User Details and List

User information is displayed in the Users List and the User Details page.

In this topic:

Users List

User Details page


Users List

The Users List provides basic information for every registered SANsymphony user in one list. Information includes name, description, the roles assigned when the user was registered, and the email address.

Actions can be performed by right-clicking a user in the list and selecting the operation from the context menu. There is also a link on the page to register a user.

To open the list:

In the Ribbon>Home tab, click Users

In the Users List,, double-click a user to open the User Details page for that user.

User Details Page

Each user has a details page with information that is specific to the user and is opened from the Users List.

User name, email address and description can be changed at the top of the page by clicking Edit. When changes are made, click Done.

To open the user details page:

1            In the Ribbon>Home tab, click Users to open the Users List.

2           In the Users List, double-click on a name in the list to open the User Details page for the user. Information is organized under tabs as shown in the following table.

When the User Details page is active, the User Actions tab appears in the Ribbon to perform actions on the user.

User Details Tabs

Roles tab

Lists the role that the user was assigned when registered.

Roles can be assigned or unassigned by right-clicking on the entry and selecting from the menu. See Registering Users and Assigning Roles and Access Control.

Privileges tab

Lists the specific user privileges for the assigned roles.

Owns tab

Lists the virtual disks owned by the user. Only owners have the privilege to perform operations on the virtual disks. See Access Control.

Events tab

Lists events for the selected user. Click an event in the list to view details in the Message Text area at the bottom of the tab. See Event Log and Alerts.