Creating a Support Bundle from the Command Line

To ensure proper collection of data before running the dcssupportbundle.exe command, the account being used to login must have administrator rights and must be registered as a user in SANsymphony.

In the event that the management console is not accessible, or the Dcsx.exe is unavailable, the support bundle can be collected by running the DcsSupportBundle.exe executable file from a command line. This method is also supported by the Support Bundle Relay.

If servers have lost access to each other, run the same commands on all servers in the server group. (Refer to Unavailable state for more information.)

[1] The logged in user must have administrator rights to collect all of the information; if not, dcssupportbundle will not run.

[2] The logged in account has to be registered as a user in SANsymphony; if not, the objectmodel.xml can't be created as the local connection fails with an error "[DataCore.Executive.ExecutiveError]: A user with name servername\username is not registered."

To create a Support Bundle from the command line:

  1. The Support Bundle CLIs are run from the program files folder where the software was installed. Open a command line and navigate to the installation folder. (The default location of the program files for SANsymphony is C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony. For Windows Integration Kit, it is C:\Program Files\DataCore\BundleTool).
  2. Review the command line parameters and syntax below and see syntax examples.
  3. On the command line, run DcsSupportBundle.exe with the appropriate parameter options.
  4. When support bundles are being collected, the message "Collecting bundles" will appear on the screen. When the bundle has finished, the message "Operation complete" will appear on the screen.

    Full support bundles and crash dumps can take some time to collect. Be patient and wait for the collection to complete.

  5. If the executable was run to upload support bundles, after the collection is complete, the message "Uploading bundles" will appear on the screen. At this time, you can press the enter key to see the progress in percentage complete. When the bundle has finished uploading, the message "Operation complete" will appear on the screen.
  6. If the executable was run with the /skipUpload option and support bundle collection is complete, manually send the support bundles to DataCore Technical Support.

Parameters and Syntax

Commands are case sensitive. Do not type "<" or ">" in the command; they are used as placeholders. Include a space between parameters. Parameters are provided in long and short form for convenience.


If servers have Internet access, this command will collect and upload files: DcsSupportbundle.exe /c:dcsw /u:username /p:password /i:dddddd-dddddd /t:ticketnumber /co:Company Name

If servers do not have Internet access, this command will collect the files and skip the upload: DcsSupportbundle.exe /c:dcsw /u:username /p:password /i:dddddd-dddddd /t:ticketnumber /co:Company Name/

To collect a support bundle with minimal parameters (without an incident number or company identification) and skip the upload:DcsSupportbundle.exe /c:dcsw /u:username /p:password /su

Support Bundle Command Line Parameters
/anonUserData:- A new feature for the DcsSupportBundle.exe tool that on default will create an anonymized bundle. This can be toggled by supplying the parameter with the - option which will create a non-anonymized bundle.




Specifies the type of connection the service will establish to upload the bundle. The only valid connection type is dcsw.




Instructs the service not to collect new log data before uploading.




Instructs the service not to upload the support bundle.





Include this parameter if using Support Bundle Relay.

The value is the IP address or hostname for a server running the DataCore Support Bundle Relay Service. Also include the port to use if using a non-default port. Do not include the port number if using the default port of 3795.

For example: /BundleRelay:RelayServer1 would use the Support Bundle Relay Server named "RelayServer1" and the default port of "3795". (Do not include the port in the parameter  if using the default 3795.)

/BundleRelay:RelayServer1:3700 would use the Support Bundle Relay Server named "RelayServer1" and non-default port "3700".




Instructs the service whether it should collect the standard support bundle, full support bundle, mini support bundle, or crash dump.

If a crash dump is required, create a support bundle once to collect the crash dump, and again to collect the full support bundle. Both files should be sent (either manually or automatically) to DataCore Technical Support.




Instructs the service to avoid logging messages when operations are performed.




User name used to log in to the SANsymphony Management Console. This is used for authentication.




Password used to log in to the SANsymphony Management Console. This is used for authentication.




The incident number that was opened for the problem. DataCore Technical Support will be able to identify the support bundle and match it to the corresponding incident for analysis.

Incident number is a 12-digit decimal number in this format: dddddd-dddddd. The first group of six digits represents the date (




The ticket number is a reference number used to associate support bundle folders from more than one server. Use a ticket number if the connection to the other server in the group is lost.

If you have access to the management console, a ticket number is automatically created and is listed as a message entry in the Server Group Details page in the Events Log tab.

If you cannot access the management console, you can enter a ticket number based on the date and time; such as the year-month-day (dddd_dd_dd) and 24-hour time (dd_dd_dd). Connect the two formats with an underscore.

For example: /t:2009_10_31_13_30_00 would refer to a timestamp of October 31, 2009 at 1:30 PM.




Name of the company of the end-user where the software is installed. Use quotes around the string if a space exists in the name.

For example: /co:Acme