Changing DcsAdmin Password for Service Accounts

During software installation, service accounts are created for the exclusive use of the software. These accounts are necessary for proper functioning of the software. A local administrator account (DcsAdmin) is created for use with these services.

If necessary, the account password used by the services can be changed by running an executable file provided in the SANsymphony installation folder. The executable does not impact normal I/O processing. It is not necessary to have the current password to change the password.

Administrator account created during software installation:

  • DcsAdmin: Initially, this password is provided during software installation.

Services that are created during software installation that use the DcsAdmin account:

  • DataCore Executive (Dcsx.exe): Provides core management and configuration services for the DataCore Server.
  • DataCore SNMP Agent (DcsSNMP): Provides SNMP support services for the DataCore Server.
  • DataCore Performance Monitor Agent (DcsPerfMonAgent): Collects performance data for data collector sets configured in DataCore Performance Monitor Configuration and reports the data to Windows Perfmon.
  • DataCore Intelligence Service (DcsTelemetry.exe): Collects data related to this software to gain an understanding of use cases as guidance for future development. See Collection Manifest for details on the data collected.


Running the executable file is a two-phase process. The first phase will stop the DataCore services that are running and change the DcsAdmin password. The second phase will restart the DataCore services that were running.

The executable will pause after the first phase is complete. To begin the second phase, confirmation is required.

The process:

  1. Run, consecutively, the first phase of the executable on all servers that require the password changed.
  2. The last server that runs the first phase should be the first server to run the second phase. Working backward, run the second phase consecutively until complete on all servers.  This will ensure proper synchronization of the servers.

For example, if the first phase of the executable is run in order on Server1, Server2, and Server3. Begin the second phase of the executable on Server3, then Server2, ending with Server1.

  1. All servers in the same server group must use the same password for the DcsAdmin user account. The same password must be used for all services that use the DcsAdmin account. Changing the password by running the executable will ensure all necessary changes are made on the server running the executable. To avoid errors, do not change the password in any other manner.
  2. The executable does not request the current or "old" password to change to a new password.
  3. The executable does not check for password complexity. Before running the executable, ensure that security policies on all servers are consistent and that the password will satisfy complexity requirements.
  4. During this operation, DataCore services will be stopped and restarted. Communication between servers will be temporarily stopped during this process. Do not make any configuration changes to any server in the server group until all password changes have been completed for the server group.
  5. The executable must be run on each server that requires the password changed. Allow sufficient time to complete this process. Once started, the entire process should be completed for all servers in the group.
  6. As the executable runs, messages will be displayed. Read the messages carefully to prevent configuration errors.
  7. Do not change the password during a multi-node upgrade.
  8. If you have previously set a dependency between the DataCore Executive service and the VMMS service, this should be removed prior to changing the DcsAdmin password, and added back afterward.

Changing the Password

To change the password:

  1. On the DataCore Server, open a command line and change the directory to the SANsymphony installation folder. (The default path is C:\Program Files\DataCore\SANsymphony.)
  2. In the installation folder, run the executable SetDcsAdminPassword.exe with the following parameters:

    SetDcsAdminPassword.exe /p:MyPassword

    Before running, check to ensure that the password typed is correct, including the case. Password mismatches will result in non-functioning software.

  3. The executable will pause when the first phase is complete. This message will be displayed:

    "If this is the LAST server that requires the password changed, press "Y" to continue. Otherwise, leave the executable in this state and proceed to the next server that requires the password changed."

    If there are other servers that require the password to be changed, do NOT respond to the prompt at this time. Leave the command line open and the executable as is, then proceed to the next server and run steps 1-4.

  4. After all servers have successfully completed the first phase, beginning with the last server that ran the first phase, enter a "Y". The second phase will begin on this server. Messages will be displayed that the required services are restarting.
  5. Wait for the executable to finish and the prompt to appear. This message should be displayed:

    "Password configuration has completed successfully for this server."

  6. Working backward in order, continue running step 5 and 6 on each server until the process is complete for all required servers.