Creating a Support Bundle from the Command Line

In the event that the DataCore Management Console is not accessible, or the DataCore Executive Service is unavailable, the support bundle can be collected by running the DcsSupportBundle.exe file from the command line. This method is also supported by the Support Bundle Relay.

The DcsSupportBundle.exe tool only has access to the server it is run on, so it will only create a bundle with information from the local machine it is run on. When using this method, you will always need to run the command on every server and provide the bundles to DataCore Technical Support, unless directed to collect a bundle from only one machine.

Prerequisites for creating a support bundle from the command line:

  • The logged in user must have administrator rights to collect all of the information; if not, DcsSupportBundle.exe will not run.

  • The logged in account has to be registered as a user in DataCore SANsymphony; if not, the local connection fails with the following error "[DataCore.Executive.ExecutiveError]: A user with name servername\username is not registered."

To create a support bundle from the command line:

  1. The Support Bundle CLIs are run from the Program Files folder where the software was installed. Open a command line and navigate to the installation folder. (The default location of the Program Files folder for DataCore SANsymphony is C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony. For DataCore Windows Integration Kit, it is C:\Program Files\DataCore\BundleTool).
  2. Review the command line parameters and syntax examples.
  3. On the command line, run DcsSupportBundle.exe with the appropriate parameters.
  4. When support bundles are being collected, the message "Collecting bundles" will appear on the screen. When the bundle has finished, the message "Operation complete" will appear on the screen.

    Full support bundles and crash dumps can take some time to collect.

When creating a support bundle, bundles that are not marked to be uploaded automatically are placed in a different folder. The bundle that is not selected to upload to DataCore Technical Support will be stored in the sub folder, local.

  1. If the executable was run to upload support bundles, after the collection is complete, the message "Uploading bundles" will appear on the screen. At this time, you can press the enter key to see the progress in percentage complete. When the bundle has finished uploading, the message "Operation complete" will appear on the screen.
  2. If the executable was run with the /skipUpload option and support bundle collection is complete, manually send the support bundles to DataCore Technical Support.