447a,, fe80::2de4:e3b4:87d0:b299...} |
Description | : | |
HostName | : | |
Id | : | 74EDD1B3-6682-46A7-943C-2F0168CEC699 |
Caption | : | SSV1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | SSV1 in LOCAL |
Internal | : | False |
Disables a task.
Disable-DcsTask -Task <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ]
Disables a task. The task will not run again until enabled.
- -Task<Object>
- TaskData object, name, or ID that identifies the task.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection is used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.
TaskData : Object that identifies and describes the task.
Also see Get-DcsTask, Enable-DcsTask.
Disable-DcsTask -Task MyNightlyTask
Disables the task named "MyNightlyTask". The task will not run again until enabled.
Description | : | Start Virtual Disk Reclamation at 2 am |
Enabled | : | False |
ActionBehavior | : | RunPerTrigger |
MaxRunTime | : | 6048000000000 |
Connective | : | LogicalAnd |
ActionDelay | : | 0 |
State | : | Idle |
CurrentActionId | : | |
LastStartTime | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
LastStopTime | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
Id | : | e0b61456-55b1-4f09-9567-39586e71ef16 |
Caption | : | MyNightlyTask |
ExtendedCaption | : | MyNightlyTask |
Internal | : | False |
Get-DcsTask | Disable-DcsTask
Disables all enabled tasks on servers in the server group. The task objects were obtained using the Get-DcsTask cmdlet.
Description | : | |
Enabled | : | False |
ActionBehavior | : | RunPerTrigger |
MaxRunTime | : | 6048000000000 |
Connective | : | LogicalOr |
ActionDelay | : | 0 |
State | : | Idle |
CurrentActionId | : | |
LastStartTime | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
LastStopTime | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
Id | : | 32651f76-72e9-4852-ba35-0b111eaa7808 |
Caption | : | Task 1 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Task 1 |
Internal | : | False |
Description | : | |
Enabled | : | False |
ActionBehavior | : | RunPerTrigger |
MaxRunTime | : | 6048000000000 |
Connective | : | LogicalOr |
ActionDelay | : | 0 |
State | : | Idle |
CurrentActionId | : | |
LastStartTime | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
LastStopTime | : | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
Id | : | b72c3fac-61d0-4641-95f1-1c310b7c322d |
Caption | : | Task 2 |
ExtendedCaption | : | Task 2 |
Internal | : | False |
Disables automatic mirror recovery for a virtual disk or virtual disk group.
Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery -VirtualDisk <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf] [ -Confirm]
Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery -VirtualDiskGroup <Object> [ -Connection <String> ] [ -PipelineVariable <String> ] [ -WhatIf] [ -Confirm]
Disables automatic mirror recovery for a virtual disk or virtual disk group. After disabling auto-recovery, mirror recovery must be manually started, see Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery.
- -VirtualDisk<Object>
- VirtualDiskData object, name, or ID that identifies the virtual disk.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: true (ByValue)
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Connection<String>
- Alias of the connection to the server group. If not specified, the default connection will be used.
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -PipelineVariable<String>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -WhatIf<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -Confirm<SwitchParameter>
- Required: false
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
- -VirtualDiskGroup<Object>
- VirtualDiskGroupData object, name or ID that identifies a virtual disk group. When the operation is performed on a virtual disk group, auto-recovery will be disabled for all eligible virtual disks in the group and the rest will be ignored.
- Required: true
- Position: named
- Default value:
- Accept pipeline input: false
- Accept wildcard characters: false
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
VirtualDiskData : Object that identifies and describes the virtual disk.
Also see Enable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery, Get-DcsVirtualDisk, Get-DcsVirtualDiskGroup, Resume-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery, Pause-DcsVirtualDiskRecovery.
Get-DcsVirtualDisk -Server SSV1 | Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery
The cmdlet Get-DcsVirtualDisk is invoked to get VirtualDiskData objects for all virtual disks on the server named "SSV1." The results are piped to the cmdlet Disable-DcsVirtualDiskAutoRecovery to disable auto-recovery for all eligible virtual disks. A VirtualDiskData object is returned for each virtual disk that has been disabled.
VirtualDiskGroupId | : | |
FirstHostId | : | E9D5564F-D72A-4C5C-AA0F-B2C23A3AD093 |
SecondHostId | : | BBA07A42-44F1-40A6-A0E0-756351FFE386 |
BackupHostId | : | |
StorageProfileId | : | 100469DF-0BE1-40DA-874E-9F1DA5A259E3 |
SnapshotPoolId | : | |
Alias | : | Virtual di |