Configuration and Operational Notes for DataCore SANsymphony as a Hyperconverged Infrastructure Node

Most configuration and operations performed for Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) nodes are the same as that for any standard DataCore Server. However, some special notes apply when performing configuration or operations from an HCI node, as noted below. (Refer to the associated Help topics below for more information and instructions.)

Once configured, the HCI node can perform operations and management activities in the same manner as any standard DataCore Server in the server group.

Special Configuration Notes:

  • Refer to the SANsymphony Best Practices Guide for important configuration information.

    The guide can be found on the DataCore Technical Support Portal in FAQ 838 (All Best Practices Guidelines). Also see these other applicable FAQs on the DataCore Technical Support Portal for running the software on virtual machines: FAQ 1155 (Best Practices-Installing a DataCore Server within a Virtual Machine), FAQ 1348 (Best Practice Guideline for DataCore SANsymphony), and FAQ 1626 (iSCSI Best Practices, Network Settings for DataCore SANsymphony in a VM). (These FAQs can be viewed by registered customers with a login to the DataCore Technical Support Portal.)

  • Add DataCore Server operation: When adding the HCI node as a DataCore Server to an existing server group, the Add DataCore Server operation must be performed from one of the DataCore Servers in the existing server group, not from the HCI node. See Establishing Server Groups.
  • Port roles assignments: Port roles should be configured to provide dedicated network ports for use with the software. Remove port roles for all other ports not dedicated to running the software in order to prohibit access. See Assigning Port Roles and Groups.
  • System startup and shutdown: The software runs as a system service called DataCore Executive (Dcsx); only when the service is started can the virtual disk be accessed. Properly configuring service dependencies is essential to ensure the proper start and/or stop order of the software and application services. See Configuring Service Dependencies for Proper System Startup and Shutdown for instructions. (Also see Removing the DCSX Service Dependency in a System Startup to remove the DCSX service as a dependency.)

Important Operational Notes:

  • Creating virtual disks: When creating mirrored virtual disks, use a local disk pool of the HCI node as the primary storage source (top selection) and a pool from another DataCore Server in the server group as the secondary storage source. See Creating Virtual Disks.
  • Serving virtual disks: When serving virtual disks, allow the front-end paths to be auto-selected, which is the default setting. See Serving Virtual Disks.
  • Discovering served virtual disks: Virtual disks can be discovered and prepared for use in the same manner as any physical disk.

    The software will protect devices that are being managed, as well as internal devices that were created when virtual disks are served back to the server that created it. Those protected devices will appear in Disk Manager as Not Initialized. Attempting to initialize those protected devices will result in an error message "The device is not ready." This is normal behavior.