Moving Storage Sources between Deduplicated and Non-Deduplicated Pools (Post-Processing)

Virtual disk storage sources created from a deduplication pool may be moved to another pool (deduplicated or non-deduplicated) on the same server. Storage sources from non-deduplicated pools may also be moved to deduplicated pools on the same server.

Before beginning, see Replacing/Moving a Storage Source in a Virtual Disk for complete information about the Move operation.

To move storage sources:

  1. In the SANsymphony Management Console, open the Virtual Disks List.
  2. Select the virtual disks in the list and point to Move in the context menu and choose the DataCore Server from where the storage sources will be moved.
  3. In the dialog box, select the pool on the same server where the storage sources will be moved.
  4. Click Move to continue with the operation.