DataCore Support Bundle Relay
The DataCore Support Bundle Relay is a separate installation package that configures a non-DataCore Server proxy server to relay support bundles, without requiring internet connectivity for the DataCore Server. This enables automated upload of support bundles from all of the servers in a DataCore SANsymphony server group vs. a manual transport and upload from each server. It uses the windows event log and a log file for error reporting and recording.
Components include a Microsoft Windows service which runs on a server that has access to both the network with the DataCore SANsymphony server group and the Internet.
- The DataCore Support Bundle Relay, an optional feature, is installed in a separate software package. The software download is available from the DataCore Technical Support Portal.
- This release is for use with installations of DataCore SANsymphony 10.0 PSP7 or greater.
The DataCore Support Bundle Relay is a proxy service for uploading support bundles to DataCore Technical Support when the DataCore Servers in the server group do not have access to the Internet and port 3793. In this case, DataCore Support Bundle Relay eliminates the need to manually copy support bundle files from the individual servers in the server group to a machine with Internet access and then manually upload the files to DataCore Technical Support.
The DataCore Support Bundle Relay server requires Internet access and firewall access through port 3793.
When the DataCore Support Bundle Relay is configured, the support bundles created on all servers in the server group are seamlessly forwarded to the configured address for the DataCore Support Bundle Relay server, which must have Internet access. Upon receipt of the support bundles, the DataCore Support Bundle Relay, installed on theDataCore Support Bundle Relay server, will detect the presence of support bundles and automatically forward them to DataCore Technical Support Portal for diagnosis.
When using the DataCore Support Bundle Relay, support bundles are created and uploaded in the usual way, either automatically or manually from the command line. Uploading of the support bundle from the DataCore Servers to the DataCore Support Bundle Relay server is monitored from the server group as usual. In the event that the DataCore Support Bundle Relay server loses Internet access, support bundles will be uploaded automatically when Internet access is restored.
The default port used by the DataCore Support Bundle Relay is port 3795. To use a non-default port number, the same non-default port number must be configured directly on the DataCore Support Bundle Relay server (see the DataCore Support Bundle Relay Release Notes and Installation Guide for information) and also configured for the server group. The address and port for the DataCore Support Bundle Relay can be configured for the server group in the DataCore Management Console or via the DataCore Cmdlet Set-DcsServerGroupProperties with the SupportBundleRelayAddress parameter. Ensure that all DataCore Servers in the server group can connect to the DataCore Support Bundle Relay server and that firewalls do not block port access.