DataCore Cmdlet Terminology

In order to remain consistent with underlying .NET Framework data objects used in the cmdlets, a few cmdlet names and associated Help descriptions will differ from similar terms used in the DataCore Management Console.

The following table bridges the slight differences in terminology between terms used in the DataCore Cmdlets and what is seen in the DataCore Management Console.

Cmdlet Term Description

Access token

(see Add-DcsAccessToken,


An access token is used to configure iSCSI target secrets for CHAP or mutual authentication. The term “access token” is not used in the DataCore Management Console.

Client or Client Host

(see Add-DcsClient)

Known as a host in the DataCore Management Console.


(see Get-DcsDistributionPlan, Start-DcsDistributionPlan)

Equivalent to the Evacuate and Redistribute operations used in Maintenance Mode.


(see Get-DcsObject)

An object or entity in the configuration that can be identified by an ID, such as a virtual disk, port, physical disk, pool, etc.

Logical disk

(see Add-DcsLogicalDisk,


A logical disk is the internal software representation of a virtual disk on a server. Logical disks are created by the software when virtual disks are created from disk pools or pass-through disks. A single virtual disk is comprised of one logical disk on one server. A mirrored or dual virtual disk is comprised of two logical disks—one logical disk on each server that was used as a storage source for the virtual disk.

Since logical disks are used internally by the software, they are not revealed in the DataCore Management Console, but are most closely related and referred to as "storage sources" in the console.


(see Get-DcsMonitor)

These are the system monitors used to gather resource information in the System Health tool in the DataCore Management Console.

Pool Member

(see Add-DcsPoolMember)

Pool member is a term for the physical disks in a pool. The term is not used in the DataCore Management Console.

Recording endpoint

(see Get-DcsRecordingEndpoint, Set-DcsRecordingEndpointProperties, Test-DcsRecordingEndpointConnection)

A recording endpoint is a server used for recording performance data, such as an SQL Server.

Recording point

(see Add-DcsRecordingPoint, Get-DcsRecordingPoint, Remove-DcsRecordingPoint)

A recording session is configured by adding categories, instances, and counters to the session. The recording session consists of a collection of recording points. Each recording point represents either a particular resource (instance) or an entire category of resources.

Recording points must be retrieved or removed in the same manner as they were added. For instance, when "All instances" for a category has been added, the category must be removed. Categories are stored in the CategoryRecordingPointData object. When individual instances or counters have been added, the instances must be removed. Instances are stored in the InstanceRecordingPointData object.


(see Add-DcsPoolDiskRelation)

Relation refers to the relationship between two physical disks that are mirrored in a pool or the two storage sources in a mirrored virtual disk.


(see Connect-DcsServer, Add-DcsServer)

Known as a DataCore Server in the DataCore Management Console.

Setting the server offline/online.

(see Set-DcsServerOffline,


When a server is set offline, the serving and mirroring capabilities of the server are disabled until the server is set online again. When offline, mirrored virtual disks with active paths using the server will failover and single virtual disks will be inaccessible to the client host

This is the same action as stopping/starting the DataCore Server in the DataCore Management Console.

Target Device

(see Get-DcsTargetDevice)

A target device defines the path connection between two ports.

Target Domain

(see Get-DcsTargetDomain)

A target domain defines the path connections between two machines.

Virtual logical unit

(see Add-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit, Get-DcsVirtualLogicalUnit,


Virtual logical unit is a front-end or mirror path of a logical disk on a server.